Fire In The City That Killed 6 people (possibly 7, one female may have been pregnant)

Submitted by The Gospel Knight Rider

Incensed by this recent EVIL act that occurred in Tudor Street, people are again crying out for hanging. THIS IS RIDICULOUS; in about two weeks we will be back where we were before.

You see we have leaders that are void of principles, they take stands based on public opinion and in the case of hanging; they (our leaders) stand with the international community (Amnesty International and the likes). If you do not have a stance based on principle, it can be said; if you stand for nothing, then you will fall for anything. Its this falling for anything that we as a people are seeing our society go down the hill of moral decay. Until leaders be leaders, and until leaders stand for principles that encourage a strong and righteous society (what ever happened to Biblical principles that made western civilization so strong); then we will follow the road of so many other societies that are failing. Let Tudor Street be a wake up call.

From an earlier post – “We have to move out of the past and into today’s world to stay relevant; again someone has to make it happen and stop talking. We need movers not talkers. We need action not eloquent speeches. We need strong leaders, not well spoken wimps.”

Onward Christian Soldiers

187 responses to “Fire In The City That Killed 6 people (possibly 7, one female may have been pregnant)

  1. ← If There Is A Time For Leaders In Barbados To Act Surely It Is Now; A Human Tragedy Which May Be The Tipping Point – Wither Ms Ram’s Game Room?Regional Trade Unionists Invited To A LIME By LIME, ALL Expenses Paid → Fire In The City That Killed 6 people (possibly 7, one female may have been pregnant) Posted on September 5, 2010 by David| 180 Comments Submitted by The Gospel Knight Rider Incensed by this recent EVIL act that occurred in Tudor Street, people are again crying out for hanging. THIS IS RIDICULOUS; in about two weeks we will be back where we were before. You see we have leaders that are void of principles, they take stands based on public opinion and in the case of hanging; they (our leaders) stand with the international community (Amnesty International and the likes). If you do not have a stance based on principle, it can be said; if you stand for nothing, then you will fall for anything. Its this falling for anything that we as a people are seeing our society go down the hill of moral decay. Until leaders be leaders, and until leaders stand for principles that encourage a strong and righteous society (what ever happened to Biblical principles that made western civilization so strong); then we will follow the road of so many other societies that are failing. Let Tudor Street be a wake up call. From an earlier post – “We have to move out of the past and into today’s world to stay relevant; again someone has to make it happen and stop talking. We need movers not talkers. We need action not eloquent speeches. We need strong leaders, not well spoken wimps.” Onward Christian Soldiers Tell your friends about this blog: Email Print Facebook Share Digg Reddit StumbleUpon Press This ——————————————————————————– Possibly related posts: (automatically generated) Sadness and Condolences for the Victims in Perm 25 Slain in Mexican City; Deadliest Day in 2 Years Self-Immolation at Russian Nursing Home Kills 9 Russian man arrested in Spain after nightclub fire that killed 156 – This entry was posted in Barbados, Barbados News, Crime, Morality, leadership. Bookmark the permalink. ← If There Is A Time For Leaders In Barbados To Act Surely It Is Now; A Human Tragedy Which May Be The Tipping Point – Wither Ms Ram’s Game Room?Regional Trade Unionists Invited To A LIME By LIME, ALL Expenses Paid → 180 Responses to Fire In The City That Killed 6 people (possibly 7, one female may have been pregnant) Georgie Porgie | September 5, 2010 at 10:22 PM | “We have to move out of the past and into today’s world to stay relevant TODAYS WORLD IS CORRUPT MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE AND GENERALLY LED BY MORONS ; again someone has to make it happen and stop talking. TODAYS WORLD IS FULL OF TALKERS NOT DOERS. DOERS ARE DESTROYED AND MOCKED! Re We need movers not talkers. HOW CAN YOU MOVE WHEN YOU ARE SCHACKLED. HOW CAN THE MOVERS AND DOERS MOVE AND DO WHEN THEY ARE ENVIED AND DESTROYED? Have you ever seen the movie The Count of Monte Christo? The attitude that sent Edmund Dantes to the Chateau D’ if is alive and well today all around the world and IN BARBADOS! Re We need action not eloquent speeches. CORRECT ACTION IS INIMICABLE TO THOSE IN POWER AND THOSE WHO HOLD THEIR PURSE STRINGS Re We need strong leaders, not well spoken wimps.” Well spoken wimps have always and will always survive! IT IS TO THEIR ADVANTAGE. Re Onward Christian Soldiers Where are these soldiers? Christian or otherwise. Georgie Porgie | September 5, 2010 at 10:39 PM | When ever there is a crisis there is talk talk talk. amd amidst the talk there is little substance, because substance is not a function of the volume of talk. But there have been some who have been giving solutions for years, and were never given the chance; while morons progressed because they were bulling, in lodges in the party in power or just plain approximaters of orae labiae to the adipose tissue of some one’s glutei maximorum. The crisis this week end is because no one was prepared for anyone to do the dastardly deed as it was done. So stop crying about spilt milk . THINK HOW YOU WOULD GO FOWARD. The fire fighters were not in possession of simple tools because it is MORE IMPORTANT TO IMPRESS THE POPULACE WITH NEW SHINY FIRE TRUCKS! At the opening of the Arch Hall Station at the beginning of the millennium, during the fire drills put on for the attendees, a fire officers had some minor medical problems. There was not even aspirin or panadol or bandaids or a kit with basic materials to treat the problems. The officers had to be sent to the QEH, but there was a new shiny truck! Did the guys in line for promotion capable of getting even these basics correct. A moron will now come and say you are a Dr how tou know about treaing Fire Officers. And I am not to stamp on him? I have worked at a clinic where the Head Nurse chastised me for teaching student nurses, She said I was putting to much in thier heads. I have had to deal with a MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH who when I suggested that we could use postmen in the care of the elderly in thier homes, who scoffed at me and said that they were untrained. He then took the idea up the line to Branford Taitth The Minister at the time, who brandished it as his idea— in the same way that Donville is brandishing my ideas around to day. Where are these soldiers and leaders? WHERE THERE IS NO VISION THE PEOPLE PERISH as some did last week end….. and it will continue. Georgie Porgie | September 5, 2010 at 10:50 PM | Our children see thier parents agonizing about the way they are treated at work. They hear us talk about the morons that are their superiors, and they ask WHY SHOULD I KILL MYSELF TO END UP LIKE YOU . Then we ask why the children are on drugs on the block. Then we vote for the same leaders next election. And now we can come on BU and tal talk talk a load of you know what! Hilarious. Simply hilarious. Very good entertainment. Truth is most of you that complaining on the take just like the leaders. Most of you passive like mice at work and you draw your salaries and hope in vain for better. Ah lie? And then you talk about Soldiers? David and I said lets close down Ms Ram fire trap, and two morons started to quetion and “challenge”. And then we get a homily about Onward Christian soldiers! Hilarious! Simply hilarious. KISSMYA | September 5, 2010 at 10:55 PM | tut! tut ! all talk not serious about anything just talk…………………. GEORGIE PORGIE SHUT UP ! Georgie Porgie | September 5, 2010 at 11:01 PM | You are an example you have nothing to offer. I have a track record home and elsewhere! You like the rest can only attack me and Challenge, but what have you ever achieved anywhere? hopi | September 5, 2010 at 11:57 PM | @Georgie Porgie……….Let me tell you something. When you were a little ‘cowardly christian,’ just sitting by and waiting for ‘god’ to come back for you, I found you pathetic. [‘Christ’ was no wimp nor coward] But, I’m loving the ‘new’ GP. My kinda MAN in spite of the fact that we are often in opposition. One sure thing that will put out fire is water. So drown dem…all o’ dem. If you really examine Barbados, you have nothing but a bunch of corrupt, degenerate twats and thieves in ‘control.’ Other than Canaan, I don’t know of another piece of real estate with so many thieves per sq ft. Everybody just blast hot CO2 from their pie holes, but none of em dare do a darn thing about it and just watch them return to their stoic state of normalcy. I totally support you on this one, and apologise to NO ONE! So go get yaself a ‘good’ night’s rest, you deserve it! Robert | September 6, 2010 at 3:53 AM | @GP, Yes,, I still hold that you are a “Pharisaic Christian” For a “man of the cloth”, you are SUPER SELF-OPINIONATED; choking with pride. You have an unnatural and uncanny zest in defending yourself. By the way, how is it that you, one who is “saved by the blood of Jesus, ” find it so easy to cut-down and insult bloggers with untempered vulgarity ? Perhaps you have a specialty in cursing too! My dear friend, education, social status and self-declaration of one’s righteousness are not necessarily related to CHARACTER. Let me give you a few examples for homework: 1.Franklin D. Roosevelt -Associated with crooked politicians; had 2 mistresses; drank 8-10 Martinis a day. 2. Winston Churchill – Slept until noon; used opium while in college; drank a quart of wihskey everyday 3. Adolf Hitler – Was a decorated war hero; vegetarian; never committed adultery. 4. GP – Loves to swear on BU! David | September 6, 2010 at 6:35 AM | The BU family has been warning of the inevitable for some time if nobody fills the leadership void in Barbados. Barbadians by their nature are reactive. Regrettable we live in a world which is changing at a frenetic pace, globalization has blurred national boundaries, there is mobility of labour people etc. Barbadians will have to lose the civil service mentality which has served us well in the past and make some changes to respond to the external dynamic. If we don’t there is Jamaica and Guyana to follow. It can surely happen to us. The weeds have been sprouting on our lawn for some time, without pruning what happens? J | September 6, 2010 at 6:49 AM | The Nation is reporting this morning that civil engineer Tony Gibbs, secretary general of the Council of Caribbean Engineering Organisations has said that “One-door business establishments which don’t move to install fire escapes should be closed down.” Mr. Gibbs is also reported to have said that the cost of retrofitting these buildings may be only one day’s worth of sales but that the required legislation is not in place to force builders and building owners to comply I think that we should all press our MP’s to pass the laws to force compliance on builders and building owners. If there are 200,00 voters in Barbados then our MP’s should receive 200,000 letters by the end of week. If enough people speak then the MP’s will have to listen to us now or listen to us on polling day. Dear Mr. or Ms. MP: Since only Parliament has the authority to pass legislation I write to ask you to immediately pass legislation to force builders and building owners to comply with the National Building Code, published in 1993. A question “why are our MP’s still on vacation? I am older that every current sitting MP and I’ve only had 12 vacation days for the year. My question is why do these relatively young, healthy men and woman need so much vacation time. If at my age I can get by on 3 weeks vacation a year so can they. And yes my job is demanding and stressful yes I am in excellent health because I watch what I eat and I exercise regularly. Our 4 year olds are back to school this morning and shamefully our MP’s are still on summer recess. This is disgraceful. Summer recess was likely instituted to give the MP’s a break from the hottest part of the year. But Parliement has long been airconditioned and every single MP has an air conditioned car (or access to one) so why do they still need a months long summer break? I SAY GET THEM BACK TO WORK NOW!!!! anthony | September 6, 2010 at 7:35 AM | Indeed they need to get back to work. J | September 6, 2010 at 7:40 AM | When the National Building Code was published in 1993, three of the young women who died Feriday were 1 year old infants. The grew up to be working tax paying women (even if they were only paying VAT) and voters and still the 30 people who sit in our House, and those who sit in the Senate have not passed the laws required to give force to the building code. This question is addressed to every person – ALL PARTIES – who have sat in the House or the Senate from 1993 to this morning. How can you sit down on a piece of legislation for a whole generation when we pay you so well? The blood of these young women is on your hands. May you never get a night’s sleep until you have done your job. You should hear and see them screaming in agony every time you attempt to close your eyes. Too many lawyers and too many MP’s (no wonder lawyers so like being MP’s) are just plain LAZY. John | September 6, 2010 at 7:51 AM | 3. Adolf Hitler – Was a decorated war hero; vegetarian; never committed adultery ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Adolph Hitler never committed adultery because until a matter of days before his death he had never married. It was thus impossible for him to engage in extra marital sex. Within two days of his marriage however, he (and his wife)committed suicide. Hants | September 6, 2010 at 9:20 AM | The photo in this post shows whaqt appears to be a person in the right side of the window. It could also be a reflection from across the street. @GP you are just one of many Bajan brainiacs whose ideas have been rejected. Some of us lesser mortals have also presented great ideas to the political directorate and have had them dismissed. At least you got GOD on your side GP so you shouldn’t be concerned what us heathens say about Anonymous | September 6, 2010 at 9:45 AM | @ J. “Our 4 year olds are back to school this morning and shamefully our MP’s are still on summer recess. This is disgraceful……….. I SAY GET THEM BACK TO WORK NOW!!!!” I agree with you “J” Seems to me that those who control Parliament’s timetable, have set goals for themselves to get as much rest as possible. View rest as a necessity, not a goal. ONE SHOULD ONLY REST AS LONG AS IS NECESSARY. Over three months a year holidays is way beyond necessary. Anonymous | September 6, 2010 at 9:51 AM | Hants I dont care about these jokers man . A lot of hypocrites. I came on BU turning the otrher cheek for over two and a half years. It must stop! And it will stop. I am me, and as you said God is on my side and he is ONLY is my judge. People does come on here use green vebs and mispell. Not a word. But If GP spell a word, they must comment. GP is opinionated as if every one ekse dont have an opinion. The politically positioned priest in Health has “balls” and is lauded therefor, even when he causes a strike. BUT GP is a man of the cl;oth and must be a wimp. Well I not ordained OK. And if you bounce at GP GP will be hooking and cutting Hants they think they playing “bruise” with GP on Kolij B. It wont be happening. A jackass called Foul Play come here. He dont know me but he talking bout U raise wid out a father and like a girl. This moron says he is a psychoanalyst . Totally wrong. I am the sort of man that sits at the back and listens to every one speaks; andwa it for my turn to speak and when I speak I do so very quietly. They talk about internet etiquette, GP is to be restrained by stupid rules. MY EMPLOYER RECIEVES EMAILS FROM ME IN RED AND IN CAPITALS AND SHE PAYS ME ON TIME EVERY MONTH. AND EVEY LITTLE TING THAT I DO THAT SHE CONSIDERS TO BE EXTRA SHE PUTS AN EXTRA BERRY PON DE CHECK/ And I am to follow what rules on BU. Which of these twits can hire me? I never lie on the blogs to win an arguement. And I bring accurate Medicine and Bible to the forum. I have been mocked called a 3/10 teacher, illogical all kinds of names Why because I can defend my position with a certain amount of flair and panache THAT IS TYPICAL OF OUR CULTURE! Hypocrites. Technician | September 6, 2010 at 10:11 AM | @ GP… Again Fair play I USE CAPITALS FOR EMPHASIS I DO NOT CARE ABOUT INTERNET ETIQUETTE YOU CAN CALL IT SHOUTING IF YOU LIKE. In all fairnes tho man….don’t you follow ‘silly’ rules when you type a resume? Why is internet etiquette silly but yet still you LOL and ROFL? Whether you care or not, at the end of the day, even if you think you are surrounded by morons, manners maketh man (so I was taught). This is not attacking you but I am just surprised at the way you have been behaving on the forum recently. I guess we all have our weaknesses, just didn’t think a man of your calibre would let words be his….oh well, life goes on. Michelle Mayers | September 6, 2010 at 10:14 AM | My heart goes out to those people who perished in that awful place. Yes Satan left his mark. I for one am of the opinion that an eye for eye is the best way. I refuse to get into conversation about the politicians…for years they have done nothing and I will leave this earth and they will continue to go into politics to line their own pockets. Anyone who thinks a politician cares about them is greatly misguided. So my question is when these social cowardly misfits are found should be put them in the prison where they can eat and drink to their hearts content until some ignorant lawyer who also wants his name in the paper comes along and try to convince people that he was abused as a child and should therefore be forgiven or should be feed them with a spoonful of gramoxzone or arsenic every day until we get tired and then fling them over the highest cliff over the sea? Even that sounds too good for them… these people are obviously foreigners as our local boys are not prone to these kinds of crimes. ac | September 6, 2010 at 10:15 AM | @Tech How are you doing. Recently I gave you a shout on ! any way life goes on! keep well! Still reading your postings! islandgal246 | September 6, 2010 at 10:30 AM | My sincerest condolences to the families of those young women who perished in the tragedy on Tudor street. Barbadian society is definitely on a downward spiral. To our leaders When prominent people like the deputy PM would publicly say that he wants Barbados to become the envy of the Caribbean once again, says much about the government’s sense of direction. Things seem only get done when we have an outside audience. Remember how the roads were repaired and landscaped from the airport to Bridgetown before World Cup? Why is there this need for others to envy us? Look at these areas now and see how unkempt they are now. Remember when the head of accident and emergency came out and stated that they are equipped and ready for any emergency during the world cup? Now they cannot even cope with the local emergencies. And to boot they still don’t have a working MRI. Patients are given appointments months later and many cases a year later. Is this what we deserve? We boast of the progress that we have made over the years, yet the system that had worked 40 years ago is still in place. One can sense the apathy that has engulfed the island on a whole. No one wants to lead in case they loose their jobs. Many are biding time waiting for that day when they get that pension cheque. We have elected government officials to serve us and they have failed us miserably. Many departments are not functioning to their fullest potential and are managed by persons who feel that they have a god given right to treat people with contempt and disrespect. Many of the procedures are archaic yet no one seems to be able to implement change that would speed up efficiency. Look at what is happening at Customs at the airport. Visitors to our island are now faced with long hours when clearing customs, because of the installation of security cameras much to the chagrin of Custom Officers. We depend on Tourism for our survival so why are we trying to destroy the sole hand that feeds us. Aren’t we not hurting enough? The tail is definitely wagging the dog and many are burying their heads in the sand. When will we wake up? We have to overhaul the way we do business and until we do many tragedies will unfold. Can we stop trying to impress outsiders, impress us locals by fixing and effecting change where it is badly needed. Time and tide waits on no man! islandgal246 | September 6, 2010 at 10:34 AM | Correction…… lose their jobs and not loose. Michelle Mayers | September 6, 2010 at 10:36 AM | Why do you all think that Ms. Ram cheap hotel which I recommend the Government could use as a prison if they run out of space still goes on. Isnt it because she greases the hands of politicians, police etc all alike and therefore she is allowed to continue bringing her cheap stupid merchandize into barbados. If she was in the states she would not be able to function as a business woman. Business woman my ass she is like one of those cartel bosses. speaking of death traps what about furniture limited, isnt it time that was not only closed down but pushed down as well…. if a little poor man in barbados wanted to build a little tining badoo TCP would carry him to the bone, but if you grease the powers that be hand you could build a whore house and they wont care as long as they were getting a piece of the action. why is it that doctors, lawyers and politicians are imprisoned in all other countries for illegal acts but not in barbados. Is it because they do not commit illegal acts??? Hants | September 6, 2010 at 10:38 AM | @Michelle Mayers who wrote “these people are obviously foreigners as our local boys are not prone to these kinds of crimes.” That kind of illogical thinking can be dangerous. Any ajan who reads the news or watch TV has seen fire bombing and all the heinous criminal activity in the rest of the world and these 2 criminals are copycats. Fortunately Barbados does not have as much crime as some other places in the Caribbean but we have had just as much brutality and horrible crimes committed. David | September 6, 2010 at 10:39 AM | @islandgirl A wonderful encapsulation of the sorry state we now find ourselves. Hants | September 6, 2010 at 10:47 AM | @Islandgal246, It is very easy for us to pontificate but the harsh reality is that Barbados is still a DevelopING country with no natural resources other than people. The recession has hit harder than most Bajans will admit and it will take a world economic recovery for Barbados to benefit from the trickle down effect. The next few years will be difficult for Barbados.Deal with it. Hants | September 6, 2010 at 10:53 AM | @David, Barbados is not yet in a sorry state. Haiti is in a sorry state. Pakistan is in a sorry state. Technician | September 6, 2010 at 10:56 AM | @ ac… I am great! Just got over the first day jitters of the Princess going to Primary School for the first time. islandgal246 | September 6, 2010 at 11:01 AM | Hants………. We have to work with the little we have and not destroy it. We have to stop thinking that we are not part of the big world and that we are immune to what is happening. We have to develop our people to think outside this small box we have trained them to remain in. Many bajans still don’t believe we are in a recession and many who believe , think that it will be over soon. It will be a long haul and we must prepare ourselves mentally and physically. All am saying that we have to wake up, like you said face reality. freewilly | September 6, 2010 at 11:04 AM | R.I.P. to the victims and their families,sad to say there will be no resumption of hanging in Barbados,a ban on smoking maybe but no pop necks..dem can’t even pass ITAL and people want them to hang criminals!!!..not around here. freewilly | September 6, 2010 at 11:07 AM | We need to weed out the collar and tie criminals first before we think about street criminals,you just can’t have one set of people occupying space at Dodds. Anonymous | September 6, 2010 at 11:26 AM | Robert @GP, RE Yes,, I still hold that you are a “Pharisaic Christian” YOU CAN HOLD WHAT YOU LIKE BUT GUESS WHAT? I AM GENUINE! RE For a “man of the cloth”, you are SUPER SELF-OPINIONATED; choking with pride. I AM NOT ORDAINED. YES I HAVE AN OPINION AND I CAN ARTICULATE IT WELL AND I WILL ARTICULATE IT WELL For example I can see that you are a Biblical galactosemic. You need to get your momma to put some lactase in your bottle for a few months then may be we can get you on solid food. Re You have an unnatural and uncanny zest in defending yourself. Yes after having been beaten up here and there now and then especially wid nasty whites AND JOKERS ON BU in med schools I can handle myself. RE By the way, how is it that you, one who is “saved by the blood of Jesus, ” find it so easy to cut-down and insult bloggers with untempered vulgarity ? BLOGGERS WHO WANT CUTTING DOWN WILL BE CUT DOWN. BLOGGERS WHO DEEM TO INSULT ME WILL BE TREATED APPROPRIATELY. I AM TIRED TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK ON BU. HAVE DONE IT FOR TWO YEARS . THAT’S OVER. THANKFULLY MY BEING “saved by the blood of Jesus, ” CAN NOT BE ADJUDICATED BY YOU! YOU THINK I DENIED CHRIST THRICE. PETER WAS FORGIVEN FOR HIS SINS SO WILL I . LOL RE Perhaps you have a specialty in cursing too! I HAVE NO SPECIALTY IN ANYTHING My dear friend, YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND NOT EVEN AN AQUAINTANCE education, MEANS NOTHINgH TO ME ANYMORE social status DON’T GOT NONE OF THAT HERE IN FL AND IN ANY CASE THE WORLD SUSRTEM IS PASSING AWAY DON’T CARE BOUT THAT NO MORE NEITHER and self-declaration of one’s righteousness I DON’T SELF DECLARE MY RIGHTEOUSNESS I BELIEVE GOD BY FAITH AS TAUGHT IN ROMANS 4:4& 5 AND ACCEPT THE RIGHTEOUSNESS HE IMPUTES ON ME YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME BUT AFTER 8 YEARS BLOGGING ON MED SCHOOL SITES I AM IN FINE TRIM CHARACTER? EVERY BODY HAS SOME SORT OF CHARACTER MAN Don’t care about .Franklin D. Roosevelt – Winston Churchill – or Adolf Hitler Georgie Porgie | September 6, 2010 at 11:28 AM | The above is me likkle bobbie Techie Mercy man a resume is not posting on BU. If My employer accepts my style and pays me. Do you think I care what you guys think on BU. I stop caring man. Finito. I learn all that junk bout manners maketh man too I come up strict strict strict, but I never get nutting for that nonsense. Use when I have to these days The ruffians and the roughnecks getting through. Who do you all love and respect on BU? The ones that cuss bad words (that’s considered Bajan) the ones that into racism, etc. Don’t be surprised man. I decide that nice boy meek and mild decent thing don’t work on BU. I weakness is that I cant bear hypocrites and I don’t suffer fools gladly. I giving up all that caliber. It don’t mean anything on BU. Oh yes I love words man. I have a command of the language. You can use them like you use a bouncer. Just put on the weight. You can use them like a googly with puns and double entendre. Sweet sweet. You can attack me all you like man . You see you and Hopi are GENUINE. I always fighting wunnuh. When wunnah get whip wunnah does concede and come another day. But wunnuh does deal wid me straight. You can attack me all you like, man Georgie Porgie | September 6, 2010 at 11:29 AM | ‘Michelle It is not a good idea to feed anyone a spoonful of gramoxzone every day First grammoxone acts more quickly than that and the EFFECTS & SIDE EFFECTS are IRREVERSIBLE. Think of the poor doctors who have to work on these people until they die- for they WILL die. And after they die, they have to go through the formaliy and protocol of trying to resuscitate them. This happened to me on March 31st 1981. It was the last day of my internship and the last day I was on call. And we had one admission. Yes an idiot who wasted some grammoxone. We toiled all night with that man and when he died at 8 am when I ought to be going home from QEH for good I had to waste my time trying to resuscitate a dead man that we knew would die from the time he came in. Georgie Porgie | September 6, 2010 at 12:02 PM | hopi LOL Though I am indeed waiting for ‘god’ to come back for me, I am not at all a little ‘cowardly Christian,. I am genuinely an easy going chap who just loves to laugh. I also love to encourage people. I know that Christ was not ‘a wimp nor a coward. Zoe and I have been saying that hear for a year As a teacher I am quite patient, but on BU year in year out you meet the same morons knowing nothing learning nothing and thinking that googling Wikepadia will give them all the answers. Then they come to “challenge” you. Have you ever seen them likkle white girls challenge the Williams sisters when they really playing well? Did you ever see the WI cricket team of the eighties? Well that is how you deal with challenging morons. When you dealing with challenges of the whites in medical school you tell them anything that comes in to your head and move o. Guess what they think they have won. And you smile because you know that they know nothing, since they don’t even know that you have told them nothing. They need to understand that I am in charge of the class and I will present what I KNOW THEY SHOULD KNOW WHEN I THINK THEY SHOULD KNOW IT. I accustomed going places where I am teaching or some is teaching me something. No one is teaching anything here, and no one is learning. They like to think they know what you know or determine how you should be, while they remain who they are…… MORONS! So when I have little work doing and there is nothing interesting to watch I come here for my entertainment to LAUGH. And I will do it my way. And say it my way ANT TYPE IT MY WAY. DON’T YOU THINK HOPI THAT’S ITS TIME THEY GOT USED TO IT AND ACCEPT ME AS I AM. THEY REALLY THINLTHEY WILL CHANGE ME? Let them wait for the apology especially while holding their breaths. If you really examine Barbados, you have nothing but a bunch of corrupt, degenerate twats and thieves in ‘control.’ Other than Canaan, I don’t know of another piece of real estate with so many thieves per sq ft. NOW THAT’S NAUGHTY HOPI VERY VERY NAUGHTY LOL Let me give you a story about one of our leaders and how they seek to oppress and suppress. In 1998’9 or so, the member for St James North and A minister of Government drove up to the intersection of Highway 1 and Trents with out stopping. He thereby committed a traffic violation according to the laws of Barbados. Now this man is a lawyer and a law maker in Barbados. He was stopped by a very young police, upon which he asked the lad DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? Apparently the lad didn’t know who he was. This big wig drove off and his car went over the policeman’s boot. The lad returned to Holetown Station and reported the incident. The officer in High Command sent the lad to see a doctor TO COVER HIS TAIL The lad was apparently told to say he was OK as that is what he told the doctor Do you know that the maguffy brought charges against the police man? Guess what the doctor did when he read the story in the papers? He wrote the COP and the press (The Investigator) and the Leader of the Opposition. Now here you see an attempt to fire and charge a youngster for doing his work properly and fearlessly. Can we understand why certain codes and laws are not enforced? But when a crisis occurs we here nuff long talk. Or as you put it………”Everybody just blast hot CO2 from their pie holes, but none of em dare do a darn thing about it and just watch them return to their stoic state of normalcy. “ I will tell you a story about the same Ms Ram that two morons saying we shouldn’t close her down or we cant close her down INSTEAD OF GETTING ON THE PHONES AND SETTING UP A BOYCOTT! Guess what, when the inevitable happens, as it surely will, she will get the Insurance money. She will not pay one cent in compensation AND THE BRAYING JACKASSES WILL BE BRAYING AGAIN! aM I crazy | September 6, 2010 at 12:03 PM | All the critics in Barbados about Dodds Prison, tell me what is your position now?. Cost justified to me . I don’t care about cost over 20-30 years, just like I dont care about how mch I pay for my house over 20 or 30 years cause I have and the value of it is more in any case plus the fact that I have the pride of owning. Tell me please , if you think what happens today doesnt demands action today. Dont get short sighted good planning is key and immediate response is neccessary in most sitations. “Fight diamond with diamond”. Crazy world crazy people and lackadaisical leaders. cRAZY PEOPLE NEED TO FEEL PROTECTED TOO. Damn it. Anonymous | September 6, 2010 at 1:02 PM | Oh boy…the GP show continues. I think that GP is enjoying all of this attention that he is getting, be it negative or positive. If we learn to simply ignore GP as if he doesn’t exist, he wouldn’t have to much to shout about. David | September 6, 2010 at 1:06 PM | @Hants To clarify the use of ‘sorry state’. We have to use a benchmark which is tied to high standards which Barbados has always set. Benchmarking to Haiti will not cut it. Anon#5 | September 6, 2010 at 1:37 PM | GP, Don’t you have anythiong to do? A wife to play with? A book to read? A class, as you would have us believe, to teach? Hants | September 6, 2010 at 1:46 PM | @David, Barbados is not in a sorry state. Barbados has done well over the last 50 years but successive governments have not been able to build a sustainable secure economy. A lot of the prosperity in Barbados was built on Tourism,offshore Investments (both risky business) and during the “OSA 14 years a construction boom fuelled by Government overspending and borrowing. Unfortunately then came the recession. None of us saw it coming and we were not prepared. Our standard of living has dropped but it is what it is. anthony | September 6, 2010 at 1:47 PM | we need to move violent crime back into seldom happening Hants | September 6, 2010 at 2:04 PM | @GP who wrote “In 1998’9 or so, the member for St James North and A minister of Government.” wuh de man name? Georgie Porgie | September 6, 2010 at 2:11 PM | Anon #5 What is all this to you? LOl And you can believe what you like LOL What are you doing to save the country and catch the criminals? I am waching tennis. But I check in often to see what entertainment I can get here on BU . LOL Annonymous If we learn to simply ignore GP as if he doesn’t exist, he wouldn’t have to much to shout about. Good idea. Thats cetainly better than trying to chain me or change me LOL If you learn to ignore me, I would still have something in the past and the present and the future to shout about. My past present or future does not depend on any of you. None of you can employ me. LOL Georgie Porgie | September 6, 2010 at 2:13 PM | Hants Rawle Eastman- a struggling lawyer before the BLP came to power in Sept 94. Not struggling now though LOL Georgie Porgie | September 6, 2010 at 2:18 PM | Anthony Its too late now. We wont be turning the clock back Thibnk what you like but this is what is happening even now II Timothy Chapter 3 1. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4. Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7. Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. anthony | September 6, 2010 at 2:37 PM | that chapter has been used in every age when describing itself. but that not to say one shouldn’t always be a peace with lord for one knows not when he call you up. Hants | September 6, 2010 at 2:41 PM | @GP “a struggling lawyer”. Didn’t think such a creature existed in Royalrumble | September 6, 2010 at 2:52 PM | As a parent and a Barbadian let me extend my deepest sympathy to those families who lost love ones in the tragic fire and bosh robbery in Tudor Street on Friday last. I under the pan they feel at this time and trust God will be their spiritual guide and consolation at this time. A Nation’s conscience is rocked to the core whenever these cold criminal acts or committed. It is therefore right to expect a people to be revengeful and outraged by such senseless killings and unfortunate lost of lives. It is in trying times like these that our people turn to our law enforcement to capture the perpetrators of the crime and quell the fears of our citizens. The police force is therefore expected to be operating at full capacity to deliver this level public expectation. It is most unfortunate that Friday’s night blatant lack of respect for human life finds us with a police force that is split down the centre, an obvious sign that its full attention to its core duty of law enforcement is somewhat compromised. The internal fighting between our two top cops cannot be a good thing for this country at this time. In fact, criminals will relish in moments of such instability in the force and can only create greater opportunity for them to pedal their trade. I would like to suggest that this Government through the office of the Attorney General should issue a directive to bring the petty infighting in the force to a complete halt so as to allow the Commissioner of Police to execute his duties in manner commensurate to the seriousness of the growing crime situation in the country. All obstacles in Mr. Dottin’s way must be removed to allow him and the force concentrate on alleviating crime in this country. In a political mood, I find it strange that this so-called “upbeat” Prime Minister who is supposed to be on the job has failed to even issue a public statement offering his sympathy to the families of the six women who lost their lives in the fire. If the PM is upbeat then we must all thank God for the dead amongst us. mash up and buy back | September 6, 2010 at 3:06 PM | I don’t understand. If the women died in a shop in Bridgetown that didn’t have a back exit, why you writing about another place many miles away? It doesn’t make sense. wonder | September 6, 2010 at 3:32 PM | it will take so long by the courts to sentence these after the law catches them they should have a speedy case.The families of the people who lost there life are in grief .I say hang them no trial,lawyers should not take this case money aint all God bless the families that are left to mourn. ac | September 6, 2010 at 3:36 PM | @Royal Rumble The Acting PM did issue a stetment via newspaper. Fair Play | September 6, 2010 at 3:36 PM | GP I want to tell you to slow down on your typing because I may get mix up on what you are trying to say. I laugh when anon#5 asked if you do not have a wife to play with to kill some of your time from ranting and raving on this blog. Something jogged my mind that you would prefer to play with balls or watch ball games like men playing tennis because you are always referring to having someone by their balls with enthusiasm. Bosun | September 6, 2010 at 3:40 PM | Let see if the Members of Parliament and other authorities ,namely ,the Fire Service the Ministry of Health and Town and Country Planning have really learned some lessons on what transpired last Friday night in terms of Building Safety, and act quickly to ensure that the strip mall to the east of or “above” Chicken Barn on Worthin Road ,which comprises some 15 one-door shops, now under construction ,has its building plans modified to include rear doors on all shops,before it is opened to the public for business. Georgie Porgie | September 6, 2010 at 3:52 PM | Fair Play I like watching the females play tennis especially the Williams sisters I sit here from 9 or when ever I come down stairs on mornings. I work here and in between I check in to BU. Used to do another site but we closed down the school we were working on, and got thrown of that site. So I have more time to fool around here, after Cricinfo and Nation and Advocate.. Helps pass the time. One has to be careful what personal stuff you put out here. You would be surprised hoe well Bush Tea can work it up into nasty lies. Kool | September 6, 2010 at 3:53 PM | ***************** That’s because BU is a lazy black racist who has never risked a red cent of his own money to employ anyone in his whole life. He clearly has a personal vendetta against Ms. Ram, who has nothing to do with what happened on Friday. Kool | September 6, 2010 at 3:54 PM | @ mash up and buy back “I don’t understand. If the women died in a shop in Bridgetown that didn’t have a back exit, why you writing about another place many miles away? It doesn’t make sense. ***************** That’s because BU is a lazy black racist who has never risked a red cent of his own money to employ anyone in his whole life. He clearly has a personal vendetta against Ms. Ram, who has nothing to do with what happened on Friday. Royalrumble | September 6, 2010 at 3:56 PM | ac I should remind you that upon Thompson’s return to the country Stuart’s acting position ceased. Stuart is now AG not acting Prime Minister. I think the problem in the country is that nobody knows who is running the country – the invisible Prime Minister or the “speak little” Attorney General. Carson C. Cadogan | September 6, 2010 at 4:14 PM | Wonder “I say hang them no trial,lawyers should not take this case money” We are not that type of country, thank goodness! Carson C. Cadogan | September 6, 2010 at 4:20 PM | ROYAL RUMBLE “I would like to suggest that this Government through the office of the Attorney General should issue a directive to bring the petty infighting in the force to a complete halt” Of course you would say that. This is another bloody mess which can be laid at the door step of your crooked Barbados Labour Party. Your party pitched forked him in front of everybody. A boy doing a man’s job hence the confusion now. He should step down. Straight talk | September 6, 2010 at 4:27 PM | What doesn’t amaze me, after the lack of adequate response to the Arch Cot murder, is the totally inadequate equipment our “firefighters” have available. Bank walls LOL. I have tools in the back of my van that could cut through any wall, reinforcement or inner rendering in less than 10 minutes. Why were these not available to the BFS? Especially as we know how poor they are in putting out fires. More effective equipment and relevant training, is needed. Can’t say more, cos I know they do the best they are able. But that is the problem. No leadership. ac | September 6, 2010 at 4:59 PM | On behalf of government Deputy Prime Minister Freundel Stuart sent condoloences to relatives family and friends who died in the sense less fire Now it seems that with all that has happened over the past 48hrs. We as a people would be a lot more sympathetic and trying to be more united ,but instead we are fanning the political fire flames in every which way and direction. Can we just be civil in this tragic time. Bonny Peppa | September 6, 2010 at 5:16 PM | My condolences to the families of these young women. It made Bonny shed a tear. No lie. Heartwrenching. But what I would like to know is, how could Town n Country Planning, or whoeverelse is responsible allow these sorta buildings to be erected anywhere on this earth with same entrance/exit. And if I tryin ta do a lil repairs to my ol’ ‘donkey-pen’, I gotta folla moe rules dhan John read ’bout? I confuse, as news-ual. ac girl, de computa gihing ma ol licks. one day um up, de nex day um dung. like sum fellas I kno. murdahhhhhhhhhh Bonny Peppa | September 6, 2010 at 5:26 PM | I living on borrowed time (computer-wise) so wunna-all please forgive mah if I repeat sumting dat was already stated but I would like to torture dese two bitches till dem collapse n den torture dem sum moe. Na quick death fa dem a’tall. dat story would be too short. I would prefer ta torture dem first den shoot dem in dem back n cripple dem fa life. You know how cruel it is to want ta scratch ya testicles n can’t? or want ta scratch ya botsy n can’t? or hungry n can’ feed yaself? Dah is wah I talkin ’bout. Shoot ta cripple not kill. Robert | September 6, 2010 at 5:42 PM | GP, Stop quoting scripture. It is pathetic reading your cryptic cursing; fireball insults, and then hearing you talk about Christ (a lot of which is eisegesis). Christ says: If your enemy hits you on the cheek, turn the other; if he asks you for something, give him your cloak(my emphasis). But not Georgie. No, not the “Anointed, Right Reverend, ” Dr. Georgie Porgy. “Saint Georgie” says: “I am not a wimp; “i am not standing for it” and no, and on, and on and on By the way,your slip is showing. You are posting under two (2) names. One minute you are GP; and then you metamorphosize into ANONYMOUS (above). You obviously forgot to change your name before you clicked the mouse. When you play with the devil, he always “strips you naked” Ask the Sons of Sheeva. You can find them in Acts 19 Robert | September 6, 2010 at 5:44 PM | @John You are right (re: Hitler and adultery). Probably should have been “fornication”. Christopher Halsall | September 6, 2010 at 5:48 PM | @All… Let us please face the facts… The GoB retained a foreigner to advise on building codes. His advisements were sound. He left Barbados in disgust when his recommendations were ignored. Read: not enacted. The reason is, public safety is expensive. It is far cheaper to say “we did all we could” and “we did our best” after the fact, rather than spend the money before hand to ensure a space is safe…. ac | September 6, 2010 at 5:52 PM | @Bonny How was de birthday. I saw some video on Utube yuh might like fuh de birthday De kind yuh wanted fuh de birthday ! De striptease! Sad! very Sad! these men must be caught as if everyone lives depend on it. Never know when they might strick again. Evil to the core! Sargeant | September 6, 2010 at 6:19 PM | Royalrumble I would like to suggest that this Government through the office of the Attorney General should issue a directive to bring the petty infighting in the force to a complete halt ****************************************** Here is something we can agree on in fact I called for the same when the original thread was but a few comments long, when you were still waiting for Mia’s approval to submit your statement. In addition to your political posturing why don’t you pledge that your party will cooperate with the Gov’t in passing Building code legislation to ensure that such a tragedy will never happen again. Perhaps if the senior members of RBPF see some cooperation between the politicians they may get the message. Georgie Porgie | September 6, 2010 at 6:50 PM | likkle bobbie Why don’t you just leave me a lone Sir I will quote Scripture when I like You have not read your NT well have you. Read Jesus responding to his enemies in several Scriptures Read the Gospels Didn’t he say in John 8:44 that his detractors had the devil for their father. Isnt he your daddy too?. Did he not call his enemies whited sepulchers like many of the hypocrites in Barbados? Christ says a lot of other things too Are you obeying them Worry about your self and just forget me. I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep what I have committed against that day. I have been turning the cheek on BU for over two years I am tired of it NO I wont look for the Sons of Sheeva in Acts 19 THEY ARE ON BU AND YOU ARE ONE OF THEM! When I personally posted as annonymous I said so . And I don’t have to explain anything. NOW CAN YOU CONTRIBUTE ANYTHING OF SIGNIFICANCE TO THE DISCUSSION. DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO CONTRIBUTE TO NATIONAL LIFE? HAVE YOU EVER CONTRIBUTED ANYTHING? Go and take your evening bottle and be sure that momma puts some lactase in it Christopher Halsall | September 6, 2010 at 7:00 PM | @Georgie Porgie… In my humble opinion… You talk too much, and listen too little. Georgie Porgie | September 6, 2010 at 7:01 PM | CH It is very sad that the case you cited is the norm in Barbados; and it does not occur once. It is like a recurring decimal. In addition, any officer that evinces any talent otr innovation or promise is seen as a threat and tossed perennially in the direction of the rubbish heap. Training courses are offered to folk on the verge of retirement and extinction! Talent is seldom nurtured. Proficient operating teams are dismantled. In 1993 whether by serindipity or wht ever means, there existed a sparling team of workers at Edgar Cochrane Clinic. The patients notes were pulled on the evenings before. The staff was (clerical and clinical) were usually in situ long before opening hours, so that you could start seeing patients. There was then a study stream of patients coming before the doctors up until about one pm non stop. Because it worked well (or so it seem) the team was dispersed to other clinics. J | September 6, 2010 at 8:27 PM | Q: Hants wrote on | September 6, 2010 at 2:04 PM | “@GP who wrote “In 1998’9 or so, the member for St James North and A minister of Government.” wuh de man name?” A: It is a matter of public record that Rawle Eastmond was the Member of Parliament for St. James North in the late nineties, and that he served as a Cabinet Minister during that period. J | September 6, 2010 at 8:32 PM | Robert wrote | September 6, 2010 at 5:44 PM | @John You are right (re: Hitler and adultery). Probably should have been “fornication”. Since Hitler did not marry until 2 or 3 days before his death and since he died in his middle years clearly he spent a lifetime committing fornication along with his other sins. Hitler was a bad guy, straight through. Hants | September 6, 2010 at 8:46 PM | Man GP, I had to Google da word ” eisegesis ” dat Robert use to fine out wha it mean. “an interpretation, esp. of Scripture, that expresses the interpreter’s own ideas, bias, or the like, rather than the meaning of the text. Then Halsall writes ” “You talk too much, and listen too little.” This is ( at this point I would use rumshop/fishmarket language) a free blog so it should not matter who writes what when as long as it does not require censorship by blogmaster David. Talk yuh talk Georgie. I am one of the dum ash kolij boys who will read wha yuh write.Uh does learn someting sometimes. lmrao Bosun | September 6, 2010 at 8:51 PM | Welcome back Bonny. Hope you had a good time in Noo Yak! Georgie Porgie | September 6, 2010 at 9:11 PM | Hants Thus likkle boy is trying to impress. But he belongs in lower firsts. Don’t worry with Hallal either.When I talk I usually have something to say. And unfortunately there are not many (if any) saying anything on BU that requires me to listen to. They can only bash the GP , mostly because they really don’t have much of substance to contribute. You have to understand the so called free speech on BU does not really extend to either Zoe or me. They even want to restrict my responses in Bajan vernacular with typical rum shop flair and panache. Anyway watch me keep quiet a bit. ac | September 6, 2010 at 9:49 PM | @GP Dat -a-boy! ac | September 6, 2010 at 9:54 PM | @GP “Anyway watch me keep quiet a bit” I”m going to start my stop watch. 1sec……..2sec…….. David | September 6, 2010 at 11:54 PM | @J Posted your comment on FB. It was worthy. Crusoe | September 7, 2010 at 4:53 AM | A few points here on some matters above: On the old Bridgetown building, the cost practicality of retrofitting may be substantial, in cases where buildings back buildings, then it goes into legal etc areas (ownership, cutting a route etc). Secondly, has anyone heard as to how the fire tender pressure or hydrant worked on that night, I am told by a bystander that not very well. Thirdly, I am also told by a few people, a couple of specific instances of bad robberies against individuals that have occurred, including one horrific incident. We must be extra vigilant when entering our homes, lock back the door after entering, if we are not occupying that area, keep bush around the house cleared and before exiting a car at night, look around and shine headlights where necessary. Everywhere gets crime, every country. With the recession, it will get worse, sadly the few instances like the above, also occur. The Police cannot be everywhere at once, so we must be our neighbours’ keeper, watch persons entering or loitering near our and their homes. It would also be good for the Government to install street cameras across Bridgetown, this will assist the Police in monitoring and response. Two Police on a TV scrreen bank is easier than Police spread thin across the town. That way, the Police at the station could direct response to the street cops. David | September 7, 2010 at 6:36 AM | BU received an email which speaks to another heinous crime which was committed around Kadooment time in the Maxwell area. We have been unable to confirm up to this point and there have taken a decision not to post. If members of the BU family can advise on it it would be helpful. Bonny Peppa | September 7, 2010 at 11:10 AM | Crusoe Thanks fa de helpful safety tips but Bonny nevva leaves home widout my two fav’rite friens. Peppa-spray on de leff n 45 pun de rite. but tanks again. Hants I had a ‘swell’ time in Noo Yak, Long Island ta be exac. Is always good ta reunite wid de famblee. Onliest ting missin was ‘YOU’. mwahhhhhhhhh ac de strip-tee ting soun tantalizin. (i bring in a bran-new pair a han-cuffs. hope dah cah fit Bosun.:-) ) Bonny Peppa | September 7, 2010 at 11:16 AM | Bosun My apologies. My comments @11:10 were especially for you but I inadvertently directed dem ta Hants. Sorry Hun. Hants You is one a mine too so doan feel bad. Aighttttttttttt. JC | September 7, 2010 at 11:26 AM | Welcome back BP! GP why will you shut up. At times I don’t agree with you on the other hand like hopi, I do. You will be greatly missed if you decided to keep quiet. Keep quiet my foot every one has an opinion! J | September 7, 2010 at 11:48 AM | David wrote | September 6, 2010 at 11:54 PM | “@J… Posted your comment on FB. It was worthy.” Dear David: The Facebook is broken so I cannot see which of my many comments you posted on Facebook. Can you fix the link or re-post please. Thanks. de hood | September 7, 2010 at 12:08 PM | @The Gate Keeper | September 5, 2010 at 2:01 AM | I’m hearing alot talk about Ms. Ram, and I’m trying to see where the connection is between her and what happened on Friday. Somebody help me! Bush Tea | September 4, 2010 at 10:13 AM | A case of Multi Sectored Incompetence The tragedy that unfolded in Barbados on Sept 3 was another in a series of incidents that should send strong signals to those charged with the leadership of this country that “much is not well”. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. People, Are we not connecting the dots here? Gate Keeper don’t you really see THE connection…….isn’t Mrs Ram and the store owner connected by ethnicity (Indian origins?)? You see, we have been told that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Now when we have to put up with some folk in the community making comments e.g. ……quote, “kill the mango sellers and the rat catchers” (obviously referring to people of Indian & Chinese descent) and we allow this unfettered diarrhea to go unchallenged then, my friends we have a problem. Now, I am not saying that this attack on Friday last was or wasn’t as a direct result of such “subtle” indoctrination but when such is spewed on an open forum like this site we do not really know just what weak-minded (easily-influenced) individual could take such things to heart and act on such verbal diarrhea. Are we getting the gist? @ BT Well, Sir, maybe the chicks have come home to roost! Sir, what are we elders in the community leaving as a legacy for the rising generations? What sort of direction are we giving to them? Are we just catering to their materialistic wants, “high-faluting” ideas (get the best education, get the best “ride”, get the most palatial property) and all but being forgetful of the spiritual needs as well? Don’t misunderstand me, please, I am not saying that these goals/desires are wrong of themselves. What I am trying to say is what the scriptures admonish us to do…………and that is, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” Forgive me if that is not quoted verbatim but I believe that is close enough if not exact. Back to you, BT Fact to David | September 7, 2010 at 12:21 PM | David, I believe that you have the information by now, pertaining to the Maxwell incident. I have it, but I don’t think it would be doing the country any good if this is published – at this time – since it has not been corroborated and verified to attest its authenticity. I don’t think it would be prudent to publish, what is at this time, hearsay. However, I do believe we need to bring back hanging. This problem is, with this instituted, would we still be able to access loans on the international market, or by countries such as England? Robert | September 7, 2010 at 12:29 PM | @GP And may you RIP! anonymous | September 7, 2010 at 1:00 PM | @Georgie Porgie | September 5, 2010 at 10:39 PM | No tools the Fire Service had could get thro a vault. weren’t the girls hiding in the vault turned store room? when the iron melted that made it worst. if the fire service had gotten there much earlier yes they would have been saved islandgal246 | September 7, 2010 at 1:03 PM | For the bible thumper in this forum 2. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4. Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away…………. seems like somebody writing their own biography here. Spewing passages from the bible and the name of God does not give anyone credibility. This vulgarizes the scriptures and is a big turn off to people. Because you believe in God,THAT DOES NOT MAKE YOU A GOOD PERSON……..neither if you don’t believe MAKES YOU A BAD PERSON I am happy for those of you who have found God , however I am not in the least bit interested in hearing about it. Please spare us the theatrics. Old Man | September 7, 2010 at 2:25 PM | Christopher Halsall | September 6, 2010 at 7:00 PM | @Georgie Porgie… In my humble opinion… You talk too much, and listen too little. =========================================== Tell us Mr Halsall, should GP listen to you? In all the time I have been reading BU I have not gleaned anything from you. I have, however learned a lot from the posts of GP. A few months ago, did not the respected Yardbroom correctly opine not no one has contributed to BU at the level that GP has done. Will you or Robert tell us something about Avandia? As an old diabetic I would gladly like to know something about it. I am afraid going on Google like Bad man with big mout saying nuttin advises, does not explain the information there. ========================================= Robert, do you think (to quote GP) that a lowly equinoid or moron of your incompetence can really kill of a master spirit like GP? =========================================== islandgal246 | you are exactly correct. “Spewing passages from the bible and the name of God does not give anyone credibility.” What is credible though is that the passage chosen is germane to the current world situation and to recent events in your country. The passage chosen is a timeless one. It must really have pricked your heart. Quoting the Bible cannot vulgarize the scriptures and is only a big turn off to those who are deep in sin. Perhaps you are a suffering unwed mother, or you are on drugs, or maybe you are as my Barbadian friends say “an old whore?” Which? You may not be at all interested in hearing about God’s Word, but your lack of interest does not make its truths false nor does it make the Bible non interesting or relevant to others. You just demonstrate your selfishness, and the fact that that well chosen passage pricked your soiled soul and convicted you. Why don’t you go and clean up your sinful self. Even if you don’t want to hear, I do and so do others. I read somewhere that “The Bible will keep you from sin, and that sin would keep you from the Bible. You seem to be a good example. Over and out for now……….. Old Man but not telling jokes this time. Bosun | September 7, 2010 at 3:12 PM | Anyone has an history of the ill fated Tudor Street store/building, when was it used as a bank and under what name? I am only a country boy that came to town late. Bonny Peppa | September 7, 2010 at 3:19 PM | Fact To David How you mean ‘bring back hanging’? Bring it back from whay? As far as I kno, hanging in went na way. It is not being implemented but Bro, hanging in gone na way. Right now, I would ask fa de joker Peter Wickham to shush he asthole mout pun de radio talkin shoite bout ‘hanging is not de ansa’. What de fcuk is de ansa Peter? I hear he dis morning blaming de 11plus and poverty or sum shite so as de reason fa dis atrocious behaviour by dese undesirables in Babadus. Man Peter, hush ya ass fa crois sake n stop feelin ’bout fa excuses fa dese criminals nah.I like you badddd Peter, but pleeze, fa crois sake, when you mekkin dese excuses, you does mek my stumuck bileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. stupseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Carson C. Cadogan | September 7, 2010 at 4:43 PM | I think that the Police should offer a reward for capture of these two people. In no time they will have them in custody as in the case with the Jewish woman. J | September 7, 2010 at 4:59 PM | Will post a bit more later when I get home from work. But I agree with those who don’t believe in the death penalty even in the face of this heinous crime. And no I am not making excuses for bad behaviour. I believe that good behaviour should ALWAYS be rewarded and that bad behaviour should ALWAYS be punished. ac | September 7, 2010 at 5:15 PM | @OldMan Stick to yuh jokes. However Why has it took you so long todefend GP. You said you have made his postings OOPS! Sorry Correction You have read his postings. . Inquiring minds what to know. ac | September 7, 2010 at 5:24 PM | THe deathPenalty is not meant to change a society but when a person is found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and the state has evidence to prove so the executor ofsuch horrific crime should be punished to the full of extent of the law by with ever metodthe state or country deems appropriate. In this case it is highly appropriate.. Crusoe | September 7, 2010 at 5:35 PM | @David & Fact to David, I think many of us have been apprised of the Maxwell incident. Suffice it to say, that although ‘Fact to David’ above has it right, many of us would have no qualms about putting a noose or bullet to the head of the animals who have done such a heinous act. Suspect that if this is to remain ‘quiet’, the Government will have to pay all medical bills and also a few million to set up a family for life. That said, it is time we look at the quality of officers on the force, at the pay and training, to ensure that we obtain some good and strong policing before it is too late. Where are the Police like LionMan et al? May not have been paid well either, but they were feared by criminals. However, the solution is holistic, in any problem. We cannot blame the Police, when such occasions as the ‘Winston Hall escapes’ had people practically cheering on the escapee. Yuh cant plant sour apples and expect to reap mangoes. We need to look at attitudes, Police and Teacher pay, priorities. We need to adopt a zero tolerance for PSV illegality and rudeness. We need to adopt behaviour expectations for ourselves. A society reaps what it sows. We also need to suspend any inter-Caricom movements that do not ensure strict anal
  2. I am responding to an article attributed to Stephen Alleyne in the daily newspaper the Barbados Advocate dated 13th September 2010, under the caption, Under Scrutiny: The Chief Fire Officer must answer. Under the prevailing circumstances I would not wish to respond to his utterances in any detailed way, but would however offer a synopsis of his un-educated guessing about some aspects of what should have been done, and the methods used during the attempted rescue and extinguishment of the Tudor Street Fire by members of the Fire Service. Firstly, Mr. Alleyne, your “layman discourse” clearly demonstrates that you do not possess the necessary analytical skills to enlighten the public in a mature and responsible manner about the Fire. At the end of your letter it is stated that you were a former Police Officer and you have the temerity to mention “undue risk” and “Unnecessary risk.” Am I to believe that you are not aware of those two quotes? You went on to say if you were the CFO, you are NOT and as a result of irresponsible writings such as yours, Fire Officers are now faced with a hostile public when responding to fires and other emergencies. Yes, Mr. Alleyne, Fire Officers are being threatened daily in the execution of their duties on the fire ground and this creates an environment that is not conducive for work. The third paragraph of your letter you mentioned explosives, now that is the height of lunacy considering the close proximity of other buildings, I will say no more on that. Secondly, your reasoning could never be identical to the CFO because if your writings are an indication of your ability to think rationally then your thought process is heavily sedated with reckless, misguided assumptions. All of Barbados including Fire Officers is in pain at the lost of those young energetic ladies in that fire, don’t add to the hurt. My condolences go out to the grieving families and my prayers are with all of them. Institutions that operate in the emergency field never have enough training or equipment to carry out their work assiduously and you should know that as a former Police Officer. You went on to enquire if it wouldn’t make good sense to dispatch a motor cyclist to a major fire ahead of the tenders (fire trucks). No, Stephen, it’s ludicrous to even suggest that hogwash and to add injury to insult so to speak, and I quote “if one or two fire officers lose their lives and six more lives are saved in the process, isn’t it worth the risk”. I am extremely disappointed in your myopic, vulpine thoughts and the way in which you seek to advance your career. You are praying on the weak and vulnerable during the most painful time of their lives and that’s most depressing. Finally, the feeble notes attributed to you that I have commented on is regrettable but necessary and I would encourage you to engage your brain rationally, have a balance in your writing for and against the subject matter at hand and make statements that reflect that of a person with some level of intelligence before you put your mouth in drive.


    Thank you aaa_55 your comments are well said,i support it 100%.Its amazing that so much members of the public has become firefighting experts,however in my submission this morning i want to highlight a few points and questions:(a)WHY IS IT THAT THE FIRE STARTED JUST AFTER 6:30am AND THE FIRE-SERVICE RECEIVED A CALL @ 7:04PM?(b)WHY IS IT THAT THE POLICE BARRACKS IS BEHIND TUDOR STREET,AND THEY HAD TIME TO LOAD BARRICADES ON A TRUCK +DISPATCH PERSONS TO OFFLOAD THEM+BLOCK OF AN ENTIRE STREET+HAD POLICE OFFICERS MAKING ATTEMPTS TO PERFORM A RESCUE,AND NO ONE CALLED THE FIRE SERVICE UP TO THIS TIME AS YET.Fire does not wait or respect no one peoples,before you can extinguished a fire we must control it,that is ,stop it.The need to save lives in danger is always the first consideration.However,it may not be the first action taken.In many cases,the best way to protect occupants of a burning building is by mounting a rapid and effective fire attack.SAFETY IS THE HIGHEST PRIORITam told that temperatures exceeding 1200 degrees,is what the first responder were face with,lets put on our thinking caps-fire fighter suits as provided by N.F.P.A STATE those suits cannot handle heat exceeding 400 degrees,if suits and made to exceed more,think of the effect on the wearer body.England,U.S.A all suits those firefighters wear are the same(dont be fool by hollywood and theatrics)nothing is fireproof,anything will burn once it reaches its ignition temperature,however,along with all fire departments,as a firefighter you are responsible for your own safety on the job.once a firefighter respond to any emergency he/she is at risk,that is what they were aware of the the inception-firefighters have traditionally accepted job-related injuries and fatalities as part of the job.Knowing their vocation to be one of the most hazerdous,many fireofficerss are resigned to occupational acci and injuries.This attitude is compounded by the stereotypical image of the firefighter as a heroic and fearless in the face of danger,most firefighters injuries are a direct result of preventable accidents.FIREFIGHTERS SHOULD BE TOO SMART AND TOO PROFESSIONAL TO TAKE UNECESSARY RISKS.How many of us know about Firefighter Safety-rescue life safety-fire control incident stabilization-loss control property conservation,but we allow ourselves to lambase the fire-department.what about”HEAT BARRIER”which i understand couldnt be broken due to the amout of ”materials burning inside”.HOW MANY OF US KNOW HOW TO READ SMOKE.SUDDEN FIRE BEHAVIOR CAN CAUSE “FLASHOVERS,BACKDRAFTS”MY OPINION IS”HAD THE FIRE SERVICE BEEN INFORM OF THIS FIRE IN ITS INITIAL STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT,IT WOULD HAVE BEEN KNOW DOWN IN ITS INCIPIENTS STAGE,THE FIRE WAS WELL DEVELOPED,I SAW FIREMEN HELMET VISORS MELT,ALSO THEY EARS BURN AT THAT FIRE,INJURIES WERE SUBSTAINED THERE PEOPLES,I WAS THERE AS A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC,MY DAD IS A BATALLION CHIEF IN BALTIMORE FIRE DEPT FOR 18YRS,I GREW UP IN A FIREHOUSE,SO PLEASE LOVE YOUR FIREFIGHTERS AS WE LOVE OURS IN THE USA.I AM RETURNING HOME TODAY WITH PLENTY OF PICS OF THAT TRAGIC FIRE MY CONDOLENCES GOES OUT TO THE FAMILY,AND AN EFFORT TO THE FIRE DEPT ESPECIALLY THE OFFICER THAT ENTER FROM THE BACK AND BROUGHT OUT THE VICTIMS EVEN THOUGH DEFENSIVE AND OFFENSIVE FIREFIGHTING WAS TAKING PLACE.KUDOS TO YOU.SO MR.ALLEYNE YOU ARE OUT OF PLACE,AND MY 10YEAR OLD SISTER HAS COMMONSENSE THAN YOU,MAYBE YOU SHOULD VISIT A FIRE STATION AND UNDERSTAND WHAT GOES ON BEFORE YOU TALK NON-SENSE.

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  6. That young lady who recently died of burns from rushing in to find her children….tell me where else but bout here?….Re Campus Trendz..we have firemen who suited to the T , oxygen etc. Do they ever go into buildings to extricate victims? That store was on ground floor and concrete case of top floor to cave in…How far is the BFS station? A victims father was on the roof tying to get to his daughter inside hollaring…

  7. Snip from this article….see above

    a)WHY IS IT THAT THE FIRE STARTED JUST AFTER 6:30am AND THE FIRE-SERVICE RECEIVED A CALL @ 7:04PM?(b)WHY IS IT THAT THE POLICE BARRACKS IS BEHIND TUDOR STREET,AND THEY HAD TIME TO LOAD BARRICADES ON A TRUCK +DISPATCH PERSONS TO OFFLOAD THEM+BLOCK OF AN ENTIRE STREET+HAD POLICE OFFICERS MAKING ATTEMPTS TO PERFORM A RESCUE,AND NO ONE CALLED THE FIRE SERVICE UP TO THIS TIME AS YET.Fire does not wait or respect no one peoples,before you can extinguished a fire we must control it,that is ,stop it.The need to save lives in danger is always the first consideration.However,it may not be the first action taken.In many cases,the best way to protect occupants of a burning building