Lawsuit Against NEWGYUMEDIA.COM and Other Media Houses

Submitted by the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID)
Rickford Burke, CGID President

Rickford Burke, CGID President

BROOKLYN, NEW YORK: President of the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID) Rickford Burke is slapping libel and defamation lawsuits against the Guyana Chronicle newspapers and National Commutations Network (NCN) Television, entities of Guyana’s ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government. A defamation suit is also being filed against PPP website The legal action stems from publication of false and slanderous allegations that Burke was arrested in New York for identity theft, when he was in fact the victim of identity theft. Burke has retained prominent Guyanese Attorney Nigel Hughes.

The Institute’s Director of Commutations Jevon Suralie in a statement Thursday described the articles as “fabricated sleaze” and said the Chronicle newspaper and NCN TV were “utensils of filth and racist PPP propaganda.” Pointing to false and malicious comments from President Donald Ramotar’s communications officer, Suralie accused Guyana’s Office of the President of peddling smear. He noted that the president’s communications officer has been charged with assault and investigated for alleged child rape and contended that “It’s ironic he would indulge in defamation of this sort. It is also inconceivable that President Donald Ramotar would allow his office to operate as “cesspool for slander” he added.

Related document: – (Summons)

The institute said Burke had a recent encounter with NYPD officers which resulted in the issuance of a traffic violation summons for “unlicensed driver.” He said an Internal Affairs investigation has ensued as Burke was exiting his parked car and not driving at the time.  The incident led to the discovery that someone or persons have been driving under his name and that he was the victim of identity theft. The perpetrators accumulated multiple unpaid summonses, duplicate DMV records and SCOFFS laws violations and judgments under Burke’s name, resulting in multiple license suspensions. They also opened an HSBC Bank credit card account. Police and DMV officials are investigating. A copy of the summons has been released.

The Guyana Chronicle, NCN television and Newguymedia on Wednesday alleged Burke was arrested for identity theft in the purchase of a motor vehicle. “To lend credibility to this falsity, they hacked into his Facebook page and downloaded and published a photograph of him standing next to a vehicle he previously owned but traded in two years ago,” Suralie said. He fingered  a Queens Attorney and PPP supporter who was recently arrested by the FBI for fraud as a party to what he called “the PPP’s defamation campaign.”

Brooklyn Attorney Donnell Suares has written to owner and publisher of Newguymedia,  Clinton Dubissette of 3123 Beverly Road Brooklyn, New York, demanding an immediate retraction. Attorney Nigel Hughes has has demanded retractions from the Guyana Chronicle and NCN TV.

“Rickford Burke is the victim of identity theft. DMV officials are working to sanitize his driving record. It is inconceivable that the ruling party in Guyana and its supporters in Queens can, out of desperation, turn these facts on their head and fabricate and publish such evil lies with intent to smear and defame. No nefarious acts will not deter Mr. Burke or CGID from speaking out against racism and corruption in Guyana,” Suralie contended.

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