
Skipping out on the whole notion of having a “white Christmas,” Simon Cowell was spotted frolicking around the beach in Barbados yesterday (December 25). The snide “American Idol” judge looked to be having a marvelous time in paradise, hanging out with British billionaire Philip Green as well as spending some time on a wave runner.

5 responses to “sir-philip-green-simon-cowell-chloe-green

  1. Dear Simon phillp cowell I going to my house I love you my boyfriends

  2. you r fat!!!!! and gay!!!
    love cheryl cole xxx

  3. Agree,

    Those are wine boobs!

  4. A Kanya West moment?

    May 26, 2010 | 9:01 PM ET
    Dane Cook’s Simon Cowell tribute hijacked by loser!

    Dane Cook was halfway into an admittedly hard-to-watch bit where he put some of Simon Cowell’s best insults to music, when things went horribly awry.
    Several of the more infamous losers from past auditions joined him on the stage to bring a little more (deseperately needed) comic relief, when one of them grabbed Cook’s microphone and screamed “This is my Kanye West moment!”
    The contestant, a male of indeterminate age with a shaved head, had been featured in an earlier montage of terrible singers Cowell had disabused of any notion they might be the next “American Idol.”
    The spurned singer ranted on a few more seconds onstage before he was intercepted by Tatiana del Toro, a contestant from Season 8.
    But the damage was done – “Idol” cut abruptly to commercial.
    We’re not exactly complaining. It was some relief not to have to listen to the rest of Cook’s hackneyed bit.
    But we’re sure we’ll be hearing more from and about the tortured soul who stopped Simon Cowell’s tribute in its tracks.

  5. I saw the man but did not know what the hell he was saying, so I tuned him out.

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