Category Archives: Health

BU brings opinions and medical tips to support healthy living…

Senator Henry Fraser: Healthcare Slide at the QEH

Professor Emeritus Henry Fraser

Professor Emeritus Henry Fraser

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) is in the news again. Professor Emeritus Henry Fraser made the announcement this Christmas week that the crisis at the QEH requires Minister of Health (MoH) John Boyce to meet with Minister Chris Sinckler as a matter of urgency. Of course this is the same MoH who boldly stated during the last budget debate that the deep cuts to the Ministry of Health budget would not compromise healthcare delivery.

Senator Irene Sandiford-Garner in response to the criticism offered the view that the QEH remains the best primary healthcare facility in the Caribbean. BU has no way to assess the veracity of Sandiford’s statement however one has to ask if Barbados should not hold the QEH to our high standard. Why should Barbadians retreat to accept benchmarking against healthcare systems in the region which have always looked to Barbados as the standard bearer?

It is instructive to remember that Fraser is an Independent Senator and Senator Sandiford-Garner is government appointed. The question to the BU family et al – who should we believe? Some issues CANNOT be about politics, the good health of a nation is a wealthy of a nation after all.

Healthcare Specialist Expresses Concern

Submitted by Anthony Davis
Dr. Brian Charles

Dr. Brian Charles

The fear of inordinately long waits at polyclinics and the QEH’s Accident and Emergency, and the current economic climate is forcing Barbadians to present at some medical facilities in the late stages of their illnesses. And, for one of the island’s leading emergency healthcare specialists, Dr. Brian Charles, this is a cause for concern.

“They are holding back because they don’t have the disposable income. They are holding back and they are hoping for the best; hoping that they get better before they actually have to come and see the doctor. This is not a good thing . . . but, if you don’t have the money to come, you don’t want to go to the Accident and Emergency Department at the QEH and wait. Likewise, you don’t want to have to go to the polyclinic and wait or go to have to get an appointment for a week, maybe two down the road.  What choice do you have?”, he questioned – Source: Barbados Today, page 9 21 November 2013 edition

I cannot believe that this is the depth to which Barbados has sunk!

How many leagues under the sea is this?

Some of our people do not know where the next meal is coming from!

Some of them do not know if, and when, they will find employment!

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