The Democratic Labour Party Promised Integrity Legislation In 100 Days, It Is Now 1000+ Days And Counting

Late Prime Minister Rt. Hon. J. M.G. M. ADAMS (l), Prime Minister The Hon. Freundel Stuart (r)

To illustrate the more things change the more they remain the same BU has cited three quotes below uttered by the Late Prime Minister Rt. Hon. J. M.G. M. ADAMS, M.A which have been extracted from his introductory speech to the Integrity Legislation Debate (parliament) in November 1979.

During the last Session I moved a Resolution calling for the  introduction of integrity legislation for Ministers and Members of Parliament. After rnuch equivocation that Resolution was sent to a Select Committee. However, except for Mr. Speaker, no member of the then Government, the Democratic Labour Party, attended any meeting
of the Select Committee on integrity legislation and it failed to obtain a quorum. We therefore proposed in our Manifesto that we would pass legislation providing for; Members of Parliament, Senators and politically appointed members of Statutory Corporations to disclose their financial assets and liabilities on assuming office, periodically during office, and on termination. That was our commitment and this legislation is the result.

It is really a very simple principle that every year Ministers and Mernbers of Parliament, Senators should make a declaration of how much money they have, what property they own in and out of Barbados, and under certain conditions what property is owned by their spouse and children. Every year these declarations should be updated and examined by a Public Integrity Commission.

We have carried out an election pledge by introducing this Bill which seeks to preserve public confidence in the integrity and honesty of persons in public life. We know that we have to take the lead because the Opposition is opposed to it. I will not be so uncharitable as to say that the Opposition does not want this Bill passed because perhaps they are unwilling to make declarations and are therefore picking up something that is nothing, along with their anger, to excite the public in an unreasonable way.

Rt. Hon. J. M.G. M. ADAMS, M.A., (Prime Minister and Minister of  Finance and Planning), House of Assembly Debates

His Honour W. C. B. HINDS, J.P. (Speaker); Rt. – Hon. E. W. BARROW, U.D., (Leader of the Opposition); Mr. R. StC. WEEKES, J.P.; Hon. L. S. CRAIG, (Minister of Housing, Lands and the Environment); Rt. Hon. J. M.G. M. ADAMS, M.A., (Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Planning); Hon. C. L. BOLDEN, LL.B., (Minister
of Communications and Works); Mr. E. E. GREAVES, B. A., Ed.M.; Mr. D. A. C. SIMMONS, LL.M.; Hon. Miss B. A. MILLER, (Minister of Health and National Insurance); Hon. L. B. BRATHWAITE, (Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Affairs); Mr. J. G. ODLE, B.Sc., (Chairman of Committees); Mr. M. C. C. WARD; Mr. V. L. JOHNSON, M.A.; Hon. L. R. TULL, M.A., (Minister of Education and Culture); Mr. DeL. 0 . BRADSHAW; Mr. L.L. SISNETT; His Honour E. E. ALLEYNE, LL.M., (Deputy Speaker) and Dr. R. C. HAYNES, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.P.
(Edin .)

Members of Parliament present at the last debate on Integrity Legislation 30+ years ago

Although many of those party to the 79 debate are dead or infirmed several remain active. It is disappointing that former members of parliament Dame Billie Miller, Sir Henry Ford, Sir David Simmoms, Sir Louis Tull, Ezra Alleyne, Evelyn Greaves, Leroy Sisnett, Delisle Bradshaw should remain silent by not informing the current public debate on integrity legislation.

Given the challenge of implementing the legislation in small countries why not maintain the scope of the original legislation and expand after careful monitoring?

The DLP should inform the public why it refused to participate in the Joint Committee to consider the legislation. Both parties should explain why it has taken thirty years to read the legislation in parliament only for it to retire meekly to a Joint Select Committee of parliament.

136 responses to “The Democratic Labour Party Promised Integrity Legislation In 100 Days, It Is Now 1000+ Days And Counting

  1. @de hood

    Good to see you around, hope the aches and pains are under control?

  2. Pieter Pieper

    We don’t all live in Black Rock ! If anyone really believes that this present DLP government will pass transparency,integrity and FOI legislation they are obviously ignorant of the tactics our politicians,both of the DLP and the BLP,have used and will continue to use so as to ensure every elected politician is able to feather his/her own nest .They operate on the principle “today,it’s your turn,tomorrow it’ll be my turn so let’s not rock the boat !” One may ask the question,why has this government waited until almost the end of its mandate to talk about such legislation .They know full well it’ll never see the light of day ! It’s the same old story !

  3. dehood was wondering what had happen to you. ? glad to hear from you!

  4. Hi David,
    If you checked your register you would realise that I ain’t ‘bin nowhere. 🙂

    Still here looking on, begging the Good BBE to ease the suffering l’il bit. 🙂
    Thanx for the heads-up anyway.

    I still hey, sweetie. But wuh ‘appen wid my “owner” Bonny? Haven’t seen her on for a long time? Any idea?

  5. Light Love (LiLo)

    aaahh !

  6. @ Chris

    Based on your information sharing BU is taken serious and it is an important part of our growth and development. Nothing to dispute on the integrity of BU. George (real) and Caswell (real name) confirm and reassures that we can have great and greater insight via BU.

    That is not the issue. We read of the Editor of The Economist by name. Bajan Reporter has a name, BArbados Free Press, its Editor gave his name. The Editor and the founder of The Economist is known and the successor of the Economist is known.

    Honestly, I have learnt alot through this forum. I can speak publicly about what I read here without fear of BU amending postings. BU has its credibility – what it does not have is the integrity of an Editor who is saying do as I say and not as I do. I support BU ‘the blog’ and I appreciate the person (male or female) that started and continues to allow freedom of expression – may I add, however vile the expression.

    The issue is, if I am asking and agitating as an Editor, for transparency I should also declare whom I am. That is the issue. Besides that, David can well leave the forum open for the agitation to come from John Public because he will not be practicing what he preaches and therefore will lose integrity although we are informed by his blog and engage in sound, logical discussion. Chris, that is the issue.

    Again Chris I appreciate your sharing.

  7. @Home

    With respect, BS.

  8. Carson C. Cadogan


    Only you can’t see the irony of your position!

    Right on brother.

  9. Carson C. Cadogan


    I am merely pointing out how ludicrious DAVID’s stance really is. That’s all. An anonymous blog owner demanding TRANSPARENCY from those in the House of Assembly.

    How stupid can one get?

  10. David does not grant Government contracts.

    David does not allocate taxpayers money to projects and events.

    David does not vote on the spending of taxpayers money.

    BU is a blog (not a newspaper) owned by David and can do wha he like, but those of you who really want to know his real name can find it at

  11. @ David

    Now we know the type of person that you are. You can at your whim and fancy publish comments and person names on your blog, talk about every public person under the son, your blog which sometimes have some 800 responses and YOU cannot tell the people who you are so that they can refer to YOU the person, born and christened like other public officials. However, we are to support YOU a person and YOUR (who is a person) point of view as a leader.

    Yes, your view on my comments is disrespectful until YOU show us, like I did through facts, why David of BU should not reveal his christened name(s) and business profile. Tell us using facts like I did. I did not use emotion, I used facts. If you cannot do that then hand over the blog to Caswell Franklyn who took the beating, the lashing, the flood waters and fire and brimstone, from all and sundry. Mind you, AND HE IS STILL STANDING!!!

    Caswell, regardless of what some say of him is a man of integrity, because of his transparency. Give him the blog. He can and will withstand the wrath of all of us. And HE will STAND.

    @Caswell I know that after the storm there is calm, so I know that blessings are in between each storm. We know that it ain’t over yet.

    @David respond with integrity Brother.

    I have not used your derogative terms, stay clean on this one, even though I respect you the person regardless of your ‘vile’ expressions – Say something Brother – your response ‘ain’ saying nutten.’ You have the chance to say something now as PM of this blog who called for the PM of Barbados to respond to national issues – say something on your own Integrity Legislation and call for transparency.

    @ CCC keep up the good work. As a people we all can agree to disagree and when you ask for transparency I agree it should start with the person who is asking.

  12. @Home

    Your comment serves to inspire, to explain, when DLP and BLP start the process of attacking BU we take it as a compliment.

    It also reinforces the view that the BLP and DLP are both cut from the same clothe, just like Ralphie stated.

  13. for those interested in transparency : according to Barbados Today, tourism officals have not release details of the contractual arrangements with Rihanna and the Minister is expecting a few hundred thousand dollars shortfall for the concert itself. Why is this information is not available to the public ? It is our money . I dont expect information prior to and during negiotations but as there is a 3 year deal and to kick start very soon , what is the score ? This not the first time this particular minister has been evasive..GOL comes to mind .. it may all be good but we should have access to this information. and btw information released at this particular time should be scrutinised; let’s see if it is just “a few hundred thousand” .

  14. @CCC
    The irony of it all is that for all an sundry purposes the owner of the blog is being attacked unfairly. for one he is not a a high level or low level cabinet minister overseeing the affairs of the country and as of now not mentioned to the BU family his interest in such.SO what is the point of asking him to reveal his personnel information since that information is his to do whatever he pleases with until a time when he is asked to do so because of an interest in governmental affairs or subpoenaed by a court. Right now a ploy has been hatched to take the real focus away from the ministers of government and attacked the messenger ! so far it seems to be working, Can you CCC and others say what does David’s transparency have to do in any way to running the affairs of the country and would it in anyway serve to be of benefit to the people . This is all a smoke screen and a shot across the bow in a futile attempt to silence those who needs to know the backgrounds working of our politician. Until David becomes one of them . He should continue to plead the “Right to remain silent.”

  15. The best way for C C C to defend is to attack, but he playing twenty/20 cricket, he’s swinging wild and careless. Incedentally, it is almost six months since this government rushed the change of the Act through Parliament to allow for Marston Gibson to become C.J, don’t this government think the public should have an answer why it has taken so long for an appointment of a C.J?

  16. Sir David, Sir Charles, Sir Kyffin, lead the way in showing your love of Barbados and motivate others to follow: