Update:Hamilton Lashley Resigns From The Barbados Labour Party: Will Sit As An Independent In Parliament



HAMILTON LASHLEY, who was Minister of Social Transformation in the previous Barbados Labour Party (BLP) Government, has landed a top job with the present Democratic Labour Party (DLP) administration.

Read full article in the Nation Newspaper
Mr. Hamilton Lashley - St. Michael South East

Mr. Hamilton Lashley - St. Michael South East MP

Updated Audio Clip, Hami Resigns

Member of Parliament Hamilton Lashley is scheduled to appear on the Sunday Brasstacks Show on VOB92.9 FM today. Click on the following link VOB92.9 FM link and follow the discussion.

BREAKING NEWS: Hammie an Independent

Populist politician Hamilton Lashley has declared his independence.

The St. Michael South East parliamentary representative announced on Thursday that he will be sitting as an independent when Parliament reconvenes on October 7.

Speaking at a press conference at the Parkinson Community Centre located in the heart of his constituency, the popular grass roots politician broke ranks with the Opposition Barbados Labour Party. His departure reduces the party’s numbers in the House to just nine seats. In explaining his decision to leave, Lashley said:

“I have searched my heart and soul for reasons why I should remain a part of the parliamentary group of the BLP. I certainly observed in the dying stages of that administration a shift from the policies and emphasis that I promoted in the interest of the less fortunate and downtrodden, which in my view became less important to those persons of influence.”

Lashley’s declaration ended months of speculation which reached a fever pitch in the last 24 hours with rumours of his imminent departure spreading throughout the island. As recently as August 23, Lashley indirectly addressed the rumours, saying that he was “a B- a Bajan.”

“I solely fight for the rights of poor people and the underprivileged and it is that that guides me,” he said then in an interview with the NATION.

He said then that the time for partisan politics in Barbados had past and during his announcement Thursday, he dedicated much of his time to that position.

“There is not another time in this country’s history that Barbadians need to rally more as one and as a people. There are too many challenges and the world is now a global village. If we continue to play partisan politics in this country, we will continue to be a declining nation.”

His support of the governing Democratic Labour Party in the Budget debates in July stirred talk that he would re-join the DLP which he left in November 1998, after initially winning on their ticket in the 1994 elections. However, at the very end of his presentation yesterday, he made his position clear, stating:

“There are people in this country who think that because you are poor, you can be bought but I am not for sale and my beliefs are not for sale. The perception is that I will be going over to the DLP and it may surprise some people but when Parliament reconvenes in October, I will still be on the opposite side but this time as an independent member of Parliament supporting any social policy or measure that is beneficent to the poor people of Barbados.”

Courtesy of www.nationnews.com

164 responses to “Update:Hamilton Lashley Resigns From The Barbados Labour Party: Will Sit As An Independent In Parliament

  1. mendicancy did not start with the BLP
    come on man
    be objective

  2. Let me tell ya George Payne and Associates should be made to declare their assets before and after the last admin.
    If that happens someone going to jail.

  3. J // September 14, 2008 at 10:27 am

    J wrote :

    That said even though I am neither B nor D. I agree with the PM as quoted on the front page of today’s Sunday Sun. When it comes to employment Bajans first. But BAJANS MUST GIVE A FAIR DAY’S WORK AND EMPLOYERS MUST PAY A FAIR DAY’S PAY. Government, the private sector, the workers and the unions must work together to weed out bad attitides from WORKERS and from EMPLOYERS.
    I actually agree with –J —
    I cant believe it but I do agree \
    I am not afraid to say it.
    I am neither B nor D—so in addition to agreeing, we seem to have that in common

    I try to be objective and I do not like stupid partisan political statements

  4. Anonymous
    You’re right, it didn’t start with the BLP. what I do mean is that with the creation of NAB, RDC,UDC and others the escalation strated and has developed to almost a out-of-hand situation.

  5. Q&J
    I’m glad that I have two persons who are bold enough,like me, to state that we are neither B, D, or P. I was dragged over the colds and called all kinds of names for giving my non-partisan opinion.

  6. @ The Scout

    Agencies like NAB, RDC and UDC are really part of a bigger picture.

    They’re all linked to the UN Millennium Development Goals of which poverty alleviation is the core value. So in essence, these are just facilitating and implementation units of the MDGs.

    And in Hammie’s defense, poverty alleviation is very close to his heart. He really believes in this and is not good at the ‘game’ of party politics.

    Let’s wish him well.

  7. Anonymous
    Don’t mis-understand me,I’m not saying Hammie is a bad guy. In contrast, I think he is so humble and willing to assist that a lot of greedy people have been taking advantage of his goodness.to them all he’s good for is to take care of their wants, once he is not in a position to do that they would drop him like a hot potato. They are vultures

  8. Q wrote “I actually agree with –J —
    I cant believe it but I do agree ”

    J says “I am neither male nor female.”

    I see thee blogs as a forum for IDEAS.

    Good ideas have no gender.


    Can’t deal with Chris Sinckler. I have no idea how time has impacted on him. As a youngster, he was very virbrant and a good debater too. I first met him in Sandie’s classes in British Government and Politics at the BCC.

    We had a good time back then; we started a debating society which then staged a mock Parliament under the watchful eye of Sandie.

    Indeed it captured the imagination of the college students and along with people like Peter Wickham, Kerry Simmons, Douglas Fredricks and a good few other familiar names, the college came alive.

    Student politics was very vibrant back then. Chris, Kerry and Douglas especially, used to hold political meetings in the lunch hall, which was quite large, during lunch time.

    @ Scout,

    I think we have to put this thing in perspective because what you are calling mendicancy is not necessarily so.

    Let me stray away from any defense of Hammie. That is not my purpose. I want to deal strictly with the sociology and psyche of people in general so that we could bring some perspective to what appears to be mendicancy.

    Now we say that the basic needs of mankind are food, clothing and shelter. However, I am sure you would agree that once we get over these basics and into civilisation, we start looking at things like standard of living and quality of life; the spectrum of needs expand.

    We proudly speak of the quality of life and standard of living of Barbadians and I would imagine that when we say this, we mean the majority of Barbadians (if not every man jack) and not just a select few.

    In terms of the development of the person, we would agree that entertainment is one of the psychological needs.

    A poor person who buys an outfit for the purpose of partying, with the probability that buying the outfit will prevent them from fulfilling other needs does so because if they fulfill the other needs the entertainment will suffer.

    So, because a person is poor, should they shut themselves up in a house? Can you imagine the mental energy it takes for a poor person to constantly have their expenses and the fact that they can’t meet their commitments on their minds; at all times?

    That is what you are saying they should do if you say they have their priorities mis-placed. I am sure you don’t want to see the population of Jenkins increase because if it does, you foot the bill as a taxpayer.

    So the point is we are going to support them one way or another. It could be jail or children in a children’s home or both but for each casualty there is a cost.

    Now tell me, which is the greatest expense? To let them have their fling every once in a while at $200 – $300 or support them in an institution for that, or more, per day?

    If these people hold fast and get their priorities right. A lot of people will suffer; businesses, variety will also suffer; and what else will suffer? C&W and Digicel? What about the technology such as internet?

    The end result would be that we could not boast of a Barbados of a high standard of living. These people create economic activity. They support businesses that would not otherwise get any support because all the higher-ups and better-offs would be going somewhere else.

    You open a corner shop and I bet you that your first client will be some poor person that spot you and just come to spend a dollar. See if you have anything they want.

    Finally I want to point out that a lot of these people are working, but for slave wages. So the mendicancy as you call it is a question that they are making a contribution to society but not getting as much as you. In a lot of cases working harder than a lot pushing a pen for one-tenth of the wages.

    So I always see this problem as those more fortunate trying to cry down those less fortunate because the less fortunatey don’t have the money to keep up with the cost of living and high inflation. Most of them working for the same money three years ago as today; and tell me where the cost of living went in the last three years?

    So to deny them part of your fortunate booty is being selfish and as I said, if you were in the heart of the scenarios, you would fork out some money too.

    There are those who turn a blind eye because they don’t want to give and then heap abuse on these people simply as an excuse not to give. They fill their heads with myths about the mendicancy.

    So I am not blaming anybody here. I am saying that we as people need a bit more understand so that we speak with an informed tongue rather than just repeat wild accusations, without taking the time to examine.

    If you want it any clearer I will write a dissertation for you. Wait, you remember the Major with the shillings?

  10. @ ROK

    You dont see dat de halls of government now populated with de likes o Sinckler who went school at de Garrison; dat political short-me-crotch yardfowl, Hartley Henry dat went to St. George Secondary; de Princess Margaret pitbull, David Estwick and Ronald Jones dat went to de standpipe.

    This is great and it goes to show that in Barbados ya could learn any where are at age. But they’re doing so much over-compensating to prove the point that it’s sickening to de stomach.
    I aint even sure if Hartley Henry passed O’level or CXC Maths. Dah’s wha we come to!
    They need to stop posturing and over compensating for their inferiority complexes.

  11. Anonymous // September 18, 2008 at 9:46 am

    @ ROK

    You dont see dat de halls of government now populated with de likes o Sinckler who went school at de Garrison; dat political short-me-crotch yardfowl, Hartley Henry dat went to St. George Secondary; de Princess Margaret pitbull, David Estwick and Ronald Jones dat went to de standpipe.

    This is great and it goes to show that in Barbados ya could learn any where are at age. But they’re doing so much over-compensating to prove the point that it’s sickening to de stomach.
    I aint even sure if Hartley Henry passed O’level or CXC Maths. Dah’s wha we come to!
    They need to stop posturing and over compensating for their inferiority complexes.

    ha ha ha ha just today i was in a discussion about the turn around in Barbados, where so many older school Alums are high profile drunks, high profile thieves, high profile alternative lifestyle practitioners, high profile public trough yard fowls etc. wuh somebody gots tuh step up tuh de plate and be productive, and give Barbados a fighting chance in this dangerous world. 🙂

  12. Rok

    Hammie wait too late.

    His game is now obvious.

    He should have reseigned his seat and come again as an independent not resign from a party and play he is independent.

    A real pity though. He had a window of opportunity unlike any other I have seen in Bajan politics to make a real difference.

  13. @ John

    You seem to have a vested interest in insuring that Hammie don’t come back, even as an Independent. I think you know a lot more than you care to reveal.

    @ Adrian Hinds

    Who or what calibre of persons would you want to see “step up to the plate”? Would really like to hear your views here.

  14. They already stepped up to de plate. Wunna dont see de shite Hartley Henry does come on here an write wid dah bad English.
    Dah’s wha duh teach he at St. George Secondary?

  15. ROK

    I don’t like to see an opportunity like this go a begging and a person portray himself as something he is not.

    Hammie La is not Independent.

    He just doesn’t belong on paper to either the Dees or the Bees.

    My opinion of Hammie La, for what its worth, took a nosedive.

    I hope whenever of if ever a by election is called that a real Independent will run ….. and win.

  16. Damn it! The same thing I said. Hammie is going to get licks on top of licks. The stupid thing is he cannot fire his advisers nor does he seem to have the knack for cooling his own conscience. Resign my dear friend. You are not a bad man, but by your own admission a poor politician who got it wrong somewhere when you did not understand that opportunity needs a vehicle. That’s all for now. My conscience tells me that I should get out of this political pit before it consumes me.

  17. test

  18. What say ye now?

    Hammy seems to have the last laugh.

    That’s politics!

  19. Deafening silence

  20. Independent my great toe!!

  21. Hammy seems to have the last laugh.
    What an opportunistic grasshopper this politician turned out to be.

  22. @ROK

    Maybe the reason Lashley’s job appointment by government has not created too much of a debate is the fact that he is not regarded as a politician i.e.he is a man who just want to help poor people.

  23. So what is Undine’s response?

  24. Someone said the 'BLP Stalwart'

    Hammie is no different from all the people David Thompson has been slamming. OOOppps! I am sorry, Hammie is an opportunist and that sets him apart even if understandably so. He ought to be conscious with whom he breaks bread. I am only reminding him of what he told me. Come on Ras, there has to be a moment when you would not condescend and use helping people as the justification. It becomes another form of bigotry and I am convinced you have played right into the hands of David and the Dems. You are an independent political operative of the Dems, you sit in Parliament and work for the Dems. In my mind, you have to be the least trusted ‘Honourable Member’ in the Chamber. I do not expect the Dems will say it to you, I do not expect lackeys or hand-to-mouth people will say it to you, the Bees will not say it to you. I have said it because we both represent struggle, but you have put yourself on the precipice of a slippery slope to political damnation — even against the background of being a man for the poor. I wish you success in your endeavours.

  25. Someone said the ‘BLP Stalwart’ // October 3, 2008 at 5:12 am

    I AGREE WITH MOST OF YOUR COMMENTS (Surprisingly) Nevertheless I think that Hammie La is a FRAUD! Of the highest degree! Just my humble opinion!

    Anyoneread the comment when he said that it was the first time he had been wined and dined at Ilaro Court!

    Things that make you go hmmmmm! LOL! Resign hammie just resign!

  26. ROK // September 18, 2008 at 6:33 pm

    @ John

    You seem to have a vested interest in insuring that Hammie don’t come back, even as an Independent. I think you know a lot more than you care to reveal.

    @ Adrian Hinds

    Who or what calibre of persons would you want to see “step up to the plate”? Would really like to hear your views here.

    Anyone who appreciates the power of the people, who will truly be reminded at all times who sent them to parliament and why? and such people can be found in abundance amongst persons who counts a newer secondary school as their Alma Mater.

    …..look i am sticking to my contention that a lot of well known older secondary school alum, are high profile drunkards (just check facebook, justbajan.com, bajantube.com,kadooment.com), High profile thieves, (several lawyers before the law courts,past and present) High profile yard-fowls etc. A lot of these persons that walk around with their the high-school prominently aloft for all to see have little else to offer.

  27. Why is it that politicians like Lashley are not respected for the type of person he is, a man who loves helping poor people. He was that way before politics and he will probably be that way until he dies. If it means that he feels that he can only significantly help poor people from within the bosom of government we can life with that because it is not a perfect world.

  28. David // October 3, 2008 at 10:33 am

    Why is it that politicians like Lashley are not respected for the type of person he is, a man who loves helping poor people.

    Because Hammie lah holds true to the core tenents of socialism, which shows up most socialist democrats whose adherents to the ideology is shallow at best, because it is percieved to be the best approach to winning power in a democracy. Fake is their action to win power in the name of the people only to exercise it and concentrate it for their own purpose and that of their friends.
    ….wait did i just describe Owen Arthur and the BLP? sorry it wasn’t by designed. 😀 Hammie Lah as long as he is in parliament will be a reminder of the power of the people. Kudos to the DLP and Thompson for realizing this and embracing him for in so doing to my mind they have embrace the very people that he represents.

  29. Adrian you know I respect your opinions; however something smells strange! He has to convince me he is sincere! right now I dont see that sincerity! If in time to come he proves to me his worth of salt I will apologise bur for right now I see a parasite!

  30. So wait next election where does Undine stand? Is Hammiela going to step aside and let Undine run as so many on this board predicted or is there going to be a 3-way race for that constituency? Is Undine satisfied with the post she has now or does she has higher aspirations?

  31. Adrian Hinds

    JC // October 3, 2008 at 1:07 pm

    Adrian you know I respect your opinions; however something smells strange! He has to convince me he is sincere! right now I don’t see that sincerity! If in time to come he proves to me his worth of salt I will apologize bur for right now I see a parasite!

    Thanks JC, that’s a fair position to take. As i said on September 11, 2008 at 1:05 pm in this same thread, The DLP has indeed reach out to Hammie, I believe, primarily because he is seen first and foremost as the representative of real people (there is some politics in it too):) . What is yet to be seen, is in the next election. An independent Hammie should he run as such, should not expect and rightly so, any help from the DLP, they should field their own candidate and actively canvass for the hearts and minds of the residents in that constituency. There is nothing wrong with this, and if the DLP should retain the government but lose to Hammie the independent, the DLP should once again demonstrate the maturity that have done this week and include him or any member of parliament who can put aside partisanship in the interest of their constituents, and the country. This is what a mature Barbados should demand and expect, and quite frankly it is what parliament since 1966 has been mandated to do but have never been practice. This current government has show a level of maturity in the way they reacted to what is could be the beginning of a process that weakens both establish parties, but nevertheless strengthen democracy in Barbados. We should all celebrate this move.

  32. why should hammie have to resign? he is nothing more than an drug addict going where ever he can find money to get his next vial of crack.

    It is David Thompson, who is perpetuating this politics of inclusion, that should be kicked out of office.

  33. Adrian Hinds

    The term politics of inclusion firmly belongs to Owen Arthur, it is not even a BLP invention. One consistent theme of the Owen Arthur politics of inclusion is that the recipient had to demonstrate “LOYALTY” and the consistent way in which most it not all recipients demostrated such,was to resigned membership of whatever party and applied for membership to the BLP. Even Neval Greenidge, a former cop, insurance agent, and DLP candidate and member, i believed had to do this just to secure a pick in Canada with either the Barbados consul in Ottawa or with the BTA canadian office.

    ….The record shows that while Hammie Lah left the BLP he did not join any other party and is still an independent in parliament.


  34. ….The record shows that while Hammie Lah left the BLP he did not join any other party and is still an independent in parliament.
    Adrian. Come on, do you feel that people are idiots. What nonsense you talking about that Hammie is an Independent. Hammie is now a D plan an simple, he is one of the said ‘inclusion’ grasshopper that you Adrian cried down during the Arthur administration. He is now of the kins of grasshoppers just like Mascoll, Prescod and Symmonds that you Adrian cried down. Let’s face facts Adrian, it seems that partisan politics allows people like you to be deceptive to your countryman. We as a people must be fair in our accusation since you don’t pelt rocks when you have glass houses.

    I leave you with this one Adrian
    “Hold de light fuh de devil tuh sih, and when yuh get a chance, blow it out in ‘e’ face” Ho Ho Ho Stupes!

  35. Adrian Hinds

    No Tell me Why, you will not leave me with anything. Either stay and debate or take along whatever it is you had intend to leave with me. 🙂

    Whether or not Hammie is now a Dee is provable, and the burden of providing that proof is on you since you would have me believe otherwise.

    There was no mistaking the party switch which Mascoll, Prescod, and Symmonds made, and i will assume that by mentioning these folks in the manner that you did suggest that you judged Hammie by the same critieria, again where is your proof? If um is so i will say so until then, fuh me he is an INDEPENDENT. 🙂

  36. Hammie does not practise opposition politics!

  37. Either stay and debate
    I have no intention of easing up on any debate regarding double standard due to partisan politics. I have great respect for your intellect unlike certain party bloggers, but I must say that I am disappointed in you failing to see a master move by Hammie. Remember Hammie resigned from the DLP in 1994 after the defeat of the BLP. Now in 2008, again he resigned from the BLP. Is he afraid of Opposition politics? Is he afraid from coming from the back and winning? Is he fascinated with the limelight that he must shift to the winning side?

    As man, these are the questions you can debate Adrian.

  38. I believe that history will judge Hammie by how he plays his hand. I believe that Hammie has gained tremendous experience playing on both sides and now has that experience to play down the straight and narrow.

    Opportunist and parasite are terms for the short-sighted; those who only see the here and now, but I think that Adrian has shown us how to deal with the here and now, because at any point in time when you are unable to judge, the best course is to take the facts at face value.

    Of course this would presume that you understand the factors and their implications. There is not a politician who could not be described as an opportunist. The very nature of the game is opportunism. When one party goes out there cussing the other, it is only to gain the opportunity to win Government.

    A, Prime Minister is always mindful that there are others competing for that job and that any member of his party, if given the opportunity, would oust him to become the Prime Minister. So while a party may look stable, all that is mere posturing because they know that if they do not settle their leadership none stand a chance.

    At least, the party that best looks as if it’s ready is the party that will win. The best example I have seen so far when it comes to opportunity was Sonny Mitchell of St. Vincent. He became Prime Minister not only by holding the balance of power but by understanding how to use it.

    The truth is that I have not seen any politician in Barbados for a long time, who was able to use political advantage as Hammie has done. Just that he don’t have a doctorate behind his name, some would want to assert that he is a grasshopper, but if it was different, he might well be known as a shrewd and bright politician.

    Contrary to popular belief, Hammie has no political advisors, he is moving on his own steam and do not think for one moment that he is not bright or that he does not see clearly because you would be quite wrong or deceived by your own biases.

  39. Opportunist and parasite are terms for the short-sighted; those who only see the here and now,
    ROK, Oh Dat is pure “rock” that is soft like limestone, the more I read your post, the faster the decay of your logic.

    You use the word “opportunist” in your summation regarding Hammie gaining more experience but that simply mean he is “(taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit). That is why he has been deemed as a “grasshopper”, up he goes and down he comes right in the heart of Government.

    Using the word parasite shows that being a ‘Grasshopper’ his action definitely speaks for itself, since a parasite is (a follower who hangs around a host (without benefit to the host) in hope of gain or advantage). He can be termed a ‘leech’ or a ‘sponger. His action is the worst form of “political opportunism’ than I have ever encountered in post political politics. With that ROK, you must wheel and come again. The man simply loves a podium, a microphone and cameras focusing on him. He is simply a “Limelight politician”. Here endeth my post on the ‘well trained grasshopper’.

  40. ROK and Adrian. I bet if the DLP lose the next election, Hamilton Lashley will retire from Politics. By the way, was Mr Lashley really sick or he was playing just playing ‘wolf’ for empathy.

  41. Adrian Hinds

    @ Tell my Why
    When you face up to the reality of political partisanship and victimization in Barbados, then you may gain some clarity in understanding Hammie’s moves over the years. His actions over the years re. Switching sides wasn’t the result of some thought out master plan, it was a simple understanding of politics in Barbados and a determination to at all cost carry out his promise to the people who continues to elect him. It was no small coincidence that Thompson said Hammie will not “starve”. Lionel Craig’s “Let them starve” comment although not directed at Hammie or his constituency never the less underscores the kind of politics that is practice in Barbados, particularly by the BLP. Hammie understood this and stood willing to yes prostitute himself for the sake of the people he represents. The poster who made the analogy of Hammie as an unwilling prostitute who enters the profession for the sake of her children, is very accurate, and while the poster made this observation and linkage to disparage Hammie, to my mind they did far more than that. It is an indictment on the institution of government in Barbados and its practitioners, the political class. We have seen how grassroots politicians have been treated in today’s Barbados by both parties. At one point their (grassroots politicians) assumed death was been celebrated by Owen Arthur, which in essence meant that the voice of the people was being silence once and for all. There were very mistaken. This rush celebration of the demise of the grassroots politician was also the ushering in of the professional or skilled politicians, persons with skills, crafts, and qualifications that as Owen Arthur wanted us to believe are better suited to manage Barbados in a globalize environment. It meant that the citizens of Barbados were to continue to put their local needs on hold this time in perpetuity, in the interest of the national good and needs. It meant that the inefficiencies of the systems was to be born by all constituencies where in the past only the constituency that had the prime Minster as their representative suffered. Well the Grassroots politicians are still with us, with a fresh new guard of grassroots apprentice in training and the professional politicians like Kerry Simmonds and Rudy Grant are still on the outside looking in. The people have spoken.

    No one that curse and talk down to Barbadians as much as Owen Arthur has done should ever be considered a great statesman, by the same people.

  42. Here are some 11 reasons why the BLP must be kicked out of Parliament at the Next Election:

    1) For its doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING – esp. in the last three years of its having been at the helm of the goverment – to reduce this raging rampant skyrocketing cost of living and this alarmingly high cost of doing business in Barbados that it very much helped to cause; and which are circumstances that are continuing to make life a living hell hole for the masses and middle classes of people of the country;

    2) For its excessively borrowing – during the time of the Arthur Administrations – on the local and international capital markets to the point whereby the Government Debt of this country would have moved from a worrying BDS $ 2,485 Billion in 1994, to a staggering BDS $ 4, 981 Billion at the end of 2006, which, as it continues upwards at this stage, does have serious implications for the financial integrity and intenational creditworthiness of the country;

    3) For the disgusting levels of squandermania that took place during the Arthur Administrations – such as, that that took place on the GEMS Project, the Greenland Landfill, EDUTECH, the Kensington Oval Redevelopment Project, the Hardwood Housing Factory Scandal, etc.

    4) For its tremendously obscenely increasing – during the the time of the Arthur Administrations – the extent of thieving murderous TAXATION on the backs of the masses and middle classes of people of this country, from a wicked damning BDS $ 979 Million in 1994, to an evil mind blowing BDS $ 2,066 Million at the end of 2006 – pure stealing and robbing of the relevant portions of the incomes of the relevant people, businesses and other entities in this country;

    5) For stupidly sickeningly allowing and, at some times, helping to cause – again, during the Arthur Administrations – more and more of our land spaces to be sold to foreigners esp at times when thousands upon thousands of land hungry Barbadians have been needing land spaces to call their own;

    6) For grossly recklessly uncaringly allowing and, at some times , helping to cause – during the last BLP Administrations – the cost of land and housing – to dangerously skyrocket out of the reaches of the average Barbadian;

    7) For making many false and worthless promises during the Arthur Administrations – like a promise to make Barbados a republic by abolishing the status of Barbados being a constitutional monarchy, through the installing of a local Head of State; and, like to create a referendum for the voters to decide on those particular issues;

    8) For its continuing – under the present Mottley leadership – to provide ineffectual and lacklustre leadership on national issues related to the fact that Barbados is presently in recession and therefore that its needs to have provided the best social, political, financial and other strategies to help it come out of that and to go forward further into the 21 st Century – some which it is starkly failing to do;

    9) For its continuing – under this present Mottley leadership – to prove that when it was at the helm of the affairs of this country under the Prime Ministership of Mr. Owen Arthur, it did bring to this country horrendous levels of national and sectoral destruction and havoc in so many areas and which if it were to ever regain management of the affairs of country that it will bring more to the country – For instance, it presently accuses the other joke parliamentary party – the DLP, of, yes, demonically (our words ) seeking to raise over $ 100 milion in one swoop in regard of the recent July Budgetary measures, yet in 1997/8 the EVIL VAT system robbed the people in Barbados of almost BDS $ 500 Million. Hypocritical, hypocritical, indeed!! The truth is that the VAT HAS BEEN HELPING TO MASSIVELY KILL OFF MUCH OF OUR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE IN BARBADOS;

    10) The BLP continues to be a very elitist party and one that has long made sure that the vast majority of the masses and middle classes are as much as possible oppressed and suppressed in the interest of the elite in this country – this juncture must be seen as the juncture of the masses and middle classes of this country and because the BLP, like the DLP too, does NOT want this, it must be NEVER able to again regain office in this country, because the vast majority of masses and middle classes of people do NOT wish for any more destruction and havoc in the country in the interest of the elite; and,

    11) The BLP is a party that has been selling out the interests of the country to international capitalists and imperialists on a great scale – to help stop this inimical trend and restore our country to immediate post-independence national glory and prestige, the BLP must be made into a thing of the past.

    Note – statistics extrapolated from the Annual Statistical Digest 2007 of the Central Bank of Barbados.


  43. People pretend not to know, that in order for a representative to get results for his constituents, he must be on the team of the winning party and not just be a member of the winning party. Hammie Lah knows and understands this. He is the only one who takes representation of his constituency literally. Kelly would be like Hammie if not for his ambitions and ego.
    Hammie has no ambitons of becoming PM, so any PM who wants to give the impression that they have the interest of the masses at heart, will seek to associate with him in any way possible. We need more representatives and less politicans. The elitist will have a problem with that but the masses won’t.

  44. Dear PDC. Please contact Hoadie and let him show you how to write precise articles of substance. Your post lacks logic.