The Secretive World Of Peter Andrew Allard And The Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary: Does Barbados Need Any Of It?

Submitted by a BU family member

barbados_flagIt seems that, having failed miserably in his efforts to acquire Kingsland Estates Limited and to drag Barbados’ court and government and people through the mud in the Ontario courts, Canadian (Albertan) Peter Andrew Allard is attempting now to sue Barbados under a Canada – Barbados bilateral trade agreement.

The attempt to subvert and use the Canada-Barbados bilateral agreement is not new for Peter Allard. Indeed, back in 2005, just after Madge Knox lost her Privy Council appeal, Allard engaged counsel from the Ottawa office of prestigious Canadian and international law firm Gowling LaFleur Henderson LLP to bring just such an action, not in respect of Graeme Hall, but Kingsland Estates Ltd. He couldn’t make it stick then and his chances are no better now.

Allard bases his case on Graeme Hall and, Canadian that he is, attempts to tar Barbados in the eyes of the Canadian public with not looking after the ecosystem of Barbados and that this has impacted negatively on his investment in Graeme Hall (which has been on the market for sale for about 2 years now at an asking price of Bds$24 million. He is now asking for US$35 million and involving Barbados in yet another costly and unmeritorious case.

However, as BU family member Pat has pointed out, Allard should start his crusade in his own country and his own province and stop minding the business of Barbados.

Pat, never known for the mincing of words, says:

// October 29, 2009 at 11:30 PM . Peter Allard never gives up. He hitting out at Barbados and the pollution by the sewerage treatment plant. Well, let me tell Allard, to just look at Ottawa. Every time there is a large rainfall, hundreds of millions of gallons of raw sewage is pumped into the Ottawa River.

This is disturbing because towns downstream – Wendover, Hawkesbury, Alfred, etc. get their drinking water directly from that same river. The City was fined last year by the Province, but the practice has not stopped. This means that all the beaches are closed for weeks at a time because of the high e-coli not only in the water, but in the sand as well where the water rises when it rains.

Allard should also look at the Alberta Tar Sands, where oil is being extracted to feed the American behemoth. He should go document the environmental damage being done from those operations.”

Well said, Pat and it can be added to.

Allard and his employees at BFP and Keltruth have taken issue with our own Royal Barbados Police Force, claiming that it is not just ineffective, but totally corrupt. Maybe he should start looking at corruption within the law enforcement agencies in his own country, Canada. Go work on those. Many cases, the most compelling of which is the murder of native-Canadian Dudley George at Ipperwash by a subsequently convicted member of the Ontario Provincial Police during an OPP operation and the (unproved) allegations of implication in this murder of then Ontario Premier Bill Davis. And many others like it.

Which brings us to Nelson Barbados and Graeme Hall’s own in-house policeman (retired) the shadowy and illusive former Toronto police officer, Donald Best.

DONALD ROBERT BEST is the sole listed officer of Nelson Barbados Group Limited, clearly a shell company set up solely to sue Barbados, its officers and many of its citizens and to try to bring them into international disrepute in order to go behind the decision of the Privy Council that denied the lands of Kingsland Estates to Peter Allard/Madge Knox. And at the same time to drag Barbados’ name through the mud.

To date, the case has cost Barbados and its citizens over $3 million and, having won the motion against Ontario as a jurisdiction and the appeal having been dismissed with costs, the costs in this case are now to be decided.

Due to the extraordinary conduct of Nelson’s counsel, K. William McKenzie of the firm of Crawford McKenzie McLean, Duncan and Anderson (whom we will discuss later in this and other reports in some detail), counsel for Barbados and others have decided to pursue this law firm and McKenzie for costs, in the event that they cannot be got from Nelson Barbados and its sole officer, Donald Best, and to force Nelson, through the Ontario courts, to reveal the names of its shareholders and financial backers so that they too can be pursued for costs.

So, what do we know of this Donald Robert Best, other than what is provided in Wikipedia? Nothing you say? Well, you are right! BUT it is quite a lot of nothing.

Mr. Best, a frequent visitor to Barbados, is known to stay in Barbados either at a private residence at Chancery Lane or at a small guest house/hotel in the same area close to Long Beach. Mr. Best would appear to have enjoyed an extremely close connection to the Graeme Hall Nature Reserve and its chairman, Peter Allard.

Counsel for Barbados, our PM, CJ, A-G and other officers, as well as many of its corporate and private citizens, have hired an Ontario firm of private investigators to track Mr. Best and they have come up with some startling information.

There is a dearth of meaningful information about Donald Robert Best. Particularly, it is seen that he has taken extraordinary care FOR SOME YEARS PRIOR TO THIS ISSUE WITH NELSON SUING BARBADOS AND ITS CITIZENS to secret his home address from all and sundry. He was in hiding LONG BEFORE this case started. Instead of a home address, his history is replete with rental drop box numbers as follows:

427 Princess Street, Suite 200, Kingston, Ontario.

250 The East Mall, Suite 1225, Toronto, Ontario

250 The East Mall, Apartment 1225, Etobicoke, Ontario

250 The East Mall, Suite 1715, Etobicoke, Ontario.

113 Dunlop Street East, Unit 1928, Barrie, Ontario.

40 Coldwater St E, Orillia, ON, not a drop box, but an address he shared, until very recently (at least officially) with the law firm of Crawford McKenzie McLean Duncan and Anderson LLP, counsel for Nelson Barbados Group Limited and its non-corporate, non-entity fake precursor, Nelson Barbados Investments Inc.

Motor vehicle license searches for Donald Robert Best do not provide a residential address, as they are required to by law. Instead, Donald Best has provided an address which, if you look at the list above, is eerily familiar. It is 122-250 The East Mall, Apartment 1225, Etobicoke, Ontario. This address, in all its Best-manufactured glory, is that of a mailbox at UPS Store No. 122 located in the Cloverdale Mall in the Toronto suburb of Etobicoke, Ontario. It is neither apartment nor suite and cannot be used for a residence. Equally, there is no telephone number (not even a cell phone number) and no fax or even an e-mail. That from a man who has made a living out of internet piracy.

As has previously been pointed out on BU, searches on the Internet on such sites as Canada 411 have been fruitless. BU reported all that was known about Donald Best at . All that is known other than that, is the following:

FULL NAME: Donald Robert Best

DATE OF BIRTH: June 7, 1954


ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS: Toronto Police Association (and Allard’s BFP and Keltruth mouthpieces have the gall to critisize our RBPF??!!) which gives his former and long-abandoned address of 123 Mountain Park Road, Hamilton, Ontario AND NO CURRENT ADDRESS.

It is the considered and expert opinion of the private investigator (and BU has a copy of the report in order to support its claim of fair comment, should anyone be thinking of making any complaints) that Mr. Best has deliberately taken extraordinary steps for a number of years in order to conceal his whereabouts. Wonder why?

Since Mr. Best is a habitué of Barbados, are there any of BU’s readers who may be able to assist in tracking down Mr Donald Best, please either post the information here for all to read or alternatively send it by e-mail to any one of the defendants’ counsel that Keltruth has been so obliging as to list for us all in the past. If you prefer not to have to brave the cyberspace premises of Keltruth, please be advised that Barbados, our country, is represented in Ontario by Mr. Lorne Silver of the law firm of Cassels Brock (and we are indebted to Keltruth for this information) and his e-mail address, which we have obtainedon the internet from the Cassels Brock website, is:

What everyone is probably longing to know is why Mr. Best deems it necessary to hide his whereabouts so manically. We have a pretty good idea, but the truth may well be even stranger. We know that:

    * he is a former Detective Sergeant with the Toronto Police that, he testified under oath in 2004 that he left he left the Police in order to take over the family business because of the death of his father – so we encourage disaffected siblings to come forward;* he is the most notorious deep-cover satellite piracy investigator in Canada and Florida – so if any satellite people want to come forward, please do;

    *  he was the primary investigator in over a hundred anti-pirate decryption actions launched by satellite television companies Bell ExpressVu (now called Bell TV) and DirecTV and smart card manufacturer NDS Group (formerly News Datacom, NDC) in the pies of all of which the Allard family (as in Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary) are reputed to have their fingers – let us hear from any of those adversely affected by Mr Best‘s activities;

    *  he is a Certified Fraud Examiner – only in Canada.

    *  he developed some condominium projects in Barrie, Ontario during the late 1980s and early 1990s and owned a commercial flooring company in that city – any comments from those in that area; and

    he is a close friend and former witness of K. William (‘Bill’) McKenzie of the law firm of Crawford McKenzie McLean Duncan and Anderson LLP.

There is an unsupported rumour that Mr. Best resides in Miami Dade and is a close friend of Kathleen Davis (nee Knox) the daughter of Madge Knox. Madge Knox is herself now facing an action in the Barbados High Court for fraud.

Mr Best and his cohorts (including the Knox family) have used certain blogs to drag the name of Barbados through the mud, while hiding themselves beneath rocks, down sewers and gutters and behind UPS drop boxes. Now their cover appears to be coming to an end, as we raise public awareness.

Watch this space for a lot of updates, including a very revealing and fully supported exposé on other Allard associates.

For the time being, just log on to the website of Crawford McKenzie McLean Duncan and Anderson LLP. You will find no photographs or CVs of its solicitors, unlike those that you will find in most Canadian law firms like Fraser Milner Casgrain, Heenan Blaikie, Cassels Brock etc. Even the small law firms have those, but not Crawford McKenzie McLean Duncan and Anderson LLP. Modesty? SURE!

Then, go on the web and see if you can find a photograph of Peter Allard – you may, but no more than one. Then try to see if you can find any background information on Allard’s “consultant” at Graeme Hall, Stuart Heaslet, other than his association with Graeme Hall. It would appear that this middle-aged man in his 50s has sprung full formed from under places we know not of and we do not know what he looks like. So, while speaking authoritatively on matters ecological in Barbados, we have no clear idea of what his background is that qualifies him to speak – or even what he looks like. When Heaslet, in his snidely and secretively taped conversation with Peter Simmons talks about future ecological ventures in Barbados, he makes the comment, as if it means something, “You’ve got Stuart Heaslet”. But just who the hell IS Stuart Heaslet? Is Stuart Heaslet, like Nitin Amersey, an Allard man with no practical qualifications other than a university degree (in business, of course) and practical experience in making shirts and underwear who is suddenly, like Amersey, pitch forked into heading an ecology-oriented business?

Amersey now heads an outfit called Environmental Solutions (another Allard satellite based in the USA? – we merely ask) and has sworn affidavits in the Nelson Barbados affair in a matter with which he has no connection or standing whatsoever (nor any knowledge) as the Ontario courts have pointed out in their published judgments.

Amersey, a former Toronto-resident, appears to have surrendered all his Canadian holdings to his wife. Divorce? Once again, we ask. Or is it a matter to engage the Ontario-registered attentions of Donald Best? Or maybe Canada Customs and Revenue Service? This is not an accusation, merely a request for information. Enlighten us, Mr. Amersey. We will give equal prominence to your explanation. And apologise for any mis-impression (if any) our question may cause.

But, let us not forget Mr. McKenzie’s “student-at-law” in the Nelson Barbados case, Marc Lemieux, who, as we have pointed out is as shadowy as Best and McKenzie and Heaslet and Allard himself and whose activities have been the subject of a report in the Globe & Mail for very strange goings-on in Egypt that included the involvement of members of Canada’s diplomatic mission to Egypt – strangely similar to the incredible actions by a member of Canada’s mission to Barbados carried out on behalf of Allard and published by BU as a public domain document provided as John Knox’s exhibit “P” to his affidavit in the Nelson Barbados action in Ontario. Modus operandi operating here, or not? Once more, we ask.

There is a rumour circulating that we can easily obtain confirmation for that Nelson Barbados relies for its standing to bring its case in Ontario on its supposed acquisition of Madge Knox’s Kingsland shares. We know that there is currently a part-heard action for fraud before the Barbados courts to have any transactions in respect of those shares and their transfer by Madge Knox set aside on the basis of fraud. Nelson Barbados has not entered an appearance through counsel as interested parties in that matter. BUT PETER ALLARD HAS. In the person of Mr Mohammed Khan, attorney-at-law, formerly of Inn Chambers, the nest of Knox attorney, Alair Shepherd. We impute no wrong-doing, merely we point our a coincidence and this is a matter of Barbados High Court record and, if challenged, we will document and prove it.

In the next weeks, a catalogue of infamy will be revealed here and will become known worldwide as, with the assistance of court documents, we set about correcting the false impressions given of us as a nation by certain allegedly Allard-enfranchised, Knox-operated blogs. We are encouraged to expect that certain organs of the international fourth estate will also now join in where BU has led and use their considerable resources and contacts to reveal what Allard is so careful to try to conceal. That they are not bound by the constraints imposed by membership of the Law Society of Upper Canada and the Barbados Bar Association will become apparent.


Let us delve into the affairs of the Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary and the backgrounds of the players it shares with Nelson Barbados Group Ltd.

104 responses to “The Secretive World Of Peter Andrew Allard And The Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary: Does Barbados Need Any Of It?

  1. Coconut Water, I believe you added too much rum to your post. Non-thinkers always look for the easiest explanation. I am neither Allard or Bourne, nor do I have any affiliation with BFP. Is your arrogance and absolute certainty of your position, such that, you are unable to believe that I and others do not support your twisted view? Think again as apparently you have been fooled.

  2. I should have included this in my earlier post, so I come back now because of what has been recently said.

    An investor (any investor, anywhere) in Barbados takes a risk. A foreigner buys 30 acres, he thinks I will now invest 30M US$ (motives irrelevent).

    Cuh Dear! My investment has gone down the shoot!

    Ah well! I am a billionaire, so I will have to write that one off, and sell my land in Barbados back to the Government at the current prices.

    Such is the thinking of a true philanthropist, I would have thought.

  3. Anonymous must really think we are subliterate. Well, Peter Allard can still develop his swamp. No Bajan is stopping him.

    Me, I, myself have made investments. They have hit rock bottom in this recession. Know what? I am not suing anyone because they did not pan out as I had envisaged.

    Peter Allard a philanthropist – my left foot.

  4. To whom it concerns:

    BWWR is the mythical Phoenix.

  5. I suspect that BWWR, from whom we have not heard for a while, would have been forgotten by now. I am convinced she would have been – EXCEPT!!!!

    Except BFP and Keltruth keep on referring to the old girl in their posts.

    Anonymous, I have nothing to add. I think the BU family have done very well in wrapping you up. And I think I can identify you finally. There is a certain illiterate goat-like smell wafting through the air. The texture is the same as in some letters posted on BFP and Keltruth.

  6. This is getting good. But guess what BFP has weighed in with, to try to boost the Allard image. They have brought forward the list of the top 5 Most Influential Canadian Expats as chosen by the Canadian Expat Association (website) “and the public”, SO THEY SAY – and guess who is on it.

    #1: Michael J. Fox

    #2: Wayne Gretzky

    #3: Tony Burman

    #4: Neil Young

    #5: Peter Allard

    Looks like these people are as cracked as BFP and Keltruth, not to mention Allard and Mental Madge. That is always assuming that people like Celine Dion, Paul Anka, William Shatner, Christopher Plummer, Ben Hepner, Michael Buble, Shania Twain….need I go on……have suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth. Seems that Allard is more influential than them. Dream on, little Petey. Illusion is good for the soul, BFP and Keltruth, and in your case you can easily qualify for meds that make them really good illusions – and devoid of the anger and hostility that you see behind every UPS drop box.

    I have to wonder just how much Allard paid these people to list him? As BFP and Keltruth’s joint pin-up girl, BWWR, would have said, “If you don’t have the evidence, MANUFACTURE IT!!!!”

    But the musse think we real stupid here in this little island. Wuhloss.

    Meanwhile, on another Canadian website – a legal one named LawBuzz, the debate heats up with people calling people names like “Clearly Not Canadian” – is this is chink in Canada’s politically correct armour? If so, it APPEARS to have been uttered by a member of the law firm of Crawford McKenzie and the rest. Naughty, naughty, naughty!!!!!

    Won’t be long now before a paper like the Globe and Mail picks this story up, then watch for licks sharing.

  7. Here is an interesting link about LawBuzz and McKenzie’s law firm. None less than the Globe and Mail. As has been intimated, the press is circling this like if there is blood in the water.

  8. Anonymous // November 6, 2009 at 7:33 AM

    “Concerned, you sir/madam, are an outrageous and shameless liar. It is quite clear who YOU really are.”

    Fuh troot? You know who um does be? Amazing then that you don’t know if um does be sir or madam.

  9. Amused, that is because “Concerned” doesn’t know if they are male or female. The poster BWWR who has ……um….disappeared, and then reborn as an anonymous “BU Family member” claimed to be female amongst a whole lot of other things, really suffers from gender confusion.

  10. @Concerned

    You missed the most influential of all. He that moves and shakes Washington, DC. He of the “Axis of Evil” fame – David Frum.

    I guess some expats made up their own list. But then, like a ladder, there are levels of expats.

    By the way Concerned, “Clearly Canadian” was a brand of soft drink, actually flavoured water. So, I guess “Clearly Not Canadian” would mean the affair is cloudy or even muddy. Trust McKenzie et al to finally see that – of themselves.

  11. permres // November 6, 2009 at 3:34 PM

    …..Such is the thinking of a true philanthropist, I would have thought.

    Not quite sweetheart. A true philanthropist would have donated the swamp to the people of Barbados. A philanthropist does not sue/complain about a country if their INVESTMENT turns sour. You are either an investor or a philanthropist.

    It is time Peter Allard’s henchmen get the terminology correct.

    True philanthropists are know for their charitable deeds. When I pass and my valuable art goes to my alma mater, that will be a philanthropic gesture. If my son wants, he can take the tax receipt. I dont really care, I would be done dead.

  12. Pat is my girl. She got it right – as usual.

  13. Pat, I beg to differ, a true philanthropist caresw sabout his donation. They want to know that what they has donated will be sustainable. Tey care abiyt their lagacy.

    Thet want to know that what they donate now will benefit this and future generations. You thinkl Warren Buffet and Bill Gates donate money and care not what happens after?

  14. The Law Society of Upper Canada appears to have left this crew enough rope to ‘hang themselves’.

    It also appears that thanks, in part to this discussion, others are now paying more attention to the countless scores of victims of frauds and other criminal conduct who have suffered at the hands of parties acting with (until VERY recently) near impunity. (That means that nobody has been able to stop this madness–until now).

    Maude aka “Supreme Court” aka Jessica Duncan has organized and perverted public discussion on lawbuzz as a moderator. Many comments such as ones predicting the demise of her firm over the most recent (record?) cost award by members of this ‘free’ site have been purged. Not for improper content, but for CYA purposes.

    It has come to MY attention that the LSUC has effectively sat on complaint after complaint filed by the public in respect of VERY similar allegations against this crew.

    Funny that they are similar to comments made by judges in NUMEROUS reasons I have collected over the last few days. Improper conduct such as conflicts, bad faith, vexatious acts, obstruction of justice, spying, slander, abuse of process, ill-conceived/advised tactics, the list goes on….

    Just read the following cases here in Canada to get the gist:

    Lemieux’s next big case:

    Please feel free to post any that I’ve missed. Reading about this crew’s past helps to understand the nature of the behavior exhibited. NDS plays a central role as does Barbados. Mr. Best is another key element to this whole affair.

    “Best” died as an infant in Manitoba years ago.

    From the Winnipeg Free Press, Thursday, June 6, 1946, page 22, under Deaths.

    ” BEST – On June 4th. at Misericordia Hospital, Donald, beloved infant son of Mr.and Mrs. John Edward Best, 755 Sherburn St., age 2 days. Funeral arrangements in care of the A. B. Gardiner Funeral Home 96 424. Interment in Brookside Cemetery.”

    Hmmm… That’s a coincidence.

    Where is the Donald best that Mr. McKenzie ‘believes is in Thailand’?

    A posting on entitled “Donald Best — Man or Myth?” was purged within a day of being posted.

    Mr. Zee is another alias used by these people to further their cause. Why all the “cloak and dagger” as one judge puts it?

    Could it be that Marc Lemieux conspired to kill a Saudi royal on behalf of who he claims was the Canadian government?

    Does Marc Lemieux work for NDS?

    Does Donald Best work for NDS?

    Why was Lemieux’s former assassin / associate found dead in Barrie, Ontario after he was fired by Lemieux for stealing secret cash payments?

    Why is Lemieux’s former ‘boss’ at the government of Canada now dead?

    Why are former NDS employees / potential recruits dead?

    I see a great number of suicides and otherwise ‘untimely’ deaths in this file, along with death threats, extortion, stolen guns and the whole ‘shooting match’. I guess cloaks and daggers are what we really are dealing with.

    More to come… I’ll post this on and see how long it lasts….

  15. Nostradamus // November 8, 2009 at 12:56 PM

    Nostradamus, if I am not mistaken, both Mr. Buffett and Mr. Gates set up foundations with enough money to sustain their philanthropic projects in the US and Africa for years to come.

    If I am mistaken, please point me to where the African governments or the US for that matter are asked/expected to put up taxpayers $ to sustain these foundations projects. Oprah has done the same in South Africa. She is also a philanthropist.

    Please, also show me what Mr. Allard has donated to the people of Barbados and the money he has set aside to sustain this “legacy”.

    Not every charitable person wants, needs or looks for a legacy. Bill Gates has Microsoft. He is not doing his philanthropic work for any legacy. He already has his legacy.

  16. Atta girl, Pat. You are so right. You know, I begin to think that Nostradamus is none other than Pathetic Pete himself.

  17. Finally some attention in Canada // November 8, 2009 at 2:27 PM . You are a star. I am sure that now so counsel in Canada are pouring over your research. I cannot speak for my fellow Bajans, but I thank you and so probably do they.

  18. Thank you. is down now, but there is a website where other victims are connecting to expose more of the truth.

    “For the chieftains of the people were similar to the chieftains of Sodom and Gomorrah, in cheating the poor and in perverting justice. And the people were similar to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah in their evil deeds.”

  19. FollowTheMoney

    @ Nostradamus , Pat

    I’m not sure about Oprah yet, but Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are not doing their philanthropic projects because they care. If you understand the companies they deal with to do their projects you would understand the link and that it’s all about the money! How is that so? In what way could charitable work benefit them moneywise! Be awakened! Follow the money trail! Keep that thought mind, I can’t explain this here!

  20. Surely you mean the thread has closed. Not that LawBuzz is actually down.

  21. FollowTheMoney // November 9, 2009 at 9:08 AM
    Interesting post. You are anonymous, so I see no problem in posting information that is not widely known. I am sure the BU family would be interested as well. Afterall, some of us may have investments in Berkshire Hathaway and Microsoft. Maybe some of the companies they are ‘allegedly’ doing business with.

    Come on, you cant just leave us hanging in the air like that! Not fair.

  22. I had a good laugh over at They saw right through you and your astroturfers in a heartbeat. They deleted many of your posts because they were in direct conflict with lawbuzz’s commenting policies. One of the posters even referred to you as a “raving lunatic”. The thread was even closed off several times in an attempt to make you understand that you can’t defame people on the net. The only attention you were getting in Canada was that of a bunch of wingnuts. Too funny.

  23. LOL – right..

    Try to find this article on the internet now… IT’S GONE.

    “Marc Lemieux was 31 years old when he left the small Ontario city of Barrie in October, 1997, for his first foreign assignment as a security guard, filled with excitement and some trepidation about what life would….”

    So is this one:

    SUB: A former Saudi Prince Turki bodyguard sues Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs
    and describes bizarre private spy ring.

    BY: Royce de Melo

    Date: May 15, 2005


    Out of the media spotlight memories can fade quickly and today there aren’t many Canadians
    who would remember the case of Bill Sampson, the Canadian/Briton who had been left to stew
    two and a half years in a Saudi jail before he and five other Britons and a Belgian were finally
    released from prison on August 8, 2003; initially sentenced to be publicly beheaded on trumped
    up charges of 2 bombings and murder carried out as part of an illegal booze running syndicate.
    What is important to remember is the fact that during his time in prison Sampson informed
    Canadian diplomats that he had been tortured, and on one occasion even went so far as to point
    out his torturer to visiting diplomats to the prison. Throughout his incarceration the Canadian
    government refused to accept the torture accusations—either a very inept and naïve approach for
    the Canadian government considering Saudi Arabia’s disposition for torture and public executions
    or perhaps other factors and interests dictated that Ottawa intentionally turn a blind eye to
    Sampson’s allegations.
    A few months ago I was in touch with James Sampson, Bill Sampson’s father, and during one of
    several telephone conversations James claimed that the then Canadian Ambassador, Melvyn
    MacDonald, had been dismissive of his son’s situation from the get-go. He went on to say that
    MacDonald had actually told him that Bill’s involvement in the bombings was not unlikely. If
    indeed the Ambassador was so flippant, Department of Foreign Affairs And International Trade’s
    (DFAIT) handling of the case easily raises suspicion and questions. Could it have been a lack of
    interest or motivation? Ineptness? Cover up? Questionable interests? James thinks he knows
    what went on at the embassy and put it in simple terms, “I think the Canadian Embassy was on
    the take.” Hard to prove? Yes. Yet, interestingly enough, in another story and a $16.5 million
    lawsuit being filed against DFAIT, that on the surface appear to be unrelated to the Sampson
    case, there is evidence pointing to cover ups of corruption and conflict of interests at the
    Canadian Embassy in Riyadh, especially at the time when Sampson was suffering the wrath of
    Saudi justice.
    Only days away from flying back to Cairo, Egypt, an editor, Steve Negus, at The Cairo Times, a
    bi-weekly English language newspaper, got in touch with me in October 1999 asking that I meet
    with someone from Barrie, Ontario, and check out what sounded like a farfetched story lead. The
    contact, Marc Lemeiux, at the time in his early 30s, claimed he had worked as a bodyguard for a
    locally well known and disruptive Saudi Royal family living in exile in Cairo and was making
    extraordinary claims surrounding the family and his work. Since I happened to be in the area, in
    not too far off Newmarket, Ontario, Negus and I thought that at least it was worth meeting with
    Lemeiux, so I called and set up a meeting.
    I waited for Lemieux outside our meeting venue. In order to keep the meeting as private as
    possible, as he insisted, I had arranged to have the meeting at a local Karate dojo during off
    hours. When he arrived he quickly parked his car and as he got out he took with him a large
    duffle bag. Lemieux was (and is) a stout individual with cropped hair, and looks as though he
    could hold his own yet he’s friendly and outgoing. The meeting itself lasted hours, and it became
    apparent early on that he had something more to offer than just a bar story. It was convoluted and
    intriguing. Throughout our discussion the duffle bag produced numerous amounts of papers,
    copies of emails, copies of secret documents taken from inside the Saudi Royals’ home, audio
    tapes of conversations, references to a privately funded spy ring… He explained why 35 security
    men felt that they had to literally escape from their employer’s service, Prince Turki bin Abdel Aziz
    Al Saud, the brother of King Fahd, or more specifically from Turki’s wife, Princess Hend Al Fassi.
    At precisely 12:00 noon, 26 May 1998, everyone rushed to grab their bags and as quickly as
    possible began tossing them into the lift on the 29th floor of the Ramses Hilton in Cairo, Egypt. It
    was a carefully planned operation. Within minutes, 35 men, mainly Canadians and Austrians,
    were on the ground floor heading outside the hotel to two waiting buses ready to whisk them
    away. This is the way Lemieux remembers it. “It was a planned thing,” he says. “We didn’t want
    the Princess to have a clue of what we were up to.” That afternoon, Prince Turki and Princess
    Hend, and family, were left virtually unprotected in their tower home.
    At the time of our first meeting I hadn’t imagined that years later I would still be working on this
    story in any way. On a cool Cairo night in February 2004, I arranged a private meeting at a hotel
    with another former Turki bodyguard from Lemieux’s days of service, an American, Michael
    Antinick, who was in town visiting for a few days. I took advantage of the opportunity to invite
    along another bodyguard that had been in Turki’s service, someone that I’d gotten to know over
    the months; only days before the meeting he had been dismissed from the Prince’s service—to
    protect his identity he will be referred to as John. Neither of the men had ever met each other
    before, and by having all of us meet together I thought it might make for interesting dynamics.
    Antinick is ex-military and a former policeman from the East Coast. He liked Cairo when he
    worked for the Prince and the Princess, and thought coming back to the old stomping grounds of
    this overcrowded and polluted city for a visit would be a relaxing break from some of the other
    security work he does internationally—admittedly I too think Cairo has its charms. Before our
    rendezvous I only knew Antinick as ‘Contact 1’ and now I was finally going to get the chance to
    put a name to the name, and a name to the face. Most of all, I was looking forward to hear what
    Antinick had to say and to see how John would respond. As it turned out, Antinick was very keen
    to talk.
    We sat around a small table sipping sweet teas and smoking flavoured tobacco from water-pipes,
    Sheesha as the locals call them, outside in the courtyard of a posh five star hotel. John is a rather
    solid and intimidating looking man with an impressive former military and private security career,
    but, like so many in his line of work, he is actually very good-natured. Antinick is probably in his
    40s but looks younger. He was wearing a baseball cap and had a one-of-the-guys feel about him,
    was affable, and roughly average in size. I noticed that the hotel staff called him by name and
    seemed to know him better than an average guest, like an old friend. He explained that they knew
    him from a few years earlier when he had resided at the hotel for a long period of time. The
    conversation was the stuff of novels, and much of what Antinick said about the Princess and the
    family John updated or confirmed. I learned a lot and a lot of things that I already knew became
    clearer to me.
    And with no warning Antinick said, “I was offered $10 million to kill the Princess,” leaned back
    inhaling as the pipe made its bubbling sound and exhaled, “That’s when I got scared.” Antinick
    described how his contact, a high ranking Canadian diplomat from the Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi
    Arabia, brought money in paper bags to fund a private spy operation against Hend, while he set
    up a base of operations from the very hotel we were at, and how that same diplomat brought the
    proffer to assassinate the princess.
    The former diplomat, Gary Ogaick, was first secretary and consul at the embassy in 1999 and is
    now at the centre of a CDN$16.5 million dollar lawsuit being filed by former bodyguard Lemieux
    through the Ontario Superior Court of Justice for damages, equitable compensation for breach of
    duty and punitive damages. Other defendants include The Attorney General of Canada, John
    Manley, Lloyd Axworthy, Gaeten Lavertu, Aileen Carroll, Guy St. Jacques, The Minister of
    Foreign Affairs, and former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Ted Hobson, as well as the Sovereign
    and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. However, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ogaick has
    since died. Lemieux claims to represent 15 other Canadian bodyguards who used to work for the
    With minimal security training Lemieux was lucky enough to be employed in late ’97 as part of a
    security detail to protect Prince Turki and his wife. He and other Canadians were contracted to
    protect Turki through Securiton International, a reputable international security company, based in
    Austria, owned by Wolfgang Gamper. (Might no longer be in operation) It is worth noting that
    sources claim that Gamper had a secret partner by the name of Kurt Waldheim, a former UN
    Secretary-General, and a former World War II German Wermacht First Lieutenant accused of
    participating in atrocities in Balkans.
    Prince Turki, in his 60s, his wife Hend, in her 40s, their daughter Samaher, sons Ahmed and
    Abdul Rahman, Hend’s brother, his sons and their retinue of servants and guards have occupied
    the 28th, 29th, and 30th floors of the Ramses Hilton for years. The princess and her family are
    Moroccan and are persona non grata in the Kingdom, who disapproved of her and her father,
    Sheik Mohammed Al Fassi—a prominent cult like Sufi mystic whose teachings are anathema to
    Saudi Arabia’s official Wahhabi ideology. Despite King Fahd’s disapproval Prince Turki divorced
    his first wife (although in Saudi Arabia Islamic law permits men to have up to four wives), married
    Hend and the couple went into voluntary self-imposed exile, over the years moving to and from
    various countries in Europe and the U.S., leaving a trail of debts and scandal, before finally
    settling in Cairo, Egypt.
    The royal family traditionally financially supports its immediate and extended family; and when
    Turki married Hend he really did marry her family. Hend’s brother, Mohammed, had a gaudy and
    profligately lifestyle in part thanks to his sister’s connection to the Saudi Royals; he also had an
    inclination for dirty business dealings. And Hend’s father lived with her and Turki until his death in
    the mid-90s—he is buried in a tomb in Cairo’s City of the Dead where even today his followers in
    cult like fashion keep a Mercedes in wait for his return from the dead.
    The Fassis have lived a gilded exile, however, running up quite a reputation in the elite enclaves
    of the world. Hend’s brother Mohammed was particularly notorious. According to the Miami
    Herald, California investigators looked into charges that he beat and enslaved five Tunisian
    employees while staying at the Diplomat Hotel in 1981, as well as allegations that he’d previously
    employed 150 of the Hollywood police department’s 290 officers as an informal security force at
    his Sunset Drive mansion, notorious for the anatomically correct, painted nude statues in its
    garden. Two years after Mohammed had purchased the property the house burned down as
    neighbours came out to cheer and applaud. Mohammed later took up shop in Miami, but,
    according to The Herald, departed in 1989 leaving a string of bounced checks and angry
    During the first Gulf War, when Saudi Arabia was directly at war with Iraq, Mohammed was
    kidnapped from Jordan by Saudi agents for selling arms to Iraq. Hend intervened and asked to
    have her brother sent to Cairo where she and Turki could keep a watchful eye on him.
    Mohammed was spared time in jail, or at the least a life of boredom with restricted movement in
    house arrest in Saudi Arabia, and was allowed to move to Cairo with his three sons, Turki, Fahd
    and Azziz, where he lived under his sister’s and brother-in-law’s wings until he died from an
    infected hernia on December 24, 2003.
    But it seems that in Cairo, at least, the law has not been an obstacle to the Fassis’ lifestyle.
    Beginning in the mid-1990s the Cairo press filled with stories of beatings, imprisonment of
    servants, and other abuses inflicted by the Prince’s entourage on anyone who crossed their path.
    The outcry reached a peak in late 1998, soon after two Egyptian waiters fell from the 28th story
    window while trying to rappel down the outside of the hotel using tied-together bed sheets,
    crashing onto a balcony below. The two claimed they were trying to escape and had been
    imprisoned by the Princess along with a number of their colleagues. The case against Princess
    Hend was dropped over the summer of 1999. However, another case was pursued, that of police
    Lieutenant Emad Abaza who was struck with a walkie-talkie in the Ramses’ lobby by
    Mohammed’s son, Fahd. In this case it ended with the Fahd’s imprisonment along with two
    companions, while another son, Azziz, and a bodyguard went on the lam. Abaza’s lawyer,
    Mahmoud Abdel Aal, said his client refused up to $5 million to drop the charges.
    What’s more is that Princess Hend had been tried and convicted in Egypt for robbery over three
    years ago, a case where she owed a local jeweler thousands of dollars but refused to pay. Hend
    was tried in absentia since she had not appeared before the tribunal or sent any legal
    representation. The state-run newspaper Al-Ahram reported in February of 2000 that Hend again
    was sentenced in absentia by an Egyptian court to a one-year prison term for failing to pay a
    US$2.5 million debt. Today the princess has not been jailed or expelled from Egypt and she
    continues to live a life of luxury in Cairo unhindered. Over two years ago one Egyptian opposition
    member in the People’s Assembly publicly brought Hend’s case to the attention of the
    government, asking why she was not in jail; and to date the Egyptian authorities have done
    nothing. However, John, the former bodyguard, said she’d not been going out on the town quite
    as much as she used to.
    In Canada in August 2004 I met with Lemieux again and another former bodyguard, Graham
    Rayton, who was also now eager to talk. Both described in detail a dysfunctional sexually deviant
    family living a top the Ramses Hilton. According to the two Canadians, backed up by the 2004
    meeting in Cairo with Antinick, and other sources, Turki Al Fassi, another of Mohammed’s sons,
    was addicted to drugs. And, in a page out of a Qusay Hussein diary, Fahd would bring women to
    his room, mainly prostitutes, drug them, rape and beat them.
    Both Rayton and Lemieux, as well as other sources, tell a rather disturbing issue Princess Hend
    had with her youngest son, Ahmed. Rayton and Lemieux claimed to have seen Ahmed, who was
    13 years old at the time, being forced to watch pornography while his mother, in full view of the
    security team, masturbated him with the notion that somehow it would keep her son from
    becoming a homosexual.
    The Egyptian press, for the most part, and until recently, has held Turki responsible for the abuse
    of servants and for not paying debts. According to Lemieux, and other former guards, Turki
    himself has little control over what goes on in his domain. On the 28th, 29th, and 30th floor of the
    Hilton, Her Royal Highness Princess Hend is the undisputed ruler.
    Lemieux had begun his bodyguard stint at the Ramses in September, 1997. He was placed at the
    front desk, answering telephones. It didn’t take him to long to learn about the nature of his job.
    He, like all the bodyguards, would receive personal instructions from Hend. “All of the Prince’s
    mail was to be sent to her first. Sometimes it was not to be sent to him at all,” he said. “She also
    issued orders about no guests or phone calls for the Prince unless she approved it. Deliveries
    that the Prince had ordered and that he was expecting were usually kept from him, by her order..”
    He goes on to explain that Hend also had a ‘hot sheet’ of persons not allowed to call her
    husband, which included the prince’s own daughters from a previous marriage, his brothers, and
    King Fahd himself.
    “Turki is a pretty cool guy,” says Lemieux. “He doesn’t realize what’s going on. Hend runs the
    show. She works through a handful of picked lieutenants who do most of her dirty work. We were
    often told to beat the waiters and maids. Most of us wouldn’t do it. But these guys who would
    were her lapdogs.”
    Lemieux, Antinick, Rayton, and John all claim that Hend had been drugging her husband without
    his knowledge, keeping him so doped up he was unconscious much of the time; and by doing so
    Turki was literally kept in the dark so Hend was left to do as she pleased. And her list of
    pleasures included entertaining male friends in her room for days on end, rarely coming out. On
    one count Lemieux describes how under Hend’s orders they worked around Turki planting
    bugging devices in his bedroom and his personal bathroom as he laid in his bed unconscious.
    According to Lemieux, Rayton, and others, the family doctor gave the drugs to put into the
    Prince’s food and drink. At the February 2004 meeting in Cairo Antinick confirmed that the prince
    had been “juiced up”. Meanwhile, John claimed that he had not seen her drug his food but had
    seen her giving him drugs in the guise of healthful medicine. By all accounts Prince Turki is today
    in terrible health and according to recent reports is now in hospital.
    The bodyguards did not have a pleasant assignment, but Lemieux says the Egyptians, Filipinos,
    and other non-Westerners under Princess Hend’s thumb had it much worse. He describes them
    as “virtual slaves”. When he began work, Lemieux was handed a list of “basic rules and job
    duties” for his post. The document posts rule number nine as, “All security shall in no way grant
    any form of personal assistance or favour to any waiter, maid, cleaner, worker, or engineer. This
    includes, but is not limited to, such things as receiving or delivering any items (jewellery, clothing,
    mail, film, money, message, etc.) from or to any individual within or outside the hotel. In other
    words, keep your distance and don’t get involved!”
    Lemieux tells of a situation where eight Filipina servants were kept in Hend’s service against their
    will. He asserts that some of them had been there seven years, up to five years after their
    contracts had expired. Hend “would not let them go,” he says. “She’s scared people will talk
    about what goes on there.” After Lemieux contacted the Pilipino embassy to Egypt detailing the
    plight of the eight Filipinas, diplomats investigated the matter. Secret documents from the Pilipino
    Embassy record a series of contacts between Lemieux and the embassy. Soon after Lemieux’s
    efforts all eight Filipino maids were released from Hend’s service.
    Lemieux was lucky to have crossed the princess and not suffer any consequences. The security
    team escape was decided upon after a serious altercation involving a young Austrian bodyguard
    named Andreas Hoffmann. According to a signed Austrian affidavit, signed by Hoffmann and
    Securiton’s owner, Gamper, stamped by a Vienna notary on 15 June, 1998, and confirmed by the
    Austrian Embassy’s Pitner Buddenbrock in Cairo as genuine, the whole altercation had begun
    from something trivial. The incident gives a sense of the anxious atmosphere in Hend’s realm,
    where a single misunderstanding can lead to a bizarre drama of punishment and torture.
    Hoffmann, working the phones, had just received a telephoned order from Hend’s daughter,
    Princess Samaher. Hoffmann asked Samaher to repeat the information again just to be clear as
    to what she wanted. This infuriated Hend grabbed the phone from her daughter and began
    insulting Hoffmann — apparently thinking that Hoffmann had suggested that Samaher’s English
    was not good enough. Hoffmann tried to explain himself but to no avail; Hend made a vague
    threat and slammed down the receiver.
    It was enough to put Hoffmann on edge and he decided to make a run for it but was intercepted
    at the elevator by two of Hend’s lieutenants, identified in the affidavit as James Sciaretti and
    Haroon. They brought Hoffmann before Hend, who ordered him cuffed with his hands behind his
    back. Hoffmann was then taken to Hend’s salon. There he was forced to kneel. Another guard,
    identified as George, was ordered to videotape the incident. More words were exchanged, and
    Hend went into a fit of rage who then ordered her lieutenant to get a stick. None was found. Hend
    dashed back to her room and came back with a coat hanger. The videotaping was ordered
    stopped, and the Princess beat Hoffmann with the hanger, at times across the face. Gamper, who
    was in Cairo at the time, was called in to the hotel. He arrived to find Hoffmann still cuffed and
    kneeling. It took two hours of negotiation before Gamper could get Sciaretti to uncuff Hoffmann
    and allow him to sit down. Hoffmann was made to sign a letter of apology, and was docked three
    days’ pay — a violation of contract agreements.
    By then, most of the security team had had enough of Hend. The security teams were basically
    made up of three groups: Americans, each privately contracted which included Antinick, another
    group of Austrians working for a different contractor, and then there was Gamper’s group,
    Securiton employees, made up of both Austrians and Canadian’s including Lemieux and Rayton.
    A decision was made by the Securiton team to escape and they received Gamper’s blessing — in
    addition to the Hoffmann incident, Hend was withholding money owed Gamper to pay the guards,
    a total of US$5 million. It might sound strange, bodyguards having to escape from an employer
    but it was no secret that the princess had clout in Egypt and could make things difficult for
    anyone. There were legitimate concerns that they, the bodyguards, would be stopped and tossed
    in the slammer before getting out of the country, accused of anything from stealing jewellery or
    smuggling drugs. Getting out wasn’t going to be easy. Hend’s paranoia and concern for security
    and her own privacy went so far as to have every room on the three floors, including the
    bathrooms, bugged with cameras and audio, not just Turki’s area, Lemieux says. “Nothing goes
    on there that she doesn’t know about.” There was also a problem with passports; Hend had them
    confiscated when the bodyguards took up the job but the men were able to obtain new
    documents through the Canadian and Austrian embassies.
    When I originally investigated this case in October, 1999, the Canadian Embassy in Cairo refused
    to comment on Lemieux or any matter related to him, but the Austrian embassy in Cairo
    confirmed that it, along with the Canadian embassy, helped Lemieux and company escape and
    leave the country. It’s clear from documents and witnesses that the Canadian embassy was
    directly involved in the escape. During the same period Securiton’s Gamper, in Vienna, confirmed
    both the Hoffmann cuffing and beating incident and that the bodyguard escape did occur.
    However, Mr. Gamper at the time refused to make any further comment. Hoffmann could not be
    reached for comment and to date he has not been located.
    As it happened, all went smoothly for the Securiton employees. The men were all whisked off to
    various hotels throughout Cairo. All the bodyguards safely left Egypt. And Hend to this day
    continues to refuse to pay Securiton the $5 million owing.
    A few months after the original great escape by the Securiton team, several from the other
    American security detail that had originally stayed behind would also pull a runner from the
    Ramses Hilton with the help of the U.S. Embassy.
    When my contact John was first approached about this story in Cairo early in 2003 he was a
    trusted favourite to the princess. Because I lived in Egypt I had to be cautious so I waited months
    to get to know John better before I confided in him about what I knew about Hend and everything
    else. When I finally informed him that I knew about the 1998 bodyguard escape his initial
    response was rather professional, “It was wrong for the security team to have left the Royals
    alone like that.” And he went on to explain that the Princess had told him all about the escape and
    that she said, “…they stole guns and radios when they left.”
    When I informed Lemieux by phone from Cairo of John’s statement he responded, “She’s making
    excuses… She wants to be the victim.”
    In time John, as a former Hend employee, would see the Princess in the same light as Antinick,
    Lemieux, Rayton and oh so many other former bodyguards, servants, business people do today,
    and learn to despise her.
    Not long after the security team had fled, as luck would have it, Lemieux would be back in Egypt
    under very different and unique circumstances. He had contacted the Canadian embassy in
    Riyadh asking for help in finding someone to contact within the ruling Saudi Royal Family to
    discuss the money owing for their services, and, just as importantly, to bring to the Royal Family’s
    attention Prince Turki’s thorny situation. In February 1999 someone at the embassy contacted
    Lemieux in Canada on behalf of a Saudi ‘VIP’ who was interested in any details he could supply
    on Prince Turki’s life in Cairo. That someone was first secretary and consul Ogaick. By the end of
    April the same year, Lemieux recruited Antinick and another former Canadian guard and
    escapee, George Straznovic, to spy on Mr. Ogaick’s behalf. It was the beginning of an intriguing
    down and dirty, nitty-gritty private spy ring against Her Royal Highness in Cairo.
    Initially Antinick was one of the Americans that had stayed on after Securiton’s people fled Egypt.
    He continued to work at the hotel until he was dismissed by Hend in December ’98; accused of
    taking a vacation without permission. He would play a key role in Ogaick’s personal
    A series of e-mails between Ogaick and Lemieux discuss the operation, for which he and his
    colleagues were to be paid well. Ogaick wanted as much information as possible on Hend, her
    daughter Samaher, and Hend’s brother Mohammed. Ogaick and the unknown backer wanted to
    catch Hend in a sexual rendezvous, preferably on video, with one of any number of male visitors
    she had, which included two famous Arab singers, one of whom was Mohamed Fouad. Whoever
    the backer was, his apparent main objective was to get hard proof of Hend’s infidelities to present
    to Turki himself, with the final intent in getting Turki safely back home to Saudi Arabia and away
    from Hend.
    Antinick and, for a shorter time, Lemieux and Straznovic lived in Cairo in secret while gathering
    information and meeting with two moles. There were plans to have one of Hend’s rooms bugged
    with cameras to catch her highness “entertaining men in her room”. 4 to 5 weeks after operations
    began Straznovic was ditched. Lemieux and Antinick discovered that Straznovic, whose job it
    was to make contact and recruit working bodyguards, was intent on pocketing money meant for
    the moles. In order to get Straznovic safely and cleanly out of the picture both made out that
    operations had been ordered to stop; and to keep up appearances, they went so far as to all fly
    home: Lemieux and Straznovic to Canada, and Antinick to the US. However, Antinick flew back to
    Cairo almost immediately once that Straznovic was in Canada. In the meantime, Lemieux had to
    stay in Canada since Straznovic, also from Barrie, attended the same gym as Lemieux. “I couldn’t
    leave right away or he (Straznovic) would be suspicious if he saw that I was gone,” Lemieux
    says. So Lemieux stayed in Canada while Antinick continued operations in Cairo.
    Throughout the affair Lemieux and Antinick had no idea of who was backing the operation. E-
    mails between Lemieux and Ogaick talk of as much as US$350,000 being spent on expenses for
    operations, for their upkeep while in Cairo and more. The backer or backers were prepared to put
    as much as $1.5 million into the fact finding and video taping mission. As the middleman Ogaick
    flew to Cairo on various occasions to meet with Antinick, pick up information and to leave money
    for pay and expenses. “Ogaick passed on the money we needed to buy the supplies to spy on
    her (Hend),” Antinick said. “I flew to London and bought the bugging devices, the cameras,
    everything we needed.”
    And then there was the day that Ogaick came to Cairo and told Antinick that “they” would pay him
    US$10 million dollars to kill Hend. This gave reason for Antinick to worry; now he knew too much.
    He was scared but at the time was ready and willing. “We had it all planned out,” he said, “We
    were going to use potassium chloride and put it in her food. It’d look like a heart attack, and
    because she’s a princess they wouldn’t cut her up and see what killed her. They’d ship her off
    fast and bury her in Saudi Arabia.”
    Two bodyguards, who were the two moles, working for Hend, were in on Antinick’s assassination
    plan. Because the princess liked to eat in her room, and food was often kept there waiting for her,
    the two accomplices had to time things perfectly. The plan entailed that they quickly repel down
    into her room from the top of the hotel, spike her food and zip out and back up to the top of the
    Ramses. Sounds easy enough and straight forward but it never happened. Antinick got cold feet
    and cancelled everything.
    Not long after the aborted assassination attempt Antinick got word that jewellery and a large sum
    of money had been stolen from inside Hend’s room and no one could figure out how it was done.
    All sources say that the princess and her husband tend to keep boxes of ready cash in their
    rooms, estimated to reach a few million dollars. Antinick was amused, “I knew who did it,” he said
    with a smile. The repelling plan worked for something else.
    On August 28, 1999, an e-mail from Ogaick in Riyadh simply says, “Marc, Just received urgent
    instructions to cease all operations in Cairo until further notice.” Coincidentally seven days earlier,
    King Fahd’s son, Prince Faisal bin Fahd bin Abdul Azziz Al-Saud, had died suddenly of a heart
    attack. Ogaick advised Lemieux that Faisal was the backer. “He was the only one who knew
    about what I was doing and kept it very secret I guess… After his [Faisal’s] death that was the
    end and there was no one else to keep it going. That’s why I’ve gone to the press. [Hend] should
    pay for what she was doing.”
    During the entire operation Antinick never managed to capture video of the princess in the act of
    entertaining male friends.
    However, Lemieux had managed to get someone attention within the Saudi Royal family after a
    series of contacts with the Royal Saudi Embassy in Ottawa. In March, 2000, the Ambassador, Mr.
    Mohammed Al Husseini, asked him to travel to Riyadh with his documents from the surveillance
    operation to meet with high ranking Saudi officials. Lemieux agreed and the Saudis arranged
    everything for his trip. In Riyadh he was taken to a private meeting at a military complex. When
    Lemieux left Riyadh five days later he had answered numerous questions, turned over all the
    documents, audiotape and other information he had. He admits that while in the complex he felt
    that his life was in threat, and that he didn’t have much say as to whether he would be allowed to
    keep the documents; however, he was informed by the Saudis that he should expect money
    within weeks. He was never paid.
    Month’s later Lemieux had faxed the Deputy Foreign Minister, Gaetan Lavertu, informing him of
    the actions of Ambassador Husseini and the events surrounding his trip to Saudi Arabia and
    asked for help to collect payment from the Saudis for his, and the others’, services to Hend. Days
    after he contacted Lavertu, he received an anonymous call in November 2000 threatening his
    safety should he continue to pursue payment.
    Undaunted after months of being ignored and stonewalled, of having his questions snubbed by
    the DFAIT, Lemieux decided to raise the stakes a notch. With legal help he launched the $16.5
    million lawsuit. According to the claim Lemieux and his lawyers believe that there is “a culture of
    systemic corruption and cover up within the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAIT) and the
    Canadian Embassy in Riyadh and other Canadian Embassies.” The way Lemieux and his
    lawyers see things, Ogaick as first secretary and consul had made promises of money to be paid
    while working as a representative of DFAIT at the embassy and through the embassy in Riyadh,
    therefore DFAIT is responsible for any monies that Ogaick promised would be paid to Lemieux
    and the others.
    The National Post’s May 14, 2004, front page article ‘Canadian envoy ran Saudi spy ring: lawsuit:
    Allegedly recruited other Canadians to watch royal couple’ Francine Dube reported that,
    “Kimberly Phillips, a spokeswoman for the DFAIT, said yesterday they have every intention of
    defending the action.”
    I contacted Ms. Phillips office in August, 2004, as to why the department had not yet issued a
    defence to date but never received a reply.
    The allegations have yet to be proven in court and none of the defendants, including the Saudis,
    to date have issued a statement of defence, although for a time the defendants were long past
    deadlines and were at risk of going into default. It’s no surprise that the DFAIT has been doing
    some legal posturing and manoeuvring of its own. On April 15 of this year, another DFAIT
    spokesperson, Pamela Greenwell, explained to me over the phone that there were problems with
    the statement of claim: “The plaintiff has named individuals as parties and should not have done
    so; and the statement of claims does not adhere to rules of civil procedure.” And with that, a
    motion to correct deficiencies was reviewed by Justice Leaderman on April 28, 2005. He has
    reserved his decision on the motions in the case.
    It’s worth noting that in February, 2004, Bill Sampson filed a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia’s
    interior minister, the deputy governor of the jail and two of the jail’s guards for damages.
    Lemieux’s claim against DFAIT states: “As early as February and March 1999, Ambassador
    Hobson knew that Ogaick had been communicating with Lemieux with a view to obtaining
    information for the Canadian Embassy’s Saudi government contacts in exchange for money…. At
    all material times, Ambassador Hobson knew that Ogaick was using Canadian Embassy
    resources to carry out these efforts.”
    According to declassified documents from Ottawa, Foreign Affairs security officers knew Ogaick
    was involved in something that was possibly inappropriate as early as November, 1999, and yet
    nothing was done to stop or divert his questionable activities.
    Meanwhile, the declassified documents seem to suggest there was a half-hearted effort by the
    DFAIT to investigate the case in August, 2001, and this only occurred after Lemieux and his
    lawyer approached the department claiming they were owed US$5 million. “But considerable
    effort went into preparing ‘media lines’ in case the story leaked,” The Globe and Mail’s Jeff Sallot
    reported in his May 5, 2003, story ‘Claims of rogue spy unheeded for months’.
    After investigations had begun within DFAIT, the department claimed that no disciplinary action
    could be taken against Ogaick because he had already retired in 2001.
    Things got really hot in Cairo and Riyadh when Straznovic personally paid a visit to the Canadian
    embassy in Cairo on or about October 12, 1999, alleging that Ogaick had personally promised
    him CDN$500 000 and two passports “for persons under Straznovic’s care.” Who were the two
    persons? Lemieux and Rayton say it was one of the ex-wives, one of several, of the infamous
    and dodgy Mohammed Al Fassi, and her daughter. Documents go on to say that Straznovic
    informed the embassy of the Hend spy operation and that Ogaick was directly involved. Lemieux
    said that he had not known that Straznovic had gone to the embassy until April 2002 when he
    “heard rumours”; it was only later confirmed through the declassified documents related to the
    case detailing DFAIT’s investigations.
    Coincidentally, only a few days after Straznovic’s visit, and not long after my first meeting with
    Lemieux in Newmarket, Ontario, I went to the Canadian embassy in Cairo on October 27, 1999,
    to fish for information on this Lemieux case. Instead of answering my questions the embassy staff
    took me into a private soundproof room and turned the tables, asking me several questions as to
    what I knew about the case and Marc Lemieux. In return the staff informed me that Ottawa had
    notified them that they were not permitted to answer any questions regarding Marc Lemieux.
    Declassified documents say that Ambassador Marie-Andre Beauchemin forwarded an advisory to
    five bureaus including to Mr. Rick Belliveau of Security Operations and Personal Safety Division,
    an office attached to The Security and Intelligence Bureau of DFAIT, notifying them that I had met
    with Lemieux in Canada and that Lemieux had provided me with documents. This quite possibly
    was the beginning of an old boys network cover up within DFAIT.
    At the age of 36 Straznovic was found dead in his apartment in Barrie, Ontario in January, 2001.
    The cause of death was drug overdose.
    Ogaick retired in May, 2001, with a full pension and had been living a life of luxury in an affluent
    neighbourhood in Riyadh while working for a private company in UAE before his death–
    apparently he died of cancer but this has not been confirmed. His wife continues to work at the
    Canadian embassy in Riyadh.
    It appears all is not well at Canada’s DFAIT. Evidence indicates that a high ranking Canadian
    diplomat was involved as a middleman in a bizarre inner-family Saudi spy ring and a possible
    assassination attempt on a Saudi princess for financial gain, and that declassified documents
    seems to suggest a cover up inside the department. Meanwhile, DFAIT has tried to trivialize the
    lawsuit. Phillips told The National Post’s Dube, “If these allegations are true this was done without
    the knowledge of anyone in the department and while this former employee was acting in his own
    personal capacity.” However, the evidence suggests otherwise.
    Thus far the Royal Canadian Mounted Police commercial-crime section in Ottawa have
    concluded that there is no case of fraud against the government nor was there a breach of
    national security… Really? It’s a wonder that this shouldn’t raise some concern especially in this
    day and age of global terrorism, much of it outsourced from places like Saudi Arabia. If Canadian
    diplomats are so easily bought shouldn’t there be reason for concern? What other repercussions
    could come about from such unethical activities? There is something to consider: after Bill
    Sampson languished two and half years in a Saudi prison, seeing little or no action from Ottawa
    to help him in his plight, his father, James, who tirelessly worked to get his son out of prison
    thinks he knows what the problem was, “I think the Canadian Embassy was on the take.”
    Farfetched? Probably not.

  24. Yep… It’s the same Lemieux who mailed out last year’s CO$TS cheques over the Nelson Barbados affair to the who’s who of Canadian law firms. A few hundred thousand dollars then, how much now?

    His lawsuit against the Canadian gov’t was for $16.5 million. This is not slander, it’s news. Just like it was news when Lemieux went to the press with his sordid spy stories….(and… just like it’ll be news when he and his cohorts pay their dues…)

    Oh… and a little about Best’s client / employer NDS:

    The News Corporation Limited is one of the world’s largest media
    companies with total assets as of September 30, 2005 of
    approximately; US $58 billion and total annual revenues of approximately US$18 billion. News Corporation’ s diversified global operations include the production and distribution of motion pictures and television programming; television, satellite and cable broadcasting; the publication of newspapers, magazines and books; the production and distribution of promotional and advertising products and services; the development of digital broadcasting.

    News Corporation is the world’s leading publisher of English-language newspapers with operations worldwide.

    The Company publishes more than 175 different newspapers, printing more than 40 million papers a week.

    Murdoch’s New Corp. invests heavily in Israel. Murdoch News Corporation was one of three US companies that was lauded for their support of Israel at the America-Israel Friendship League Partners for Democracy Awards dinner (25th June 2001). Murdoch himself co-chaired the dinner.

    News Corp.’s digital technology company based in the UK / Jerusalem, called NDS, has grown from 20 to 600 employees in the past decade.

    Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation which effectively owns and controls BSkyB also owns the NDS encryption company which, though based now in the UK, originated in Israel and even today is run by Dr Abbe Peled a former member of Israel’s Mossad secret intelligence organisation.

  25. @Anonymous, child, yuh right to be anonymous. You got an anonymous mind. You read, but you do not understand. Our friend FollowTheMonkey has said that a law partner of ‘Little Willy’ McKenzie is a moderator at LawBuzz and started that blog. If I understand FTM correctly. So, is LawBuzz not then taking a lesson from your own blog, BFP, and ‘moderating’ any comments adverse to Little Petey Allard and Jane the Insane and your motley crew?

    This thread like it got you REAL disturbed, Anonymous. I have a feeling there will be an update soon with an even more disturbing thread. I can hardly wait.

    Anyway, laughter is good for the soul and we are happy you had a good laugh – like we are – at you.

    @FollowThe Monkey – chile Pat is right. Don’t keep we hanging. More, please. Even Anonymous is laughing – and that poor old girl don’t laugh too much – she usually got she face set up like she smell something bad. See if you can find a connection to Allarcom. Anonymous would howl like a werewolf with laughter at that. Conisder it a favour you would be doing for the deprived.

  26. @Anonymous. Rejoice greatly!!!!! LawBuzz is back up with the story – and guess what? It has expanded. You will get your laugh. Be happy. It also offers us from our friend FTM, the following link to the Globe and Mail – and Mr. Lemieux…te_spy_ring.pdf

    There was a suggestion that Mr Lemieux was NOT a ‘student-at-law’ but had been hired by Little Willy to intimidate we Bajans. Guess what? he is not listed as an employee on the Crawford McKenzie etc. website. Go figure. You mean he did be here to intimidate we? Little Willy did be trying to intimidate we? Poor Little Willy. Yuh got to laugh – like Anonymous.


    The filings are to be posted but I can’t seem to view them on the PriceWaterhouseCoopers’ website.

  28. @Finally some attention from Canada. My brother/sister you got the wrong Knox lot. Ours is Bajan. Same surname, but a different people entirely. Coincidence – and I mean GENUINE coincidence, not being sarcastic.

    Will have to have a look on the PwC website.

  29. It now appears that they’ve purged completely of all public discussion and resources in respect of the Nelson Barbados Affiar.

    At least WE know who’s who and what’s what now. (As if we we’re a wee tad bit suspicious in the first place).

    When the corruption is manifested in one group, it is one thing; when it appears systematic, it’s quite another. Follow the money indeed. These cancers are purge of just society.

    Click to access docs%5CAllarco%20CCAA%20Initial%20Order.pdf

    Peter Allard / Charles R. Allard / Malcolm Knox are each involved in this.

    What’s troubling, of course is that Mr. McKenzie /best acts /acted for Allard / NDS Corporations also.

    In fact, as recently as June of this year, McKenzie and Lemieux, while working on the Barbados file, were still spying for their NDS-related Allard clients — this time on Roger’s call centres.

    It’s all in yet another Lemieux affidavit!

    This is really too much.

  30. Well, well, well. What a dog’s breakfast. It is sad what happened with the young Sampson lad. Canadians could not understand it at all. I think after the British got him out of his hell hole, he decided to move to Britain. He was so disappointed with the lack of care demonstrated by the Canadian government.

    Re DFAIT. I never worked there, but had contacts with some of the employees. It seems to have had the highest suicide rates in the federal government, while Revenue Canada had the highest rates for nervous breakdowns.

    Apparently this was why the government agreed to the unions demands to pay for psychological counselling, massage therapy, etc. and extend the leave without pay for personal reasons. Psychiartrists were already covered.

  31. I wish you would try a little harder to present information Pat. William Sampson was hardly a “young lad”. He was 42 when first imprisoned in Saudi Arabia and is now 50 yrs. old. Secondly, Sampson held dual citizenship, British/Canadian and was born in the U.K. where he spent the greater part of his life. While I have no doubt that he is bitter over the lack of assistance from the Canadian government, he may have returned to the U.K. for other reasons such as employment or to be with his father after his ordeal. You always somehow manage to take some basic info and then put your own spin on it, much like your good friend.

  32. Anonymous, that you should accuse anyone of putting spin on anything is just silly. You are the most prolific, but ineffective, spinner I have ever seen.

    Finally Some Attention In Canada. I believe you need to go a bit easier on LawBuzz. This is a site run by legal professionals for other legal professionals, which gives it a different dynamic. By its very nature, therefore, it places on them a burden of care and raises the bar far higher than for other blogs – this is not a legal i9mperative, but a professional one between counsel and other legal professionals. I would think that their main concern is not to print anything, no matter how well documented, on which a court of law has not ruled, despite whatever evidence may be to hand.

    Briefly, it means that, while other blogs (indeed, all members of the fourth estate) can use documents that come into their hands and comment on these as ‘fair comment’, LawBuzz has an additional agenda that dictates that, where members of the legal profession are concerned, no matter how damning the eivdence, they must wait for decisions of the courts. My feeling is that they have been very even-handed in their editing in keeping with their editorial policies. I see no evidence of bias. Your input is great. However, may I most respectfully suggest that you adhere to LawBuzz’s policies, as indeed you adhere to BU’s. Just my point of view and I sincerely hope you will not take offence to it – there is no disrespect intended.

  33. @Finally Some Attention in Canada, I have just read you posts and links in detail. I have also looked on the LawBuzz website.

    Have got to say that I do believe that, off the wall though they may have initially seemed, it begins to appear that your assessment is correct and that LawBuzz is indeed tainted.

    I hope you will keep up the good work. This whole issue goes far deeper than we knew. FAR deeper. Barbados and its fellow defendants appear to be the victims of a massive international big business game plan.

    Well done, sir. Well done indeed.

  34. Very briefly, with respect to lawbuzz:

    A thread regarding a mayoral candidate in Toronto is laced with hateful slurs such as:

    “I have this weird hunch that Smitherman’s campaign will flame out before the election.”

    “Smithy is definitely going to bottom out, I can’t see him rising to the top unless he gets some great aids.”

    “Although I must say, I hope he wins as I would be glaad[sic] to see a proud gay man pumping his fists in victory whilst being showered with golden streamers. What a party that would be, if only JP were still around.”

    This topic is still up. It seems that hateful slurs are okay–if directed against gay public figures, but evidence-supported enquiry and discussion is not–but only if it pertains to Allard’s people.

    Interestingly, a topic posting ONLY a link to an international news story re: an Israeli spy that WAS APPARENTLY UNRELATED to Mr. Lemieux entitled “you never know…” was also purged…along with the Barbados material. It didn’t even have any COMMENTS made yet–although it had been viewed dozens of times. But alas, it appears that the story HIT A LITTLE TOO CLOSE TO HOME as well–so ZAP.

    Frankly, I’ve been watching this site closely, ever since I read the Globe Article where Maude / Duncan is quoted as an operator of the site, and reported as refusing to identify the owner/owners of the site. I have noted, with great interest, how commentary, no matter how neutral and relevant, has been systematically eliminated from the discussion.

    This is notwithstanding the fact that many posters in the thread– and evidently even more readers, (the thread had more than 2000 views), expressed interest in learning more about this. One poster pointed out that in the past, Maude was vocal in respect of another similar topic, where it was someone other than her friends / cohorts on the hot seat.

    The fact is that these people treat their own websites all the same–and it does make perfect sense: REMOVE ALL DAMAGING MATERIAL ASAP. This is true on Keltruth, the firm’s own site, and now, also As was already pointed out on both lawbuzz, and here, this firm’s website is in FULL DAMAGE CONTROL mode. No names, no bios, not very much at all except some hometown warm fuzzies.

    The other night, “Bumblebee” from lawbuzz locked the thread and ‘had to check with others’ to see what to do because those nasty links to cases where Crawford McKenzie is exposed were posted. This was NOT because anybody called FM Lemieux /Best thugs, or KW McKenzie an old goat, Maude a cow, Krista a bumblebee, or the whole lot of them pigs for that matter (which happens to my opinion– as if nobody knew); it is very simply because knowledge is power. Therefore, as soon as posts appeared that enable folks so PROVE wrongdoing — in this case — systematic wrongdoing — ZAP. Gone.

    Quite logically, I suppose the thread was left up initially because as one moderator put it: ‘public discussion is encouraged’ on the site. Most of the first posts on the thread didn’t have much to do with the costs award which was the topic the original poster created, they had to do with moderators and other users chatting back and forth with Duncan and kissing her a$$. “How have you been”, “It’s been a long time”, “So much to tell you about” — stuff like that. This is called controlling the message, folks.

    The globe article about Maude, the site, and the site’s illusive owner/s was never allowed to be quoted or stay up for more than a few hours, for instance. Explain this one to me…

    One poster to the thread did see it, and commented “I haven’t read that article.” Of course not silly, NOW, Maude and Crawford McKenzie don’t want anyone knowing that they were running the site.

    To me it ‘s perfectly clear now. And sorry… I did say briefly the beginning.

    Finally though I’d like to clarify that I, personally, don’t take any disrespect from discussion(whether pro or contra my own opinions). I enjoy discussion. In fact, to be honest, the only thing that I enjoy more than sharing ideas, is when I’m corrected and actually learn something.

    I wish I was wrong about Duncan and Crawford McKenzie’s involvement / influence on the site. And I hope that I am wrong about the conflicts of interest that have emerged. But I know that I am not wrong about this: Allard-related companies represented by the firm over the years have benefited themselves thanks in large part to McKenzie and Best, who I know to have work/ed for NDS. I know that without Lemieux’s affidavit detailing spying on Rogers, Allardcom may have had a much harder time ‘restructuring’.

    And yet it’s these very rats who appear to spew untruths and scandalous allegations against Canada, Saudi Arabia and Barbados – against the judiciary and executive branches. I mean the best defense is a good offense, right? Well, my friends, offense is this party’s game.

  35. My friend, your input is fascinating, but with respect, calm down. Just a few notches. Applaud your sentiments, but…don’t say anything you cannot prove – and you are getting just a little close to that – a little too speculative, evidence-wise. David provides this site that embraces all opinions, let is make sure that we protect them both.

    Now, amigo, as for Smitherman, well I don’t like jokes of that nature about him or anybody or any group no matter what – that is cheap and, in Canada, highly actionable and for massive damages. HOWEVER, I got to tell you that I think Smitherman is a complete jerk and I sincerely hope no one – of ANY sexual or political persuasion – is so stupid as to vote for him.

  36. Sky-Italia complains against TV monitoring co
    (by Eric J. Lyman)

    Nov 11, 2009
    Auditel alleged to be misrepresenting market share

    Source: Hollywood Reporter

    ROME — Italian satellite broadcaster Sky-Italia has filed a complaint with Italian antitrust officials, charging that rival Mediaset has been pressuring television monitoring company Auditel to “misrepresent” Sky-Italia’s market share.

    Antitrust officials said on Tuesday they would open a probe into the charges. The investigation will be completed within 180 days, officials said.

    The complaint is the latest salvo between Sky-Italia (a News Corp. subsidiary controlled by Rupert Murdoch) and Mediaset (which is controlled by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi).

    Hmmmm…. More alleged antitrust and misconduct on the part of… who is it this time? Italy’s PM Berlusconi!

    Is everyone out to get the NDS crew now? Or are NDS lawyers just suing everybody as usual?

    I wonder how many days the Law Society has spent juggling the multitude of complaints in respect of the McKenzie clan?

  37. Click to access allarco-005_071709.pdf

    There you have it; a goat, a rat, a Knox, an Allard Co., & PWC all in the same dim, cozy corner.

    All protected by a so-called ‘privilege’. All along, and all summer long.

    Why on earth would Mr. Knox, the noble, swear an affidavit in support Mr. Best’s Orillia-based corporation?

    Because, it appears also that, the best swears affidavits for the Allards.

    Quit pro quo.

  38. BTW: Page 5 of Mr.Lemieux / McKenzie’s application for Allard’s co. is a good place to start if you want to see proof for yourself.

    Does anybody recognize the handwriting on the final page of Mr. Knox’s affidavit ‘commissioning’ it in Toronto, Ontario?

    Does anyone know who in L.A., California commissioned the first version of the affidavit?

    Does something seem fishy?

  39. kevin thor mcdougall

    Holy shit Marc I worked in Cairo with you, im sure you remeber all the shit I went through and how frank and Haroon were looking to kill me on princess Hends orders and how that fat little shit Akmed was out to get me ove rnothing. I have wrote a book thats being published this year about my privbate security team in Iraq and Afghanistan, I hope you will read it ill gladly send you one. Im in Saudia now and run my own big game fishing charter in Fiji too, all the best kevin

  40. Pingback: LawPro Lawyers Ask For Surprising Adjournment In Nelson Barbados Matter: The Secretive World Of Peter Andrew Allard – Part III « Barbados Underground

  41. alex the technician

    You are right, holy shit, I was there too … with Bernard (legion etrangere) responsible for the phone and video surveillance … spy cam’s in prince’s bathroom … was a nice time 🙂
    Heard Jim S. died and Bernard is back again.
    Was the 2nd time for me with the family, first time with andi hoffmann in 1989 …
    Do you remember the party-time at German-Corner in Zamalek?