David Thompson Comes Out Swinging

david_thompson.jpgTo those political pundits who have determined that Leader of the Opposition David Thompson is too much of a choir boy for the hurly burly of politics got a rude awakening at the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) last night at Haggatt Hall. In a 90 minute presentation, David Thompson betrayed a high level of rascality when he ruthlessly prosecuted a case of corruption against Prime Minister Owen Arthur and his government. At the end on it all, David Thompson may have quelled all the doubts about his leadership caused by the 1994 Queens Park IMF Affair. He gave the stunned crowd the evidence which surrounds the much discussed cheque donation which was deposited to Arthur’s personal account. Again and again, the crowd was bombarded with video presentation of cheques and documents projected on the two big screens to support his charge. The high level of financial contributions by the former Caribbean Commercial Bank to Arthur headed by Mariano Browne at the time (Former Chairman of Enterprise Growth Fund) and the BLP during the 2003 general election was mind blowing. Additionally, the reference to the 4.25% commission demanded in the Eastern Lottery Gambling deal i.e. Barbados Cricket Association lottery which was pocketed by a high ranking government official has thickened the plot. He also introduced the name Hallam Nichols as the man who has been pocketing millions in commissions because of all the government business directed his way. Thompson made the point that Hallam Nichols and the Prime Minister are very close friends. The close friendship was illustrated when Nichols was invited to Arthur’s private wedding over Ministers in Arthur’s cabinet.

the much discussed cheque donation which was deposited to Arthur’s personal account.

The ‘cheque’ which was deposited by Arthur to his personal account and Thompson’s expose of the ‘flyover’ project may have been the performance to date to firmly move the scales in favour of his party.

Bank Statement

To all those present who heard the case leveled by Thompson against Arthur and the BLP, the verdict is GUILTY as charged.

143 responses to “David Thompson Comes Out Swinging

  1. what got me is if these cheques are the “real deal” why not bring them up in the house? bajans love talk, and bring those cheques up on a platform, was a song and dance… a good one because it serve it’s casue. TALK!!! de same way he wanted to talk about hardwood in the house, he should of don’t the same with that…. but it’s all a game from BLP and DLP. they don’t carry about me john doe. i guess the saying is true “friends and family 1st”

    like some one here say, the DLP promise all kinds of in the 100 days. yet Eskwick sing and shouting about our financial dilemma… that makes good sense to me. i would vote for dem… to go in the mental.

  2. God help us if we give those bastards another term

  3. At the meeting last night, Mr. Thompson mentioned Mariano Browne and cheques written. What he failed to say is, Mariano Browne worked for CCB which is owned by Clico. You know that Duprey the head honcho Clici is the financier for the Panday party, that’s a fact; and his top official Monteil is the treasurer of the Manning Party. Browne as head of CCB was close to Arthur, whilst Parris is associated with Thompson. The wicket now becomes tricky with Browne resigning from CCB/RTBB to become the Minister in the Ministry of Finance in the Manning cabinet. This is where the bombshell was activated. It is a calculated effort to align the cheques shown last night and the Owen Arthur government. What is missing is the cheques made out to the DLP party. This is was just a “Shell” the bomb was defused since 2003.

  4. A copy of a copy of a cheque that has not been authenticated, even under the broadest definition, is not evidence. The learned QC’s case has its foundation in quicksand. Again, who wrote the cheque, how did it come into the position of the learned QC, and what law is the PM accused of breaking?

  5. frankology

    ” and again I am not Mascoll. Everything David spoke about, I had in earlier submissions, ”


    You LYING again….David Thompson on 9th JANUARY , 2008 quoted from a
    ” CONFIDENTIAL ” document prepared after 20th DECEMBER , 2007 !

    This was long after……your BRILLIANT display on 4th DECEMBER , 2007 !

    We gine RIP you & Owen CRAW out of
    place !

    CRAW…..( a word Owen Arthur used on nomination day…31 December 2007 ) !!!!

    Owen just SUMMONED all the technical staff of Public Works to his office in Bay Street !

    If Owen was dealing with the people issues…..he would NOT now be trying to play catch up !



  6. When Owen, who cried 14 years ago, that he couldn’t pay his bills ,is now rated one of
    the nine richest men in Barbados , I think all right thinking Bajans should should sit up and take note.

    This man said recently that all his ministers were squeaky clean. As it turns out, he is the biggest crook of them all… he Hallam Nicholls and David Shorey should be named as last year’s piggies at the trough.

    Whether Bajans vote them back in or not would not make them pure. And you B>F>P>E criminals are just like them… probably waiting for the crumbs from their table

  7. IF BAjans let OWen blindfold them with a Taiwanese issue we deserve what we get. He done sell us out to the Chinese. Look around Barbados and see how many Chinese businese interests springing up. Soon from now bout here is going to look like one of those crappy Chinese towns. He sell us out to the Guyanese too. We need to take back Barbados and tell Owen and the BLP to go to hell and if David do foolishness when it is his turn we do the same with him too but we need to send this Government a strong message. We ain’t taking no more shite.

  8. ” CONFIDENTIAL ” document prepared after 20th DECEMBER , 2007 !
    Nonsense Jerome, I was dealing with the issue of the highway in the press and on the radio way back in 2006 when the highway first started. You say that David was speaking from a ‘confidential document’ prepared which if he was doing his job, he would have realised this talk was in the public domain for months. Again I say, he refused to speak on the subject due to his association with the Clico powerplay.

  9. Wishing in Vain // January 10, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    All comments have been under moderation sorry do not be so petty.
    A man should know when something is moderated and when it has been stopped.

  10. Andrew.. you said

    “….probably waiting for the crumbs from their table”

    Don’t you know there are lots of crumbs falling from the table.

    Don’t you know many make a meal of the crumbs.

    Too bad if you can’t get any!

  11. When Owen, who cried 14 years ago, that he couldn’t pay his bills ,is now rated one of
    the nine richest men in Barbados
    You know if a sickness is in the air, we bajan are so gullible that we will catch it. Did you ask the person who said it what is his position or even Parris in the equation. Maybe, we will have a millionaire Prime Minister taking up the realm of Government.

  12. Adrian H asked if it would have been more strategic for Thompson to wait until weekend to release last night info. It is a good question and no doubt they have their strategy. We suspect that they felt they had to respond asap after the Taiwan accusation to stop that story from getting momentum. We also suspect that Thompson has more info at his disposal for the final going down.

  13. Andrew // January 10, 2008 at 4:24 pm

    When Owen, who cried 14 years ago, that he couldn’t pay his bills ,is now rated one of
    the nine richest men in Barbados….

    You sound like a real idiot.

    Who are these “nine richest men in Barbados”? Give us their names and their wealth in Bajan dollars.

    Any idiot can come on the internet and talk crap as you do.

    B F P E

  14. David,

    “We also suspect that Thompson has more info at his disposal for the final going down.”

    Maybe we at B F P E are overly cynical, but why does it seem to us that you really wanted to say “We also hope that Thompson has more info at his disposal for the final going down.”

    All Thompson is serving up is wonton soup and cold soup.

    Have you driven on the highway lately? …. It’s beautiful.

    B F P E

  15. Wuh happen tuh de promised “bomb”?

    Wuh I ain hear nuhbody in Barbados talking bout um. It was business as usual tuhday.

  16. “Tony // January 10, 2008 at 10:07 am

    Barbadians better wake up. I am here in New York.”

    Then you should stay in New York and mind your own damn business.

    B F P E

  17. frankology,

    Again I say, he refused to speak on the subject due to his association with the Clico powerplay.


    You clutching at straws !

  18. Grandfather Rat @ B F P E //
    As far as many persons are concerned the DLP is on the right track. Many of us believe that David is the man for Barbados at the moment. He is more than capable. He sure leadership potential from very early. He has more experience than Owen did when he became PM

  19. Anonymous,

    “He has more experience than Owen did when he became PM”

    One of them has never won an election in Barbados.

  20. I gone.

    I gine an visit de DLP-TV site tuh see if it wukking yet.

    And 10 seconds aftah dat I gine an spen de res o de nite watching BLP-TV…. ’cause BLP tings does wuk!

    B F P E

  21. David you still think that the DLP portrayal of Owen as “lil fidel” is overboard?


  22. policeman you stupid or what wake and see whats going on around you,you live in mile and a quarter or what

  23. I was all for the BLP party until I went to the meeting last night in Haggatt Hall. I know that elections was not going right as my party (the BLP) was not dealing and seem not to want to deal with the issues. I am a person who deal with facts and after tonight I AM CONVERTED TO A DLP SUPPORTER.

    We don’t know what Mr. Arthur is going to say concerning defending this issue but my mind is made up. Thank you DLP for looking at the issue of cost-of-living as it is very hard for me, my family and friends trying to survive month to month.

    MAY GOD BLESS BARBADOS and there is indeed the need for change.

  24. Backra Johnny

    I just finish my own poll ..
    DLP 23
    BLP 7

    Owen … Goin … Gone …

    There cant be any better justice then Owen at Dodds .. the US can send the VECO man to stay there too ….. ya make ya bed ..then lie in it..

  25. Dear B F P E,

    You are a true BLP supporter and you need a clap for that. If some one is hurting your family but you love that person who is hurting your family, I can tell that you would clearly leave out your family and go with the person causing the pain.

    Maybe you are not going through any thing as you might be a person reaping the sweets from kick-backs from the BLP but as for me me and my family we are hurting and calling me a stupid DLP fraud just tells me what kind of person you are.

    Look at what is happening to poor Bajans, as GOD to take the blinders off your eyes, give some of YOUR money to the poor and let me know how it feels. People are robbing and looking to possibly kill for money and food.

    You are just for party. I am for facts. Study it.

  26. I have decided to describe the meeting for those who did not witness it through their own peculiar circumstances but would like to have an idea.
    Now I have never seen so many cars nor people assembled in the same vicinity. (Bear with me, I am a homebody) Countless; I guess because the crowd was made up of Bees and Dees. But you know what I found astounding? That in the midst of this contentious election run, when the National Anthem was played every one resorted to being pure Bajan.
    It started late. Ronald Jones was the MC/preacher. His English for a teacher was not the best. Branford Taitt was tight den! The night was about Thompson, Estwick and Chris for me. Estwick and Chris were humorous and hard hitting. Has anyone ever heard of a political peachink? Or a squeezy pooch?
    The highlight of the evening was obviously Thompson’s speech. At one time there was an eerie calm during the speech; I think it was the shock of what was said at that point, for everyone went quiet.
    I do not understand how people can say with a straight face that the DLP’s candidates can’t match the BLP’s candidates or anything to that effect. I think most of them are even better than what the BLP are offering. Most of the DLP’s candidates are young, energetic, sweet and fresh looking and academically armed to the teeth. But I digress. Back to the meeting. Chris spoke last. The meetings these days are too long. it finished just after 1 a.m. I was in Julie N’s carpark away from the main crowd, but there was a crowd there too.
    There was one point where, I can’t remember who asked, the crowd was asked if they were going to vote for the Bees and there was the response from the Bees who openly declared yes but then obviously when the question of voting for the other side was put, the response was overwhelming and expectedly so since it would have been a mostly partisan crowd.
    It was fun but serious at the same time. I too sleepy now. Hope that retelling may have helped somebody.
    I got the feeling that the people are tired and want a change. Of course I am human so I could have misinterpreted the response of the crowd.

  27. Georgie Porgie

    One thing I will say is that everynight I can sit before my computer here in Orlando FL and listen to the BLP meetings. Two days later, I can see the speeches posted online.

    On the other hand, I cant see the DLP meetings, or even hear them on the annoying virtual radio that comes on when you visit the site, nor can I see the speeches posted. Im concerned. Is this a portend of how these guys will run the government?

    If they are not faithful in small things can we expect them to be in big things?

  28. I forgot one….

    Or like in the story of the Emperor’s new clothes.

    David Thompson promised Barbados that he would step out last night in fine new clothes.

    We are only waiting now for the little boy who opens his mouth and says “But the Emperor is wearing no clothes.”

    Hmmm…. Did I just say it first? No…. someone on BFP wrote this morning about how she was “underwhelmed”.

    Maybe it was spill-off rain from Tuesday night in Eagle Hall that turned Thompson’s “bombshell” into a damp squib.

    B F P E

  29. Backra Johnny

    B F P E There is no fool like a fool who fools himself. But then again I think everyone on here realizes that you are basically just doing a job, not very well mind you, but I hope you are getting well paid for what you do cause after Jan 15th, it done!!

  30. Anonymous, i appreciate your honesty in reporting what pursue last nigh in Haggatt Hall. This is the type of behaviour of a debater. Removing partisan from politics. I agree with you that the crowd was massive, I agree with you when the crowd were asked about voting pattern and I agree the it had Bees within the mix.

  31. Looks like Mascoll is cutting down everything Thompson said last night.


    All the graphs and the plans for the highway and the flyovers are on the screen. The FACTS (they look very genuine to an ordinary voter like me) are being put out and Thompson is being made to look like a clown.

    Poor Thompson. Mascoll must be relishing this moment of revenge.

  32. BFPE you really happy with your gov’ts behaviour and favouring a 1 party state so bad? You are not for real. You have to be the country’s first angel because you aren’t from earth.

    Georgie Porgie get some time off and come home neh. You will do better for it.

    Rachel, don’t let BFPE rattle your nerves. Pray for the person. He could be living next door for all you know.
    Please know that you are child of the universe, with every right to be here like anyone else so let not your heart be troubled.

  33. frankology,

    Yes the crowd was massive but you can be sure that most of them (D or B) went there to hear the “bombshell” he had promised to deliver.

    Where’s the bomb?

    He FAILED to deliver.

    Just like he failed to deliver DLP-TV. Remember what happened when their promised LIVE STREAM was first supposed to be launched? They said that it was unavailable due to “industrial action at Cable and Wireless”.

    He has also promised to deliver a lot more things in his manifesto within 100 days.

    Now if he can’t even deliver his own party’s manifesto at the manifesto launch…. and if he can’t even deliver DLP-TV when he promises to deliver DLP-TV…. and if he can’t deliver a bombshell when he promises a bombshell…. why the hell should I vote for him when he promises the sun, the moon and all the stars in 100 days after taking power?

    B F P E

  34. The bombshell

    11.7M per kilometre (1000 metres)
    = 1.17 M per 100 metres
    = 117,000 per metre

    Since we already had 2 lanes and we now have 4, if the width of the lane = 10 feet per lane we are payin $117,000 for each 20 square metres of pavement.

    20 square metres is an area 4.5 metres x 4.5 metres (13.5 feet x 13.5 feet)

    How would you feel if it cost 117,000 to pave your bedroom?

  35. Now hush while the Prime Minister talks about how the (desperate DLP) thugs attacked two BLP supporters with cutlasses today in Ashton Hall.

  36. My firs post it is sad but the BLP is going to win this election with ease most bajans dont listen to the facts once they can pay the bills and eat food they are good to go and the BLP has been great in being able to convince people that the DEMS cannot lead

  37. ANKH // January 10, 2008 at 10:01 pm

    My firs post it is sad but the BLP is going to win this election with ease most bajans dont listen to the facts once they can pay the bills and eat food they are good to go and the BLP has been great in being able to convince people that the DEMS cannot lead

    You have finally come out and said what I have picked up from the vibes all around me in recent days.

    If I can EAT FOOD and PAY MY BILLS why the hell should I change? Change to what? STARVATION and SUFFERATION?

    Me? I like muh damn belly too much.

    B F P E

  38. And furthermore

    13.5 x 13.5 feet = 182.25 square feet

    At 117,000 that is $642.00 per square foot

    You build a house, with plumbing, roof, contractor margins of 25% for 250 per square foot

    How bedding and paving a road could be almost three times to build a house?

  39. Owen talking about about Undene Whittaker’s $21.60 bounced cheque to Kentucky Fried Chicken.

    Bajans ain’t fools. They will take the DLP money and vote for whoever they want, some may not even vote at all.

    Owen says Wickham is being sued!

  40. And furthermore

    How it cold be that this three times cost of 117,000 per metre has happened 10,000 times? Each metre at $117,000 is only one of the 10,000 metres.

    All of Barbados should now understand and remember how many houses for poor people could have built with all that money that gone offshore and disappear. And how the water could be better. And how the hospital could have been better. And many more things.

    No forensic can ever trace that. It gone. And more to go.

  41. Sorry, it happened 11,700 times

  42. Anonymous,


    Shut yuh mout, boy. De prime minister talking.

    Learn respect!

    B F P E

  43. B F P E,

    Why not also tell how Clyde Mascoll just got up in Eden Lodge and CLEARLY STATED AGAIN to go out and VOTE for DAVID THOMPSON.

  44. The Advocate gave a more comprehenisve report of Haggatt Hall meet than the Nation:

    Web Posted – Thu Jan 10 2008
    Opposition Leader David Thompson dropped his bombshell last night, seeking to detonate the Owen Arthur administration for more than $1 billion in cost overruns, with a bill of more than $140 million for the highway expansion project.

    There was silence in Haggatt Hall in the area of the Bussa Roundabout, a stretch of road where the highway expansion project covers, as an explosive Thompson revealed statistic after statistic to the thousands gathered for the DLP mass meeting.

    Thompson raised the stakes in the General Election campaign by calling on the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) administration to address the cost overrun issue before Election Day, especially the astronomical rise in the cost of the ABC Road widening project over the past few years.

    Ar med with powerpoint presentations and documents, the DLP Leader particularly referred to a document which was entitled Barbados Road Network Infrastructure Improvement Project, which was prepared by the technical officers in the Ministry of Public Work s and Transport about the expansion of the ABC Highway.

    Its a report on construction costs assessment of Section II Steel overpass Bridges. I wish tonight to make this a document of this meeting and to make clear that it is from this document that I ha ve drawn a significant amount of the info. I also leaned very heavily on a cadre of professional patriots who simply could take no more abuse by the political directorate of this country, he said.

    Thompson expressed concerns over the way in which the selection of the contractors of the project was handled. Proposals were submitted to the Ministry of Public Works and were in the process of being evaluated, when, even before the selection of a consultant was ratified by Cabinet, a mystery firm calle d 3S was brought into the picture through local connections. 3S, of which very little was and still is known, merely presented a graphic presentation of a flyover scheme and all normal and accepted procedures went through the window. This video or graphic p resentation was never properly scrutinised by engineers in the Ministry of Public Works. Nevertheless, the Government soon announced that it was entering into a BOLT (Build, Operate, Lease, Transfer) agreement to have eight flyovers constructed before the final of Cricket World Cup. The proposals that were invited for road widening by local consultants were suddenly abandoned, he added.

    Government was then accused of failing to show due diligence with regards to the way in which the cost of the proje ct continued to skyrocket.

    So in January 2006, Public Works wrote to several local consulting firms requesting a BOLT proposal for road widening and flyovers. A BOLT proposal would normally require more than three months to prepare. It requires the c ons ultant to locate financiers who would be willing to inject more than $100 million into a project of that magnitude. Many other considerations are necessary for the proposal, such as repayment schedules, how the lease would be operated and agreement of con tractors to participate in the team effort, he said.

    It was also stated that the cost of the project continued to expand.

    Nevertheless, the Owen Arthur administration disregarded its duty for due diligence. Due diligence means an examination of the b ona fides of the company. This should always be part of the legal governmental framework. The public of Barbados was not apprised of what was going on, but in July of 2006, 3S started the construction based on road widening in the sum of BDS$40 232 432 an d eight flyovers for BDS$$79 517 659 which gave an overall sum of $119 750 000. Thompson charged that no binding agreement was in place for the exercise.

    Out of the figures I quoted for the combination of road widening and flyovers, the portio n for r oad widening started at $40 232 432 jumped to $70 231 220.23 by cabinet decision of May 6, 2006 and amazingly has now jumped at December 2007 to a staggering $117 000 000.00 for widening only. This is an increase of an astronomical $46 768 780.7 7 on the May, 2006 revised cost and a more than $75 million increase on the original price. And note: up to December 2007 when general elections were called, there was still no binding contract in place, he added.

    Details were given of a decision to inc rease the cost of the project.

    This whole project started merely with an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). You imagine a project at its initial estimate of $119 000 000 could start without any specifications, Bill of Quantities, working drawings or contract? But that is not the worst! … from an original understanding, not a contract, of a figure of $119 750 000 in November 2005, Cabinet on 6th May, 2006, just prior to World Cup, when he was considering calling the election, agreed that construction would be gin on 24th July, 2006 at a new price of $143 614 460.23 for road widening and eight flyovers.

    The charge was also made that the taxpayers continued to foot the bill for the highway when the cost should not have been so high.

    We have enginee rs as mem bers of the Democratic Labour Party and I have spoken to them as well as other private sector engineers. They all unanimously agreed that the Road Widening of the ABC Highway does not involve house relocations, setting back of fences, repairs to houses, A lso, the shaping of the road is already determined. In other words, the road widening is a simpler operation than say Highway 2A. Yet, this road widening involves some five kilometres. In all fairness they are adding two lanes, so technically t he total le ngth would be 10 kilometres. Therefore you the taxpayers are being asked to pay $11.7 million dollars for each kilometre of road that is merely being added to an existing road, he said. (DB)Ç=

    Source: http://www.barbadosadvocate.com/NewViewNewsleft.cfm?Record=34245

  45. I want to know the names of the seven (7) company’s that submitted tenders for the ABC highway works, Mr. Owen Arthur.

  46. Oh B>F>P>E< A**e*

    Congratulations – Your Blp Manifesto has been nominated for the pulitzer prize for fiction – Check BFP

  47. Why is the BLP keep using the dead as information providers?

  48. Georgie Porgie

    I am listening to the PM giving what seems to be simple answers to issues being aired.

    What I cant understand is why could not not these answers been given before?

    Why cant the leaders discuss with the people what they are doing all along.

    Dont we decide whatwe are doing with our wives or fellow church members or what ever social group in which we associate.

  49. I have always taken pride in the perception that Barbados was not remotely as corrupt, and our people not nearly as corruptible, as our Caribbean neighbours. A few months ago however I expressed the concern to a Caribbean friend that we were rapidly surpassing other islands in this sphere. Last night’s meeting served to cement this perspective. But it should have done more than that – it should have (for all but those in an advanced state of moral or mental decay) brought home the sober reality that it is the pervasiveness of this corruption that has created the most acute threat to our democracy.

    It is not so much a tyrannical Owen Arthur that threatens this democracy, rather it is the fear of consequences of his corrupt deeds that render him unable to tolerate the thought of losing. It is the fear of not landing that TV licence that has turned the Nation into a sham of a paper (never thought I would see the day when the Advocate, whose owner is a longstanding BLP supporter, being fairer than the “people’s paper” to the Dems). It is the fear of irrelevance (not being included) that has rendered our academics and churchmen silent. It is the fear of losing their likkle pick that has turned our previously outspoken activists into Owen choirboys (Nothing saddens me more than our “ambasador” Gabby, creator of classic protests songs such as “Boots”, “Jack”, ” T”, and “Stinging Bees” reduced to the sycophantic jingles that he now sprouts.)

  50. Bussa Goddard,

    It is the fear of losing their likkle pick that has turned our previously outspoken activists into Owen choirboys (Nothing saddens me more than our “ambasador” Gabby, creator of classic protests songs such as “Boots”, “Jack”, ” T”, and “Stinging Bees” reduced to the sycophantic jingles that he now sprouts.)

    Gabby “ambasador” post is a clear case of POLITICS of INCLUSION in the BLP. Mr. Peter Wickham knows what he talk and preaches.

  51. Her we go again talking about the dead, now its Julie’N, a dead corporation that cannot come and so such is not true.

  52. Another bombshell
    The 117,000 per meter for 10k is what could put ‘moving with Owen” on the air on every station 24/7. You know how much that cosyt? We paying for the campaign.

  53. We only had to pay twice so far.

  54. Pingback: Haggatt Hall Speech By David Thompson «

  55. I Wid David & DEM!!!

    B F P E // January 10, 2008 at 10:10 pm

    Owen talking about about Undene Whittaker’s $21.60 bounced cheque to Kentucky Fried Chicken.

    I was at the Wildey meeting this evening and heard the BLP leader make mention of the said cheque. How petty can one get?????

    Anywayz, has anyone other than myself and an observant few realised that Ms Whittaker’s cheque was written in 2002….when the BLP was in power?

    Times were hard even then. They are harder now.

    Why let this trend continue? WE the people of Barbados have a choice to make!!!

  56. I Wid David & DEM!!!

    Owen said tonite that before Thompson tell the ppl about what the DLP will do for them, he calling meetings about ‘cost overruns and a lotta foolishness’.

    Now wtf!!!! Since when my hard earned money that getting wasted/stolen is ‘foolishness’?

  57. I Wid David & DEM!!!

    I suppose the ppl with the cutlasses had the letter D.L.P tattooed pun dem face…..ya iggrant fool!

    I heard that tonite too and I sympathised with the BLP for playing that card.

    Sending ppl to attack their own!

    Tsk tsk….how far will they go?

  58. Well Well Well

    Looks like Mascoll is cutting down everything Thompson said last night.


    All the graphs and the plans for the highway and the flyovers are on the screen. The FACTS (they look very genuine to an ordinary voter like me) are being put out and Thompson is being made to look like a clown.

    Poor Thompson. Mascoll must be relishing this moment of revenge.

    Don’t be fooled, its interesting that only now these drawings are being shown to the public. I would of thought this presentation would have been more appropriate before the project started, so as to inform Barbadians . It looks like this was put together sometime today, in hurry I might add, so as to respond to David Thompson stinging expose at Bussa Roundabout last night. Further more these are pretty drawings and not drawings you would use for constuction purposes especially on a project of this magnitude.

    It would be inconceivable for a project this big to start without drawings, almost impossible. That is probally why the work being done on the highway is so sporadic and so disjointed in execution. But in my experience I have seen similar actions from so called prominent persons in this country, not having the necessary information to carry out works in a correct and efficient manner.
    I have many other concerns with the highway projects but I will deal with them another time.

    Lets know when the engineering drawings were done and show them to the public.

    Show us the bill of quanties that would have to obtained througth a comprehensive set of architectural and engineering drawings.

    Show the contract if any, that was agreed to and signed by the principal parties.

    It would be interesting if when this agreement was entred into was the subject of retention ever mentioned.



  59. Thompson won the cost overrun round. I dont understand co leader Mascoll, biter Mia and Glyne Clarke explanations. They did a poor job in trying to refute Thompson’s clear and lucid charges. In fact Bizzy Williams who is Arthur’s mouthpiece on highways and flyovers is admitting Thompson is correct but Bizzy the mongrel trying to pass the buck and blame poor defenseless civil servants. Arthur must go. We need a change