Senator Barack Obama, We Congratulate You!

barack obama

The BU household offers profuse congratulations to presumptive Democratic Party nominee to run for President of the United States. Although his opponent Senator Hillary Clinton has not followed the script and cleared the stage for the first African American presidential nominee to take the spotlight, we understand her disappointment. It has been a long and exciting campaign and the world watches to see how one of the world’s powerful countries continue to manage a key element in its democracy i.e. the election of a leader.

Again congrats to Senator Obama, we hope that the Clintons don’t spoil the party!

73 responses to “Senator Barack Obama, We Congratulate You!

  1. Sheshemini

    Yardbroom, This was told to me by a mixed race lady from my home country in the Caribbean. This mixed race lady was sponsored as a domestic in the mid 60’s from back home. She needed a social security card so the white American boss took her down to the US Post Office to fill out the form. She filled out the form, and in the area for race she wrote coloured. The man reviewed the form before turning it in, and upon seeing coloured as race he told her to change it to white. He said back home you are coloured, but they don’t know the difference here, so just be white from now on.

  2. Sheshemini
    This student was one of only two black students in the class; all the others were white.

    I could have tried to explain certain issues to him, but it was the first week of term. I wanted to have as good a relationship with him as with the other students, sometimes it is best to learn through experience.

    The lessons thus learned, are more permanent.

  3. 100% bajan

    The Nation newspaper article reports that Eric Holder’s father who left Barbados when he was 12 0r 13 met and married his wife who was born in New Jersey of Barbadian parents does that still make Eric Holder who was born in New York a Bajan?

    Personally I think we are the only country that is quick to try to identify with anyone who might have a trickling of Bajan blood in them as a “son/daughter of the soil”

  4. Sheshemini

    Well Yardbroom, I see what you mean. I don’t know if you have ever seen the movie Imitation of Life? Wonderful movie that deals with race issues in pre civil rights America. I always cry at the end when Mahalia Jackson lifts her voice in song to the Lord at the funeral. What you mentioned about the student made this movie come to mind.

  5. Georgie Porgie

    100% bajan wrote

    The Nation newspaper article reports that Eric Holder’s father who left Barbados when he was 12 0r 13 met and married his wife who was born in New Jersey of Barbadian parents does that still make Eric Holder who was born in New York a Bajan?

    Personally I think we are the only country that is quick to try to identify with anyone who might have a trickling of Bajan blood in them as a “son/daughter of the soil”

    We do not consider folk to be Jews only because they were born in Israel? Do we?

    So why must you necessarily be born in Bim to be Bajan?

  6. Events of yesterday seem to have paved the way for a Clinton and Obama peace pipe session which should see the transition of Clinton supporters to Obama and the process to heal the party going into November. No doubt it will take some time for the hard feeling on both side of the fence to thaw but thaw it will when the Democrats realize that there is a big prize at stake.

    Of interest to Barbados and our politicians and aspirants alike has been the way Obama and Clinton have generated interest in the process of elective politics in the USA. Women, independents have been falling out of the woodwork. In Barbados we have seen a reversal where our people have become so cynical and disconnected about and from the process that if it continues could lead to an undermining of our current system. We need for our political parties to attract the right kinds of people to serve. The old way which the party machinery has been use to regurgitating politicians needs to be revisited.

  7. Well David, not I, but many black folks here in America saw Buba Clinton, ah mean President Clinton as our first black president, so with that, and when all is said and done I am sure the Clinton’s will go into high gear for Senator Obama.

  8. SheShemini
    I have also seen Imitation of Life. The first time I saw it as a young man, I was annoyed with the daughter.

    Later, I saw it at another level and understood how the environment in which a person lives, can condition their way of thinking about themselves.

    It is indeed a good film, it is repeated on televison from time to time. Like you, I certainly would recommend a viewing.

  9. Obama is the man of the century in my eyes. I’ll tell you why, he married a black woman!


  10. It seem every little thing Obama does that appears to be a mistake on his part or by association, he’s dragged over the coals. Yet McCain is either being very forgetful or liar and his associate are saying awhful things like the remarks made me the priest about Katrina and God’s punishment to those people and about Hitler and the holocust ordained by God. These are serious statments and to this day McCain has not disassociate himself from this man. Yet they want to crucify Obama for an eratic Rev Wright. It’s time we look pass race and colour, that is premative thinking. I only see race when other one wants to deem me inferior and exploit me.

  11. Pingback: Barack Obama: A Heavy Responsibility “even” Before Office « Barbados Underground - bringing the news to the people

  12. Pingback: » Barack Obama Picks a Bajan for Post of Attorney General Keltruth Corp.: News Blog of Keltruth Corp. - Miami, Florida, USA.

  13. would like the address of attoney general are Barack obama. thank you so much