Hugo Chavez Dead at 58

President Hugo Chavez dead at 58

President Hugo Chavez dead at 58

President Hugo Chavez succumbed to his battle with cancer today. His legacy will be remembered by Barbadians for an anti-American foreign policy posture and in our backyard the Petrocaribe agreement which many Caribbean islands signed are signatories.

What is the implication for Barbados and the rest of the Caribbean.

Relevant Link: Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez dead at 58

129 responses to “Hugo Chavez Dead at 58

  1. @Moneybrain

    You are aware that the Canadian government soaked up the risk associated with mortgages which was really a bailout i.e. a socialist policy?

  2. @David
    Forgive me BUT Canada has been very Socialist and extremely WASTEFULLY so for eons! Canada is very rich because we have Natural Resources ie 61% of the Globe’s Fresh Water, Oil/ Natgas to rival any country, tons of wheat etc and ONLY 35mn peeps.

    BUT giving $$$ to the populace and encouraging Lazyasses is not sound policy even here. The very problem of Socialism as it works in reality is the lack of discipline implied—there MUST be strings attached ie we train you to be…..for a year then you MUST work during and after the course and NOT think you have a permanent seat on the GRAVYTRAIN.

  3. @Ping Pong
    Which Pols are NOT Hypocrits???????????????

    Bloody US was preaching to the Japs about the Jap Crisis for years and then since 2008 the US has conducted the very said policies themselves!

    These bastards would corrupt Sunday School! They dont care about what is truly great policy, oh no, it is all about their power and greed….Hugone, Fidel included.
    I believe in Disciplined Socialist Policies within an INCENTIVE System like Singapore. Properly mixed and HONESTLY implemented it works for ALL.

  4. Simple Simon

    Dear moneybrain:

    I am Simple Simon because I ask simple questions, not because I am Simple.

    Simple questions sometimes require very complex answers.

    Simple questions always require truthful answers.

    I gone.

  5. Money

    I am beginning to warm to you …

  6. @Simple Simon
    I had already figured that out BUT it does open things up to poke fun

  7. @Baffy
    OMG you are now really scaring me!!!

  8. Pingback: El legado de Chávez y cómo su muerte podría afectar al Caribe | Sesió