Red Legs in Barbados

Sir Charles Williams

Sir Charles Williams

On the eve of the celebration of Martin Luther King Day in the USA to be followed by the inauguration in the USA of the first African American President, we were reminded in an email today that there is another group which has had to suffer the scourge of oppression and discrimination in our history.

In recent weeks all mankind, especially Blacks have been given renewed hope with the election of Barack Obama – hope springs eternal. If the Red Legs of Barbados have felt ignored over the years, we anticipate that they may have to feel comfortable in that position for a little while longer.

We hope not!

There is not a lot recorded to support good research of the life and times of the Red Legs in Barbados, another question we could pose to Sir Hilary Beckles by citing the relevance of the University of the West Indies. The most insight Barbadians get about the history of this group of people is from the eccentric and maligned Julian Charles Hunte. We have no doubt that Julian means well but his public image probably does little to further the cause of promoting the history of the Red Legs.

We hope the BU family finds the following article, reproduced from the Irish Times  interesting.

Reproduced from the Irish Times (17 January 2009)

I WAS DELIGHTED that Caroline Walsh focused on the plight of Ireland’s lost tribe, the Red Legs, in her article a couple of weeks ago on Barbados. This group, made up of the descendants of 50,000 Irish men and women who were sold into the white slave trade between 1652 and 1659, have been largely ignored, apart from in Seán O’Callaghan’s wonderful To Hell or Barbados: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland , published almost 20 years ago.

They were innocent Irish people who were rounded up from across the country by teams of Oliver Cromwell’s “man-catchers”, bound in chains and shipped to Barbados to work on sugar plantations.

Their descendants are still there today – some of them in absolute poverty – isolated, unassimilated and uneducated. It is about time we acknowledge them, our beleaguered kinsmen, innocent victims first of British injustice, then of landlord cruelty and now of our lack of interest.

I’ve wanted to go out and visit them for a long time, and perhaps make a documentary about them, but I was warned off by O’Callaghan’s stories of outsiders being driven away with hoes and pitchforks from the isolated, rundown settlements in which they live.

Thankfully, a braver group, Moondance Films, has made a documentary, which will be aired on TG4 soon. I’ll be intrigued to find out what it learned. So little known is about the Red Legs. Like any oppressed people, they were too focused on survival to have had the luxury of documenting their history. Their connection with Ireland was cut off many centuries ago; their surnames were taken from them and they were forbidden to practise their faith. Perhaps all that remains is their red hair, freckles and blue eyes.

Most accounts refer to their arrogance and alcoholism. One describes them as “lazy, worthless drunks of unworthy Irish/Scots origin, who have neither ambition nor intelligence, yet are white and proud. They believe they are a cursed people.”

Of course, some Red Leg families thrived when they were eventually emancipated, in 1834, when slavery was abolished. Illustrious island families such as the Mayers

and Goddards proudly trace their lineage back to slave ancestry, but most tend to be poorer than the black population. They farm smallholdings of sugar cane on the arid eastern coast of the island or live in Bridgetown, the capital, drinking in local grog shops or running white brothels for middle-class blacks.

I must stress that all of this is based mostly on rumour and on research done 20 years ago. We will know the truth only when TG4’s documentary is aired.

In the meantime what we know is that Cromwell decreed that troublemakers – the poor, the hungry, clergy and Catholic landlords who refused to move to Connacht – be sent to Barbados. They were herded south into holding pens in Cork and Waterford, then crammed into African slave ships in chains. One in five died en route; those who survived were scrubbed in readiness for the slave mart. The women – nuns, soldiers’ wives, Catholic gentry and teenagers – were stripped and checked for virginity. Good breeders were sold to studs, to make future slaves and brothel girls. The men were checked for muscle tone and strength of teeth, then branded with their owners’ initials.

Ironically, the Irish are now returning to Barbados, the elite of Ireland’s post-boom aristocracy – Desmond, Magnier, Smurfit, O’Reilly – converting old plantations into luxury resorts. Who knows how many of our ancestors were whipped to death right on the sites of these new pleasure palaces?

98 responses to “Red Legs in Barbados


    Dr. Watson I am looking forward to reading your new book.

  2. So, David, both you and BFP have failed us, again!! Do you now, still have the gaul to criticise the government for slowness of action??

    In future, whenever either of you do, we shall remember this!! Cowardice breeds cowardice – and I’m not even a ‘r*d l*g’!!

  3. @Bimbro

    So far no cogent arguments against the use of the word redlegs, only emotionalisms. Should we stop using mulatto or creole as well? Some dispassionate and empirical positions please!

  4. David, u make me laugh, Sir. How can u even begin to contemplate placing the term ‘r*d l*gs’ in the same category as creole and mulatto!! Anyhow, I’m giving up on this one. It’s for the r*d l*gs to argue their own case! If they’re not bothered I don’t see why I should be!!

  5. David, I suppose it’s like any word really. It depends who is using it and why. Fat*o, Cripp*e, the n word etc. People use derogatory words about themselves and that seems to be accepted but other people using them can be very insulting. Why not be consistent here with the tern RedL*g?

  6. “The most wretched species”

    Duppy lizard,

    Weekend historians would be well advised to leave serious scholarship to those who are most able, and save your no-class, red-leg, vulgarity for your bastards.

  7. Scout, I’ve just noticed your post on BFP re: Rihanna and so agree with you!!

    They have n’t published my response but here it is reproduced as faithfully, as I can, word for word!!

    “Rumboy, if you don’t care then either (a) you’re not a Barbadian, or (b) you’re a huge, c*nt”!!

    Rihanna forever!!

    Now, back to r*d l*gs!! 🙂

  8. Re: R*d L*gs: At this rate it’ll take Barbadians 100 years to begin to DISCUSS ITAL legislation, nevermind pass it into law!! ‘Barbadian time’, I guess, or the sun, perhaps!!

  9. 199, your comment “Barbadian time” reminds me of this exchange I heard somewhere.
    “Spanish singer Julio Iglesias was on television with British TV host Anne Diamond when he used the Spanish word “mañana”).

    Diamond asked him to explain what it meant. He said that the term means, “Maybe the job will be done tomorrow, maybe the next day, maybe the day after that. Perhaps next week, next month, next year, who cares?”

    The host turned to Irishman Shay Brennan who was also on the show and asked him if there was an equivalent term in Irish.

    “No. In Ireland we don’t have a word to describe that degree of urgency.”

    Soon come, man!

  10. @Dissident: “”No. In Ireland we don’t have a word to describe that degree of urgency.”

    Now, my question is, was that not possibly the most brilliant bit of humour you’ve ever heard?

    (For the record, to the best of my understanding, I have absolutely no connection with the Irish.

  11. Thanks for that ‘Dissident’!! And, Chris, you’re right – brilliant!! I’m not Irish but, VAL DOONICAN FOREVER!!

  12. Great discussion, bar a couple of useless comments.I think like with most of the atrocities through time can be dicussed and some people will always defend the crimes that was done and the people that done them by simply making the victims out to be a sub human race. This is how it was always done and is still done today(Palistine). However I think the Irish government has a responsibility to investigate and acknowledge their existence with the co-operation of the barbados government and all other races that were involved in the horrible time that yet again was another mess left over by the british empire. The irish that did end up in barbados were treated worse than most because they were papist! but I’m not saying that to out-do any other race, its a fact by the little records that were kept. I think ye should you tube irish singer damien dempsey for his haunting tune on the issue called ” to hell or barbados”. Dissident love that peice, classic irish wit!!

  13. Have been reading this right thru..nn am lol…am aware of a few names yah wunna is bajan..but nutin wron wid de word REDLEG…bajans ain’t got all dem hang ups …I inbred n got np wid fadda from St.John he family is one of dem gran was a hardd ass workin woman who provided for her children , her husband died n OLD MAN Gill tek she in n she had my hard workin man from the time he was 13..n @ 70 still wukkin hard..they were poorrr but luvin..he has EARNED his STATUS here in BIM..he married a poor black woman from town n had us 4…we were brought up up to be proud of WHO were R….I AM ME..A PROUD HUMAN BEING…MIXED …I don’t see black or white..blacks see me as too white lookin n whites see me as too black , when I was growing up…all my relatives were mixed and there was no name calling..I remembered when my daughter was in FLA studying ( her dad is Indian) , she was asked on a form she was filling out RACE: what the hell!!! what difference will it make ?? Black or white..there was no other..what is an OTHER??? someone not important?? stupse…I told her put HUMAN..datz my race…Y all the analizing??? will it change anything Present or past??? The slaves were dragged here , de indentured irish were also..they were impregnated by will or not..n we BAJANS PROUD WERE BORN!!!! wud u survive all the hardships in Africa..what if ur ancestor was left in the jungle what then??what if ur Irish ancestor roamed de hills…is that what u wanted?? am GLAD I had this opportunity for whatever the worth was..they made it


    Persons who were humble, spiritual and loving! We knew about the stars and respected our women! I am sorry that we could not continue schools like Timbuktu! I am sorry that I couldn’t love my own enough that I could have seen what a great nation we were wern’t so friendly!

    Then we could not have been raped metaphorically, spiritually and worst of all literally!

    The sky would have been our limit! I guest it was not our destiny! What a shame!

  15. “Incidentally the only other place in the world I’ve heard our classic cuss word “SHITE”, was in a pub in Dublin and on more than one occasion.” –
    You never been to Scotland , then SM ? 😉
    On a more serious note there were also English transported to Barbados – convicted at Bloody Assizes after 17c. rebellion in SW England.( see link )
    Is there not a bit of a south-west English “twang” to Bajan accent ?????

  16. Somebodyelse also reckons there is a English West Country “lilt” to Bajan
    “Bajan uses a mixture of British English and West African syntax, with much of the pronunciation of words sharing similarities with the lilt of the West Country dialects of England”
    If anybody on here knows Ronald’s Rum Shop in Reed Street – say “howdie” from David & Stephen in London.

  17. Talking about Ireland & Caribbean – here’s some extracts from introduction to The Marcus Garvey & UNIA Papers edited by Robert A. Hill –
    Far more than any other nationalist struggle, the Irish revolutionary struggle assisted in focusing Garvey’s political perspective. Dramatically symbolized in the “blood sacrifice” of the Easter Week Rising of 1916. the Irish cause provided the major ideological mainspring for Garvey’s radical political transformation. Even the slogan made famous by Garvey, “Africa for the Africans at home and abroad,” echoed the oft-repeated Irish slogan “the Irish race at home and abroad.”

    Garvey’s subsequent stay in England during 1912 to 1914 coincided with the period of uninterrupted crisis in both England and Ireland over Irish home rule, which climaxed in the Irish independence struggle, the Easter Rising of 1916. After World War I, Garvey repeatedly acknowledged his identification with the heroic epic of the Irish struggle. Speaking at the formal dedication of Liberty Hall, the UNIA’s general meeting place, in July 1919, Garvey announced that “the time [had] come for the Negro race to offer up its martyrs upon the altar of liberty even as the Irish [had] given a long list from Robert Emmet to Roger Casement.” The name chosen for the UNIA meeting place reflected an appreciation for Liberty Hall, Dublin, the symbolic seat of the Irish revolution and the site where the Irish Citizen Army had launched the Easter Rising on 23 April 1916.

    When the long-awaited UNIA convention opened on Sunday night, 1 August 1920, amid great pomp in Madison Square Garden, Garvey began his speech by announcing dramatically:
    “I have in my hand . . . a telegram to be sent to the Hon. Edmund De Valera, [sic] President of the Irish Republic: –
    25,000 Negro delegates assembled in Madison Square Garden in mass convention, representing 400,000,000 Negroes of the world, send you greetings as President of the Irish Republic. Please accept sympathy of Negroes of the world for your cause. We believe Ireland should be free even as Africa shall be free for the Negroes of the world. (loud applause) Keep up the fight for a free Ireland. Marcus Garvey, President-General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association.” (applause)

    Shortly after the close of the first UNIA convention, Liberty Hall was the scene of a meeting attended by about fourteen Irish sympathizers. Speeches were delivered by Dudley Field Malone and other leaders of the boycott of English ships, which had been called by Irish longshoremen in order to try to force the British government’s release of Terence MacSwiney, the lord mayor of Cork. MacSwiney’s hunger strike, according to Robert Kee, “uniquely concentrated attention from all over the world on the spirit and determination of Irish militants” (The Green Flag, p. 696). Indeed, at the closing session of the first UNIA convention, Garvey announced that he had dispatched a telegram “to Father Dominick, confessor of the Lord Mayor of Cork, and it read ‘Convey to McSwiney [sic] sympathy of 400,000,000 Negroes'” (NW, Saturday, 11 September 1920).
    Following the convention, the Bureau of Investigation reported that Garvey sent Rev. J. W. Selkridge “down to the docks to urge all the Negro longshoremen not to load British ships, which pleased the Irish strikers, who learned that Garvey had sent him down to aid them” (DNA, RG 65, file OG 329359). A measure of Garvey’s immense reverence for MacSwiney, who finally died on the seventy-third day of his hunger fast, can be gained from his declaration: “Hundreds and thousands of Irishmen have died as martyrs to the cause of Irish freedom. . . . They compelled the attention of the world and I believe the death of McSweeney [sic] did more for the freedom of Ireland today than probably anything they did for 500 years prior to his death” (NW, 17 December 1921).

    The Irish have succeeded, first among the trio of Egypt, India and Ireland, in winning a place of mastery among the nations of the worlWhile the future of Ireland hung precariously in the balance, Garvey did not delay in declaring his stand on the treaty. On 11 December 1921, before the critical debate in the Irish parliament, Garvey summoned a special mass meeting at Liberty Hall. He spoke on “Ireland and Africa,” stating that “we have a cause similar to the cause of Ireland.” Garvey made plain his support for the negotiated settlement with England: “I am glad that Ireland has won some modicum of self-government. I am not thoroughly pleased with the sort of freedom that is given to them, but nevertheless I believe that they have received enough upon which they can improve. . . .” Garvey then read a cable, to be sent to the leading Irish treaty negotiator Arthur Griffith, signed “Marcus Garvey, Provisional President of Africa.” The cable informed Griffith: “Six thousand of us assembled in Liberty Hall, New York, representing the four hundred million Negroes of the world, send you congratulations on your masterly achievement of partial independence for Ireland. The stage is set for a greater day for Ireland. Long live the new Irish Free State.”

    Immediately after the treaty was ratified by the Irish Republican parliament, Garvey issued the following announcement:
    d. Some time last night the Irish Parliament, with a majority of seven, voted for the ratification of the agreement . . . thus elevating Ireland and the Irish people from the position of serfs, peons, to that of masters.

    The evolution of Garvey’s ideology of political nationalism closely mirrored the rise and fall of the two historic phases of the Irish nationalist movement, namely, the constitutional nationalism of home rule and the revolutionary nationalism of Sinn Fein.

    The harsh and violent transition between the two paved the way for Garvey’s own transitional development. From being dependent on his alliance with the “liberal-minded” wing of the colonial and imperial establishments, Garvey found that his admiration of the revolutionary nationalism of Sinn Fein, under conditions of violent racial upheaval in America, refocused his articulation of the race question: “Africa must be for the Africans, and them exclusively.” This ideological transition, moreover, was enhanced and deepened by Garvey’s identification with the awe-inspiring blood sacrifice of Irish patriotic martyrdom, which symbolized in very dramatic ways both the recovery of Irish political independence and racial redemption. Thus, if Garvey’s rapid entry into the swirling currents of postwar nationalist agitation did contribute to the turbulent quality of the epoch, he was guided to a remarkable degree by the example of the Irish struggle waged both in Ireland and from America.

    The figure most symbolic of the Irish movement was Eamon de Valera. As Garvey admitted in July 1932, “we have watched his career for several years both in Ireland and the U.S.A., where he carried on a relentless propaganda in the interest of Irish Republicanism.” He stated further, “we understand him (de Valera) and the spirit of the people he represents.” In the long shadow cast by the totemic figure of Eamon de Valera, Garvey’s perception of politics experienced a radical new life, while the black republicanism of the UNIA’s political program of African self-determination was emblematic of revolutionary Irish republicanism between 1919 and 1921.

  18. Does anybody know if Karl Watson’s article “Walk & Nyam Buckra” is available online ?
    ( Is the rough english translation “poor homeless white folk” ? )

  19. I read O’Callaghan’s book about 7 years ago. As an Irish American, I found it fascinating so when I visited Barbados I went over to that area to see what I could see. Despite O’Callaghan’s warnings in his book that they (RL’s) weren’t friendly, I had a couple wave to me as I drove through up a hill in my rental car. I stopped at a bar down the hill and spoke to the very kind owner. Then I actually met a Poor white in person. He was at the bar and had no shoes on which sort of surprised me. He was a nice fellow. We chatted a bit, he and I and my wife. Just one Irish descendant to another. I haven’t been to Barbados in a few years but I look forward to getting back. The people are as nice as anyplace I’ve been and I drove all over the island exploring from one end to the other.

  20. well done john, I commend you for seeking out what these people are really like and am glad you discovered what you did because it gives me great heart to believe your story as opposed to the usual stereotyping that follows with people in similars social circumstances world wide for example the same would be said of native americans, aboriginies and of course what was said by the brits about the irish themselves back in the day, which was they are or were dangerous drunks,lazy, inbreed and cannot be helped so should be left to rot. In all these situations with these different races are choked and welded into this sub-human life by devastating after effects of been raped of their culture and rightful place on this earth. nobody can change the past but through testimonies like yours john and the acceptance of responibility by thei Irish and the brits, maybe just maybe things could change for these irish decendents robbed from their land and sent to hell, but you know what john your word and people like yourself can cause in effect more positive good than any government effort so more power to ya john. Some day i will make the visit myself. Slan!

  21. I find this discussion quite fascinating. I’d been aware of poor whites in the West Indies for some time, and took the opportunity of being in Barbados to poke around Scotland district, where I did indeed see some ‘red*egs’. I also had the opportunity to meet some white Bajans, who I found a bit strange if I am frank. To be honest, I doubt that many of them have a great deal of Irish or Scottish blood. It is merely fashionable to claim to have some, as many Americans do. I do think that the Bajan accent has more than a passing resemblance to the Irish/Scottish, but I noticed the white Bajan accent is quite different – I thought it was more like the Trinidad accent, having a vaguely South Wales Valleys quality to it. Looking at the history of Barbados I noticed that the original colony ships set sail from places like Bristol, Southampton and Liverpool, and the surnames of white Bajans seem to be surnames that are common in these parts of Britain – e.g. Gooding, Greaves,Marshall, Cole, Beale, Davis, King, Gibson – all common around South West England and South Wales – Medford – common in Cheshire and Liverpool. Fenty is one of the few classic white Bajan surnames that is certainly Scottish in origin, being a very rare surname in Fife. If you are a white Bajan there is a strong chance you will find your ancestors not in lists of Irish ‘slaves’ but in the lists of Bristol servants e.g.

    Not of course to denigrate the poor treatment of many indentured servants!

  22. my name is rhea bown i go to school at queens college my fiiends are davina shona and somalia i am in 1delta shona is really ugly my friend is also terryann

  23. Pingback: Government to help Irish in Barbados? | – about Irish emigration and the diaspora

  24. The Scots Gaelic for ‘God” is ‘Dia’ pronounced ‘Ja’. I’ve been told the word for ‘God’ also sounds the same in the Barbados. Is this just a coincidence?

  25. Malachi Doyle

    Does anyone know of any charitable organisations working with these poor white groups in Barbados?
    Web searches have yielded nothing so far.


  26. sirvancealot

    maybe they like being RED better than Black or White or Brown !!!

  27. My father was black, my mother white & from the then British Guiana, now Guyana. As a boy growing up in Port of Spain Trinidad I was called ‘redman’ even by adults & children who knew me well. My christian name David was rarely used. This was my recollection from about the age of 9 or so, onwards. When I became a teenager, redman started to change to David.
    When I emigrated to America as a young man in the mid fifties. In the southern states, I was called ‘boy’!
    Laugh? I nearly cried.
    Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados….I love you so.

  28. I am from Ireland just returned from a trip to Barbados having read Sean O’Callaghan’s To Hell or Barbados. Although we toured the island I only spotted 2 people who looked vaguely Irish to me! We Irish always recognise each other abroad even though the Irish “look” can vary considerably. Although finally at the airport we were met by a young white man who told us he was of Irish descent – finally. Sadly the National Museum at Garrison Savannah does not give one mention to this strata of Bajan society, it is like they have been airbrushed out

  29. John MacLean from Scotland & Neil Johnston from Barbados:

    As it happens, 30th November marks the anniversary of the death of that great Scottish internationalist and workers’ republican, John Maclean , who was imprisoned for his beliefs. Now, it is not usual to celebrate deaths, but when Maclean died, on November 30th, 1923, a massive demonstration accompanied his funeral. Workers commemorated his life of resistance and struggle.

    Furthermore, it is thought that Maclean died of pneumonia, partly because he generously loaned his only overcoat to a visiting black socialist, Neil Johnston, from Barbados. Maclean put his internationalism into practice, whether over support for struggles in Ireland and India, or for overseas comrades visiting Scotland.
    Allan Armstrong , SSP , Edinburgh

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  31. I’m Canadian of Irish descent, and I’m going to Barbados soon, I hope I run into one of my long-lost cousins down there! I loved reading about the links between Irish independence and the struggle of blacks for justice and freedom.

    Freedom for all oppressed people, everywhere!

    Eire go bragh!

  32. Malachi Doyle

    You may not get a warm reception. The redlegs live in abject poverty from what i’ve heard and suffer from a variety o diseases especially diabetes. Hundreds of years after Cromwell and his brother are gone their legacy lives on.

  33. Very interesting documentary on Scots transported to Barbados –

  34. Samuel Greene

    I as a Barbadian and a history buff I would appreciate a copy of this rich and historical documentary. My address, “ Thank you.

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  36. gerry molyneaux

    why have the irish government done zilch to try anf contact and help REDLEGS.ridiculous.i am interested in going there to record and document their history,language style,and interesting as the black irish of montserrat-the only place outside IRELAND that celebrates ST PATRICKS DAY,and has an IRISH coat of arms.

  37. Davy Marzella

    Re: video link above on Barbados’ed – Scotland’s Sugar Slaves , broadcast on BBC Scotland 2009 – has been removed from YouTube – Here’s link to first 13mins