Barbados Media Personnel Urged To Support Colleagues In The Face Of Police Harassment

Submission Circulated by Editor at Nation Newspaper Amanda Lynch-Foster  to Media Personnel (Click Image to read Nation Comment)

NATION PHOTOGRAPHER CHERIE PITT being pushed off the compound of Central Police Station yesterday. Centre is NATION reporter Phillippe Aimey, who was later told not to return to the compound. The two were on duty at the time. Inset Pitt, being ordered off. She was later arrested and charged with resisting arrest. (Photos compliments Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation.)

I’m sure most of us are feeling the same way today – pissed off and frustrated with the disrespect that journalists are getting. This is the third time this has happened in the last year and a half or so and I am not really happy with the responses. The Commissioner keeps saying he will investigate – we have heard that before. Last year, the former AG said we had no right on the hospital premises. Some members of the public even say we deserve it. It feels like there is a creeping disrespect for journalism and it’s coming from all sides.

So what are we going to do about it?

The first thing we should do as a matter of urgency is support our colleagues tomorrow. Cherie and Jimmy are to appear in the District A Criminal Court A in Bridgetown tomorrow morning at 10:30 a.m. They are supposed to get there from 9 a.m. I was speaking to Cherie a little while ago and she has said that she would really appreciate some support from journalists so I’m calling on everyone who can to make an effort to be there from 9 a.m. If you have an off-day or if your shift does not start til the afternoon or if you are on vacation, can you please just show up at court tomorrow?

I think our presence alone will be comforting to our colleagues and it will show that journalists are not just going to let this go down in silence. It would look terrible if they went through this and none of us cared enough to show up – it would make those who keep harassing us feel that they can continue to get away with it. It will only take a few hours out of our day. Now as to the longer term thing we should do – for a while now I have felt that journalists in Barbados need to have a professional association for ourselves once more. We run our blood to water speaking up on behalf of everyone else but when it comes to speaking up on our own behalf, our voice is disjointed.

Several other professions have organisations to represent their interests and speak up for them – farmers have BAS, engineers have BAPE, teachers have multiple associations, vendors have BARVEN. We have nothing and that is not good enough. What happened yesterday was the last straw in terms of convincing me that we really need an association to speak up on our behalf and to facilitate better understanding of our profession. It could also be useful in facilitating workshops and seminars and in organising an awards system so we don’t just have to depend on PAHO and the Music Awards to get awarded – we should be doing it for ourselves.

I know because we work such funny hours, it is difficult to find time for the kind of extensive meetings and planning that other organisations have, so I have a few suggestions.

  • Instead of having weekly or even monthly meetings, we could perhaps have quarterly or bi-monthly meetings – so 4 to 6 meetings a year.
  • We should also have a set time and place for those meetings so that it makes it easier for everyone to remember – for example, the first Sunday every two months.
  • Have the meetings on a day that is not a big production day – perhaps on Friday nights or Sunday afternoons?
  • If we do have just quarterly or bi-monthly meetings then we should use Facebook – a lot. Most of us spend a lot of time on FB anyhow (I does see wunna!) and we can use that to      fill the face-to-face communication gap and keep people updated.
  • We could also establish a blog or an e-newsletter (or both) for communication purposes.

What I’d like right now is some feedback.

  1. Do you think we should restart the Barbados Association of Journalists or would you prefer a new organisation? I tend to think the first option would be easier but I will admit I hardly know anything about the workings of the BAJ because that was before I was in the profession.
  2. What day do you think would be best for meetings?
  3. What are you willing and able to do for the association? If all you can do is attend meetings, that is perfectly fine. If you have time to be the rep at your own media house and just nag your colleagues to attend meetings that is even better. If you have time to be on an executive committee and do some serious organising that is great. Let me know what you are capable and willing to do so we have an idea of how to proceed.

Based on your feedback, I will try to organise a meeting for after Christmas, near to year end. Let us start 2009 right.

Check out Boyce Voice Blog for more comment on the matter.

“Police Heavy Hand” taken by BU family member at Kadooment 2008

142 responses to “Barbados Media Personnel Urged To Support Colleagues In The Face Of Police Harassment

  1. There is a belief very prevalent in Barbados that only a few more dollars and we would be very happy; this ideology permeates every facet of our lives and no activity however reprehensible to our position or status precludes us from making that extra dollar; we are slaves to it and it is at the root of “all” our problems.

    The above is a “general observation” and in no way indicates guilt on any person or persons charged with an offence.

  2. Chaaa Yardbroom!

    You didn’t have to show me up so. LOL. I had to put some food for thought in there.

    Well put.

  3. @ ROK
    I am running around trying to catch this turkey, what got me as he departed through the back gate he shouted “animal liberation!

    Cheers have a nice time.

  4. @Me
    I agree with you. If we do not have law, and law enforcement we have nothing.At the same time we must at all times treat to the individual actions of police agents as such without attempting to treat the entire department, unless such is required. We must sanitize not eradicate. I too fear that the practices now endemic in Jamaica is gaining a foot hold in Barbados, Mia Mottley express such fear in parliament a couple years ago “your law is not my law” and the commission on law and order reported that this is a huge impression in the minds of Barbados youth. This is not good.

    @ at ROK

    I also agree with you, that often times person are not aware of their rights, and think the Law and more importanctly Justice is the word of a lawyer, a magistrate, or police agent. Their interpretation of the law and their resulting actions and ruling can be challenged if you know your rights, or in the least have an idea about them.

    The constitution is available online and in print, also and I think more pointedly the various acts which would detail the specifics of all regulations that we are suppose to live by is also available online.

  5. ROK // December 23, 2008 at 9:06 pm


    Where you get that from? Each person allowed one supporter plus attorney? Nonsense. Where is that written? The court is an open court and those who have no business in court except to want to know what is going on in there or any member of the public can enter the courtroom.

    The court process ACT section 70 states

    The Rules of the Supreme Court, 1958 and the Magistrates’ court (Civil Procedure) Rules, 1958 and such other enactments as make provision for the service of court process shall be contrued mutalis mutandi in realation to their application in respect of this act

    Mutatis Mutandi : ‘the necessary changes having been made

    Magistrate Court of Barbados ACT section 209


  6. Of course, AH, this does not speak to whom should be allowed entry into such open court. But the magistrate cannot close the court to all and sundry.

  7. ah Juris, my next step is to determine what constitute open court in English law, and then to apply this to the stated circumstances depicted by the photo and news article.

    Now I am guided only by the news reports which i will admit is not much giving what we have as journalist in Barbados and my belief that in general they seem to rely on their beliefs, and emotions rather than facts and ideas, to report news.

  8. On December 21st at 4:46 me wrote “The fact remains that Freedom of the press does not mean freedom to go any and every where at any and everytime…”

    Dear me:

    Your “facts” are incorrect. Where on earth did you learn those “facts”?

    The media is free to go to any PUBLIC place, just as you or I are free to go to any public place. We do not need permision fo example to to to the beat, or on the street, or to a church once it has opened its doors, etc. Moreover there are time when you and I cannot go to a public event, but the media is there because th emedia represent us Jane and John Q. Public.

    because the media acts in the public interest, and th

  9. go to the beach

  10. Since when does “Any and everywhere ” =
    “any Public place”

    Both Cherie Pitt and the videographer are freelance, they make money by the stories they produce, the more daring the photos etc the more likely they will sell. So is the motivation of these two to represent Jane and john Q public or is it to overstep the boundaries so that they will obtain a more daring/salacious photo an therefore get paid more… you tell me! Are you saying that the end result justifies the means?

  11. Well! Well! Well! Anybody watched the commissioner on the TV this evening admitting to corruption in the Force?

    It took all this time to get the top cop to accept the fact. He has now to go one step more; become a champion for the teaching of Civics in schools.

    He can now address the issue of moral decay in the society and use his good office to influence the relevant authorities to do something about the moral decay, since it affects the quality of the officers entering the force. He must have legitimate interests in the education of the population.

    Further, if he was smart, as I am sure he is, he would partner with the Ministry of Education and designate two Officers per school, each to do at least six hours per week teaching civics in each of the schools from primary to secondary.

    He has the man power and in any case this kind of investment will ensure that you no longer need the bulk of officers out there addressing what I would call activity arising out of ignorance. This must be taking a toll on the resources of the Force.

  12. Dear me:

    I was referring to this immediate instance and also in general to what media people must do inorder to fully represent the public interest.

    In this instance Cherie and Jimmy were in a pubic place to wit, the courtyard.

    I am not aware that either photo journalist has ever for instance gone inside anybody’s house without invitation. Inside of your house is a private place.

    Believe it or not the street outside of your house is a public place.

    If you doubt me look up into the sky and see the satelites which are there.

    nce I looked on google earth and could see the very colour of the car of a friend who was visiting me at the time.

    Do you think that google asked my permission to take photograph of my driveway??

    If you have never searched for your own house (or a friend’s or an enemy’s) ask me and I’ll show you how. The information and photographs are in the PUBLIC domain.

    We may not like it, but it is IRREVOCABLY so.

    And yes the end (as long as it causes no harm to others) justifies the means.

  13. Commissioner Darwin Dottin’s public relations effort is necessary and commendable as reported in the Nation newspaper but Barbadians require more than talk at this stage. We have been witnessing as is the case with the minibuses/ZRs alot of talk but no demonstrable remedial action over the years. The reality is that the way how the media, police, government, NGOs and other stakeholders in civil society are being viewed by the public is changing. Come on Barbados let us take it to the next level which is needed to sustain our development.

  14. We may not like it, but it is IRREVOCABLY so.


    J, I appreciate u said the above in all honesty, but it is n’t irrevocable! Google’s action is controversial and objectionable to many and may yet, be challanged in the courts and prohibited!

  15. John Stevenson


    Yes sir! We need to realise that the Googles and Yahoos of the world are nothing without users – you and I.


    Please! LOL…police teaching civics? Might as well have the ‘King Herod Day Nursery’!

  16. It was wrong what happened to those journalists DEAD WRONG!

    However, i think the media needs to do their job and do some serious investigativE journalism! They KISS whose ever’s ass is in the driving seat THAT IS SICKENING! Aditionally, they want to ram their ideologies down on our throats; I can smell those Indians trying their darndest to rule! they are suceeding Barbados is doomed.

    ANYHOW, If they could be more balanced awwwwwww just wishful thinking (on my part.) Imagine, when I read the article in which they complained about the harsh treatment given to thier colleagues the balance of the paper aint had in shit didly squat buh humbug!

  17. Gangrene never starts with the whole foot or wherever; it starts with a little spot which goes noticed or purposely ignored, then trouble brek out on all hand and side.

    Honestly, Barbados is a extremely corrupt society, from the teacher who doesn’t teach during day but prefers to give lessons in the evening, to high-priced prostitutes and low priced fare pickers having heavy weight backers in the public arena to legalize there horrible lifestyle, to the customs officer who rakes in more money over the December period than the Government, to the police aiding and abetting the death of our sons and daughters by trafficking, hiding the traffickers and dealing in all kinds of illegal drugs and weapons.

    I could sit here and pontificate on how we should have values and morals, the truth is those virtures are all but gone in this country.

    Say all you like about America but the “bad boys” do get exposed, here, they are glorified.

    Maybe we will learn our lessons when we begin to make the human rights lists in an unfavourable way, when we begin to be black listed like Zimbabwe.

    We never learn until the rock falls on us and crush us.

  18. Correction in America some of the bad boys does get exposed. Then they does serve time, then they come out and write a book about it and become wealthier than before LOL. Stupse yeah Bim is corrupt but please dont compare the US to us compare another small island nation. Thank you

  19. The Nation newspaper is to be completed for highlighting the plight of homeowners who are being ripped-off by the contractor at Buckley Meadows. What we don’t understand is why the newspaper is often reluctant to print the names and published the faces of the Directors of the company which in association with the NHC and was to have handed over these people houses by now. Why do we always protect these bastards?
    This is our beef with the media in Barbados.
    We would appreciate if the BU family post the names of the Directors for the information of all!

    Here is some additional info- thanks to BU family member for sending the email:


    The Bulkeley Meadows public/private sector housing project at Ellerton, St. George, is progressing well, with more than half of the planned 89 middle income houses already under construction.

    Word of this has come from the National Housing Corporation (NHC) which is part of the joint venture. The other partner is South Park Ltd.

    According to Garvey Alleyne, the NHC’s Project Coordinator, ‘work is under way on 55 of the 89 houses, and they are at various stages of completion’.

    He said “in July, 2002, the NHC invited proposals from developers, to either enter into arrangements to construct houses or develop lands owned by the corporation. One of the developers selected was South Park Ltd., who is assigned to Bulkeley Meadows”.

    The houses range in price from $208, 000 to $270, 000, and cover between 1099 and 1500 square feet in floor space. The projected completion date is March 30 next year.


    No track record, no contract


    By Janelle Riley-Thornhill

    Building contractors are being told not to seek any kind of association with the National Housing Corporation (NHC) to build houses, unless they have a track record.

    The strong suggestion came yesterday afternoon from Minister of Housing and Lands, Michael Lashley. He was at
    the time expressing grave concern about a housing project the David Thompson Administration has inherited from the previous Government, which, while started since 2004, has yet to get one of the 89 houses earmarked for the site completed.

    Addressing those gathered for the fifth launch of the Housing Every Last Person (HELP) Programme at Constant, St. George, Minister Lashley said that the NHC has received a number of complaints from prospective residents of the Bulkeley Meadows project, which was supposed to be a joint venture programme between the NHC and South Park Limited.

    According to him, an independent engineer hired by the NHC to investigate the work done, described the work as a very poor standard consisting of structural defects as well as defects related to the ring beam and the foundation among others.

    “Now, it is not fair for poor Barbadians to invest their monies into projects, engage the services of contractors to be given this sort of treatment. I have seen the work, I have read the engineer’s report thoroughly and I am saying to that contractor this evening, that time has now run out because it is no way that this Ministry and this Minister, will tolerate shabby and shoddy work from any contractor,” he contended.

    He continued, “We have poor Barbadians investing their money, their hard earned money and having to pay mortgages, bridging interest, living out of containers and to this day, since 2004, a project started and an agreement they were locked into by the former administration has not been completed, and I now have to seek legal advice to see how we can get out of that contract and how we can bring some sort of relief to the prospective homeowners at Bulkeley Meadows”.

    “I have never seen such bad work yet. I have looked at the pictures, I have read the report in and out and you want to tell me 89 houses promised since 2004 and you turn into Bulkeley Meadows now and you can’t see not one finished since 2004,” he lamented.

    With that in mind, he reiterated his warning to contractors who lack experience and a track record, that as fast as they come into the NHC, they will go back out.

    As such, he has advised the prospective homeowners at Bulkeley Meadows to terminate the contract with the contractors, contending that they have a legal right to do so.

    “You have a strong legal footing to terminate the contract… because he has breached the contract, he has breached the terms and conditions of the contract by not providing the quality of work that was promised… I am giving you not only legal advice, but as a minister who cares, and a minister who wants to see Barbadians housed,” he said.

  20. Afraid of the police

    Please read the following stories from today’s Trinidad Express online:

    I have to wonder who is really behind drug problem and other serious crimes like human trafficking (prostitution) and even the “ZR” problems.

  21. Mr. Mark L. fenty Sr

    The Police in Barbados is getting a bad reputation and it is not right, their are very decent human being in Our Royal Barbados Police Force who take their job serious inorder to keep Barbados free of crime. And some of these men work day and night to keep the island of Barbados safe, police like Taylor, Merritt, Gittens ,and Gibbons just to name a few these men leaded the way when Mark young, Harding, Sand fly, Pack Rat, these harden criminals were destroying our small island and disrupting our live. Thank to all the police men some living and dead who have given their best to keep Barbados a crime free island.

  22. You are protected under the 1st amendment SUE! Also post this story on your news site EVERY DAY The police will only bully the poor and the helpless. People without the means or the money to fight them back. Thats how bullying works.