Tag Archives: Alliance for Change

I Have “fundamental” Differences With AFC’s Political Philosophy

Submitted By Rickford Burke, former personal aide to President Desmond Hoyte

I feel compelled to note that because of my prior criticism of the PNCR and its current leader, some have without foundation assumed and opined in various fora that I am supporting the opposition Alliance for Change (AFC) party, in Guyana’s upcoming general elections, which I understand “may” be in August 2011. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am not! I have very good friends in the AFC who I admire and believe have contributed, and can further contribute to Guyana’s national development. But I have “fundamental” differences with the AFC’s political philosophy.

One specific difference,  is that I firmly believe that in order to depose the PPP from office, foster national unity and reconciliation as well as shape a genuine representative government, there must be a broad coalition of political, civil, community, religious, labor and other groups.  Such an alliance is not only essential to undermine and root out the rancorous, race-based, divisive politics of the PPP, but it will engender a new, refreshing culture of oneness and inclusive governance in our polity and country. This is at the core of my personal political philosophy.

From its positions; both presumed and stated, it appears that the AFC does not fully embrace this agenda. It has said clearly that it will not coalesce with the PNCR- which represents a major segment of the Guyanese electorate and political society. I cannot support a political party whose ideology seemes tinged with, and/or can lead to, divisiveness. Political exclusion is an entrenched PPP position, the consequences of which are perennial racial triumphalism and insecurity; all of which have engendered political instability and national stagnation.  It has been demonstrated that political parties with ideologies like this mature into regimes that spawn oligarchies, ethnocracies and tyrannies – a prime example of which, in Guyana’s context, is the PPP ethnocracy and tyranny.

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