Tag Archives: Alma Parris

The Other Side from Alma Parris

Submitted by Bood Sam (unedited)
Pedro Shepherd, Barbados Union of Teachers (BUT)

Pedro Shepherd, Barbados Union of Teachers (BUT)

Pedro is part of the indiscipline at Alma. He and he left hand men went to de school one day and keep the teachers near half hour after the lunch time. Dah is how the children get unruly without supervision. Shame on you Pedro.

De trained teacher wid de degree in English who ain’t want to teach English should give back the money  because she is paid for qualification. This is wastage MOF or she in competemnt?

The woman in de board office advertise wha she want although the principal gi she the right ting. Now dah ganging upon de principal because he take a position on principle. Ask de Ministry if dah true?

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Mum Wants Answers, Mum Got Answers

Submitted by Jay Arthurs

The Mother – Nation

Now that it has been proven that the student did steal the boom box:-

  1. Is Ms.Whittaker going to the Nation and having them print a back page for Thursday as an apology to the Principal?
  2. Is the officer at the Ministry who advised Ms.Whittaker going to call her and advise her to go to the Nation and have an apology written?
  3. Who is going to pay for the destruction of the Principal’s reputation?
  4. What is the Ministry saying now that the truth is out that Darron’s witness verified that it was Darron who took the boom-box? Is it going to tie the Principal’s hand behind his back and flog him?

Related Article: Mum Wants Answers