Media Houses In Barbados Charged With Dereliction Of Duty


In the aftermath of a short and intense political campaign which ended Tuesday, 15 January 2008, with victory for David Thompson and his Democratic Labour Party (DLP), we continue to worry about the perennial problem of an ineffective media in Barbados – read Barbados Free Press. The willingness of our media practitioners to sway and buckle to political and other pressures should be of concern to defenders of our democracy. It is not acceptable that as a country we should pride ourselves on a high standard of education, yet our media practitioners continue to demonstrate that they are devoid of any courage by demonstrating their spineless disposition. We have written extensively about the importance of the role of the Fourth of Estateenter keywords ‘fourth estate’ in our search area on the top of the page.

The time has come for media houses in Barbados to stop failing the people and to awake from their slumber.

There is a saying that people get what they deserve – well, something like that anyway – and in very much the same way that we are able to send a clear message every five years to the political directorate, so too we need to send a message to the owners of the Fourth Estate in Barbados. The only way we can expect balance reporting from our media houses is to speak-out against the inequities when they occur, embarrass them with our public comment, let them suffer by our lack of financial support, let us write to stakeholders such as the unions, and to their important clients and international watchdog agencies to help agitate for justice. The actions we can take as civic minded Barbadians are limitless.

Recently we have learned that the Nation newspaper have increased their advertising rates effective 1 January 2008. This increase comes against the back drop that the Nation Publishing Company is a very profitable company with a healthy market penetration in Barbados. Why is it that we are allowing this newspaper to disrespect us in this way? They continue to renege on their role as an important member of the Realms of the Estates, yet as citizens we pay them for doing so. Their commitment to improve shareholder value is laudable. Why should we blame them if they practice the free market concept of charging what the market will bear. The Starcom Group of companies is quite boastful when they publish the results of their Systems Surveys. Starcom Network currently dominates the media market in Barbados and command unrivaled market share. They are currently lobbying to get a TV license.

Certainly our Fair Trading Commission would have something to say about this if they apply the 40% rule.

The Media Houses in Barbados don’t care about freedom of expression, they care about making money. Any noises which they make in this regard must be labeled as lip-service only. Let us remember that Starcom Network is a publicly traded company trading under the name One Media based out of Trinidad. They are currently pursuing an acquisition strategy which will ultimately see news dissemination in the Caribbean consolidated in the hands of a narrow interest. The much respected Harold Hoyte and Sir Fred Gollop should be called to account for selling out Bajan majority interest in Starcom Network to fatten their bank accounts. Who are they fooling by spouting the rhetoric that a pan-media company is a visionary strategy. Give us a break!

In the same way that Starcom Network publicly asked former Minister of Tourism, Barney Lynch, how he acquired his perceived wealth, we, the public, should ask people such as, Vic Fernandez at Starcom, Harold Hoyte, retired publisher at the Nation and others, how they acquired their wealth. (It was only a short time ago Vic was the anchor for CBC TV news.) We are not seeking to sully the reputations of anyone. We simply want to highlight that a few people in our media houses have benefited tremendously from the support of Barbadians over the years. It is time some of these ‘fat cats’ in the media start to give something back. We have still not forgiven the Nation newspaper for feeding the behaviour which ultimately led to the departure of Roy Morris from that company!

The media practitioners in Barbados should be ashamed that after benefiting from our rich education system they do not have the will or the common sense to appreciate the benefit of coming together. Why is it that the Barbados Association of Journalists (BAJ) has been dormant for so many years? We will warn the media houses in the same way that we warned the previous government. There is a desire for change which is starting to gather momentum in our country. The Barbados Labour Party underestimated the power of the people. We hope that the learned people of our Fourth Estate can take heed.


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135 responses to “Media Houses In Barbados Charged With Dereliction Of Duty

  1. PiedPiper,

    That’s why we must NEVER allow it to start with Adrian Loveridge.

    Errol Barrow did not win independence for this country in order for it to be handed back to white foreigners in 2008 on Errol Barrow Day.

    Magnum please understand that while we don’t subscribe to censoring anyone we will not allow you to drag a serious topic down by replaying these race card red herring arguments.


  2. What I believe WIV meant is that Vic & Co. with a TV license would be the worst thing for Barbados based on their lapdog stewardship of the 4th estate.

    Right now Barbados does not need a lapdog for Bee or Dem. Barbados needs an independent news source that cannot become beholden to the flavor of the day.

    Starcom and Vic has shown that they lack testicular fortitude to provide robust stewardship of the 4th estate, and in many persons view this disqualifies them from that TV License. Think for a min what havoc they could bring down on us in their lap dog mode.

    I would not want to risk that for me or my children.

  3. Wishing in Vain

    I think you missed the point magnum here, the attacks on Noeless Blarney Lynch are not the sole domain of Mr Loveridge these are not reserved for him but due to Lynch’s mismanagement of his FORMER Ministry he has been under attack from many others and just not fromMr Loveridge, I have seen him under the hammer from alland sundry for his inept handling of the Ministry of Tourism as he should be because he was the most ineffective member ever to hold a Ministry.

  4. Wishing in Vain

    Well said LOOPY, My belief is that any license to be issued should be given on the basis of complete freedom of expression and freedom of rights, and let us not see these stations as lapdogs of a ruling party.
    It was indeed a sad display of what not to do in the media, during the last adminstration.

  5. Wishing in Vain

    I really thought we had grown past this race issue nonsense.

    As a citizen of Barbados be that person Green, Blue, Red, White Brown, Black, or Yellow they are free to partake in the process of goverance and to make comments as they see fit, the common factor is what that ID card says!!

  6. David,

    YOU SAID: “Magnum please understand that while we don’t subscribe to censoring anyone we will not allow you to drag a serious topic down by replaying these race card red herring arguments.

    That’s quite OK. I already understand that these blogs are bought and paid for by the same Adrian Loveridge, so you would have to rush to defend him and sing his praises just like any other propaganda mouthpiece in a state-controlled dictatorship. You would know better than your readers which side your bread is buttered on… we only see when you delete posts which are critical of the DLP.


    We don’t intend to get in a shouting match with you. Our blog content and its management is an open book. We will never be able to please everyone and we are not sure that is possible anyway. If you want to comment, please do so. Attack any issue with all your heart and soul, speak about race of course, but you must not blame a man for the colour of his skin. As black people we know only too well the consequences of being treated based on the colour of our skin. We will have none of it.


  7. Wishing in Vain

    Is this the malice comes when your party is thrown out office by the citizens for freedom?

    And you have the gall to state -: propaganda mouthpiece in a state-controlled dictatorship.

    You must really be mega idiot indeed, the only dictatorship that we had to fear were you and your party of thugs, the people of Barbados saw after you and your ilk on Tuesday,take a much required rest and spare us your nonsense on these sites.

  8. So this begs the question of what would it take for Adrian Loveridge to become a 100% Barbadian through and through. Is this the same iconic Adrian Loveridge that only last week you all were touting as Minister of Tourism and now he has to prove that he is 100% Bajan. Listen Adrian, you need to come over to Guyana and open up a Peace and Enviroment Hotel in the pristine rain forest in the world most beautiful country.

  9. Wishing in Vain

    Very well said David.

  10. Adrian Loveridge


    Errol Barrow had the vision to appoint Peter Morgan as Minister of Tourism, another white hotelier at that time.

    I was privileged to be at Mr Morgan’s church burial service where in a wonderful eulogy, Sir Frederick Smith described him as the best tourism minister ever.
    I don’t think there was a person attending the service that did not applaud this statement including members of the then ruling party.
    I will always remember the look on Johnathan (his son’s) face and the immense pride.

    Peter Morgan didn’t adopt Barbados to steal your land and neither did my wife and I.

    We ‘found’ what was then a derelict Arawak Inn and have transformed it to one of the highest rated small hotels in the Caribbean, largely due to our small BARBADIAN staff.

    Tens of thousands of Barbadians have made their home in my country of birth, or in Canada, the United States and across the world.
    Did they move to those countries to steal the land from the true natives?

  11. Oh goodness, I didn’t know you had to payfor these blogs, and that Adrian Loveridge pays for them. Adrian I love the English and I was happy when Guyana was a British colony. They have made a mess of things in the former colony and in fact Guyanese are always saying bring back the English. We love Prince Charles, and he owns a cocoa plantation in North Guyana and the cocoa from this plantation is used in the making of his Dutchy Chocolates. Thanks for paying for this blog. You are an honourary Guyanese you know. Bye

  12. Adrian Loveridge

    Sister Baby…

    I have been fortunate enough to visit Guyana on a number of occasions and wholeheartedly agree with you about its beauty.
    I believe will make huge strides in eco-tourism within the coming years.

    The touble is about starting up a hotel in Guyana is that someone might accuse me of stealing your land!

  13. Yes, and 2000 Barbadians live in my country and 3000 English people, in fact 42.000 foreigners in Guyana. That is 30, 000 illegal Brazilians, and then followed by Surinamese, and then Bristish subjects. The best sports bar in all Guyana is owned by an English Guyanese. and his lovely wife has a fabulous cooking show on NCN TV Guyana. Adrian the Cara Hotels in Guyana are owned by English Guyanese. These are the best hotel in the Caribbean after yours of course. I say you should be the Minister of Tourism, and I am sending an E-Mail to President Jagdeo of Guyana regarding you and your good workd in Barbados,a dn asking that they seek your services for tourism in Guyana

  14. Wishing in Vain

    To those that beg mercy for Noeless Blarney Lynch, if the public thought he did such a wonderful job why then did they throw him out on his as_?

    So too the like of the other 20 misfits that could not get the attention of the citizens of this island, they were dismissed from office for corruption, dishonesty in office and gross arrogance to the people that paid their salaries.

  15. Adrian Loveridge,

    Don’t try to change my words, you foreign white fraud, because I have never said a word about land.

    It is POWA (power) that you are longing for, not mere land.

    You are well entitled to run your hotel here in Barbados, but if you want “powa”, you can go back to Liverpool or wherever the hell you come from and campaign to seek office in the House of Commons.

    In Errol Barrow’s day we were newly independent and now trying to find our way on the world stage. Today we have young educated Barbadians who need positive role models as we take full control of our own destiny and our own future. The same way that the BLP could appoint Noel Lynch, the present government should find suitably qualified BARBADIANS to represent this country at the ministerial level.


  16. Magnum // January 18, 2008 at 3:06 pm

    Adrian Hinds,

    Your response makes no sense. None of it.

    If you ever take the time to READ what Adrian Loveridge actually posts on these blogs, it has been all vindictiveness and personal vendetta against one black man called Noel Lynch.

    I think you are confusing Adrian Loverage with Adrian Hinds. Where is the proof of this vindictiveness by Adrian Loverage? I hope you are not now believing your own emotional lies, such would fly here, you are going to have too present some proof.

  17. Adrian, No, the land is yours, you came there before them. Contact Mr. Burgess at the Windies Sports Bar, he was the former head of Courts Guyana Ltd. or you can contact the fellas that own Cara Hotels. The Cara people have taken the old Lord Mayor of Georgetown mansion and turned it into a fabulous bed and breakfast. The Le Meridian Hotel is also for sale. It is a cash cow in GT. Adrian, you can come and buy land in Guyana and no one will ever say that you are taking Guyanese land, why they are selling it off cheaply to any and all sorts, muchless you. Have a nice day, and I am so happy you came to Guyana. We have made great strides you know in recent years. You should see the Caricom HQ and the new Convention Centre, Marriott is building a hotel next to the Le Meridian Guyana Hotel, and so on. Well thanks again. Bye

  18. Wishing in Vain

    You are a sad excuse of a person magnum,
    Why then was ARSON TRASH sorry Aron Truss given a ministry to run under your administration?

  19. Sister Baby,

    My dear Guyanese sister, I would be very glad if you would take him!

    If his passport is good he might be lucky enough to get a flight to Timehri airport tonight self!

    He could take the whole hotel with him too, I wouldn’t mind.

  20. Magnum don’t be so obviously ignorant. A wordpress blog is free for anyone to open. 😀

  21. A great role model is Gary Cole. I love Gary’s writings and his heroes. Gary have you met Grace Lee Boggs? She is still alive, lives in Detroit, and still goes around the USA speaking at 93 years of age. Jimmy her dear husband died in 1993.

  22. Wishing in Vain

    magnum Are you going to spend the next 5 years living your life in hatred and anger?

    Grow up please, and put a halt to your hatered of colour chatter it is not becoming of you or anyone.

    You did your period of damage and you had your period of control and you lost your way and were thrown out of office, get used to spending the next 5 years on the opposition benches, and reflect on what you cast on this society, after which you may learn that the will of the people is more important that the need to fill your bank account.

  23. Georgie Porgie

    I have never met Mr Loveridge, but my buddy the late Dr Hudson spoke well of him.

    Mr Morgan who used to own the then St Lawrence Hotel, Colin Hudson and Captain MB Hutt who taught at HC, were all Englishmen I knew who loved Barbados with as great a passion as any of us Bajans– and perhaps with more passion than some of us Bajans.

    As a boy, I would often meet Captain Hutt strolling about in the swamp, and when in class he spoke about Pie Corner & Pico Teneriffe he made them sound like heaven (remember cars were not that prevalent then so you didnt get to see those places then except on a church excursion.)

    I spent many hours with Colin on the Stop and Stare walks in the early nineties, and learned more about our lands and culture and past from him on the talks on those walks. Things I never read in the papers or learned in school.

    All this talk about white expatriates from England is bovine excrement and should stop!

  24. Do the bloggers know that B’dos raves about 98 % literacy? Oh boy, one could not tell from reading some of these comments.

  25. Adrian Hinds,

    YOU SAID: “I think you are confusing Adrian Loverage with Adrian Hinds.”

    Let me tell you that there is no confusion from my end between Adrian Hinds and Adrian Loveridge.

    I know my DLP yardfowls very well… one is black and one is white.

    One flew out of Barbados to settle abroad, and one flew in from the UK to settle here… in the same Barbados which they both love to denigrate.

    Origin, colour, circumstances and geographical location may vary, but birds of a feather STILL flock together.

    Tek dah!

  26. Magnum my dear, Adrain L. does not need a passport to enter Guyana, just some ID that says he is an English subject. All he has to do is get to BGI Airport before 4:30 PM and step on board Caribbean Airlines BW 483 for the flight to Timehri. LIAT has a flight coming tonight also. Welcome to Guyana/Bienvenue au Guyane

  27. Georgie Porgie

    On the issue of mistreaing foreigners, I can tell you how it feels and how it hurts.

    In 2002 I went to one of the neighbouring islands to teach at one of the bogus offshore medical schools. Being a born again believer, I sought out a church at which to worship in my denomination.

    I discovered that they wanted to establish a Bible Institute, and having just finished my MRE and DMIn online I offered to help. I spent a lot of free time preaching at the local churches just having a lot of fun.

    I didnt know that I was the source of emvy of one man who desired to have the preeminence. I was having not fun, and being me. However, this man had the power to grant me a work permit, and he did not. Because I was a foreigner, he could get rid of me, and take bread from my mouth.

    It is not fair to mistreat folk because they are foreigners. It hurts friends! Very much!

  28. Do the bloggers know that B’dos raves about 98 % literacy? Oh boy, one could not tell from reading some of these comments.
    Your comment shows that we do have a 98% literacy. Thanks for not discrediting Barbados.

  29. Would you all like to see night life in Guyana. Please kindly go to and see the lovely pictures of Guyanese of all races and creeds celebrating life in the world’s most beautiful country and Englsnd’s only colony on mainland South America. Bye

  30. Georgie Porgie,

    Captain Maurice B. Hutt was a white Englishman who did indeed make a great contribution to Barbados. I would sing his praises till the end of my days, for (unlike Adrian Loveridge) he was a GENUINE person. He never spent his days engaged in filthy envious vendettas and personal grudges against black people who were fortunate to rise up to positions of power in government, neither did he ever try to exploit poor black Bajan farmers for cheap political publicity. Captain Maurice B. Hutt was a TRUE GENTLEMAN. Captain Hutt of yesterday nurtured bright young black minds, whereas Adrian Loveridge of today is an egotistic maniac consumed with hatred and delusions of superiority.

    I suppose that after all these years he is probably dead now. I know that he used to live here in Barbados with his wife, and that he used to write nature columns in the newspapers from time to time. Do you know what became of him and his wife? Did he leave any family behind here in Barbados? I once looked through the local phone book but found no-one listed in it with the surname Hutt.

  31. If commenters can respond to articles in seconds, that shows the intelligence of our people.

  32. Carson C. Cadogan

    Let me take this opportunity on the behalf of my wife, my children and myself to offer a BIG THANK YOU to the BARBADOS UNDERGROUND and the BARBADOS FREE PRESS for having the courage, tenacity and the will to bring to the Barbadian public articles and comments of immense value. Both blogs have been shining lights in a sea of Barbadian Journalistic darkness.

    Without the operation of both blogs there is no doubt in our minds that we would have been saddled once again with Owen Arthur and his bunch of crooks.

    The air is now fresh and clean thanks once again to the BARBADOS UNDERGROUND and the BARBADOS FREE PRESS.

    We hang our heads in shame when we think of the Nation Newspaper, The Advocate, Starcom network, and last but by no means least CBC. They have demostrated time and again their willingness to be on the cutting edge of condoning a tsunami of Barbados Labour Party corruption in all its forms. They disgrace the name News Media. Something will have to be done.

    Tony Thompson of CBC and Carrol Roberts of the NCF will have to be removed, of this I am certain. They have disgraced two disgraceful organisations.

    I am looking forward egerly to the implimentation of Integrety Legislation in the first 100 days of this new administration. Under the BLP we witnessed corruption on a scale never before seen in modern Barbados and this must never happen again. I am looking forward egerly to the implimentation of a Managed Immigration Policy in the first 100 days of this new administration. This deluge of Guyanese into Barbados must be brought under control. For the sake of our children and our Grand Children.

    There is much more that I can say but I will cut it short for now.

    Best Regards

    Carson C. Cadogan
    Eagle Hall
    St. Michael

  33. I don’t see anything wrong with the writing style. All grade A for me, however, I do like Gary Cole’s writing style, in that when I read his writings it is as if he is right here with me carrying on a conversation. Gary Cole is a deep thinker, and a gentle soul, now Adrian Hinds, well I still think he is Guyanese, but that is a whole different story.

  34. M a g n u m Reloaded

    Georgie Porgie,

    Captain Maurice B. Hutt was a white Englishman who did indeed make a great contribution to Barbados. I would sing his praises till the end of my days, for (unlike Adrian Loveridge) he was a GENUINE person. He never spent his days engaged in filthy envious vendettas and personal grudges against black people who were fortunate to rise up to positions of power in government, neither did he ever try to exploit poor black Bajan farmers for cheap political publicity. Captain Maurice B. Hutt was a TRUE GENTLEMAN. Captain Hutt of yesterday nurtured bright young black minds, whereas Adrian Loveridge of today is an egotistic maniac consumed with hatred and delusions of superiority.

    I suppose that after all these years he is probably dead now. I know that he used to live here in Barbados with his wife, and that he used to write nature columns in the newspapers from time to time. Do you know what became of him and his wife? Did he leave any family behind here in Barbados? I once looked through the local phone book but found no-one listed in it with the surname Hutt.

  35. M a g n u m Reloaded

    Sister Baby,

    “Magnum my dear, Adrain L. does not need a passport to enter Guyana, just some ID that says he is an English subject. All he has to do is get to BGI Airport before 4:30 PM and step on board Caribbean Airlines BW 483 for the flight to Timehri. LIAT has a flight coming tonight also.

    Well, he would have just missed the 4:30 flight, but there’s always tonight.

    As I indicated earlier, BU is now trying to block me from posting, hence the change of name and IP address. Blocking people who challenge or disagree with Adrian Loveridge (the great white massa) is common practice on both BU and BFP.

  36. Tourism Minister??? Whomever came up with that idea for Adrian has really missed the whole point of his blog. I see Adrian as the Ralph Nadar of Barbados, though it wasn’t consumerism that fueled him initially but politics. After what has happened with the Arthur administration — stifling of the press, reducing natives to the status of squatters in their own country, economic suffering for the majority and list goes on and on. This era will usher in a new type of activism in Barbados, and people like Adrian Loveridge will be at the forefront in fighting for justice for the masses. I think Adrian can take his blog a step further to help with the enactment of laws, political oversight and things of that nature. He will be a dynamic political watchdog. Kudos to you Adrian!

  37. Mr. Cadogan, Please, may I kindly remind you that those Guyanese that are presently in Barbados are in fact the decendants of Barbadians who came here in the early days to seek their fortune. Yes, in the old days many Bajans came here to work and started families, and now these decendants of the early Bajans feel it’s their right to come home to Barbados. This is true, because the real Guyanese prefer to go to England, Trinidad, Suriname or the USA, and not Barbados. So please stop the rhetoric about protecting your children from Guyanese.

  38. M a g n u m Reloaded

    Wishing in Vain // January 18, 2008 at 4:15 pm

    “You did your period of damage and you had your period of control and you lost your way and were thrown out of office”

    Are you some sort of mental nutcase? You are obviously suffering from delusions of some sort. Do you have high blood pressure?

  39. Magnum // January 18, 2008 at 4:17 pm

    Adrian Hinds,

    YOU SAID: “I think you are confusing Adrian Loverage with Adrian Hinds.”

    Let me tell you that there is no confusion from my end between Adrian Hinds and Adrian Loveridge.

    I know my DLP yardfowls very well… one is black and one is white.

    One flew out of Barbados to settle abroad, and one flew in from the UK to settle here… in the same Barbados which they both love to denigrate.

    Origin, colour, circumstances and geographical location may vary, but birds of a feather STILL flock together.

    Tek dah!

    ha ha ha ha h aha so when i return to Barbados and i form an alliance with Adrian L, kind of like “co-leaders” in the ministry of government watchdog 😀 what will you accuse me off? I am black and a born Bajan. Then again we know the BLP’s opinions of am wuh duh does call we now? Returning Nationals. 😀

  40. M a g n u m Reloaded

    Sister Baby,

    YOU SAID: “Mr. Cadogan, Please, may I kindly remind you that those Guyanese that are presently in Barbados are in fact the decendants of Barbadians who came here in the early days to seek their fortune.”

    This is NOT true. Many black Guyanese have black Barbadian foreparents, but not the East Indian ones.

    YOU SAID: “real Guyanese”

    What is a real Guyanese? A black one? An East Indian one? An Amerindian one? A Chinese one? A brownish Portuguese one? A whitish European one?

    I think you need to learn your own country’s history, because I as a Bajan seem to know more than you in some regards!

  41. Did I get that right? Did Ezra Alleyne write:
    “The other matter is the anonymous peddling of smear and innuendo and sometimes downright lies aimed at politicians on the Internet blogs…. …. in which he or she has no recourse to the law courts.”
    and “That is a virulent threat to democracy”
    1. Please identify what is not factual. I am sure we all are eager to know.
    2. Anybody, anywhere can comment on a post or complain. Anybody, anywhere in the free world can be sued for libel.
    3. Not having a free press is documented as a great threat to democracy.

    If you made these statements, you have “smeared” a branch of the media, and I politely ask you to explain yourself.

  42. M a g n u m Reloaded

    Adrian Hinds,

    Returning nationals are Bajans.

    Even when they are deported and sent back to Barbados.

    In the case of Adrian Loveridge, there are probably still certain conditions under which he could be stripped of Bajan citizenship and deported OUT of Barbados.

    Hmmm… just writing it makes my heart spring with delight! What a sweet thought.

  43. Adrain, Do you know that Michael Caine is married to Shakira Baksh a former Miss Guyana and Miss World runner up. And Lord Wahid Ali, member of the House of Lords and one of the richest men in England is Guyanese, and of course Baroness Valerie Amos, the former Bristish Secretary for Foreign Affairs., and C.M. Rubin the white Guyanese author of children’s book now residing in New York City. And how can we forget Aunty Olga Lopes Seale who lived so many years in Barbados–a geat Guyanese woman who so wonderfully contributed to the cultural life of Barbados.

  44. Magnum, I gather the Guyanese problem in Barbados is an East Indian one. I sort of sensed it, but I was not sure. East Indians are lovely people, and I might add hard working so I don’t know why the problem. Well, have a nice night, I am going off the computer to cook some egglant curry, which we call boulange curry, and I will also cook some nice Karibbean rice to go with my eggplant curry and of course hot pepper suace. Bye Magnum.

  45. “ISSUES & IDEAS: Arthur’s proud record
    Published on: 1/18/08.


    “Outgoing Prime Minister Owen Arthur has everything to be proud of in his long tenure as Prime Minister and leader of this country. The record shows that in 1994, he took over a country whose confidence was fractured and shattered, and rebuilt it to the stage where young Barbadians particularly, now believe that the sky is no longer the limit, but that there are no limits to their aspirations.

    He leaves office at a time when, thanks to him, Barbadians enjoy a very high standard of living and when his far-sighted planning leaves behind firm foundations on which our future progress was to have been built. Not least among these are the record low unemployment and the comfortable level of foreign reserves. Quite the opposite was the position in 1994, when he arrived at his office to find the International Monetary Fund point man.”

    Yeah Ezra! We’ll see how great a man he is after the verdict is in on the audit. We’ll see how much money Owen and his band of embezzling cohorts left in the kitty. I swear there are two Barbados and people like you could only see the one side where the minority can afford to live comfortably, while the majority suffers economically.

  46. Magnum, Magnum, Magnum, East Indians are nice people, hard working, and very loyal people. Just think that our East Indian Guyanese bring to Barbados their beautiful East Indian culture, and I see nothing wrong with that. I am going now, going to cook egg plant curry, so have a nice evening, and it’s not late to catch the late night LIAT flight into Tinehri, for Georgetown is quite the place to be on Friday night, but of course there is always tomorrow. Have a nice night, and please leave Adrian L alone. He is nice and a citizen forever of the Caricom of which your Barbados is a memberof. Bye

  47. Straight talk

    Is Magnum a lollipop?

    Brown on the outside and white within.

  48. Sister Baby:

    Who are you trying to fool on this blog about Guyana? Since 1835 when they started stealing Indians and importing them to Guyana as indentured servants the problem started. Indian people thought themselves better than Africans and hence Guyana became a pluralistic society fueled by the Indian with his “so called superior attitude”. The Indo-Guyanese is trying to escape dirt poor poverty in Guyana and runs to Barbados. But instead of humbly assimilating, he brings his hatred for African people, which causes a lot of tension in a society where two races co-existed for hundreds of years by basically ignoring each other. The arrogance of the Indo-Guyanese would not allow himself to be humble in a society dominated by African people who have made great strides since landing on these shores as slaves. In a nutshell that is the problem of the Indo-Guyanese.

  49. Donald Duck, Esq


    Both Captain Hutt and his wife have passed on. As far As I am aware they had no children. I endorse your comments about him being a true gentleman

  50. M a g n u m Reloaded

    Donald Duck, Esq,

    Thank you for informing me of their deaths. I had already done some checks on the internet after I asked the question, and I found a statement from Karl Watson mentioning the death of Captain Hutt though no date was given.

    He was the sort of person we need to attract to Barbados… men of integrity, not frauds and false pretenders looking for POWA.

    Do you know when they died? Or which one passed away first?

  51. M a g n u m Reloaded

    Well, at least we know he was still alive in 1991.

    God bless his soul.

    A Barbadian named Maurice Hutt produced a paper in 1991 on “swamp shooting”…

  52. Planter, Oh it is so hard for me to come down on anyone, but I do know what you mean. Some of my dear friends are East Indian, and they are lovely people, very respectful and kind, so I don’t know my dear. I just ignore the bad people and focus on the good ones. Have a nice night!

  53. Adrian L, I saw a pciture of you in the newspapers when you came with the group from BGI.

  54. I told you all already that this sister baby character is an attention junkie.

    You notice the rubbish and inconsistencies she writes.

    She wriggles herself into the conversation not understanding most of what is being discussed and with some rambling off points.

    I think the best advice is to ignore her and don’t respond to her craziness.

    I get the sense that she thinks she is riling the bloggers up and is enjoying that as well as the attention she is getting.

  55. Annoymous, I am not doing anything of the sorts. You just jealous because Gary Cole responded to me, Adrian Hinds responded to me and Adrian Loverridge loves Guyana that is why you are saying those things about me. You are right I don’t know 99% of the topics discussed on any blog, even the Guyana ones, but I like to send messages to the people, anyway. it’s is fun. And I know the readers like to see me here, and besides Adrain pays for this blog and I am former British subject so I can write here.

    Sister Baby you write about Guyana but do you live in Guyana or resorting to your memories of Guyana?


  56. All this talk about white foreigners holding office would lead a white foreigner (read as tourist) to believe we were kind of mad!!

    However, a former Prime Minister has come up with a solution not entirely different from a suggestion I made a while back to advertise the post of minister worldwide and try and get the best person for the job.

    Basdeo Panday has recommended to the President of Trinidad and Tobago that the post of Chief Justice be advertised and not filled in a mad hurry.

  57. … I know I know, great minds think alike, …. fools seldom differ!

  58. Wishing in Vain

    I suggest that the fear factor has since been removed and it would be wonderful to read this story.

    BU Regrets….
    October 21, 2007 · 1 Comment
    We promised yesterday to deliver the latest decisions to be made regarding the 3S project. We have to reverse our decision because of the possibility that our sources maybe compromised. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to the BU family.

    To our sources: We would appreciate if you open hushmail email ( accounts so that it can facilitate easier communication. Refer to your last emails to authenticate!

  59. Carson C. Cadogan

    Do not encourge people to use Hushmail believing it to be safe. IT IS NOT.

    “A court document in a drug smugging case has shown that the private email service Hushmail has been cooperating with police in handing over user emails.”

    “The DEA agents received three CDs of decrypted emails which contained decrypted emails for the targets of the investigation that had been decrypted as part of a mutual legal assistance treaty between the United States and Canada.”

    Beware of Hushmail.

  60. What was this thread about again?