Activists Highlight Stolen Ethiopian Treasures

Submitted by Seymour Mclean of AFROMET:  UNESCO sponsors Africa Week which starts May 25 – 29,  the submission is published in recognition of the struggle by Blacks to reclaim their heritage

AFROMET press conference announcing the return of Emperor Tewodros's amulet 2002

On 13 April 1868 the British Army looted the churches of Ethiopia of all the treasures of its library and national archive, after a battle at the Palace of Maqdala waged to rescue a British diplomat who had been captured by then-Emperor Tewodros. The stripping of Maqdala in 1868 and the looting of priceless crowns, and innumerable manuscripts and crosses, constituted an immense depletion of Ethiopia’s cultural heritage.  The loot from Maqdala in fact constituted the largest amount of Ethiopian cultural property ever shipped out of the country – and some of the most valuable booty snatched from Africa in the entire Colonial Era.

Outright opposition to the looting of Maqdala was voiced three years later, on 30 June 1871, by none other than the renowned British Liberal leader, and Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone. Speaking in the House of Commons, he declared that the whole question of the acquisition of these two looted artifacts was “unsatisfactory… from first to last” and that “he deeply regretted that those articles were ever brought from Abyssinia and could not conceive why they were so brought. They [the British] were never at war with the people or the churches of Abyssinia.”

Among the treasures, the Magdala Collection of historic manuscripts can trace the activity of Ethiopia from the time of Solomon and Sheba to the early 19th Century, Royal chronicles of over 200 Emperors of Ethiopia, their life and times. The 400 Axumite manuscripts presently held in Princeton University in America contain the history of another 150 Kings and their chronicles.


Ethiopian Emperor Yohannes IV, on ascending the Imperial Ethiopian throne in 1871, lost little time in raising the issue. On 10 August, 1872 he wrote to Queen Victoria and to the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Granville, requesting the return of two most valuable items looted from Magdala. One was a Ge’ez manuscript of the Kebra Nagast, or Glory of Kings, which told the story inter alia of the Queen of Sheba’s visit to King Solomon. The other was the Kwer’ata Re’esu, an icon of Christ with the Crown of Thorns, which Ethiopian rulers had for hundreds of years taken with them on campaign.

On receipt of the Emperor’s letter the Foreign Office asked the British Museum authorities whether they knew about the picture’s whereabouts, but the latter replied that they had no information on the matter. This was perhaps not surprising, as the Museum’s representative at Maqdala, Sir Richard Holmes, had appropriated the icon for himself. The British Foreign Secretary wrote back to Emperor Yohannes on 18 December 1872, declaring that the picture could not be found.

Queen Victoria wrote to Yohannes in similar vein, observing: “Of the picture we can discover no trace whatsoever, and we do not think it can have been brought to England”. However, the picture was then, as we now know, actually in the possession of Holmes, who was by then Her Majesty’s librarian at Windsor Castle. Holmes’s possession of the icon became common knowledge in Britain.

No less remarkable was the story of Lady Valorie Meux, the principal private British collector of Maqdala manuscripts. Having met Ras Makonnen – and seen the intensity of his interest in his country’s manuscripts, on 23 January 1910 she bequeathed her collection to Emperor Menelek or his successor.

Lady Meux died on 20 December of that year, after which her Will created great excitement among British chauvinists, The Times reporting that “many [British] persons interested in Oriental Christianity… will view with extreme regret the decision of Lady Meux to send her valuable MSS out of the country”. Her Will was accordingly overthrown – and not one of her manuscripts was ever returned to the country to whom she had bequeathed them.


A group of activitists, the AFROMET committee, has been campaigning for decades to have the Maqdala treasures reuturned to Ethiopia from the museums around the world where they now rest. Led by Jamaican-born Seymour McLean and Tagassa Wolde Selassie King, the Ethiopia-based group includes noted British archivist Prof. Richard Pankhurst who has compiled the most thorough database of the looted Ethiopian treasures. AFROMET has identified 468 looted items that can be traced to locations around the world. Only 10 Maqdala Treasures have been returned, including a precious crown presented to Empress Zaudito when she visited England.

Though the cry for the return of historical artefacts has been endorsed by the United Nations in 2001 at the historic World Conference Against Racism, few world museums and universities are willing to give up their collections. Greece has long agitated for the return of its Elgin Marbles now housed in the British Museum, while South Africa continues to ask for the repatriation of the ‘Hottentot Princess’, the preserved body of a South African woman.

Recognising the reluctance of museums around the world to return treasures to countries of origin, the AFROMET committee has adopted a new approach for which they seek endorsement by all nations and peoples seeking access to their stolen treasures. AFROMET suggests that, based on laws covering intellectual and cultural copyright, funds earned by museums and universities from entrance fees, books and souvenir reproductions of stolen treasures should accrue royalties to countries of origin. AFROMET recommends that such countries also be allowed access to reproduce copies of their captured treasures in books, films and teaching materials for development of their national culture and education. AFROMET has appealed to the European Union to assist in preparing an economic valuation of the Maqdala treasures, and to support their call for payment of royalties.


From their base in Addis Ababa, the AFROMET Committee is also utilizing the medium of Reggae music to further sensitize the young generation of Ethiopians to the campaign for the return of the Maqdala Treasures. Jamaican reggae band Chakula, presently resident in Ethiopia, is composing a song about Maqdala for the first of a series of stage shows at the Addis Ababa University that will then tour the country at various other Universities and large secondary schools throughout the country.  The Addis Ababa Committee is asking for help from Jamaicans in locating a “Double Base” acoustic type bass as used by Count Ozzie to enhance the “Drums of Rasta” band for the concert.

24 responses to “Activists Highlight Stolen Ethiopian Treasures

  1. This is another raping of a Black country, and then peope (who are black) have the audacity to claim that we are to blame for these people’s bad behaivour.

  2. AFROMET can sing till the cows come home, they ain’t getting nothing back. They are dealing with the ‘cultured’ and ‘civilized’ kleptocrats of the world. This is what the world has been built upon the treasures, minerals, sweat, blood and tears of Blacks. And some of us are ‘racist’ for stating the obvious. Without Mother Africa, …… is nothing! And while AFROMET is at it they should snatch that crown from off Elizardbeth’s head as well as their precious diamonds.

    Hold on a change is coming! Mother Africa shall rise again!

  3. Lots of luck in getting the Brits to return these items. They have refused to return the Pantheon Marbles to Greece despite the requests of successive Greek Gov’ts and Greece is their partner in the European Union.

    Fat chance

  4. @Hopi

    Whether the heritage stolen is ever reclaimed can’t be the point. It is knowing that if ONE piece is reclaimed from thousands stolen the BLACK spirits will rest that much more comfortable.
    The known desecration of a people’s history should make it a nobrainer that when there is the realization of truth that the wrongs should be corrected but the old argument confronts us that history is history is history and it is done. Reminds us of how the Americans pissed all over Persia recently.

  5. @David…….Now if that can’t be the point why are we having this discussion? Why is this thread here other than to inform us of some of the evils visited upon Blacks by good white christians? Do you really think that the kleptoclass cares about desecration of others? How do you know that the BLACK Spirits will rest comfortably with only ‘one’ piece’ returned? When the shepherd lost one of his sheep, didn’t he leave the 99 and went and found that one sheep? The SPIRITS want ALL returned!

  6. @Hopi

    Would hate to meet you across a negotiating table!

  7. Technician

    @ David…you may well love it!!

    It is amazing how much of a no brainer(David’s words) this is , yet not one piece will ever be returned.
    This is the same systematic way in which they destroyed the African people. What more proof does anyone need to really understand the rape of the Mother land.
    As Hopi said…change is coming, Africa WILL rise again…this time it will not be passive.

  8. @David……Just come right and we’ll be awight!

  9. Technician

    LOL @ Hopi……I told my boss that last week while negotiating a new contract and she blew a gasket…much to my amusement 🙂

  10. Knight of the Long Knives

    @Hopi we know the SOP for these kinds of things, if an African government disagrees we fund a coup and put someone in charge who will agree or fund both sides and keep them fighting permanently. They have been tearing the continent apart for years. They seem so paranoid about all things dark, why for instance would you bleach flour or sugar? Its bizzare. Not to sound racist as I have mentioned before I am quite mixed but they are still some very racist folks in high places in the world. Fortunately many whites worldwide now don’t share that perspective and I believe slowly the world is changing. Sadly it won’t be in my lifetime but I believe the time is coming.

  11. @ KofLK- Who’s more to blame- he who facilitates, or he who does??

    If there really is going to be a change in Africa, is has to come from within. I just can’t see that happening in my life time.
    I see the far east rising (or some would argue it has risen!) before Africa gets any semblance of order…

  12. @Tech….I hope you got it!

    @KLK…..How old are you? 96?

    @Butterfly……Let the catepillars deal with caterpillars stuff..enjoy your butterfly status!

  13. Butterfly:

    “If there really is going to be a change in Africa, is has to come from within. I just can’t see that happening in my life time.”

    Change is already occurring in Africa, but it is not from within.

    You mentioned the Far East, and that is from where the new economic colonialism is being implemented.

    Yuan for influence and raw materials, the only difference for the African leaders’ preference for Chinese rather than World Bank Aid….. no conditions and no questions asked.

    Cry for Africa, it is allowing itself to be raped once more.

  14. @ST……So there’s no resistance going on in Africa?

  15. @ Straight Talk- Is this really change? or as they say the more things change, the more they stay the same… I agree with you- Colonialism with a different master is exactly what is happening- so what’s happening hasn’t changed, but who’s doing it has (although the Ol’ boys don’t mind keeping their hands in it as well..).

  16. Knight of the Long Knives

    @hopi try a third of that or thereabouts. I could live to be 150 and it will still be like that.

  17. We have highlighted on BU sometime back that the China has moved into Africa in a big way to form joint partnership arrangements as way to satisfy its insatiable appetite for energy. The lack of strong governance systems in Africa makes them very vulnerable to the big carrots which these developed countries can offer..

  18. A few years ago an antiquities deaIer in Iondon noticed an African antiquity in a saIes cataIogue for auction which he recognised as beIonging in a museum in Nigeria which had been set up there in coIoniaI times by the British Museum. The deaIer contacted the curator of the Nigerian museum, informing that this important piece had suddenIy appeared on the market. He got no repIy. He phoned, he faxed. No repIy. After many more attempts via dipIomatic circIes etc. the deaIer got a gratefuI answer from the Nigerian museum and the artefact ended back in its rightfuI pIace i n Africa. Imagine the art worId’s surprise when it suddenIy appeared back on the internationaI market a year Iater. Artefacts vanish aII the time from African museums, onIy to appear in saIe cataIogues in the US, UK Japan etc.. I wonder why?

  19. Hopi:

    Agreed there is resistance, but it is totally ineffective against the powers of corrupt government and a deep-pocketed immoral scavenger of a country’s only chance at development.

    Hats off to the resistance in Darfur, Chad, Southern Nigeria and other resource rich areas of the continent.

    Unfortunately Hopi, despite your wishes for re-empowerment, these movements are doomed to fail.

    To be controversial I must add, they will fail because the political ethos is self-aggrandisement not national progress.

  20. Maqdala was conqured and looted not only by the British Army. The Tigre Yohannes was the one who lead the British arm to Gonder and supported the killing and looting of North Gonder and North Wollo. The Tigre Yohannes has also sold out Ethiopia’s child, Alemayehu Tewodros to the British Arm. Alemayehu Tewodros was taken to London and died there. It is sad that no one has boldly mentioned this solid fact. We need to write truth to be respected.


  21. @Alemu…..Do you see anyone on this thread supporting any traitors?

  22. Can someone comment about what I said about African museums seIIing artifacts from their own museums on the internationaI antiquities market!?? A strange siIence prevaiIs….

  23. Ras Tafari greetings from London, thank you for your comments, concerning the looted Ethiopian manuscripts in London today, including the six in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle, if you are intrested in the contents of the manuscripts, contact me via email, and for more information.

  24. Interesting. I was actually on-duty at the British Embassy at the front security gate when these activists came to the Embassy. Imagine me, an Anarchist, having to stand between those activists and the representatives of the British thieves here in the States. Well, they delivered their petition to the Press Office without me doing anything to stand in their way. I appreciate the peaceful manner in which the activists conducted themselves. Now that I’ve been laid off, you won’t have to worry about me getting in the way anymore. Gotta love the economics!