Boycott The Nation Newspaper!

one_caribbean_mediaSome Barbadians can remember when the Nation newspaper was born and its focus was on people and the community. It was a newspaper which many Barbadians eagerly lined-up to purchase to savour the richness of the content. The focus then of the Nation was on finding the story. Fulfilling the advertising pages was almost an afterthought. Then it was gone, sold to One Caribbean Media. A few people needed to secure a golden parachute and since then a key stakeholder of our Fourth Estate has been in a comatose state.

The current brouhaha caused by an alleged threatening telephone call  by government advisor Hartley Henry to Sunday Sun Editor Carol Martindale is another case of a weak media exposed. The unprofessional haste with which the Nation newspaper ran to press with what any first year law student would dismiss as a flimsy case should make Barbadians sit up and ask why. Instead there is the predictable response along party lines.

What is this story which according to reports occurred Saturday afternoon and merited Frontpage news on Sunday? A telephone call between Henry and Martindale where he allegedly threatened the Sun Editor if she did not give prominence to the CADRES poll in the Sunday Sun next day. In her defense a Nation staffer Maria Bradshaw heard part of the conversation between Martindale and Henry. We should note Henry is known to Martindale for many years. Another important point is the fact Henry is an advisor to the government; he is not an elected member of parliament or member of the Cabinet of Barbados. The final point to note is to recognize the practice of government officials over the years calling friends and others in the media to ensure news favourable to them is published; sometimes using the most muscular of language, it is done by private sector companies as well.

Again we ask what would have merited the Nation management rushing with unholy haste to write to international media organs to press a claim of harassment of the media by the Barbados government. It also is puzzling why the Royal Barbados Police Force would have been summons in the circumstances. Our sources indicate the conversation was NOT taped. We have now learned from Prime Minister Thompson that Henry spoke to Martindale in the presence of three persons.  Martindale has one witness who heard part of the conversation. Three to one is said to be murder!

Where the hell was the Nation newspaper when the region was kicking our asses over the immigration matter? They were rehashing baseless stories published in the Guyana newspapers unfavourable to Barbados.

Where the hell was the Nation newspaper for all these years when they were operating with a defunct Barbados Association of Journalists which has recently been resuscitated.

What the hell does the Nation stand for?  Ooops we remember now; you have sold your soul for 30 pieces of silver to corporate Barbados!

Where the hell was the Nation newspaper when former Editor of the Advocate newspaper Reudon Eversley was hounded out of a job? What champion what cause for 36 years what!?!

Where the hell is the Nation newspaper when many of their reporters over the years have been known to curry favours from the private sector in return for…?

Where the hell is the Nation newspaper when they turned their backs to the indiscretions of Roy Morris? Look where it has landed the man now.

Where the hell was the Nation newspaper when the government asked companies to hold strain given the depressed economic conditions but OMC/Nation newspaper was one of the first companies to shed staff despite profit making. The sell out by Harold Hoyte et al of the Nation newspaper will besmirch their legacy now and forever.

Finally, we have media practitioner Kim J Young condemning the action of Henry ; yet she was the one shouting at CBC for outing the personal business of the Nigerian nurses.

In time BU will say some more on this matter. Until such time we reiterate our position for the government to yank advertising from the Nation for 60 days. We also urged Barbadians if they must read the Nation to do it online. Show people power and boycott the Port of Spain controlled newspaper!

238 responses to “Boycott The Nation Newspaper!

  1. One day Dave gun cut my backside fuh posting dese irrelvant posts but, in d meantime, I tank e fuh e patience!!

    Laad a mercy!! 🙂

  2. Johnnie Too Bad

    Bimbro each to his own. Whatever makes you happy at night , but when dem Tories drive yuh out, I got a piece a land wid yuh name it, but I have to warn yuh, the price climbing all the time, I know wunna Bajan Brits love to pay cash. Don’t make me wait too long.

  3. “Do not believe that because we are putting new structures in place at the Urban Development Corporation that we are not at the same time creating and building a file on all that we discovered and all that went wrong. It’s not over yet.”
    I wonder what the PM found on Hammie, who claims he is about to rejoin the DLP.

  4. If wunna mus ascribe a term to me other than Barbadian then please describe me as an expatriate-Barbadian! I doan know wha a Returnee is, I have no intres in knowing an, I certainly have NO intention of being one!! And, I’ve no intention of suffering the humiliation of some immigration officer asking me how long I inten to stay in d country uh my birth!! Dem does ask dat of the Indians?!!

    Johnnie, tanks fuh d lan!! Yuh know we rich, eh?!!


  5. Yuh c, dat’s d difference between Arthur or Thompy being PM and my being PM, when, everyone we allowed into the country would be greeted with a ‘welcome Sir/Madam’! That’s a big difference!!

  6. Johnnie, word of warning; over hay we’re accustomed to buying our houses, already-built, not first buying the land and then constructing the house and all the aggravation that must necessarily, entail!! No boa, we caan bodda wid all dah stress so, if u want to make some quick bucks from the Brits, that’s what ud need to do, my friend. Build and secure the title and you’ll have our interest!!

  7. The Democratic Labour Party cannot talk anything about not victimizing people in Barbados.

    There is a case at the Treasury Department in Bridgetown where a young lady who worked as a substitute for at least two years was replaced by a relative of a minister in this DLP government.About two weeks ago the minister’s relative came into the Treasury and accosted the substitute worker telling her that she come for her job.The substitute worker made enquiries and was subsequently told that yes the minister’s relative will be taking up her post from the following week.

    At this moment that dismissed substitute is still at home unemployed.


    Workers in Barbados are victimized under both political parties.BLP,DLP same thing.

  8. Kim you do have courage to post on BU. We do have some rabid DLP commenters and given your history to use your name is brave indeed.


    PS. We believe you, you are not J.

  9. @BU.David…

    So, by deductive logic, may we also all conclude that J is not Kim?

    Welcome Kim. Please keep being brave.

    It is an empowering (and empowered) position, once you “make the leap of faith”….

  10. @Chris

    Good to see the channel is clear.

  11. Adrian Hinds aka Tall_Boy

    If the “young” person does not call my name I will not have any reason to call theirs. However I make no such promises when stating facts.

  12. Frank you marry this Kim woman fah trut’? She brave boy, but wha da say ’bout you?

  13. If the majority of Barbadians held the views of Negroman this country would be doomed. Countries in Africa have blacks controlling businesses etc. and look at the perpetual state of poverty they find themselves in.

    If you’re such a Negroman then repatriate to a country in Africa. I doubt it very much if you would be accepted though seeing you wouldn’t be part of any tribe.

    If you’re pushing for the expulsion of the “white trash” and “indo trash”, why not kick out the “Black Barbadians” and give the original people , the Amerindians, back their land?

  14. Scientist yuh dumb ass
    European are controlling major businesses in Europe,check the state of many European states.Poland,Belarus,Romania to name a few are in a mess.Chinese are controlling major businesses in China check the state of China with thousands of Chinese fleeing China.Indians are controlling major businesses in India check the state India is in with the catching of rats as a industry in that country.
    Scientist your argument is weak & feeble.There are failed states all over this world.The powerful United States of America the richest country in the world has millions of people living in abject poverty.What is your point yuh nit-wit.

    Scientist yuh intellectually bankrupt ass if you are honest with your pathetic self and truly understand the significant damage that was done to Africa as a result of slavery and the continuing stealing of African resources by the thieving,lazy,despicable sub-human Europeans you will not come on this blog and post the crap that you have posted.

    Scientist go and create a formula that will make you,the murderous sub-human Europeans,the despicable rat catcher/mango seller Indians and the nasty Chinese disappear from this earth.

  15. Mr. Negroman:

    Don’t you find it hard switching styles between being Mr. Negroman and being the other personalities that you are in these discussions?

    I withdraw the question.

    You really are an interesting group of people, Mr. Negroman. Doubtless Mr. Halsall already knew that.

    All best to you and yours.

  16. Negroman ha ha ha ha lol lol!!!

  17. **Adviser to the President**

    EXPLAIN -RAT CATCHER to me -I dont get that one

  18. **Adviser to the President**

    Bonny Peppa // August 26, 2009 at 10:11 PM

    Tell me , tell me , how you get sa foolish? Tell me , tell me.
    Ya idjit.

    I am advising (I nearly said warning) YOU to leave me alone.

    I did not trouble you. You started it by attacking me. I am advising you to stop it.

    I come to this blog not to fight with anyone. I come to be simplistic , to de-stress, make a little joke, provoke sometimes and just be some one else for a minute or two and then move on.

    Leave me alone!

    Stop interferring with me. Stop attacking me.

    I did not trouble you.

  19. **Adviser to the President** // August 29, 2009 at 1:21 AM


    This is a blog. No one needs your permission to “attack”, “bother”, or “trouble” you. Anytime you post here, or at any other blog, you are fodder for the commentators. That is what a blog is all about.

    Even Fool and the Jack know that.

  20. Adrian Hinds

    I am in Boston listening to chutney by ZAN and drinking some rum. ha ha ha lol!

  21. **Adviser to the President**

    Please Dont mis-understand me.

  22. Negroman, that’s an interesting diatribe against the Europeans especially as Africans, regard you, the descendant of slaves, as shit! What does that say about your level of intelligence?

  23. Negroman, further, to whom do u owe most for being alive today, blacks or whites and Asians? When the white and Asian man was busy inventing the medicines which keep u and your family alive, the blacks were busy wukking-up, dancing to reggae and hip-hop! Is the answer still too difficult for u to work out!!

  24. Now, calm down and c the situ in it’s true perspective!!

  25. i.e. which, in case ur still not clear, is that you’ve a lot to be grateful to them for!!

  26. i was recently oh bfp and the only time that they get lots of comments is when they criticise bu. rok negroman and hopi r taking a licking . well,well,well. as my friend would say i smell a grudge lollolol thanks chris for representing bu lollo.lololool

  27. Thanks Anonymous…

    For the record, I am *not* BU. I have never even met BU.David.

    I often don’t agree with BU’s position(s)…

    But like any solderer (which I am not), I may disagree with those I fight for, but I will fight to the end for their rights, because I believe in the greater good….

  28. See the press release put out by the BAJ and carried by the Association of Caribbean Media Workers.

  29. @ David// September 1, 2009 at 5:03 Am
    Could I suggest that you put this statement up as a thread on its own?

  30. mash up & buy back

    I don’t agree that the BAJ statement deserves a seperate thread.

    This statement has been repeated in the press a few times already.

    In addition on its own the statement says nothing enlightening,however giving it a seperate thread will ensure that international visitors to this site will see this unfair maligning of Barbados by those at the Nation newspaper.

    Please don’t reward bad behaviour.

  31. Wha’ happen mash? You frighten for the truth?

  32. @ mash up & buy back // September 1, 2009 at 9:18 AM

    You seem to be concerned about input on this topic from our “international visitors”! Why??

  33. @MUBB

    I have to agree with you. This does not represent a genuine attack on press freedom nor freedom of speech.

    The mere fact that the Nation could print and re-print and expose and re-expose is testament to that fact.

    Ask yourself the questions:

    1. What is the threat from Government?

    2. Even though a threat is alleged, to what extent is Government threatening the media?

    3. How far can a Government go when it feels that the media is withholding information and feeding the public with less than creditable information?

    4. This matter was about giving prominence to information and not the muzzling of the media house in particular as is the usual complaint about press freedom. It seems somewhat of a contradiction that Government is trying to force the media to publish information of national importance and significance; nothing short of what was done for Wickham polls in the past?

    This brings us to another point because you should not feel that the media is so innocent at times. There is something called media abuse, which we should charge the Nation with. Take this extract from a paper on media abuse:

    “Although media outlets can be actively used to promote conflict, media can also contribute to conflict involuntarily. Such passive incitement to violence most frequently occurs when journalists have poor professional skills, when the media culture is underdeveloped or when there is little or no history of independent media. Under such circumstances, journalists can inflame grievances and promote stereotypes by virtue of the manner in which they report, even though their intentions are not necessarily malicious and they are not being manipulated by an outside entity.”

    Anybody see anything familiar in the above?

  34. @J

    What is the truth? That the Nation refuse to give prominence? That the Nation are a staff of weaklings and cry babies?

    If I was running that newspaper, Mr. Hartley Henry would not have to call me. It is a question of journalistic judgment. How could you as a responsible journalist not contemplate giving prominence to such information?

    This story need turning around to show the adept incompetence and irresponsibility of the Nation. many cases of this can be cited, even in its giving prominence to crime and massaging the egos of criminals who wallop in the glory of having their photos in the newspaper. It adds to their stature and the impacts on impressionable youth.

    What are you really saying? You is a BLP die hard? Or you just don’t like the DLP? You got shares in the Nation then? What is it? There is absolutely no substance in this story that adds to the stock of knowledge or information in this or any society.

  35. Just read the Press release and wonder did the BAJ issue the statement on its own letterhead? Or was it waiting for the Assoc. of Caribbean Media Workers to facilitate the release?.

    Can Ms Lynch-Foster an employee of the Nation be counted as one who will be independent in any dispute between the Nation and Henry?

    Speaking of “Boycotting the Nation” I would second that based on the pablum of their Internet offering. Barbados is known for its literate and educated population and yet the Internet edition pales in comparison to those offered by its sister dailies in Trinidad; Guyana and Jamaica though they are all owned by the same corporate entity.


    Hey — R O K
    cool it man !

    Take a break !- a BIG break bro, an extended break—

    Man yuh dont have to post on every topic yuh know.

    Others on the blog feel the same way but they dont want to tell yuh

  37. @BP

    Tell that to the rest that commenting on every topic. I look like the weak link in the chain? The truth too blaring coming from me? What is your problem?

    From what you have contributed so far with your non-contributions, you should take your own advice.



    I hear yuh man !

    So that means that you will be taking a break or that you will continue. which one is it ?

    R-O-K -STAR

  39. Some more on media abuse:


    Overemphasis on certain grievances, inequities, or atrocities. This tactic can create the impression that circumstances are worse than they really are and that a particular group is more victimized than it actually is. If the overemphasized grievance or inequity is particularly sensitive, such as a religious issue or an issue concerning the use of natural resources, excessively negative reporting can be particularly inflammatory. Overemphasis adds fuel to the fire by creating the impression that a group is being intentionally discriminated against and that the situation is particularly dire, even though neither of these impressions may be accurate. Discrimination may be present, but the size and scope of the discrimination may be exaggerated in the media; thus, the ‘victimized’ group is given added incentive and justification for reprisal, regardless of whether their grievances are actually legitimate.”

  40. Heck!!!!! Come on guys and gals, especially ROK.

    Do tell me, what will we get out of the bias behaviour of banning the Nation? Which other newspaper will we as citizens of Barbados refer for local, regional and international information? Do we have a replacement print media that can give us up-to-date news regarding Barbados and Barbadians? Do you expect the Advocate can step up to the plate? Regardless of the shortfall at the Nation, I can tell you that it is by far a better paper and ROK, your community outreach program were portray glowingly by the same medium you are trying to cry down.

    Your friend

  41. TMW

    Regardless of the shortfall at the Nation, I can tell you that it is by far a better paper

    Better is a relative term, my question is better than what? When the Nation was launched it was supposed to be the voice of the people and a counterpoint to the Advocate which was then seen as the voice of the merchant group/ruling hierarchy. Back then a lot of lofty ideas were expressed, what do we have today? A regurgitator of the Minister said this; the Minister said that etc. What up to date news reflecting Barbadians? Unless you count stories like a domestic dispute in which the male partner damaged the dildo belonging to his spouse as up to date news. How about an opinion piece from a guest columnist who wrote the following? “Children born to middle and upper class families are born with genetic predisposition to be intelligent “.

    Better than what?

  42. @TMW
    “and ROK, your community outreach program were portray glowingly by the same medium you are trying to cry down.”

    After years of begging for some space in the Nation for NGOs and Civil Society; all during CSME to help share and spread the information; From 2002 to 2008, I begged for space to share important information and the Editor never budged.

    However, the Advocate, as much as you talk about them, ran my articles in their weekly Monday papers for three years.

    Up to late last year, I asked about it and offered some other material. They wanted the other material but not NGO interests, so they got nothing. I should have gone back to the advocate because my only beef with them was that they did not even want to give me a copy of the Monday papers which is all I asked for. I did not ask for payment for the articles and it seems that many people used to look forward to that little bit.

    To be fair, I will try both one more time but not giving a voice to the NGO sector seems a bit strange for a paper which you would think would give voice to even minorities.

  43. ROK asked on September 1st at 10:40 a.m.

    “You is a BLP die hard? J is NOT a BLP diehard.

    “Or you just don’t like the DLP?” J does not like nor dislike either the BLP or the DLP. J has voted for many times the DLP amd J has voted many times for the BLP. hopes to vote for both parties many, many, more times.

    Happy now ROK?

  44. And alas J does NOT have shares in the Nation (or again alas in any other company)

    Woe is me.

  45. Sargeant wrote on September 1, 2009 at 10:47 AM…”Can Ms Lynch-Foster an employee of the Nation be counted as one who will be independent in any dispute between the Nation and Henry?”

    Do you have any evidence that Ms. Lynch-Foster is unable or unwilling to act independently in her role as President of the Barbados Association of Journalists?

    Or is it that your political partisanship has blinded you to the possibility that some people have INTEGRITY?

  46. • Or is it that your political partisanship has blinded you to the possibility that some people have INTEGRITY?
    Would you ensure your brain is engaged before putting your mouth in gear? I simply asked a question and you jumped in with an accusation about my supposed “political partisanship”.

    If I wanted to question Ms Lynch Foster’s credibility I would have done so directly and while we are on the subject why don’t you produce evidence of Ms Lynch Foster’s “Integrity”?

  47. Still can’ get past the fact that after firing a whole lot of people from Starcom, the board could approve giving Vic Fernandes an 2009 Audi Q-7 luxury SUV.. My God!

  48. @BAFBFP

    Better still is STARCOM running promos to show how they care about Barbadians by bringing the Ryan Brathwaite races and others from the World Championships, guess what? They sent home the WHOLE sports department!

  49. David

    Makes me sick.

    Those asses rushed at the last minute to get a sponsor (Days Bookstore – sucker) for the broadcasting of the Ryan Braithwaite race at the World Championships. It was an after thought probably when they realised that CBC was not going to cover it. Now they are trying to take the piss out of CBC (who deserve to be criticised but not by people who work in a glass house)
    I wonder, had the lady at Days not fallen for it, would they still have broad cast the race?

  50. However, the Advocate, as much as you talk about them, ran my articles in their weekly Monday papers for three years.
    But ROK, be honest, don’t you think that you could have gotten this article reproduced on another page. The pages are void of stories.

  51. Still can’ get past the fact that after firing a whole lot of people from Starcom, the board could approve giving Vic Fernandes an 2009 Audi Q-7 luxury SUV.. My God!

    HA HA HA LOL I can see your face ha ah ahahahahahahahlolololo

    Welcome to Barbados!

  52. Wishing In Vain

    Is the same Kim that once attempted to host a call in show and was so poor a host that she was never asked to host a second time???

    Such a waste of time extending energy on clowns like this one, really just a wasted effort.

  53. Gear Box,
    you convince now dat i in Kim Young. She uup in cold ass U.K an i rite hay wid you in hot ass Bim.
    Lawddddddddd sen de rain nah.

  54. No thanks! lol! I haven’t had to throw a big rock at anyone in a very long time and I still have a good aim, so I will make sure that my visits to London keeps me out of throwing range from you. lol!

  55. mash up & buy back

    Has any one else notice that the Nation on line’s articles are getting less and less and they are sometimes putting up the on line version late?

    I believe they have been reading this BU article about boycotting the Nation and are trying to hit back.

    This has to be a decision of vivian gittens and roxanne gibbs,because the other regional newspapers belonging to One Media e.g. Jamaica Observer,Starbroek,Trinidad express etc they are all giving very full on line publications.

    I feel so good keeping my $1.00,or $2.50 in my pocket.

    I am putting my money where my mouth is.

  56. truthalwayscomes out

    veritas I think kim young harrassed so many people with friviolous lawsuits , liable suits , slanders she has been using a different name. She is a well known liar and a troubled person . I can’t think of anyone with an ounce of sense who would quote her.

  57. Kim that troublemaker I thought she finally left Barbaros which she wouldn’t be missed at all. No more lies out of her mouth.

  58. veritas Kim she still likes to use your name thinking it gives her merit/status .I am sure that you wish she would rather not disgrace your name and reputation with her antics and outbursts. I wonder how long before the marriage was annulled? Because of mer MPS Multiple personality syndrome she so suffers from the many screen names she has entertained us with? I must say how did you come to marry the likes of her in the first place? You must have run for the hills when you realized what a truly evil person you were with,
    She attempted to do so many things but can never master none! My blessings to you.