CCL General Secretary Lincoln Lewis, Norris Witter And Mark Benshcop Arrested For Human Rights Protest In Guyana

Submitted by Edward, Guyanese Family Member

Mark Benschop (l), Norris Witter (c), Lincoln Lewis (r)

Mark Benschop (l), Norris Witter (c), Lincoln Lewis (r)

Today July 15 2009 Mark Benshcop, Lincoln Lewis and Norris Witter have been arrested by the Guyana Police for staging a three man protest in front of Police Headquarters Eveleary. They are currently being processed by the police as I write this. Their protest is intended to bring attention to human rights violations facing all Guyanese and the oppressive , corrupt practices of the racist PPP government.

Lincoln Lewis is General Secretary of the Caribbean Congress of Labour and has taken up office in Barbados . He continues to be at the fore front of the struggles against the PPP transgressions. Norris Witter is a veteran Trades Unionist and current General Secretary of the Guyana Trades Union Congress who is not afraid to represent the rights of Guyanese. Mark Benschop is a social commentator, activist and philanthropist in Guyana ,who under the Jagdeo government served almost five years for trumped up charges of treason after being among a group of anti government protestors in front of the Office of the President in 2002. Mark is determined to help bring change to Guyana.

This protest by the three afro Guyanese tests the tolerance of the PPP government to freedom of expression and dissent. It demonstrates precisely the transgressions of the state controlled Police under Mr. Jagdeo.

81 responses to “CCL General Secretary Lincoln Lewis, Norris Witter And Mark Benshcop Arrested For Human Rights Protest In Guyana

  1. Through the fire and race attack weapon they also get their supporters to draw tighter together. This is how the PPP rules by fear, intimidation and destruction. Watch to see how this unfolds and the fear they try to generate

  2. They are the masters of propaganda..typically gestapo. They are the masters of laying blame, labelling and playing the victim. Bajans have just had a dose of their signature behaviour and they are illegal. Imagine when they become entrenched.

  3. If they were not protesting about trade union matters, then the ILO has no relevance to the matter.

  4. What is Corbin saying?

  5. @ David, he does seem to be quiet, doesn’t he? Almost as if he hopes to get the government by default!

  6. @Themis

    His silence can be interpreted in several ways.
    He believes the Jagdeo government is doing a good job?
    He believes the Jagdeo government is doing a bad job but he is scared and or incompetent?
    He is a puppet.

    Which is it?

  7. Themis,
    I do not know how much you know about the Guyana affair but the protest dealt with rights, human rights and the violation of same. Workers rights are human rights. The protests were going on much longer than when the Caricom heads met

  8. Guyanese need more than ILO involvement. But that is a start/

  9. Let see if our leading daily, the Nation post any significant coverage today,


    The relatives of Tashmedaye Lall, the murdered Tuschen businessman, are saying that they have lost faith in the local security system and in the Guyana Police Force.”
    “They are now begging any country outside of Guyana to accept them as migrants out of fear for their safety.
    They are also calling on Police Commissioner Henry Greene to investigate the reason why their calls to 911 went unanswered on Wednesday night, minutes after the 28-year-old owner of Lall’s Guest House at 181 Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo, was robbed before being shot dead.” SN.
    THIS IS THE DAILY ROUTINE IN GUYANA WHILE JAGDEO AND HIS FAT CATS ARE HAVING A GOOD TIME. Reddy do you care to comment? MAYBE YOU CAN DEFEND YOUR GOVERNMENT ON THIS ONE. Another family willing to run as far away from GUYANA as possible, even if it means living in Antarctica.

  11. How long would it take these countries, barbados in particular, to realise that these migrant guyanese are political refugees? The Lall family is the first to boldly say so. These are rich people, if they are running, what about the poor?

  12. You care about Guyanese of East Indian extraction, Scout? Wonders never cease! Is the problem in Guyana really one of race?

  13. The real question is not for Barbados to realize that the Guyanese migrants are refugees. It is whether or not the Guyana government recognises that the country is either a refugee state or a percursor to refugee status.
    PPP supporters also need to admit that they are fleeing because the country after 17 years of the PPP and no improvement all Guyanese are worse off. Indians have to admit that under the PPP , the country is in such a mess . That we are fast becoming ( ?) a refugee state and that this social, economic and political decay is the truth behind their mass migration.
    The sad thing is that Indians ( majority) want to flee without admitting the real reasons they are fleeing. The only thing they are prepared to say and programmed to say is that the PNC and Black people have the country bad and that is why they run. They are so dishonest it buggles the mind that there exists on this earth, a group think that is so counter productive to individual and collective development.
    It is sad and pathetic , unbelievable, but true.

  14. The Indians are now claiming “ethnic cleansing” and descrimination in Trinidad. It does seem that where ever a substantial number of Indians are living under a Black leader or government that they are never comfortable and set about trying to destablise the government. This is what they did to Burnham, Hoyte and now Manning and Barbados. This is Carribbean dominance that these people are seeking


    Brent you are on the ball with your comment. These people had it so good under Burnham, that it began to bother the master strategist,Janet Jagan. Therefore they set in motion a plan of destabilization. Burning the cane fields was one major strategy. Today they are still burning and telling the world that it is the black people. Under Hoyte it was better. Can you imagine why he was being referred to as Desmond Persaud? He facilitated them, placated them , but their primary nature surfaced, they had to have an Indian to lead them. Today they are getting their just deserts. They helped to place and secure the despots, therefore they need to look to him for salvation instead of running to black people’s countries to perpetuate more acts of corruption.

  16. Themis 19 july @ 9.05
    Scout, is the problem in Guyana really about race?
    Your question was answered clearly by Sas on 20th @ 8.07.
    While I sympathise with guyanese, the reason I don’t like the indo-guyanese, in particular, was also answered by Brent on 20th @ 8.23 A.M.
    The indo-guyanese can easily make you dislike them even though you sympathise with them. They know they are being treated badly but will rather die than to support the blacks. What they are doing is looking for sympathy as they protray themselves as the victims but they themselves are doing the victimising.

  17. Scout I am seeing you are still plucking away at this Guyanese issue.Keep up the good work my brother.

    I took a little break on this issue so as to read the opinions of the other bloggers and to get a general feeling of the situation from average Barbadians

    My interactions with my fellow Barbadians indicate that some Barbadians are disappointed in Prime Minister David Thompson handling of this illegal immigration issue..Many ordinary Barbadians are indicating our leader has gone back on his promise of ridding this countries of illegals and it seems that way.

    I know of a situation where a Barbadian lady recently married a Guyanese man and that Guyanese was an illegal in Barbados.The marriage took place in Guyana and when the married couple returned to Barbados the Guyanese gentleman was refused entry because of his previous illegal status.The couple went back to Guyana and stayed for a few weeks and returned to Barbados last week and the Guyanese was given permission to enter.I was reliably informed by high ranking officials that Prime Minister David Thompson has capitulated and has relaxed his tough stance on illegal immigrants especially from Guyana.It seems Bharat Jagdeo & Ralph Gonsalves have frightened that weakling we have for a Prime Minister.

    Prime Minister David Thompson you are a very weak leader who has not live up to expectations.Prime Minister David Thompson you have allowed those two discredited miscreants in funnyman Bharat Jagdeo & alleged molester & rapist Ralph Gonsalves to force you to renege on your clampdown on illegal immigrants.

    If Prime Minister David Thompson cannot bring about an effective immigration policy that can rid this country of all the illegals especially the Indo-Guyanese dirt bags,we could have well put back the country into the hands of Owen Arthur & Mia Mottley who will allow all of those human waste of people into Barbados.

    Prime Minister David Thompson you are the weakest Prime Minister Barbados will ever produced.

  18. Negro man
    From the time I heard my P.M talk about QUALIFIED domestics and maids, I laugh scorn. What is a Qualifued domestic and maid? As I said on another blog, I would hate to see Mia become P.M of Barbados but if Owen comes back and ask forgiveness for his wrongdoing, he will give David Thompson a hard rub. I’m not sure he will win but a stronger opposition will put Thompson on his toes. I don’t think Mia would take a Owen takeover too easy, she wants POWER too bad. Imagine Mia was P.M with Liz as her Deupty

  19. Some one said that there is a plan to Indianise the Caribbean and that Guyana is part of the plan to export Indians. This trafficking in persons also works favourably for Guyana as 43% of the country’s gross domestic product is from remittances. The country is a mess. Indians multiply rapidly. The US reports that Hinduism is the fastest growing Religion in Barbados….that means Indians are growing. Indian children are taught racism from very young and are pulled away from mixing with black children as far as possible. The christian Indian may be a bit different ( more diplomatic) from the Hindu Indian who is the worst of the specie. Indians are also very angry when Christians try to convert Indians. At a celebration of Indian Arrival day in Guyana ( soon they will want one in Barbados) Jagdeo told the indians that “before you are Guyanese you are first Indians”
    India as the most populous democracy has the most discriminatory system where the dhalits or untouchables ( black skins) are disrespected based on a caste system which places the dark skin people at the lowest round of society. The lighter skin are the rulers and the darker skin the slaves and servants , doing menial jobs. Yes many dark skinned Indians have risen to the top but this is not the truth for the majority who are dicriminated against. How then can Indians ever accept Black people as their equals or rulers?

  20. Adrian Hinds

    Wright B.Astard // July 17, 2009 at 9:29 pm

    Maybe its about time that certain players in Guyana take a leaf out of the Honduras book.
    What do you mean? I should mention that a lady from Honduras working at my local YMCA, told that the ousted president wanted to make himself president for life and that’s why the military ousted him. I took little notice because I didn’t think it possible for me to approve of a coup and ousting of a democratically elected head of state. While this still is my position, I took a little more notice of the Honduras situation after reading about Castro, and Chaves support for the ousted presidents. These two dictators do not support anyone unless they are like them. So I am now suspicious of the so called democratically elected President, and wonder if democracy was use to gain then take full and permanent control of Honduras. I will continue to research, for I am no fan of military coups nor am I a fan of Castro, or Chaves or anything these two dictators have to say or support.

    Any Ideas who the Norman Girvan club supports?

  21. Scout said:

    From the time I heard my P.M talk about QUALIFIED domestics and maids, I laugh scorn. What is a Qualifued domestic and maid?

    The truth is if you look at the timeline of the entire issue you’ll see that the Prime Minister may have planned this all along.I find it VERY interesting that the AMNESTY period ends on Dec. 31st while Free-movement of “Household Domestics” begins the VERY NEXT DAY.

    The truth is the Prime Minister has completely capitulated & the illegal immigrants aren’t going anywhere.Most or all of them will have their status regularized permanently using so called “Household domestics” come January 1st of 2010.The DLP has dropped the ball completely.