Fellow Blogger David Marsden, May You Rest In Peace

David Marsden during a visit to his son's house in June 2009/Marsden Blog

David Marsden during a visit to his son's house in June 2009/Marsden Blog

David Marsden passed away recently; his son posted the sad news.   His blog The Baruba Post Online remains on the BU sidebar.  His humour escaped some of the BU family.  What many do not know is David was a supporter of Barbados Underground and fed us numerous articles from our inception, many of which we converted to blogs. He had a deep interest about matters which touched the West Coast of Barbados. Those who continue to advocate for some sanity to return to development on the West Coast  will miss a loyal friend.

On behalf of the BU household, we express our deep sadness to his family at his unexpected departure from this earth.  The Bajan blogosphere will be the poorer because of it.

43 responses to “Fellow Blogger David Marsden, May You Rest In Peace

  1. Considering he learned web savvy late in life shows his incredible intelligence, his sons are equally talented in their own rights…

    I especially enjoy the Flash cartoons of namesake Ian, I hope the Baruba Post and Kool Barbados remain up despite the lack of their creator?

    Flights of angels, Dave…

  2. Wait

    Some people have no shame.

    Ian Bourne posting on BU after cursing this blog and the bloggers in the worst way.

    Lord have mercy.

  3. Carson C. Cadogan

    Welcome back Ian.

  4. @ Ian, there is more we can say about how the late Marsden supported BU but have exercised discretion over saying more.

    Hope you have settled in your new job? If you can take the hurly burly of BU you are welcome to participate :-), conflict in itself is not a bad thing.

  5. livinginbarbados

    @David, I never visited the Baruba site until just now but found the last entry for April 2009 (Barbados “blogger” Censors Baruba Post Online) fascinating, given what it says about another Barbados blog. Not seeking further comment.

  6. Wishing In Vain

    Ian How did you enjoy the hospitality box at the Oval for the Finals and Cohoblopot provided by the SSA for its staff??

  7. Wishing In Vain

    I did not know the gentleman but with the loss of a family member I know only too well the grief this can create.
    May he rest in Peace

  8. I meant to do an item on Dave, and had forgotten until I saw here by accident, have not been to BU in a while… I came to pay respects, not engage in conflictual persiflage – Mr Marsden? RIP

  9. ….’I meant to do an item on Dave, and had forgotten until I saw here by accident,….

    And just how do you come to a blog ‘by accident’….huh?

  10. Adrian Hinds

    Ian Bourne, what a joke. You still have all of that fat? You had better stop pimping food at fast food joints under the silly pretence of demanding good service. Learn to sweat more and eat less.

    You were not missed around here.

  11. Adrian Hinds

    I did not know Mr. Marsden. May he rest in peace.

  12. Marsden, I. D.

    Dunno what Mr Bourne did to annoy you, but you all are a pretty sorry lot to try and trash a person when it’s supposed to be observance of human passing on… Checked Bourne’s blog, very respectable and even got an award, all you lot do is insult everybody – no wonder he seldom passes by? Will read him more often to see what happens in Bim

  13. All dis time I t’aught that you David did Mardson… So now I loss! Who you is..? Yah got tah much sense tah be ah Ellis or ah …


  14. Adrian Hinds

    “all you lot” says it all. David’s articles are as respectable as any other, but you can dismiss them as a result of free people making comments that you do not like. Uh mean you can visit read the article and move on. But to each his own.

  15. There is a time and place for everything.

    I don’t think that this particular blog should be used to bash anyone, whether the person deserves to be or not.

    I get the sense that this blog was written to acknowledge and echo our condolences to one of the many who participated in discussions, etc.

  16. Shameless,shameless,shameless.

    Ian Bourne the overweight clown that orchestrated Barbados Free Press to dump Barbados Underground from the that blog’s side Bar is now posting again at Barbados Underground.

    I have no condolences to offer as a result the deaths David Marsden or John Stanley Goddard.

  17. David chose to post a comment on the passing of an individual whom he acknowledged was helpful to him and his blog. He passed on his condolences to the Marsden family as is his right to do.

    I don’t think this is the place for negative comments on the actions good or bad of any individual who is totally unrelated to the deceased. There is an axiom “that if you have anything good to say, you should remain silent”. I think that this is one of those times

  18. s/b “nothing good to say”

  19. It is regrettable some BU family members would use this blog which conveys our sympathy to the late Marsden family to be unreasonable. Is it not enough if BU has confirmed that the late David Marsden was a friend of BU. He was very active in the background. If you support BU it follows that you should recognise his contribution.

    For as long as BU shall exist we will leave his blog name on our sidebar in memory of his support. BU can only hope some BU family members exercise better to judgement to that shown so far.

  20. livinginbarbados

    In the context of the Rwanda post provided by my friend I made a remark, and you asked why. I explained that I thought some contributors did not know where to draw the line. I think your words vindicate my comments.

    Why not remove the offending comments and if possible try to preserve the essence of good will that should be present?

    Feel free to delete this point if it too seems not appropriate.

  21. @LIB

    You are correct BU can delete, no sweat on that front, BUT, if we are to reach that place together we prefer for the moment to seize the opportunity as a teachable moment.

  22. livinginbarbados

    Your point read and understood. I hope others are tolerant of it.

  23. Has Negroman ever read John Donne’s For whom the Bell Tolls? See http://djryan.tripod.com/inspirations/poem/bell.html

  24. “Each man’s death diminishes me,
    For I am involved in mankind.
    Therefore, send not to know
    For whom the bell tolls,
    It tolls for thee…”

  25. Adrian Hinds

    David in the future with articles of this nature just post it without the abilit to make comments. As you said most persons posting on BU would not have known about Mr Marsden. Why give the opportunity to comment? just my humble opinion.

  26. Yeah David post a similar ariticle on Ian Bourne …


  27. I have no regrets to my statement of not offering condolences to David Marsden or Sir John Stanley Goddard.I do not know David Marsden in person but I knew Sir John Stanley Goddard and I am not in support of the many wonderful comments made about him.

    The same Sir John Stanley Goddard was a constant critic of the Commission For Pan African Affairs and was in the habit of writing the Prime Minister’s Office beseeching the former Prime Minister Owen Arthur to shut it down.Sir John Stanley Goddard wife at a meeting of the National Reconciliation Committee that had meetings dealing with race relationship in Barbados stated that Africa & Black People in Barbados have not done anything in the development of Barbados.She went on to say that the only contribution Africa has made to Barbados is the African dust from the continent.She said that nearly ten years ago and I will not forget that statement.

    Unlike many of the hypocrites we have in Barbados I will not say anything good about anyone whose dies who in my opinion does not deserves the good comments.Everybody knows my views on people of other ethnic groups especially those with European extraction.

    David & BU that is my position and if it is deem offensive or it is in bad taste I will have no problem if it is deleted

  28. Adrian,
    I wid you. I don’t see why all de hullabaloo.
    Marsden ID,
    I still trying to pick sense from your nonsense.
    This is how we do it at BU. To those offended, we don’t give a damn.
    Our condolences to the gentleman’s family.
    Ease off the BU family, my friend.

  29. David,BU & the rest
    Two young Black Barbadian boys died tragically last week as a result of drowning.I have not seen anyone offered any condolences to the families of those two unfortunate young boys.

    Is it that two those two young boys are from simple,humble Barbadian families or because they are Black Barbadian children?

    The hypocrisy & deceit in Barbados never cease to amaze me.

  30. Negroman
    My main man, I offered condolences to the families of those two boys. I am familiar with the Skeete’s. One of his cousins who resides overseas now is a friend of mine.

    Gear Box,
    Welcome backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
    Don’t let the ‘wait’ be dis long again.Ok?
    I reallly miss your signature. No one does it like you.

  31. @Negroman

    You are being unnecessarily provocative. The late David Mardsen was a fellow blogger who support BU and we recognized that in a blog, simple. The fact that we did does not say we are not sorry about all others who would have passed-on.

    We could have removed the comments function but then we would have lost the opportunity to exchange views on recognizing when and where.

  32. Whilst on the subject of blogging. It is relatively new to Barbados, we should use the opportunity to exchange views, laugh and even cuss, whateve, but do it in a way which adds some value or we could lose it.

  33. Fellas, it is very simple. If something strikes you as deserving attention, why not make a submission? Why is the responsibility being heaped on David?

    I think we all have a responsibility and that is why this is a blog and not a newspaper, radio station or TV station with editors that determine content. One thing we can all agree on is that David does not edit content and he is always asking for submissions. You must include yourself in any blame for anything that is missing.

    This is not traditional media. Understand the empowerment here.

  34. Adrian Hinds

    I am with ROK. The condolense to those tragic drowning flowed on nationnews.com. I am sure if it was posted here the same would have occurred.

  35. Bonny Peppa…

    Black Puddin’ bunnin’ mah mout…

  36. Gear Box
    Good start ta my day.

  37. Thanks to the BU crew for posting a link and for remembering Dave on this page. I appreciate it very much. We had a wonderful memorial service at St.Peters and his ashes were scattered at North Point. I know he was very involved in many causes and had many interests. I read all of the postings here with interest also, even though I don’t know what some of this is all about.

    My dad referred me to BU articles on several occasions and thought you were fighting the good fight. Respect for that.

    Best regards,

    Ian David Marsden

    Thanks also to the other ‘ID Marsden’ for his posting – he looks a lot like me, he should probably not be confused with the actual me however.

  38. @Mr. Marsden

    Glad to read all went well and sorry about the imposter. Again please accept our condolences.

  39. @ Ian David Marsen

    I am not sure if you are the son I spoke to at the shop ( on the main road, where your dad used to buy dinner ). My mother attended the memorial service, and reported to me some of the wonderful comments and memories made by the priest and some of Dave’s friends and colleagues.

    It was a pleasure to know your dad, he was very pleasant and nice. And really really really love the beach. He seem to be always coming from or going to the beach.

    Please accept our condolences to you and your family, and I really hope this will not be your last trip to Barbados. Have a safe flight!

  40. Is this the person that you are talking about?


    This guy actually lived in Barbados?

  41. Straight talk

    BAFBFP: His Dad.

  42. Does anyone know how near impossible it is to become internationally syndicated? Condolences to the Marsden clan. Unfortunately it seems you now have no more ties to this fair land.

  43. @ L. Medford : Thank you very much. If it was a rasta looking fellow with tattoos on both arms it was my brother Joel – if not, it was me. 🙂

    @BAFBFP Thank you kindly – Of course we still have very strong ties to the island, thanks to my father living in Barbados for almost 2 decades he has tied our lives to Barbados in many ways also. Both myself and my brother got married on the island for example, and we have each visited at least 8 times or so. Apart from that we have many very dear friends on the island and we love ‘Bados very much and will certainly be back.