Destabilization of the Barbados Community College (BCC)

Submitted Neil Watchman
Stephen Broome, Chairman of BCC

Stephen Broome, Chairman of BCC

There is growing concern among staff at the Barbados Community College where the Board or more accurately, the Chairman, seems to have developed a tight stranglehold on the institution. Staff cannot recall there ever being such a high level of politicization at the institution until the advent of Mr. Stephen Broome who served first as Deputy Chairman and is now in his second term as Chairman.

Some, perhaps out of fear, believe that the Chairman’s mission is to destabilize the institution as a precursor to the Government’s phasing it out. They point to the recent spate of sixth forms set up by the MOE headed by Ronald Jones in support of this supposition. This, coupled with the imposition of higher fees on UWI students from 2014 makes for a very confusing educational policy. One could be excused for thinking that the Government would have put more resources into the BCC but then again, if it didn’t do that when things were well, one cannot expect them to do it in these dire times. So what? Such confusion and contradictions seem symptomatic of the Freundel Stuart administration, anyhow.

Meanwhile, the destabilization of the BCC continues – permanent appointments at the College are being made into temporary appointments.  Case in point is the non-appointment of the head of Fine Arts Division, Dr. Alison Thompson.  Dr. Thompson has been acting in this post for some four years, now.  She applied for the permanent post in 2012 but to date the Board has not chosen to appoint her and has not had the decency respond to correspondence seeking an explanation.

It is understood that in the case of permanent appointments at the BCC, there is a time-honoured tradition in which the successful candidate serves a three month probationary period at the end of which he or she is confirmed in the post. It should also be noted that Dr. Thompson’s appointment should have been made long before the August 2013 budget which proposed a freeze in public sector appointments.

It does not require a degree in rocket science to understand the rationale for this malfeasance.  The Fine Arts Division, under Dr. Thompson’s leadership, managed to secure foreign funding for the Division to the tune of some $300,000.   When the overseas donors refused to pass the money through the BCC’s coffers, the Chairman refused to grant permission to make structural upgrades to the Fine Arts Division resulting in the loss of funding.  Dr. Thompson’s non-appointment followed.   Can you believe this; that in these times when the Government has cut the BCC budget several times, that a Chairman would cause a Division involved in the cultural industries to lose over one quarter of a million dollars in foreign grants?  The contradictions grow!

In the meantime, the Chairman continues to run a one-man Board and micro-manage the College. He has bungled the firing of a non-performing principal, subsumed the Liberal Arts Division under General Education and is now playing Russian roulette with the appointment of a Senior Tutor to the largest and most profitable division, namely the Division of Commerce, where, as a result, operational processes and staff morale are beginning to slide.  BCC staff members are becoming increasingly annoyed at the Chairman’s belligerence, the principal’s tacit consent and the MOE’s silence. It is only matter of time before serious industrial relations problems erupt at the Eyrie educational institution.

97 responses to “Destabilization of the Barbados Community College (BCC)

  1. @ Neil Watchman
    You are not “naughty”, you are dangerous. You are talking about people I don’t know and attacking their reputation. However, I know Dr Hackett, her character and that she’s a woman with high standards and integrity. Not a person who sees adultery as simply being “naughty”; as you seem to do.
    I know that Dr Hackett is not your main focus, but if you have no problem slandering her reputation, why would I believe you about other people whom I don’t know? You might be making up stories about them too! Who knows.
    Clearly your integrity is questionable, that much is clear. I have never been accused of being naïve, LOL, but I can think logically and draw conclusions.

  2. I am suprised in the direction of these comments. It seems that Dr. Tull is posting these messages and posing as someone else. Commerce is not the only division in the college that is corrupt. Look @ computer studies, science, technology. It seems commerce and fine arts are the cash cows of the college. What about admin staff. Grounds men and dont faget the tardy maintence office. Also guards who are so incompetant that the board brought on an external guard firm to guard the college. Studwnt affairs is also a shame. Staff who lose ur grades constantly. And the shame lists go on for miles. So as i see it the person who is only writing about the little corner of commerce n liberal has to come from an insider.

  3. Murdddddaaaaaaaa this blog hawt! I remeber i call divison a commerce sum time ago a woman wid a fake ass accentansa and say she aint got no time fa me see gine lunch!

  4. @ lisabajan, you have clearly not read the article or many of the initial comments. The article is about the incompetent board and the main example used was the impact of its incompetence on the Fine Arts Division. It is posters later on in their comments, such as myself, who drew attention to the Commerce section. The BCC in its entirety has been on a downward spiral. I think it is just a matter of many of the posters in this particular instance speaking from their knowledge of Commerce. Many of us may very well be insiders because many of us know people who have had the misfortune of having to pass through Walthrust-Jones’ “class”.

  5. @lisab
    You en really been an’lyzing dis blog, right? and you en got a clue bout corp’rate gov’nance right? So you en understand wuh gine on in de country at large eida? You suppose to fire the lil man like guards and clerks and leh de big bastards like de principal and de chairman guh free? You joking right?

    En big countries, when uh organization en working right who duh does fire? the receptionist? de driver? de guards? Whe yuh tink we get de saying ‘heads gine roll’ from? Get real lisab. In dem big countries executives who fail does jump before dey get push, you know wuh uh mean… resign! At least um show some kind uh integrity?

    Dey Hackett ting unfortunate but I agree um is just a red-herring. Wuh watchman trying to seh is dat dey top got to get clean up fuss and den de ress will follow. You get um yet??

  6. BCC Insider
    Agree with Fed Up. Lay off Dr. Hackett, the lady not only well-liked, but highly respected by her staff. She has done so much for BCC and as an insider I can tell you that there was not much love lost between her and the Principal and even less between her and the Registrar. Anyway she is retired and does not deserve any attack on her work or her reputation. Leave her out of this.

  7. @ My poor bim I agree with ur comment so when we talk about heads do we talk about the principal who like the government of Barbados have no vision leadership or mangement skills. Do we talk about the so called MIS department who has been at college a year probally two who have the IT skills as a baffoon who cant even spruce up the BCC website in order to promote the college? How about the vacancies that came up where most persons of staff where qualified to fill and all the jobs went to outsiders.

  8. MRE: Hello! This is Mary Redman Effigy returning your call. I understand someone called from BCC asking for advice?

    BCC: Yes, that was me.

    MRE: Care to state your name?

    BCC: I would prefer not to. Well….I…. we want some help with the industrial relations problems here.

    MRE: Industrial relations problems? Really! Don’t all of you belong to a union or staff association?

    BCC: Yes… but we have a lame duck Principal and a dictatorial chairman; the unions are of no help and we don’t know what to do! The Principal doesn’t have a backbone and the chairman is doing a lot of foolishness, like thinking about instituting longer teaching hours. That can’t work at this level!

    MRE: Hmmh! How long has this Principal been there?

    BCC: Nine years, I think.

    MRE: Well at Alexandra we taught the principle (pun intended) that 2 x 4 = Brome; thankfully he is now no more. But 1 x 9…that is definitely the Best! With respect to the chairman, though – I don’t he wants you to work on Saturday too, does he? Because I would immediately say: “Wrong party!”

    BCC: No! no! no! well…not yet.

    MRE: Heh! heh! heh! Not yet? Well, you know what; you people at BCC have a lot of “ejucation” but you are definitely deficient in the three Bs.

    BCC: Excuse me?

    MRE: You heard me right! You are lacking in BALLS, BREAST and as you yourself said, BACKBONE. If the men had balls they would have bowled out the Principal long ago and then taken on the Board and the MOE. Didn’t we at BSTU show how this is done? If the women had breast like Natalie Walthrust-Jones (I have heard of the woman, you know!) Best would have been “bared” long ago! But the problem is that neither of you two groups have backbone so you can’t stand up to do either of the above!

    BCC: Chupse! (click)

    MRE: Hello! Are you there? hello? Ah well, guess my advise has fallen on deaf ears!

  9. The question remains whether anything will be undertaken to halt the rot at BCC. We all know that this is Barbados and nothing will happen. The complaints on this blog are the most we will get out of this situation. Come next term and next academic year, the likes of Natalie Walthrust-Jones will still be “teaching” at BCC, students will continue to be tormented and people will carry on protecting each other.

  10. The Principal, Dr. Best, has decided NOT to have a general meeting with staff come the beginning of the second semester. Instead he will meet with each division/department separately. I wonder why??? Maybe he’s afraid of a possible confrontation with the entire staff present at one meeting? Saying that he will meet with each division individually may of course also never happen.

  11. The principal is not just incompetent. He is a big coward. This is so typical of him. He need to go along with half of the BCC staff.

  12. Wunna know was de worse ting bout all dese people like Kay Thompson, Walthrust-Jones, people on de Board, Babb-Cadogan, Ronald Jones and all uh dem. Dem is like to pretend dat dem is Christians. Dem does be all self righteous when it suit dem but dem is de Devil spawn dat is wha dum is.

  13. Wuh loss! but dis BCC ting real hot doh! So wunna mean we can’ get rid o’ Walrus-Jones? or de Principal? Malaise, you an’ de res’ uh wunna mekking real sport! Nuhbody en invincible! Um look like wunna need de Firemagade!

    Alright den! Engine #1, Fire!

    Walrus-Jones: You got we vex, vex! yuh malign us, trample ‘pon de rights of we students, wound we spirits, slandered yuh colleagues and display the behaviour of a mad dog in this institution. An’ yuh getting more an’ more bold an’ contemptuous! De Principal cudda fire your ten times ovah fuh de piffle you do! But un dun! dis piffle dun!!



    Engine #2, FIRE!

    Bessie! You is a piece of wuk doh! You is really a man, doh? You bin a real GALLSTONE in this institution, yuh know. Yu does block every attempt to advance dis college; sit pon evah good idea; aid and abet corruption; punish the innocent and le’ de guilty guh free. You doan earn yuh salary and you does look out for yourself only. You is a weak, morally bankrupt, canine conspirator. Yuh en fit to be Principal!



    Engine #3, FIRE!

    Broomes, wuh you is dey best doh! You got real gumpshun boss! But looka, massa dey dun, heh! Um doan wuk suh nuh moah! Yuh put in Internet and you do some tings but yuh en behaving right! You en own BCC, boss! Looka, dis is wuh Engine #3 say: you gine give Fine Arts approval to use dem funds casue dem gun get dem back! You gine appoint Alison in Fine Arts; you gine do wuh is right and proper in Commerce and you gine apologize to Liberal Arts and reset de button. All uh dem lackeys you hire you gine fire tuh balance dey BCC budget!


    Anybody else to fire??

  14. I hear that Natalie Walthrust-Jones aka Walrus is on a war path. She is ranting and raging and foaming at the mouth and true to her ghetto nature she cussing and violent. She want to know how dare people speak the truth about her insane ways and she threatening to bring down all and sundry and she starting with David. I hear she run cussing to she friend that stupid Bourne woman. The woman is an idiot who need to realise that it was only a matter of time before she get expose for the fraud that she is. Does she really think that she can go around acting like a violent madwoman and pretending to be an academic and it will work in her favor forever?

  15. Haw haw!
    David you NOW in trouble skippa…..

  16. @ BCC Source

    Yuh see wuh a little firement cud do? Walrus on dey warpath! As always! I hope wunna en frighten’ cause wunna know dah is wuh she gine do, anyways. Bullies real prediktable you know!! I wanna know wuh she gine do when dey first student she tell to leave dey class fuh wearing slippers or any udder bogus shit stan’ up politely and says:

    “Mam, much respect; but my parents paid hard earned money to send me here and I can’t afford to waste time outside the class. Besides, it is illegal for you to send me out of the class. I have NOT broken any BCC rule! I am sorry but I will not leave”.

    Wuh wunna tink she gine do? Hit dey student? Wunna tink Walrus dat stupid? It gine drive she stark raving mad! Cause she gine rant and rave like a mad cow an’ all wunna got to do is sit tight. Yuh know wuh dey woman gine do but yuh got tuh have a strategy fuh it!! Wunna got tuh stop getting frighten, stan’ together and brek dis bully down, piece by piece! If wunna classmates doan band tugether wid wunna, ostracize dem!!

    If she call dey guard as she gine prob’ly do, let dey guard touch wunna and den get wunna parents to sue BCC. Once wunna in brek no BCC rules nuh guard can’ touch wunna or move wunna. Tell dem so cause dem gurads en know dey rules, yeh! Wunna read dey rules fuh wunna self in dey BCC handbook and stan’ up pon dem rules cause ef um evah guh tuh court, duh gine call fuh dah rule book and the Registrar and dey Principal gine shit duh pants!

    BUT looka, wunna might laff at my firments but I know IF YUH DOAN SPEAK UM EN IN GINE HAPPEN! Dah is why I ‘gree wid Watchman; yuh got tuh stop speaking negative and start speaking positive. Dat terrorist Walrus-Jones mus’ go!! No!!!!! WILL GO!!!!

    Le’ muh tell wunna now; I getting real hot! I GINE “FIRE” ANYBODY WHO CUM PUN DIS SITE AND SAY “NUTTIN EN GINE CHANGE AT BCC” ‘specially Walrus-Jones! Stop dah shit, man!! Help de students get some courage, man!

    I know wunnah en gine understan’ why I gine ask wunna to do dis but I gine try to help wunna agen. Get evah BCC student ‘specially G&P students wunna know to vote fuh deh firements uh issued befoah. Dis is de least dey students could do. Ef duh can’ do dah dem truly hopeless!

    @David le’ dem know dat nobody can’ find out duh identity on BU. An’ David if yuh eveh feel you got tuh shut down dis site, crimson crimon, I gine start another wun!

    Wunna doan mind that idiot who seh um is Dr. Tull who posting tings to BU! Dem en understan’ wuh BU bout! De little I hear bout dr. T, I believe he cud moe dan speak fuh ‘eself. But dah besides de point!

    Uh saying um AGEN; get evah student to vote fuh de firements uh issued before; YUH GOT TO SPEAK UM BEFORE UM MANIFESS UMSELF, YUH HEAR MUH! Dah is how dey Lord create dey world; wunna doan read wunna Bible?

    I hope dem BCC staff vote fuh dey firements too caus’ de same ting apply tuh dem. Yuh know SUM uh dem like @Fed Up may got certificates but not much commonsense; duh like majoring on minors like dey depaty principal ting. Sum uh dem en understand wuh gine on hey, yuh know! An’ @Fed Up uh hope you hear uh say “SUM”!!!

    Insidentally, yuh see how few people vote for @Red Rooster suh far? Dey BCC staff doan like wuh Red Rooster get Mary Redman Effigy to say cause um true, true! Speaking gen’rally, um is true dat BCC staff suffering from lack of dey 3Bs! Um is a bitter pill to swallow, cause duh got tuhmuch intellectual pride! Being interpreted dah mean dem is talkers, not activists! If yuh doubt me, get a copy of dem jackass resolutions by one Joe Inniss, speaking on behalf of the staff association or whatever! Wuh loss, Red Rooster, but MRE too sweet and polished, doh!

    Students, guh long and vote fuh dey firements; Firemagade wid wunna!

  17. BU wants to hear from more of the BCC students, keep spreading the word, we see this particular block is very active on FB and Twitter.

  18. Morning has broken, like the first morning
    [David] has spoken, like the first bird
    Praise for the [posting], praise for the morning
    Praise for the [uprising] fresh from The Word!


    Firemagade, wuh I got tuh crow pun dis one doh! You real damn hat doh! You hotter than my MRE!! You know you starting an uprising in BCC! An’ I like um doh! But looka, Watchman en really tell wunna nuttin doh!

    Cock-a-doodle doooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    You see dah Walrus bastard. You know why she and Tull get away two three years ago? Um is because she went and change up she time-table in BCC so that she and a fella name Bob could get away in time to teach at UWI!!!! You know Tull din know till a tutor from Science bring three students, not one; three students to his office because dem did losing an hour each week of a Maths class taught by Science tutors because of dah illegal time-table change! That is a hard solid fact! You see what a SOB dah woman is? She in care about nuhbody but sheself!

    Hold on a miniute: You know that the ST (Tull) brought this matter to the attention of the Principal and tried to discipline her fuh what people does call “insubordination”? And guess what; she bring dey NUPW up dey and dey Principal and Registrar get frighten fuh Dennis Clarke! Dear God, the unions too????!!?

    Wait a minute, man; you know Walrus tell the Principal she did doing this crap fuh NINE YEARS (under that bitch Babb-Cadogan); and she en changing it! NOT ONE YEAR, Firemagade! NINE frigging YEARS!!! Lord have mercy, my comb trembling!!!

    Cock-a-doodle doooooooooooooooooo!! Cock-a-doodle dooooooooooooooooooo!!

    You believe dey Registrar and dey Principal though? Dem is Supreme Hypocrites, especially dey Registrar who really in charge of Student Affairs! You see why this country can’t prosper! Blasted wickedness in high places!! Cock-a-doodle doooooooooooooooooo!!

    Firemagade!!!! you gine have to fire dey Registrar, too!!!

    Cock-a-doodle doooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    Morning has broken, like the first morning
    [Rooster] has spoken, like the first bird …..

  19. @Red Rooster

    Where is all the activity you refer to documented? Have emails or other communications been sent any where? What specific actions have been taken by tutors at the BCC many who we see have procured doctorates and other high order accreditation. Do not consider this an attack on those of you who have decided to protest more so an attempt to cloak your actions in credibility.

  20. Georgie Porgie

    In 1997 I was asked by a Mr Sisnett to fill in teaching the Pharmacology course for the Academic year to the first year group, since the Course Supervisor was on protracted sick leave.

    At the end of the year I had complied a manual for the course which followed their syllabus exactly. As you know, very few texts are written to accommodate any particular institution.

    At the end of the year when the Course Supervisor re-emerged, I stupidly loaned my manual to this lady, who said she lost it!

    in 1999 when the course was offered again Mr Sisnett brought one of my colleagues (who I supervised in the polyclinics as both a med student and intern) and who is know to have had a mental break down to teach the course.


  21. @GP

    It seems those days of making decisions in the dark are coming to an end.

  22. Georgie Porgie


  23. @David

    I am sorry to tell you but what you are asking for makes sense but still it does not make sense! Let me explain. For example, according to Red Rooster’s latest posting, the then ST (Tull) brought the Walthrust-Jones insubordination to the attention of the Principal. He was required to do so, I understand. That probably means he wrote a memo to the Principal and /or Registrar; I gather that is how serious official internal correspondence is handled in BCC and most government institutions; not by email.

    Now, logically, if you want proof it would mean that either the Registrar, the Principal or former ST would have to give BU a copy of the correspondence. If, for example, Dr. Tull provided BU with that information, that would satisfy the need for proof but that would put him, as the underdog, in a very invidious position, no? Now do you think Administration is going to provide you with a copy of the correspondence? Let’s get real here.

    It isn’t that some people might not have documents. For example, I have obtained a copy of the internal advertisement for the job of ST for Commerce. Where do I upload that? I have obtained a copy of a letter written by a parent complaining about another matter re. Walthrust-Jones; I understand that to date, the principal has not responded to her complaint!

    I have been handed a copy of a staff handbook which details how staff complaints and grievances are to be handled at the BCC. Having perused it can tell you that Walthrust-Jones should have been fired long ago! Perhaps you should try to obtain a copy. If the MOE is going to let bullies fester in their institutions, then there should be a public outcry and Jones should be fired!

    Students have copies of course outlines which contain ridiculous clauses and requirements inserted unofficially by Walthrust-Jones. Any student can scan and upload one of those.

    They also have copies of the plagiarized material she SOLD them against the BCC’s regulations. Some students have even found the websites from which she scrounged her material. I wish they would upload those links. That should be easy!

    It appears that Walthrust-Jones was so arrogant that she wrote dozens of memos and purported to copy them to people outside the BCC even to the Ombudsman and the Attorney-General, believe it or not! Therefore, some of this information might not be confined to BCC!

    I expect that you are going to get intimidation from the Walrus-Bourne Complex and the axis of corruption in the BCC. What else do you expect? They appear to have done it before in the DOC. It’s their trademark. Remember Bourne is a lawyer. I suspect they want to flush out the identities of people who are making these allegations. I advise posters not to play into their hands! If you are going to practice serious warfare, you have to anticipate every move of your opponent!

    I am not a lawyer but nothing on the site so far can pass muster in court re. defamation of character or slander; these are very hard to prove in court, I gather from my research. Readers should also see the BU post about the slander laws in Barbados.

    I really wish more students and parents would come forward to BU but this is Xmas and people’s attentions ARE focused on the season.

    Finally, I concur with Firemagade; if you feel compelled to close off this discussion on BCC then another blog can be set up. As you can see, a few of us are not just into complaining but into ACTIVISM. Although there is a lot of humour in the some of the postings, you can see that some of us are deadly serious because we feel compelled to unravel this stinking mess at the BCC, especially for the students, and see it through to the end. It’s your call, David.

  24. BU’s email can be found by clicking the sidebar box second from the top on the right side of the screen.

    Scan and or capture on the ubiquitous iPad to create soft copies.

  25. I pray that this is really the beginning of serous action against the Board, the Principal and all the inept corrupt staff ow which Walthrust-Jones is the flag bearer.

  26. I had high hopes that BCC would evolve into an effective Technical College/University like Ryerson of even Humber College in Toronto.

    It appears that it is being allowed to regress to mediocrity.

    Most unfortunate.

  27. Understanding the Walrus

    Listen. I will give you people here some background on Walthrust-Jones. She grew up in Carringnton Village poor. She wasn’t too bright. She was not too pretty either and you all know how Bajans especially in those days used to favour the lighter skin, straighter hair females. So she didn’t get attention from the lads, she was not popular among the girls her age, she was poor and she was not bright. She develop a big complex about being dark skin and poor. She develop a lot of self-hatred by internalising the foolishness about light skin straight hair is pretty and dark skin nappy hair is ugly. And she so warped she acts out she complexes and self-hatred in contradictory ways. She singles out the light skin students especially the girls to pick on. She hates light skinned people. But she gravitates towards them. On top of her complexes she is also a lesbian. Guess what type of women she does go for? Light skin women. The woman is one huge mess.

  28. Wuh loss bosey wunna hot un nuff. Wunna must be got de Walrus jumping up and down in she house in a fit. She must be dere writing letters and calling people. I wonduh if this time she gine get proteck like all de udder times when she do things to get fire and people proteck she. She must be asking she friend Trevor Marshall for advise because yuh know he is a lawyer. Well he like to say so but we know betta. Two attention whores.

  29. Georgie Porgie


  30. What does it say about me when I am disrespectful to someone? This is often the first reaction to someone with whom you have a strong disagreement. But, in the quiet of the night, my conscience says to me maybe my actions indicate that I am no better… just maybe…

  31. Well Georgie muh boy, Trevor married wid some childrun but I hear dem dont tek he on and dem does treat he like de humbug he is. Wunna does see all bout trying to get attention so imagine if dis is how annoying he does be in public how he muss be at home. A bare nuisance he is. De man finally retire from BCC but everytime people look round he still up dere meddling where nuhbody aint want he.

  32. Being married aint nevuh stop Trevor Marshall from troubling people lil young teenage dawtuhs. But as i say he know who to trouble cause if um did evuh a chile uh mine he put he nasty hands pun he would know who God he serving.

  33. Pingback: Barbados Community College Conversation Continued… | Barbados Underground

  34. With the posting of the first piece of documentary evidence chronicling WJs career of abuse (see pingback at we have now come to a turning point in the struggle against the destabilization of the BCC. Any movement goes through different phases. In the first phase, energy and time is spent on what could be called CATHARSIS; a period in which emotions are high and people vent. Sometimes in this phase people overcompensate and say inappropriate things; I humbly admit I have been guilty of the same. I apologize. Without being presumptuous I would like to declare this phase over.

    However, let not the above be taken as any sign of weakening from the cause. On the contrary! Neither am I suggesting that there is no place for some good humour and double entendre. I really like Firemagade and Red Rooster! However, it is now time for a Phase 2, which I tentatively call, ENGAGEMENT where we refine the cause by stating specific objectives and undertaking appropriate actions aimed at their achievement. In this phase we will steer clear of “unnecessary personal attacks”. That expression is open to interpretation but we can flag these as they occur. For example, without trying to excuse his sins alleged or otherwise, let’s leave out Trevor Marshall because as you have pointed out, he is about to retire. We are not running a “call-in” programme but an ACTIVIST PROJECT (=vigorous and sometimes assertive set of actions in pursuing a political or social end).

    Again, without being presumptuous, I would like to declare Phase I over and move swiftly to set an agenda for Phase 2, ENGAGEMENT. I begin by making it clear what I see as the guiding objectives and their rationale:

    1. Removal of Natalie-Walthrust Jones as a tutor in the Division of Commerce before the start of the nest academic year in August 2014. This period gives the authorities more than enough time to get their lethargic and apathetic administrative gear oiled and up to speed. I think BCC has had too much of NJ and for far too long (more than 10 years now by her own admission and reckoning, according to Red Rooster).

    A nation cannot talk profusely about abuse of children and then have an educational institution harbouring it and giving it succour! That is patently wrong. Let Barrow-Giles & Company at the UWI keep Walthrust-Jones. BCC does not need that liability.

    I warn you, however, that during this period NJ will bring out her alter ego called Sweet Natty who will attempt to charm the “underwear off the unaware” (so to speak)! She will lavish this personality on the students, especially the simple minded, and on any weakling put in charge of the Division of Commerce. You have been warned!

    2. Removal of the current Principal: 60 million (even 1 million) Frenchmen(women) can’t be wrong! Somewhere in all the accusations and his attempting to hide there must be some germ of truth. That the Board attempted to fire him in 2012 is enough. For those who are not aware, the job of principal was advertised back in 2012. It makes interesting reading. Perhaps BU will try to get a copy of that advertisement?

    In any event, I am willing to bet that if BCC staff asked him (current principal) the definitive question: “Tell us, good sir, at least one significant initiative YOU have undertaken SINCE becoming principal”, he would be unable to give an intelligible answer (which is usually the norm).

    Therefore, he is “guilty” both of sins of commission as well as sins of omission, chief on which is his failure to remove Walthrust-Jones. Surely he is just as guilty as she in perpetrating abuse of children! As a parent myself I find this absolutely infuriating! Should he feel motivated to hang on to the post or the powers that be (viz. Jones & Company) feel unmotivated to remove him, this movement will be obliged to list his many “achievements” in his tenure and exert appropriate pressure on the authorities.

    In order to achieve the above objectives, the movement has to carefully consider what specific courses need to be taken. In general, there will have to be a CYBER STRATEGY here on BU and other social media as well as an ON-THE-GROUND STRATEGY that must engage current and if necessary, past G&P students. In the meantime I urge the following:

    Current G&P students must be encouraged to resist WJ because the first step in dealing with any bully is to resist. In a recent post I have provided one type of resistance based solidly on BCC regulations as a response to one of her known bullying tactics. BU will provide more as the necessity arises. In this we will be guided by feedback from students on the ground.

    I understand that there is a student’ guild at the BCC. Why has this body not been roped into the cause? That must now change. More on this later.

    Some parents too need to get up off their double-barrelled lethargy and stop depending on Santa Claus! The state of this economy should tell them something! Those who have written complaints to the Principal and have not received replies must now copy those letters to the Chairman (N.B. letters to the Principal or Registrar do not automatically go to the Chairman) and the MOE and demand a response. It is your child and your neighbour’s child we are talking about! If necessary, this BU site will help by providing a template for your letter. Give one week for an acknowledgement and three weeks more for a substantive response. If that fails hit the next level of authority. Activism requires hard work folks! If you just want to vent but don’t like doing serious, focused, worthy work we can say goodbye to you here!

    More tactics will be developed as this jihad (basic meaning = struggle) continues especially after Xmas and leading up to the start of the BCC semester on 22 January 2014. I hope Firemagade and others will keep the heat and the humour up this cold Xmas!

    P.S. This plan of action agenda deliberately does not make any reference to BCC staff in general. It seems to me that they need to work out their own salvation. BU has given them a good start.

  35. I suggest that this and the most recent entry be printed and circulated all over BCC next semester, in particular among students of the Commerce Division. They may be more willing to stand up for their rights if they realise that many people on the island back their cause and are speaking out against Natalie Walthrust-Jones.

  36. I am willing to print 500 copies if I can have someone distribute them for me.

  37. @Plagairism
    Thanks much for comment and offer. We may need to do just that! But hold on; I have just submitted a three page letter of complaint to BU from a parent dating back to 2011. The Principal has not yet answered it! You need to see it! THAT we might have to distribute!

    Let David do his due diligence before he publishes it.

    I sense your excitement, but do let’s try to coordinate what we are doing; nothing hurts a cause more than sporadic actions! This project might well be a model for similar actions in the future!
