The Church’s Big Secret

The discussion coming out of our article on HIV/AIDS last Wednesday has yet again caused us to place the Church under the microscope, and to question the fading role which it is playing in our society. There was a time when the majority of young people could be found at Sunday school involved in one or several activities within the church; youth groups, singing in the choir, Church Lads Brigade, etc. We feel that we can say that the Church was an extension of the family and it was not uncommon for the parish priest or pastor to be intimately involved in the decision making of many households within the parish.


It is not our intention to use the argument that one has to be religious to have wholesome values. However, we all accepted that by attending Church there was a discipline acquired which was an inevitable influence on our young, impressionable minds and bodies back then. We anticipate the arguments which will come back to us and we agree that moralizing will not stave-off the morass which the HIV/AIDS problem has deposited our society. The problem is complex and must be attacked on many fronts. We know that factors such as parental delinquency, vacillating policymakers, schools which teach children how to pass examinations and not how to be rounded citizens, and many others factors all combine create some of the societal ills which we are currently battling. In the BU household we subscribe to the view that our political directorate and the church are failing modern societies.

To support our point we invite you to read the following blog which highlights the deceit and hypocrisy which is prevalent in the Catholic church. This denomination has a significant congregation in Barbados.

Vatican bars prelate in gay row, BBC News

The Vatican rarely comments on sexual scandals involving priests. The Vatican has confirmed local newspaper reports that a high-ranking Catholic priest has been suspended. The man, who works in the department in charge of clergy around the world, appeared on Italian TV earlier this month admitting that he was gay. The prelate had been suspended pending further investigation, said Vatican spokesman Father Frederico Lombari. He says he was interviewed “fraudulently” with a hidden camera and now denies his earlier statement. In a letter published in an Italian online newspaper, Petrus, he writes: “I said I was homosexual in order to unmask those who really are.”He has been publicly named as Tommaso Stenico, and has confirmed that he gave the interview. Father Lombardi said that he had clearly acted in a way that was incompatible with his status inside the world headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. Monsignor Stenico appeared on an investigative programme about gay priests on an Italian commercial TV channel, La7.

He was filmed inside his private office in the Vatican. Although his voice was disguised, colleagues and friends easily identified him as a monsignor who frequently used to appear as anchorman and even celebrate Mass on a well known local Catholic TV channel. Monsignor Stenico told his interviewer that he did not regard himself as being in a state of sin because of his homosexual activities but was forced to keep them secret because of the church’s teaching on the subject. The BBC’s David Willey in Rome says the Vatican rarely comments on sexual scandal involving priests and the prompt admission of this priest’s suspension is unusual.

What we find repulsive and hypocritical is not the fact that homosexuality is rampant in the modern Church, but there is all the illegal and immoral behaviour which comes with it. Many of the homosexual elders in the Church inflict their ‘filthy stinking’ lifestyles on innocent members of their congregations. If a priest/pastor is gay, he or she should come-out so that the public knows his or her position, and they can make informed decisions whether they want to be led by that individual or not.

We anticipate that Bush Tea and others will have much to say but call the BU household eternal optimist; we are not homophobic!


Previous Articles

The Church Continues To Perpetrate Crimes Against The Flock~Now The Turn Of The Jehovah’s Witnesses
Barbados Fast Food Churches

104 responses to “The Church’s Big Secret

  1. Yum that is a “given” in any
    discussion/argument/debate. My point is that after the fact we all still agree to disagree.

    All of the points of views that were put forth between you and others on the matter is old news and arguments, that we have heard before. You know that!

    You said to me on another blog that you are sitting on the line of believing and not believing because you have no proof either way. Hey I respect that. I also respect you or anyone else who does not believe at all. But, do not push it down my throat because I think differently.

    The same is true about the homosexual, lesbian et al debate. No one will win that argument either. My contribution to that subject dealt not with if it is right or wrong as you will recall. I dealt with it based on some people trying to justify it as normal or abnormal sexual preferences.

    It is just like you agreeing with Anonymous about the Advocate not carrying anything about Mr. Alleynes death. I would not have said anything if I felt like Anonymous out of respect for the mans family and out of just plain courtesy.

    The young man seemed to be an achiever and his untimely death is a great loss to Barbados. And his family is in grief!

    But as they say different strokes for different folks. We all think differently and that is a GOOD thing!

  2. YUM YUM
    “In any debate about religion there are winners. Everyone is a winner. We can more deeply understand others point of view AND that sir is a victory!”

    You are NOT quite correct here my friend, that only applies to “wise or receptive” persons. I am afraid that ‘No Name’ is quite correct with respect to the other two categories (closed minded and fools)…. But that is another story.

    I am a little disappointed that you are so dismissive of the concept if the BBE (Big Boss Engineers) who are the great designers and builders and who uses laws and rules that are in a completely different realm to our own very limited experiences. I was hoping that you would be someone who could ‘see’ that the REAL reality could well be a spiritual one while our own existence could (is) only a temporary, made-up, project.

    Asking if my BBEs are somewhere in the sky in a control room may be a tongue-in-cheek comment. But what is far more plausible is that they exist in another REALM altogether. I don’t know for sure either, but I have developed a concept based on years of contemplation.

    Now let me jump to the owner’s manual.
    If my BBE are as intelligent as a bright Bajan, then surely they would make provision for their expectations, rules, objectives and goals to be known. We can argue about this for some time, but decades of my study of its history, contents, power, influence and the recent Bible-code discoveries, leads me to know that the BIBLE is that manual.

    So what is the overall purpose of life? What is the objective of ‘the project”? It is all laid out in the user’s manual…

    We were placed here on this earth to develop the only characteristic that cannot be ‘created’.

    This characteristic NEEDS the exact conditions that exist in this world for its growth, development, refinement, and fulfillment.
    It needs EVIL, Goodness, storms, poverty, wealth, family, enemies, thieves, and indeed, even at its worst, this earth project is the IDEAL place for the objectives set out by the Boss Engineers.

    That characteristic is called RIGHTEOUSNESS. It is the development of the human character that CHOOSES to do right instead of wrong.
    That CHOOSES ‘good’ over evil.
    That CHOOSES to make peace over war
    That CHOOSES to give Justice. Instead of favour
    That CANNOT be bribed

    Can you think of a better environment than this world, as we know it, to accomplish such a project? No wonder the Boss Engineers looked at their creation and said “This is absolutely perfect..”
    Of course this only makes sense if you UNDERSTAND what BBE desired to be achieved.

    Now why would these Boss Engineers want to go to all this trouble to develop a group of human beings who can be said to be ‘righteous’???

    That is the ‘Good news…’

  3. YUM YUM I like it!

    No Name

    For the record

    I was actualy agreeing with Anonymous that it is annoying that WIV posts the same thing ALL over the place.

  4. Yum Yum my sincere apologies I kind of thought that might be the case but sometimes the way the blogs put commenters submissions in order is confusing. My mistake an honest one!

  5. YUM YUM I like it!

    No Name

    No probs

    I think that it would be good if the blogs dissallowed the name Anonymous and its permutations (as some do). This would mean that you would have some idea who you were talking to. Often there are two or three of the critters on the same thread!

  6. You are absolutely right Yum. Anonymous confuses the hell out of me.

    There is one of them that does post sensible and rational posts but man it is confusing.

    But look at what went on today with some nutso posing as Adrian Loveridge. When I see this sort of thing going on it just makes me feel like packing it in. Because the entire intent of what I think most people on these blogs are trying to accomplish———-give rational, sensible and other perspectives is being defeated by crap.

    On another subject I thought that Peter Wickhams column to-day in the Nation News was very astute and thought provoking. He might well be correct that the BLP has missed their window of opportunity to get re-elected.

    My position is but as always not shared by most on these blogs, David Thompson is not coming on strong enough or using to his best advantage the many opportunities he is being given by the BLP.

    Yardbroom a fellow I have a lot of respect for is suggesting that Thompson is playing his cards correct and I have to say Yardbroom is a pretty cool cucumber so I have taken the high road on the subject. I guess we will all just have to wait and see what happens on the day the votes are counted.

    I try not to get involved too much with religious controversies and things like Homosexuality Yum because let me say this. We are living in a world today where most people seem to think they can write their own laws and interpretations to justify anything they want to do.

    I think in many respects that is one of the main reasons the yutes are going astray. They are as the old time Bajans use to say forced ripe!

    I gone bo dinner serve!

  7. YUM YUM I like it!

    No Name

    Have to agree with you 100% on the DLP – they look inept!

    I hope they are keeping all of their cards close to their chests and playing a clever strategy game! BUT I suspect they are just a pack of bumbling idiots who will get VOTED in by virtue of how bad the alternative is!


    What do I know?

  8. YUM YUM I like it!

    Bush Tea

    I have not forgotten about BBE. Just taking some time to mull it over!

    Here is an interesting ditty from today’s BBC NEWS:

    It could already be happening. The split in the human species between homo bloggus and homo stupidus (joke).

  9. Yum Yum
    you can pass judgement if you like,that doesn’t bother me, like you I have my beliefs, and one thing I know for sure both of us can be right. Based on your earlier comments, one of the difficulties you have is the I need to see it to believe it complex { please this is not an insult it is an observation}
    Remember Thomas had that same complex when Jesus appeared to him, hence the term “doubting Thomas”. You should read the Bible and see what Jesus said to him. We will never be able to explain everything about God, and why should we want to, after all he is God. If you made a doll that you could bring to life, who would rule you or the doll? who would have supreme control you or the doll? who would make the decision whether that doll can walkand talk you or the doll? Who will make the decision when that doll should be destroyed you or the doll?. The day that doll takes control of you, the day it can predict everything about you, then that doll becomes God. There are some aspects in our life we are called upon to live by faith, our acceptance of God is one of them. We live by faith everyday,when we say to someone” see you tomorrow ” are we not living by faith., and most times when we say it we believe that we will see that person the next day. Why then is it so difficult to also by faith believe that God exist.
    If I am wrong then what harm have you done to yourself, absolutely nothing, but if I am right, then many of us have a lot to answer for.
    I believe God exist, I believe he is in Spirit form and not flesh, just as I believe we will ultimately become after death. The Bible does not mention the colour for Jesus who walked the earth, and I believe it was purposely done. If they said he was white, the blacks would reject him, if he was Indian the whites would reject him and if he was black everybody would reject him. One day as David rightly said life will come to an end, then is when I believe all will be revealed.

  10. And this thread comes to an abrupt end with everybody talking nonsense. The so-called art used is repugnant, and so were many of the comments.
    Fact is love is great, commitment great, family fine, but same sex unions are physically and spiritually unhealthy, as are some heterosexual ones, but where there is hope for hetero, same sex unions will always be unhealthy and spiritually doomed.

  11. Pingback: Barbados Church Admits Failure To Curbing Teen Sex In The Flock «

  12. My take on this is Catholic priest should not be engaging in sex of any kind it is part of the oath they took.
    With regards to HIV & AIDS the church’s hurdle is a moral issue when it comes to telling it’s congregation to use contraceptives. The church teaches that you only have sex with your married spouse and should have no reason to use contraceptives if you stick with the guide lines of marriage. It’s the same positions the AIDS commission is in when it comes to giving school children that are legally underage to have sex condoms. So instead they preach abstinence above anything else.

  13. Jesus came to me in a dream. He told me that homosexuality is not an abomination. The monk that was translating that particular part was drunk and just wanted to play a joke on all the other gay monks. Jesus also told me that he loves all of you, even though most of you make him cry with all of your silliness.

  14. Pingback: Our Quest To Understand Homosexual Behaviour Continues «

  15. Ok look… Having anal sex is not ok… For male or female. Homosexuality is just another form of perversion. There are alot of things that we as people do everyday that is incorrect. Homosexuality is just another one of those incorrect things. We dont need to persecute homosexuals, but we need to acknowledge that it is wrong. It is just as wrong as me smoking cigarettes. Plain and simple! Lets just be reasonable about this, we all make mistakes and we all do things in our lives that are incorrect. And we all should be trying to build a better society for ourselves. And being homosexaul is not building a better society. Just like stealing, drinking, molestation, or running a traffic light, and denying a hungry person water. Lets stop rationalizing things that are cleary unbeneficial and analyze things that are beneficial. I am not saying to mistreat them, but we need to teach them just as i need to be taught and you need to be taught. We cannot be experts in all subjects and areas. But we can help each other for a better tommorow. We all have our own hardships to bare. And to be honest perverted behavior leads to other things. Just like one drink turns to two three and four or potentially cocaine. And just like a kiss leads to you falling in love or having sex. Were is homosexuality leading you. Be honest and ask yourself the question. Before a mango became a mango it was first a seed.. And trust and believe anything you plant; givin water it will grow. There is know need to discuss politics or religion on this issue. Lets talk about what it is we know; not believe. And talk about things we know about man and our experiences as humans. And animals yes may display what you call homosexual tendencies. But are your eyes just perverted? Our are they displaying the bond of love they share as a species (they dont blow each other and have anal sex). Just as you hug your friend after winning a football game. Or as your father spanked you because you were behaving badly. Is your father perverted because he smacks your but with a rod. Well if you watch rated x movies smacking people on the but is now some form of S and M sex. When you see a naked women is she a whore or a stripper. Or is she a beautiful queen born of gods creation. You guys have to ask yourselves what is real and what is right. And what is good for you and your children. And stop looking at things through the eyes of perversion and ignorance towards nature.

  16. Jukecheckedeyskirt

    The church failings is reflective of where their focus lies (and that is in the accumulation of numbers and fancy buildings) . Criticism can only be hurled at that which does not comply and that which moves from the code of practice to which it purports to follow. The church unfortunately has lost its impetus as a moral institution to one of perversion, deceit, scandal, power, control and corruption.

  17. Fancy buildings for the representation of God is good. Fancy building for you and your family to live in is also good. After all we all want nice things. The church may be corrupt but the church is only a reflection of the people that make up the institution. There is no absolute answer for circumstances that are constantly changing. Do you know what time it is? You cannot plant seeds during the winter. And you do not do daytime work during the night. Judgement based on reason for the overall benefit for society should be the objective. Plan and simple people must learn how to think.

  18. Thewhiterabbit

    Wow, what a lot of time has been spent creating wildly flying electrons for this blog thread. The answers to essentially all of the questions raised are known, and you, too, could know them if only UWI would allow the teaching of Anthropology and stop associating that subject with some distorted view of colonialism. In a nutshell here are the answers to some of the queries raised above.

    1. Humans are social animals, and as such we must have mechanisms in place to allow us to get along in our various groups.

    2. The church plays such a role, teaching the basic concepts that we need to share, collectively, to permit us to get along in our group.

    3. What is “right” or “wrong”, “normal” or “abnormal” is locally defined, meaning each group decides what will be acceptable, or not, within the behaviors of that group, and that will assist the group to stay together for the mutual benefit of its members. So, what we in Bim may consider “right” or “normal” might appear very “wrong”or “abnormal” to another group. Obversely, what others may consider “right” or “normal” might appear very “wrong” or “abnormal” to us. We drive on the left, half the rest of the world (or more) drives on the right. Which is “right”? The answer, of course, is that “right” depends entirely on where you are! This observation means, of course, that what may be “right” in some other place might not necessarily be “right” here. We cannot import ideas from anywhere else without serious danger that these new ideas will have a negative impact on local values critical to maintaining our sense of collective identity. Clearly some ideas from outside are beneficial, we just need to evaluate which we want and which we don’t. In the French islands topless seabathing is the norm, and nude beaches are fairly common. Not here, alas!

    4. Homosexuality is almost certainly genetic in in its origin. Some few may choose, but most do not have the choice. From an evolutionary perspective it is dysfunctional in that it denies procreation, so the genetic information for it tends to be eliminated from one generation to another. However, due to the complex mechanisms of genetics the genes are never fully eliminated and they reappear from time to time. The real percentage of homosexuals in the population is much closer to 10% than the 20% alluded to by another author above. Because homosexuals, by and large, will no more want to go straight than heterosexuals will want to become homosexual, we should learn to accept the biological fact and make no more of it. Perhaps we should all stop publicly parading our own particular orientation and just get on with life. In reality there is no sharp line of demarcation between the two extremes, and any and all gradations and variations exist in between. One need only read the local press investigations of the “down low” (as opposed to Richard Hoad’s Lowdown) to get the point.

    5. In the US, fewer than 50% of homosexual men engage in anal intercourse. The issue is mutual attraction much more than it is any particular sexual activity. Anal play, from fingering to toys to full-blown intercourse is known to be very stimulating to many people of boths sexes. To enjoy anal play is not a mark of homosexuality. The anal nerves flow up the same nerve trunks as the genital nerves, hence the pleasure. Anal play has certain dangers in that the tissues weren’t really designed for that activity. There are many cultures in the world, past and present, where anal sex is considered quite “normal” and “right”. Perhaps what we do here in Bim ought to be our own business and not the concern of the church or any other body, except that it is always necessary to establish the “norms” that bind the group together.

    Our norms can and do change. We try to get past the racism of old, which was once considered “right” and “normal”. We can try to get past homophobia, ageism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination against various statuses that we cannot help. This toleration does not mean we must accept any and all behaviors that we can and do control. We will probably continue to frown on topless and nude seabathing, too bad LIAT fares to Martinique and Guadeloupe are so high!

    Finally, thewhiterabbit apologizes for not providing citations and references for the facts presented above. This entry is far too long already and the author is just to lazy to sort out the proper sources.

  19. For all of you bible readers. I have some questions? Do you know hebrew? Do you know aramaic? Do you know the entomology of words? Do you know greek? Do you know arabic? Do you know latin? Do you even know the queens english? Do you know any african languages that you claim to be decendent from? Do you know what these words in the bible mean? Or do you think you know? Or better yet believe… Because believing is different from knowing. So you are just as ignorant as the child that does not know that fire burns and water can drown. But when you know how to use these things you have the power to create life!!! Do you even know what your own name means? “First middle and last” I highly doubt it. Cause I declare every name in this world has a meaning!! And if you dont even know what your name means then how in the hell do you know whoGOD is? Does God even know who God is? Dont be afraid to ask these questions! What are these words in the bible anyway? They are symbols that relate to a thought defined by a word which you dont even have the definition too! Yes! Did you ever take the time to read the symbols of nature around you? In the sun the moon the earth and the stars? Did you read the book of nature? Do you understand the context in what it is you are doing? Why are you afraid to question GOD and its intentions? Listen! why dont you guys find out what your name even means and then try to find out what god means!!! Yall probably been in school for 25 – 30 years and dont even know the definition of what you tell people to call you!!! Think about the significance to that… Every word that is a compound word has a prefix a suffix and a root. And guess what each portion has a definitions. And if you cant find it in your dictionary there is a reason and you need to look and search for it. Once you know who you are then you can now begin to look for GOD…


  20. This is complete and utter nonsense. Are you people Catholic haters or what?

    God look down on you all with eyes of pity and you people need to remember God allows uturns…you need to turn around your heretic thoughts to God’s thoughts.

  21. Your clearly under a ghostspell or should I say gospel… Do you know what catholic means Bake Fowl? Let me tell you, Catholic – derived, through Latin, from the Greek adjective καθολικός, meaning “general”, “universal” …. And Guess what the catholic church you love is not universal… White jesus or should I say g-zeus (a greek god). Is not universal; its more like your a mental slave worshiping a holy ghost that doesnt exist.. Do you know what holy mean? Holy is from the greco latin word helious; which mean sun… And white gzeus is not the sun. The sun is nature FIRE; that is God. Get a dictionary and stop being emotional and actually read something…

  22. Thewhiterabbit we could not have said it better.

  23. Thewhiterabbit; I gotta say I respect your angle and the analysis which you have presented. But I have one question when it comes to your research about homosexualality. Because it appears as though you are expressing that to some degree it is normal.

    Ignorance – means an ignore state; or to ignore the facts.

    And the fact is your research is based upon the literature of a people who has enslaved and colonialized african people. Your bases of arguement has nothing to do with an african perspective, but deals with a europeanized perspective. And the truth is we are not europeans. If you seek to incorporate european fundementals then be prepared for the things Europeans or Anglo Saxons have to offer the african race. Like crack, herion, jails, unemployment, and all the other ills that pain african communities around the world. This is why I am stressing the importance of you cannot argue or debate rationally until you at minimun know what your name means; were it orginates from, and the definition of each syllable because each sound has a definition as well. Alot of you are regurgitating information that you read in a book from a people who enslave you continually. Do you really think they will give you a book to free your mind. Look this site says barbados underground. Bajans are black; so start basing your arguements off african science, history and facts.

    Homosexaulity – is an effect of european influence and colonization. During our time in slavery we have learned to tolerate many abuses and homosexuality is just one of those abuses. The body is amazing how it adapts even in the most horrific conditions. Homosexuality is an adaptation to an horrific conditon which we have now excepted to some degree of normalcy.


  24. lol Homosexuality existed in Africa before the white people came there! LOL homsexuality is found even among the most primitive societies todaY!

  25. I’ve been to africa; my family is from ghana. So were are you getting your information from? Have you been to Africa; or are you repeating information you heard from your slave masters?


  27. estan lindos

  28. What can we say, several months later we are battling to understand what faith will drive people to do. People who don’t have faith will never understand. We have already table the view and we repeat for all to read. There is no belief, philosophy or even methodology (call it what you want) which can create an opportunity to inculcate and reinforce ‘good’ values the way believing in the good book can. People who have followed this path over the years can usually be used as role models in our societies without hesitation.

    We make no apology for this statement.

  29. We accept all types. Does that make us wrong? In who’s eyes? Are you sure that’s the correct path? How do you know this? Saying “Because god says so” is circular logic.

  30. I’m Back from retirement…

    David? What about the Koran, oral and traditional Talmud, Tibet scripts, Hindu Veda books, Egyptian scrolls, African proverbs and philosophy, The Aprophyca, The Dead Sea scrolls, The Holy Piby, Chinese Philosophy and trust me I can name many more if this site could hold the parameters of my thoughts.

    What about the Roman Catholics Nicean Conference 332 A.D, removing most of the books of the bible. What about the crusades; were they killed murdered and maimed millions. What about them financing slavery!!! What about the King James Version which is edited by the King of England. What about the fact that all of the stories already existed in Egypt/Africa on the walls of the pyramids. Quick lesson in the entomology of words and there origin.

    Genesis – definition – Genes of Isis = Genesis – Isis is an Egyptian God

    Abraham – Ab = Father , Ra = Sun , ham = black ; Egyptian gods again get a dictionary

    Abram – Ab = Father , Ram = Aries ; the astrological house, a zodiac sign. Get a diction

    And get a bible and comprehend not read genesis chapt 17 – 19…

    Universal life church… I feel you on your statement, but accept all types? Do you accept murders, vagabonds, and thieves? No you are suppose to rehabilitate them!!! I know what you’re thinking and it’s probably jail… Let me drop a seed in your thought process. Jail is not rehabilitation!!! Think about what correcting a conditioning is… Question… you talk as if it is not possible for a mental sickness to occur in the brain just as the other organs in the body can become compromised with many different forms of sickness. Let me guess; the brain must be exempt from sickness??? Or are you waiting for your rulers to set the standard of mental sickness for you to believe it is real??? Let me shed some light; they don’t care what you do as long as they don’t loose money!!! Isn’t the truth of the matter is that we are all destined to be sick in some form or another??? Isn’t sickness the beginning of your physical death??? Hmm I wonder why homosexuals can’t procreate!!! Can any person with any form of disease procreate under normal circumstances???


  31. On Point our friend, it is why we were sure to say the ‘good’ book. Reluctantly we don’t limit our view to Christianity although we would like to think it is the better path to follow.

  32. To Me ….just out of curiosity, can you show proof to your claims?

  33. pour quoi vous sortez ensemble?

  34. Gracious Rose

    I would like to say that sex as a sole topic is considered taboo in the church. I can say this because I have seen it for myself. What we need to do is ask God himself for His divine intervention in this matter because it seems like the devil is putting us to shame and using our own sexuality against us. We need to understand that the devil is the reversal of all things that are righteous and pleasing to God therefore, we basically know all of his attacks.This uprising of pre-marital sex in the church is because of spirits sent by the devil himself to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. So always remember that God doesn’t give us what we cannot bear. Let God’s strength remain perfect within you. God bless.

  35. very good page

  36. This does not make the writer HOMOPHOBIC — but it does make them a STRAIGHT SUPREMIST spreading hatred of an entire group of people.


  37. 😦 … Its a sad day for me. We as a people are so confused. The truth is happening right now brothers and sisters. Find universal law, the undeniable truths and that is God. Really ! Its all in the book of nature… Its in me and you, its all around us. Lets have faith in each other, not myths stories and sketchy books. Every living thing needs water; that is God.. every living thing need heat; that is God.. … The moon commands every living thing even the powerful ocean; that is God. It is truly that simple… I have only read books to break peoples reality from the falsehoods; to prove the obvious. So I am forced to speak in your language. Trust me if you understood the language of these books; then you would know they are simply saying what i am saying. Have faith in your brother, your sister and yourselves. Believe and trust in your own thoughts; but respect the most high universal true God power first “Nature”. There is nothing that has ever existed or will exist without water, air, earth and fire… Its purely the manipulation of these elements to create the various things in matter. Matter is purely the expression of an attribute of God. The anti christ is anti nature; Think about it!!! Dont seek to rationalize evil or attempt to understand it because to understand it is to become it and to comprimise your own very being!!! Thoughts are truly the only thing you have “The books on the shelf is a reflection of Self ” … I beg, I emplore you to make sure that your the one thinking the thoughts and someones thoughts arent thinking you.

    “Especially thoughts that continually enslave african people”

    🙂 “Sun of the ancient mother God ISIS”


  39. Make no arguement; I dont spread hate… I do love you brother; just as I love all humanity. But what you are doing is incorrect. I think we as a people need to develop a counseling program for this epidimic of homosexuality that is a pleague in our neighborhoods. Stevie; stay blessed and I will pray for you brother… Come on bro i know there is a voice in you somewhere that knows this is wrong. Dont you want a family; a wife and children some day? To protect and provide for your queen? Come on brother we dont need any more fallen soldiers.

  40. Asiba-The Buffalo Soldier

    hey yum yum

    know what they say about the carnal mind and the word of God ??

    do you know what they say about unenlightened ?

    if you dont -seek and ye shall find

  41. Asiba-The Buffalo Soldier

    gayism different from homosexuality ?

    gayism is choice versus the inevitabilty of homosexuality

  42. Pingback: The Church’s Big Secret II « Barbados Underground - bringing the news to the people

  43. A 33-year-old woman was sentenced to life in prison after a jury found her guilty of having sex with a 5-year-old boy.