Tag Archives: Maureen Holder

DLP Reality Check

Submitted by Porridgeboy

Maureen Holder (r) replaced Peter Wickham (l) as resident political scientist at the CBC when his contract was not renewed.

It has been some time since I have made a contribution to the blog, but at this time I feel compelled to put pen to paper once again so as to state some facts.Since the May 5th and most recently the September 30th a political poll was published The member base of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) seems to have gone on a campaign to assassinate the character of  pollster Peter Wickham who carried out the poll commissioned by the Nation newspaper .

I have never meet Mr Wickham but I know of  his outstanding work as a pollster in Barbados and in the Caribbean. Needless to say wherever he has done his polling, political or otherwise he has always been correct. Mr Wickham was trained by the late Pat Emmanuel and then worked under him from 1994 until his death. He carried out his first poll in 1998 and has done so successfully since in Barbados and throughout the wider Caribbean. There is no doubt that he has been successful. The Cadres poll which he directs is no fly by night firm nor is it a hit and miss guess work organisation.

Polling is a science and somehow he seems to have perfected it and with every poll he puts his professional reputation on the line. This is why I do not understand the thinking of the members and or supporters of the DLP and especially some Ministers of Government. It makes you wonder if this is the same Peter Wickham who carried out the poll which was commission by the same Nation newspaper in 2008.

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Dear Dear Me Maureen

Submitted by Old Onion Bags

Loose lips sink ships”

Maureen Holder replaced Peter Wickham as the CBC resident political analyst

Yesterday’s onslaught by CBC resident political analyst on TV Morning Barbados to denounce CADRES polls smacks on political opportunism. Since when was Maureen an experienced pollster anyway? From the criticisms levied and brazen arguments put forward, one would have believed she had experience in this field and conducted many many polls, locally and regionally, comparable to CADRES.The unfortunate incident could do nothing more, than to discredit a professional pollster and affiliated organization CADRES. In boomerang, enabling the opportunity of placing one’s creditability on the line, come the morning after elections, should one be proved wrong. The amount of egg that would have to be caressed, should Wickham’s polls prove correct, is enough to put Star Chick out of business for a month and possibly destroy one’s own credibility.

Since when do professionals exhibit such officious behaviour any way ?
Dear me Madam, what were you thinking? Could there be some other logical explanation for the now accepted regular BLEEP or has the Carson contagious disease gone epidemic?