Chairman Of Sanitation Service Authority Dr. Don Marshall Clears The Air

Dr.Don Marshall - SSA Chairman

SSA Chairman Dr.Don Marshall

Coming out of the recent Sanitation Service Authority (SSA) conflict with the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW), and the debacle involving the termination and reappointment of General Manager Stanton Alleyne, some not so favourable comments were directed towards Chairman Don Marshall. Also in our blog post of yesterday, BU published an item which placed Chairman Marshall in a less than favourable light. BU is appreciative to Chairman Marshall for coming to the blogosphere to clarify matters. We must warn him that discussion can get robust at times but we wish to assure him that he will get a fair hearing whenever he feels motivated to come to Barbados Underground.

On another note we would entreat Dr. Marshall given his prominent role in the CARIFORUM/EPA negotiation, to submit his unfettered opinion to BU on the subject. We have made this simple request because we believe that the matter has been presented to the PEOPLE of Barbados and the region as a highly technical matter. Can we rely on you Doctor to bring this matter to the blogosphere framed in a manner which shows relevance to a national, regional and global strategy?

Here is Chairman’s Marshall clear the air statement posted on BU today:

This is a space of free comment that at times enlivens the real meaning of democracy and free speech.

First, the NCF Box officially reserved for the Chairman, SSA. I queried this with the Ag. Manager SSA last Wednesday and he informed me that all members of SSA Management did in fact receive complimentary tickets supplied by the NCF. SSA provided sponsorship to the NCF in its staging of Crop Over 2008, an initiative taken by the Board and Management of SSA at its April 2008 Board Meeting. This notwithstanding members of Management were invited to the SSA Box an there was attendance on Friday’s Pic-O-De-Crop Final’s show. Some members of Management and the former General Manager of SSA made several visitations of the Box over the weekend.

There is one other thing, the manner of my Chairmanship of SSA. A lot of comments freely circulate, some I cannot simply ignore without intervention. I do not aspire to control and explain everything that moves and exists at SSA. This is impossible to accomplish anyway. Public sector governance is not simply an academic curiosity for me, but a lived experience emanating from my year at Central Bank of Barbados and temporary (3 month ) stints at the Land Tax Department and the Ministry of Trade.

I offer the following information for consideration, indeed contemplation.

  • I left Barbados on a UWI – Univ. of Manchester assignment that ran from June 9 2008 until July 28 2008. The last SSA Board meeting under my Chairmanship would have been June 6 2008.
  • The Deputy Chairman of SSA served as Acting Chairman in the interim (June 9 -July 27 2008).
  • It was dismaying and distressing to learn of breakdown, the strike, and the stress all round. This was helped none by my becoming a victim of robbery whilst in Manchester on assignment.
  • I returned to Barbados last Monday and spent some time with the Minister (Tuesday) learning of the developments that occurred in my absence. We also discussed urgent matters to do with the landfill gas to energy project, and slope monitoring at the Greenland National Landfill. The latter issues featured prominently in my one day visit to SSA Main Office on Wednesday last week.

All of this is to say that as I resume the detail of Chairmanship, I have an ethical responsibility to provide explanation and update of SSA initiatives and developments. When the debriefing sessions are over, and appropriate decisions made, I will be prepared to engage all publics.

21 responses to “Chairman Of Sanitation Service Authority Dr. Don Marshall Clears The Air

  1. Not Gittens – Alleyne, get it right

    We are human but thanks!


  2. How many Board members were in the booth, or are they all resigning like Marshall?

  3. Hi Ian Bourne

    As PR Manager of SSA shouldn’t you have issued a press release speaking to some of the matters raised by Chairman Marshall?

  4. Waiting In Vain

    My compliments to you David for doing a wonderful job with your blog.

    As for your question to Bourne you remember his stout defense of Stanton Alleyne the crook who stole taxpayers monies???

    What does that indicate to you ???

    Of course he has no reason or any desire to defend a DLP installed Chairman.

    One day they will wake up and realise that it is not business as usual and by that time they will be on the outside looking in.

    When recently a Minister in a top Ministry a file was sent back to another department of Gov’t and then the Minister in his follow up seeks the whereabouts of the file only to learn that the file has gone missing, reports are that those within the Ministry learning that the Minister was about to approve the matter and in so doing creating major job opportunities for we Barbadians our own beloved people a wicked disgusting BLP Hack operating on instructions from Mottley Willfully and Maliciously took the file and hid it away in his desk drawer as fate would have it he went on leave and the new person taking up the post did some searching and found this elusive file.

    Not tell me why should anyone feel upset when some one like this Johnny is sent of leave ??

    It is these kind of actions that are stalling the process of good Gov’t and this stalling will stop as this person action nearly cost you and I our livelihood by making these investors frustrated to the point that they would pull up stumps and move on.

  5. After the vitriol that was spewed at Chairman Marshall we would have hoped to have seen some comments which apologized to the gentleman.

  6. David I was telling someone only last night that no one apologised for the ‘vitriol that was spewed at Chairman Marshall.’

    I never accused Mr. Marshall of anything, however, as part of the BU family, I apologise profusely to you Mr. Marshall!

  7. Get back to earth, Doc

    The goodly doctor is so enthralled with academia that when he speaks on the call-in program, sometimes you have to get a dictionaary to understand what he is saying.
    He can hold hands with his colleague from the Law Faculty who writes a column in the Sunday Advocate, Jeff something.
    He writes strictly for lawyers because you can’t understand what he is saying either.

    B. S. Cummins Bsc, BA, Msc, MA, PHD, DDA, DBA, ACPA, …………..

  8. It is so fitting that the Chairperson of the Sanitation Service Authority (SSA), Dr. Don Marshall, has used this forum – BU – albeit belatedly – to engage some members of the internet blogging public over their concerns about some of the things that have been going on recently at the Sanitation Service Authority, and esp. subsequent to his appointment as Chairpersonship of the SSA by this DLP Government. Indeed, Dr. Marshall does seem to understand the significance of his own role – as Chairperson of the SSA – to the proper functioning of the SSA and, indeed, too, does seem to be aware of the important responsibility of any person holding such an office to properly communicate with in as many ways as possible the various publics regarding critical aspects of the overall managerial and operational affairs at this a most important state institution in Barbados.

    That notwithstanding, we are STILL NOT sure that Dr. Marshall has significantly sought to use this forum to its fullest advantage. For, contrary to what BU is attributing to him: that he has used BU to clarify (certain) matters, what we have certainly found out is that – the goodly Doctorate has so patently illustrated avoidance in dealing with a few fundamental matters of national importance concerning the earlier firing of Mr. Stanton Alleyne, acting General Manager of the SSA, and concerning the NUPW led 4-day strike action that took place at the Sanitation Service Authority, and that would have undoubtedly paved the way for his reinstatement.

    As a result of Dr. Marshall’s outright failure to explain certain matters surrounding the above issues, we have no alternative but to ask some questions of him: –

    Dr. Marshall, from as far as in Great Britian, did you tell the Sunday Sun of June, 22, 2008, that the Board of the SSA had “a compelling case” against Mr. Stanton Alleyne – and one which – we believe too – was supported by the inclusion of evidence that Mr. Alleyne had in fact received cheques that were written and issued to him from a company that had been doing business with the Sanitation Service Authority?

    Seeing that you and the entire board did have such compelling and irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Alleyne, and that this board did ask for the resignation of Mr. Alleyne, and did later give him an opportunity to be heard at a meeting at which he attended but in which, apparently, he did NOT use the opportunity to acquit himself well, whereafter he apparently took the SSA Board for granted by NEVER PROPERLY responding to it as it had required him to do, and thus his leaving the Board with NO choice but to RIGHTLY fire him and on the basis of legal advice, why did you and the board appear to many people in Barbados AS COMPLETELY WEAK, UNDERMINED AND INSULTED, once the REINSTATEMENT of Mr. Alleyne took place, but not before a stupid and unnnecessary NUPW led 4-day strike action was to take place?

    WHY DID YOU AND THE ENTIRE BOARD NOT RESIGN FORTHWITH on the basis of principle, and in the face of what appeared to be an overturning of your decision by some higher but shadowy authority some where lurking within the confines of Government? WHY DID YOU NOT RESIGN seeing that – in our view and the view of so many other people in Barbados – you and the board were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT to fire Mr. Alleyne for using public office to achieve personal private gain, and in that sense for committing such serious wrongs? Why NOT?

    Finally, how are you and this board – seeing that you are still shamelessly holding unto your positions up to now – going to have the best working relationships with a man that you had previously fired, and you yourself, the board and this man going to be able to properly function in a context whereby you were reported in the said Sunday Sun as saying that the Board is on a mission to raise the value, profile and status of the SSA? How, Sir??!! Put that in your song, sire!!

    Certainly, Dr. Marshall, the right lessons that were to be learned and that involved the apposite happenings over the firing of Mr. Alleyne, must have meant that in engaging the internet blogging public on BU you were to be a great deal more relevant, open and transparent with the people of Barbados, concerning the public’s business and not appearing still to be continuing to foster an odious culture that was very much promoted under the last BLP Government whereby some ministers and statutory boards were degraded and humiliated in the eyes of public and the latter went on as if NOTHING degrading and humiliating was done to them!!! Oh how the quest to retain or achieve greater political power, status and wealth make men mice even in the face of personal shame and disgrace meted out to them by others. What a disaster, Dr. Marshall!!!


  9. David

    with all due respect, you must be nuts! On June 28 I wrote that the Board (and that includes the chairman) of the SSA should resign (or be fired)over the debacle of attempting to fire Alleyne and his subsequent re-instatement. Now Dr Marshall comes and says (in effect) “Not me boysie! I was up in England on important UWI business, check wid the Deputy Chairman. Futhermore I ain’t saying nothing till I check in with my Minister cause I really ain’t know what went down.”

    By the way, I note that outside of UWI, Dr Marshall states that his public sector work experience totals an astounding 1 year and 6 months!

  10. @Dr. Marshall

    You stated that in your statement that:

    SSA provided sponsorship to the NCF in its staging of Crop Over 2008, an initiative taken by the Board and Management of SSA at its April 2008 Board Meeting.

    On what basis would the financially ailing SSA sponsor the NCF Crop Over events? Is this not a case of taking from the left pocket and placing in the right? We are of the view that sponsorship for the NCF and other events should be left to the private sector. Couldn’t the money given to the NCF be better spent purchasing boots and gloves for the SSA staff?

  11. It’s amazing how bright some of us are. The Chairman comes here and intimates that he was travelling, therefore he’s not to be held accountable for the fiasco at SSA. What a load of nonsense.
    Whatever happened to communication by email and mobile phone. That’s the poorest excuse in this age of instant communication.
    After such a lame excuse, the call for his resignation is now more relevant than ever.
    Let’s see, so if the Chairman of ENRON was in Barbados playing golf when the shit hit the fan, he would not be responsible for the mess.
    If, god forbid, a hurricane were to flatten Barbados and the PM is away travelling on business, he would not be responsible.
    How can intelligent human beings fall for such poor argumentation?
    No one cares about you being robbed in Manchester and the other issues you discussed with the Minister. That’s diverting the attention from the core issue at the SSA and appealing for sympathy. The core issue was the messy way in which the SSA situation was handled by the Board (on which you are the Chairman) which led to four days of strike and piled up garbage all over the island.
    For that reason and that reason alone, the entire Board should resign, starting with you the Chairman. SHUPES!

  12. You can write.

  13. @ Devil and Anon I understand what you are saying but Lord man dont you think that he should be given a chance to defend himself?

  14. Hi again.

    I recognise the responses to my post. First matters to do with my Chairmanship of SSA again. I can only reiterate what I have stated before — that I am in the process of discovery. I have a clear understanding of the route and procedure that the Board took up until June 9. I ask your indulgence in allowing me to dis-entangle the why, how and the what that transpired thereafter. There are no shortcuts to this and I seek no place to hide. Tomorrow I expect to learn more from a series of meetings that begin from 9am.

  15. Just watching

    Dr. Marshall you are in the process of recovery not discovery. Your excuse doesnt do justice to your doctorate. It was poor. Come again. You are entitled to a second chance.

  16. Hi

    This is Asiba -The Buffalo Soldier
    I have known Don for a long time
    He is an honourable man. Please give him the chance to explain and to clear whatever mess there is to be cleared. Yes I did see him Finals night while I was at the VIP gate.

    Being at the VIP gate was an interesting exercise. Here I was standing and observing who were going through that VIP gate. I noted that Calypsonians -longtime or newbies –did not go through the gate. I asked myself the question : Are calypsonians VIPs in the Crop- Over Festival ? This is not a criticism of who went through the gate because I accept and recognize that the NC F must and should cater to their Sponsors and others who make contributions to our culture and to overall development. I am just saying that standing there at the gate caused me to reflect and asked the question. Of course one is always looking for material

    Calypsonains built this Crop Over thing : we invested money into the Festival and we continue to do so. The returns have been minimal. How many Calypsonians benefit from Crop Over after all the sacrifices ?

    The first season I sang Calypso in a Tent, I received thirty(30) dollars at the end of the season. As a matter of fact, everybody received the same money because after expenses what was left was divided equally. Personally I felt as though I was making a contribution to Barbados and that I was helping in the building of something beneficial to my country.

    Over the years we the CALYPSONIANS have spent loads of money on costumes, arrangements, recordings and other activities associated with making a festival . We made a proposal to the NCF that they provide money to help us with the cost of props on stage during their competitions (SEMIFINALS & FINALS) because it is very costly and if you dont win the competition you can be out some big bucks.
    In case you are not aware, we the calypsonains spend money on props to make an NCF show happen—-utterly ridiculous !
    -the moneyasked for has not been forthcoming

    Tents in Barbados are at the crossroads and something must be done to assist their development and survival if they are to survive. Maybe the concept of the Tent has become obosolete. The Tent is used to feed artistes into the NCF competitions. Maybe the competitions should be abolished and the Tents could become a greater part of the Festival which should become more of a Music Festival

  17. Someone said the 'BLP Stalwart'

    Unlike the head-hunters out there who seem not to want justice for all, I must concede that the Doc’s reasoning is logical and pragmatic under the circumstances. I for sure do not believe that the acting General Manager of the SSA ought to be drawing a salary from government today. Somehow, I get the distinct impression he got off the hook on two grounds. On the first count, procedural matters which may not necessarily fall back in the faces of the Chairman and the Board played a big part. Secondly, the implications arising from a strike action which was based not on the solidarity for a fellow worker, but on certain operatives in the union wanting to teach certain persons a lesson. In the end, who is the winner and who is the loser? Barbadians lost an opportunity to lay the basis for integrity legislation that makes senior public officials truly accountable for their actions. In Dr. Marshall and whatever happens from here, Barbados can be the winner by showing citizens that in matters of national significance, political bias is not the answer. In any event, if there are any more Alleyne’s out there similar to this SSA man, they have the fortune of being forewarned of what the consequences would be provided the legal and procedural aspects are in accordance with what is stated rather than what may be left to interpretation. Good luck Dr. Marshall, the BLP left many a lesson you can follow in balancing idealism with pragmatism. You have been a student of life, and I trust you will continue in this vein.

  18. I thought he was coming back with an explanation. Shupesssssssssss!

  19. He is disappointing me as well Anon.

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  21. Dr. Don Marshall had promised to comeback to BU to tell out the outcome of his investigation on the Stanton Alleyne matter. We were very surprise to learn that Dr, Marshall was not reappointed as Chairman with the most recent cabinet reshuffle. Guess we may never know hear about this matter again. Like most things it will fade away for ever and it will be business as usual.