The Challenges For President Barack Obama: Can He Deliver?

Submitted by Yardbroom

President - Elect Barack Obama is silhouetted as he speaks at a rally in front of Morrill Hall at the University of Nevada at Reno in Reno, Nev. Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2008. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

During the last fifty years – 1959 to Jan 2009 – nine United States Presidents have entered the Oval Office in the White House.  On 20th January 2009 President Barack Obama will be the tenth to join the club. A few are household names known for their decisiveness, clarity of thinking and the impact they have made on the world stage, as leaders of the most powerful country on earth.  A couple are known to us only because of the recent period of their tenure and what they should have done as opposed to what they did.  President Gerald Ford -1974-1977- “presided over the worst economy – at the time – since the great depression.”  One of his most controversial decisions was granting a presidential pardon to President Richard Nixon -1969-1974 – for his role in the Watergate scandal”  I recall Nixon once stating in a television interview, “I am not a crook”, that he had to make such a statement speaks for itself.  “He resigned on the 9th August 1974, in the face of likely impeachment for his role in the Watergate scandal.”

The challenges for President Barack Obama are immense, he is the first black man to hold the office of President since the ratification of the United States Constitution which became effective in 1789.  He inherits the political problems of the previous incumbent George W Bush – Jan 20, 2001 – Jan 20, 2009, “without the the generous economic position left by President Bill Clinton – 1993 to 2001, who presided over the longest period of economic expansion in American history, which included a balanced budget and reported federal surplus of $559 billion.”   Obama instead inherits if no one has noticed global recession.  On Thursday 8th Jan he “predicted that data would show that America had lost more jobs in 2008 than at any time since the second world war.”

The unemployment rate in the US has jumped from 6.8% to 7.2%, a 16 year high.  There is Guantanamo Bay, Israel and Palestine conflict, Iraq, Afghanistan, this list is not exhaustive brevity has circumscribed it.

There will be no generous settling in period for President Obama, there are the problems I have alluded to and as President John Kennedy – Jan 1961 to Nov 22nd 1963- soon found out in his first year, things can quickly go wrong.  The Bay of Pigs invasion only four months into his tenure, April 1961 when a US trained force of American immigrants exiled from Cuba invaded Cuba only to be defeated by the well equipped Cuban military, makes the point.  Relations between Cuba and America have never been the same, pre the Bay of Pigs invasion, although the Cuban missile crisis surely contributed to this impasse.

The sand traps for a US President are varied and can come from the most innocuous of events, remember President Jimmy Carter – 1977 to 1981 – in the final year of his presidency suffering the indignity of being unable to make any progress in the takeover of the American Embassy incident in Iran by Iranian students; and a later failed rescue of the hostages by the US Military.

In the broader scheme of things small incidents on the world stage can have a devastating impact on the locality in which they occur.  I will therefore briefly mention President Ronald Reagan – 1981 to 1989 .  Who took military action in our backyard to overthrow the Government of Hudson Austin who was embroiled in the melee which surrounded the death of Grenadian Prime Minister Maurice Bishop.

In the last fifty years of American dominance there have been many highs and lows for America in both domestic and foreign policy.  However, I put it to you that a black man who has come through the complexity of American politics with its many intrigues; to be elected to its highest office is not without tactical guile and intelligence.  Some say he has allegiance to particular groups and will be ineffective because he will be governed by their interests, but others with a common sense approach will know that you can only “change” things if you are in power to enact change and in politics you need the support of others or you will be reduced to always shouting from the sidelines.

President Barack Obama is clever enough not to subject himself or his people to such a peripheral role.

47 responses to “The Challenges For President Barack Obama: Can He Deliver?

  1. Guess what Yardbroom.

    Soon everyone will learn that Obama is NOT GOD and that he can not do any miracles.

    Obama Obama Obama my ass! What Obama what?

    Power has now shifted from the USA.

  2. Have we ever had a leader who would have assumed office with the weight of expectation which Obama has on his back? He has a recession, war in Iraq, Israel/Palestine and Afghanistan to name a few. The next couple of years should be interesting.

  3. I agree everyone is comparing Obamas
    election to the second coming.

    He is but a man.

  4. David sounds as though he’s already, making excuses for Obama failing which is disappointing after all the hype you gave him for being ‘the second coming’! Now, he has n’t started yet and you’re already apologising for his failure. Is it any wonder that you people make me laugh!!

    HE wanted to be President now let him ‘walk the walk’, or explain that he’s been a fraud from the start!! There’s much more to being president than speaking a few, ‘pretty-words’!!

    ‘Change’, my backside!! Let’s see what ‘change’ he’ll make other than being a crashing, bore!!

  5. The slowness with which he speaks, always reminds me of somebody who’s mentally, retarded!! I’m preparing for failure but then, I, never regarded him as the-second-coming!!

  6. Well well well. here is a man about to enter the most distressing period of a modern day America, made difficult by Bush. He can’t swing a magic wand to get America back on its feet. Give the man a chjance to fail or better still turn things around, You people are soooooo negative.

  7. 199 // January 13, 2009 at 3:34 am

    David sounds as though he’s already, making excuses for Obama failing which is disappointing after all the hype you gave him for being ‘the second coming’! Now, he has n’t started yet and you’re already apologising for his failure. Is it any wonder that you people make me laugh!!

    HE wanted to be President now let him ‘walk the walk’, or explain that he’s been a fraud from the start!! There’s much more to being president than speaking a few, ‘pretty-words’!!

    ‘Change’, my backside!! Let’s see what ‘change’ he’ll make other than being a crashing, bore!!

    Someboby plllleeeaassseee explainthis rambling to me…..didn’t this post start by accusing David, only to end by saying the same shit he is accusing David of????
    The ramblings of an old senile person.

  8. @Anotherview

    MLK, Mandela et al all changed the world. History shows that one man is all it takes sometimes. Is it therefore unreasonable for the world to have such high expectations at this time. The energy of mankind maybe rooted in the belief the hope springs eternal.

  9. Obama is at the tippy-top of public opinion. He cant go higher, There’s only one direction he can go … and that’s …. down.

    Stand by for a lesson in human psychology… it’s coming soon.

  10. CRAP ! CRAP ! and more CRAP !
    CRAP on top ‘o’ CRAP
    and CRAP! all over CRAP !
    CRAP! all up in CRAP !
    and after all that -still more

  11. ha ha ha ha ha haha I love it!

  12. Dear Father, I pray that you will guide, guard and protect Barack Obama and give him wisdom and understanding in Jesus’ name, Amen.

  13. Someboby plllleeeaassseee explainthis rambling to me…..didn’t this post start by accusing David, only to end by saying the same shit he is accusing David of????
    The ramblings of an old senile person.


    David need a protector!!

    Lord!! Sorry, David, I’ll go easier on u next time!!

    As for him, I’m not in the least surprised that he did n’t understand!! We all know what his brains are full of!!

    The point is that I, did n’t laud Obama from the start as the second coming unlike so many Barbadians, just because he’s black!! Now, they can’t wait to have reservations about him and his term of office has n’t even started, yet!!

    I’ve always been hesitant. The others not so but now are biting their finger-nails!!

    What he thinks is of no real concern to me, although I’ll concede he has a mouth like a sewer and, in that regard, is superior to me!!

    Congratulations!! But then I’m not interested in being a foul-mouthed little *hit!!

  14. David // January 13, 2009 at 7:49 am


    MLK, Mandela et al all changed the world.


    David, when ur ready please treat us to a description of how Mandela ‘changed the world’!! Please doan mek me laugh!! I doubt whether, even the S. Africans, have observed any appreciable, imporvement in their living standards since he was released from prison and BECAME PRESIDENT, let alone you or me, noticing any difference in OUR lives!! Anyway, I guess it provides u and others like u with some sort of soothing, personal comfort to keep saying ‘the world has changed’ ! I guess it stops u from facing reality for a while, rather like a drunkard and his bottle! Anyway, if it makes u happy, who am I to complain, otherwise, keep fooling yourselves!!

    And, if it has changed, it has done so to YOUR detriment, not improvement!!


    David, please reply to this post quickly, before your defender does so on your behalf!! I did n’t realise that you needed one, before!!

  15. Technician,199 et al
    You people are prophets of doom and gloom? Why? I think we should ALL wish the new President well for the sake of world peace. Anyone who became President would have been faced with numerous problems, I rather have Barrack Obama there than John McCain. It’s not going to be an easy job.

  16. @ Scout……prophets of doom and gloom???

    Geez and I dont even quote the Bible…:-)

  17. Scout, the real fact of the matter is dat somebody had either TOLD ‘him’ that Obama smoke ganga from time to time, just as he does, OR he BELIEVES that he does!!

    In any event, I suspect he’s in for a huge disappointment and, hopefully, Obama will DEAL wit d Rastas dem, before too long!!

    ‘Somebody’, will be very disappointed!!

    David, PLEASE hurry and answer my question before your protector does!! BTW, how much r u paying him for the service!!

    Scout, you made a good point!! For me, the only difference between McCain and Obama is that McCain did n’t make me fall asleep when I was listening to him but with Obama’s slow, drone-mode of speech I’ve got to positively, FORCE myself from NOT falling asleep, every single time!! Rather like ‘you know whose’s’, comments!!

  18. All like now I am sure that President Obama is cringing at what George Bush is concocting for him and the mess that is being left behind.

    I imagine that the first day of Obama’s presidency will be like an emergency bay at the hospital. A lot of running up and down to get certain things in place that would allow Obama to settle in as quickly as possible on the job.

    Unless things get really out of hand, we will never hear the Obama side of Bush because Obama will assert himself as a man and as the President of the USA without the complaints of the last 40 days of Bush; maybe somebody will write a book.

    We may say the Israelis committing genocide against the Palestinians, but the stark blaring fact is that it is the USA facilitating it and condoning it. Do you think it was Bush or Obama that abstained from the UN vote?

    We will soon see. If Obama jumps right in there and a cease fire happens, we will know who abstained. It will not take long to find out if Obama will have any teeth. The Palestinian crisis will show it. What is bothersome is that a strong President, even from the start, would have been able to command some say at this time. Obama is acutely silent.

  19. If you think Obama can go up against the Jewish lobby in the US…think again.

    @ Scout
    If you think I am against Obama…you are wrong but I prefer to be a realist.
    You think with all the smooth words that he runs the show?

    If you believe otherwise, you must believe in the fairy godmother too.
    He will toe the rope just like all the others before him when it comes to mid-east policy.
    The US is in a depression, wars make money, contracts have to be honored……money makes the mare run!!

  20. Rok why you all so fired up about whats happening in Isreal?
    Ever heard of Darfur?
    that is REAl genocide where the Muslim Sudanese government is systematically raping and murdering the people men women and children who aint thrown rockets at nobody.
    How come you aint jumping up and down over that?
    If its Africans killing other Africans does that make it OK?

  21. ru4real

    You think I ain’t jumping up? Start a thread then.

  22. ru4real

    Incidentally, I have a documentary on it.

  23. ROK, Obama’s already made his first big mistake by offering Clinton any job, at all!! Is n’t she already, under investigation over some Charity or other, and the poor man has n’t even taken up office, yet!! Evidence of poor judgement on his part, if u ask me!!

    I wish that he would be successful but fear that he won’t be and is only good for ‘pretty’, little, slow-mout speeches which send me to sleep!! Time will tell!!

    David let me down again!! 🙂

    As for Darfur, those same africans for whom ur feeling so much sympathy, would happily, annihilate, YOU!! Wunna jus doan know wha d *uck ur talking about!!

    David, do u like rothwheilers?!!

  24. According to no more august bodies than The Nation and CBC, they may be killing Barbadians already!!

    I will be the first to have a drink, when Barbadians finally, wake-up to what is really, happening in life and that, clearly, won’t b for an extremely, long time!!

  25. I’m assuming that, if they’re anything like me, Barbadian guys would n’t have been able to resist one or two of those Nigerian nurses!! 🙂

  26. 199

    You said: “Obama’s already made his first big mistake by offering Clinton any job, at all!!”

    That is not a mistake. That is political prudence. Hilary can now dig her own grave, to Obama’s delight, or he can hang her out to dry even if she plays her cards right on that score.

  27. Technician
    I stated early in the USA elections, that Obama is the lease of the two evils. If there was a serious candidate against him he would have lost. However, I’m glad he won, life would not be easy for him and made worse by the big expectations that the whole world is looking for. McCain at 72 yrs could not have handled the pressure that is going to be dumped on the new President and Oh My God, could you imagine Sarah Palin becoming President of the USA under these or any other conditions?

  28. Hi ROK, whatever Hillary’s fate, it’s certain to have some influence on Obama’s future, good or ill. I regard her as a hopeless-case, myself. Time will tell!!

    Can anyone doubt that a sizeable percentage of the American electorate, is n’t secretly, hoping that Obama will suffer some sudden misfortune of health and that his vice president will take over from him!

    Many people will be keeping their fingers crossed for that eventuality!! Hardly, a ringing-endorsement!!

    As for Sarah Palin, she both looks and sounds ok, to me! Scout, is n’t your objection to her simply for the fact that she’s a Republican!!

  29. 199
    You sound just like Sarah Palin. The majority of americans is asking too much of Obama and they are realising that he can’t fix america’s problem in a first year term. As far as POalin is concerned, it’s not that she’s a Republican, Sarah Palin is an IDIOT. The latest from her now is that she is blaming the McCain campaign on the Obama success.

  30. 199

    I don’t think you reading this one right. There can be no fallout from Hilary for Obama. None whatsoever.

  31. Scout, she’s probably dead right to blame McCain. The thought that a deformed geriactric could ever win the election was almost certainly, insane from the start! Don’t be afraid just because she’s a woman. Remember our Maggie Thatcher went on to become ‘one of the greatest PMs of all time’, at least, according to many, so she might well be the best thing which could happen to America and for our people or perhaps, you think our people stand to gain, if America suffers!!

    If you’re going to denounce her because she made a slip and said that Africa’s a country and not a continent – well, she in black, is she, so why should Africa be at the forefront of her thoughts, plus the American Education System seems to be crap, anyway, for which you can’t blame her!!

    Apart from that, what exactly, are the great sins which she’s supposed to have committed!! Is she guilty of being pretty or because her teenage daughter had a baby! Come on guys!! Get with it!! She can’t be blamed for those things!!

    ROK, you must be joking bro. He appointed her so if she makes a mess of the post it reflects badly, on his judgement for appointing a dumbo, which I believe, she will prove to be!!

  32. She’s pretty and interesting. Just my kind of chick!! She could check-me-out, anytime!! Mind you, I confess to not having the slightest, idea what any of her policies are but at least, she is INTERESTING – I could watch and listen to her for hours, which is much more than I can say for Obama, Hillary or McCain!!

    Given the right policies, she would get my vote!!

  33. 199
    You ask me what sins she has committed? HaHAHaHa. ALL. Look, I have discussed that dumd woman too much during the elections and I don’t have anymore room to discuss a none subject/person.

  34. 199

    You fascinated with the woman looks. I can’t listen to her for a minute; no substance at all. Then again, I can listen to Obama all night. This man is couching his words the right way. He knows when to speak and when not to speak and is saying it differently; without rancour and animosity but with startling accuracy and impact; placing the blame squarely where it should go.

    Obama told white America where to get off; with ease too. Listen carefully and you will see that he is saying just what his pastor said, without being dismissed as a racists, and in a way that touching white people. Put poor Jesse in the shade as an orator.

    You have this equation wrong. You seem to think that this is a straight forward thing but Obama has a character which is admired and well loved by America. Secondly, he is human and thirdly, he can’t be responsible for somebody else’s misdeeds.

    To top this all off, this man in the eyes of too many americans, represents hope. The hope that he has given Americans and beyond America, will certainly not be thrown away because of the misconduct of a Hilary. Furthermore, it was not a surprise that Hilary was given an appointment, considering her strength in the Democratic race and the amount of support she received.

    This thing is so poignant that they will not throw away Obama without experiencing the Black man in the White House. You misreading this thing. Obama is certainly not that fragile.

  35. but when all is said and done he aint superman or the incredible hulk etc

    and he certainly aint the LORD

    the balance of power shifted from the USA on September 13th 2008 and the mighty obama cant do one shit about it! Sorry to burst your bubble but thats how it is.

  36. Ok, Scout, I don’t want to frighten you too much, but if Palin had been running instead of McCain are you still sure that Obama would have won!! Proves which of us is right, does n’t it!! I think we probably, know that Palin would have won!!

    ROK, I agree with you about the hope which he’s offered to many both at home and abroad – my worry is that he’s going to disappoint you all!!

    I see offering Hillary as post as tantamount to the ‘Helen of Troy’, situ, i.e. bringing the horse into the home with all kinds of dangers inside it!! We will see!!

    I lef ‘another view’ to you, boa!! 🙂

    See yuh, tomorrow!!

  37. What happened on 13 september 2008?

  38. AND THE CRAP continues

  39. 199
    Are you obsess with that dumb woman? She couldn’t even win the Republican nomination farless win against Obama. That is like putting a ten year donkey ( Palin) to run in the Sandy Lane Gold Cup against thorough-bred race horses (Obama being the odds on favorite.) She would go down in history as one of the dumbest V.P candidates ever.

  40. anotherview

    I hope you realise the point I am making. Hope has nothing to do with the reality or whether he can deliver or not.

    That “hope” by the Americans is a very powerful thing. Americans can decide that Obama must get his way in order to deliver that hope and back him all the way. They can mobilise when things go wrong, etc. So don’t throw away that hope, because that can make it happen.

  41. Scout, I can’t recall hearing about Tony Blair until shortly, before he became British PM – the rest is history!!

    ROK, I had to laugh!! Optimistically, you said, they could n’t blame Obama for Hillary’s failings. No sooner had I signed-off last night than I watched the news and they’re already BLAMING, OBAMA for the shenanigans in ILLANOIS and it’s difficult to see how he could possibly, be responsible for those plus, the Illanois agent can’t possibly, be anywhere near as important to Obama now, as his new right-hand-woman, Hillary, and you think they won’t also, blame HIM for HER misdeeds!!

    I had to laugh, ROK!! But, I admire your optimism!!

  42. 199

    I will settle for that. Let’s give it some hope. As you can see, I am an eternal optimist.

  43. 199
    Would you rather see a aging washed out President McMcain and a dumb, ignorant Vice President Sarah Palin? Well I got news for you, the latest polls in USA shows even the Republican say Obama is the better of the two evils.His ratings is the highest for an incoming President ever.

  44. Ok, ROK!! Speak soon, no doubt!!

    Scout, that should n’t surprise, anybody!! He did win the election afterall, only just the other day!!

    Somehow, I feel that my girl, Sarah will win the next one! I seem to be itching to get my hands pun she!!


    I find her an exciting and engaging person. Where she’s concerned, I would very much advise you to ‘watch this space’, with keen interest!! Think she may do amazing things in the next few, years!!

    We shall see, my friend!!

  45. 199
    She would be too busy getting more children even at her age or looking after her daughter’s children as she seems to be taking over from her mother. Maybe she would be busy shouting her friends in Russia as she stands on the shore in Alaska and waving at her Russian neighbours. She’s not only a liar but dumb along with it. She should have been intelligent enough not to be both,