Does Mia Mottley Qualify For The Job As Prime Minister Of Barbados?

The archaic ministers of the Howard Government are at it again. Whether it’s controlling access to abortion or accusing Deputy Opposition Leader Julia Gillard of the heresy of being “barren” it seems as if women’s bodies, choices and lives are a recurring obsession with them. And we thought we had enough of these hijinks with Hilarious Hilaly running around comparing women to “cats meat”.

Does it scare anyone that we have these men in authority with their perverse perceptions of female sexuality influencing policy??

The boys club of politics seems like an oversized fraternity- unable to deal with the presence of real women as equals and competitors in modern life they resort to puerile jibes at their opponent’s femininity as a way of discrediting them. It’s a recurring theme in politics- Whether its Bush feeling up Germany’s Chancellor at an international conference or US Presidential hope Hilary Clinton being accused of getting plastic surgery- these insults are so cheap their laugable. Grow up!!

Source: Wo-Magazine Blog

Recently you must have heard in the news the “political storm” which broke in Australia when Liberal Senator Bill Hefferman on the government side, questioned whether Julia Gillard who is the deputy leader of the opposition Labour party, “could fully understand her voters because she was barren”. Here at BU we immediately thought of Deputy Prime Minister Mia Mottley who from all reports appear to be childless and is poised to make a serious challenge to leadership of the BLP in the near future -according to some people close to the party; a previous attempt failed. However BU will not use such a crass way to describe a woman’s right to not mother or bear children if she so desires to have a career instead or ….

To describe Mia in politics is very strange though, we are tempted to think enigmatic. We all may agree that she stands head and shoulder above most of her colleagues in the Lower House. Her demonstration of a sharp intellect and capacity to speak with clarity on multiple issues, often with very little preparation rivals some of the greats like Tom Adams and Don Blackman. We scored the NISE speech she delivered at the Hilton last year very high on the scale. If only the boring CEO at NISE is able to operationlize much of what she challenged Barbadians and Barbadian businesses to do. Oh well that is another topic!

Mia is such an important political figure on the Barbados scene that she has already prompted two BU articles!

We stated earlier that the accusation made by Senator Hefferman about the Deputy Opposition leader in Australia is crass, but in BU’s view worthy of some discussion as it relates to Mia and the Barbados political landscape. Why is it that Mia appears to possess all the characteristics which would be listed on any checklist of a leader of any country but according to the recent CADRES poll her popularity among a Barbadian public is a poor and in the low single digit? We have all heard the “talk” about her sympathetic nature regarding the issue of homosexuality and the supporting issues. So far our research does not indicate if this consideration has been factored in any poll carried out by CADRES and would therefore have flavoured the outcome. Ooops we forgot that would be interpreted as slander. Anyway that is not the thrust of our proposition.

After we cut through the feminist dribble that is sure to echo back to a story of this type let us dispassionately examine the root issue. At this time in our social development (Barbados) should any Prime Minister not be expected to have an appreciation for “soft issues” borne out of being a mother, or should we say a matriarch of a household? The complexity of managing a small open economy no doubt coerces us into believing that the skill set of any Prime Minister must be more financial. Though important, one can see how the neglect of the social and softer issues can lead to rapid economic decline, just do a global scan. We are not any great fan of Dan Quayle of “the potatoe with an e fame” but the one thing which he has always preach and which still resonates with us is that the genesis of any wholesome society is a strong family unit.

Does Mia qualify for the job as Prime Minister of Barbados?

48 responses to “Does Mia Mottley Qualify For The Job As Prime Minister Of Barbados?

  1. Wishing in vain

    Her political slide started when she attempted to lead the country astray with her homosexual tendencies and thrusting them onto us like this is the way it will be or else!!do not fail to remember her adventures of beating TC into submission and having her admitted into hospital and then her biting adventure with the arm stron and secondly her moves to legalise prostitution was a second move by her that got hammered from which point Owing now attempting to capture votes started to parade the moral and ethics line bearing in mind that the new Mrs Arthur had banned his association with Hallam Nicholls because of her knowing what immoral activities he and Nicholls took part in with Nicholls supplying Owing with the women, but suddenly Owing is such a reglious man give me a break Owing.
    Unfortunately for Mottley she was bred into this nonsense of her homosexuality and did not go far to learn the art of grabbing hold of what she wanted as her mother before was very much of the same make up and style of operation very forthright in her approach to a woman.
    In a nutshell Mottley’s chances have withered away as it stands now she may even be struggling for seat in the house of assembly due mainly to her blotching up of every ministry she has molested, she will be remember as a lazy person after her nights out on the prowl hardly able to function the next day to hung over she once told a friend of mine she is not a morning person she her in the evening if they wanted anything done, a very verbose person with nothing following the empty air, one that took no blame for anything within her department, this is the legacy of Mottley.
    One that offered so much and delivery so little.
    Thank Owing for where you sit today.

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha Mia political foray reminds me of this guy’s, vocal IMITATIONS.

    She can’t even claim to be the original “Motor mouth”

    ….but there is an argument for politicians to be representative to and of the persons who sent them to parliament, and so, if the statistics in the article below are true then she may yet have a plausible, marketable case. 😀

  3. You know Barbados is an island of gossip and they worse it is the more the populace likes to hear it, expand on the topic and pass it on.

    I think Mia is an extrememly intelligent person, too intelligent to wash her underwear in public. Seems a bit stupid for an intelligent person who has political motivations. Doesn’t that then bring you to the possibility or conclusion that all this chisme was started within the party. Seems highly likely to me.

    For her attitude on the softer issues, would one have the same opinions if it was offered by another politician. I think not. Mia has been tried and found guilty without a second thought.

    I think that she would make a sound Prime Minister at some point. Maybe the time is not right at the moment. (The party has got reckless.) Barbadians are just not ready to have a female Prime Minister, they are still too naroow minded and chauvinistic to accept such.

    Mia has lots of time to wait her turn as she is still quite young.

    Mia hang in there I think you have lots to offer as Prime Minister of this island.

  4. Regarding the article mentioned:

    A womans choice to have a child or not have a child is just that her choice and should not be a measure of who she is. However in the political world family is seen as important. Mr. Howard in response to Mr. Heffernan’s comment was silly to make the statement “I have never held the view that a criterion for higher office is a particular social status you may have.” This is what political office is Family = stability = credibility In first world countries and some extent here as well (didn’t the PM get back with his first wife for him to get into office?) This is true for men however do the rules change for women? A woman is seen as a life giver, to decide not to be such she is seen as not normal and therefore not worthy.

    Having made such a grand statement of not wanting or not to have children cause there is a difference, (some can’t have so therefore don’t want or some can but don’t want.) Ms. Gillard should therefore develop the duck mentality (comments on the back then off the back keep going.) To enter into comment is not necessary. To defend ones decision if it is not a criterion for office is not therefore necessary.

    While the man was silly to make a statement like that, it is my view that a woman who don’t have or don’t want children cannot feel to the extent necessary to be effective, empathy or sympathy towards those that do. The same as a woman who wasn’t abused cannot feel the emotions of one who has.

    A greater truth that is being over looked here is the female in quesiton the mothering type. Not all women are, some just can’t handle being a mom and all that it takes so they would rather not be. If she (Ms. Gillard or Ms. Mottley) has identified that she is this type and has wisely choosen not to but to focus on career then she is the more wise than many who becasue of social pressure do have and then the children suffer.

    Another point that I believe is that women who don’t have children cannot full represent the needs of those who do. Case in point, Mia, Liz and Billie all women in postions to make and affect changes have no children however there is a hugh elephant regarding the way in which child support payments are distrributed and the distrespectful way women are being treated but this is not a priority for them. No experience = lack of sypmathy re situation.

    To fully understand the full extent of the question and to be balanced, on the other side of the coin I believe is the whole idea experience – leadershiop would I have to have children to feel for women, by the same token if I am not mentally challenged then I can’t understand the mentally challenged, if i have not been raped then i can’t understand or sympathes with a rape victim. The question then is if I didnot experiece then I cannot lead politically someone who has, by the same token if i have no children i can’t lead someone who does.

    just some ramblings

  5. One more things on the Mia issue as PM. This present PM was married to his first wife for over 24 years and from recent reports fathered 2 maybe 3 children while still legally married to her. All from different women.

    Now skip a beat to Ms. Mottley where the rumors have been flying high re her sexual persuasion. Where is the difference between these individuals.

    WE continue to laud the PM as the man of the hour, not saying he isn’t but why is he allowed to burn all moral and ethical values but she is ridiculed/victimized for hers. Why should her sexual preference be a criteria for PMship, when clearly his is not. The moral fiber is been crushed by both yet only one is being called on it.

    Not that I agree with her if she is sexually free but in all fairness the question must be asked.

  6. Wishing in Vain

    Maybe because as a man womanising is more palatable than lesbianism.

  7. Isabella, I disagree with you that Barbados is not ready for a Female prime minIster. If Barbadians had the choice in the first place to vote for a Prime Minister, and had a female entered into such a race this country would have had one a long time ago. I believe this to be so because as far back as the late 80’s when Mrs Lowe became the first female bus driver in Barbados with the then Rocklyn Transport Board, there wasn’t a Job available in Barbados that a woman was not functioning in. Mia Mottley is a highly compromise person and her assume unsuitability to lead her fellow parliamentarians doesn’t have a thing to do with the Majority of Barbadians, and those that have had a say, by way of the ability to cast their vote for her in the constituentcy she contested, did so. The fact remains that in the present systems of governance and parliamentary proceedure, that Mia Mottley is to polerizing a figure to the majority of the current group of her collegues to ever command the majority required by law and that would compel the GG to declare her the PM. It will not happened now.

  8. I hesitatingly agree with you. I think that if a good MP comes on the scene that is a hard worker and satisfy a certain moral behaviour, she could go for the gold.

  9. Sick and fed up Sylvan

    It would be a sad day if Mia Mottley ever becomes prime minister of Barbados which is very unlikely. To qualify for prime minister, much more is required than pretty talk which Mama Mia is very skilled at. There is often very little substance in the pretty talk because she speaks to impress the ears not the brain. Every single ministry Mia Mottley has been in charge of is full of problems. Look at what happened to Edutech recenty, her pet project which was supposed to revolutionize learning. It was cut back because government finally came to the realization that it was a pie-in-the-sky project eating up lots of money. Also look at CBC and the Prisons and you have enough evidence to cause you to wonder about Mia’s leadership and management skills. Mia destroyed her chances to become prime minister by suggesting that homosexuality should be legalized which will then be followed by government approval of same sex marriages which will destroy traditional family values which made this country strong. Anytime Mia Mottley makes a move to become prime minister, the religious community in this country and the conservative element which has lots of influence behind the scenes, will mobilize against her. I am not impressed with Mia Mottley. I can see beyond the smokescreen

  10. Sorry, but I can’t agree with many of the comments above. If Mia is incompetent or corrupt she does not deserve to lead Barbados. However, that she may support homosexuality should have nothing to do with it. Homophobia may be alive and well in Barbados and many other places but it has no place in a tolerant society. I may not understand why anyone would be homosexual but I do feel it’s a personal issue. If you want to talk about decline in morals, look to adultery, sexual activity (of the heterosexual sort) in schools and on cell phones, drug related violence, gang culture and US influence. But don’t blame it on homosexuality.

  11. James~we can’t fault your contribution but the problem for Mia still exist. Barbadian perceptually have a problem with people who are sympathetic to homosexuality leading the country.

  12. I read the comments from your contributors and I am left bewildered and saddened at the fact that Bajans are still living in the “Dark Ages”, but more than that I am left dumbfounded by those in the island who still believe that the Nation – meaning the Government and the public -has a God Given right to dictate to the citizens of Barbados what each person’s sexual orientation ought to be.
    Since fornication and adultery are no longer criminal offences, it is way past the time when homosexuality should be left to the individual and be taken off the statutes as a criminal offence. Bajans need to wake up from their deep slumber and see the world for what it is.

    I find it to be nothing short of heresy for someone to make a comment that homosexuality will destroy the family structure. Where have you been all of these years when the heterosexuals have carried on with out shame or fear of God, man or the devil to abuse spouses and children, and destroy homes?
    The tactics that are now being exercised towards Mia, are the same that were unleached against Billie some years ago by her male – I can’t even say colleagues- rivals. It is time the women in Barbados rise up and take a stand, since they are the majority of the electorate. I am not saying Mia is ready or even if she should be the PM; however, for a few insecure members of the male gender to decide that a woman can not be the PM because she is not a mother, or for some other irrelevant reason should not be tolerated by the majority of voters.

    The current state of affairs in the world today are far from stable, safe, or offer any sound social fabric to anyone. This has occurred with men at the helm; perhaps we need to take a second look and try to think differently from our ancestors, since the world is certainly a very different place for us than it was for them.

  13. Victor R Callender


    Ignorant small Island mentalities allow for some of you to disparage people in order to bolster yourselves. Whether or not Mia Mottley sexual persuasion is differerent from mine is her own business. Can Ms Mottley be an efficient leader of Barbados? That and many more questions centered around her fiscal leadership should be asked and answered. Instead, you political mental midgets spend your time in deep lillipution thought over the stuff that idiots are made of. Some of you refugees from good secondary educations should be mindful that information technology is useful for education and is not primarily a meeting place for ignoramuses. In other words, stop your foolishness of defaming and attempting to place people in second class citizenry, based on gender bias and sexual orientation and elevate your discussions to things that benefit Barbadians at large.

  14. Thanks for the comments so far on what is a touchy subject in Barbados. Discussion perhaps we can use to enlighten all on this subject. I assure you all that as a member of the Barbadian community there is a real phobia here and what it will take to achieve some acceptable tolerance that would see people of all backgrounds contributing to society is still some way away. We just have to look at how Bajans reacted to Robinson’s appointment to Bishop in the USA.

    PS. If any BU guest would want to write a piece on the subject please let us know!

  15. Wishing in Vain

    Victor R Callender Dear Sir, The long and short of the matter, is even if she was or was not a lesbian as quite clearly she is, the real issue is that she is unfit to be a leader based on her dismal performances in every ministry she has molested Educationand Edutech that ran nowhere for upteen years with her at the helm was a fiasco culture was a fiasco, security re CWC was an outstanding disaster her role as deputy P M is one shrouded in about turns and errors of judgement and her desire to legalise prostitution, surely no one can seriously think that she would do any better as PM.
    Her problem is that she appears to believe that once she speaks a lot and says nothing she has fooled the masses well we have gone past those days Mottley we understand just what you are about, maybe if you would stay of that stuff your head would be clearer and then you would get into the ministry early on a morning and be able to function unlike what you do now, you are a rich bum looking to make yourself richer at the expense of we the poor people of this nation.

  16. Wishing In Vain, isn’t obvious that people like Vic Challender are late to the Internet? That he could somehow think that his remarks would flatter anyone or cause them to truly cease and desist, or refocus their commentary on Mia Mottley is so telling of an elitist attitude, that is unaccustomed to differences of opinion.
    Mia Mottley has two insurmontable hurdles to get over. She has to convince the parliamentary group and the wider BLP party membership that she is worthy of the leadership, Then she has to satisfy those of us who while not being party diehards, stand ready to let it be known by our votes that we have an interest or no interest in one of the two persons likely to be the PM.
    …..Don’t we all know the value of perceptions to electability? Of course we do. Look at the PM, he has literally remade himself, in a case fit for TV, from a man susceptible to accusations of being amoral, to one of being a decent christian, wedded man. Even Mia has started to pay closer attention to her wardrobe, going from wearing manly looking Jacket and shirts which prompted many of her detractors to wonder if she had access to her father’s closet to appearing in more feminine clothing. Why do you think that is ? If Mia can be of the view that is makes little sense for any cabinet member or the entire parliament even if they are convince that their are right, too implement, policy and law that the population is not in tune with or outright against. Why is it so wrong for persons to yet again rely on their perceptions on where and for who to place their vote?
    I have always say that Mia Mottley was never the right person to talk about the merits of decriminalizing buggery as a way to combat Aids within the prison population. She should have seen this approach as weak and easily argued against, and that in such a case the long held view of her sexual orientation, would have been proffered as a possible reason for this weak approach to combating the spread of aids.
    ……..She has one person to blame besides herself and that is Owen Arthur. Mia Mottley was doing well in spite of the universal knowledge of her assumed lifestyle choices. People knew of the rumours surrounding her when the first poll was release showing her looking very favourable. Owen Arthur knew that in spite of her assume lifestyle that she was threat, as she was seen in a favourable light by many who knew of the rumour. What made it all so bad for her is Owen Arthur instructing a reporter to ask Mia about Aids and or homosexuality in glendairy. She would tell you that all she did was respond to a question. Owen Arthur knew that people would link her assumed lifestyle to her opinions on what should be done to combat the spread of aids in prison. It had the effect that Owen Arthur intended. That is why i think that David Thompson’s expose of Owen Arthur, checks, deposits, land deal etc. was the result of a rear colluding between Thompy and Mia.

  17. ……and the fallout that I believe exist between Mia and Owen continues. In her contribution to the recently held budget debate, Mia vigorously defended edutech, today government release the cost of educ-tech and in so doing further solidifying the long held negative beliefs of many that edutech was a good idea that was poorly manage and implemented, a perception that is tied like a “necklace” around Mia Mottley’s neck. To all of you that honestly believe that there was something of substance and of benefit to Barbados in Mia Mottley, you have to asked yourself if you agree with Owen Arthur’s systematic destruction of Mia and her aspirations to serve her country as PM someday. Will you let him get away with this?

  18. Adrian~in the face of such disloyalty can we expect Mia to react negatively or will she toe the party line? Don’t forget that we have seen the dismantling of CBC structures and people which she would have been instrumental in setting-up.

  19. Mia will toe the line, she is weighing her options, and doing so in a systematic way. Political mind games is a passion of hers. Here is how i see her thought process on the way forward.

    1: If she loses her seat, and this is a distinct possibility, and the BLP loses the election, she will tell all.
    2: If she loses her seat and the BLP wins, and Owen Arthur does not succeed in courting her loyalty with a senate position and in state ministry position, then she will see her exclusion as the proof that Owen deliberately aided in her demise. She would most likely seek more payback, and we would most likely learn more about Arthur underhand dealings and affairs.
    3: If she wins and the BLP loses the election, she will again take stock of her popularity amonst the parliamentarians and the wider BLP community to see if a challegne to Owen Arthur can be a success.
    5: If she loses, the Blp wins, she may even look to see what her chances may be on returning to the DLP fold. Don’t count her out, and don’t think that she will let Owen Arthur of the hook for long. Mia is much much more vindictive than me and i aint nuh sweetbread. 😀

  20. Wishing in Vain

    Owing has been surgical in dis breaking down of mottley, the toss up at CBC and the removal of a pack of her girls of her ilk and the revelation as to the extent of the nonsense that existed up there, now we have him have Wood adjust the Edutech program so that she and it can be deemed a failure, she was also minister responsible when the unrest took place at the jail as well did that have anything to do with homosexuality??
    He removed her from the ministry of culture, foreign affairs, ministry of state, and has tossed her around like a dogs toy, and you want us to believe that either one of them deserve voting for these are surpreme clowns a bunch of liars, thieves and immoral people.

  21. Okay I need to comment on Shirley’s comment

    “It is time the women in Barbados rise up and take a stand, since they are the majority of the electorate.”
    I quite agree we should rise up against the fact the for so many years these present women have been in Parliment and to date maybe someone can enlighten me, but so far these women have done nothing to enhance or advance the plight of women in this country.

    Daily women are being disrespected and abused by the Registry when they try to collect the pittance that courts enforce as child support. See them walking miles in hot sun to be told “de clerk en hey” or “de books en get balance yet” so poor lady needs to walk back home, and come again. Mia, Liz ,Billie where are you in this matter? Nurses are subjected to abuse as in yesterdays paper have they come out against this?
    So many other areas salaries, we are still being victimized by men in this regards. Rape victims still stand before their attackers in the same room and breath the same air?

    This is their legacy. Now I await to see if the ladies of the DLP, some mothers and wives. Let me hear from you ’cause i am tired being victimized by the current batch of females in power in this country.

    I await a response.

  22. Adrian at no time did i indicate my preference for or against Mia beig PM just gave views on the issue discussed.

  23. Victor R Callender // May 7th 2007 at 3:43 am

    All Ignorant small Island mentalities allow for some of you to disparage people in order to bolster yourselves. Whether or not Mia Mottley sexual persuasion is differerent from mine is her own business. Can Ms Mottley be an efficient leader of Barbados? That and many more questions centered around her fiscal leadership should be asked and answered. Instead, you political mental midgets spend your time in deep lillipution thought over the stuff that idiots are made of. Some of you refugees from good secondary educations should be mindful that information technology is useful for education and is not primarily a meeting place for ignoramuses. In other words, stop your foolishness of defaming and attempting to place people in second class citizenry, based on gender bias and sexual orientation and elevate your discussions to things that benefit Barbadians at large.

    Mr. Callender
    I am sorry that you feel a healthy discussion such as this is ignorant and we are ignorant for doing so. Should we then just kiss ass and lick toes and continue to say Yes massa!!!

  24. Victor R Callender


    An intelligent question is one half of wisdom. I am not against sincere discourse into Mia Mottley’s qualifications and her other intangibles to perform the job of Prime Minister of Barbados. I am however proud of each of my fellow Barbadians for allowing folks the right to be heard, and for keeping discussions civil. When we as bajans disparage and drag folks names through the mud, that’s harmful and wrong. You Isabella must be responsible for your actions, and you should be guided by the instincts of your heart. To be kind to someone and respectful of their sexual orientation and gender is not “Kissing as and licking toes.” In the course of an intelligent conversation when you or I are marginalized we are disqualified from future serious intellectual discourse.

  25. Victor R Callender

    I am very grateful that you have allowed me a voice on this blog. Thank you all for educating me. I feel that Mia Mottley should be held accountable for her mis-management of the Ministries she ran, and not her sexual orientation or gender. The late great Errol Walton Barrow always defeated political opponents with ideas and not mean spiritedness. I feel that Owen Arthur is the most dangerous man in Barbados, in that he has single handedly tried to destroy the opposition Democratic Labour Party (DLP) for the purpose of his own power thirst. Owen does not love Barbados or Barbadians, Owen loves Owen. At the end of the day, power is the ultimate aphrodisiac and Owen knows how to play his instruments of power.

  26. Wishing in Vain

    Owing came to power owning nothing Bernie Weatherhead put the clothes he wore on his back,(and some say removed some clothes as well from the misses A) however I am sure he would never plan to return to those dark days where money was hard to find therefore he set about creating a system that worked for he and his close friends the inner circle of corruption and dishonesty.
    They have all benefitted by their schemes and I can assure you they are all very well stashed away in overseas bank accounts in many different names and places.

  27. I must say that i welcome Albert Branfords own opinions in his column. He still however relys to much on what occurs in other country’s to help paint the picture of local politics. I believe that todays British, and American public are not as politicaly tuned as todays Barbadian public.

    ……Albert is reporting that there is “Rumour” that Mia tabled her resignation from the cabinet and that it was refuse by Owen Arthur.
    “Within the last two to three weeks, there were other strong rumours that Mottley had tendered her resignation from the Cabinet, but that it had been refused by the Prime Minister.

    No one in the Arthur Administration would comment on these reports, and that has itself only served to heighten speculation that, in the old Bajan saying, “there might be more in the mortar than just the pestle”.

  28. Adrian~Brandford is a journalist which time has taken its toll. You must understand that for a political journalist to pay his or her bills in Barbados given the ownership in the media will require some compromise on the part of the journalist.

    That is when they stop being journalists!

  29. Wishing i want to hear more about Bernie Weatherhead clothing Owen Arthur. Weatherhead is one of those low profile whiteboys who is immensely rich. Unlike COW,Kyffin,Bizzy and them he quietly buys up everything in sight and really turns large profits. He owns duty free shops, hotels, travel agencies, airlines, car rental agencies, large tracts of real estate, gas stations you name it. I am sure he owns even more. These shadowy whites are big influences on BLP governement policy as witnessed by Arthurs adulation of COW’s success. Like many Barbadians outside the real economy loop I would like to know more about this Bernie Weatherhead and his relationship to Owen Athur.

  30. Pingback: It’s Mia In 2013 «

  31. Pingback: What is Mottleyism? «

  32. I hope she donate some of that money to a school program or better roads, light, and gas for poor areas in barbados, the island needs more schools, too many kids in one school. 1200 childrean should not be housed in a high school, politicians needs to wake up and do something for the poor masses.

  33. the fact is that many politicians demand and get high salaries and dont really care about the poor. They build a massive prison but cant find money to build two more secondary schools, parents have to pay high prices for the school uniforms and the government should be helping out the parents, the child support department needs to be revamped it is high time in this world of high technology that all the funds from the fathers go to account and the money be posted to an account for the mothers or whoever collect child support, not people sometimes leave their workplace to go stand in a long line and then come to find out theres no money or the books are not balanced. Some of the clerks are so rude that it makes no sense standing in a long line, where are the politicians or the leaders doing to help poor parents sometimes single mothers, I myself used to collect child support and know how long you have to wait in line, then for the clerks to not even look in your face when they are talking to you, they think you come there to beg. Many of those children today are grown into adults and this snale like attitude is still going on.

  34. Wishing In Vain

    Nanci, you must be kidding to think that she will donate the settlement to a charity not this one not her.

    Ask DR short man G E he will confirm it all without fear.

  35. @ Nanci

    Why should Mia donate her money to wunna. Somebody tell wunna to go and lie down and breed and bring children in de world without fathers?
    Start taking responsiblity for wunna own actions doo!
    If ya poor, dont breed. Go on de pill or use a condom. End of story.
    A single individual can fight poverty but if you choose to compound the situation by breeding then why the hell should society pay for your wrecklessness?

  36. @ WIV

    If you got so much mouth why you dont make these statement in a public forum using your name?
    The only problem is that it makes no sense suing you cause you so damn brek it’s a shame.
    I hope Thompson shares de fatted calf with your brek ass.

  37. Bernie Weatherhead is one of those low profile whiteboys who is immensely rich. Unlike COW,Kyffin,Bizzy and them he quietly buys up everything in sight and really turns large profits. He owns duty free shops, hotels, travel agencies, airlines, car rental agencies, large tracts of real estate, gas stations you name it. I am sure he owns even more. These shadowy whites are big influences on BLP governement policy .
    First time I am seeing this post. Its so true. Another shadowy rich whiteboy who funds blp is the nerdy Edgehill boy of Speightstown jetty fame. Is there any poor whites on island?

  38. What about the white boys who fund the DLP?

  39. Barbados is such a rumourous society. The lady has won her case, none of you were part of the scandel, why should you benefit? If you want to help Mia, come out in public and make your accusations. Why not ask the P.M to get Clico to build a school? they will do that quite easily, but then why should we build a new school to educate illegal guyanese children.

  40. Bernie Weatherhead owns the revamped Sugar Cane Hotel/spa in st Peters .
    Should do well once the new marina gets underway.

  41. WIV

    Your mouth does your views no good at all.
    You just like like an embittered jealous old tart .

  42. Homophobia may be alive and well in Barbados and many other places but it has no place in a tolerant society. I may not understand why anyone would be homosexual but I do feel it’s a personal issue. If you want to talk about decline in morals, look to adultery, sexual activity (of the heterosexual sort) in schools and on cell phones, drug related violence, gang culture and US influence. But don’t blame it on homosexuality.
    Well said James

  43. Wishing In Vain

    Anonymous // October 8, 2008 at 9:40 am

    @ WIV

    If you got so much mouth why you dont make these statement in a public forum using your name?

    You must rate as the most stupid person on this blog i will do as you request when you do the same idiot.

  44. Anybody who puts the Treaty of Chaguaramus before me (A PROUD BAJAN) cant get my vote!

  45. @ WIV

    I’m not here denigrating Miss Mottley, you are. You are a coward! You get here and hide behind anonimity. Show your face and stop hiding if you have all this proof and get your broke ass sued.
    You hand-to-mout nigga!

  46. Copyright and National Origin of the Work Copyright protection is available for all unpublished works, regardless of the nationality or domicile of the author. ,

  47. For example, if surrounded by thugs, he’ll gain superhuman strength and durability, allowing him to defeat them. ,

  48. The book can be used in faculty and staff development, strategic planning, institutional mission clarification, leadership development, and collaborative efforts between academic and student affairs. ,