Caribbean People Behind Barack Obama For President Of The USA

Perhaps one of the qualities which Obama has demonstrated throughout his campaign is that of embracing world citizens; it has made him enormously popular across the globe. As the only superpower left and the preoccupation which the USA must have with hostile and humanitarian issues, also its obligation to making the globe a peaceful place, it seems a no-brainer that the presidential candidate should possess this quality. People better than us have suggested that leaders are people who inspire others to follow their vision. If we match up McCain and Obama using this criterion Obama leads by leaps and bounds.

With the days left to go to the big day reaching single digits, Obama, if we are to believe the polls ,leads by a comfortable margin. The analysts have forecast that the race will tighten-up and the specter of the Bradley influence lurks. Whatever happens, Barack Obama, a Black man with a Muslim sounding name, has done well. We wish him God’s speed as the majority of Americans and world citizens alike anticipate his ascension to the office of President of the United States.

Most Black people in the Caribbean feel emotionally connected to the event unfolding. As a predominantly Black nation much has been said about whether Obama is qualified for the job. When one considers some who have gone before we have quickly dismissed those arguments. The Youtube video above which is a tribute to Obama in calypso form seems appropriate.

Our thanks to BU family member VR for sending it to us.

53 responses to “Caribbean People Behind Barack Obama For President Of The USA

  1. Your headline reads “Caribbean People Behind Barack Obama For President Of The USA” What’s new? One does not have to be a scholar to understand why.

    I wish to call reader’s attention to this post by SNAKE-in-the-grass // October 24, 2008 at 8:41 am :

    “I want to make a prediction:

    “1. Obama will will the Presidency.
    “2. The black people will be reluctant to openly talk about and acknowledge that it was the whites who (without the support of any other ethnic group) – elected him.
    “3. After he has been in office for a while, the blacks will complain he isn’t doing anything to help them.
    “4. When Obama does something “wrong” the blacks are not going to vociferously remark about it, in the way they do with President Bush. Instead, they are going to put up every imaginable excuse.

    “Mark my words. Print this out and keep it, because I’ll be refering to this post several times in the time ahead……”

    Let’s stay tuned……

  2. I have already voted for Senator Obama through the mail in system. I am so exicted, the first person I voted for is the late LFS Burnham of Guyana and now here I am voting for Senator Obama the next great leader of the United States. I have contacted several Guyanese and they are all voting for this great man that God has put on this earth to guide us throught hard times. God Bless him, Michelle and girls. And also lets say a parayer for his Granny who is gravely ill in Honolulu. Let us pray that Granny Dunham lives to see Barry, as Granny Dunham calls the great Senator, becomes the leader of the USA. Is which post he refering to?

  3. The second day of the BLP conference is occuring today. According the Nationnews, it will be streamed live via BLP TV @

  4. Here’s a great website on the US elections (in case doesn’t know it already) It’s

  5. Who is saying that Whites have not and will not vote for Obama? Some are saying that not enough are which explains the relatively close race. Also don’t forget that Whites supported Obama in the Primary because many Blacks felt that he was not Black enough.

    If Obama wins there will be a period after of acceptance and adjustments by everyone. After all he is the generational man!

  6. Personally, I’m rooting for Obama and hope he makes it through. The world needs this.

  7. Although I’d really like to know … what is a ‘black person’ ? ? ? David – as a scholar you should be able to tell us.

    Standing by

  8. The best website to actually check the elections is over at

    The reality is that most of the populous sectors of the US will most likely vote for him while rural areas are hesitant to vote for a black man.In fact,quite a few African Americans have voted already especially in places like Florida & Georgia which are usually Republican strongholds.

    What I also find unusual about this election is that right now here in the US there is an unspoken language that anything with an [R] next to its name should be voted out of office.People are also unusually energetic & angry at the same time with in some cases people waiting up to 10 hours just to vote.

    I don’t know what this means but it is clear that the Democrats are expected to have a landslide victory come November.I just hope the Democrats do something during their tenure however,since the current President will not be around to blame anymore.

  9. I forgot to mention also that it is also very likely that some Caribbean economies can actually suffer if Obama is chosen President.A lot of economies in the Caribbean base their economies around the banking sector & it is very likely that an Obama Administration could be a risk to that.

    In fact,I also believe this is why a lot of Investors here in the US are so nervous & are selling off their investments because they don’t know what an Obama administration might do since Democrats have promised a lot of regulation to fix the current mess.

  10. Boy, the calypso on Obama real bad. At first I thought it was Red Plastic Bag. The melody definitely is Bajan.

  11. Senator Obama is also half white, his dear and late departed Mum is white. In recent times most US elections have been very close, but the fact of the matter is that America needs change, and this change can only come with someone like Senator Obama who has the best interest of America and its people at heart. The last 8 years has been a total mess, look at the financial crisis gripping the USA, which has come out of greedy Republicans just ripping of the country left and right as if there is no tomorrow. It is clear to me that Observer does not understand US politics, for he would not come here and say oh black folks are just going to let President Obama just do as he pleases and not have him account for his actions due to the fact he is part black.. Observer you have heard about the lying and carrying on by former Mayor Kwame Fitzpatrick of the great City of Detroit, Michigan, well in spite of the fact that Mayor Fitzpatrick was a great mayor for Detroit and black, it was black people that removed him from office because of his corrupt ways, the black lady persecutor of Wayne County Michigan removed him. You have hearfd of the corruption in the great city of Compton California, well it was black people that removed the corrupt former Mayor Walter Tucker and his coronies from office, you have heard of the corruption in East St. Louis Il, well it was black people that removed Mayor Carl Officer from office, so before you start judging just ask around, for the US is not your sugar factory Caribbean country. Have a nice day everyone. Blessings.

  12. On October 26, 2008 at 1:11 pm
    OBSERVER wrote

    Although I’d really like to know … what is a ‘black person’ ? ? ? David – as a scholar you should be able to tell us.
    Standing by”

    Dear Observer: Bth the Barbados and U.S. census ask questions about color/race/ethnicity. How do you determine what answer to provide for youself and for your family members?

    There. You now have your answer.

  13. Look Teddy Afro, Observer I mean, fade to black with your silly self, asking such a foolish question what is a black person. And you said, if you are a quarter black or two ounces black you are black so why asking such question. It seems like your friends in the other country well and parading around with Otisha and she dragons.

  14. The pollsters are confirming that in the toss-up states Obama is maintaining the Kerry vote but McCain is not maintaining the Bush vote. That % of voters leaving McCain are going to the undecided category. We would have thought that if those people are dissatisfied with McCain some of them should be throwing their support to Obama.

    We will stay with our earlier commentary that race will decide this election.

  15. While we’re claiming the Obama administration would not be good for the Caribbean, what is the McCain policy? That man has been jumping from pillar to post, like a drunk driver speeding on wet road. Furthermore, he has aged a lot over the last six months, this campaign has taken much out of him. I think he has done tremendously well for a 72 yr old man but with the mess America is in can he take that grind? God forbid that he should win and succumb to the pressure early in his term of office. Could you imagine Sarah Palin being President of the USA?
    I’m not backing Obama because he’s black but I like his policies. Unfortunately, I’m not sure what McCain’s iare since he’s wavering all over the place.

  16. If Obama had a stronger opponent, he would lose or if McCain had a real V.P he might be more fancied.

  17. Straight talk


    You still say race will decide the election.

    McCain/Palin will win 8-1?

    Are you confident of your pollsters?

    I think you’re seriously mistaken.

  18. “preoccupation which the USA must have with hostile and humanitarian issues, also its obligation to making the globe a peaceful place,”

    Never have I read such bull from David before. His only obligation is to “make the world a safer place” for American big business to strive, even if it means blowing everyone else to shite up.


    I wid you. If a man is half white, he is half white. He is not black. He could be half black… White people like insisting on this purity thing; as a Black man I am insisting on it as well.

  19. There are two types of calypsos, good ones and really silly shallow ones. This Obama piece of music is one for the trash heap.

  20. There are two types of calypsos, good ones and really silly shallow ones. This Obama piece of music is one for the trash heap.
    Forget the politics and deal with the melody and words. But again, you seems to be out of tune with our musical culture.

  21. Abortion and Homosexuality and any other moral issues are top issues over economy and foreign policy for any who claim to be a Christian. Problem is – would it really make a difference if you vote for Party? It might very well make a difference if you vote for electorate who stands for moral issues. So which presidential candidate and VP do you think is more moral? Hmmm, interesting. I haven’t quite made up my mind yet, but then I’m not an American and obviously won’t be voting? What I do know is that the Republicans have been corrupt as ever during their term – and that is immoral!

  22. Well am backing Obama.
    Am register to VOTE in North Carolina but currently residing in NY.
    A. Hinds and other i have just compleated my Absentee Ballot and taking it to the post office later in the afternoon.
    Obama and Biden got my vote and all the other vote went to All the Dem’s running for offices in north Carolina.

  23. The calypsoe (lyrics) is shite. The writer is your usual simple boring garden variety that can be found in the tents year after year.

  24. Pingback: Global Voices Online » Barbados, U.S.A.: Behind Barack

  25. I still think that David Thompson’s going to the Democratic Convention was a master stroke! God is with him.

    Ralph Gonsalves sounds like a clown trying to get on a bandwagon.

  26. Black people both West Indian and American are too easily mislead.

    Jimmy Carter was the US’s best choice for a just and fair President. He was restricted to one term, and referred to by historians as a lame duck president.

    Obama is pro-America, that translates to anti- every damned thing else, including Black… !

  27. Well am backing Obama.
    Am register to VOTE in North Carolina but currently residing in NY.
    A. Hinds and other i have just compleated my Absentee Ballot and taking it to the post office later in the afternoon.
    Obama and Biden got my vote and all the other vote went to All the Dem’s running for offices in north Carolina.

    I am very happy that you saw to it to exercise your frachise. Nothing makes me happier than to see American citizens taking part in the process of self governance. My only hope is that we don’t only so engaged in the process during Presidential elections, that we vote in State and Municiple elections that fall in between Presidential ones, as well. Remember all politics is local. Keep it up. 🙂

    I am black, and will not vote for Barack.

  28. BAFBFP // October 27, 2008 at 9:35 am

    Black people both West Indian and American are too easily mislead.

    Jimmy Carter was the US’s best choice for a just and fair President. He was restricted to one term, and referred to by historians as a lame duck president.

    Obama is pro-America, that translates to anti- every damned thing else, including Black… !
    Obama is not pro-America, he couldn’t be and have friends like Rev Wright, and Bill Aires. 🙂 :0 lol!

  29. Rove And Kristol Fault Disloyal, Ill-Serving Campaign Staff For McCain’s Struggles»

    Today, the New York Times Magazine features a long article about the infighting and finger-pointing within the McCain campaign. Yesterday, reports surfaced that Gov. Sarah Palin is a “diva” who “takes no advice from anyone” and might be going “rogue.” Meanwhile, more and more conservatives are trying to separate themselves from Sen. John McCain with as much speed as they distance themselves from President Bush.

    Today on Fox News Sunday, “master strategist” Karl Rove joined the finger-pointing, blaming the McCain staff for being “undisciplined” and expressing insufficient “loyalty” for McCain:

    ROVE: We saw it in the Clinton campaign, and now we’re seeing it in the McCain campaign, where before the election is totaled up, before the votes are all cast, before the decision is made, people start pointing fingers and blaming each other. It is a sign of undisciplined people who do not have the loyalty that they ought to have to the candidate whom they’re serving. And it’s — it’s a sad sight to see. Nobody makes themselves look good by this process.

    Later in the show, right-wing columnist Bill Kristol blamed McCain staffers for “ill-serving” Palin by mishandling the story about spending $150,000 on new designer clothes for her. “The staff has not served her well by hiding her and not having confidence,” he said. Watch both clips here:

    It makes sense that Kristol is trying to direct blame onto staffers and away from Palin: after all, McCain insiders have credited Kristol with convincing them to go with Palin to begin with. The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer said Kristol was “the most ardent promoter” of Palin, repeatedly talking up her electoral prowess on Fox News and urging McCain to choose her for vice president.

    Some recent polls have shown her selection to be a bigger drag on McCain’s campaign than Bush.


    NYTIMES is the parent company of the Boston Globe


  31. Adrian H, Yes, you are probably still a citizen of the Land of the Flying Fish that is why you not voting for Barack the next President of the USA, YEAH, I voted, yes I voted and I voted for Barack. I urge all eligible Barbadians to please cast their vote for Barack Obama, thank you

  32. I love Barack Obama real, real bad. I more serious about this fine dude than life itself. I more serious ’bout he than a heartattack. I bother not about his race because as far as I’m concerned, there is one race………. the human race. I know some real ignorant black bitches and also some ignorant white bitches, so what? I want him to win because he would be creating History and I would be proud in my neck of the woods.I am a byproduct of “massa regime” and because of my ‘dougla’ hair type, I am often referred to as a Guyanese, of all the people. For de records, I’m not too fussy ’bout that nationality a’tall.
    A thousand cheers for Barack. Too cute.
    How ya like ma?

  33. Bonny Peppa
    When the primaries started, I didn’t give Barrack Obama a chance against Hillary Clinton. As the campaign heated up and I started to realise he was different from Jessie Jackson and the other blacks, I then realise he was some-one special, A SPECIAL BREED. His was a message of unification of the races. The first black man of this modern age to see beyond colour. He has gone far and I predict victory, even though I’m not voting, I,ve been encouraging ALL my friends in America to give him their vote. So far I’ve gotten 100% support from them. I see him winning by a landslide but yet I feel some underhand thing might happen and he loses by default. It that happens I redict some distrubance in USA.

  34. Bonny, I am Guyanese but around here they think I am Somali or Ethiopian due to the large numbers of Somalis and Ethiopians here. Bonny, Guyanese is a great nationality, I just love being Guyanese, and you must be happy they calling you Guyanese. I too love Obama for I see him as we Haile Salaisse.

  35. Hi Bonny, We have faith in Jesus, so we know Senator Obama will be the next President of the USA. Bonny seeing that they calling you Guyanese I feel I must tell you to view this wonderful video on YOU TUBE by one of Guyana’s fine young gospel groups. The name of the group is Vision, so if you want to view some Guyanese Gospel music, please go to YOU TUBE and type in Vision-Lion of Judah, and enjoy the video.

  36. Zewditu Kush,
    Wait, you trying to be sarcastic wid me? Well, leh me tell ya, it ain’t working, ok? Don’t tell me ’bout nah Somalis or Ethiopians ’bout here in large numbers because as far as I, and a lot more a we concerned, too much a wunna ’bout hay. We can’t afford to absord all a wunna so don’t refer me to we migrating to U.S or Canada. Them could afford the ‘illegals’ not we 166sq. mls. Wunna got natural resources in abundance. Why not stan’ home and develop and build up ya country. If I had my way everyone , legal or illegal would be deported especially wunna.I had two bad experiences wid Guyanese and it reinforced my feelings ’bout wunna more. And talk ’bout cheap labour, wunna like to exploit foolish Bajans too, if wunna lucky. Man ga long back home do, ya family miss ya.

  37. Zewditu Kush,
    Which of my statements made you think that I would like anything Guyanese? If you have so much faith why not try convincing your ‘brothers’ here to go back home and rebuild your home-land?
    You liking Barack would barely make me start backing Mc.Cain. I dat serious.

  38. I am not that keen on the American elections because I hate America with a passion.It is the most racist country on planet earth.I am neither here nor there where Barack Obama is concern.I do not think any real meaningful fundamental changes will come about for black people as a result of a Barack Obama victory.He will still have to continue to pull the strings & do the white man bidding.Take note that he said that he will not abandon Israel.The same thing George W Bush said.
    I believe Barack Obama is being set up for the slaughter.If the most ardent,racist whites who were members and are members of hate groups in the deep south are endorsing and even voting for Obama.I believe that is sending a fundamental message of what the plan is.
    I predict Obama will not last a full term as an American president.He will be kill and that will curtail any future plans for any non-white person to ever consider running for presidency of America again.America is not ready for any non-white president.Barack Obama is going to make the ultimate sacrifice.
    The plan is to drive fear into any other potential non-white person thinking about challenging for American presidency with the imminent assassination of Barack Obama

  39. Then, Negroman, like MLK he would have died for a cause. It would be up to the rest of US blacks not to let that “dream” die. We must not fear….

  40. @ My friend BIMBRO….

    Today it was Lewis Hamilton, first and youngest ever world champion in Formula 1.
    A black man with Caribbean roots.
    Next stop ……USA…Obama…the first black president.

  41. Negroman, I an praying and no harm will come to Barack, Michelle and the girls. Jesus will protect them. I am praying, and I know the Lord answers prayers. The Lord will guide President Obama and lead him, and he will go down in history as the greatest Leader ever to rule a country. I expereince racism in America, but I just keep on keeping on, I experience racism in Guyana, but I just say only a fool is racist, for all a we are God’s children, and I am sure if I came to Barbados I would experience some discrimination because I am Guyanese. But I tell you we have come a long way since the days of Dr. King and Malcolm. so there Mr. Negroman, relax yourself and thank Jesus you alive to see a President Obama. Massa day come!

  42. Negroman…..

    I disagree with you on this one (but I could be wrong). If Obama is assassinated it will be for the simple reason that he went against the establishment or against his handlers meaning that he is in favour of rooting out this satanic system and so far I have not seen any indication of this from him. Both he and his wife are members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He also got his coffers filled by the gangsters from wall street. I think that he was chosen for the said reason that he is not white because the majority of the world which happens to be non-white if frankly sick and tired of America and its white marionnettes who have perpetrated horrendous crimes on mankind. All the selection of Barack Obama is gonna do is delay the inevitable. ( I could be wrong).

  43. Eh eh Bonny, like you wake up pun de wrang side a de bed, or maybe, yah nah get sleep yet. I am Guyanese and I am pround of my nationality and my race, and I am not a wunna be, ah is just me, but Bonny if you want fuh stay home in Barbados that is fine, but don’t get mad at me if I want to go and see the world. it is a big world and I can go any place I want to. You had yuh bad experience with two Guyanese and now you sour, child there are close to 2 million Guyanese, now if there were only two then I would say yes you have reason to be vex, but no child you have not begin to scratch the service with the Guyanese population. Well I am a peaceful Guyanese, for all you need to do is ask around, but I don’t stand for eye pass. I just bloggin about Obama and then you must come and say how you is product a massa, well sure you didn’t have a choice in that, duh is you and massa business, don’t mix up we Guyanese with that, plus deh calling you Guyanese, ah sure massa was not a Guyanese, not too much a massa kind in Guyana, more a dem by you. You vote for who you want to, but we the Guyanese community of America all voting for Obama, and we are a force, a 300,000 voting block in the USA , the populaiton of Barbados. We Guyanese can sway elections in many countries, including yours, so watch out Bonny, because you know the Guyanese people choice for leader of Barbados is Miss Mia Mottley.

  44. Negroman I have to disagree to some extent with ou on this one; yes, I dont think he will be a great friend to the Caribbean. However, it will allow black people to realise that the sky is the limit in achieving the unachievable and that for me is enough!

  45. Another thing Bonny, you is the one in love with massa, not me, for I din know a massa looking person or even talk to one until I just land on a BWIA jetliner at Miami. You all seem to want to make yuh eyes and pass we Guyanese, but it was was you that was proxy for massa when he say he wan discover Guyana, so it look ot me like ayuh was doing massa dirty work, and yuh had a good teachuh, as now yuh wan Guyahnee fuh come fuh duh ayuh dutty wuk fuh next to nothin money. Look Obama is about to become President of the USA and all the people that are in Barbados from Guyana will get over to the USA,watch you will see, and then you all will have to import Javanese, Chinese and Hmong from Suriname to do the work.

  46. zewditu kush,
    De Guyanese can do more than sway elections that is why I would like to know since wunna so powerful, why not stay home and develop down day. You know there’s no place like home? But where eva wunna get comfy is home fa wunna even if it means living in deplorable conditions.
    Guyanese choice for leader is Mia, maybe dat is why she is in Opposition. De ‘spell’ din strong enuff?
    Wunna choice for capital of B/dos isn’t Georgetown too? It looking so.
    As for my two bad experiences wid wunna, you ever hear, ‘first impressions count’? or you don’t know de meaning?
    Go and try to lure some a wunna back to GT. Ga long.

  47. Negroman,
    Kennedy was assasinated, I think, and he was white, I think. I’m not sure.
    Let us just watch as things unfold in time to come. If he is assasinated, then he will go as a Martyr. Racism is all over the world even here in Bim. You ever visited any of the top-rank stores in Broad Street to purchase a perfume or something? Some of the clerks look at you like shite. But on the other hand, they are all smiley-smiley with the ‘whites’, whether local or otherwise. We all just need to be educated I guess.
    How ya like ma?

  48. Hopi & JC
    We could agree to disagree I have no problem with that,however,I still hold the belief that he is being set up for the kill.
    Hopi your views on why Obama was selected are very interesting indeed and have a lot of merit.I really do not know if I could support those views fully.
    JC I do not think Obama should make the ultimate sacrifice to prove that black people could make it in a white dominated world.Obama could make a more meaningful contribution to the development of black people as a living person rather than being a dead hero.
    I hope I am wrong and he will live out his full term as the president of America
    I want to be wrong on this one.

  49. I hope to the great Supreme being you are wrong Negro man Black people have been through too much all now we getting we ass cut on the blogs for speaking the truth as it is! check it out on the Graiemme Hall issue lol lol the poppies boy the cocaine gone to every body head ha ha ha lol

  50. Negroman, please stop the conspiracy theory! Stop! Have you ever stepped foot on US soil? Have you lived in a major US city? Have you attended a US college? I don’t think you know anything about Afro American history or culture. You don’t know what you are talking about, but I will tell you this Mr. Obama will prevail come Tuesday to become the next US President and he will serve out his term. Whether he doing fuh we is irrelevant at this point. Let me tell you a story a most handsome Guyanese man, black man, you know all Guyanese are black, anyway he married a white American lady, and that white lady mother did not like this Guyanese man. Well 7 years ago the white mother-in-law took in with an incurable disease. I can’t tell you the disease, because if I do and the Guyanese that read here will know who I talking about and will go and say I talking name, plus you can’t devulge people’s illness to the public it is confidential. Well to cut a long story short the Guyanese man took in this white motehr-in-law that disliked him, got Guyanese caregivers to come and care for her to the tune of $200.00 US per eight hour shift, well she died recently, but before she died, she told him that he is the best man that could have ever married her daughter. Now Negroman the point is here, you need to calm down, forgive and move on, because you might fall ill in the street and the person that come to renders assistance might be a white person or an Indian and so on. I just want to take you to task on this one, you said you visited Guyana and that you never had any contacts with Indians, that is hard to do in Guyana, even in Buxton, Indians live in Buxton, I had relatives in Buxton and I know of some Indians that do live there. So Negroman, you not an Obeahman, but you sure have some wild theories about the future. Walk good OK.

  51. Negro Man
    While what you’re saying about Obama is partially true, I hope he succeeds. I too is not a great lover of the USA, I retain a USA passport because of close relatives I have who lives there and I want to be able to fly at a moments notice in case of emergency. The american election system is the most flawed system I’ve ever seen. Even today, there are persons knocking on doors and meeting you in supermarkets and threatening blacks and hispanics about voting for Obama. The hate calls, the fliers and the underhand tactics used in my opinion, degrades USA.

  52. Scout, Lets keep the chat in the black perspective here, I am not intersted in Hispancis for they can be just as racist, maybe even worse.

  53. Anonymous
    I appreciate your comments & concerns,however,I still viewed the election of Obama with trepidation.The simple reason United States of America was founded on racism,prosper as a result of racism & ultimately racism will eventuall destroy it.
    Yes you are correct I am no student of American history.I never visited America even though I had many oppurtinities to do so and will never visit America.I have no intentions of ever going to any American Embassy and begging any stinking white degenerate man for visa to visit that despicable place.Unlike many of you all America has nothing to offer this black man.I live comfortably in Barbados with in my means.I do not want to see tall buildings,east junk food and wear fancy clothing.I do not care about living an artificial life.
    Barack Obama has a lot to offer black people & indeed this world.If he is going to do as a president of the USA is another matter.