Barack Obama By Landslide!

President Barack Obama Elect

President Barack Obama Elect

If we are to judge by the results of our unscientific poll, Obama will be the winner of the USA 2008 Presidential election with over 400 electoral votes. After careful analysis we are prepared to say that Democrat Presidential hopeful Barack Obama will win with 300+ Electoral votes.

It has been an amazing campaign for several reasons. As the world watches, the United States of America seems set to catapult a man of colour into the White House. When it does happen the world maybe changed forever.

Who will be the next POTUS?

1) John McCain
2) Barack Obama

View Results

The BU household looks forward to reading the comments from the BU family and possibly share in a defining moment in history.

156 responses to “Barack Obama By Landslide!

  1. Anonymous // November 7, 2008 at 10:38 am

    I don’t know what he stands for, all I know he is black, I am black and I voted for him, that is one reason.


    So is Rober Mugabe, ‘Anonymous’!! That’s insufficient, reason to vote for anybody!!

  2. 199 this ain’t Zimbabwe, this hey, is the USA, and when our people are on the ballot I just mark X besides their name, BUT I only vote Democrat, so you better don’t be black and say you running as a republican, because yuh an getting my vote. I watch BET for entertainment and movies, like the Gospel Awards shows, Sunday gospel with Dr. Bobby Jones, in fact ah going right now to watch Bishop Jordan’s program, on BET, and on some days Pastor Matthew Shomololo (SP) I watch Oprah for talk shows, I subscribe to O magazine, I rent only black movies from the video store, just love those Tyler Perry movies, and ah only buy gospel CD’s, like Rev. James Cleveland and Southern California Community Choir, the Clark Sisters, Dr. Shirley Casesar and Vicki Wayans, just a few to mention. That is me 199.

  3. Pat // November 6, 2008 at 10:21 pm
    “… He in gun change a ting!! What can he change and how!!”
    “…Of course, if he does change anything it could b for the worse!!”
    Obama cannot turn things around and/or make changes for better or worse by himself; neither could McCain. Regardless of who is elected, proposals have to go before the Congress for blessings — it’s not a one-man show.

    IMO, the results showed that people felt more comfy with Obama in his attempting to make changes than they did with McCain who is so temperamental that no one knows what he will consider and or do from one day to the other. Therefore, voters saw Obama as the better of the two evils.

  4. Anonymous, I think we can safely, say that, YOU’RE BLACK!!


  5. Anonymous, tell me honestly, does Obama exude an air of confidence, to you? Sometimes I look at him and he just looks to me like a man ‘who doan know wha he doing’!!

    I pray to goodness I’m wrong, for all our sakes!!

  6. 199= Bimbro

  7. Tell me..if BFP gave you that handle…why then would you use it on BU?
    Don’t you choose your handle ? Don’t you have to type it in the name box?
    Bimbro ..
    Pat was right about you…

  8. Technician

    I feel that Pat = Bimbro too…

    “Bill Maher made an interesting point ……George Bush should stay home and stop all travel…..he still has 75 days to screw up the world….lol.”

    You means 75 more days fah he an’ de res’ ta cova dey tracks…serious den!

  9. Ya want a good competant American of recent vintage…? Thurgood Marshall. But then there was Clarence Thomas. Now I wonder who is Barak more likely the image of?

  10. Clarence never had the “Gift”, so you can compare.

  11. Technician // November 7, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    Tell me..if BFP gave you that handle…why then would you use it on BU?
    Don’t you choose your handle ? Don’t you have to type it in the name box?
    Bimbro ..
    Pat was right about you


    No, it appears automatically, each time – does n’t yours!! This is silly and not worthy of u Tech. Please say something more intelligent and pertinent to the subject!! My handle is of relatively, little importance!!

  12. I have a handle…Technician and everytime I post, it is there in the name slot. Maybe David has done something to your posts. If I post from my pc at work and dont put in a name, it comes up as ‘anonymous’ until I change it.
    Your handle is relative if you are going to engage in discussion on any blog ……or maybe you like blogging amongst ‘yourselves’ using different identities…….maybe that’s it……you need to take your pills sir.

  13. Case in point Bimbro…this is me Tech.

  14. Wow what an accomplishment. I bet you can also poop without help. Can you autogratificate?

  15. Sapidillo // November 7, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    Pat // November 6, 2008 at 10:21 pm
    “… He in gun change a ting!! What can he change and how!!”
    “…Of course, if he does change anything it could b for the worse!!”


    PLEASE, that quote above was not made by me. Thank you.


    If he came to BU straight from BFP following the link over there, his new handle will show up here.


    I am NOT Bimbro. He was not bothering anyone. He was quite reasonable, so I did not see any reason to blow his cover. But since you all asked for him…..

    It seems to me that some people listen but do not hear. Some here on this blog read, but do not see. From his first post with his new handle I spotted him!

    The man has a unique writing style – misplaced commas!

  16. @Technician

    @Sargeant……do you see the contradiction already?
    I was making the point that we all have biases so the fact that Barack has appointed an American citizen who is Jewish as his Chief of Staff is of no consequence. The important appointment in handling the Middle East conflict is who he appoints as his Secretary of State.

  17. The man has not set foot in office yet.
    At least give him 100 days.
    At the least!

  18. @ Sargeant….

    Point taken.


    100 days……ok.

  19. Technician // November 7, 2008 at 5:21 pm

    Wow what an accomplishment. I bet you can also poop without help. Can you autogratificate?
    Not meaning to beat a dead horse BUT…the above post was not by me.




  21. Don’t ask me Ace about any thing Jewish, ah don’t know them, a could not tell you he is Jew if I saw him on the street. The only Jew I know is Miss Jagan in Guyana and ah have no comment on her as I an wan World War 3 to start with me. OK he is Guyanese so what is the problem. I am Guyanese so is there a problem. I had asked for his other family members I use to know in GY long time on this blog, but no one knew he was Guyanese den, so they thought I was a mad lady and ignored me on the blog. Well they had a big fete for him GT last weekend. It was nice to see him come home and enjoy himself. I hope he got to do a little GT shopping so that he could carry back somthing nice from Guyana for the Missus and family. The man come back to he Mama Guyana, nothing wrong. Obama was born in Hawaii and he will go back to Mama Hawaii I am sure. Did you all see Michelle and Barack today leaving the girls school in Chicago after parent teacher day. Well I don’t think the first lady thing set in yet with Michelle, she was just old Michelle going to her daughters school. Barack will be a good leader of the US. Look at his background, I know he will fixe the world, you could see, and that man could speak to me for hours and he would not bore me, he can speak and all of that is done from memory. I had a white lady co-wprker say to me today she was wondering what Michelle was doing. I said probably wondering how she got into this situation, because I think Michelle is a very down home lady. Vera I see you are now Anita, but I tell you Barack would never do anything to hurt Michelle, afterall, it is the Robsinson family that has given Barack a family life, you think he would want to loose that. NO NO , Vera is an internet myth. Bye Vera, watch out they might ban you again, and this time to Petit Martinque then you will know, for that banishment puts you almost in Guyana, the place you don’t want to come to.

  22. Hello everyone, I just heard Barbados’s very own Mr. Eric Holder’s name is on the top of list for US attorney general. You see your countryman will play a roll in fixing the US and I guess world. Look at story.

  23. I am glad for Mr. Holder, he has been a great help and source of inspiration for me. You know I have been to Barbados once already. The weather is very very good.

  24. Zewditu Kush // November 6, 2008 at 12:13 am

    Hi Asiba-The Buffalo Soldier, I love that name and the song too. Hi.
    Thank you very much.

    Much love and respect to you from me.

  25. I have been to Guyana too. Infact I have some of my secret investments there. Guyana is very nice. Very, very nice. I am not East Indian so I have nothing to fear.

  26. Asiba just call me ZK, for short. I just love your name, I keep thinking of it Asiba the Buffalo Soldier. Have a nice Barbados Day. Love to you too! Ah Having an Obama Day. I am off and cooking a nice meal in his honour, something our Cynthia would make also.

    Marc, Welcome to Guyana, Come back again!

  27. I miss Adrian Hinds and my sweetie pooh Georgie Porgie and Ganong and Bimbro what has become of the old crew …….. just wondering ………..

  28. @JC…..

    Dont know about the others but Bimbro never went anywhere….he is still here blogging as 199.

    Old fogey ……I dont feel he can stomach the thought of a black President with African heritage.

    At least something finally keeping him quiet.

  29. Barrack Obama And The Tears Of Jessie Jackson.
    The President Elect – Barrack Obama – accompanied by his wife Michelle and daughters Sasha and Mali, walked across the stage in Chicago to be greeted by cheering thousands of many races and colours.

    Singular, all alone in the crowd a black man with tears streaming down his face watched the unfolding historic ocassion.

    How could it be that a black man who had fought so many battles for the cause, whose words have reverberated in many churches in the deep South to engage the black vote, now in their finest hour was outside the loop? Was it a few ill chosen words? Was it a case of an old warrior thinking of what could have been?

    When history records this moment, the Rev Jessie Jackson will be remembered as the one who shed rivers of tears in the crowd, although many did, his were seen as different. Only he knows if they were, but will he ever tell?

    “Men at some time are masters of their fates:
    The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
    But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
    Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

  30. Yardbroom:

    The US, as many other nations, were demanding change, and from a leader who they perceived able to effect that change.

    Jesse cried not for the result, but for another victor assuming his mantle.

    On reflection he will analyse the difference between strategy and tactics and realise where his lifelong campaign has failed.

  31. Straight Talk
    I must agree you are right. “Sometimes” there is a difference between an activist and a politician; in order to get the popular vote, it is often necessary to release one of them. Pragmatism is politics, the best ideas and concerns cannot be implemented “without power.”

  32. Jesse’s campaign did not fail, it succeeded mightly. If there wasn’t a Shirley Chisholm (who had Bajan roots by the way), if there wasn’t a Jesse Jackson, if there hadn’t been so many others then there would have been no Obama.

    I wish Obama would maybe just once change his signature tune from Stevie Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered …I’m Yours” to James Brown’s “Say It Loud…I’m Black and I’m Proud!”