West Coast Developers Wanted




Barbadians have had to suffer in pain as we have had to make the trek along the West Coast of Barbados in recent years. Many of the windows to the sea have now been obliterated and most of the pedestrian trails to beaches on the West Coast have seen barriers erected as the rich and famous preserve their plots. How prophetic the words of the Mighty Gabby’s popular calypso Jack has turned out to be.

The BU household is not stupid. We understand the need for Barbados to attract foreign investment. We understand the need to build modern infrastructure to ensure that Barbados is positioned in the global economy to access opportunities to feed its people. What we don’t understand is the unplanned approach to the physical development of Barbados, in particular when directed at our precious coastline.

In light of the above the BU household and co-plaintiff (BU family member X) intends to launch a lawsuit in the Court of Public Opinion against those developers who have been at the forefront of the West Coast development in Barbados. A furious search is therefore on the way to find certain parties who have been hopping from private planes, boats and villas to avoid appearance in the Court of Public Opinion.

All help from the Bajan Blogosphere in locating parties named is appreciated.

137 responses to “West Coast Developers Wanted

  1. The argument is constantly being made, that it is absolutely necessary to develop all available prime beach front sites, for Barbados to progress. This is a flawed argument, it is quite obvious to any thinking person that on a small island, with its present level of development…this cannot go on for ever.

    Does this mean in a few years, when all the beach front has been concreted over, and other so called suitable places have been subjected to “concrete brutalism”…Barbados is doomed?

    Common sense, even on its periodic visits to our island. Should tell us that planned development is required, within an overall strategy. This development would involve beach access and windows to the sea. A strategy which facilitates some of the natural features of Barbados and accommodates the wishes of the majority of Barbadians.

    The idea it should always be “concrete brutalism” as there is no altenative, is nonsense.

    There must be a “planned” coherent strategy for Barbados, with a long term clearly defined objective, but with enough flexibility to accommodate short term demands…providing they are not at odds with the long term objective.

    Within this strategy, the uniqueness of Barbados should be emphasized.

    On a different tact, there are many good features about- us – Barbadians, and they outweigh the bad. However, there is one element of the character of “some” of us which has impacted unfavourably on our society.

    That we must always have “lots” of money – however acquired – and the biggest house possible…affordable or not.

    This acquisitive streak is at the “root” of our problems.

    It is only the sanity – some would say passivity – of the majority of ordinary Barbadians, that has enabled us a relatively peaceful and happy place to live.

    Some rich commenters – and others – expound the view that regardless of the rape of our country…they are putting food on the table for us lesser mortals.

    It is rather sad that our requirement for “basic” sustenance determines all about who we are, and the environment in which we live.

    It is also of concern that in this period of our history, that that basic determines who we are.

    Before someone attacks me, by saying we all need “food” to live, my argument is not at that level.

  2. White and brown-skinned people traditionally, consider they have an inordinate right to eveything, and as you’ve observed, usually they do possess everything of any significance from property to political power! So, what, in heaven’s name, is so different about this case!



    Why are you engaging “he who should not be mentioned”?


    Pat, r u white or brown skin which, of course, would explain a great deal about your reaction! Still keen to keep the BLACKS, oppressed, are you!!!!

    I black and am happy to represent the interests of MY OWN people, of which, of course, MR TECHNICIAN is one!!!!


  3. IF the ONLY thing different in the situation being addressed in this blog was that Altman, Williams et al were black not only would they be extolled as national heroes but we would be holding up the west coast as a model of development. IMHO it is not the development per se but WHO the prime movers that are involved that irks commentators. Why not put Thompson’s face up there for not only giving permission for Westmoreland to go out of agriculture but provided TAX INCENTIVES so that Royal Westmoreland could be built. Why not put Errol Barrow’s and DaCosta Edwards’ face up there for initiating the cutting up of agricultural land for house spots (and I am not talking about NHC house spots) and I see Evelyn Graeves about to do the same in St.Lucy? What about Tom Adams’ face or Bree St.John’s face (remember Heywood’s development now Almond Beach) or Owen Arthur’s face for approving and encouraging the development on our coastlines not only with permission but with tax incentives? Will Richard Sealy get the Gold Crown of Merit for initiating development at Harrison Point and the North Coast of St.Lucy? Will government stop the race track at Vaclause (prime agriculture land) will bloggers call for the track to be stopped?

    “concrete brutalism” my foot! That’s a matter of your taste…when you were sipping tea at Buckingham Palace was the “brutalism” of British imperialism which raped the non-european world so that edifices like Buckingham Palace could be built, lost on you?

    It is nice to engage in romantic notions but the Hopi are living on reservations in Arizona suffering from alchoholism, obesity, unemployment and depression. That our trajectory of development is probably heading for collapse is not lost on me. I just find incredulous, the hypocricy of people who wish to find scapegoats but do not want to accept responsibilty for their role in the situation and do not wish to acknowledge the real forces that motivates such development.

    Who wants to live at levels of slash-and-burn agriculture or subsistence agriculture? Who is ready

    – to put down their car (out of 106, 000 vehicles on Barbados roads),
    – cancel the MCTV, Direct TV subscription,
    – cancel gym membership at Surfside, Ocean’s etc
    – not pay a minimum of $300 for a bikini swimsuit aka a kadooment costume,
    – sell the two story house in Fort George Heights (remember people sleeping in the open to get a chance at purchasing a lot there), Warners, Kingsland, Wansted, Husbands, Mangrove, Atlantic Park, Rolling Hills, Mt Pleasant etc ,
    – forget paying a minimum of $60 to see WI lose at Kensington or stop going to Jazz festivals in Tobago, St Lucia ,
    – give up those >3500 cal/day diets,
    – forego trips to Disney (even primary school children go as a post common entrance treat),
    – avoid Hilfiger or any brand name clothes,
    – give up the shopping trips to Miami, St Marteen, New York
    – give up “free” education including free university education, free medicine, free hospital care, subsidised housing, subsidised transport (someone said that the transport board was $142 million over the last 3 years alone)!
    -stop depending on Vincentians and Guyanese to work in agriculture (note Minister Benn’s complaint of Spring Hall land lease holders subletting!) and construction.

    If any faces should be up there for rape of the West Coast it should be every one of the 270 000 plus souls that make up Barbados.

    Yep it is about more than food!

  4. Diaspora-ite

    It has been said, “Be careful what you wish for, you may get it!”

    It was the Rt. Excellent National Hero Errol Barrow who once, in a fit of anti-plantocracy pique, said that he couldn’t wait for the day to come when there wouldn’t be one stalk of sugar cane left growing on this island. Of course he was assuming, I assume, that sugar would be replaced with other productive crops.

    Now, with oil at $140 per barrel, thanks to the capitalistic vultures at the NYMEX, and Brazil leading the world on making energy and related products from sugar cane, the chickens are coming home to roost, and even the minister of Agriculture is making noises about increasing sugar production. The national hero must be turning over in his grave! Imagine, sugar cane being a desirable cash crop!

    Apart from that, giving “The Devil” his due, he has nailed it with his post. Scapegoating is easy, especially if the villains are “white capitalists.” Barbadians have always been quick and ready to play the blame game, but just remember that when you point a finger at someone else, there are three more fingers pointing back AT YOU.

    We have seen the enemy and the enemy is US.

  5. Devil
    A bad idea, is a bad idea, is a bad idea, the colour of the face, of the person who advances the idea, is of little relevance. To reduce every argument or opinion to the narrow confines of the pigmentation of the speaker, or participant often shows a paucity of thinking.

    I never mentioned colour/race or even implied it.

    The tactic of reducing every discussion to what Europeans did, do, or will do to us, to account for actions “we take” which are within our remit…is not worthy of serious discussion.

    To suggest that a list of items chosen ad hoc, are representative of the life style admired by, aspired to, or within the grasp of the ordinary Bajan…is best not further deveolped.

    I will not enter into personal remarks…that is best left to the thinking of others. I will concentrate on facts, and the evidence before our eyes, or in this case no longer visible.

    You said: “British imperialism which raped the non-european world so that edifices like Buckingham Palace could be built, lost on you?”

    No, it is not lost on me, that is why I see no reason to “connive” in our own rape in Barbados.

    Your “feigned anger” about Europeans seems rather one-sided and inconsistent. Is that anger also against them building on the coast in Barbados…it seems not. Is it against them being encouraged to visit Barbados as tourists…see how silly your argument is, when closely examined…what a pity.

  6. Yardbroom

    Are you responding to my post or to some other post ? You have concocted a straw man and attempted to knock him down. Shadow boxing at your age, bravo…!

  7. Devil
    Devil: June 17, 2008 at 8.56 am

    You Stated: “If the ONLY thing different in the situation being addressed in this blog was that Altman, Williams et al were black not only would they be extolled as national heroes but we would be holding up the west coast as a model of development.”…

    Is that not introducing race into the discussion?

    Age “sometimes” has its cognitive compensations.

  8. The Devil,

    Was it a little bit cold in hell when you awoke this morning? You and your argument seems to be all over the place trying to catch some steam!!

  9. The following were all posted before my own

    “So, down with Mr. Taylor and his baleful destructive Eurocentric ideas.” – PDC


    Sounds like our West Coast in 10 years.” -Krzysztof Skubiszewski

    “When one looks around,one can conclude that Barbados is being re-colonized; it is being shaped into anything other than Barbadian and they call it progress.
    History tells me in the days of slavery, … ” – Paradox

    “These parasites have become multi millionaires and billionaires off the back of black Bajans. ” – Fowl Run

    Don’t hold onto the race thing, the more important point is that the west coast developement has been going on with the permission of the Government and the people of Barbados for over 40 years. We enjoyed the benefits (employment, tax revenues) but now we want to blame someone but ourselves and we refuse to make the sacrifices attendent with any proposed change.

    Hopi you want organic food but I dont think you have any understanding of what is required to achieve this AND produce food in sufficient quantities and quality at a price that people can afford.

  10. I’m completely with the devil here….we cant have our cake an eat it too.

    Why is organic food so expensive??

    Why does everyone own ( or try to own)a car???

    Air fares are really high yet my cousin a housekeeper is going to the the US and Canada in July on a holiday. How she afford dat and I cant ?

    The worse thing about the west coast is that some of the buildings are UGLY ( Sands) but other than that whats the big deal?

    Some of us black barbadians hardly go to the beach!

    Some of the west coast land was/is owned by black bajans…

    I wish I owned some before the building boom…

    It becaoems slavery again if we allow it… we do so by not taking part and simply complaining

    BU and BFP should get a group together and invest too instead of bellyaching!

  11. Me says….Air fares are really high yet my cousin a housekeeper is going to the the US and Canada in July on a holiday. How she afford dat and I cant ?
    Could it be that she has sacrificed and saved up for it?

    …..The worse thing about the west coast is that some of the buildings are UGLY ( Sands) but other than that whats the big deal?
    NO access to the beach, gated communities, security guards refusing you access to free beaches for a bath, all the lovely windows to the sea gone…etc.

    Some of us black barbadians hardly go to the beach!
    That must be in the absolute minority……but what difference does it make if it is 10 or 10000??

    It becomes slavery again if we allow it… we do so by not taking part and simply complaining
    Did we have a choice in the first Slavery???

    Me….You are really missing the point here.

  12. The Devil,

    When my foreparents cultivated crops, they did so organically meaning as nature intended. When food is cultivated and harvested organically it is done without the use of poisons i.e chemical fertilizers, pesticides, toxic preservatives and food dyes. You think producing organic food is complicated? continue eating this modern day genetically modified (GM) food.

    Why don’t you give me your definition of the term organic.


    I 2nd your dissection of “Me.” I think both Me and The Devil are eating too much GM foods.

  13. LOl … then clearly she had money to save…

    I go to the beach on the west coast all the time. Ive never been stopped! and if I was you would read ab0ut it in the papers even on BU because I will not be a second class citizen in this country . I simply refuse to be…access or no access. The more we go to the beach and the more we speak up about that particular issue the less it will be an issue. However this odes not mean that if I owned a piece of beach land that i MUST have a path for you to walk str8 thru my property!

    Which lovely windows to the sea… LOL as if we JUST lost windows to the sea. Come on dont exaggerate!

    Who said we had a choice in slavery? We have a choice in determining where barbados goes yes but hopefully BU does not determine this path …if so we will be still stuck in the 40’s

    If you do not want Babados to develop in the way it is then do something, come up with an alternative plan so that my cousin will have more money to save. Until You can do that then this bellaching is silly!

  14. As a young man, my dad had some land and we planted almost every crop on it. I remember the cows used to be tyed in sections of the ground and the manure spread throughout the ground baskets. when the crops were harvested yams could last a full year until next crop,so too sweet pototoes.No pesticides were used, the ground was weeded not sprayed. Today yams and pototoes last approx 3wks then go bad. That’s why we’re having so much cancers. Check the labels on some of the cans “for export only”

  15. As a young man, my dad had some land and we planted almost every crop on it. I remember the cows used to be tyed in sections of the ground and the manure spread throughout the ground baskets. when the crops were harvested yams could last a full year until next crop,so too sweet pototoes.No pesticides were used, the ground was weeded not sprayed. Today yams and pototoes last approx 3wks then go bad. That’s why we’re having so much cancers. Check the labels on some of the cans “for export only”

  16. Barbados has long practiced a mixed economy approach. This comments is directed to those who are confused that the free enterprise system has been practiced wholesale by Barbados. We reiterate that the free for all system which will be the legacy of the former government is not a sustainable model for success.

  17. Me….we are bellyaching yes…..but we got up and tried something…changed the GOB.
    If this dont work, we will try something else…..but dont for one minute think that we are not doing anything……or would you like to see the 2008 riots instead?

  18. Thewhiterabbit

    The issue is not development versus non-development. If we don’t develop then we stagnate, then we rot. The question is what development and where. The BIG mistake made was to allow big buildings adjacent to the sea. The net effect is that the sea becomes invisible, access becomes problematic, and in short order we look just like Miami Beach (US), or some other monstrosity. Starting today all lands adjacent to the sea should be off limits for development so that we can actually see the sea and get to the sea. Building on the land side of the road, only, is no big impediment to development. Obviously owners of lands on the sea side of the road will need compensation, but that compensation is small compared to the value of access and the costs of loss of access and visibility.

  19. Wishing in Vain

    While discussing development it is ok to have development but why accept and tolerate the likes of the BIZZY WILLIAMS who has set up the best sweet heart deal with Owing possible to sell us the taxpayers back our own good supply of BAJAN WATER at a Premium and if that is not the best then he runs up a Water bill in excess of $ 2 million which he refuses to pay.

    Let me try to work this out a SCAMP in BIZZY WILLIAMS is selling us our own water because the brackish supply that he once drew from has long expired but to add insult to injury he refuses to pay our water authority the in EXCESS OF Bds $ 2 MILLION owed to them????

    then he turns around and is trying to sneek the lands of 82 acres at HARRISONS from right out under us and a silly cost???

    I must once again ask him what an acre does his brother’s land at Apes Hill inland with no beachfront property as per the lands at Harrisons sell for??

    Should it be $ 20,000.00 per acre then I will agree with his offer at Harrisons however if it is in excess of Bds $ 2 million he needs to review his offer seriously.

  20. Bimbro: Im ‘white’ and I will not be able to buy land to build a tiny house on in the forseeable future. It is not just blacks suffering from this situation, there are alot of middle-class whites, my entire family included, who see what is happening and gnash their teeth in despair. We are not all super rich, thats is a VERY small minority and let me point out that those super rich whites were helped along by the super-rich black politicians.
    I think foreigners should only be allowed to LEASE land. I think that for every honking big condo they erect they should donate a portion of their profits to improving things like the hospital (which EVERYONE would benefit from) and roads (God know COW could give us a big discount off what he charging for the highway after all the money he made off us). SO PLEASE do NOT lump us all together like that. I am just like any other lower middle class bajan of any colour, I face the same problems with the same lack of solutions.

  21. Wishing in Vain

    I find that you are hoping and praying like the rest of us that by saying that they will not send one or two of them to Dodds maybe the motivation to make sure that they do indeed do so ???

    You will also be surprised to know just how far some investigations have proceeded and the advice given to the administration by leading lawyers as to what should happen next, how can you not charge persons for collecting money to build and repair houses and nothing is done to the house nor is one built.

    We should not overlook the person for signing off on a multi million dollar overrun only because the person running the program has trucks working on the project and a girlfriend working in the accounts department of the same department of Gov’t.

    The Urban Commission was a den of theft starting at the officers in the office right thru to the Chairman and Director where the awarding of contracts started at a price tag of $ 1,000.00 and up the 1, 2 , 3 men as they were called.

    Can we turn a blind eye to Booza employed by the NSC and also running a catering business and then has the gall to charge the NSC the huge sum of $ 40,000.00 to provide less than a 100 dinners for an event.

    How can you overlook Peter Odle being given the contract for Sherbourne and where he is allowed to cater for all his private catering events for Island Caterers islandcaterers@caribsurf.com out of the operation of the Gov’t at Sherbourne.

    Or the scam that Nicholls, PETER HARRIS and OWING worked on us to approve the importation of 2,500 SLOT MACHINES that are now being littered all around this island affecting the poorer classes on this island that can least afford another hit.
    I can assure those doubting ones to rest assured that you will see persons going before the court system for theft against the taxpayers.

    This is not business as usual it is far from that program with the likes of Mascot, Owing, Bannister, Shorey, Wilkinson, Cox and Nicholls being put under the microscope.

  22. Mathilda, thank you for your reply, however I hope that you’ll excuse me if I concentrate on the fortunes of my own people. This is n’t the way which I would wish ideally, to be but my experiences with your own people have forced me to be so!

  23. Bimbro….

    Aren’t you a hypocrite or were you lobotomized? Previously were decrying black people and how they should let white people conduct business, now you’re trying to shut Mathilde down with cries that you are looking out for the interest of “your people.” According to you, you’ve had great experiences with Mathilde’s people. Didn’t you?

  24. Hopi, I refer u to my last reply and pray for my own people to improve their performances in many respects, but don’t expect it to happen in a hurry!

  25. The P.M don’t seem to be in charge of what happens in B’dos. How come he make a statement about preserving the lands to the east of this country and now say he might have to go to court to keep it. Does B’dos still belong to bajan or the truth is now coming out that these fields and hills are no longer ours?

  26. fair enough :S i guess greed is a sin no race can overcome completely, but we can all try!
    heres hoping the real estate bubble bursts world wide!

  27. The Apes Hill Blog has alot to say about Lara and his pals buying up the West Coast.

  28. How many miles inland is the PM planning on protecting from foreign ownership? Has anyone heard? And if he does pass this into law isn’t he lowering the value of these lands? What we need is for regulations and common sense to prevail and not be obliterated by the promise of a little money flowing into the island. and before somone counters by saying that the foreign property buyers are bringing in alot of money remember that when they turn around and demand highend finishes like marble etc. foreign exchange has to go back out of the island to purchase these. I wonder if when everthing is calculated how much of the money stays in this island?

  29. Ian Walcott

    The West Coast Model of Development is problematic for a number of reasons:

    1. It shows up the inherent weaknesses of a small island open economy where land as a tradable good is indeed very scarce.
    2. In many instances, the rapid real estate exploitation (because that vulgarity is not development) of the West Coast occurred because of the following:
    a. Phenomenal economic growth in the UK over the last 10 yrs;
    b. The search for real estate investment opportunities and getaway vacation homes in warmer climates (Barbados, Dominican Republic, Tobago, Spain, Portugal, North Africa);
    c. The creation of new wealth sectors fueled by dramatic growth in the IT sector, telecommunications, banking. This created new wealth for speculators, accountants and lawyers in the City (London);
    d. A favorable exchange rate of the British pound against the US dollar to which our currency remains pegged (though we’ve be advised differently).
    We must remember that we are an open economy that respects the right to ownership…

    However, there should have been some degree of government intervention long time ago (at least by the year 2000) to protect the following:
    1. The delicate West coast shoreline and other environmental concerns in the area (the sewerage output is a serious problem; the increased use of cement has created overheating of the area; continued drainage problems);
    2. The shite happening on the West Coast is draining foreign exchange – the transfer of ownership is transacted outside of Barbados, 90% of the materials for construction is imported; 65% of the labor is non-Barbadian and a significant portion of their salaries is converted to US$ and remitted to the their countries of origin;
    3. The impact this increased demand caused on poorer citizens who lived on the shoreline for centuries and were in many ways forced to sell their land (Hilary Beckles’ research has shown that former slaves we sent to live on the rocks of the West Coast because the land was not fertile…ironically the rocks now have artificial value and we’re being pushed back inland, now that the sugar cane lands have no value)
    4. The social backlash whereby we have two distinct socio-economic realities sitting side by side. You simply cannot have exorbitant wealth on the coast and your citizens still with ‘out-houses’ and dilapidated chattel houses on the opposite side of the street. This is planting the seed for social unrest.
    5. Unchecked development where developers were allowed to create gated enclaves that literally shut citizens out. There are little or no public spaces for parks, sports, or general public green spaces for the benefit of all. In fact it’s not uncommon to see the maids, gardeners and cooks waiting at the bus stops at 4:30pm leaving the villas where they are not welcomed after hours…(this is a 21st century Belleville and Strathclyde)
    6. An artificial and highly manipulated demand for land that pushed prices way beyond the reach of the average Barbadian. I say artificial because most of the demand was for the coast line…but it caused a panic among the citizenry who felt that land was running out and this psychological factor (fear) also pushed up the demand and sent land prices through the roof…so in a sense the demand is more psychological than market-driven.

    This vulgar West Coast model of development has also impacted on our basic way of life, the art market and a whole host of unwanted shite in the supermarkets that is wasting precious foreign exchange.
    Finally, it has not created any value added level of employment…a few cooks, gardeners and maids…
    I trust that we’d take a leaf out of the USA’s book and bring to justice, those who are responsible for manipulating the real estate market for their own selfish ends and bringing undue hardship to the vast majority of Bajans…

  30. Lani Edghill

    very well put Ian.
    We are selling out our country for money, anyone want to sell?
    Its sickening
    By the way…..the minister of housing and lands (priminister) and the Chief Town Planner have executive decision over what goas on coastal property.
    A land use planning revision is very much needed for the island

    Lani Edghill
    environmental planner

  31. I don’t know…shouldn’t we embrace the new structural developments along the coast and look towards the many jobs that will be created?

  32. Kick their asses (using brainpower), man

  33. “I don’t know…shouldn’t we embrace the new structural developments along the coast and look towards the many jobs that will be created?”

    No.. Bad architecture ruins beauty and moneyhungry asses don’t care about that

  34. Carlson Rommell Cox

    Access to the beaches in Barbados should not even be a topic for discussion. All Bajans, young, old, returning,and peace loving non-nationals should never be relegated to this . Foreigners cannot engage in such behaviour unless it is condoned by members of the government
    I say let us keep a hard copy of all ministers (or party) who supported this “nonaccess” and vote them out the next election.

  35. It was way back in the 80s and 90s when anyone with an interest could see where things were heading, when part of the port was privatised. But then as now, Bajans were and still are more interested in Kadooment and wukkin up, than what was happening under their noses. And it goes back to Errol Barrow when he said that if Barbadians were not careful one day they would wake up and find that the country was no longer theirs, and so said, so done. The country has been stolen, period, now it is up to you to find a way back, if there is one.

  36. I PRAY that there will be a Catogory 10 Hurricane that will blow down all the Foreign Flimsey Structures that have been errected on swamp lands of west coast and that ONLY the good Old Buildings and RIghteous people’s houses wIll stand Black Brown OR white ,In the name of GOD JESUS !!! AMEN !!!! YOU have to mARCH and STOP THE fOREIGNERS and COW and BIZZY and DEM SO !! Do it NOW PEOPLE , I’ll BE there in a Flash and I mean FLASH!!!

  37. THE PEOPLE BY RIGHTS OWN BARBADOS …If your Father and grandfathers were born there It Is OURS!!! Forget The Government and WorLD BE a FREEMAN NOT a FREEMASON!!! THE WORLD is under Satan’s deception ‘ The GOD of this world the Devil’, SUDDEN DESTRUCTION is THE ONLY WAY ..Maranatha LORD JESUS!!!

  38. barbados wanted to be free from the british.but now the british are back,
    the slave masters and heathen dogs.
    bajans and barbados goverment has invited them back.
    how stupid is that?
    those people probably are the ancestors that in-slaved bajans long ago.
    that is ironic.
    the queen makes sirs of rapers of the land and highways.
    thing is everyday bajans are too busy working to pay the bills.
    or planning how to dress up and wuck up and look like stupid for the foreign
    bastards to sit back and say don’t worry these people just want to drink rum and jump around.
    while they steal your birthrights.
    as for the developers. i beleave a lot of them are not from barbados originally.
    and barbados does not hold that special place in their hearts.
    it is just buisness to the highest bidder.
    very sad.
    even places like hawaii have laws in place for foreign land sales and them got more islands and they are bigger.
    now the Hawaiians want their islands back

  39. people bringing race into this !! so as a white Boy who’s father Dead when he was 12 years old and Niaeve mother Sell all that he had , NOW he can’t get no job can’t even live in he owh Homeland and dem wanna talk bout if ya white or brown ..that is BS IT is IF YA RICH OR POOR cause all de Government Black all de Jobs Black in de Hotels ..It is only the RICH wGHItES and Black and Brown that giot evating !! Obama Brown and He is president Dey call him black but he was raised WHITe and He MUddA WHItE He don even know he father ! Get a Grip it isn’t all about Color but it is about THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF AALLLLL EVIL!!!!



  42. Sometime Gal are U Bajan? Do u really think that big ugly structures that block the beautiful waters around LOS Barbados are beneficial to any Bajan ? Well I telling U NOT even the jobs they create will stand , cause the wages in Barbados are a JOKE! And this is what is contributing to Crime and Corruption !!! But funny enough it is those people that make the most (government workers) that are the most corrupt and Criminals and GREEDY!

  43. Gerald Taylor

    Barbados was a peacefull paradise and has now been destroyed by greed, both politically by the corrupt politicians and a select few of the so called elite.The only recourse for true Bajans of every colour is open rebellion.
    Should these billionaires and millionaires foreigners not required to pay taxes on their billions and millions whereever it is earned worldwide – justifiably so since they by virtue of the land and structures they now own (raped be it) in Barbados are therefore residents of the Island which they have succesfully destroyed for the poor and humble Barbadian ??

  44. Koh Samui (Thailand) has also adopted stringent building laws to protect the island’s natural beauty and to prevent the construction of the type of highrise developments which blight so many resorts around the world. This means that no buildings over three storeys can be built in certain areas, and large properties cannot be developed on or near the beachfront.

  45. The reality is there are many examples of countries which were popular by the rich and famous and after being plundered or hit with hard times the rich packed and left.

  46. It is widely believed that property in Barbados is owned by the rich and famous. Although this is still the case, over the years the market has spread and diversified with prices ranging from US$400,000 to US$40,000,000.

  47. The west coast has some of the highest property prices in the world and now the soutThe west coast has some of the highest property prices in the world and now the south coast is seeing extreme expansion, development and growth due to fantastic beaches, amenities and lower priceuth h coast is seeing extreme expansion, development and growth due to fantastic beaches, amenities and lower prices..No2w they got their Greedy Grubby paws set on South Coast

  48. WellD avid I hope we plunder Them and Hit them SO that they will leave ASAP!!!

  49. Some in defence will ask you V how do we replace the foreign dollars if they leave.

  50. David we don’t want all of them to leave but let them lease the land ,not sell all out to highest bidder and let them stay for 3 months maximum at a time , controll rents and have some special laws for 100% Barbadians like ourselves, were we can see the sea , buy a piece of land and even afford to rent and do business…..

  51. “Cash is King” and this has always benefited Barbados as the super rich enjoy our beautiful island – The West Coast of Barbados is well known for its celebrity and ultra wealthy visitors and homeowners such as Simon Cowell, Mick Jagger, Hugh Grant, David & Victoria Beckham, Wayne & Colleen Rooney, Princes William & Harry, Queen Elizabeth II, The Blairs, Sir Cliff Richard, Jeremy Clarkson, Tom Cruise, Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Michael Schumacher, Amy Winehouse, The Rausing Family, Sir Philip Green, Michael Winner, David Frost, Madonna, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Lulu, Rihanna (born in Barbados), Sir Elton John, Richard Branson, Andrei Shevchenko, Sir Alex Ferguson, Roman Abramovich, Sting, Armani, The late Pavarotti……The list is simply endless as are the private jets lining the run ways…. Expedia voted Barbados as the number one destination in the world to spot a “celebrity”. The reason we list only a tiny number of the more well known names is not to sound like a cheap tabloid but to indicate the support, investment and attraction we have as an island. This is the reality of the market place in Barbados and it is growing and now thankfully the market has started to diversify and expand into the middle markets. The security within our property market is that prices remain stable and grow as owners are not desperate to sell due to their wealthy and the middle markets are able to secure rental income to offset the related costs as Barbados tourism is also still doing

  52. Under the former government the economic philosophy was let land fetch its highest economic value, is it the same of the current government? Have we seen any change in policy you think?

  53. i believe there is still time for Barbados to fix these things.
    but who will step up?
    who really cares.
    money will always make good people turn their heads.
    there needs to be a voice of the people on these matters.
    an official office of the people.
    the truth is barbados is overpopulated.
    but is the answer to making jobs?????
    selling our soil to foreigners?
    and by the way some of these foreigners are wicked evil people.
    every one wants a car for example.
    does simpson motors offer electric cars or does sirs sell cars to just make money not caring about the environmental impact.
    there will come a day when you can get in your fancy car and you wont be able to move forward.
    do the car dealers care about this?????????
    same ting only different.

  54. not only the foreigners can be evil but those greedy men in barbados that
    have so much but yet still lie to wid
    ows and the fatherless b telling them

    their prperty will devalue cause of
    roads and tenantries that will go in next to them and scam them out of millions H. davia nas n parravicino and the late Mosey read

  55. H. DAVIS

  56. Skipper V

    Are you sure about Nick Parravicino? He and my aunt are friends. Whenever he sees her he gives her a $200. In fact, we used to know the entire family, from Poor Bob down.

  57. I was referring to a spacific case , many years ago … Parravicino ??/Hhmmmmmmmmmmm
    who en know dem ,all a dem …
    yeh kTA for $200.00 if u think that is rite , to look fer TUPENCE..While they grab all the millions ..

  58. it is obvious by the lack of interest in this article,
    that like always bajans don’t really give a crap.
    we keep hoping for the cat 10 hurricane.
    blow all the mf away.