Public Service Vehicle Scam

Image Source: Barbados Free Press

psvThis is an issue which we have refused to blog because the authorities all know the answer to the problems, frankly we are tired of the hypocrisy. Yes BU family, you will be hearing that word coming up with more frequency in the coming days. The members of the public all know the answers. It is the most unregulated industry in Barbados. There is ‘corruption’ which has occurred through the years, which has continued through Democratic Labour Party (DLP) and Barbados Labour Party (BLP) governments. The disorder which is prevalent in this sector fits nicely with the kind of society which Barbados has become – a minibus culture. The irony if we visit Grenada, St. Lucia and many of the smaller islands and this industry takes on a more orderly behaviour.

In Barbados the Indians have received a significant number of permits in recent years and that is all we will comment on that for now. We are asking the current Minister Of Works to make the following information public:

  1. How many PSV permits were issued in the last 2 years of the BLP government?
  2. List the names of the owners of those permits (not the company names but the beneficial owners)
  3. Who has opposed the implementation of the demerit points in the Ministry?
  4. Why has the Ministry not ordered a study to inform new decisions which is obvious for the industry to become more efficient.

We ask for a forensic audit to be done at the Ministry of Transport to determine the means test used to issue permits. In other words how many permit owners paid cash for their permits. In Barbados we have a tendency to push our heads in the sand as we look for irrefutable ‘proof’. We all know the truth about this matter but will we tell?

Barbados Free Press have a slightly different view.

32 responses to “Public Service Vehicle Scam





  3. WHY does BWP always mention race. What does the fact that they are ‘Indian’ have ANYTHING to do with the situation? How is that in any way relevant to the issues at hand?

  4. Adrian Hinds

    Canadian // April 22, 2008 at 9:26 am

    WHY does BWP always mention race. What does the fact that they are ‘Indian’ have ANYTHING to do with the situation? How is that in any way relevant to the issues at hand?
    Are you prepared to lay the facts to demonstrate that race does not have anything to do with this situation? Or you just don’t want to have your sensitivities activated? Let the discussions continue and if there is any malice in what i think is normal descriptive bajan vernacular I am sure someone will be point out this intent, and call WTK to account for it. It maybe suggested that Canadians are not familiar with muscular debate, but nevertheless has embrace political correctness as it’s new religion, and this may explain your “pricked ears” and heighten concern so early in this thread. I implore you to wait and see, …you maybe correct after all but i am willing to bet otherwise. 😀

  5. we bajans are the ones who had the permjts and a lot of us fell for a money trick from the Indians. if we continue this trend we can easily become third class citizens in our own country.

  6. politically incorrect

    Folks. ………….

    Barbados is up for the highest bidder and every business operation that “catches” the “powers that be” minds.

    Don’t even worry about DLP or BLP that is irrelevant.

    Speaking from personal experience: unless one is willing to pass money “under the table” consider your business dead.

    The above is accomplished by all types of nefarious means but accomplished it will be.

    Money talks and the rest walks in good old Bim.

  7. I think Adrian Hinds, you are being very judgemental. You don’t know me or know where I am from and how familiar I am with ‘bajan vernacular’.
    And no, I don’t think just because they are Indians, they are getting help from the government. I am not saying the situation is right, I am saying why always blame race?

    How easy it is to just blame others for using a ‘money trick’. Perhaps it was real skill and business know-how. But we just find it easier to always crying foul and playing victim.

  8. Adrian Hinds

    Canadian // April 22, 2008 at 2:18 pm

    I think Adrian Hinds, you are being very judgemental.
    You don’t know me or know where I am from

    Don’t need to, as i am not judging you,….your comments are another matter. If your comments are not be judge then don’t err in posting them here again.

    Canadian // April 22, 2008 at 2:18 pm says:
    and how familiar I am with ‘bajan vernacular’.
    Your willingness to so early in this thread to take issue with the Bajan way of indentifying someone as indicative of something else, suggest that you are not that familiar.
    Canadian // April 22, 2008 at 2:18 pm says:
    And no, I don’t think just because they are Indians, they are getting help from the government. I am not saying the situation is right, I am saying why always blame race?
    I never suggested that you are suggesting that they are getting help one way or the other. I am taking issue with your quickness to claim that WTK use of ethnicty or nationality as a indentifier is tantamount to blaming race.

    Canadian // April 22, 2008 at 2:18 pm says:
    How easy it is to just blame others for using a ‘money trick’. Perhaps it was real skill and business know-how. But we just find it easier to always crying foul and playing victim.
    Are ascribing the above to me or to WTK? neither of us have suggested what you wrote above.

    WTK merely stated a fact according to him. If the former minister of Transport and works was at the residents of person of Indian decent name Mamala where is the blame, and or accusations of race or racism to found?

  9. you know..sometimes when i read the things on these sights and others ..i come to the conclusion that bajans are a set of ignorant people who are set upon by a BLP government if you are a dlp supporter and vice a versa depending on where your support is. These poor Bajan people have been unfaired over the how ever many years by a group of unscrupolous persons..primarily white and indian, but black politicians. We bajans are so ignorant that we are led up the garden path in all manner of things. Were it not for these bloggers we would know nothing about what is going on.
    What i don’t get guys, is after you guys have informed us of all the corruption, etc.etc then what? How does it help me, one of these ignorant bajans to know tht person a was digging out my eyes for the lst 20 years? How am i in a better position to make sure that it does not happen to me again.
    I want to let you know that if Joe Bloke stole 5 million dollars and got 8 thousand permits under the table it has not affected me . If you now come and tell me and as a result these persons go to jail, it does not help me…
    Can you understand what i am saying? I need to get involve in things that would help me progress and by extension my country. As you are aware, the system which we live under assists the behavior which i describe. I will say again….until we start to talk about changing the principle tenants of this sytem we will forever have these types of occurrences. These things happen everyday in the USA etc and are found out years afterwards and sometimes never.
    What exactly is it that we want.?

  10. politically incorrect

    Three things are needed:

    The truth, the courage to change the things you can and the serenity to accept what you cannot change.

    I was always told…… you have two choices: accept the status quo or leave it.

  11. so then politicially are saying to either accept the system as is…or die.

    therefore , according to your logic it really doesn’t matter who is doing what as you will either accept it or die/

    Am I understanding you correctly

  12. politically incorrect

    No, I wish

    You are not understanding me correctly. How you could read death into what I said is not logical. Leave and death are not synonymous.

    What I mean is what I said: You can either accept Barbados for what it is or leave it. Same with any bad relationship. There are of course costs in leaving whether it be a marriage or a country but often the choice to leave is more freeing than to stay .

  13. oops….sorry..i forgot that not everyone sees death as i do.

    Good so if i accept it for what it is, i don’t have to bother about who does what, who steals what, who unfairs who, because that is how it is.

    If i don’t accept it for what it is, i just need to go somewhere else and live…
    Do i have it correct now…I am trying really hard.

  14. passing through south

    want to know where is the proof this guy got 50 permits,if u got the proof show it.Come on be realistic,u expect us readers to believe one guy has 50 permits.If u said 5 or 10 yeah it would b believable or is it u have some sort of jelaousy towards the guy and there fore that was the easiest name for u to come up with

  15. passing through south

    r u telling me that a large proportion of black people never got permits,permits being for taxi and zr and bus the same way u r portraying the indians got theirs?

  16. politically incorrect

    I wish:

    Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the easiest to form.

  17. Firstly, to remain silent, which is what most people do regarding what is ‘wrong’ and not speak out against it, is in effect to condone it! So thank God BU is speaking out against it. Secondly, on the matter of ‘race’ there is NO such thing as ‘black’ SIN, ‘white’ SIN, ‘Indian’ SIN, or for that matter any other colour, as ‘corruption’ knows no colour, class or creed, it permeates the entire human race; it just manifest itself in different ways, through difffrent cultures, that why Almighty God pronounces His verdict upon all of us, why? ‘Because, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23). “The heart of man is deceitful above ALL things, and desperatly wiced, who can know it? (Only God) (Jer. 17:9). The fundamental, underlying cause, of all the unrest worldwide, that is increasing rapidly, in an unpresedented manner, is CAUSED by the SIN stained heart of mankind, and it cannot be educated away, nor legislated away, as this is like putting a plaster on a soar, it just does not work, Corruption is rampant not just in B’dos, but throughout the world, and the only answer for all of these problem, is THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, as there is no other way.

  18. politically incorrect


    I couldn’t have put it better but VERY FEW will give ANY CREDENCE to what you just wrote.

    They are not interested in Jesus and that’s why things are the way they are and yes that is a worldwide phenomenon.

    Yes we must speak out but that is not going to change it — it will just give a witness. Everything that we are experiencing is in the Book. But most don’t give any credence to that.

    Apart from that , there still are a few places in the world where these problems are not nearly as bad as in Barbados.

    Places far off the “beaten track”. Dogs only fight when there’s a bone in the bowl. Not much to fight about in such places!

    One of the main problems in Barbados is the lack of space 14 x 21 or 144 square miles and bumper to bumper cars and people.

    That tends to intensify the problems even more.

  19. Why we bajans dont learn from the indians to do business.Blacks had allmost all the permits at one time but we cannot run a business so we got buy out.Blacks were never a good businees ppl.

  20. they criticzing that indians get ‘so much’ permits nobody dont talk about how whites (COW) does get first option for every piece of land

  21. The majority of the masses and middle classes of people of Barbados must sooner rather than later very seriously summon up the necesary strength, character, purpose and direction, and resolve to begin once and for all the lawful removing of the DLP and BLP out of the corridors of government for good.

    That these two wretched and odious parties have committed and continue to commit up to this day some of the cruelest atrocities and barbarities ever imagined in a post-independence Barbados against the masses and middle classes is a fact that so very indisputable and unchallengeable by the said masses and middle classes who have over the years had to bear the brunt of their inhuman cruelties.

    While we in PDC give due regard to the issue being dealt with on this blog: a possible scam involving the corrupt issuing of a number of MPT W permits to certain legal or natural persons within the private segment of the public transport vehicle service during the last BLP regime, and, too, recognize, that this issue is a grave one concerning the lack of proper and effective management and direction of the affairs of the particular ministry, the fact of the matter still remains that this issue so much represents the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, of a greater undermass of corruption in DLP/BLP governance of this country that almost all the masses and middle classes of people in Barbados must more than ever see as a just and right cause and come-up-pance the directing of their energies toward the outright political electoral removal of both these parties from the corridors of the government of the country for good, for all the blatant, willful and egregious wrongs that they have committed and continue to commit against us – the masses and middle classes of people of Barbados.


  22. Politically incorrect

    who says “Sarcasm is the lowest…………”
    Once are assuming that the person or persons who says or wrote that is an authority to me on such things.

    You must have by now recognize that “I am outside the box” when it comes to accepted forms of thinking and some may even say logic, so don’t quote those pieces of arrant nonsense to me.

    I would have no difficulty seeing the particular opinion as oppressed in the Bible which you alluded to in another of your postings.

  23. Hey David,

    You can start with a forensic audit of Gline Clarke’s Scotia Bank account!

    But I don’t think this current government intends to really do anything solid to investigate or prosecute the abuses of the past BLP government. Best not to throw stones in a glass house and all that…

    So the DLP will stomp and posture a bit to look good, but nothing will be done. Consider VECO and the prison or the CEO of flyover builder 3S admitting to bribing public officials to get contracts in Jamaica… but we’re supposed to believe everything be ok ’bout hey?

    BTW… please credit Shona for the photo as it is an original and quite arty we all thought.



  24. Cliverton we know that you would not accuse our former Minister without some substance:-).

    We are still hopeful that PM Thompson will produce evidence of corruption at some point. He did promise that a number of investigations will come about. We are giving him a little time to get seasoned before we conclude that it is only business as usual.

  25. Hello David

    Gline Clarke has much to answer for. If you head over to the link at the bottom of this comment, you will see a photo of Gline Clarke’s Mercedes in the driveway of the home that he built for his mistress.

    The interesting thing about the home is that it was built on land that Mr. Clarke and his government expropriated “for public housing”.

    Nice touch, don’t you think?

    BLP Member of Parliament Dr. Duguid left comments on the article too – confirming much of what we say about Gline Clarke while weaseling his way around other issues.

    The article is well worth your time because by the end or reading it you will know two things…

    1/ Gline Clarke unethically built a house on land that his government stole from the owner.

    2/ There is a clear need for an audit, but sadly I fear that the current DLP government does not intend to prosecute any BLP thieves.

    Barbados Government Minister Gline Clarke – House and Mercedes On Expropriated Land

  26. cheesecutter

    Talk about gline clarke,wanna aint see he big apartments up by gun hill?well ya shud go an look at dah.

  27. Pingback: Public Service Vehicles Continue to Cause Mayhem On Barbados Roads « Barbados Underground - bringing the news to the people

  28. Mumla does not have 50 permits he has about 15 .. ALL OF THEM BASHMENT VANS. They do nothing but help ruin the psv industry on a daily basis. On route 11 alone he has ZR203, ZR272 and ZR217 .
    At a time time when people could not get 1 permit he got 15. No he did not buy them from a PSV owner he got them straight from the Pine.

  29. Pingback: Rude Boy Culture MUST Be Defeated « Barbados Underground

  30. it’s true . momla got 50 permits between the two sisters and their brother together . . they doing business in selling them to the people in barbados and minister and they are partners in business . . news is they have left bees and gone to chris sincklair . to get everything . they are ” transport authority . and also with minister of finance . getting the job of well digging . and recenly landed a job to build the houses . lol

  31. Bu!!$h!t most people who geta permit in bim gotta pay because we surrounded by a bunch of corrupt politicians, this is just our system if ya dont pay wha they ask fa,then they ca make life hell fa ya. Nonsense bout them having nuff vans they selling off mosst of de vans i see pun de road.
    Everybody got there own agenda. but de truth does be clear.
    those who have become successful will always have hidden enemies wherever they go.
    I live in deacons and i know that when christmas time come around they does be wid both parties handing out baskets and helping people and i hear that they does even pay fa children school clothes.

    wha does mek me vex is that people does get so paranoid when they see somebody better off. When i does see them, i does shout them cuz when push come to shove they does be de ones helping.
    I cant believe searching de net fa applcation fa psv permit land me here!

  32. Agreed that permits have been sold in the past. Ask Johnny Tudor and Gline Clarke.