Barbados Public Workers Cooperative Credit Union Members Urged To Take Back Their Credit Union From The Few Who Have Hijacked It

Submitted by Cat Eyes


Clorinda Alleyne, CEO, Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited

  1. How is it that the CEO of this credit union makes almost $20,000 per month, inclusive of allowances. More than the Prime Minister of this country?  More than what some executives of private sector banks and insurance companies earn; more than some executives who have to perform and are appraised on performance. She also receives leave passage – the type that longstanding civil servants receive- holiday with passage paid for by the members. They have smartly sat down and crafted an exceptional salaries and benefits package for Alleyne who adds no value to the institution if you were to review her performance. Her salary is almost 6 thousand dollars more than her deputy the Legal Counsel. Those gaps in salary ranges are highly unusual. The CEO of the PW credit union has no financial qualifications, save for the credit union courses, and was a less than stellar attorney before joining the organisation as its Legal Counsel, yet through the machinations of Paul, and certainly not on ability or skill she is the head of this organisation.
  2. The CEO has a chauffeur who is paid out of the organisation’s coffers. The reasoning was that she was suffering from dizziness so she could  not drive. For five years or more this has been occurring. It was suggested that the driver, who is a messenger at the credit union, be paid the overtime for chauffeuring her, out of her salary. He also picked up her children from schools that are within walking distance of the credit union..
  3. For over three years Paul Maxwell, who was laid off from Cable and Wireless and worked nowhere, spent most of his time at the organisation and drove to and from the Credit Union in the car assigned to Alleyne, while she was driven around in another vehicle. The organisation’s car was in the possession of a non-executive director for over a year – being serviced etc. with members’ money – and nothing was done about it.
  4. When Caswell’s trip was cancelled, we the members lost approximately $10 thousand dollars in non-refundable expenses which were paid. His trip was cancelled out of spite, and we all know who was behind it. They have absolutely no regard for how our money is spent, as long as their end is achieved. So ” … cancel his trip, who the hell cares if the members’ money is pitched into Maxwell Pond as long as he does not go anywhere we are happy.”
  5. For the past decade some very bright and independent minds have left the institution because of the actions of the “musical chairs” Board. The management  staff complement then becomes a compliant, mentally sterile, ethically devoid group of trip hunters who take the lavish salaries, the healthy profit sharing and say “yes sir, yes sir, three bags full” and grin all the way to the salary counter. Petrified to object to anything.

My recommendation is that the whole Board face a no-confidence motion. Also, people like Cedric Murrell, who have proven to be major disappointments in the manner in which they have condoned this behaviour as members of the Supervisory Committee, should be permanently off.

The function of the Registrar of Cooperatives has functioned in this case just as the Supervisor of Insurance functioned with CLICO. THEY DID NOT FUNCTION!!! Couple their inaction with a complacent, greedy membership which seems to have no concept of what a credit union should be and no comprehension of their responsibility as members, and we have problems.

In moving forward, members would have to petition/agitate for Paul Maxwell to be forbidden to serve on any decision-making entities related to the credit union. They are currently making plans to establish a new company that will be providing services to smaller credit unions, and another unemployed clique member, Dean St. Hill, is tipped to head that company. Paperwork is with the Registrar. Members need to put their foot down.

It is unfortunate that this matter had to be aired here. But that is what happens when people feel they have no voice in the forum that should listen and act. I certainly hope it does not undermine public confidence in the institution, which by and large is a great one. But this development is a result of a lapse in the vigilance we all knew used to be the hallmark of successful credit unions.

Get to the AGM, demand answers- do not allow Paul and company to use by laws to block discussion (and threats of legal action from the bully Alleyne). Organise, and do like them and get a lawyer to go with the group if you can. And when you get your answers, petition, move motions, do whatever you can to bring the freewheeling by that group to an end. Take back your credit union.

329 responses to “Barbados Public Workers Cooperative Credit Union Members Urged To Take Back Their Credit Union From The Few Who Have Hijacked It

  1. Caswell Franklyn

    You asked, “Why would our respected local credit unionists agree to the reporting of shares as a liability if not required from a regulatory position to do so?

    Respected does not equal knowledgeable. We had a take over of the credit union movement by some young turks that did not know or understand the nature of a co-operative and started to operate the credit unions as though they were for profit organizations. Co-operatives/credit unions are organizations designed with the objective of people helping people. You used your resourses to help each other. The credit unions were not designed for investment purposes that is why the law limits the maximum return on deposits.

    Credit unions are not supposed to be about profit first, as a matter of fact the people that should receive the most benefit should be the people that use the services of the co-operative most. That is why there is no limit on the amount of patronage refund that members could receive.. All of these lofty principles have been ignored by the young turks without the required co-operative grounding. Credit unions now bear little resemblance to what a credit union should look like and look more like uncaring banks.

    The changes came about because some people were doing too much flying around the globe, ostensibly on credit-union business, going to international seminars and coming back to implement some of the things that they heard but not fully understood. They were able to come back and approach their friends in Government who legislated the changes without understanding the harm that they were inflicting on the movement.

    When the savings were classified as shares, members receive a dividend that was not taxible. With the changes, members are now paid interest that is subject to a 12.5% withholding tax. Thanks to those clowns!

  2. @Caswell

    When the savings were classified as shares, members receive a dividend that was not taxible. With the changes, members are now paid interest that is subject to a 12.5% withholding tax. Thanks to those clowns!

    To clarify the 12.5% is only applicable on interest earned greater than $100.00.

  3. smooth chocolate

    @Caswell Franklyn | June 16, 2011 at 5:30 PM |

    how could provision for impaired/bad loans for CMCF jumped from $619,000 when the two business were combined to $50m in 2010 then to $104 m in 2011? this is utter madness!!! i have given serious thought to these revelations. one of my work colleagues withdrew all her savings last week. i have decided to do same. i am attending the meeting only to see if certain issues will be clarified…i doubt it. i know in these settings members will be intimidated, so whatever reason they give or don’t give is irrelevant to me, i will withdraw my membership. if they are offering nothing more than the bank and stealing funds while at it, then i don’t have to be committed to them at all. it’s my money. i am greatly disillusioned with the Credit union. I joined so that i my finances could be better and i felt proud to be part of something created for the poor and not so poor. i’m done with them

  4. David – the shares are reported as a liability where the members can come and withdraw their money at any time. From that point of view they are the same as deposits. This is by definition a liability, not equity.

    Despite what Caswell says, credit unions (especially large ones) are financial institutions and have to be operated like financial institutions. Check out the PEARLS ratios for evidence of this. The failure of a big credit union in Barbados could set the credit union movement back several years, or even destroy it.

  5. @Brutus
    Understand the point that credit union shares can be compared to deposits in a bank therefore a liability but why was it optional as Caswell has stated?

  6. Caswell Franklyn

    There is absolutely no reason why the annual report should not be in the hands of members. It is difficult to peruse a document while the meeting is ongoing. That probably suits the boards that do not want to be challenged.

    Prior to there changes, By-law 23 restricted members from withdrawing their shares on demand.

    According to By-law 81 all the records of the credit union, except members personal financial business, shall be open to the inspection of any member or person having an interest in the funds of the Society. Unfortunately, the board restricts information from members and have been supported in their position by a legal opinion from an actuary.

  7. The comment at 8:59 pm by smooth chocolate demonstrates why the accounting standard says to treat certain shares as deposits. A member can get vex and done with that and come for his/her shares. You can’t do that with the typical shares in a company – the company has the right to refuse to pay you for your shares.

    Smooth chocolate – I don’t think that Caswell said the provision for impaired loans jumped to $104m in 2011. The total impaired loans increased, according to Caswell, but I don’t think we need any explanation for this other than the existing economic conditions. Caswell is implying that the credit union bought a lot of impaired loans when they acquired Clico Mortgage but I think he is just fishing.

  8. Caswell Franklyn

    Pearls ratios are NOT mandatory. Public Workers ignore the one dealing with writing off doubtful loans. If they complied the profit/surplus of the credit union would be greatly reduced.

  9. @Caswell

    If PEARLS is not mandatory what are the ratios/indices the Registrar would have used to regulate credit unions.

  10. Caswell Franklyn

    Your comment at 9:31 completely ignored mine at 9:24: I hope that you did not see it before you posted your comment.

    I was in the credit union long enough to assure you that in difficult times, the board did not allow members to withdraw their shares, even if they got vex and done with that.

    The people who introduced these changes were not familiar with the by-law.

  11. smooth chocolate

    @Brutus | June 16, 2011 at 9:31 PM |

    “…You can’t do that with the typical shares in a company – the company has the right to refuse to pay you for your shares.:.” but it’s not a company, it’s a credit union that have lost sight of what a credit union is all about, so yes ‘i vex and done wid that’ and will take my shares. it’s my money., i will not be supporting thieves if evidence is pointing in that direction.

    “I don’t think that Caswell said the provision for impaired loans jumped to $104m in 2011. The total impaired loans increased” … i understood what Caswell was saying but i was thinking that maybe impaired loans of the CMF was somehow ‘hidden’ when PW took over the company…i’m speaking from a layman’s perspective. i know how accounting figures could be manipulated… aside from that, i have decided to withdraw membership

  12. Caswell – no I hadn’t seen your comment when I posted mine at 9:31.

    You really need to explain the conditions under which the Board could refuse to allow members to withdraw shares – both before and after the change in by-law 23. Could the withdrawal request be refused indefinitely?

  13. jujst only asking


    I think you have handled yourself well. You have re-socilaise me about the BPWCCUL. A lot of these young punk who have no interest in the union came around and because of their fancy voices were elected to an insitution of which they had no interest, except for selfish pursuits. Thank God I have never voted for some them, i mean people like the sthill, the maxwell etc

    If the get me vex i gun use a bonny peppa on them.

    As for that green giant, which you have cut down to amidget, you are a fraud. You think some of us foolish and dont understan fincncial accounting, but i am one that do even though i did not get into the debate of ratios as i know caswelll can wunnah. You dont have to like him.

  14. @Caswell

    Regarding the CMFC bad debt matter you raised. Are you saying the credit union would have bought a pig in a poke?

    Isn’t it the drill to inspect the books of the company being purchased and net off what maybe agreed as toxic assets?

    What evidence do you have that this was not done?

    Also this was a mortgage company and would likely have the deeds to properties held as security? So many questions.

  15. Caswell Franklyn

    You started by asking,
    “Regarding the CMFC bad debt matter you raised. Are you saying the credit union would have bought a pig in a poke?

    That is exactly what it looks like to me, or rather that is how the group consolidated financials make it appear. At note 16 the report states:
    “At the date of acquisition, the provision for impaired loans amounted to $691,016
    Now turn to page 45, you will see that impaired loans jumped from $50 million in 2010 to $104 million in 2011. Where did these impaired loans come from if not from CMCF’s balance sheet.

    There was absolutely no good reason why the credit union should have purchased CMCF. The credit union already has a mortgage division which was short of cash in 2010 to disburse loans that were already approved, if memory serves me correctly, there was a figure of $33 million for loans approved but not disbursed. Rather than borrow money to satisfy the members’ needs, the credit union borrowed money to buy a cash-strapped mortgage company from CLICO. A company which now competes with the credit union for business. That acquisition does not make sense.

    The National Insurance Board rejected the credit union’s application for the loan to purchase CMCF, Prime Minister Thompson intervened and the board changed its decision.

    I am firmly of the view that the acquisition of CMCF had more to do with bailing out CLICO and finding employment for someone that was unemployed for five years, who happened to be part of the acquisition team than anything to do with the best interest of the credit union.

    You also asked:
    “Also this was a mortgage company and would likely have the deeds to properties held as security?’

    You must also remember that this was also CLICO.

    Another point of concern to me is the fact that the board never approached a general meeting of members, with a resolution seeking permission to purchase CMCF. Even more troubling is the fact that the purchase would require approval from the Registrar of Co-operatives, who should have checked for such a resolution before her approval was given. HOW COULD SHE?

  16. @Caswell

    It might be useful for questions to be asked about the due diligence process BWP credit union engaged at the meeting tomorrow.

  17. Caswell Franklyn

    It would be useful if members passed a resolution ordering an investigation into the conduct of the board in this regard. But, I would not stop there, a forensic audit should also be ordered.

  18. @Caswell

    The deal is consummated, what grounds those members desirous of asking for a forensic audit used to support their motion.

  19. Caswell Franklyn

    The forensic audit would clear up or otherwise any allegations of wrong doing. The board should welcome any such investigation if as they claim: they have done nothing wrong.

  20. Hmm, any idea how much forensic audits cost nowadays?

    Caswell, why don’t you believe that the credit union alone could be responsible for the increase in the impaired loans?

    Also, was there any legal requirement for the acquisition of Clico Mortgage to have been approved by a resolution of members?

  21. just only asking

    @Caswell or David

    If an auditor expressed an unqulified on the 2010 statements what is he saying, my brain is hazy on this, i am here reading the 2011 statements


  23. Hello people

    Still talking

    Today is it
    Nothing on this blog matters
    Lets see your mettle now

  24. In the bank

    This was a very good meeting. The members were kept well informed by the Directors. The Directors have a fantastic strategic vision for Capita, which will see it become a bank, which is owned by all of the credit unions. As I think it will play out, BPWCCUL will sell an interest in Capita to the other credit unions at a price that BPWCCUL will realize, we hope material, gains on the initial investment, which will ultimately be distributed to the members. We are about to move away from the simple savings and loans business to the sophisticated business of banking. We are going to be wealthy.

  25. BPWCCUL Calls Meeting

    5:30PM, December 12, 2011, to consider non-consolidated financial statements for year ended March 31, 2011

  26. You can never be sure, but this may be the meeting for which calls originated on BU.

  27. At the last BWUCCU AGM members requested specifics on the balance sheet and how it should be presented Capita etc. This meeting is probably a follow through to that request.

  28. Caswell Franklyn

    Brutus, Green Giant et al

    I hate to tell you that I told you so, but I did. Go back and read my comments from June 15 where I argued that the credit union was required to produce separate accounts for the credit union and Capita. They have now been ordered by the Financial Services Commission to do just that after a member complained.

    It does not make me feel any better that I have proven to be correct: the credit union is still being mismanaged for the benefit of a few. They even refuse to report embezzlements to the Police as required by the Law and the organization’ own policy.

  29. We know that until his appointment to the FSC Jeff Cumberbatch was an active contributor to BU, no doubts he still reads, even though he probably believes protocol does not permit him to contribute to this forum. We wish him all the best of course.