The Church’s Big Secret II


In October 2007 we posted one of our most popular blogs to date which was titled The Church’s Big Secret. The substance of that blog was to discuss the hypocrisy which exist within the church, especially the Catholic church. We zoomed in on the reported high incidents of sexual molestation and homosexuality rhampant in the Catholic church. Surprisingly BU was accused of being homophobic in the comments section of that earlier blog.

The current visit by the Pontiff to the United States, to what many maybe surprise to learn is home to a large Catholic population has been very revealing, or should we say the visit may have vindicated our previous position of highlighting the hypocrisy practiced by the Catholic church. It is well know that the Catholic church preferred to transfer those priests who were accused of sexually abusing young boys rather than to expose them to the legal system. This is the great hypocrisy which we identified, the church which is responsible for the enrichment of our spiritual lifes, but instead choses to sodomize its young flock through its officers.

On the current visit to the USA Pope Benedict has made very deliberate overtures to all the victims who would have been sexually abused by priests through the ages. Although some commentators feel that the Pope is reopening very deep wounds, BU joins others who feel that his gesture will go along way to rebuild the good name of the Catholic church. If we had any doubt it was confirmed after watching the emotional accounts given by people who were abused on the US TV networks over the last few days.

…many observers have been struck by the candor of Benedict XVI in his repeated public acknowledgments of the depth and gravity of the sexual abuse crisis in the American Catholic Church. The fact that his blunt confession of “deep shame” happened to coincide with reports of the another religious group largely refusing to address charges of underage marriage and sexual abuse of minors only throws the pope’s plain speech into sharper relief.

Source: AC360

We have blogged before about the Christian mysticism and symbolism which often shrouds the traditional church. In our view it has been an orchestrated attempt to influence the ignorant. There exists a more ‘educated and knowledgeable’ congregation today and if the traditional church wants to play the role for which they exist the time has come to change with the times. It is for this reason that we applaud the fresh approach being taken by Pope Benedict.

5 responses to “The Church’s Big Secret II

  1. xenophobe chick

    Simply because the Pope apologised does not mean the problem has gone away. Although watching this week’s fawning US TV coverage with that obscene pomp and glory Rome does so well you might be led to think so.

    Until the Catholic Church addresses the real problem – celibacy – errant priests (and nuns) will always exist.

    Why? Because it is totally unnatural for man and woman to live without bodily gratification. (I almost said “sex.”.)

    Physical pleasure is a natural (dare I say God-given) desire. Through centuries of surpressing it in public while practicing it (because you can’t avoid it in one way or another) in private organised religion has done more to confuse us than anything else.

    Finally, how a church run by thousands and thousands of ostensibly celibate men and women dare set down strict rules for normal couples to cohabit is by definition ludicrous beyond belief.

    What’s the alternative? Allow priests and nuns to marry, abandon all “Middle Ages” pius taboos and start teaching healthy sex education in all our schools as our kids approach puberty.

  2. Green Monkey


    It is a matter of public record that U.S. bishops have knowingly transferred thousands of abusive priests into unsuspecting parishes and dioceses, placing fear of “scandal” ahead of the welfare of children. The bishops themselves have apologized for what they call their “mistake,” but they say nothing about the crucial actions that constitute accountability.

    For true “bishop accountability” to occur, two things must happen: 1) there must be a full “account” of the bishops’ responsibility for the sexual abuse crisis, both individually and collectively, and 2) bishops who have caused the abuse of children and vulnerable adults must be “held accountable.”

    1) How will a full account be given? The “account” of the bishops’ responsibility for the crisis has so far come through the witness of survivors, through documents unearthed by law enforcement and the legal system, through depositions taken by lawyers, and through media reports. is dedicated to consolidating and preserving that record.

    The “account” has not come from the bishops. Indeed, during this 60-year crisis they have made every effort to conceal the truth from parishioners, from victims with whom they negotiated settlements, and sometimes even from each other. In their new era of embarrassed transparency, many of them are fighting the publication of accused priests’ names, and even the production of legally subpoenaed files. In our view, all diocesan and conference files relating to the crisis should be made public, so that a full accounting may begin. Every day that the bishops delay, their “moral authority” weakens further, and the damage that they have done to the Catholic church increases.

    “Studies” by their own hand-picked boards, working with whatever data the bishops themselves choose to relinquish, is not a full accounting.

  3. So you saying that if the Pope as a new man in the Vatican wants to clean the slate we sould continue to be hung up on the past? Time to move on!

  4. Krzysztof Skubiszewski

    Guess who said this yesterday in New York?

    “The Earth groans under the weight of consumerist greed and irresponsible exploitation.”

    The tiny man in white in the scary picture above.

  5. No historic religious/political Institution, has done more harm and injustice to the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His ‘Church’ than has Roman Catholicism, masquerading under the banner of Christianity, purporting to be the head of the Church for 1600 years! The Pope’s recent comments in the States re the ‘sex’ scandal is the very least he could do. Anyone, with a cursory knowledge church history, would know only too well, how Catholicism came into existence under Emperor Contantine, (circa 315-320 AD), and thus was birthed, Roman Catholicism with its sacerdotal, sacramental system of ‘priestcraft’ totally opposite and contrary to first century, pure Apostolic christianity, such a perversion of the Gospel of Christ. Sir George Sinclair, could not have described Roman Catholicism more succintly, when he wrote: “Romanism IS A REFINED SYSTEM of Christianized Heathenism, and chiefly differs from its prototype (ancient Babylonianism) in being more treacherous, more cruel, mor dangerous, more intolerant.”