Rising Crime + Tourism = Bad News

62 year old Diane Davies the day after her alleged attack

When one of the leading daily newspapers in the UK run a story penned by a leading journalist, it translates to ‘widely read’. When the story is about a 62 year old who claims she was raped in Barbados while on vacation, it translates into bad news for Barbados. Right at the start of the main tourist season to boot, this does us absolutely no favours at all if the allegations are correct; if true Barbados is seriously at fault.

Barbadians are left to wonder this morning what the hell is going on? Why are we playing boo peep with our number one foreign exchange earner? Why have the authorities i.e. Attorney General, Barbados Police Force and by extension the government not given this matter the attention it merits? Why do we allow bureaucracy and officialdom  perhaps pride to ferment this matter?

BU has blogged too many times about the need to revamp our court system to ensure justice is seen to be done and also for the Police Complaints Authority to do its damn job. How can we be serious about tourism and continue to retreat behind statistics. Barbadians on the ground know that serious crime is trending upwards and to be honest the business as usual approach by the authorities is not cutting it.

187 responses to “Rising Crime + Tourism = Bad News

  1. Seems as though she sold this story to People newspaper in March this year, and it has now been on-sold to the Daily Mail. http://www.cash4yourstory.co.uk/raped-horror-abroad-the-people-newspaper-exclusive-crime-story-march-2011-story1126.html

    if that doesnt say it all, don’t know what will. It’s a sensational piece! She sounds like all the other brits who come here and claim their stuff was stolen from the safe in the hotel room which is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, don’t mind they are staying at regency cove and coconut court, but they have rolex watches.

    Oh yeah baby insurance is ma friend! Wonder how much money she got for that. I’d buy it for a dollar.

  2. If her story is true, the authorities would dither and scrape their knuckles because apparently just like in the Myrie case which is still up in the air – nothing happens. These things have a horrible way of resurficing when you least expect it or want it. Its always best to squash all non-sense OR to get behind the headlines with some privtate investigating and check it out.
    England is known for its crime but it doesn’t stop people coming for the festivities and sites EH! This case like all the others all over the other islands is a disgrace, the whole region needs cleaning up. SIMPLE

  3. I am so sorry what happened to this lady. The RBPF needs some ‘people training’ and be more sensitive to victims of crime and not looking at them as some statistic….

    I remember when the other British lady got raped some years ago. Her comments about how RBPF treated her were exactly the same as this ladys’.

  4. I don’t trust Tourist (American especially) Some of them are dishonest and looking for a way to get a free vacation out of some unsuspecting country.Countries who would rather be blackmailed into silence, rather that fully investigate their wicked deed,,It is always “”my room was broken into,my cash was stolen,jewelry,(Which they never had)missing,Credit cards stolen ,I was harassed, ,When all that happened was that they were greeted with a “Good morning”.something quite new to them, These Get rich ploys must be investigated and a tourist convicted….when will we learn…It is not our fault. And why does these stories only appear when persons are planning their vacation?? And lets tell the truth,,,Which Barbadian male would RAPE the Woman in this Story?

  5. Harry callihan

    you Negroes in barbados would have sex with anything that breathes or sometimes not.so she punched herself,funk off .here is the reality.

  6. Pingback: Rapists, Commissioner Darwin Dottin and the Integrity of the Evidence | Barbados Underground