Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary Closing



Bridgetown, Barbados

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Contact:                                                Harry Roberts, General Manager

Telephone:                                            (246) 426-3610


Backup Letters, Art and Archives:

Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary in Barbados to Close

[Vancouver, Canada] Environmental philanthropist Peter Allard announced that the 35-acre Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary in Barbados will close on December 15, 2008.

Saying that “no one individual can stand longer than a generation in the wilderness of environmental preservation,” Allard despaired that to preserve the environmental heritage at Graeme Hall for future generations of Barbadians would require “a government-led consciousness.”

“I thank the the citizens of Barbados who came to the Sanctuary to visit, and thank those who signed the petition with the Friends of Graeme Hall for a National Park,” said Allard.   “I believe the Sanctuary would not have been possible without the support of the many eco-visitors, school children and the hard-working employees who put their heart and soul into making the Sanctuary a first class visitor experience.”

Allard went on to say that the Sanctuary would not exist if it had not been for special individuals who helped make it happen  such as Dame Billie Miller and her kind and capable Permanent Secretary, the late Brie St. John, Dr. Lorna Inniss, Dr. Trevor Carmichael, Dr. Karl Watson and many, many others.

Approximately 85 employees and contractors will be negatively affected by the closing.   It is expected that tour companies, taxis and local businesses will lose bookings as well.

In 2007, over 6,000 Barbadians signed a Friends of Graeme Hall petition in favor of preserving the approximately 240 acre green area at Graeme Hall as a National Park.    As the largest green space on the South Coast between the Airport and Bridgetown, the proposed National Park would include the designated 91-acre RAMSAR wetland approved under the international Convention on Wetlands, the 35-acre Sanctuary, and recreational lands.

Saying that that the future of the Sanctuary and the National Park is in the hands of the people of Barbados, Allard believes that the Friends of Graeme Hall and the citizens of Barbados must decide what their priorities are.

“We have great affection and regard for the people of Barbados, and the Sanctuary effort has always been a philanthropic mission.   This has been an incredibly painful and saddening decision, but ultimately it is not for us to initiate or set national goals and long term legacies for the nation.”

More information about the Sanctuary and the proposed Graeme Hall National Park can be found at and .

214 responses to “Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary Closing

  1. It’s unfortunate you dont see the linkages.


  2. Black In My Body
    You said you have white in your body and consider yourself a whiteman with European heritage.But blacks in Barbados should not consider themselves black with African heritage.
    Barbadian is only a nationality but our ethnic origin is African.Like it or not we blacks are the descendants of African slaves and that is an undeniable fact.
    In Barbados we have an ethnic group that we call Indians.We have a few thousand Indians borned in Barbados who have Barbadian nationality,but we Barbadians refer to them as Indians.We never mentioned them as only Barbadians.We specify Indian.
    The reasons are:
    (1) Those Barbadian Indians look like Indians from the Indian Continent
    (2)Those Indians maintain the same dress code as the Indians from the continent.
    (3) Those Barbadian Indians practise the same religion,have the same culture and the same norms & values as those from the Continent.
    Eventhough those borned Barbadian Indians have Barbadian nationality they have not forgotten who they are,where they come from,and where they heritage is .On the other hand we black Barbadisns with African heritage must abandon everthing African,forget we have African in us and believe we are only Barbadian and for us that should only matter.
    I will admit I have little regard,little love if any at all for Indians.However,I have respect for the way the Indians preseved their heritage in every region of the earth that they go.
    We blacks can learn a lot from the Indians in Barbados .
    Unfortunately for us blacks the legacy of slavery has practically destroyed our heritage and it will take a period of time before we can reclaim what is our and recognise the true Afriac.It will take time but the rebuilding process is under way.

  3. By the way, I’m not quite sure what you mean by “termiol in Africa.”

    Please help me to understand that.

  4. Thanks Negroman

    PLease educate them on how the Motherland was carved up at a table in Europe and how ethnic groups were divided – the root cause of today’s strife.

    PLease show them the parallels in the former Yugoslavia, Georgia and the list goes on.

    Please educate them on the artificiality of the nation-state in Africa (another white man construct) and show them the root causes of today’s strife.

    Negroman, educate ya brothers and sisters doo.

    Please explain to them that true philanthropists dont meddle in governmental or national affairs. They donate their money and keep quiet unless they have another agenda.

    Please show them the linkages between the so-called Graeme Hall project and the rape of the West Coast.

    Please, please, please!

  5. This thread really needs locking down, as nothing relating to the topic is being discussed any longer.

  6. black in my body

    I have never and will never be upset over my heritage white or black however you are a barbadian you loyalty lies with the country of your birth and your parents birth not some continent that you have possibly never even visited. unlike you I do not call myself african or english even tho I might have hertiage on both sides I am a Barbadian.and if we do not all act in the best interests of our island it will not Grow up as a Barbadian,Proud and erect not as some half baked Moron bent on driving the dreams of barbadians on the whole down the perverbial tubes.As for the Indian culture here in the island you are correct in all but one area the Indian population also stays firmly away from trying to discredit any race or group in the island and stay out of all politics as well.

  7. Oh Please wake up

    As someone had said earlier that Allard should go back to Canada… If you read the beginning of the article you will see that the article was sent from Canada… So the man has been sending funds to this as a charity already… and is ready to give it away… It’s so typical that we dont open our minds to possibilities, it could easily be a public park, it would be much more fascinating than Barclays…

  8. Oh Please wake up

    Termiol… Africa… your own people kill each other… tribal wars still exist…
    What… you dont know… CUHDEAR.. get educated… watch the news…use the net… now back to the thread thats on GRAEME HALL…

  9. Oh Please wake up

    p.s. your book… its an opinion of one man… go take a history course… then come talk to us…

  10. @Adrian Loveridge: “I have by the way emailed it to BU and BFP twice.”

    So, are you ,AL, submitting to the readers that BU and BFP have the information their commentators are asking for, but have not brought the same forward?

    Humm… Are the BB blogs nothing but the traditional forth estate (in different clothing)?

    I do hope *someone* will speak to this…

    Could someone (anyone) advise?

  11. Anonymous,
    I wid you all de way man. These people really think that what you say could sway tourist from coming hay? (stupse)
    I would like to see the swamp before it dry up cause people getting on like dat is what will happen. Who gun cah me?
    (Just a lil humor fa de bloggers.)
    How ya like ma?
    How ya like ma.

  12. what a useless thread. this could have been an intelligent one except we ended up with whole load of crap as to who got what in who blood…

  13. @Chris H

    You are not prepared to give is the benefit of the doubt?

    Please note that Adrian L sent us a link from within his inbox which prompts for a login/password to his email account. Adrian we wondered if you could cut and paste the information.

  14. u4real // November 4, 2008 at 9:08 am

    However, this morning I will remind my son and my dauhgter and my frineds that we are proud africans incase they need to remember THANKS!
    Just remember that Africans sold other Africans as slaves and Africa is the only continent in the world where slavery is still practised.
    You just cant help can you?
    Slavery is still very much alive in Europe also albeit by another name.
    You are the kind who just cant accept that slavery was wrong. People like you would say anything to justify your ignorance.
    Its very much alive in Africa under the same name slavery!
    Shut your eyes and dream of the Africa that you have never even been too.
    Africans sold Africans and today Africans kill Africans so be happy that you are Bajan and no nothing of the reality of Africa where life is cheap – that is why Africans risk their lives to get out of the place every single day.

    Read the news lately?
    Hundreds of thousands fleeing from other Africans in the Congo,
    13 year old girl stoned to death after being raped in Somalia.
    Slavery was a terrible thing but the decendents of slaves are far better off living in Barbados than the majority living in Africa.

  15. Straight talk

    If all humanity originated from the Olduvai Gorge, and that in reality is the cradle of civilisation, how come Anon fell out that cradle, bumped his head, eschewed civility, and earned a teaching position at UWI.

  16. @ru4real….

    You still dodging the fact that your Europeans are also involved in everyday slavery as much as the Africans but lets leave that for another day, you really pinch a nerve when you tell me to read the news.
    Hundreds fleeing Congo……….give the true reasons not the one dictated by CNN or FOX.

    13 year old girl stoned to death after being raped in Somalia……..there you go again.All the journalists who were invited to the debacle said to them she looked 23. This is in agreement to what the officials say. Under Sharia Law, it is illegal if the girl is 13.
    I am in no way condoning this killing as I think it is Barbaric but please dont come here with your arrogance,telling people to read news, when it is clear that the only ‘news’ you read is what you see on CNN or FOX.

    any how, done with you, another place …another time……peace.

  17. What’s the true reasons in Rwanda, Techie.

    Are blacks really hacking blacks to death in the cradle of civilisation?

    Tell me no.

  18. 13 year old girl stoned to death after being raped in Somalia……..there you go again.All the journalists who were invited to the debacle said to them she looked 23. This is in agreement to what the officials say. Under Sharia Law, it is illegal if the girl is 13.
    O sorry thats alright then she LOOKED 23 so it ok that she gets raped by three men and THEN gets stoned to death.

    Do go back to Africa you will fit in jus fine.

  19. Adrian Loveridge


    My apologies, apparently the BTA News Update is only available to a limited number of ‘stakeholders’.

    I cannot even imagine what is the ‘management’ logic behind this decision.

    And I thought we were trying to get the general public to better understand the vagaries of the tourism industry!

  20. @ ru4real……

    Show me where I ever said it is ok.
    All I tried to show, is that the media also plays a part in its coverage with deception, which in turn creates emotional public responses for their own agendas.
    Keep on twisting my words … have been taught well.
    No need to go to Africa….Barbados is slowly becoming like it,

  21. Straight talk


    off thread I know, but is it true that poor foundation design at the Hilton just cost us that $8m?

  22. A 13 year old girl was raped by jippy doyle and then was castigated by persons who should have known better shupse what is the difference what shite am I hearing! I never once denied (I know negroman aint going to like this but) that Kings lived handsomely off of the bloods of their own but please remember that all over Europe persons sell children and women for next kin to nthing. The next leading King of the world are blatantly killing their own an wwe still support them (china) your point there is no lil sin and big sin frien! Congrats to Obama!


    Bridgetown, Barbados
    MONDAY, November 3, 2008

    Contact: Harry Roberts, General Manager
    Telephone: (246) 426-3610
    Art and Archives:


    Place: Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary
    When: SUNDAY, November 9, 2008
    Time: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Cost: Free to all

    On SUNDAY, November 9, 2008, Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary will be open to the public.

    Admission is free.

    “Sunday will be an opportunity for everyone to come and see the Sanctuary,” said Harry Roberts, General Manager. “We are saddened that we are closing the Sanctuary on December 15, but this is a chance for all Bajans to come and see a pristine example of their national heritage, and the beauty of the wetland before the gates close.”

    The Sanctuary is part of the proposed 240-acre Graeme Hall National Park (, of which 81 acres have been designated as a RAMSAR wetland approved under the international Convention on Wetlands. The Sanctuary is located entirely within the RAMSAR site.

    A video of the Sanctuary and the proposed Graeme Hall National Park can be viewed at .

    In 2007, over 6,000 Barbadians signed a petition in favor of preserving the entire green area at Graeme Hall, since it is the last and largest green space on the South Coast between the Airport and Bridgetown.

  24. @ST


    off thread I know, but is it true that poor foundation design at the Hilton just cost us that $8m?
    I dont know ST ask the BAPE lot they should have been on the case.

  25. @David: “You are not prepared to give is the benefit of the doubt?

    Never. It is not the scientists’ way. (Smile.)

    I detected an inconsistency between the “outputs” of two “trusted” sources. One of them had to be wrong…

    @Loveridge: “My apologies, apparently the BTA News Update is only available to a limited number of ’stakeholders’. I cannot even imagine what is the ‘management’ logic behind this decision.

    The BTA is aware they will fall under the FOIA. Correct?

    They may wish to consider this, and begin acting as if the act has already been enacted…

  26. Here is the elusive BTA news alert 🙂

    This is verbatim

    Interesting that the blogs as usual got not a passing mention when we were at the lead of the fight, notable mention Barbados Free Press.

    Government Plans to save Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary

    Following protests for almost eight thousand Barbadians, including a recently launched Facebook group with over 1500 members screaming ‘Save the Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary’ the Government of Barbados has stated it will do all (it) can to keep the attraction open.

    In a official release dated October 29, Mr Allard stated that the Sanctuary was slated to close its doors December 15, 2008. Since then there has been a public outcry that the sanctuary remain (s) open as it remains a vital aspect of the island’s eco-tourism product, in an area where sustainable tourism is becoming of greater importance.

    Minister of Tourism, Richard Sealy, stated that currently Government was currently in dialogue with owner, Canadian based Peter Allard, above what assistance Government can provide to keep the sanctuary open.In addition he emphasized that Barbados was not in a position to lose attractions he revealed that currently Government was seeking new attractions to bring on stream.

    The sanctuary occupies about 25 acres of an 81-acre wetland, which has been designated a natural heritage conversation in the Physical Development Plan (PDP) which was birthed out of public and private sector consultations. The rest of the wetlands are principally owned by Government. Aproximately 85 employees and contractors are employed with the Sanctuary.

    Information about the can be found at and

  27. David et al.

    Thank you for your above.

    If I may please share, and quote a great personal influence… Dire Straits (Mark Knopfler) / Love over Gold (1982) / Industrial Disease…

    “I go down to Speaker’s Corner I’m thunderstruck…
    they got free speech, tourists, police in trucks…
    two men say they’re Jesus one of them must be wrong…
    there’s a protest singer singing a protest song – he says:
    ‘they wanna have a war to keep us on our knees…
    they wanna have a war to keep their factories…
    they wanna have a war to stop us buying Japanese
    they wanna have a war to stop Industrial Disease…
    they’re pointing out the enemy to keep you deaf and blind…
    they wanna sap your energy incarcerate your mind…
    they give you Rule Brittania, gassy beer, page three…
    two weeks in Espana and Sunday striptease’…
    meanwhile the first Jesus says ‘I’d cure it soon…
    abolish monday mornings and friday afternoons’…
    the other one’s on a hunger strike he’s dying by degrees…
    how come Jesus gets Industrial Disease?

  28. A 13 year old girl was raped by jippy doyle and then was castigated by persons who should have known better shupse what is the difference what shite am I hearing!
    The difference is she is still alive not stoned to death for ‘adultery’

  29. If that is the “verbatim” release of the BTA it is embarrassing.

    The real links to the Press Page and National Park are:

    And the Sanctuary is 35 acres, not 25.

  30. @GHNS: “If that is the “verbatim” release of the BTA it is embarrassing. The real links to the Press Page and National Park are:…

    *Very* well done!

  31. Pingback: Is It Really the End of Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary In Barbados : The Barbados Blog

  32. What a pity that this topic has been hijacked by sad trolls such as Negroman.
    There are some interesting posts in between his brainless rants.

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