Tag Archives: Advocate Newspaper

Cable & Wireless International Responds To Death Threats To Adrian Loveridge In The Barbados Blogosphere

 Cable & Wireless

After many months of death threats to regular contributor to the blogs Adrian Loveridge and his wife, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. Adrian Loveridge recently received communication from a representative of C&W International! We would have been more comfortable getting a response from C&W Barbados but maybe this is the way this saga needs to play-out.


I have recently read the post you placed on “Barbados Free Press” and was very concerned by what had been written, I’m not sure of the legal position or the requirement’s in the region but I have asked our team to advise and get back to me and I also raised a case within the UK our Ref : ADV01290999 to see if we can pursue this for you to identify the people involved in these threats, if you have raised this locally already with CWC please advise and I will close our case here and let the local teams progress also if this is logged with the local police can you advise the police reference number in case our team request this.


Mr Stuart B McGinney
Service Desk Specialist
Cable & Wireless
Europe, Asia and USA
Direct Dial : +44(161)266 8682
Internal short dial: or comnet 755 8682
Switchboard: 01612668997

BU can confirm that Adrian L has submitted a formal complaint to the Commissioner of Police Darwin Dottin and we now wait for a response from this quarter. We have written previous articles which highlighted the power of the Blogosphere. However, some people in high places in Barbados, who should know better, continue to operate in the old way of doing things. Some of us do what we do at great sacrifice to self and family but we do it because we feel the education which was afforded us by our forefathers post-independence creates the obligation for us to perform our civic duty, i.e. to fully participate in our great democracy. In the case of Adrian Loveridge and his wife, the contribution which they continue to make to Barbados is even more laudable given that they are naturalized citizens. Remember that we don’t have to agree with the man but in a democracy he has a right to voice his opinions provided he does so within the Laws of Barbados. The fact that the traditional media has refused to pick-up this story is an indictment of the serious kind. We do not intend to be overly dramatic but if something bad were to happen to Adrian L and his wife, we know that it would make headline news on VOB, CBC and the other media outlets. Shame on Vic Fernandez and Anthony Audain, shame on Anthony Bryan at the Advocate and shame on the government of Barbados which owns the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation.
Let us try to do the right thing as human beings are expected to do.

Barbados Underground Puzzled By the Actions Of Our Two Newspapers


To the Publisher of the Advocate Newspaper we want to know:

What is the deal with the Advocate not covering the funeral of Stephen Alleyne in yesterday’s edition (23 October 2007)? There are many reasons that should have qualified him as someone who the country must respect for his contributions. His life should be held up for current and future generations to examine and be used as a model in terms of setting personal goals.

Not only was he a cricket administrator, Alleyne, after a meteoric rise, served as CEO of one of Barbados and Caribbean insurance companies. He was a respected Barbadian who at the time of his death was a director in many leading companies in Barbados. Just for his work at the national level to rationalize our Pension Fund, makes Stephen Alleyne deserve a better tribute. There must be something happening about the decision that is worthy of public discourse.

Ok, so you get the picture.

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