Will Government Have To Compulsorily Acquire Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary? ~ The Other Side Of The Kingsland Estate Court Matter Part XII

Submitted by BWWR

For many years, I was one of the few readers (and according to its counter there were very few) of the site www.keltruth.com. This was the website of the Knox family devoted, subjectively, to its side of the Kingsland Estates issue. If you click on to www.keltruth.com these days, you are directed instead to www.keltruthblog.com into which Keltruth.com has metamorphosed and you discover that this blog is the property of the Keltruth Corp. of Miami, Florida. If you take this a step further (online) and you do a free corporate search of the Keltruth Corp., you will find that it is a limited liability corporation capitalized at US$1,000. I am sure that if you searched further, you would find that it has one named director – probably the same one as Nelson Barbados Group Ltd – and that no shareholders are named. Given the difficulty and cost of piercing the corporate veil in the United States and the fact that the actual owners of Keltruth  are highly unlikely to have the funds to pay the damages for defamation awarded to anyone that sues Keltruth, it is an easy call for Keltruth to invite all and sundry to sue it and then claim because they do not that it is because they have not defamed anyone. It is akin to a man standing at the North Pole challenging a man at the South Pole to hit him.

Apart from the fact that I have never liked or trusted Madge Knox, I was prepared to take her side and I used to discuss the case of Kingsland (and I live in Christ Church) with all and sundry and in these discussions I derided all the people that Keltruth derided.

For about three weeks in 2005 I had dengue fever and I felt so ill, I thought my number was up. My temper was short and, when I was not being sick, my statements even more aggressive than usual. My eldest, never one to suffer his mother’s tantrums, had finally had enough and let me have it. One of the things he had to say was that he found it unacceptable that I, without hearing the other side, should take Madge Knox’s side. When the Privy Council ruled against Madge, knowing the care and research that would have gone into that decision, I prevailed upon a friend to provide me a copy of the Privy Council Record – and it is a very long record. It was also very embarrassing for me to realize that I had been conned by Madge Knox, a woman whom I never trusted in the first place.

I want to say that it was not difficult to get sight of the documents. By that time (2005) since 1998 Madge Knox and family had been slandering the names of all the defendants and, where corporate their officers, to anyone they could get to listen, in an effort to garner publicity and sympathy for their cause. Naturally, these defendants had set the record straight with their families and close friends, even to the extent of providing documentation to show their innocence of the slanders. Barbados is a very small island. Do I need to say more? The moment I started to write what you aptly called “The Other Side of Kingsland”, what had been a trickle of documents became a flood. You see, people do not like to see their loved ones unjustifiably held up to international ridicule and degradation.

It was a simple matter. Madge had claimed a preemptive right that, upon reading the articles of Kingsland, any first-year law student would have known did not exist in the circumstances. She had also claimed oppression by Kingsland, when clearly, as a director of Kingsland herself, she was unable to support such a claim and she had tried fraudulently to use her shares to support her appeals while preventing by injunction the people she was suing from using their shares to do the same. As a Bajan and an enthusiastic lover of cricket, this bad sportsmanship got to me probably more than the lies and half-truths that had been served up to me on Keltruth.com.

However, forget all that. Had I been Madge’s counsel having, as Madge’s counsel has, his fees paid by someone with as deep pockets as Peter Allard, I would have advised that Madge NOT sue at all, but simply hold on to her shares and wait for Classic and Mr Cox to make a legal error and then pounce. This way, she would have been a party to all the money that Mr Cox hopes to make out of Kingsland. Instead of that, the “all or nothing” approach was taken on exceedingly flimsy legal grounds. Well, this was still okay, but I would have advised that Madge NOT sue Classic as it would keep Classic in what was a nonsense action that she hoped to win by cutting off financing to the Kingsland shareholders. The minute she sued Classic, she was doomed, because she could not prevent or sue Classic for supporting and maintaining the defense of the other Kingsland shareholders. David, this is first year law. Before going further, let me explain that there are three common law principals involved here, only two of which will I explain, with the help of Wikipedia. These are MAINTENANCE, CHAMPERTY and BARRATRY. Wikipedia has it that:

“In common law jurisdictions, MAINTENANCE is the intermeddling of an uninterested party to encourage a lawsuit. It is “A taking in hand, a bearing up or upholding of quarrels or sides, to the disturbance of the common right.”.

Champerty is the maintenance of a person in a lawsuit on condition that the subject matter of the action is to be shared with the maintainer. Among laypersons, this is known as “buying into someone else’s lawsuit.”

In Barbadian Common Law, maintenance, champerty and barratry are not only civil wrongs (torts) but also indictable crimes punishable by custodial sentences AND/OR fines and, in tort, attracting costs and special damages. Had Classic not been sued by Madge and had it supported the defense of the Kingsland shareholders, she would have had a civil and criminal action for champerty. Stupid mistake Numero Uno. And trust me, this is first year law.

By the way, in case anyone is wondering what BARRATRY is, it is in Barbados a civil and criminal action that can be brought under the common law for the bringing of frivolous and vexatious litigation. Better watch it, Madge.

Champerty is a two-edged sword and at some stage someone was bound to get the evidence they needed to show that Peter Allard had “bought in to someone else’s lawsuit”. In other words, Allard had bought into Madge’s lawsuit. So to avoid this, a defense had to be provided for Peter Allard. Once again, it is first year law that champerty cannot be claimed against (a) immediate relatives of a party to the action or (b) the counsel of a party to the action. My advice would have been what was actually done, which is that one of Madge’s children borrow the money against some form of personal collateral from Mr Allard and thus there is no champerty. So, I agree with a mortgage being raised by Kent and Jane Goddard for $1.3 million against their $600,000 property at Hanson in St George. While it certainly would raise an eyebrow or two in respect of Mr Allard’s business acumen, it nonetheless prevented a successful prosecution (both civil and criminal) for champerty against him.

However, this is where I would have drawn the line and I would not have allowed my client, upon notice of proceedings against her shares in Kingsland, to fraudulently attempt to transfer those shares and then charge them in favour of Peter Allard. If she refused my advice, even if she retained counsel in a foreign country, I would have withdrawn from her case at once. I note that Madge’s Bajan counsel did not withdraw.

Having lost her unwinnable action before Greenidge J., I would then have sought the very alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that you, David, now advise. I would have filed the appeal on Madge’s behalf and asked all parties if they were agreeable to an ADR. By way of showing good faith and good intentions, I would have asked for a mediator whom all would have respected and agreed to – someone like Sir Roy Marshall or his sister, Dorothy Williams. In fact, as it was a corporate matter, one of the names I would have suggested on my short list would have been the late Freddie Clarke. In this way, there would have been give on both sides and I would have been confident of a satisfactory conclusion to the whole issue by about 2002.

This, of course, was not done and instead the appeal proceeded. And was lost by Madge.

At this stage, I would have applied for leave to appeal to the Privy Council, but also I would have urged ADR with, of course, a weaker hand, but nonetheless confident of a good result for all parties. I would stress at this point that I have been privy to certain documents that show the willingness of Mr Richard Cox to meet and negotiate with Madge Knox LONG after any need on his part to do so had gone. Most people would not have done this and it is entirely to Mr Cox’s credit that he did – even if I still think of him in terms of a Great White Shark.

Mr Cox’s offers of negotiations and mediation were never taken up that I can see and Madge delayed and delayed the actual process of the Privy Council by an inordinate time for reasons that I cannot fathom, but which certainly would lend credence to the suggestion that by this time her counsel must finally have realized that she did not stand a hope in hell.

So, the matter went to the Privy Council with no ADR suggested by Madge (and as she had lost both at first instance and on appeal, it would have seemed to me as her counsel that it would have been up to her to make overtures for ADR).

There was a request for ADR from Madge before the Privy Council decision was given, but only after the Privy Council had heard the case, with the attendant expense and bellicose publicity from Patrick Hoyos on Madge’s side. I see from certain documents that have come my way that instructions were asked by counsel from all defendants the grounds for which were that, immediately following the hearing before the Privy Council on the very steps of the Privy Council Chamber, Miss Hillary Heilbron Q.C. acting for Madge Knox, advised opposing counsel that she had won the case, but was prepared to negotiate a settlement in advance of the actual verdict. Changing sides for a moment, had I been representing the defendants, I would have advised that such a request for ADR was far too late and that I did not share Miss Heilbron’s opinion of the way things had gone. However, from an abundance of caution that it might be a good idea to talk, if nothing else. This may have been suggested to Miss Heilbron, I do not know. However, Miss Heilbron must certainly have known before she started that she didn’t stand a chance and would have insisted if only discussion was suggested, on binding ADR and this would have been a non-starter for me as defense counsel. Too late, David, far too late.

ADR can only EVER work when it can be of benefit to BOTH parties. It can never work when it can be of benefit to only one party and that is the situation now. It can ONLY be of benefit to Mental Madge and Puny Peter.

The Motion for Jurisdiction comes before the Ontario Courts for one week of hearing commencing December 8th. My experience of legal practice (and Pat can assist me here as she too has considerable experience in that area) is that for any judge to be able to apportion that amount of time, he must have done it some months ago. During those months, the legal bills have kept on ticking and there is no evidence of ADR having been suggested and the onus certainly has to be on the Plaintiff in this matter since in my view it has no case whatsoever.

Also, in my last blog, I reported that cross-examinations had now completed. Well, I since found out the scope of these cross-examinations and you can work out the costs of them for yourself:

  • ITEM 1. Air transport to Barbados (first or club class) and return to Canada for 6 lead defense counsel and their staff and for 1 plaintiff’s counsel and his staff plus Ontario Court Reporters staff and equipment. I would guesstimate about 20 people at about US$2500 per ticket. You do the maths.
  • ITEM 2.  Fees for same (and senior counsel in Canada now bill at $750 Canadian per hour x 6 days x 24 hours per day. You do the maths.
  • ITEM 3. First class hotel accommodations for all 20.
  • ITEM 4. Plus daily living expenses of US$1,000 per day EACH.
  • ITEM 5.  Rental of conference room (at a first class hotel) for 6 days.
  • ITEM 6.  Videotaping of cross-examinations. There are not many firms that are qualified to carry this out and Barbados is small and I am not naming the firm that did carry it out, but that is easy for any interested party to find out and ask what their fee was.
  • ITEM 7.  Travel for all counsel to Calgary, Alberta to cross-examine the VECO Corporation. This includes the same club or first class airfares for 6 defense and 1 plaintiff’s counsel plus staff plus hotels and living allowances etc.
  • ITEM 8.  Travel to Toronto for John Knox and Iain Deane for their respective cross-examinations there, plus hotels and living allowances etc.
  • ITEM 9.  Expense of court reporting firm plus videotaping of cross-examinations etc.

I reported that Lawyer McKenzie had told a number of people that he knew that he was going to lose, but would simply re-file in another province and continue to do so in other provinces. How do you fancy his chances if a few of these people to whom he spoke swear and file an affidavit reporting his statements? I would think that even the Law Society of Upper Canada, a hag almost as old and as toothless as myself (except I have false teeth that bite real good – especially when I remember to put in a little Polygrip) will have little option but to cancel Lawyer McKenzie’s license to practice law and that this salutary lesson will not be lost on other members of that Law Society in case they are thinking of picking up where Lawyer McKenzie left off.

Then, there is the abuse of process and I understand that Lawyer McKenzie has performed in such a manner and with such blatant disregard for the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure that there is every likelihood that costs in the millions of dollars on a solicitor/client basis will be awarded against him PERSONALLY.

You have raised the issue of the publicity that attaches to this whole matter.

At the same time that the Miami Keltruth Corp. came into being, we saw the advent of Barbados Free Press. BFP used sensationalism with usually only a modicum of fact and strict “moderation” of any opinions counter to its own, to build a substantial readership (now all but eradicated by the popularity and far stricter and open-minded editorial policies of yourself). Then, almost immediately started the BFP promotion of a largely readerless Keltruth with comments like “Keltruth has provided an excellent commentary” etc. Very clever. You feed the gypsy-ness element of we Bajans and then direct us to a site that at that time almost exclusively dealt with the Kingsland matter in a totally one-sided manner with many clear instances of criminal and civil libel and no recourse for the parties to this.

If you Google the names of any of the defendants in the Ontario action, you are directed to the tirades of Keltruth and BFP and, if you are doing exploratory work prior to having dealings with Barbados or these defendants, these defamatory articles are what you get. So, I set about to redress the matter and it gives me no pause at all that when you Google the names of Kathy Davis, Madge Knox, Peter Allard and the Allard family, Stuart Heaslett, John Knox, Jane Goddard, K. William McKenzie, Alair Shepherd and others, you find them on the receiving end of what they tried to dish out. The have defamed Richard Cox, a CEO of a company that relies on his good name. They have criminally defamed Sir David Simmons and with him our justice system (which is infinitely more effective than the Canadian justice system). They have defamed Peter Simmons. I see still when I Google “Iain Deane Barbados” the suggestion that Sir David Simmons is hiding Iain Deane from what they misrepresent as criminal prosecution. They have implied that Clyde Turney is criminally liable in this case, as is our prime minister and former prime minister. Worst of all, they have defamed Barbados and tried to represent us as a bunch of ignorant, illiterate savages incapable of governing ourselves and requiring the take-over of Puny Peter.

The minister has said he is prepared to meet with Peter Allard, which, trust me, means that he has written to Peter Allard suggesting such a meeting and proposing a date for same. The minister has no need to defend himself in such a case, because he, like some of us, is very clear of his options.

The minister’s objective will be to try to keep Puny Peter in Barbados, but on the clear understanding that he will not intercede with the courts or try to alter the course of justice or our laws to suit Puny Peter and Mental Madge. If Puny Peter wants to have a discussion about Graeme Hall that does not have any conditions attached, but is solely about Graeme Hall, then the minister will certainly do what he can to reach an agreement and accommodation.

If no such agreement is reached, then Peter Allard will close Graeme Hall and in due course, when the wildlife is viewed as being at risk, the Barbados government – any Barbados government, including that of Mia Mottley, will invoke compulsory land acquisition and name a price at which it is prepared to purchase Graeme Hall – and it will be a reasonable price. Then, Barbados will own Graeme Hall and will maintain the nature sanctuary. Mr Allard will go his own way and so too, I think, will the Knox family (probably to join Kathy Davis in the United States) when they discover that, while their lives and legal rights are protected, Bajans would rather having nothing to do with them because of their treason to Barbados and its citizens.

The alternative is unthinkable. That would be that the government would cave in over Graeme Hall (that it can, if Allard doesn’t protect this sanctuary properly, acquire by law) and kiss goodbye to all the foreign exchange that has flowed out of Barbados in defense of this nonsense action in Canada. A lot of Bajans (one of them over 90 and many in their late 80s) who have paid a lot of money to defend the action will be destitute as a result, just because the government wants to cave in to some Canadian and allow him to dictate our laws and the application of those laws? For Barbados to negotiate on anything involving Kingsland now would be counterproductive. The matter for Barbados can only be salvaged by a decision in its favour by the Canadian courts and such a decision will assert clearly Barbados’ sovereign independent rights and its lawful and proper exercize of same – and Barbados has been left with no option now, but to assert those rights and the rights under its laws of its citizens. Remember, speaking of Caesar, which I see no name has raised, “Civis Romanus Sum”. If we Bajans cannot rely on our own government, laws and institutions to protect our civic and legal rights from foreign manipulators and “philanthropists” like Peter Allard and his family, then we may as well all leave Barbados and just let them take over and do what they want.

No, David. If I was advising the defendants, including the government, I would state without equivocation that the time for ADR is long past and to just let the matter now be resolved through the courts to the eventual ruin and disgrace of those who have tried so diligently and for so long to ruin and disgrace Barbados with their false, one-sided blogs.

Our final card is the Land Acquisition Act Cap 228 of our laws. Please note that. As far as I am aware, government is not a signatory to any part of the Graeme Hall scheme, there is no joint venture between government and it, Allard has announced his plans to close the sanctuary as of December 15th and Allard has previously, unsuccessfully, placed it on the open market for sale. Allard has drummed up a public awareness for its maintenance and if he fails to maintain it, then Government will act on the will of the Bajan people and compulsorily acquire it in their names – and Allard will have provided government with more than sufficient grounds and ammunition to use against any detraction tactics he and his family may try through your media outlets. Remember also that Barbados is home to many media people, some that make Allarco look small – and they like it here and they like Barbados just as it is and they respect its laws, government and institutions.

Had there been a soothsayer available before Puny Peter’s birth, she/he might well have chosen to quote the poet Horace. “Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus”. Translation: The mountains will be in labor, and a ridiculous mouse will be brought forth.

Related Story

Canadian Lawyers Recommend Videos Of Cross-examiniations Kept Secret In Nelson Barbados Group Vs The Country Of Barbados And Others ~ The Other Side Of The Kingsland Estate Court Matter Part XI

34 responses to “Will Government Have To Compulsorily Acquire Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary? ~ The Other Side Of The Kingsland Estate Court Matter Part XII

  1. Without prejudice…

    I truly love lawyers. I admire how their minds work. They are true hackers of human languages and systems…

    Thank you BWWR, for your deep analysis of this particular situation.

  2. Is BWWR Pat Simmons?

  3. Now that’s rich…

    An “Anonymous Coward” trying to figure out who an anonymous poster is… LOL!

  4. @BWWR

    If I understand correctly, you are contending that the ploy of the owner of the Sanctuary is to use the threat of its closure as leverage to get government to intercede in the courts or to try to alter the course of justice or Barbados laws to suit himself and Mrs. Knox?

  5. @ Nostradamus

    That was obvious from day one to anyone who read the sub-text.

  6. Anon // November 19, 2008 at 9:44 pm. No my dear, I am not Pat Simmons. Pat is a VERY nice girl and MUCH brighter than I am. Pat would never have made the errors in grammar and spelling that I have.

  7. @BWWR

    What is not obvious to me is how exactly the government could intercede in the courts in a civil matter etc etc so that the outcome was beneficial to Allard / Knox.

    Has this type of Government intervention in a civil matter been done in the past by a Barbados Government? Don’t we operate under the so called “rule of law’?

  8. Nostradamus // November 20, 2008 at 7:21 am

    From your monniker, you should be telling me the answers, not asking me for them.

    We do operate under a rule of law, but apparently some people think these laws ought to be changed and the jurisdiction (from Barbados to Canada) is also subject to change at their whim. If this is their belief, can you doubt for one second that they hope for government intervention to pull, as it were, their chestnuts out of the fire? None of these cases have been conducted by Petulant Pete and Mental Madge in accordance with law or even reason. I think that is very clear to all.

    I personally think that Government would be best advised to acquire Graeme Hall, either by compulsory acquisition or straightforward purchase. There are sound reasons for me saying this.

    First, we have an instance where, in order to be able to go behind the Privy Council decision and retry the Kingsland case – a case over which Barbados alone can have jurisdiction, Pathetic Peter and the Knoxettes have sued Barbados simply to try to ground an action under the Canada/Barbados Bilateral Trade Agreement. Of course, it won’t work, because Government is not and never has been a party to the workings of Kingsland.

    Second. If Government DID enter into any kind of joint venture with Puny Peter over Graeme Hall, it would, in my opinion, expose itself to exactly such an action before the World Court under the bilateral trade agreement.

    Given Puny Peter’s record of intefering and buying in to the litigation of others and his propensity to sue an innocent government and people simply to attempt to retry an already decided case, if I were attorney-general I would advise the minister and the government to talk, give whatever assistance they could without involving the government in any suggestion of an undertaking under the bilateral trade agreement with Canada (or any other country for that matter) and leave it like that.

    I would also hope that the governments of Dominica and Grenada have taken note of the tactics of the Allard family and particularly Petulant Pete and, since they are now the focus of his “philanthropy” making sure that they create from day one a solid defense to take to the World Court if necessary. Actually, I have good reason to believe that the governments of practically every 1st World and 2nd World countries have taken note and will be very careful.

  9. Pingback: Will Government Have To Compulsorily Acquire Graeme Hall Nature …

  10. @BWWR

    Your usual longwinded and rambling response did not answer the question “how exactly the government could intercede in the courts in a civil matter etc etc so that the outcome was beneficial to Allard / Knox.”

    Even Nostradamus can’t se how a government intervention could subvert the Barbados civil legal process. Is there a precedent for our Government to intercede in civil actions?

    You comment that “None of these cases have been conducted by Petulant Pete and Mental Madge in accordance with law or even reason”

    Everything that you have written contradicts this statement. There is a legal process that is being gone through. It may not be to our liking or it may not be successful but how can you say it is not in “accordance with law”. When the case went though our courts and to the Privy Council wasn’t that in “accordance with law”?

    And if the parties try to “ground an action under the Canada/Barbados Bilateral Trade Agreement” isn’t it their legal right to do so? Isn’t that what lawyers do on behalf of a client? Isn’t that in “accordance with law”?

    If as you have alleged the process has been abused then the courts will deal with them.

    I do not see any connection, and you have not made a case for one, between the closing of Graeme Hall Sanctuary and it being a bargaining chip in influencing the legal process involving Kingsland for the benefit of the Knoxes etc.

  11. Many thanks, Nostradamus, for your perceptive enquiries. I too am awaiting a real explanation of the connection between GHNS and Nelson.

    As far as I am concerned, someone spends 24m$ (or whatever) to create GHNS, and all I know is that we need to respect that, whatever their motives. If they are illegal, then time will bring it all out.

    In the meantime, for goodness sake, save GHNS, by establishing for posterity a National Park for the whole area. It really is so simple. They did it in NY whaen they created Central Park.

  12. Government Ministers and insiders have speculated with Kingsland Estates land.

    Should the Government intervene? It already has!

  13. Nostradamus, my point is that government will NOT intercede – it doesn’t need to to acquire Graeme Hall. My point is that the rule of law HAS prevailed. My point is that Mental Madge and Allard are attempting to GO BEHIND the rule of law of Barbados. My point is that BARBADOS, not CANADA has SOLE jurisdiction in the matter. My point is that Mental Madge and Puny Pete are disputing that. My point is that Mental Madge and Puny Pete have no respect for rule of law or jurisdiction and are hopeful of creating a situation using whatever means necessary, including Graeme Hall, to achieve what they set out to achieve in the first place, or to bring Barbados down if they cannot achieve it.

    And now, I am done with you. You have Keltruth and BFP and you have a series of 12 articles, mostly document-backed here. Go read. Actually, don’t bother – it would be a wasted effort.

  14. BWWR, Let me summarise your last post

    1)Government will not intercede in the Graeme Hall closure and allow it to be connected in any way to the litigation now going on in the courts. I think the only one who tried in vain to make this type of connection was you. There is absolutely no evidence that closure of Graeme Hall is being used to influence the litigation or achieve some other nefarious objective.
    2)The rule of law HAS prevailed throughout.
    3)The question of jurisdiction (Barbados /Canada) is being contested in the courts.
    4)Even though you say the rule of law has prevailed, you content that forces outside of Barbados are trying to bring the country down using a legal process.
    5)Your 12 articles are a classic presentation of a “conspiracy theory”. In essence you are alleging that a coordinated group is, or was, secretly working to commit illegal or wrongful actions, including attempting to hide the existence of the group and its activities (from Wikipedia). In reality the parties are neither secret nor hiding and they are following the “rule of law” and going through a legal process. Despite the headline you have not shown that Graeme Hall has anything to do with Kingsland.

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  16. BWWR,

    You said: “David, this is first year law.”

    BWWR, the online persona of Iain Deane, keeps pretending to be a lawyer.

    Please note that Deane did not get past his first year of law school. For this reason the legal “opinions” expressed by BWWR are those of a person with “nuff mout” and little legal education.

  17. Excellent piece BWWR. Once again you impress me with your knowledge of the law.I think I have become a better Lawyer by just reading your blogs.

  18. Well if BWWR never passed first year law, she sure knows more than some of the lawyers I have had to work with during my lengthy career. Even with reference ans Statute books at their elbow, they did not know dick!

    Well done BWWR, if you had completed law school, you would have been a GENIUS.


  19. Dear Pat,

    I did complete law school, but I am not going to say in what country.

    I have no idea what Iain Deane may or may not have completed – I don’t know him that well at all. I have no idea what Iain may haclaim to have completed. I have to leave all that to those who know him well – his family, including Mental Madge and the Knoxettes. However, as I distrust anything Mental Madge and the Knoxettes may say, if I ever meet Iain again, I will make sure to find out from him directly what his qualifications are and I will see if he will provide me with documents to support these. I have read through the regrettably few comments Iain has made here on BU and I see that he claims to be a producer/director and to hold three citizenships, but only one passport and to have a great deal of respect for travel agents (with cause) and to decline to comment on the Kingsland issue as, in his case, it is a sub judice matter.

    So, we need now, Pat, to ask Iain himself to weigh in.

    With affection,


  20. I see I wrote in the body of this article: “However, this is where I would have drawn the line and I would not have allowed my client, upon notice of proceedings against her shares in Kingsland, to fraudulently attempt to transfer those shares and then charge them in favour of Peter Allard. If she refused my advice, even if she retained counsel in a foreign country, I would have withdrawn from her case at once. I note that Madge’s Bajan counsel did not withdraw.”

    I would like now to correct myself. Madge’s counsel did indeed withdraw. Whatever his public excuse for his withdrawal, Madge’s lead counsel was Sir Henry Forde and he withdrew. I would expect this of a jurist of Sir Henry’s experience and standing – he really is a very fine counsel. Sir Henry would certainly not get himself involved with a messy fraud, both on the basis of law AND his professional ethics. Clearly these standards do not apply to Lilli Marlene.

    The statement by me that this is first year law seems to have excited the Knoxettes quite a lot. They will not engage me, through monikers, of course, directly. Instead, they try to involve the legal education or lack of legal education of one of their cousins who is no way involved with me. However, please believe me that it is my professional legal and anonymous opinion that Mental Madge’s case could easily have been better handled by a perceptive first- year law student, rather than counsel who has passed their bar exams, but has clearly not understood what they were supposed to study in first year.

    Happy now, Knoxettes?

  21. If Government was to compulsorily acquire the Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary would the acquisition be treated in the same way as the Kingsland expropriation for which $22 million remains outstanding for almost 2 decades?

    Information provided by reliable sources suggests that several attempts have been made in good faith to resolve the Kingsland matter but details of who made the attempts contradicts the propaganda being disseminated here.

    Who is telling the truth and does it matter? Assets of Kingsland have been sold and development has begun.

  22. Anonymous // November 24, 2008 at 10:29 am

    You say and I ask in square brackets:

    “Information provided by reliable sources [PLEASE NAME THE SOURCES] suggests [DOCUMENTS PLEASE] that several attempts [HOW MANY ATTEMPTS AND BY WHOM – PLEASE DOCUMENT WITH FULL DETAILS] have been made in good faith [PRODUCE THE DOCUMENTS AND LET US DECIDE IF THEY ARE IN GOOD FAITH] to resolve the Kingsland matter but details of who made the attempts [WHO?] contradicts the propaganda [PROVIDE DOCUMENT-BACKED DETAILS OF WHY THIS IS PROPAGANDA] being disseminated here.

    If you cannot answer those questions I have asked, then, Knoxette (whichever one you are) we are receiving more of your “believe me because I say so” crap.

    Of course development has begun. Kingsland is now a going concern, not the static, bankrupt company it was under your mother’s directorship.

  23. “Assets of Kingsland have been sold and development has begun.”


  24. Never been blocked before on BU guess there is always a first time

  25. The Kingsland matter will not be resolved on a blog.

  26. Anonymous // November 24, 2008 at 11:04 am. You said, ““Assets of Kingsland have been sold and development has begun. WITH GOVERNMENT APPROVAL!”

    My dear, I have to point out for the sake of clarity that although some people may think that development can only take place if it is sanctioned by Mewling Madge and Pathetic Pete, the VAST majority of us realize that any development must first be carefully sanctioned and then approved by the Town Planning Office and, if necessary, receive the approval of the Minister – who is neither Mewling Madge nor Pathetic Pete. And also, just imagine, this is how it is done in most other countries and jurisdictions globally, including Canada. So, yes, we sort of suspected that the development at Kingsland would have received government permission. But with some people thinking that Government had waived its rights and obligations in favour of Mewling Madge and Pathetic Pete, it was a good move to make sure all and sundry knew Government had approved.

    I join David and the BU family in the wish that the Kingsland matter can still be resolved by ADR, although I sincerely doubt it can be at this late stage. Of course it cannot be resolved on a blog. But there is absolutely no reason why a blog cannot air the matter, as it concerns what I am told is over 1.5% of the total landmass of Barbados and has involved Barbados and we Bajans in a frivilous lawsuit in Canada for which our tax dollars are paying (thank you, Nostradamus, for reminding me to mention that). Equally, any responsible organ of the press (including blogs which, in Barbados, with two exceptions, are the ONLY responsible organs of the press) would certainly urge ADR and a swift end to the issue, in the hopes that men and women of reason will hear their call and try as best they can to do something about it. However, given the whole picture, I agree that this effort is bound to fail, but I see only praise for the person who made the effort and issued the call.

  27. This is becoming pathetic. I suggested in one of my posts that a mediator should have been brought in long ago and could not figure out why not.

    After reading theOther Side of Kingsland and the associated affidavits, I rightly or wrongly came to this conclusion: someone(s) did not want piece of the pie, but the whole pie.


  28. @ Pat & BWWR

    Few people know what is going on behind the scenes and neither of us is one of those few.

    We probably will never know.

  29. Agreed, Anonymous. With almost 70 defendants (one of which carries with it about 270,000 of us Bajans) I suspect that many of them don’t even know what is going on either – or what hit them and why. I am ready, willing and able to admit that my comments do not (nor can they ever) constitute everything that is going on. All they represent is my ‘take’ on things based on the documents I have been allowed to see and the steadfast refusal of one side to publish documents that I have asked to see and provide information that I have asked for. This is a far from satisfactory way of doing things, but it the the best we have. I cannot be that far off target, though, because the courts, which DO have all the documents and arguments and counter arguments have delivered certain decisions and, unless you believe that these decisons are as the result of a vast global conspiracy in which the courts of Canada and the United Kingdom are implicated along with the Government of Barbados and its courts and public institutions and international corporations of vastly divergent interests, I cannot see what alternative conclusions one can draw.

    Pat urged ADR, David has urged it and in the last few days I have actually spoken to family members of some of the defendants urging it as well as a last ditch attempt to make some sort of sense and effect some sort of closure. Like Pat, I think the matter has now become pathetic – a war of attrition. I have had sight, eyes only unfortunately, of documents that show clearly the efforts made over the last 10 years by Mr Cox, Classic and Kingsland to prepare the ground by negotiations for ADR. You may take my word for that or not as you wish. It will not bother me at all if anyone chooses not to believe me. Now, today, I have asked what I suspect is another Anoymous to document the efforts they claim that the Knox/Allard faction have made to promote ADR. I hope a response will be forthcoming.

    What does not change is that no one has offered me any explanation, far less a good one, as to why I, as a Bajan, am sued in an Ontario court. Pathetic, yes certainly Pat. But why are we being sued? I see no grounds of any kind in any of the affidavits that have come my way. All I see is a lot of speculation and uncredited and inadmissible internet blogs to support that speculation and its accusations.

    Why are we Bajans being sued?

  30. Personally, if I were a defendant, with all the cards stacked in my favour, I would not now go to any negotiating table. Not after all the other party has done to damage reputations and the island.

    That is why it is pathetic. Why ADR would now be a pathetic attempt on the plaintiff’s part to save some money/ face. That is my opinion.

  31. Mine too, Pat, mine too.

  32. Pingback: Update~The Other Side Of The Kingsland Estate Court Matter Part XIII « Barbados Underground

  33. Straight talk

    Hey, Pat you gone quiet.

    Your patriotic legal knowall with good connections just got outed on Keltruth.

    Iain Deane, a defendant.

    Say something. Anything!