Our Quest To Understand Homosexual Behaviour Continues

I was one of the first to research how AIDS was presented when it was first discovered. I am also an expert in homosexual causation. I can assure you that homosexuality is a very bad sexual choice. It is bad because it kills. Though most cases of HIV are now heterosexual, it is only because gays passed it on. Once homosexuality is legalised it spreads like cancer and HIV increases greatly. Do not let government legalise what is clearly a nasty lifestyle. As has been found in the UK and USA, once you legalise it, gays bring in many more even nastier sexually immoral things… pedophilia is waiting around the corner!

Commenter Dr.K .B Napier

cb027125.jpgThe above quote was submitted by a commenter to a previous article we wrote titled, Democratic Labour Party (DLP) & Barbados Labour Party (BLP) Get Failing Grade On the Issue Of Homosexuality. The commenter purports to be a doctor. Although we can’t confirm the veracity of the credentials of ‘Dr.Napier’, a Google search tossed-up several results when we used ‘Dr. Napier’ as a key word. Soon after Dr. Napier’s comment was posted, we received the following comment from a ‘Dr. Bartholomew’ which challenges Dr. K.B Napier’s comment.

The basis of hatred, intolerance and discrimination is ignorance.

This comment from “Dr K. B. Napier” about homosexuality and pedophilia is not only designed to perpetuate hatred, it is so wrong and ignorant that it could be dangerous if those who may be vulnerable to pedophilia are distracted by it. So, while I am a married person with kids, and am comfortable in my heterosexuality, let me put the facts about homosexuality and pedophilia.

“There is no medical evidence to suggest an association between homosexuality and impaired moral judgment.” – Journal of the American Medical Association – Paediatric Forum, March 2001

“It is ludicrous to identify pedophiles as homosexuals.” – Stan Robson, Chief Deputy, Benton County Sheriffs Department (In over 14 years of Robson’s work with pedophiles, 498 out of 500 offenders identified themselves as heterosexual.)

“The vast majority of offenders are heterosexual men. Male offenders who abuse young boys maintain adult heterosexual relationships. The habitual molester of boys is rarely attracted to adult males.” – Roland Summit, M.D. Head Physician, Community Consultation Service, Harbor UCLA Medical Center.

“The belief that homosexuals are particularly attracted to children is completely unsupported by our data. The child offenders who engaged in adult relationships as well, were heterosexuals. There were no homosexual adult oriented offenders in our samples who turned to children.” – A. Nicholas Groth, Ph.D., Director of the Sex Offender Program, Connecticut Department of Corrections, and Co-Director of the St. Joseph College Institute for the Treatment and Control of Child Sexual Abuse

Additionally, in their article titled “Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation”, the U.C. Davis Psychology Department concludes:

“The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so. And, as explained above, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children.”


The above statements from experts in the field speak volumes about the inaccurate and misleading statements trying to equate homosexuals with pedophiles. Blinded by such statements many people do not know exactly what homosexuality and pedophilia are. One need look no farther than one’s own dictionary to discover the difference between the two:


ped·o·phil·i·a – n.: a mental disorder which belongs to a larger group known as the paraphilias. In pedophilia, carnal lust is disconnected from adult “romantic love.”

ped·o·phile – n: an adult who actively fantasizes about, or engages in sexual activities with prepubescent children.

ho·mo·sex·u·al·i·ty – n.: a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex.

ho·mo·sex·u·al – adj.: Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.

This is not to say that there are no pedophiles who are homosexual. However, to make the blanket statement that all homosexuals have a propensity towards pedophilia is false and misleading. The fact that homosexuality has nothing whatsoever to do with pedophilia was also recognized in the U.S. Federal Court system. In the United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, in the case of Equality Foundation of Greater Cincinnati, Inc. vs. City of Cincinnati, a bench trial was held where the judge made the following findings:

* Sexual orientation is a characteristic which exists separately and independently from sexual conduct or behavior.
* Sexual orientation bears no relation to an individual’s ability to perform, contribute to, or participate in society.
* There is no correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia. Homosexuality is not indicative of a tendency towards child molestation.
* Homosexuality is not a mental illness.

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117 responses to “Our Quest To Understand Homosexual Behaviour Continues

  1. Georgie Porgie

    It is written in Proverbs 26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

    It is written in Proverbs 26:5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

    But I really dont have the time for the latter

  2. I have a question for all those who use the bible to justify their “dislike” of homosexuality.. or use the bible for their moral justification. How are you different from the Taliban?

  3. Dr K B Napier

    We are now at a point where personal jibes are being made, which is not good. I can testify that Dr Bartholomew is only quoting from pro-gay sources – because I know just about all sources available and recognise them.
    Confused 888 is also quoting one pro-gay source. It is evident that this fellow has not properly read what I have said, nor have many read the website I suggested they read. Few bother to read opposing views and sources – I have read both for 30 years. Quoting pro-gay sources, then, do not hack it.
    Let me repeat – my arguments hold true whether one is Christian or not, because facts are facts. The danger the Caribbean is in, is if the people rely only on pro-gay sources, which grossly abuse scientific facts.
    I can tell you something else – in both the USA and Europe, gay activists have virtually stopped all media reporting of anything against their values and statements. They are creating laws to ‘protect’ them when protection is not actually needed. The responses I have seen thus far from pro-gays are superficial and show a regard only for gay sources and interpretations.
    My points jump from one thing to another because that is how others are responding. Also, this blog is no place to enter into detailed scientific or medical material. I am merely giving a ‘taster’ of the truth!
    Now, friends, I want to ask something, linked but not based on what has already been said. Let me give background, and then please respond. I am particularly interested in any responses that might come from Haiti…
    The Facts:
    The first case of AIDS in the USA is traced back to a gay from Haiti moving to the USA. Other gays had sex with him and so the disease spread in the USA. From gays, it went into the bi-sexual group, then prostitutes, needle-sharers, etc. That is how HIV spreads from gay to heterosexual.
    Now, there is talk in the USA that Americans should be ‘very concerned’ that incidences of HIV/AIDS are increasing in the Caribbean, and they wonder what they should do about it.
    My Response:
    It may be true that a gay from Haiti took AIDS to the USA, but as homosexuals tend to be promiscuous (defined as more than one partner), AIDS would have reached the USA anyway, even if only through so-called ‘sex-tourism’.
    I also think it is the kettle calling the pot black, blaming gays in Haiti when there are many more in the USA, encouraged by USA laws and leftist dogma. Also, the part played by heterosexual promiscuity should not be left unchallenged. (Though it is separate from gay sexuality).
    The UN and WHO etc., are all pro-gay, and so this is reflected in all treatment programs.
    In essence, their programs never include any notion of blame or morality (essential to slow down and then minimalise incidences). The question must be: if a man gets a gun and shoots you, is he to blame or not? A drunk gets in a car and runs your child down, fatally. Is he to blame or not? If a man smokes is he not to blame for his own ling cancer? If he takes heavy drugs is he not to blame for his own physical illnesses? These are questions asked by some gay leaders themselves! In medicine the way to eradicate a disease is firstly to apportion blame for the source of infection. (This is not ‘blame’ in the philosophical or religious sense). Where such an infection is rampant, serious action must be taken – but because leftists do not want morality to have a part, they do not even discuss it. Hence many more AIDS deaths.
    Whether we use the word ‘blame’ or something else (e.g. ’cause’), the facts remain the same – the cause is as shown. Those who live morally and do not have pre-marital sex or sex outside of marriage do not get HIV! The blame must be, then, with the sexually promiscuous, drug takers and gays, etc., whose lifestyles may be modern, but are dangerous and harmful. And this is what the facts show.
    Almost 55% of all known HIV/AIDS worldwide is in gays. This figure (from official sources) is likely to rise because of the new ‘conversion’ parties being held in San Francisco, where previously clean gays deliberately go into orgies with men with HIV. They think it is a ‘great buzz’ not knowing if they will end up with HIV by the end of it (which they inevitably do)!! It is also not helped by younger gays who do not care whether they get HIV anyway.
    Another fact is that heterosexuals in many localities are promiscuous, because it is how they are taught by others. They must also share the blame for incidents.
    Gays claim they are ‘afraid’ to be gay and afraid to say if they have HIV. This is nonsense. Gays have done whatever they wished for millennia! They are now using their excuses to claim legal protection against people who rightly have a moral view about what they do. It is interesting that heterosexuals do not batter society with laws – only gays do it.
    The USA government is led by Marxist socialists and so any HIV treatments are one-sided and favour those whose sexual values are perverse or promiscuous. They are the same values as held by the UN.
    So, the Caribbean is being misled by the USA, who ignores morality itself, but who blames the Caribbean for the health demise of Americans.
    They also blame wife abuse for the Caribbean rate of infection.
    The question:
    What is your view on this? Should those whose sexual activities bring harm be blamed? Should they receive treatment? If so, should they promise not to return to their past lifestyle… and have future treatment refused if they break their promise? Should the USA be involved anyway, when it has sufficient numbers of HIV and AIDS in their own country? Should they blame the Caribbean for their ills? Should we return to morality as a way of life? – no-one was ever harmed by abstinence until marriage!
    I would appreciate answers to these questions.

  4. Dr K B Napier

    This is a P.S.
    I wish to thank the owners of the website for allowing such debate to be presented. It is refreshing to see people freely expressing their views! This kind of open dialogue is not possible in the USA or Europe, where gays rule the media.
    I also thank all who have taken part in this debate, even those who strongly disagree. Again, none of this is possible elsewhere. The fact that Caribbean politicians have no policies on homosexuality is very encouraging. Long may this continue!!

  5. You say official sources but you can’t even provide a link.
    I have no faith in your “sources” just as you have no faith in mine evidently. You sound like you have an axe to grind… and deliberately ignore sources you don’t like and call them pro gay. I can’t imagine the UN as being a pro gay source which is the original source of my statistics.

  6. Dr Napier said

    “The fact that Caribbean politicians have no policies on homosexuality is very encouraging. Long may this continue!!”

    The fact that Barbadian politicians have no policies on homosexuality is not through virtue it is through cowardice.

  7. David,
    Just back from a short sojourn… I see that you are having another look at the subject of homosexuality. Man, you are also a great marketing genius…What a great BLOG…(LOL)

    You must know by now that very few of us really understand this issue, but everyone feels strongly about it -one way or the other.

    Well here is my theory….

    Whether we like it or not…there are a number of spiritual laws that are permanent, unfailing and predominant. You already know that one of my favorites is “..a people always get what they deserve”

    Many of these laws are paralleled by physical laws…..

    Now we all know that if a community lives in a filthy environment we can expect a number of diseases to present themselves in that community (I right GP?). This presents a clear indication to those smart enough to see, that urgent change is needed in the community’s environmental conditions.
    …well spiritually, when societies live in unrighteous conditions dominated by dishonesty, immorality, bribery, criminal attitudes and such behaviors- we should EXPECT to see manifestations of spiritual diseases. Homosexuality is a common one of these manifestations. (I pretty sure that my research tutor “Grorgie Porgie” can quote chapter and verse..)
    It is a clear sign for those with eyes to see, that that community is in grave danger spiritually and in URGENT need of change. Otherwise that society will get exactly what it deserves….

    …as to the actual ‘victims’ – it is not their individual fault necessarily…. In the parallel case of the filthy conditions, it is often innocent children and the weak- that are initially afflicted… So I am saying that in an unrighteous society ANYONE of us is susceptible to this malady. It is pointless to point fingers at the victims to seek to judge them – there but for the luck of the draw goes you or I, our child, brother or sister.

    On the other hand, we can’t allow these ‘victims’ to redefine the rules of our society and impose their sick ways on the rest of us – distracting us from the real issue of spiritual healing. (…bringing truth, justice and honesty back as a way of life in society)

    Seen is its true perspective, this is not a very complex issue after all – just a clear sign that urgent change is needed is society….and pity the unfortunate victims.

  8. Georgie Porgie

    I have already pointed out from the proof text on the subject (Romans 1:18 et secq) that Paul argues that because people refuse to accept God the creator that he gave them up to a reprobate mind. They do not respect God’s creative ways, so he allowed them to be “creative” according to thier own designs.

    That is the Biblical view. I cant force anyone to accept that view. All I can do is to present it.

    For do ing so I have been accused of using the bible to justify my “dislike” of homosexuality.. or use the bible for my moral justification.

    I believe the Bible and I share what I believe. Others are free to believe what they wish.

    As a doctor and student of science, I cannot find any conclusive physiological, psychological or genetic to support why folk should chose to be homosexuals. I am not going to argue with any one about that either. I share my belefs. I also believe that the Bible teaches in Romans 1:29 that those who commit sexual sins eventually bare in thier bodies the result of thier error. I believe that that is a great prophecy about AIDS that has come to pass.

    You can agree with me or you can disagree, but I like what I have said and I believe what I have said.

  9. According to “Dr” Napier, ‘the USA Government is led by Marxist socialists’.

    Wow. I never knew. Now that’s what I call a bombshell…

    Seriously, Napier’s hysterical (and as the poster above notes, unsourced) ramblings about homosexuality and HIV are about as viable as his grasp of contemporary US politics.

    As for you, Georgie (I’m giving you a break here and talking to you as if you’re the rum-shop drunk in a rare sober phase).

    We know you’re very familiar with the Bible, and can quote from it inexhaustibly (like one of those deranged letter-writers in The Nation). But exactly what kind of “doctor” are you? What’s your field? Where did you study? Did you actually qualify? See, your naive prose style (let alone the content of your posts) doesn’t sound like the discourse of an authentic scientist to me.

    I suspect that by repeatedly claiming to be a man of science, you’re striving (rather ineptly, it has to be said) to give what are merely your own repellent personal opinions and prejudices a spuriously objective, “scientific” credibilty.

    Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, though…

  10. I wonder what you would make of a 9 year old boy with many feminine mannerisms. To put it bluntly, he is very “gay” in his way. No one in his family is gay. None of his parents’ friends (who socialise usually with them) is gay. He has seen no gay films, pictures or media at all.

    He is as camp as a site full of tents.

    Is he evil? Is he damned? Did he do this to himself? I don’t think so. It is obviously nature and not nurture.

    As he is only 9 I hope for a future for him that is free of many of the ignorant people on this forum.

    You should try to be as forgiving as you hope God will be towards you when the time comes.

  11. SIMPLE :

    100% homosexuality = 100 % elimination of the species

    sex = procreation of the species

    comment : the innate need to procreate has been abused by mankind and has manifested in such things as homosexuality and other abuses and self-abuses.

    fact: because of imbalances chemical , social and otherwise homosexuality has come to the fore among humans and some scientists have said even among some animals.

    opinion: i do not encourage homosexuality but i will not rush to judge or will i discriminate against such a person. if there is any help i can offer i certainly will offer some help

  12. So how do you people who are argue that homosexuality is unnatural explain homosexuality in the animal kingdom?

    Roy and Silo, a famous pair of male penguins were a couple for 6 years, even though the zoo keepers tried to get them to form a heterosexual relations. Now one of the penguins looks like he might have gone “straight” or maybe he is bi.. but that doesn’t explain 6 year of partnership in which they raised a chick which had been abandoned by its heterosexual parents. And this isn’t a one off case there are many other penguin and other bird pairs over the world that have been revealed to homosexual.

    See http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v439/n7079/full/439917a.html
    for scientific evaluation of the phenomenon

    and it not limited to bird, some people credit as many as 1,500 species with observed homosexual behaviour, and if you think that number is small, you would be surprised at how few species scientist have actually sat down and observed.


  13. on a side note… do people still believe sex is only about procreation? the amount of sex needed to continue a species is minimal… humans could probably do it once a year and the species would still continue.
    Yes 100% homosexuality would be a problem, in biological terms, but thats not even a possibility.

    Unless the US along with a gay bomb is making a gay virus as well.(sarcastic)

  14. Georgie Porgie

    I’m so sorry to report that I’m not your rum-shop drunk. I do not drink alcohol and have never been drunk once in my life.

    I am indeed familiar with the Bible, and can quote from it inexhaustibly because I have studied it since I was a young child, and have even earned a DMin.

    I also graduated from the UWI medical school after receiving a Barbados Exhibition.

    I can not see why my quoting of scriptures and stating my belief and opinion based thereon, should warrant your questions and attack. I allow you, and others to state your opinions freely without attack you.

  15. George, I hope u put your medical training to good, use!! Are u a doctor!!!!

  16. Georgie Porgie

    I have so been since 1979

  17. Well done, George. Can u believe that in all my more than 30 years of living in the UK, I have only ever seen ONE, west indian Medical Doctor, as opposed to innumerable, Asian doctors! An appalling record, in my view!! You see why I virtually, give-up on west indians, over here!!!!

  18. Georgie Porgie

    The reason why you probably have not seen a West Indian doctor in the UK in the last 39 years, is probably because most of our doctors work at home or have migrated to the US.

    About 95 % or more of the doctors in Barbados are UWI trained.

    Although Bajans may still go to the UK to train to be doctors, this number is probably much smaller than in the 6o’s since the tendency today, is for those students who do not go to UWI, is probably to go to the USA or Canada.

  19. Sorry, George, by west indian I really meant blacks born here of w. indian origin or who emigrated here as a kid! They’re sufficent of us but for one reason or another we don’t appear to have made it into the professions to the same extent as some other groups. Most of us, as you can imagine, are Jamaican or, of jamaican origin and, well, they’re hopeless, anyway!!!!

    They’ve now got the UK being pretty, much like Kingston!!!!

  20. What a sad bunch of hateful people… Errol Barrow brought free education so it is unfortunate that those who benefitted from this refuse to read and enlighten themselves… Didn’t the ‘Dipper’ have a few homosexual liaisons as well???
    Y’all need to stop being so hypocritical. BTW Adrian Hinds lives in Boston where homosexual marriage was legalised …why is he still there???

  21. I’m attacking you Georgie because I find your brand of Christian fundamentalism hateful, intolerant, vicious and ignorant.

    I’m attacking you because your god is a grotesque tyrant: a god of wrath and vengeance rather than a god of compassion and forgiveness.

    I’m attacking you because it’s cold-hearted people like you, not the gays you seem to fear and loathe so much, who have always made this world such a wretched place for the weak, the vulnerable, the marginalized.

    I’m attacking you because it’s people like you – full of poison and rage, enslaved to the primitive teachings of a two-thousand year old text – who constitute the truly morally diseased in our society.

  22. Hi everybody
    It is very evident that some folks are not reading the link I have provided (the gaysandfascism.com website). This link leads to many other links. So, Confused 888, you are being rather naughty in saying I have not given links! But, even if I give hundreds of links, it will not satisfy pro-gays. (By ‘pro-gay’ I mean someone whose views are taken from gay propaganda and ignores other more genuine references. In other words, they have very unbalanced views).
    I would repeat that when AIDS first was recognised I read every single report and research paper then known. It took me three years, but at least I had the most comprehensive view at that time. By contrast, those who ‘criticise’ (I use that word to be charitable, because their methods are hardly real criticism) often refer me to a source I know to be gay or pro-gay, and rarely have anything like a wide view, let alone a comprehensive view!
    The UN not pro-gay? Try putting homosexuality into the search boxes. I find Confused 888 to be very naive! It was the UN who hosted pro-homosexual pedophile ‘workshops’. Check it all out, my friend – I have taken 30 years to research my subject and I have many updates daily from authentic sources – find your own genuine references, rather than just one popular and pro-gay source!
    Samizdat… oh dear! What a nasty individual you turn out to be! That was a real case of a ‘rant’… it seems that you really do loathe Christians, eh? The way you attacked Georgie Porgey (hereafter called GP) was astounding and very typical of those who are PC. The words you used are those used to denigrate without providing real reasoning: ‘hysterical’, ‘ramblings’, etc. They are the type of words usually used by leftists who do not want to present a cogent case. Then Samzdat has the temerity to question GP’s status because he thinks his writing style is not doctoral enough!! What, in a general blog?? Get a grip, Samzdat! I have taught post-grads up to doctoral level and can assure you that their grasp of good language skills is abysmal. But, if I let this cause me to judge their intellectual ability, as you do, they would never become the successful and brilliant people they eventually proved to be! Never mind the writing style, Samzdat – look at the facts!
    And even well-written theses can be a hotch-potch of ideas and conclusions – scientists are not free of prejudice, as the 2007 IPCC report on climate change proves. This is when writing style is great, but actual intellectual content is distorted and poor.
    Finally, Samzdat – you are ‘repelled’ by GP’s Christian comments. Your views are more an invective against Christians than a rational comment on what they believe. It is a fact that Chritian values do not harm anyone – but gay activities kill millions and harm society as a whole. Look up all the references yourself – I won’t help you to carry on in your PC, violently intolerant, views.
    Political scientist, Prof Ronald Restritto, said “hate crime legislation is a political fad that seeks to criminalise feelings, thoughts, or attitudes that run contrary to the trends of the day.” This means, Samzdat, that you cannot think for yourself, but use sheer hatred to silence those you do not like.
    This, by the way, is how the architects of the ‘gay agenda’ urge their adherents to attack all who are against gay lifestyles. This is intellectual inferiority, not superior reasoning. After all, it is far easier to suppress other views than to argue your case.
    There are many references out there that tell us ‘gay’ is something we learn. Maybe critics (again to use the word loosely) ought to spend far more time being honest than they do picking up on pro-gay or gay sources only. You should even look at Christian sources – being Christian does not mean someone cannot do proper research! You will, of course, argue that they will allow their beliefs to affect their work? Okay, then what of Simon LeVay, a gay, who first suggested a genetic cause for homosexuality? His gayness certainly made a fool out of him, because his sole aim was to ‘prove’ a genetic cause for homosexuality!but, he finally had to admit that his work proved nothing, after it had been debunked several times by genuine scientists.
    I see nothing hateful about GP’s views. If anything, compared to those of Samzdat, his words are kind and gentle!!
    Now for good old Confused 888 and his idea that homosexuality is rampant throughout the animal kingdom!! I almost choked on my coffee at that one, because I burst into laughter! Such a statement confirms that his examination of all the sources has not taken place, and that he is unable to interpret findings in those sources (which are now dismissed). The number of researches that suggest (they do not prove) homosexuality in animals are so few as to be of no real relevance.
    Firstly, there is no natural or easy congruance. Animals and humans are different! Doesn’t matter if you are evolutionist or not. So, what applies to animals does not necessary apply to humans. This is why many years research takes place in the field of drugs tested on animals.
    Secondly, to say that animals act homosexually and to relate that back to humans, is to admit to a bias – seeing animal behaviour through human eyes. Such a flaw is notorious and few scientists accept such a transferrence of values.
    Fourthly, animal behaviour is instinctive, and is not chosen, as in the human race. Once you say an animal acts homosexually you are humanising the animal! I suggest you research this particular aspect of animal behaviour material in more depth.
    Fifthly, despite all those researches you (do not) quote, same-sex behaviour amongst animals is very rare. Maybe I’m wrong, but two penguins in an enclosed space do not constitute a worldwide trend!
    Sixthly, to be ‘homosexual’ an animal must choose to be so – but animals act instinctively. That is why…
    Seventhly, when an animal attempts mating with the same sex other factors kick in – such as wrong scent emissions, flawed brain connections, and so on. It is just an error, not a ‘choice’!!
    So, Confused 888, you have not given one rational example based on wide research of all the papers. Anyone familiar with the research process (which I have used daily for nearly 40 years) knows that.
    Concerning your ‘side note’ my friend… Stalin made homosexuality legal, because it is Marxist policy to destroy family ties. Hence the current Marxist-led gay movement (well documented – find it out for yourself) that wants to destroy all idea of family, ‘mother’, father’, etc. Yes, all this is going on in both the UK and USA – again look up the facts; I am not doing your job for you.
    But, after 30 years, Stalin repealed that law, because Russia was heading for population melt-down and children were literally getting out of control. Now, gays, and those who sympthise (without possession of all the facts) with them, are trying exactly the same ploys!
    That is why the Caribbean must hold back and refuse to even have dialogue with gay activists. Their lifestyle kills and it destroys families and society as a whole. For myself, I get my information from both gay and non-gay sources. Without this kind of honesty, AIDS will kill many more people. Make an effort to stop any kind of sexual immorality and see homosexuality for what it is – destructive immorality!
    Finally, for those who insist gays are wonderful folks who never lie or deceive…
    1. Check out the views and demands made by the homo-pedo group PAIDIKA. If you agree with them, then your sense of decency is shot down in flames.
    2. A homo-pedo researcher, Ralph Underwager, said that homosexuality is “learned, rather than influenced by genes… So I am responsible for my own actions.” This is repeated by many other gays. It is significant because gays are then to blame for HIV and AIDS (originally), ruin kids, and bring death upon millions – all by choice. No reasonable person can uphold such lifestyles.
    3. Hollida Wakefield (homosexual colleague of the above) says that pedophilia and homosexuality are on the same continuum.
    4. A large number of gays go to naturist camps so that they can have access to kids and to watch them nude. (nostatusquo.com).
    5. Homosexuals admit to wanting kids for sex. (albatrus.com).
    6. As one source of becoming gay: Molestation as kids causes them to become homosexual (Advocate, Carl Maves, 1992, p85).
    7. “David Thorsted (NAMBLA – a homo-pedo organisation) sees the need to down-play pedophilia so as to ‘sanitise the homosexual image’ and to facilitate acceptance (of homosexuality)”
    8. The same NAMBLA (whose aim is to find kids for gays) says “whoever captures the kids own the future… before they are eight, or it’s too late.”
    9. “Academic and scientific studies confirm a strong bias towards pedophilia from men identifying as homosexual.” (albatrus.com)
    10. “A disproportionately high number of (gays) are directly involved (in pedophilia): 6 – 20 times greater than for heterosexual males.” (Quote from official medical source).
    11. “For over 15 years homosexual advocates, in union with academia, have continued to present articles claiming that sex with children constitutes a common aspect of gay and lesbian lifestyle.” (This view has been presented in the Journal of Homosexuality which openly wants parents to ‘open up their homes’ to homosexual pedophiles, so they can ‘love your sons’).
    12. As has already been said, the UN has hosted both NAMBLA and ILGA in their ‘workshops’ to promote and facilitate homosexual pedophilia. NAMBLA equates homosexuality and pedophilia. This is because homosexuality is merely a ‘sex portal’ for entry into sexual activities far worse than ordinary gay sex, which can be quite horrific in its own right.
    13. Singapore authorities banned two major gay websites because they contained not just very explicit sex scenes, but advertisements for children as sex partners. Both sites were described as ‘typical’ of gay activity. (Straits Times, 28th October, 2005)
    14. An Australian member of parliament was attacked mercilessly by gay groups because he made public their aim to recruit kids as sex partners. Again, this is typical of gay activity. (NSW Legislative Council, Hansard, 23rd June, 1997). This kind of attack is now commonplace. In my own case all I did to attract vicious attacks was to publish the facts about AIDS statistics!!
    15. “homosexual development notably does not result in androphilia, but in homosexual pedophilia.” (Journal of Sex Mar Ther. 1992. Freund and Watson). The same researchers’ data shows that “around 80% of victims of pedophilia are boys molested by adult males” and “35% of pedophiles are homosexual” (Same Journal, 1984). Clearly those who claim homosexuality is not a distinct cause, are lying, or they are pro-gay and twist the facts).
    16. “Homosexuals claim that heterosexuals molest most children, but statistics show that homosexuals molest at far higher rates than do heterosexuals (some studies put this figure at 18 times more likely).” (Traditionalvalues.com).
    17. Homosexual pedophiles have a far higher recividist rate than heterosexuals. (Sex Offender Treatment Programs, John Howard Society of Alberta, 2002). In other words, gays criminally molest or attack more children (boys) than heterosexuals do – many, many times more often!
    18. “Disproportionate numbers of gay men seek adolescent males or boys as sexual partners.” (Homosexuality and Child Abuse, Dr T Dailey, Family Research Council, 19th December, 2005).
    19. “One third of male sex offenders directed their sexual activity against males” (Journal Sex and Mar Ther). However, because of under-reporting, the Journal of Child Psychiatry says the actual figures are “very much higher”.
    20. “Homosexual pedophiles often target (young) teenage boys… in order to groom them to accept homosexuality.” (Festival of Light questionnaire, Australia et al).
    21. “The majority of pedophile cases are homosexual… Homosexual pedophiles are seriously disturbed men.” (dwightlongenecker.com quoted in The Universe).
    22. “Gays themselves say over 70% of male homosexuals have had sexual relations with boys.” (gaysandfascism.com page 144). Thus, logically, two thirds of homosexuals are pedophiles.
    23. “The pedophile movement has its roots firmly in the gay movement.” (The Organised Homosexual Movement: Its Methods and Goals. Islamic Party of Britain, 2002).
    24. Gays report fake crimes against them, or they grossly agitate others to attack them, so that they can claim special status in law. “This homosexual urban legend (of hate crimes against them) is used by homosexuals to lobby for state and federal crime laws…” (traditional values.com).
    25. “FBI statistics show that there are actually very few ‘hate crimes’ against homosexuals” (check for yourself. I do not mean reports by gays, but actual proven cases).
    26. In the UK the Gay Police Association openly told blatant lies in a national newspaper – that over 260 of their police members had been ‘attacked’ by heterosexual ‘Christians’. They were taken to task by academics (including myself), Christian bodies and others, as we com,plained about their blatant deception… The advertising watchdog found they were lying and could not produce even one ‘case’ of an officer who had thus been attacked! Scotland Yard also said they knew of no such cases. Gays lie, constantly and heavily.
    Well, Confused 888 – check out these and similar facts. It is my policy to always check out research done by people I do not agree with, because this is how genuine research is done. In this way I double-check my own work. It is by applying this even-handedness that I conclude homosexuality to be a very bad option and a social disgrace. The facts are overwhelming.
    Gays are manipulative deceivers. But, a few (very rare!) can be commended for telling the truth. I have learned over the years that they absolutely loathe Christians in particular and will do anything to bring them down. This is why I applaude GP and wish him well!
    Allow gay rights into the Caribbean and you will open a Pandora’s box of such force, you will never close it again. I tell you this after over thirty years of intensive study of all possible sources and have seen it happen time and again.
    Take note of China… gays forced the authorities to give them just a small area of freedom. Before this was done I warned that AIDS would run rampant. Sure enough, incidents of HIV and AIDS are rushing up the scale.
    I urge Caribbean governments not to rely on gay arguments, which are immoral and unhealthy. Instead, fight for morality and family values. Seek out views from non-gays. If not, you will reap the same whirlwind as the West, along with all its cash, health and social costs.
    Confused 888 and others prove only that they have a smattering of information but not the whole truth. Some also prove that their hatred for Christians and others is so strong, they are willing to overlook any kind of gay activity just to maintain and promote sexual immorality.
    Finally – this is my last word on the matter as I have to get on with my work. Go with liberalism and watch the fast deterioration of the Caribbean, or go with peaceful, healthy and moral values, whether Christian or not, and become healthier and altogether nicer!

  23. Dr. the fact that you cannot recognize the simple fact that most HIV case are now mainly in the hetero sexual domain does you no credit. If you think that all the HIV cases in Africa, India and China, which is were the bulk of HIV cases are found then I believe you to be deluded.

    And who said anything about destroying families? its this sort of wild conjecture that leads me to distrust your sources.

    and what exactly are pro-pedophile homosexual workshops?

    I did have look at your links. I was not impressed

    I will concede that initial HIV was more prevealant amoung the gay community. That has now changed. HIV is spread by promiscuous behaviour, homo or heterosexual, buggery is an aggravating factor, whether that is homosexual or heterosexual buggery. Lesbians (general don’t engage in buggery) and have the lowest HIV incident of any sexual orientation. If HIV is your major concern then surely lesbianism is a good thing? Are lesbians and male homosexual who do not practise buggery equally condemned?
    As for animal how do you explain bonobo chimps which regular engage in same sex activities in the wild? I don’t think you can
    Do you think that homosexuality is chosen? I know many gay men that if they could the would choose to be straight! Homosexuality is no more chosen than skin colour. Yes they can choose to abstain, they can chose to enter into a sexless or love less marriage, or they can choose to act on their instinctive attraction. I certainly won’t condemn them for that.

    AS for the rest of what you have written… it more rant than reason, defiantly more heat than light.

  24. What a risible and yet rather pitiable fellow you are, Napier.

    Just to remind the rest of you: this is the guy who thinks (check above) “the USA Government is led by Marxist socialists”.

    Can anyone honestly take anything else he says seriously after that?

    But as far as the root-cause of your extraordinary hostility to homosexuality is concerned: that IS serious, and I urge you to get some counselling, “Doctor”. Preferably from a Freudian shrink.

    Do you have any idea how very peculiar and obsessive you sound? I’m certain I’m not the only contributor to this blog who wonders: “what on earth is WRONG with this guy?”

    Many of us, of course, might have our suspicions; namely that – to borrow a recent (in)famous jibe of Mia Mottley’s – it’s your slip that is so obviously (and rather tragically) showing…

  25. Samizdat….I am in completely agreement with your stance…this guy and adrian Hinds, George and a few others seem so obsessed with hating homosexuals that they write a whole set of unsubstantiated nonsense over and over…
    Are they hiding something? With all the other issues in this life why does equal rights for homosexuals scare them so much?
    Makes you wonder !

  26. With all the other issues in this life why does equal rights for homosexuals scare them so much?
    Makes you wonder !


    I know you’d love for us to ‘take our eyes off the ball’, so you can perpetrate your smut!! Hopefully, it won’t happen in Bim!!!!

    What do I have to hide?? Nothing! There’s nothing shameful which I do!!!!

  27. Does it not disturb you people who are against homosexuals that almost all the arguments and themes that you use to justify your position on homosexuals are the same or very similar to the ones that white supremacists and other racists have used in the past?

  28. ‘Confused’, the answer is ‘No’!!!! Because I doubt, very much that it bears exact comparison and you, probably, know it!!

  29. Stupid ignorant people. Period!

    Are Homosexuals human or not?
    What is a homosexual anyway?

    1.Is it a operson who is attracted to someone of the same sex?
    2. Is it someone who has had one sexual encounter with a member of the same sex or more than one ?
    3. Is it an effeminate man?
    4.Is it a masculine woman?
    5. Is is a masculine man that likes to dress in womens clothing in private with his wife?
    6. Is a masculine man that likes the feel of silk and satin in his undies?
    7. Is it a man with limp wrists?
    8. Is it a man with a lisp?
    9. Is it a man that receives or is it the man that gives?
    10. Is it a straight man that likes anal stimulation by his wife/girlfriend?

    Just think of the many possibilities????

    How do you experts know who is actually ‘bulling’? Or whatever? The fact remains that other than outward apperance and unless you had a camera in every bedroom you would not know. Therefore it is safe to reason that you are against something that you are truly ignorant about in that you dont know who is doing it unless you are told! And the facts remain that there are , there have been and there always will be people of homosexual orientation IN BIM as in every where else in this world! And that they will continue to contribute to the developement of this country in everyway as they have done in nthe past whether you like it or not. So as Erskine sandiford said “LUMP it or leave it”

    But please come to the argument with some common sense instead of hyperbole and biblical HOGWASH!

  30. no two different things bear exact comparison, but I think the comparison is particularly apt in this case. Which is why a regard homophobes as others might regard racists

  31. Dear Confused 888,

    Your challenges to some of the homophobic views aired in this blog is important and brings necessary balance to this blog.

    One of the things that I have found interesting is that the majority of the racist and homophobic comments come from a few usual suspects. You can count them on the fingers of one hand and the most vocal do not even live in Barbados.

    It is important therefore that while you should continue to make your important contributions, that you do not let a handful of objectionable non-residents cause you angst and high blood pressure or cause you to lose your cool or to get dragged down in the gutter with them.

    You have supporters. Stay cool.

  32. Confused, why don’t you admit if YOU’RE a homosexual?? That would bring ‘even greater balance to the discussion’!!!

    Professor, I think that you’re ever so keen to be politically-correct, a trend which, as you know, is pronounced in the UK but is of very, little worth, except for being trendy. I’ve never been one to follow-the-crowd, just for the sake of it!!!! Would u like to inform us if you’re a homosexual and it would also, be interesting to know what your specialism was, at university!!!!

  33. LOL.. the last resort of the desperate… personal attack, if you can’t discredit the arguement, attack the person making it. You know bimbro sometimes I suspect you are very clever and being a strawman to discredit homophobes.

  34. Confused, you first need to know what an attack is compared to a simple, question!! And David, why are you offering succour to perverts or pervert-sympathisers who prefer to commune with other men than with a woman especially, at a time when we’re supposed to be trying to encourage the greater participation of women in all aspects of life????

    Bimbro we did not delete any comments, we simply transferred them. It is important that if there is serious discussion our role is to facilitate and promote that discussion. On another note, we are not as rigid in blocking commenters who use multiple name, if it does no arm. But we do know of those commenters who are currently trying to be deliberately provocative for one reason or other. We are watching!


  35. Bimbro! I am shocked, are you running to “daddy”. I thought better of you. That just about as mature as getting upset and going home will the ball cause you are loosing.

  36. Bimbro you seem to be at a lost for words if not ideas as to how to counter the raguments put forward by Confused. Please give us your definition of ‘pervert.’ FYI the bible as it is written also does not view women as equal to men or at least not consistently so. So why not apply the literal rules of the bible to the status of women!

    If you are going to argue please do so intelligently!

  37. Thanks Dave. ‘Me’, I don’t need to argue. A solid statement of my posn. is sufficient. I’m pro normality and against deviancy!! Nuf said!!!!

  38. Pro normality – I look forward to your condemnation of the evil blue eyed people. lol Normal is a social construct… saying you pro-normality is just saying you like the status quo. It no justification, it parroting.

  39. what is normal? who defines that? Is normal set in stone? what is deviancy? Actually what is your understanding of these words you throw around?

    I asked you several questions earlier about the definition of a homosexual. I did so to show you how complex it can be to be so dogmatic about any Human being!

    Definitions are also temporal (transitory) in that ‘normal’ today was clearly considered deviant 50 years ago.

    Please read a bit more !

  40. Starving Haitians are having to eat biscuits made of dirt, there’s slaughter in Guyana, Kenyans are hacking each other death…

    I guess they must all be gay.

    Seriously, there’s no point in arguing with these sad, ignorant, poisonous and neurotic homophobes. They’ll never change.

    Just pity them.

    And laugh at them, of course.

    And most important, teach our kids to be tolerant to everyone except the viciously intolerant, kind to everyone except the viciously unkind…

  41. ‘Confused’, yes, I do like the status quo, where normal, sexual relations are concerned i.e. between a male and a female!!!! Don’t you?!!! Or is that too, difficult a question for you to answer, in your position!!!!

    BTW, ‘Confused’, does your name indicate something unpleasant?!!!!

    ‘Me’, u doan know what normal is?!!!! Sorry for u, Sir!! I’m happy to have a GIRLfriend!!!! Definitions can be complex, if you’d like them to be!!!! I wonder why you’re so keen that they should be?!!!!

    ‘Me’, I’m content with the traditional definitions although I can see that you’d be happy to undermine, these. I’m well aware that homos won’t cease their campaign until the whole world’s been converted!!! I sincerely, hope you all fail in that quest!!!!

    Well, my girlfrien is Kenyan, & I CAN ASSURE U SHE IN QUEER!!!!!!!!!! Laaadddddddddddddd!! 🙂

  42. samizdat~we have been reading you comments with interest. Is it that you think that standards or decadence in any society occur in a vacuum? Don’t you think that multiple things can be occurring in a society at the same time and the society through laws and agreed philosophies must seek to make decisions that will power the society on the path they see progress?

    In other words there is interdependence of actions and thoughts which are always at play. Additionally we always toss out comparisons made to other countries where undesirable things are happening. We prefer to have the comparisons in the reverse. Why benchmark downwards?

  43. You can’t justify yourself can you? Incapable of constructing an argument, or stop using excessive exclamation marks.

    I think normal sexual relations can happen between men and women, men and men or women and women, and harmful sexual relationships can also occur in all of the above pairings as well.

    As for my name, I’m just confused at how people can peddle such hate and be so blind to the hypocrisy of their positions.

  44. Thomas Gresham


    Please dont assume that everyone who is more tolerant of you must be part of the particular group you are hating at the time. I am married with kids and not a homosexual, but I still find your intolerance to your fellow man and woman confused, repugnant and bigoted. I also worry about you. Your hatred will cause some self-harm.

  45. Thomas Gresham, yesterday I took you to task, mainly using the fear of Islam as my topic, but today I have to agree with you concerning the Bimbro character. It amazes me that people of your obvious educational standard and intelligence even bother to take notice of Bimbro. He appears to be one very sick person, and as you said, can only cause harm to himself. I once read out to some visiting friends one of his posts, pausing in each place where his frequent and mis-used commas appear, and ending with his ridiculous “Laaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!” (which sounds distinctly Jamaican!) and everyone was in fits of laughter. Please, Mr. Gresham, either ignore him, or get a good laugh.

  46. David it is one think to think that homosexuality is wrong, it is quite another to legislate against such or to perpetuate the idea that this ‘sin’ disqualifies these individuals from equal rights!

    How can we champion Human rights, champion being educated, champion being evolved etc with this continued archaic view!

    We compare our status in every other aspect of life e.g education, health, transportation , why should we not also compare our record on human rights?

    It is important that you separate issues such as pedophilia, buggery, molestation and general public indecency from this discussion since these actions have nothing to do with the question affording equal rights for homosexuals!

    And finally could you expand on the negatives ( seen in other countries) as it relates to this issue!

  47. David, why are u trying to reason with these ani – no, people!!!! It’s a waste of valuable, time!!!!

    To the rest of yuh: so, what’s suh wrong with women that you can’t be satisfied with them?!!!!

    Doan laugh Sister Babe!! Lord!!!!!!!!!!!


    I think normal sexual relations can happen between men and women, men and men or women and women, and harmful sexual relationships can also occur in all of the above pairings as well.


    Ah haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

    Now, we know!!!! David, I told u not to waste your time. Instead of telling us from the start that he was a **** he’s beat all around the bush until, finally, I, have manage to extract the truth from him!!!!

    I did n’t realise I was speaking to one of those, at least not for sure!!!! Lord!!!!

    Gresham, I in hate nuhbody!!!! I just doan want dum nawhere near me, dats all!!!! Especially when I picking-up something!!!!

    Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) Dey might mistake me fuh one of dere friends!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  48. I once read out to some visiting friends one of his posts, pausing in each place where his frequent and mis-used commas appear, and ending with his ridiculous “Laaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!” (which sounds distinctly Jamaican!) and everyone was in fits of laughter.


    Thistle, I may be fond of commas, for clarity of expression but, at least I talk nuf sense!!!! Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddd!!!! 🙂

  49. Bimbro.. you are a strawman! don’t worry I’m sure Dorothy will get the wizard to give you a brain.

  50. Bimbro is it sad to loose the argument?

    You should try and get some of your more reasoned supporters to help you out.

  51. David

    I do partly take yr point about the interdependence of everything. But I suppose what I’m trying to say is that there are so many more urgent matters that we can get worked up about (and want to do something about) than somebody’s sexual orientation.

    I just don’t perceive that there is any viable connection between homosexuality and Third World debt. Or between homosexuality and a lack of integrity and transparency legislation – to give just two examples.

    I don’t care what people do in their private lives. It’s not my business, and it shldn’t be anyone else’s.

    Honestly, two guys having anal sex is not something I want to spend any time thinking about.

    But then, the thought of my late parents having sex used to freak me out too. And don’t talk about my (grown-up) daughter! As far as I’m concerned, she’s still a virgin (despite having three kids of her own).

    The point is, in all these cases it’s none of my business!

    We shld all get on with our own lives, and stop the prurient snooping behind other people’s bedroom doors…

  52. Confused, ‘thanks’ for the advice, but I’ve all but given-up with Bajans!!!!

    Good luck, doah!!!!

  53. Pingback: Gay Movement Gathers Momentum In Africa & Arab World «

  54. Ok look… Having anal sex is not ok… For male or female. Homosexuality is just another form of perversion.

    We all should be trying to build a better society for ourselves. And being homosexual is not building a better society. Just like stealing, drinking, molestation, or running a traffic light, and denying hungry person water. Lets stop rationalizing things that are Cleary unbeneficial and analyze things that are beneficial

    To be honest perverted behavior leads to other things. Just like one drink turns to two three and four or potentially cocaine. And just like a kiss leads to you falling in love or having sex. Were is homosexuality leading you. Be honest and ask yourself the question. Before a mango became a mango it was first a seed…

    Lets talk about what it is we know; not believe. And talk about things we know about man and our experiences as humans. And animals yes may display what you call homosexual tendencies. But are your eyes just perverted? Our are they displaying the bond of love they share as a species (they don’t blow each other and have anal sex). Just as you hug your friend after winning a football game. Or as your father spanked you because you were behaving badly. Is your father perverted because he smacks your but with a rod. Well if you watch rated x movies smacking people on the but is now some form of S and M sex

    Ignorance – means an ignore state; or to ignore the facts

    The fact is alot of peoples research is based upon the literature of a people who has enslaved and colonialized African people. Your bases of arguments have nothing to do with an African perspective, but deals with a Europeanized perspective. And the truth is we are not Europeans. If you seek to incorporate European fundamentals then be prepared for the things Europeans or Anglo Saxons have to offer the African race. Like crack, heroin, disease, jails, unemployment, blood & crips, and all the other ills that pain African communities around the world

    Homosexaulity – is an effect of European influence and colonization. During our time in slavery we have learned to tolerate many abuses and homosexuality is just one of those abuses. The body is amazing how it adapts even in the most horrific conditions. Homosexuality is an adaptation to an horrific condition which we have now excepted to some degree of normalcy.

    People are talking as if it is not possible for a mental sickness to occur in the brain just as the other organs in the body can become compromised with many different forms of sickness. Let me guess; the brain must be exempt from sickness??? Or are you waiting for your rulers to set the standard of mental sickness for you to believe it is real??? I really would like to know who people basing the standard upon for there information. Do you research the authors of these theories, understand there ideologies and what organizations and believe systems they are affiliated with, what kind of policies or schools of thought they attempt or perpetuate. I think Africans have still not realized there are people out there that want to wipe you off the planet. And the knowledge some of you get is actually a weapon; therefore everything and its intent in philosophy must be questioned. Do you really believe our condition around the world is by mere coincidence? Let me shed some light; they don’t care what you do as long as they don’t loose money!!! Isn’t the truth of the matter is that we are all destined to be sick in some form or another??? Isn’t sickness the beginning of your physical death??? Hmm I wonder why homosexuals can’t procreate!!! Can any person with any form of disease procreate under normal circumstances???

    Let’s stop pointing the finger at each others deficiencies and lets start believing in ourselves and helping each other by forming our own concepts of reality instead of importing other people’s ideas. We should be developing rehabilitation programs for homosexuals, alcoholics, drug abusers, rape victims etc… And stop exploiting peoples emotions and there short comings to push our political agendas which have nothing to do with common sense and the absolute law of nature; which are obvious if you just look around you.

    Nobody is threatened by homosexuality, but we are threatened by the destruction of our society in exchange for a similar dynamic of that of the African race in the United States; which is jails, homosexuality and drugs. Our mothers and fathers did not practice this form of behavior and I do not intend to spit on the foundation they have layed before us therefore there ideals will continue to live in me. If you want a European slave master’s concept of life to live in you then that is your choice. And this is not to promote any racism; I am simply stating the facts and the undeniable truth. And the truth is we as a people from here to Africa and the United States are a people who are constantly be observed and strategized against for our destruction and the dissemination of our unifying power; and the bases of that is the destruction of the family environment. It is time we take responsibility instead of studying non-sense which is clearly not conducive in building a family, a community, and an ethical organized social structure. I guarantee you that MOST homosexuals and transsexuals experienced a traumatic sexual experience or come from a broken home… DO YOUR RESEARCH ON THAT.

    P.S The next means of attack for the acception of homosexuality to be normal will be to place a person loved by the people as a homosexual. Be prepared for it, because it is the next means of there strategy to destroy the african race

  55. P.S


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