Latest Queens Counsel Appointees Waiting for the White Smoke

Chief Justice Marston Gibson

Chief Justice Marston Gibson

Whether we like it or not the constitution of Barbados recognizes the Queen of England as the head of state of Barbados. We practice the Westminster system of government and until we pluck the will from somewhere to believe in an indigenous way, Queen Elizabeth II through her agent the Governor General will continue to play that vital role as head of state.

One of the perks of the system which is eagerly looked forward to by members of the legal fraternity – for the status it confers – is to attain the designation of Queen’s Counsel (QC). BU understands the latest group of QCs who were informed four weeks ago have been delayed in their celebration because the list cannot be published until the Chief Justice (CJ) issues the warrants. According to our source, the list was sent to him (CJ) four weeks ago. It is customary for the warrants to be issued as soon as the GG has  written the QCs. There is a little buzz in the fraternity caused by the delay which cannot be explained.

Out of curiosity, and for no other reason, BU would like to know why the CJ is sitting on the warrants? It cannot be that he is very busy because his last sighting on the cocktail circuit was carried in today’s press.

104 responses to “Latest Queens Counsel Appointees Waiting for the White Smoke

  1. @David Weekes. Let me shock the hell out of Baffy by saying that I agree with you. It is an excellent idea. I don’t think it will ever receive official acceptance, but……to hell with official acceptance. However, there is no reason why you ought not to create a vast database on all professionals and all services with their prices, along the lines of a lot of internet marketing sites like insurance. You can go online in North America or Europe and shop for car insurance and find the best deals. It has made the sale of insurance far more competitive and more geared towards and in the hands of the consumer. Therefore it makes perfect sense to say, “Why not any service and any professional providing services?”

    My only reservation is on the issue of finances of ANYONE, not just lawyers. In Canada, each province has protection of privacy legislation so that access to a person’s financial details is protected to a very large degree and there are serious penalties should anyone just jump in and grab the information. As far as the UK is concerned, ditto, under the Data Protection Act – for instance, if you want a bank loan, the bank cannot just access your information, it must have you authorize that access under signature – your signature.

    As we, hopefully, move towards similar legislation, your plans probably need to factor that in. Personally, I can see no possible objection to establishing a database that provides details on professionals like attorneys. A list of their cases (which is public domain) indicating which ones they have won (also public domain) and even their hourly billing fees. Why the hell not? You can go online and shop for handbags knowing that the one you buy from Wallmart is going to be in the tens of dollars, while the one you buy from Dior will be in the thousands of dollars. And the old adage that you get what you pay for is not damaged in any way.

    Go for it and the very best of luck to you. I think it is an excellent idea – I am all for transparency. Up front is good!!!!! Ambush is NOT good.

  2. He would have to make it part of an international database query very separate and distinct from local interference…………………I really do admire his innovative intellect.

  3. @ Amused
    Interesting approach.

    If anyone is interested in buying ANYTHING from Amazon or any international retailer, it is possible to look over the list of reviews posted by previous customers in order to benefit from their experiences,- good or bad.

    There is no good reason why any independent body (BU?) or individual (like Mr Weekes) can’t set up a platform to host such a database for Lawyers, politicians, doctors or any group.

    Good businesses would benefit from such a facility and all customers would LOVE it.
    You would be surprised to see the lengths to which big suppliers will go to get a good rating from customers, and to proactively address genuine complaints.

    Bushie can see it now….. LOL


    Lawyer: Mr. B. U . Amused MSc., QC, MP
    Number if Reviews : 203
    Average rating: ****
    Area of Service
    1 – Plantation Deeds and Conveyances.. *****
    2 – Responsiveness to Clients. ****
    3 – Criminal Law. ****
    4 – Arguments with the Bushman. *


  4. David Weekes

    To be truthful your approach reminds me of the Film Industries, but where personalities are concerned there is a caveat of course, and this is for the benefit of both Amused and the boot strap engineer Bush Tea; there is also provided, notification of “place and cause of death”. … Just saying …!

  5. @David Weekes

    BU scents Afra Raymond advocacy leanings. Why the hell don’t you go for it!

  6. Gingerbread Girl

    If Dale “I love dresses” Marshall could become a QC then anyone from the Bar, even Micharl Yearwood, could be a QC.

    Good forbid that Barbados should ever reach the point were Yearwood was made a QC. That boy would not recognize the Law if it drove over him.

  7. @ David
    Seeing some ‘new’ monikers.

  8. @enuff

    Thanks, on top of it.

  9. Knight of the Long Knives

    @ Bushie 2:17pm Classic!
    @ Amused If you are (and I think you are) a practicing attorney in Barbados it is rather unfortunate that we cant know your name because unlike most attorneys you see like a level headed and sensible fellow. My best experience with an attornet would be with Mageurite Woodstock-Riley, she is a first class attorney well deserving of her QC.

  10. Amused

    The above is really me posting under a different handle. So tell me, you believe dah comment at face value …? Ha Ha Ha

  11. BTW, Woodstock, the girl who would drive to school in a Beamer, was the best lookin’ chick on Campus back in the day

  12. Knight of the Long Knives

    She is still quite beautiful Baffy, more mature though obviously, but she is a tenacious attorney I would not want to be on the wrong side of her.

  13. Knight of the Long Knives

    I believe (now realizing what you are saying) Baffy that is Mrs. Woodstock-Riley’s daughter.

  14. What about St. Clair Howell. I think that he long overdue for the title of QC.

  15. Nope Knives, Woodstock senior drove a Beamer to school. Never understood how a Jamaican expat student could afford such a convenience …

  16. @Caswell

    You have been asked a question on another blog, please follow this link.

  17. I have heard all sorts of allegations about lawyers …. and QC’s.

    I listen like everybody and it goes out the other ear.

    I view them as the standard lawyer jokes.

    They very often involve concepts of hell.

    One allegation/joke I have heard which has stuck in my head for its simple brilliance is about the lawyer who is hearing impaired and can’t hear half of what he says … and the other half nobody listens to.

    Lawyers, like most people, attract a degree of derision commensurate with how good they feel they are and how good they actually are.

    If they really are good, people will be wary of what they say.

    Very often, if they are good, what people say hardly matters to them.

    And if they are really really good, they pass unnoticed.

    However, if they just think they are good they naturally attract allegations/jokes … derision and it causes all sorts of retorts as derision can affect the psyche of …… well …. “weaker vessels” to quote a great teacher of mine who found a term for those students who were not that good without actually referring specifically to anyone.

    You kind of understood who he was referring to but you always realised it could be you next time so you did your work.

    Maybe that is the thinking behind allegations/jokes directed at lawyers.

    We hope that next time they will do their work diligently and honestly.

    Some lawyers actually get it …… ordinary people too.

  18. Gingerbread Girl

    Junior Alsopp for QC. He’s clever, when made a director of QEH Hospital the first thing he could find to say at his first board meeting was ” I would like to get a copy of the comprehensive procurement list for the hospital”

    Hence why Donville get move. Them was doing the dog down there, every plaster purchased was thru them.

  19. Here is an update.

    BU source had confirmed that there are 12 new QCs added to the fraternity, most  of whom were recommended FIVE years ago. Some may be within their right to conclude that the former Chief Justice David Simmons is NOT without clean hands in this matter. If our source is correct why did Sir David ignore executing the warrants?

    The list includes as confirmed to BU:

    1. Milton Pierce
    2. Hal Gollop
    3. Ms. Brathwaite (Solicitor’s Office)
    4. Stephen Farmer
    5. Nigel Jones
    6. Stephen Walcott
    7. Mark Goodridge

    As we understand it,  the GG has signed five weeks ago the warrants on behalf of the Queen.

    He then wrote to each attorney advising them that they had been appointed and that their warrants had been sent to the CJ with the GG’s instructions to have them delivered.

    Some of the new QCs seem to using the title now and not waiting for the CJ. From the time they get the GG’s letter, they are members of the Inner Bar. So what is the problem CJ?

  20. @David
    BU source had confirmed that there are 12 new QCs added to the fraternity, most of whom were recommended FIVE years ago. If our source is correct why did Sir David ignore executing the warrants?

    Wait bo, isn’t that a new spin on de issue? All along I was reading that it was the new CJ’s fault for withholding his signature from de warrants but looka muh crosses.

    Anyway back in de day I used to interact with two a dem so congratulations are in store. It’s a long way from being Solicitor’s clerks.

  21. @David. A little correction. While certain new QCs were recommended and put forward by their (2 each) proposing silks 5 years ago, the suggestions of their proposers, among which was Sir Henry Forde, were “not taken on” by David Simmons supported by O$A and you would have thought that David Simmons/O$A (BLP) would have accorded with a proposal from Sir Henry (BLP Emeritus). But no. Because you see the person proposed by Sir Henry was (I am reliably informed) none other than a leading member of the DLP. Which goes to show that Sir Henry was interested in legal merit and we then need to ask what David Simmons was interested in.

    It is not up to the CJ to execute the warrants, but up to the GG. The GG then sends the warrants to the CJ with an instruction (which is in fact a command) to deliver them.

    My information is that the reason they have not been delivered as instructed is because (it is claimed) they have been “lost”. Imagine that. What nonsense. Our courts and registry lose things???? Perish the thought.

    Now that I know from BU who is on the list, I would be most interested to see which of them Casewell objects to……because I personally think that each and every one of them is most deserving on his/her merit as an attorney. In fact, the appointments are long overdue.

    Therefore, Casewell, if the name of the person you object to appears on the BU list above, your comments have to be viewed as opinions and the defense of truth in an action against you for defamation would fail.

  22. Perhaps the objection is against Goodridge.

  23. Caswell Franklyn

    Please read my comments carefully: I did not object to anyone being appointed as QC. All I did as far as I can recall would have been to divulge the process. I was told that one of the nominees did not find favour with the Bar or the Bench and political pressure was brought to bear to secure their concurrence three days before the elections.

    I have my opinion on the nominees and the process but some of the information I have was obtained confidentially and I have no option than to protect my sources.

  24. Amused I would like to thank you for this.

    You wrote, “/O$A (BLP) would have accorded with a proposal from Sir Henry (BLP Emeritus).”But no.

  25. David wrote “Perhaps the objection is against Goodridge.”

    Is this the same Mark Goodridge went to Kolij and was involved in forcibly restraining a miscreant youth on his property?

  26. Truly amazing.

    @ Caswell Franklyn
    You mean to say that somebody could be so lacking in judgment as to tell you something in confidence ? Man them just like you . You could be sure that you in the only person duh tell but they know that you is the one that foolish enough to do duh dirty work . shame on you ! yuh in got nuh character .

  27. @ Truly Amazing
    What you talking ’bout?
    THAT is Caswell’s character.
    …that is precisely why he is ideal for a post related to transparency…

    Give him access to all the dirt and just sit back and wait…. LOL

  28. @Bushy. FOI and protection of privacy go hand in hand and usually have the same commissioner. I cannot see that Casewell is a good person for the job. As far as FOI goes, yes, it may be a good thing to have someone who, when told something, it goes straight in one ear and right out his mouth. But from the POP angle, it doesn’t work.

    @David. The same Mark Goodridge. I make the point that he is an excellent and very experienced attorney and, as such, the appointment is appropriate. I am still curious to know if Casewell’s name appears on your list and who it is. Because I see no inappropriate names on that list at all. I am particularly pleased to see the Miss Braithwaite from the Sol. Gen’s office has been appointed. She is the one bright spark in that otherwise useless office – she is an excellent attorney and it is fully deserved.

  29. ”I was told that one of the nominees did not find favour with the Bar or the Bench ”

    Someone tell me so too.

    Does the body have client money ‘issues’??

  30. Caswell Franklyn

    Crusoe asked:

    “Does the body have client money ‘issues’?”

    I am told $750,000 worth of client money issues.

    Crusoe, you heard the same figure?

  31. Truly amazing.

    @ Caswell Franklyn
    I warned yuh that you can be the only man yuh confidential source talk to ; yuh see he talk to Crusoe too ? boy yuh could bet that in he effort to malign that lawyer yuh source flying he mout . Boy before long you and yuh source guhn get exposed . But tell muh something doh , how you feel bout yuhself a trade union leader being used to do this nasty work ? yuh really tink somebody would put duh confidential business in you hand ? you is de pits .

  32. To Truly Amazing:

    As wordsmith of a bard put it once “you doth protest too much”.

  33. So having client money issues is no big deal…?

    There are too many private clubs in Barbados.
    Personally Amused, Bushie would like to see a database published with ongoing reviews on the service provided by ALL public lawyers, doctors etc -where dissatisfied customers can publish their experiences.

    ….Bushie ain’t bout your hide-up scenarios.

  34. @ Amused
    What POP what?!?
    …more like poop 🙂

  35. To Bushie:
    Don’t you think that it is a bit embarrassing that MOST of the legal eagles in Bim are being caught with their hands in other peoples’ cookie jars. A young one was to run against Chris Sinkler she was caught with hand in cookie jar! Yet, not a single one can be found at Dodds!

  36. How you doing Lemmie?

    Actually, they are no worse than the rest of us.
    The problem is that they operate in an UNCONTROLLED environment where anything can be excused or hidden away.

    Anytime you allow hand to mouth people (who only have a law degree because the people of Barbados PAID EVERY CENT and a course where anyone with time to spare can pass the exams) access to HUGE sums of other people’s money, you can be ASSURED that 98% of them will take “liberties”.
    20% of these will be UNABLE TO PAY BACK the unauthorized loans…and will eventually be found out…

    0.01% will become public – because they ripped off the wrong person (LOL such as Plantation Deeds)

    To many lawyers looking to drive BMWs,, these may seem like good odds…..
    Put Caswell into that mixup – and the percentage of disclosures will quickly jump to 99% 🙂 ….and fellows will begin to think twice before inserting those sticky fingers….

    ….Caswell will even accuse one of the (two or three) innocent ones …. LOL
    ….but then it is EASY to demonstrate innocence….

  37. Franklyn you are the most ignorant liar jackass that David allows to post on his site you are not only a liar but you are grossly dishonest and a stranger to the truth.

    Instead of spreading untruths of decent people why don’t you write about why you have never been able to keep a job for all of your working life? Or why Mottley send you thru the courts for theft ?

    Or why you deem yourself an authority on trade union affairs a One Man Union what a frigging joker you are, a dishonest person you are why would anyone trust you with Pot of Piss as you may thief that too so keen are you to thief, why would you believe that a dog in the yard would trust you with his flees?

    You need a Bush Bath and a week in Confessions in a Church to make peace with your maker and with those you have defrauded.

    You are a Fraud nothing less nothing more.

  38. millertheanunnaki

    @ Burning Red | March 18, 2013 at 10:33 AM |
    “You need a Bush Bath and a week in Confessions in a Church to make peace with your maker and with those you have defrauded.”

    And he could also invite along Leroy Parris his pal who is well connected to people in high places.
    You agree Burning Red?
    Both you and the miller could also join them. But the miller would only be interested in the bush bath even if it takes place up Bush Hill or even Bush Hall. You along with the others can go ahead and join the other frauds in the Church.

  39. LOL
    ..only Caswell can ruffle feathers with such devastating simplicity….

    Anyhow, don’t send him to Bushie for the bush bath….
    Caswell would find some infraction in the Bushman’s bush bath procedures and put um up on BU 🙂

    ….ac can fix him up!

  40. Burning Red

    Man you gotta be a woman … I KNOW you is a woman … Cause only somebody like dah could cuss a man da sweet … HA HA HA. I wish da did me dat you cussin’ so … Lemme tellya … HA HA HA … I got my cold shower running all like now … Cas, yah lucky bitch … HA HA HA HA

  41. For someone as ignorant and dishonest as this discredited jack ass, to have to open the Nation and read articles written by David Symmonds with his name attached is really a sad reflection of what the Nation Publishing Co thinks of the intellect of our Barbadian society.

  42. To Burning Red:
    I would not even attempt to defend Caswell, for he is quite capable of that. But I thought that BU had rid itself of such flowery and very personal language. Knowing the Caswell I know, he would have to have David Simmons by his side even on BU. These accusations do not add up.

  43. Hi Bushie:

    Found some time to throw around some warm licks and engage my man Miller.

  44. @Caswell,

    I did not hear a figure, someone claimed to me that there are ‘issues’.

    I cannot confirm nor deny, I have no evidence, but then, I have mentioned no name.