Government Distributes Freedom of Information Bill For Feedback As Promised

125 responses to “Government Distributes Freedom of Information Bill For Feedback As Promised

  1. David

    Informing the BU family of some guidelines for a Freedom of Information Act. Check the Speaking Up Blog at:

  2. No matter what they put as law, the govmnt will never obey their own law. They don’t respect the rule of the law.

  3. No Way FOI

    The government will not be administering the Act and nothing has to go before or be approved by Ministers. It is all run by the Commissioner and beauracracy.

    Civil servants will get necessary training on the Act and information that HAS to be divulged. It is out of the ‘government’ (politicians) hands. The Commissioner should be independent of government.

  4. Freedom of Information my eye!

    Does Haloute own land the Government of Barbados acquired for a public purpose from private individuals?

  5. Just out of curiosity BAFBFP, what does my appearance or your getting personal have to do with the topic? Your continuous display of ur lack of intelligent discourse provides other speakers a non-stop source of comedy…

    @everyone else – I was not able to attend the last 2 as I am now back at work; did anyone go 2 S’town or Deighton Griffith?