Do we have a Hole In Our Immigration System?


We all remember the incident which embarrassed the previous government of Barbados when fourteen Indian workers were allowed to work on the new Kensington Oval without work permits. It has been one of the great embarrassments which came out of the Cricket World Cup project. There was also the other incident which occurred at the Four Seasons construction site where Chinese labour was allowed to work before their work permits were processed. In both cases the immigration department of Barbados was heavily criticized for the lack of leadership. The BU household continues to hold the view that the Immigration Department allowed itself to be unduly influenced by the government of the day. To this day we are not aware of any disciplinary measures which were taken as a result of the two incidents.

The memory of the two gaffes by the Immigration Department continues to highlight the open door immigration policy of Barbados. Some BU family members have labeled us xenophobic simply because we continue to highlight the large numbers of people who are being allowed to enter Barbados. Of concern to us is the possible social fall-out by not having a planned immigration strategy towards managing the very visible ethnic population which has grown at a fast rate within the last ten years in Barbados.

It is against this background that we quote well placed sources which has identified questionable immigration and labour practices at a leading Italian restaurant on the West Coast of Barbados.

It is our understanding that a well established Italian restaurant on the West Coast of Barbados has been employing Italians who enter Barbados as visitors to work as hostesses, bar staff, chefs and managers. The simple ploy used is for the visiting Italians to leave for one of the neighbouring islands when their visitor permits are about to expire. When the Italians return to Barbados they are given additional time to remain on island. Two ‘Italian employees’ have been granted their fifth extension for the year so far. It appears that many of the Italian restaurants in Barbados circumvent the work permit requirement using this simple approach.

The troubling matter about what we have reported is the role of the Immigration Department in this affair. How wide spread is this issue of illegal labour in the established businesses across Barbados? We have tended to focus on the construction industry, domestic help and prostitution but what about the ‘well-respected’ establishments which have been able to co-op the local officials to play the game? Note that we stated co-op and not corrupt!

If a game is being played who are the individuals winning? We urge our hardworking and no-nonsense Minister Maxine McClean who is responsible for immigration matters to investigate this matter with haste.

298 responses to “Do we have a Hole In Our Immigration System?

  1. Robot was hoping that somebody would inform Robot on the issue since Robot did not really follow the story so Robot is unaware of the issues

  2. It has nothing to do with being racist, xenophobic or anything of the sort it has to do with what is right and what is wrong. I am sick and tired of hearing persons talking about when we went to Guyana and this place and that place.

    Barbadians need to check for their own we have no where to run. We dont want to go anywhere and that is final.

    When my foreparents and ancestors went to Guyana, did we try to ‘choke and rob people’? Did we try to marry people when we know for a fact that we didnt love them’? We never tried to bad talk people to get their jobs nothing of the sort.

    I am not saying that all Bajans are perfect, but I am saying that we demand to be heard!

  3. Sweetness
    Thanks for the advice,but I am a fearless man who can myself and every word that comes from my mouth.
    Sweetness that is the problems with we black people,indeed if you are black as you claim.We are afraid to express of feelins.We worry about who it will offend,we worry about things unneccessary and are afraid to let our true feelings known.We allow other people to insult us,abuse us beat us,kill us and we are afraid to fight back.
    I,Negroman is not afraid to die for what I believe in.No body is going to scare me from coming on the blogs and express my opinions.
    It was done on the VOBin the call in orogrammes and I boycotted VOB.I do not listen to VOB at all.VOB has one less listener and that is Negroman.I am fearless.
    On another matter,The Parlaimentarians had their say.I hope the parlaimentarians will be true to their word.The survival and the chances of the DLP hinges on who the party deals with the immigration matter.It is over to them for action.

  4. Hey JC you are being heard but we have to realise that the crime you are talking about was happening long before this issue with guyanese coming to Barbados it is our own also who are involved in these activities and sometimes both (Bajabs and Guyanese).

  5. Negroman do you have or had any guyanese national as a friend or even spend some time around any of them, why are you so bitter toward them, did a guyanese take away something special from you help me understand the bitterness, tell me don’t be ashame did a guyanese trick you or did a guyanese man take your sweetheart away from you, help me understand PLEASE!!!!!!

  6. Sweetness
    I have some black Guyanese fiends.As a matter of one of my closest friens is a black guyanese living in Barbados.I also have black Guyanese friends in Guyana.Believe it or not I go to Guyana aleast once every year andon some occassions twice a year.I was doingb doing that for the last five years or so. I have no no problems with blacks guyanese.
    Sweetness I WILL YOU I DO NOT LIKE INDO-GUYANESE.They are racist and wicked.They unfair illtreat black people in Guyana.The Indian PPP Government is practising racism against black Guyanese.The Indian business owners do not hire black guyanese and black guyanese are suffering at the hands of indians.
    I do not want that to happen to black people in Barbados.
    NB I only deal with Barbadian women
    Sweetness I believe you are a Indo-guyanese.

  7. Glad you caught on to her negroman.

    What black person what.That is a half illiterate guyanese writing under the name ‘sweetness’.

    I am watching these DLP politicians very carefully.

  8. I was spreading the news to those at work about what was taking place in Parliament; and we are watching them dont worry anon.

  9. I know anon, I must admit that this is true but what I was referring to was when Zanah or who ever was talking about ‘choke and rob!’

    However, take a look in any paper today and I know you will agree many guyanese are in the crime section. I am not only talking about killing and what ever else that is associated with crime. I am speaking about being a FRAUD! I have a friend at this point in time who is trying to get back her old family’s property from a Guyanese woman. So dont misunderstand me.

  10. This issue is not about individuals, and should not be reduced to that.

    If it is true – as reported – that the Government has decided to debate and later take measures to halt “illegal immigration.” This is surely a moment of great importance for Barbadian society; and be in no doubt the impetus has been generated as a result of the genuine concerns of ordinary Bajans.

    Any measures properly implemented, will not only secure our borders, assuage the grievances of Barbadians, but just as important will bring comfort and security to legal immigrants.

    The immigrants – who are legal – should have their rights respected and hopefully will endeavour to make a positive contribution to Barbados society.

    Whatever faults we have as Barbadians – we are not perfect – it is hoped the immigrants will not contribute to them…neither should Barbadians for that matter. However, if we work together in a positive frame of mind, coupled with honesty, we will be rewarded with success. There is a lot that can be achieved when a people are at peace with themselves.

    Ps: Ther is no reason to threaten anyone, leave that for Guyana, it is that type of behaviour we are trying to avoid in Barbados.

  11. JC was the person who came up as ‘Anon” before Yardbroom’s comment.

  12. I love St. Lucians, Dominicans, Vincentians, Grenadians

    They came to Barbados and worked hard, adopted Barbados as their homes and made afforts to uplift the country .

    As for GUYANESE—

  13. So do I Robot I have a child from a St. Lucian.

    Just now I went on the block to lime with my friends before i go in the gym. And to my dismay, one of my friends up and told me that the Guyanese at his job site are now taking over they dont do any work. And get this his boss is a Trinidadian Contractor.

    Now listen to this, he told me today that he got so pist off because the Contractors father had the audacity to say he cant wait for his father to get rid of all the bajans and hire the guyanese.

    Well what the shite I hearing I have never heard such nonsense in my life.

    These people have got to understand young people want a chance look my boy was complaining and he works hard!


  14. There is a lovely dougla man that lives by my house in Guyana, dougla is half Indian and half black, well he is just the most helpful man around the place. He married an East Indian woman and her family has disowned her, they have nothing to do with her. I had an Indian family, so called friends, come to my house. The husband pretended t to want to use the toilet, but on his way to the toilet he took some important papers I had out on the bed to the toilet to read them. He took along time to come out the toilet, and Isowhen I went to check on him and I noticed the papers were not on my bed. He had them in the bathroom with him. I asked him what he was doing with my papers, and the reply was he wanted something to read whilst in the toilet. They were checking to see if I had money and then they would come up with some investment thing, ask me to invest and then I would loose all my money. This same family carried away my silverware. I use to hide it in the oven and when my sister came to check some of the pieces were missing, and the only person I had told where iIhide my things was the Indian lady. I confronted her and she started one crying about Auntie do you think I would do you such a thing, I said no, but if they could rape a 79 year old Indian Granny at Wakenam, then they certainly could steal from an old black fool like me. These are experiences, for I amsure there are lovely Indians that are not racist and scampish.
    Negroman, Sweetness, could be the Presidnet of Guyana writing here, because I have heard them use things from this particiular blog in speeches, the leaders of Guyana do that, plus things that were written here have shown up in Guyana newspapers, honest to goodness. I didnā€™t want to say anything, but it is true. I could reference some of the things, but I donā€™t want any story with them.

  15. Negroman I was going to give you a little insight about me to know what I am but for your last comment all I will say is boy would you like to know.

    You say that you go to Guyana and you are able to see certain things, tell me what you are seeing there with the Indo-guyanese do you see it in Barbados and if so we who have the knowledge should use it wisely make it work for us and our country, you know what they say knowledge is power and channel in the right direction you can work wonders.

    I only have a problem with people when they have a problem with me and just as i treat Barbadians I treat everyone else no one is treated differently. If you had a problem with an Indo before remember that is you someone else may have something different to say about them, I also travel to guyana twice a year and had one problem with an Indo-gyuanese i will not let that stop me from being nice to the ones i know i Barbados who are nice to me we all have an agenda and we will let no one stand in our way if you know what you are about now one can stand in your way do not let the bad influences change who you are and what you may believe in.

    They are white people who will look you straight in the eye and say you black niger I hate you, instead of it being a black and white affair it is now a black on black one do we really realise what we are doing to ourselves when crunch time comes we all be it bajan,Indo- guyanese what ever we will need each other we will have to pull our resources together to survive and they also say the fittest will survive i wonder who will that be.
    Anonymous, these are the things we as bajans are good for pointing fingures, name calling, critisizing you would like to know who I am, I am Barbadian, a vincy, a lucian and a guyanese, you either choose which one you like the most or hate the most and continue you comments.
    We all dear are stupid to the fact we have views we have no facts if they are some bring them to the table let us trash them out.

    What we do not know gives our brains some overtime so continue working yours.

    Most people that i find bashing other countries are people who never travel I think you need to do a little of this and see the world and what it has to offer donā€™t be left in the dark cause that is where you are right now

  16. Zanzah, I applaude you for sticking up for your home town you must alway love who you are where you are from, this gives you an idea of where you want to be or achieve let no one stand in your way Guyana is a beautiful place that is why i go twice a year, that is when i relax and enjoy what we do not have much of now in Barbados, love, respect and very hard working people, I am not a fan of all guyanese also i am not a fan of all bajans but i know where and when to draw the line.

    Guyana will rise again, in the mean time, continue being you a proud GUYANESE !!

    JC, the persons working on the construction site have the information needed to do something about the problems they are having but all we do is cuss and complain about what is happening, you are a bajan you have rights and worse off the person or persons heading the site are not barbadians so they do not have the right to say they are not hiring barbadians, THEY ARE IN BARBADOS YOU ARE A BAJAN DO SOMETHING AND MAKE YOUR SITUATION BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. If you are going into a country and there is no reason for the authorities to stop you everything is in order what do you people want them to do, would you like to be travelling and for no reason the place where you are going denys you for no valid reason.

    I spoke to an Indo-guyanese the last time i travel to guyana and he told me for every trip liat takes from guyana to barbados three persons always get turn back and this is on a daily basis now what would happen if this starts happening to bajans travelling to different countries we would be piss, I sure would be.

    If you want to blame someone blame ourselves I am sure most bajans know someone who is illegal in barbados but we say nothing we add to the cluster when we keep our mouths shut, everyone must make a living and there is a right and a wrong way of doing things.
    Honestly if we want to get our jobs back and what ever else we think guyanese are taking from us we all need to step up to the plate and make things happen, the number of me liming on the block wasting time i am sure will fill lots of construction site where there would be no work available for anyone else but we are special so we sit back while others take what we think is not enough and build mountains out of it, the same way they can sacrifice to get what they want out of life can we not do the same, stop looking at them, we are watching them while they are getting ahead in life if this is our home make something of it don’t let others do it for us.

  18. Guyanese from all races and all walks of life think very highly of Mia Motley. The Africans love her in Guyana so do the East Indians, the Amerindians, mixtures, whites and Chinese all hold her in high esteem. The reason is, Mia came to Guyana and like the true politician she is, acted like one of the Guyanese people, she was not aloof, and she had high praise for what the Guyanese people are trying to do. Now Mia is an astute and erudite politician, and a true dipolmat also, who in role as DPM wanted to promote friendly relations between Barbados and Guyana. She suggested Bajan help to develop Guyana, asn this could be a deterant for them not coming to Barbados illegally or legally. I think somebody like Mia could help Guyana, really. In fact if you all don’t want her, I would like to suggest to the Guyanese people to ask her to come and rule us. Bye Zandah

  19. Sweetness says….I spoke to an Indo-guyanese the last time i travel to guyana and he told me for every trip liat takes from guyana to barbados three persons always get turn back and this is on a daily basis now what would happen if this starts happening to bajans travelling to different countries we would be piss, I sure would be.
    What you fail to realise is that when Bajans do travel, 99% of the time our papers are in order.We dont go to the US with $50 for a 3 month vacation. If anyone cannot satisfy the immigration officer they are turned down.Most people have their papers and their reasons in order. Most guyanese dont.

  20. Sweetness thinks that most people bashing Guyanese dont travel.Let me ask you then. have you ever been to a construction site?
    You talk of Bajans liming when they could be working.How much are these Guyanese paid?
    Because of my profession, I am around them a lot and I can tell you that they are not the good workers one hears about.This is just a sham by the contractors who are exploiting the hell out of them. Most of them are lacking in basic education and have to be shown or told many times over how to do a job. Many are not qualified or skilled and just learn as they go along.
    The only reason that I can see why they get the work and not bajans is because no bajan will work those kind of hours for that kind of money after spending so much time in school.
    What people need to look at is the companies with the largest number of Guyanese working for them and see the con for what it is. why are companies with the biggest building contracts hiring the most of these unskilled,uneducated people.Companies like Jada, Innotech, Shelby’s etc.
    I find it strange that a co. like COW dont have this large number of immigrants …….why?
    Exploitation that is why.

  21. Bam Bam is your name suppose to mean gunfire. You are disgrace to the Guyanese nation and it is because of you that the Barbadians hate Guyanese. The should ban ban you. Zandah

  22. I have Bajan friends who take a cruise ship tour of the other places and then end up in Puerto Rico where they do shopping then fly home to Barbados on American Airlines. Zandah

  23. I was so sorry for my friend on the block yesterday evening. I use to be preaching about illlegal immigrants on the block for a long time and funny enough this same guy was one who use to say “my brother marry one and she aint bad;” He didnt get the point I was trying to make I wasnt saying that all of them are bad I was trying to say that sooner or later they will be exploited and hence we bajans as well would be obliterated from the work force. This would lead to higher crime rates and HIV and the list goes on. I am not saying people should not migrate to Barbados. I am saying let it be properly done.

    Not who so ever will come and claim. That will be our down fall.


  24. So true JC but we must realise this slack behaviour starts with our own we have so many homos, lesbians and what ever else they have these days and the age range my god our youngsters need help don’t blame HIVon only immigrants we barbadians play a large part of the down fall of our health these days, just that now with other nationalities added the numbers are growing and more diseases are brought to the island that we can not stop cause our visitors who we consider as tourist bring so many things here and we say nothing about them.

    If we are part of a system we must play our part go to the authorities go to who will listen and see what you can make of a situation which will continue to get worse if we just sit back a quarrel.

  25. Technician, I have been to many work sites and have seen many things happening for myself and what i realise is guyanese come to barbados they start to work or link with bajans and start to addopt the behaviours and we all should have some idea of how i is on a construction site, you have guyanese exploiting guyanese and bajans exploiting guyanese so when this starts to happen problems will arise some of us bajans are not better than the guyanese or who so ever some of us may be able to communicate at a higher level than some that really does not make us any better than the other cause where we lack some one will rise so it is about putting resources together to make a better work enviroment, a better person, a more educated person job wise so as to get over some of the barriers and move on, there will be the exception who will not shine whatever you do with them then that can be dealt with differently, if you are unable especially when not in you country go home, educate yourself with something then try again.

    It is not easy for guyanese to work for how long just to buy a plane ticket, have spending money then as soon as they get to the airport to where they will embark they get turn back, if your papers are not in order that i can understand but the system here in barbados has been talked about so much and not in a positive light that some persons coming here are so afraid before they even get her that they forget the simple things and then seem to not know what they are about i am sure many of us have been in this position in many different cases.

  26. Sweetness
    You have me confuse.Are you in Barbados or Guyana? I read that you mentiond that you bypass Barbados.Guyana now has Delta Airlines from USA and therefore you do not have to stop in Barbados. How come you are now saying that you visit work sites in Barbados.
    I am picking up inconsistencies in your arguments.I will ask you to be honest on the blogs and do not get involve in untruths & that sort of behavior.Be fearless like me and let you true feelings on these matters be known.

  27. They are lots of guyanese that work for more money than some bajans and this also pissess off the bajans you start at a level when you and your work is evaluated and the standard is high you get a raise but you have to start somewhere.

    They are lots of us who get a job and do not have much knowledge of experience working in the field but we learn on the job, if more qualifications are needed for that particular job we usually get them what is so different with a guyanese or anyone else who is not bajan doing the same, to me most of the time from all the guyanese i know they put themselves in a position to know to learn and act this is what gets them what they want, many bajans sit and expect everything to be handed to them.

    I work and every job i worked in i got for myself, I am not going to say i never ask for some kind of assistance but i always came through for myself before anyone i have ask for help and i am very proud of myself for this i can excuse myself from the batch of lazy, lost bajans. So don’t beat others because they my succeed better than us in our own country seek and find out what works and make it work for you better you are a bajan with all rights.

  28. Negroman read my comments carefully do not mix up what i am saying with someone elses comments i never said anything about bypassing barbados, read again.

  29. Negro, I think i am more fearless than you and can back everything that i say in this forum so take you time read what i write then comment to me on just that, if you wear glasses please put them on.

  30. yeah Mia could actually capitalize on the idea of fostering a personal relationship with guyana

    if you are reading this blog Mia

    do it

  31. Sweetness stop write do wha I tell u! Please you are giving me a headache. Therefore I will not read your comments anymore You are now on IGNORE!

  32. JC, It is so bajan to do what you are doing right now ignoring facts that you don’t know and can not handle if you are not aware of the facts i am giving you just ask me and i will tell you, this is not about ignoring people this is about getting facts which you seem not to be able to bring to the table as yet. If you have no info on the issue at hand then you should go on ignore.

  33. JC is on the ball.She has the facts and has made worthwhile and telling contributions unlike Sweetness.I have also put Sweetness on ignore.

  34. Sweetness …you are talking so much crap it aint funny!!
    I had the ‘pleasure’ of traveling to Canada on 9-15-2001…does that date ring a bell??(9/11)
    I never once forgot my reasons for coming to Canada when I got to immigration and trust me…at that time it was far far worse than any given day at BGI.
    So enough of the crap about Guyanese forgetting the reason or the address or any other vital information because they are scared…damn right they are scared …scared of being caught lying. Why is it, that if any number of people are deported, the majority are Guyanese?
    You need to deal with the facts..this is our country, we pay our high taxes for us and our families to enjoy the services.If anyone else want to come ,do it the right way, contribute to our system and we could accept you….come with lies and deceit and we will reject you…..nuff said!!

  35. I cannot understand how Dale Marshall could make such incoherent ridiculous comments. I am not saying it in a vex mood but with all due respect Mr. Marshall is an ASSSSS. I cannot believe that he was really the Attorney General! No wonder there is such and influx in Guyanese and other illegal immigrants.

    Does he really care about Bajans? Does he know how it is not to have but work every day so your children can have?

    Oops I forgot we are dealing with these no good tyrants who played a game name SQUANDAMANIA with our monies! Mr. Marshall and company sold everything underneath the sun only looking and thinking about the blasted almighty dollar.

  36. Tech, no wonder you are the way you are, you are still in shock wish you best of luck. One thing we can not do is ignore the facts.

    Seriously, you all keep complaining about guyanese, we the bajans are the ones who bring lots of guyanese into barbados either for prostitution, or other work related matters, even when some of them go back home we send back for them this a fact, so the first persons to start with is ourselves. We bring them for our own uses and when tired Bitch and complain of their presence her how did they get her in the first place.

    They are bajans who will not hire another bajan not only that the labour may be cheaper but these same bajans state that the guyanese are more committed to their work.

    The rental system in barbados is the same if a guyanese and a bajan go to rent the same house the guyanese usually gets first preference, there we go again instead of thinking of our people and their needs we think of the dollar. No one cares in these days about anything but the dollar this is what it all is reduced to nothing more nothing less.
    I spoke to a gentle man one time about renting a house the first question was bajan or guyanese the man said he is only renting to guyanese cause bajans do not like to pay when you have a guyanese in your house you have no problems with the rent, what can be said about this, we do things without realising what we are doing we put our needs first and if that means forsaking your fellow man then so be it.

  37. JC, you now wake up, you are actually putting your own thoughts out very good at least now you are coming with some facts, good job continue you have now joined the forum.

  38. Negroman, you need to open you eyes stop sleeping on the job and speak for yourself, first you can not read your spelling is wrotten, how can you bash people and still have them so close to you be careful you have thread on thin icey waters.

    When you comment you need to always make yourself clear of who and what you are speaking about.

    Guyanese are people who does not give a dame what we have to say about them they came with an agenda and they will fullfil that, if you get in the way of their prospering they will find other ways to achieve their goals, you send them back they will return sometimes with more and take us all for what is ours, you all need to wake up and see these people are husselers from birth and they know how to work and get around anything i wish you all luck in trying to change this, which is never.,

  39. Negroman, in one of you comments you said when you see an Indo-guyanese you have to refrain yourself i will say one thing to you when it come to them let sleeping dogs ly you say you travel to guyana well you should know to leave those people alone if they have not interfered with you the only eruption you may have may be on your person.

    People who think like you will cause kios in this little island, don’t take the fight to the streets deal with the law and see they do what they are suppose to if you were really an educated man you would have dealt with the Indo-guyanses in a professional manner with out fist fights, show that you are a bajan who knows how to deal with any situation that may arise, don’t be like the dirt of the earth cause if you go that route you are no different to the ones you are fighting.

  40. Sweetness know your blasted place, you know negro man or jc you dont know us check the content of negro man’s COMMENTS and stop dealing with trivoulos spelling. FOOL!

    YOU NOW HAVE COME TO THIS FORUM this is the last time I will be aswering you stupes!

  41. Sweetness needs to check them self though…..only u concentrating on spelling …..stop being so petty and stupid and deal with the real issue…..negroman has poor spelling and you have stupid opinions and nobody was complaining….how much people put you on ignore in these blogs though… does mek me laugh…….IGNORE….lol

  42. Sweetness This is the last time I will reply to you.My grammar and spelling are far superior to yours.You write as an uneducated guyanese fool that you are.
    Sweetness you cannot scare me.I am not afraid of you or any stinking,smelly, musty,disease ridden,uneducated indo-guyanese.I will challenge any of you all in Barbados.I am a Barbadian and will speak up in defence of Barbadians.
    You are on permanent ignore

  43. It all speaks for itself you three must be the bradey bunch negroman, JC and talkaholic you three have the same views no wonder you would say not one is complaining you three speak the “same language!”

  44. It really looks like you three are the uneducated ones you keep say i amon ignore still you keep commenting on what i say, look up the meaning of ignore then comment again.

    I give my comments to people with sense and who seem to be educated about many things in life like Jukecheceedeyskirt no waste of time like you three.

  45. World Citizen, anonymous, yardbroom and some others your comments are great you are not for or against you state the facts were if the govenments needs to do something about the illegal immigrants and actions taking place in Barbados, if the sytems they have can be activated and the immigration personel along with the police do their jobs correctly i am sure more sooner than later we will see a large cut back on immigrants (illegal) and illegal actions taking place in the community.

  46. Mr. Anderson

    I want all to see what can happen in this country.

    Search for Varsha Sabhnani – and see for yourself.

  47. We bajans need to put a hand in what goes on in our country lots of us know of many illegal activities happening here in barbados and we just sit back and do nothing there is the immigration there is the police use them make them do what they are suppose to do correct the wrong in our country instead they sit back if some of them hold on to an illegal guyanese for questioning they let them go know of their status so everyone seems to be contributing in some way with the keeping of illegal guyanese in this country.

    We have many guyanese here who have their homes families and many other things happening positively for them here and it is disgraceful when we point our fingures they way we are, the name calling and other things we do it neeeds to stop we do not have to put our selves in the gutter just say what let our concerns be heard.

  48. Mr. anderson I took the time to go and look it up and no one is coming to take over here for shite. Is there not some way that we bloggrs can meet together to stop talk and take action!

  49. JC, you now wake up, you are now talking their is so much that a group can do that would be impossible for one man, some of us have hands on info which can be passed on to the right authorities and can be acted on so as to help the process of all illegal actions (immigrants,crime,marriages etc.

  50. All this talk is very interesting. Before anyone has to guess, let me say, I am not Bajan. I have visited your island, the people are different from most other islands – sad to say the people have a much more closed-disposition, nonetheless, I would give an “A” if the people smiled more. Please don’t get me wrong, I have encouraged many people to visit as I believe that one can have a great stay in Barbados. Regardless, it is a very “stable” island, and the people have the opportunity to make a decent life for themselves IF they want it.

    One thing that struck me, is that so many of the people that I met had not taken advantage of the free education that allows them to complete university. Please correct me if I am wrong, but it was one of your own that told me it is on the government’s bill. If this is the case, why is that so? Visiting the island I had imagined it to be somewhere that more non-nationals were needed for menial tasks as most of the people would be overqualified for such jobs. But at the end of the day, I guess it is not the UAE, and instead a small island.

    Now, with regards to the immigrants working in the restaurants and I’ll specify the ITALIAN restaurants as above; for a country that heavily depends on tourism, don’t you feel that it adds to the authenticity of the establishment to have some of their own working there? I for one refuse to eat at a “black man’s Chinese restaurant” as I know I will not experience genuine cuisine. If anyone disagrees with this last point, you know you are not being honest with yourself or anyone else.

    That’s all for now.

  51. Can a BU family member explain why Meridian Caribbean Inc, Windows would be applying for a work permit for the post of Office Manager?

  52. Interesting question I want to know the reason why.What I know is many of our leaders are facilitating many non-nationals on getting Barbadian citizenship.
    MP Cynthia Forde of Barbadoas Labour Party is well known in facilitating Indians from the continent in getting their papers organised.Also Dennis Kellman of the Democratic Labour Party does a similar thing.There is cooperation by both political parties and immigration officials in facilitating the granting of citizenship to non-nationals.

  53. There is a loophole in advertising that needs to be plugged. An ad should state to whom the applicant’s information is going to. A without stating the company is not acceptibly. Many persons feel uneasy submitting their resume to an unknown. Also, when these companies have a special overseas person they want, then include unique aspect of the person, something that really have no relavence to the position at all and immigration never questions it. Even if the company brings in some-one, a local person should be trained to take over after the work permit expires.

  54. Pingback: The Problem That Will Not Go Away « Barbados Underground

  55. They could send some bajans to Italy to get trained as waiters.

    The fact is that not all Bajans make good waiters ( Spagos used to be the prime example) where surly ignorant waiters and waitresses are both slow and rude as if they are doing you a favore to serve (lol) their exorbitantly priced common or garden food.
    If you are going to be a waiter for goodness sake stop viewing the customers as the enemy and wait!

  56. You dine out too much.

  57. Clyton Peters

    Interesting views, just contemplating and tring to absorb the comments that were shared.

  58. jushearing

    As a foreigner,that is what I was called ,skin colour the same as most bajans,my grandparents were bajan ,my mother is bajan,but I felt the animosity from them.I remember a remark being made to me by a bajan woman,whose child i use to give lessons “I shouldn’t even speak to you is a woman from your country take way my man” I was baffled. While I lived there i encouraged the young women to stand up for themselves,but because they were so accustom to deferring to the white man,they did nothing,but I must say though it was the white buisness people who were most courteous in most situations.The negro bajan buisnesspeople however tend to be very arrogant and were always ready to tell about who they know and don’t know.The foreigners like me(lol) were basically quiet and well mannered we are there for a purpose.Let me say this Yes the elders worked hard i know that my foreparents are from there,I know about and have lived there,but the elders must take some blame,why? Because they are the ones that taught us what the white man says is gospel,I lived with my great-aunt for awhile we argued about certain things along that line as far as she is concerned the whiteman way is the right way.
    My take on the whole issue is this stand for what is right for you,every thing they do is not right and everything bajan people is not right ,everybody is perfect in their own eyes,and rightly so.SO HEAR WHAT EAT THE MEAT THROW AWAY THE BONE.LIVE LAUGH LOVE AND BE SURE TO DANCE.