Pictures Of Vaucluse Raceway Under Construction

As promised our resident from Dukes, U. Goddenough has supplied current pictures – with comments – which show construction of the Vaucluse Raceway well underway. We have commented on a related topic that we need to see copies of the Stop and Enforcement Orders allegedly issued by Town Planning department, but hasn’t had any success. Can a member of the BU family use any contacts they may have to respond to the concerns of this resident?


You can see the big roller going out of the area, among a couple of the other digging machines, though the biggies are no longer there


You can see the nice and smooth surface that was created over the weekend using this roller


You can see who it is and where it comes from if you know as it gets loaded for home. In case you are in doubt, it is Black Bess Quarries

Related Story

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8 responses to “Pictures Of Vaucluse Raceway Under Construction

  1. The raceway looking good, environmentally pleasing. Let’s see the orders so that we will be able to reach a fair conclusion on who is right or wrong.

    We need pictures of the many dangers confronting motorists on the highway expansion project. The audience would love it.

  2. Wishing in Vain

    David this was my suggestion from the very start that Frankology who is renowned for his research work may have taken the bull by the horns and contacted the TCP department and gotten to the bottom of this.

  3. Sometimes I don't know why I bother

    arent stop orders usually posted on the property itself?

  4. It is posted on a property and must not be removed. It is also hand delivered, accompanied by someone from the police force. If an “enforcement” was served on this property, it will be only once and the next time someone would have been arrested.

    Another thing would be, the developer could submit application ‘after the fact’ and that application will have to go through the usual process. Luckily, the property is owned and by the said developer and they is not any ‘third party’ involved. If I was the person that have been affected, I would be the person to be the first to be at the office of TPD to get a copy of the said ‘enforcement order’ and the same way I am spending time posting pictures for the last 30 days. I would have paid $5.00 to get a copy and submit it to BU, BFP, The Nation, The Advocate and even Seth the “Sign Man’ to distribute the order. Sorry ‘Miss’, but I must be fair with myself.

  5. I shall revert to a couple of friends whose property borders oin the track and get back to you on this. Thank you.

    Later today, after delivering the DVD of Nov 7-19 I shall revert to the blog to update.

  6. This is on youtube as well, look under Barbados or Barbadian and you’d be amazed – paros too

  7. it is amazing how people react because of motorsport and its development..if it was cricket u wouldnt hear a thing. i hate people like that, always cause a fuss and being misserable because of motorsport. For instance, i am not a big fan of cricket, but i dont go telling people they cant rebuild kensginton and find the smallest thing that they are doing wrong just because i dont want it built..foolishness is what this is

    BPH we are not sure if you have taken the time to read the about the issue at dispute. There is the suggestion that the development of Vaucluse Raceway is being development without the required approvals. We must try not to cloud the issue. Do you have any information on whether the accusation is valid?


  8. actually the argument about lack of approvals is only the technicality behind goodenough’s dislike of motorsports and disapproval of having a track near her. if town and country approvals are all she’s arguing about then i hope that once it is proved to be granted she shuts her pie-hole. either that or get outta dodge!

    NotGoodenough~this is their right! We have been consistence in our cry to find out if the T&P approvals are being contravened. This is our only concern here. We have even tried to call the T&P department without success. We had hoped by now that this is a question that we could have put to bed.
