47 Years Later

Submitted by Douglas

barbados_flagTomorrow our wonderful island celebrates forty seven years as an Independent Nation. This is indeed a cause for great celebration. It is also a time for us to reflect on the circumstances of pre-independent Barbados and especially the thoughts, words and deeds of our forefathers who fought against many odds for our Independence.

Despite what others may wish to say, one can never deny the fact that it was the Democratic Labour Party that took Barbados into independence. One can also not deny the fact that it was the BLP and their supporters who fought against Barbados becoming independent.

A brief review of the many debates and other engagements of that early 1960’s era paints a very graphic picture of the environment within which our founding fathers fought. An environment which some may well argue still exists today. According to Premier Barrow, they were young and not so young ‘humbugs’ who were ‘befouling this night air’; ambitious people of flexible views; people of no political party, men who had never spoken in parliament who had been paid ten thousand pounds to campaign against independence; and, because they were participating in an exercise of ‘trying to pull down what we have built up for Barbados’, posterity should desecrate their names ‘in every sense of the term’!

There is clear evidence that Barrow’s comments fifty years ago is evidenced today as the same BLP members continue to pull down all that we have built up in Barbados.

Premier Barrow, in his eloquent fashion, did observe that impending independence was the time for ‘the soul of the country to be laid bare’, so that ‘we know what we are and where we are going.

The DLP continues to lay bare the soul of this country so that we know what we are and where we are going. As we continue to battle the remnants of a long and deep global recession and errors of past administrations, the DLP ensures that not only do we keep this island informed of our challenges and opportunities, but also that we are doing to move this economy and society forward in a sustainable way.

Once again we are forced to take a very serious look at ourselves at the individual level and the national level. These are times when we all are being called upon to make sacrifices for the greater good. There is nothing inherently wrong in this call. It was what Errol Barrow and our founding Fathers called for and what we have been able to do time and time again. We are a very resilient people.

We have been and continues to be a very well educated and healthy populace. We have used such attributes in the past to weather all economic storms – the same is being done now.

Our manufacturing sector is already seeing growth. Our agricultural sector is once again beginning to bloom. Law and order remains in place today. Our cultural industry is being revitalized. Our health and education services function effectively. Our tourism sector is being repositioned to weather further storms. We are becoming a greener economy and a healthier environment. We remain very well respected in the global arena.

These and much more are being done by a Government and Cabinet principally led by men and women who may have been babes in 1966 but who fully understand and associate with the philosophy and principles of our founding Fathers. These are men and women who have the fortitude to do what is necessary to restructure this economy and to build a better Barbados.

Our work must also be mindful of the point that this island has another step to go towards full independence – towards full control. A march towards republicanism must be next on our agenda.

As Errol Walton Barrow stated, Independence does not mean that you become disrespectful to anyone provided he respects you; and I know that Barbadians have enough good sense; they have a reputation for being polite and courteous to people, and the fact that we have independence would not mean that we are animals cut loose and running around in circles ……….

Happy 47th. Anniversary Barbados.

The Dems are with you.

120 responses to “47 Years Later

  1. Big Up the Baffy man…..doan mind dem…drink the best JWB…!!! Blue -Yello-Black…get it!

  2. Happy independence BAFBPF and to the others in the BU family.


    Re, whether or not Barrow had to “fight for Independence. Just a few questions to those skeptics.
    1. Did the BLP send a delegation to Britain, when Barrow and his team went to discuss independence?
    2.Did this group go to support Barrow or to lobby agaianst him?
    3. Did the “Under Forties;” a group of young men;BLP members who later became leaders in parliament as BLP members; people like Lindsay Bolden, Bree St. John, Henry Forde, Lester whitehead and others, mount political platforms and run a campaign, throughout the length and bredth of the island, against the DLP advocating against Independence?
    Also when the island was granted independence, how is it that so many white people, including plantation owners and merchants, leave and head to New Zealand and Australia?
    Eve though there was no physical struggle, now use of guns, no lives lost, tere as still a struggle.
    Th contents of this blog shows that there is still a struggle, because up to now some Bajan just do not accept the concept of Bajan Inependence.

  4. leave it to the likes of a person named caswell who have never accomplished anything of great self lworth to cast dark shadows on a great mind like the RGTH HON ERROLWALTON BARROW who who had the knoweldge and foresight of leading his people into a better future during his short span on this earth..
    Caswell you have no shame and even given your longevity which has exceeded that of The RGTH HON you have accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OF Small or great importance You would have been so lucky if called upon to shine the shoes of The RGTH HON ERROL WALTON BARROW. WHAT measures be it small of great have You offered to this society towards meaningful progress ., TELL the BU family……i don’t think so,

  5. Happy Independence Barbados, and Happy Independence BU family and onlookers (Dictionary (c))

    Here is hoping for more Caswells and less yardfowls.

  6. We became a burden to Britain ,and she was quite willing to get shot of its colonies in the West indies, since its golden goose in the Caribbean had become barren.

  7. Who are the masters borrowing money like a paro to feed a habit of conspicuous consumption and to curry electoral favours from the same black masses?
    And as the man said, this week, Barbados is a prime piece of real estate , that has many lining up to get a piece of the action. Real Estate does not include people, except the privilege few who are paying millions for a piece of it.
    Now we know why he is on a crusade to dumb down education, and send those aspiring to higher education back into the cane fields. As productive cane fields are diminishing , once again we may see our women folk ,especially, around the Garrison , walking dogs(the four- footed type) or minding children or doing servant work in the homes of the Mr. Fields and Mr. Hills, if they are lucky.

  8. Here is hoping for more Caswells and less yardfowls.
    David U can have them all (caswells)l,cause they don’t worth a dime /

  9. Caswell Franklyn


    You seem to have a very selective memory of events. You should recall that the West Indies Federation had recently broken up and the BLP was trying to salvage the remnants. They were not opposed to independence: they wanted independence of the little eight and not with Barbados going it alone.

    What the BLP was trying to do in 1966, the CCJ is now hoping to achieve through the backdoor by misinterpreting our law in favour of something they call Caribbean Community Law.

    Please Alvin tell the truth: not half-truths.


  10. David you see dah list ..? Tell me I leff out somebody now …

  11. who wants to dumb down education…. the fact is that the only people who have an interest in dummiing down education would be the very ones who are now fighting for control .an education person is truly a force to be reckoned with,,,,this education problem did not just happen yesterday or a year ago this was a major part of a game plan with an intent to decapitate a functioning educational system that was accessible to all. one now that this govt has now been caught up in and .having no choice but to fix ;,the educational system that has been leaking for years under the BLP govt who thought it not best to seize control and protect the foundation s of our country that of education but rather give into to the wishes and wants of the powerful elite while that which was near and dear to the security and survival of this country was left to smolder and almost extinguished ,what has happened should give pause and questions as to why an educational system was given a blind eye and set on a path of disaster/ ; was this a well thought planned and one with a deliberation to destroy by those who would want the people to remain under their control needless to say major corrections are necessary and unfortunately a govt whose leader made education a force to be reckoned with now have the daunting task of rescuing and salvaging before the final straw,

  12. Caswell Franklyn

    Robert Ross

    I missed your comment about Beckles’ version of events.

    I have come to realise that Barbados History is usually not what actually occurred but rather what some twistorians put out there.

    I have lived long enough to have lived through events that is now considered History. Unfortunately, what I witnessed and what is written down are completely different versions.

    When I was a little boy in primary school, some friends and I were playing in the church. The sexton chased us out and we ran across the street and one of my friends was killed by a car. Only three of us and the driver saw what happened. However, people who came on the scene were able to give eyewitness accounts of what happened. They never asked the three five year olds, who actually witnessed the accident, what transpired. The official version of events never occurred. That is the reason why I am very skeptical about History.


  13. Happy Independence my brothers and sisters.

    Let’s Represent, We Blue, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Blue.

    Colours – By Nathalie, Shontelle, Zac

    If ya proud to be a Bajan
    Put all ya flags up
    Put all ya flags up
    And if ya represent we nation
    Let me see flags up
    Let me see flags up
    We representing blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue
    We representing blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue

    Verse 1
    Ya hear de riddim of de tuk
    See people jumping up
    Dem down behind de truck
    And de big band up pun top
    We come here to be free
    So jam in unity
    And let de whole world see
    That we proud of we country

    Sweet music playing
    And we behaving like there is no tomorrow
    Bassline vibrating, de mood it creating
    Enough to wash way sorry
    This is one big jam
    We feting in love
    And giving Praise to God above
    For bringing us here, another year
    We celebrating we culture

    If ya proud to be a Bajan
    Put all ya flags up
    Put all ya flags up
    And if ya represent we nation
    Let me see flags up
    Let me see flags up
    We representing blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue
    We representing blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue

    Verse 2
    So long, this nation is we pride
    Together unified
    166-squared and one smile wide
    Bajans big up ya self
    It’s you and no one else
    Show love and raise ya colours
    Sweet music playing
    And we behaving like there is no tomorrow
    This life we treasure
    Bajans forever,lovely Barbados my home
    Bigging up my land, Barbados my home
    No matter where ever I roam
    We industry and we pride
    Take it worldwide
    Never forget we culture

    If ya proud to be a Bajan
    Put all ya flags up
    Put all ya flags up
    And if ya represent we nation
    Let me see flags up
    Let me see flags up
    We representing blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue
    We representing blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue

    Raise ya hand (4 times)
    Oy yoy
    Raise ya hand (4 times)
    Raise ya hand

    Push up ya hand coz ya proud of this island
    Blood sweat and tears, man it help buid this nation
    Strength and intelligence, a part of my people
    Nobody can take that away, wuh me say
    Bout hey we grow and bout hey we gine stay
    We only fly out to get a little holiday
    Barbados island of dreams
    Sweet from de heights and terraces, straight to de housing schemes (YES!)
    Paradise is de only way to describe my land
    Waved by de Father’s hand, waved by de Father’s hand
    Paradise is de only way to describe my land
    Leh we sing in celebration now

    Verse 3
    Nothing can compare, to we food and we drinks
    And de talent every artist brings
    As a true Bajan, show appreciation
    Leh we express we culture

    If ya proud to be a Bajan
    Put all ya flags up
    Put all ya flags up
    And if ya represent we nation
    Let me see flags up
    Let me see flags up
    We representing blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue
    We representing blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue

    Raise ya hand (4 times)
    Oy yoy
    Raise ya hand (4 times)
    Oy yoy

  14. Happy Independence Day to the BU household and Barbados at large. B, D, P or flee, all of we in dis together. Bless up and enjoy the weekend whatever you do (or don’t do)!

  15. PM Stuart’s words about Barbados are CORRECT……We have the best real estate in the World…..the World’s first and only World Icon Rhianna…. our people with level heads never explosive, a governmental system though flawed can be corrected ….we all should be proud of these facts today and everyday……

    WE IS COUNTRY BOSS…..BARBADOS I FEEL REAL PROUD to say I am a Barbadian….Happy Independence all on BU…..

    Now who else in hay gine to the Drill Hall tonite, to hear the Troubadours mash up D place wid BOOGEY !!!!……


    BAF this fuh u

  17. I posited on this blog some time ago that the roundabout abutting an abounding on university hill, walmer lodge and spring garden should be renamed the Julian marryshaw roundabout or the spring garden stretch rnamed the Julian marryshaw drive.

  18. “Barrows words “freinds of all and statelites of none is quck appro. today ”

    mere words was what they were for Mr Barrow did not even have the balls to invite Cuba to the Independence Celebrations

  19. ‘TheRGTH HON opened the door for such a great step strengthing the foundatiin of a country through free education for all”

    Can’t you get in your thick scull that there was free education before Mr Barrow came to office. Mr Barrow to his credit expanded the opportunity.

  20. ‘Did the “Under Forties;” a group of young men;BLP members who later became leaders in parliament as BLP members; people like Lindsay Bolden, Bree St. John, Henry Forde, Lester whitehead and others, mount political platforms and run a campaign, throughout the length and bredth of the island, against the DLP advocating against Independence?”

    I attended all of their meetings. They advocated Independence within a Federation of which I still totally supportive. One day coming soon when these two by three islands led by a bunch of mendicant nincompoops would be forced to realise the folly of their ways and history would not absolve them.

  21. @Baffy

    That is a very comprehensive list, surely if a few have been missed it was due to ‘inadvertence”? 🙂

  22. @ balance
    …and can’t you get it through YOUR thick skull that there is a difference between “free education” and “free education FOR ALL”?

    While independence as a Federation may have been viable back in the 60’s coming out of colonialism,… any such thought after a few years of independence in the region, is but childish fantasy…..

  23. Pompasettin Pearlie

    Blessings to one and all pon dis Independence morning, especially to David BU and to Baffy who gimme a shout. But heyyyyy, David BU, you see da long list a names dat Baffy write out? Look, tek care he en FBI or CIA bo. Murda!

    I just done watch de parade. You shoulda see me doing my ting when de Landship was platting de Maypole. Sweet! Happy Independance to all. Bim, I still ove you! Dont worry dear heart, just now we gine fix you back up and got you shining more prettier dan befo!

  24. @Pompasettin Pearlie

    Thanks and back at you, be good!

  25. ON this blessed Independence Day the BLP malcontents still fighting with history.Today is a historical day in the true sense of the word. make GOD continue to bless this little nation and put leaders of vision and foresight to guide this nation. THANK YOU RGT HON ERROL BARROW FOR PUTTING THIS COUNTRY ON THE RIGHT PATH.

  26. No offence to the atheists.

  27. Man! I really missed the verbal eloquence of the former BLP Minister Dr. Don Blackman. He was a luminous crystal that Barbados haven’t seen the likes of since he exited the political arena in Barbados.

    He was also a political demagogue; gifted with a tautological imagination.
    And I could not help but to admire Don’s eloquence of diction, his poetry of inventive imagination, and the brilliant metaphor expressions he brought to bear upon the political process in Barbados. Even though I was and still is a supporter of the Democratic Labor Party.

  28. Dr. Don Blackman was a rare intellect. Who was gifted with the intellectual resources that is greatly lacking in the Barbados of today.

  29. old onion bags | November 30, 2013 at 7:01 AM |
    PM Stuart’s words about Barbados are CORRECT……We have the best real estate in the World…..the World’s first and only World Icon Rhianna…
    And Errol Barrow’s words have come true, one morning we will wake up and find that we no longer own Barbados.
    Bajans are now considered squatters on this prime piece of real estate. Really ! what have we got to shout about after 47 years of independance.
    Even the university head is proposing jumping of Rhianna’s back to ease our economic woes. Just like Boo and Bite Mah, keeping a dance to earn some money.

  30. Mark Fenty | November 30, 2013 at 10:48 AM |
    Dr. Don Blackman was a rare intellect. Who was gifted with the intellectual resources that is greatly lacking in the Barbados of today.
    But lets face it Mr Headmaster, Don Blackman , to the many people who turned up to listen to him at a political meetings, was a bad communicator, unless you happened to have had an Oxford Dictionary at hand. People jumped up and applauded him, but as far as they were concern it was if he was speaking a foreign language.
    Take HM The Queen for example, in her Christmas messages . She is easily understood by the professor at Cambridge University as well as the tribesman in Papua New Guinea.

  31. Caribbean Lover

    Independence that requires one to stay within the British Commonwealth is not real independence; it is more of a Quasi-Colonial Arrangement. Trinidad, as a Republic and not part of the British Commonwealth, is more independent than the rest of the English Speaking Caribbean. Even Jamaica is now talking about leaving the Commonwealth to become a republic like Trinidad & Tobago.

  32. Happy Independence to one and all, may the handwringers have some moments of respite today.

    How did you compile all those names? Are you channelling your inner NSA?

  33. Hey Sarge…nice of you to drop in….but I feel sorry for you are not on the Rock…

    All the younger folk in hay…..who would like a midas touch of class..or want to know what truly back in the day was like…(good days)…..I cordially invite you to come hear the Troubadours Intl tonight at the Drill Hall……Come see what a romping good time is all about…..Brass can’t done, food can’t done,….. C & B there…all the big onion wigs will be there from but of course Cawmere….this is no small fry affair….ya hear muh !

  34. Colonel, I cannot help but to agree with you on the point that one needed have a good dictionary to extrapolate what Dr. Don Blackman was trying to convey to the ill – informed masses at the time.

    But, I think some of us haven’t fully recognised and accepted the fact that Dr. Don Blackman was endowed with a superior intellect as well as the insight designed to inspire and motivate the ill – informed masses in Barbados at the time.

    I knew he certainly did inspired and motivated me during those younger years, even though I may have understood little of what he was endeavoring to convey.

  35. @ Sarge … I been knockin’ ’bout hey fah long … Ha ha … I hack the NSA database so I sure they looking for me now … HA HA

    Pomp Pearlie, Hants and Onions thnx fah de should out, and ac put up a song fah me … thnx too and keep good fah the rest of the day.

  36. @Onions
    I will be there in spirit and in flesh come 2014. Which version of de Troubadours is this? Back in de day de original could be termed de school band, the old boys of my vintage could tell yuh about de end of year concerts at de alma mater when de Troubadours with Sid & Ken Jones, “Alps’ Corbin & David Dowrich (all alumni of de school) would play de year away in de School Hall as it was then now it is de “Auditorium”.
    Another adaptation of the group used to be up dis way for an extended period of time, speaking of bands which stick around a long time a few years ago I was on a cruise and one of the acts was the Platters turned out that they only had one of the original members who seemed to be wearing a hairpiece ( a man dat old can’t have that much hair) and also included a female but I still enjoyed “The Great Pretender” and “Smoke Gets in your Eyes”, speaking of “Pretenders” they seem to be all over de place including these pages.

  37. @ Sarge
    ….. the version from when they became Troubadours International…..school band? No boi…from the Mike Thompson days and on and by the way …he will be there…..It go be a boogey woogey happy go snappy stomping night…… I hear of plans of they staying here for good. See ya then in 2014….for now I here grooming the fro….polishing the leather for tonight…..LOL

  38. I do not know if I would define his actions as that of a real man. But, I see him nonetheless, as man who is inflexible in his convictions regarding his land.

  39. Old onions the Troubadours and my favourite band (Blue Rhythm Combo) were awesome in the sixties and seventies.

    They both were popular in Canada as well,

    Sorry I can’t attend de fete.

  40. No problem Hants…….win some, lose some…check U-tube for the BRC and others music…..the bassman Roy was a close friend. Tonight other supporting acts from the 80s will be there…

  41. Here Buddy, chew on this tit bit morsel…..LOL

  42. Thanks Onions.

    My favourite Bajan musician was BRC lead guitarist Manny Leslie. He played some of cleanest riffs I ever heard.

    I tried to copy him but I didn’t have the talent or discipline.lol

  43. one has to wonder what might have happed to the Barbados economy if the Barbados currency had been fixed to the Briitish pound rather than the US$.

  44. are-we-there-yet?

    You ever heard Clifton Glasgow or even Genie or even?

  45. @are-we-there-yet?

    I was privilaged to hear Clifton play at his home.

    He was one of our best Guitarists.

  46. are-we-there-yet?

    Mannie was not in Clifton’s nor Genie’s class as a first guitarist, imho.


    CASWELL The official version of events never occurred. That is the reason why I am very skeptical about History@


  48. “any such thought after a few years of independence in the region, is but childish fantasy….”

    Nothing wrong with dreaming, In addition I have been taught that where there is life; there is hope. ask Obama. yes, we have to can.

  49. he really was a cut above the rest. first person I saw play a guitar behind his back. heard he had emigrated to Canada. wonder how far his musical genius took him, for he could play any instrument he put his hands on.

  50. Colonel Buggy

    Caribbean Lover | November 30, 2013 at 11:08 AM |
    Independence that requires one to stay within the British Commonwealth is not real independence; it is more of a Quasi-Colonial Arrangement. Trinidad, as a Republic and not part of the British Commonwealth, is more independent than the rest of the English Speaking Caribbean. Even Jamaica is now talking about leaving the Commonwealth to become a republic like Trinidad & Tobago.
    The former Soviet Union, admired the (British) Commonwealth. Here . they,said you have a whole host of countries,. given their independence, yet opt to remain as a grouping embracing its former colonial master. And here in the Soviet Union, we have to regularly send tanks, artillery,rocket launchers ,puppet governments and storm troopers into our satellite countries to keep them in ‘Chech’.

  51. Caribbean Lover

    “… here in the Soviet Union, we have to regularly send tanks, artillery,rocket launchers ,puppet governments and storm troopers into our satellite countries to keep them in ‘Chech’.”
    If they were granted true independence, there would be no need for the Soviet Union to keep them in ‘Chech’.

  52. Caribbean Lover

    “… a whole host of countries,. given their independence, yet opt to remain as a grouping embracing its former colonial master.”
    Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe chose not to be part of the British Commonwealth; and the British and the Americans have made his life a living hell. Again, our independence is not a real independence.

  53. Forty seven years later, our problem is that we are still looking to be “GRANTED” independence. Rotfl
    Who the hell GRANTS anyone independence in this world? Independence has to be TAKEN…..to be WON…..to be DESERVED..

    We in the Caribbean have NEVER qualified for independence… All we have done in to allow the white man to inflict a higher level of slavery on our asses….

    ….we should have taken a hint when they “abolished” slavery and then put laws in place that made slavery look like the better option for the black man….

    We should have taken the hint when they were so keen to “offer independence”…..just so…

    …and we should have DEFINITELY taken the hint when they offered all those soft loans, grants, technical assistance and preferential treatment….
    It must now be obvious that these were just CHAINS of a more sophisticated sort…
    Here is a £50M for infrastructural development….. LOL…. YOU (government officials) may administer the project BUT
    1 – all equipment MUST be sourced from us
    2 – all technical expertise must be from us
    3. – we will supply the management
    4. – …..the extra £2M you can assign to local inputs..(and we all know where £1.5M of that went…)
    Here is some FREE technical assistance.
    We will help you to develop your agriculture. We will assist with the building of a Flour Mill……. NOT for cassava or guinea corn or sweet potato flour – HELL NO!!
    …..for Wheat flour – which you will of course import from us for the next 40 years at ridiculous prices, and which you will come to realize will cripple your people with a range of chronic sicknesses….
    Here is some preferential treatment – we will buy your sugar at prices ABOVE world market….
    That way you will learn to be LAZY, Inefficient, unproductive and spoilt……. By the time these “benefits” end your industry will be dead as a door nail and we will be licking cork with our beet sugar….. But not to worry your free little heads…, we will sell you all the refined products that you will need in future
    Wunna beginning to understand the genesis of a brass bowl yet…?

    The reason why the Russians have to send tanks to keep their former colonies in ‘chech’, is simply that THOSE people are NOT BRASS BOWLS. They recognize when shit is being thrown at them and they DON’T LIKE IT!

  54. millertheanunnaki

    @ Bush Tea | December 2, 2013 at 8:15 AM |

    Very good one, Bushie!
    You are one of very few blacks that can read the white man and identify his machinations to control whom he considers to be his underlings, especially blacks.

    The point about the destructive effects of refined wheat flour is most pertinent and can help explain the sudden rise in NCD’s among Afro-Caribbean people.
    Refined wheat flour has similar deleterious effects as that of refined sugars, if used constantly and in excess.

    A congenitally sick people is a sure source of revenue for the pharmaceutical companies mainly owned and controlled by the white man aided and abetted by the black money-grabbing doctors who get their commissions and constant fees revenue stream from the same fabricated sick business.

    Now how do we extricate ourselves from this dependency syndrome other than through your BBE route?

  55. Now how do we extricate ourselves from this dependency syndrome other than through your BBE route?
    You have this habit of asking questions to which you DO NOT really want answers.
    Bushie has long ago and openly identified an approach to extricate ourselves from the trap in which we find ourselves.
    …A COOPERATIVE GOVERNMENT that is truly representative of the people.
    Shiite man…. Bushie even gave the names of IDEAL candidates for critical positions…..the most CHALLENGING of which is Chairman of the national supervisory committee – the keeper of the gate – so to speak.

    …wunna like a lot of sport….but Bushie don’t mek dat kinda sport…

  56. @Bushie

    Correct, we have now reached the debt rescheduling stage.

  57. are-we-there-yet?

    Balance; I think that Manny Leslie of the BRC was a talented guitarist but that there were other guitarists out there who were even more talented than him. The general public might have been impressed by his antics and showmanship but there were a number of Guitarists of that time who were technically better.

    Clifton Glasgow was by far the best Bajan Guitarist of those times and could rank with Fitzroy Coleman who backed Lord Kitchener and played in the Young Brigade tent in Trinidad and even with Ernest Ranglin of Jamaica. He was an extremely talented, self taught guitarist. I also have been to his house in those days and he taught me a few chords and a few of his riffs.

    The next most talented was Mike Sealy who came slightly afterwards with his raw country band Teenage College Thrillers. His speed as a first guitarist was phenomenal. Eventually he surpassed even Clifton Glasgow in technical guitar skills.

    Genie was very good but not in the class of those two described earlier. He tended to concentrate on Latin American rhythms and eventually emigrated to England.

    For raw talent and blinding picking speed, particularly in Latin American songs, Tony Green was hard to beat.

    I didn’t think too much of the White guitarists of the time but some of them blossomed into excellent guitarists later. There was an awesome guitarist who played with the Merrymen. I heard him playing a few years ago and he was still awesome. Pete Jones? was another guitarist who was above average.

    There was also a guy with a funny eye who played first Guitar with Jeff Garvey’s (? Niles) Latin American band before Jeff went to UWI and came back and formed the Crescendos (I forget his name now, he was a St Lucian) he was pretty good and was the first person I saw playing a “Thousand voices” guitar. Some of the other guitarists like Genie and I think Clifton and Mike Sealy eventually migrated to “Thousand Voices” guitars.

  58. Colonel Buggy.

    Barbados is covered in bush from north to south and from breakfast to arse hole,yet we are able to find good money to support Canadian farmers in Canada to grow bush and export it to Barbados ,in the name of a Christmas tree. K-Rice.