Dame Billie Miller Wins 2008 UN Population Award

Our thanks to Juliette Maughan, who is the Programme Assistant at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for sending BU this Press Release which informs the world about the tremendous achievement attained by Dame Billie.

BU congratulate you Dame Billie for your contribution at home and abroad!

David – BU


billie_miller.jpgUNITED NATIONS, New York, 5 March 2008—A policy maker who advocates population and gender issues, Dame Billie Antoinette Miller of Barbados, and a New York-based non-governmental organization (NGO) that helps save women’s lives in developing countries, Family Care International (FCI), have won this year’s United Nations Population Award. The Award is given each year to individuals and institutions for their outstanding work in population and in improving the health and welfare of individuals.

The Population Award Committee, chaired by Sweden’s Ambassador Anders Lidén, chose the winners from 11 individual and seven institutional nominees from around the world. The Committee consists of 10 United Nations Member States, with UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, serving as its secretariat. The awards will be presented on Thursday, 22 May, at the United Nations, New York.

Dame Billie Antoinette Miller was Senior Minister, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade in the government of Prime Minister Owen Arthur from 1994 – January 2008. An attorney by profession, Dame Miller was elected Member of Parliament in 1976 and was the first woman to be named minister in Barbados. She has held a number of ministerial portfolios, including those of health and national insurance; education and culture; foreign affairs and international business; and tourism and international transport.

Dame Miller has been promoting population and gender issues in many capacities, having served as Chair of the NGO Planning Committee for the International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo, 1994) and as President of the International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region. She was also President of the Board of Directors of the Inter-American Parliamentary Group on Population and Development, and Chair of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. As such, during its 50th anniversary celebrations in 2004, the International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region honoured Dame Miller for her lifelong contributions to sexual and reproductive health.

The other winner, FCI, was established in New York in 1986 in response to new evidence showing that maternal mortality was a leading cause of death of women in their childbearing years in developing countries. Since then, FCI has been helping to make pregnancy and childbirth safer in these countries by promoting sexual and reproductive health for adolescents and by supporting safe motherhood. It also works to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Working with partners through its field offices in Africa and Latin America, FCI has been involved in a wide range of activities, including capacity-building and advocacy, in addition to the production of educational and informational materials that have been disseminated broadly. In October 2007, FCI co-organized the Women Deliver conference in London that reframed maternal health as a development issue. Attended by around 2,000 participants, including cabinet ministers and lawmakers from 110 countries, the event generated new global commitments to maternal health.

The Economic and Social Council elects members of the Award Committee for three-year terms. They are currently the United Nations representatives of Algeria, Bangladesh, the Czech Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Iran, Malaysia, Peru, Sweden and Tanzania. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Ahmed Obaid are ex-officio members.


UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV/AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.

For more information, please contact:
Abubakar Dungus, +1 (212) 297-5031, dungus@unfpa.org;
Omar Gharzeddine, +1 (212) 297-5028, gharzeddine@unfpa.org;
or visit UNFPA’s web site at www.unfpa.org

17 responses to “Dame Billie Miller Wins 2008 UN Population Award

  1. Once again this little island is proud of one of its citizen. World recognition is good, this follows on Elizabeth Thompson’s Champion of the Earth award.

  2. It would be good if Minister Sinckler in the Foreign Affairs Ministry can find the opportunity to tap the vast knowledge Dame Billie would have acquired through the years. It would be a shame if no avenue is made for the transfer.

  3. Proud of Miss Miller. I wonder how much foreign exchange we have had to shell out to cover her huger for flying over and away as she serviced her tremendous debt

  4. Proud of Miss Miller. I wonder how much foreign exchange we have had to shell out to cover her hunger for flying over and away as she serviced her tremendous ego

  5. Jerome Hinds

    Congrats Dame Billie.

    Hold your head high.

  6. Anon

    Elizabeth Thompson won WHAT??

    Champion of the Earth?

    The same Elizabeth Thompson who was hell bent on destroying one of our areas of outstanding natural beauty to build a garbage dump???

    Please tell me you’re joking….

  7. Well done you good and faithful servant. You have done Barbados and the region proud.

  8. the little worm


  9. David,
    you said this was a United nations Agency award right?!?

    …you know what I think of them..?!?

    What United Nations Population Fund what?!?
    …they sell condoms?

    … now tell me again exactly what this award is recognizing….?!?

    What is a “lifelong contributions to sexual and reproductive health”

    This sounds like a bunch of Gublygunk to me.

    I am not the brightest, but what the hell is “outstanding work in population and in improving the health and welfare of individuals.”

    I feel that Ms Miller DESERVES and award for her dedication to restoring Bridgetown and its environs.

    I feel that she deserves a cussing for destroying a perfectly good education system starting with her public fight with Headmaster Smith, and for supporting a change to mass co-education.

    …finally, I feel that we should come to recognize that the UN and most of its agencies are incompetent jokers spending huge sums of money foolishly and achieving little.

  10. …. and I have NOTHING to say about Liz Thompson’s “award”….. this is for Greenland?…

    What I do note is that the UN and its agencies seem to have as its main agenda the ‘masculinization’ of women and the marginalization of men.
    They push an agenda that seeks to encourage a blatant disregard for the obvious designed differences in the sexes . Although this has resulted in accelerated declines in social stability, family cohesiveness and youth development worldwide, they continue to push this ‘first world’ agenda.

    The UN will probably give an award to Miss Piggy when she finally goes off the scene too – probably for ‘outstanding work in Leptodactylus fallax development’

  11. Come on!

    Are you two not being too hard on Dame Billie?
    No one person is perfect! Has she not represent Barbados well in the international fora on a plethora of issues.
    Give Jane her jacket man.

  12. Ha ha ha lol. This is hilarious; you believe that this woman beautified town (Bridgetown) and this is where the tourists can see, but when it comes to orleans and chapman lane the woman dint give a shite. Ya all r so funny, I here drying my eyes from laffin so much. Award fa wha? ha ha ha ha h ahha hahlol LOL

  13. Georgie Porgie

    Have to agree with Bush Tea here……. on

    I feel that she deserves a cussing for destroying a perfectly good education system starting with her public fight with Headmaster Smith, and for supporting a change to mass co-education.

    …finally, I feel that we should come to recognize that the UN and most of its agencies are incompetent jokers spending huge sums of money foolishly and achieving little.

  14. What I do note is that the UN and its agencies seem to have as its main agenda the ‘masculinization’ of women and the marginalization of men
    ….and if a present female government minister wins this award, you will say that she deserve it based on her competence and intelligence. How about a male winning this award, you might talk about gender quality and a new way forward.

  15. armchair critic

    Dame Billie has served Barbados in an exemplary manner for decades and is well deserving of the numerous accolades and awards she has received from around the world. We as Barbadians need to move pass our tear down mentality and give people their kudos for what they do to make this little dot stand tall in the family of nations. Apart from her governmental involvement, Dame Billie has been involved in the NGO sector for many years and is recognised internationally for this work as well. Congratualations, well done Dame Billie!!!!

  16. I can just imagine the UN Awards in the year 2030…

    Award for Promotion of Family Values: Dame Mia Mottley

    Award for Promotion of Integrity and Transparency Legislation: Sir Owen Arthur

    Award for Public Self-Effacement and Personal Humility:

    Saint Leroy Trotman…

    Can readers foresee any other similarly fitting tributes…?

  17. ….award for Blog comment that best says absolutely nothing – ‘Armchair critic’

    “… Apart from her governmental involvement, Dame Billie has been involved in the NGO sector for many years and is recognised internationally for this work as well.”

    Are you a UN armchair critic? What EXACTLY are some of these things that she did to deserve recognition at the GLOBAL level? (surely these would be at the level of persons like Ophra, Gates, Jimmy Carter etc)

    Even on the National level I find it difficult to justify a ‘hue and cry’- except of course for her work in the redevelopment of parts of Bridgetown.

    Of course with Sir Hilary’s elevation her local honours now look much more understandable.

    …and Armchair, this is NOT about Dame Billie, she did not give herself the award, and she DID dedicate her life and best efforts to serving Bridgetown and Barbados- no one questions that.

    It is about the UN with its secret agenda and its underhand method of seeking to implement that agenda.