BBC’s World Have Your Say Asks: Is Marriage A Step Too Far For Gay Rights?

Link/Image - New York Times

The issue of declining morals in our societies is one which BU remains very concerned.  We have recorded our view in previous blogs; the issue of homosexuality is one of a moral flavour and not the rights issue in which the gay movement has been able to escalate this issue. The recent same sex marriage which occurred in Latin America and  the arrest of a gay couple in Malawi has given renewed currency to the gay debate. There is no doubt the movement is beginning to probe the  Caribbean space in a more aggressive manner. Our hoppa-long leaders will have to declare a position soon. The next two years will make for interesting politics in the Caribbean region.

Tomorrow at 2PM Bajan time, the BBC World Service will broadcast its popular program World Have Your Say. A BU blog, A Step Too Far Or Fairness And Equality: Same Sex Partner’s Legal Rights posted by family member Yardbroom has been featured on the BBC blog which promotes tomorrow’s radio show. Unfortunately BU (David) had to decline the BBC invitation to be on the show tomorrow; a challenge which BU will have to overcome at some point.

The gay debate has reached an interesting point in the US and the UK especially. There is a willingness to accept gay relationships but hesitancy when taking the normal next step to marriage. This current state of affairs is being described as duplicitous to say the least.

For those who are not able to listen live we hope to post a link to the Podcast to the program for the BU family.

Happy New Year Everyone!

172 responses to “BBC’s World Have Your Say Asks: Is Marriage A Step Too Far For Gay Rights?

  1. @sad very sad

    Answer;Ask no question hear no lie. Think about that .
    Nosey ! Nosey very Nosey

  2. @Raymond

    Ray Ray. My My My ain’t you sensitive to the touch. Hope you are not too sore from your exploits now are ya? Now I am not here to stage a war of words with you. No sir we! But you and the many here who are trying to intellectualize the rights of bullers to marry under your twisted perverted logic is quite sickening. The very notion of same sex marriage for what ever given reasons holds no moral sway. There is no justification under the sun that can substantiate this so call perverted “right” towards the elevation of an accepted norm. So I prefer my Postleship anytime towards my position of top Johnny. But we have no issues with rights so something have to be wrong if you bullers have to fight so hard for yours.

  3. Johnny Postle

    Ayeeeeeeee were did my name go. How the heck did I get anonymous. I am JOHNNY POSTLE OF A LONG LINE OF POSTLES. THAT POSTING BELONG TO THIS JOHNNY. Please do not get tie up with the name problem. The Postle who is a Johnny wrote that post for Raymond, the Ray Rear Mon

  4. Johnny Postle
    Ya got ma cryinnnnnnnn. Ya hilarious. I luv um. Can’ help but giggleeeeeee.
    Johnny, ya is real comadeeee. Murthaaa.

    sad very sad
    Murthaaaaaaaaaaa. Is dat what it are? Bullin n wikkin? Heh heyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

    ya in dah simple afta’rall. a cryinnnnnn.But wait Simon, bullin n wikkin in sexin? You doan feel dem does get orgasms / organisms whicheva um is? Well dat is sexin man. Murdahh.

  5. Apostle
    or you mean the Rare Rear Mon?
    I is a instigata, hear.

  6. Bonny Peppa,
    What it is? Again: ” I don’t know!”

    But I think the act is too degrading to be placed in the same league as “sex”

    And to think these men want legal rights to adopt babies and raise a family?
    Raising children is a serious matter; even for heterosexuals.

    What values will the homos instill in children?
    What norms and values will they teach them that will prepare and enable them to make respectable contributions to society.

    I don’t think that the movement has given questions like those any serious thought; or have they?

    I’m out, before I am accused of being intolerable!

  7. I have no negative feelings about gays who want to live like heterosexuals. I would prefer that they (gays) be monogamous among themselves instead of being bisexual; in some cases to camouflage their true identity by dating and/or marrying the opposite sex and later causing harm to the other person.

    Having said that, I just think the act of:
    2 women making love is foolishness AND
    2 men are an awful offense.

    On a serious note, homosexuals should be treated fairly like any other human. I truly don’t see what the fuss is all about if they want to marry, which could be for other reasons other than pledging their love to each other.

    I think with the way laws are written in some jurisdictions, although these 2 people may have lived together for many years, if something is to happen to one of them, a next of kin could take some/all from that remaining partner regardless of contribution.

    If they are not allowed to marry, then a Civil Union law should be established for those who may want to go down that road.

  8. Eye Spy,

    How can a homosexual/lesbian relationship be based on “love?”

    When a grown man entices and seduces a young boy, where is the” love”
    in that?

    Love seeks the other peron’s well being; love is kind; love takes time to develop.

    Same-sex relationships based on love?
    It is certainly based on something; but do you think it is love?

  9. Simple Simon // January 3, 2010 at 11:40 PM “When a grown man entices and seduces a young boy, where is the” love” in that?

    Let me ask this… When a grown man entices and seduces a young GIRL, where is the” love” in that?

    I wrote, “…which could be for OTHER REASONS other than pledging their love to each other.”

    There are heterosexuals that marry for security, benefits, etc. In other words, not all marriages are or doesn’t have to be about LUV.

  10. @ Ruel

    “We are one peg and jump away from a demand by pedophiles for the right to have sex with and marry their under aged love interests.”

    Rubbish!!! Two consenting ADULTS are in no way similar to sex between an adult and a MINOR, who according to the law is under the legal age of responsibility.

    @ Simple Simon

    What about when a grown man entices a young girl? If we are so virtuous, how come there have been so many underage pregnancies caused by ADULTS yet not one single man has been jailed for statutory rape?

    Your name is simply fitting.

  11. lol

    The BU anti-hmosexaul troops have been rounded up.. I expect the bible thumpers to appear next!

    a pedophile Wiki:::::Pedophilia (or paedophilia) is a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children.[1][2][3] According to the World Health Organization, 16 and 17-year-old adolescents qualify if they have a persistent or predominant sexual preference for prepubescent children at least five years younger than them.[4] According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), pedophilia is specified as a form of paraphilia in which a person either has acted on intense sexual urges towards children, or experiences recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children that cause distress or interpersonal difficulty.[5] The disorder is common among people who commit child sexual abuse;[6][7][8] however, some offenders do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia.[9] In strictly behavioral contexts, the word “pedophilia” has been used to refer to child sexual abuse itself, also called “pedophilic behavior”.[7][10][11][12][13]

    In law enforcement, the term “pedophile” is loosely used without formal definition to describe those convicted of child sexual abuse or the sexual abuse of a minor, including both prepubescent children and pubescent or post-pubescent adolescents.[14][15] An example of this use can be seen in various forensic training manuals. Researchers recommend that this imprecise use be avoided.[14] In common usage, the term refers to any adult who is sexually attracted to young children[16] or who sexually abuses a child or adolescent minor.[13][17

    Referencing pedophlia in any serious discussion about homosexuality is an attempt to demonise homosexuals.

    Wikipedia is there for anyone to research the wide range of human sexual activity.

    I dont think we need to delve into what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms do we??? if we were flies on the wall of many Bajan bedrooms I am sure that we would be surprised at the range of sexual activity even amongst supposed heterosexual people. That is not my concern in this discussion!

    So please counter with something of substance as to why taxpaying, law abiding, consenting adult, community involved and respected same sex couples should not have the same rights as everyone else????

  12. I suggest everyone on here watch the movie ‘Precious’ which addresses issues of child abuse, parenting, victimization, ignorance, and so many other issues that could be applicable to this discussion.

    When does a person stop being human and deserving or equality and respect??? And who determines this?

  13. When does a person stop being seen as human and deserving of equality and respect?? And who determines this? How can we make judgements in ignorance of a situation?

  14. Love:Love is any of a number of emotions related to a sense of strong affection[1] and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure (“I loved that meal”) to intense interpersonal attraction (“I love my husband”). This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.

    Just so you know Simple ton…simon

    although you may have a patent on the definition!

  15. As any heterosexual couples posting on BU ever tried to adopt a child? It ain’t easy!! I do not believe that because two people (even of different genders) are married that adoption of children will be automatically allowed.

    I have always felt that the only reason for marriage was to facilitate the establishment of a family. That is, to clearly delineate property rights and determine who had primary responsibility for the raising of children. Unfortunately the historically indiscriminate and irresponsible behaviour of many people (coupled with advances in medical technology) has rendered this traditional idea of marriage pointless and actually emboldens gays in their quest for legitimacy.

    As a traditionalist I can, at best, accept the “civil union but not marriage” idea but given that the contemporary concept of marriage really now means little more than a public expression of affection between two people it becomes hard to deny gays their wish for marriage.

  16. Simple Simon wrote “And to think these men want legal rights to adopt babies and raise a family? Raising children is a serious matter; even for heterosexuals.What values will the homos instill in children? What norms and values will they teach them that will prepare and enable them to make respectable contributions to society.”

    I trust that Simple Simon understands that every homosexual in Barbados was raised by a heterosexual parent or parents.

    I rest my case.

  17. So do the Evangelical Christians have an agenda too?


    I heard that bulling is sweet and that is the reason men bull-a cataclysmic orgasmic collapsois guaranteedo. I dont care how sweet um is , I aint billing nobody ;nobody aint billing me (with apologies to Red Plastic Bag). Trunking is what it was called in the 1990s and the young girls were said to be doing and liking it as a birth control method. People say that if a man bill a woman , he would bill a man , that chocolate is chocolate and the chocolate channel is the same. Some men say no. Billing a woman is not the same as billing a man. Billing a man is just plain BULLING. Billing a woman is anal sex —go figure !

  19. Johnny Postle


    Gaw Blimah. I in total agreement with you Poopurts. I ain’t doing know back cracks when the front ones too sweet. So to you bullerish loyalists and bull rights activist – continue with your bull but keep the shit to yourself.

  20. Bonny Peppa
    Bring Rok.De more de merrier.When I got ya back I got ya back but when I aint got ya back de dog dead! I din say I want ta mount ya back cause you ain da sort ta person.I believe doah dat ya would still watch women wicking after all Rhiana say she is thinking bout wick ing seriously so someting in de music musse sweet!.AnywayNo offense but ya see all dis bulling and same sex marraige ting…well long after me, you,johnny postle and rok plus de whole BU family gone wicking and bulleristics will continue so I must have a ring side seat.I ain’t pretending.By de way would’nt it be nice to say reaming instead of bulling old chap? Or instead of wicking say rubbing?Anyway ya see you- you doan like a war but you does start a riot!

  21. Johnny Postle

    I just expressing my right towards a wrong that people like wunna want to make right. If you think that is a riot well then let us go to war. Trust me you do not want to start one with this Johnny.

  22. Johnny postle! Raymond real loyal.If I tell you dat I never bull anybody yet you would believe me? and nabody kan write fa me hear?I enjoying myself cause you and your cohorts gotta a good ting gine!I ain da soft hear?

  23. Annonymous
    I wish I cudda tell you to ga in long gap a night and ask fa a certain buller an she wife husband whatever dat does put on shows but I kan do dat. I wish some body cud try converting dem.The woud get the rass wash in licks.Anyway da by de way.Talk ta simple simon cause he ain’t na simple.He deaf?

  24. Simple Simon
    Can you tell me why three men would ne in a tub? You remember rub-a-dub-dub!

  25. David
    Yo check de size o dat lilip toungue dat Tiger Woods had to contend wid? Well dat is why some women deos help out one another. I hear so!

  26. Pick sense
    I pickin you. how you see de size a dah lilip tongue? I wanna see um ta. Direc me. Ya devil but I luv um.

    my dawlinks. i would like ta see men n women ‘gettin down’ too. Wah I in na sundee skool teacha ya kno? I curious just like you. Watchin in na crime de las time i check. I would even like ta watch a menage a trois or wahevva de shyte um name. Curiousity kill de cat, i reddy ta dead. Keep sweet baby.

    Dr. Poop
    ya mek ma fart. ya sick.
    But a rose by any udda name is still a rose hear? billin is billin regardless…….

    ya still got ma cryinnnnnn. ya hopeless but ya swoiteeeeeeee como sucre.

  27. Simple Simon

    The 3 men are in a tub probably the same why Elton John sings “Daniel, you’re a star, in in the face of the skyyyyy !

  28. Johnny Postle

    @ Raymond

    My man, woman, buller, it, what ever you believe you self to be, I doan give two wuk-ups, a fart and a squeeze pooch rather or not you straight. You surely ain’t convincing me and I certainly do not want any convincing. My only advice to you is to step back and review your defense of bullers. My comment to all of this is: There can be no justification for bullers to take the next step after pooch-shit exploration. But they want to marry and you come on here telling me, you and a few other crack pots, that you see nothing wrong with it. Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupse

  29. Well this topic has surfaced again and again on this blog. Towards what end my friend-(the moderator). Pray tell me why this topic has surfaced again. To what end my friend ? To what end ?

    Peter 7 -no relation to Philip 7

  30. JohnnyPostle
    wuhlosssssss, ya like ‘acid-rain’. ya on pun Raymond like a vice grip man. easy up pun he fa now, cuh dear. he is wah he is jus like we is wah we is. I is a bonny peppa n you is a johnny.
    I is a instigata too.

    No need to attack the ‘moderator’. Even though this topic has surfaced again, you realize that it is still getting many comments. Persons still want to vent their feelings on this matter. So don’t stress my dearest.
    Take it easy.
    A blessed New Year to you n yours from me n mine.

  31. Cruise Arrivals Up Revenue Down – 34 responses in 2 weeks

    Cash Flow Problems for Government – 40 responses in 3 weeks

    This post on Gays & Marriage – 150 in 3 days.

    A true reflection of what really matters to us as a society, it seems as though if it is not salacious it is unworthy.

  32. Enuff
    you feel it got anyting ta do wid ‘facts n fiction’?

  33. Johnny Postle
    If ah only hold ya tonight tis thunder! Ha! Ha!

  34. @ Bonny Peppa

    Nothing to do with facts and fiction, the level of debate on this issue is as base as most here. However for this topic less is required to respond as is evident in the number and content, plus it is void of any political partisanship.

  35. Enuff
    To quote you,’……..if it is not salacious,it is unworthy”.

    Persons are free to choose what they prefer to comment on. Agreed?
    So don’t worry, be happy. Some topics I find rather boring especially the ones pertaining to christianity as I am not very verse in that area. I barely know enough to get me through the “Pearly-Gates”. LOL. wah you laffin at?

  36. Raymond
    Luv um bad.murthaaaaaaaaaaa

    He barely tryin ta tease you. Doan fret.An rememba, I is a instigata.

  37. John Da Silva

    If you want to have a balanced debate on this issue, please stop people from using derogatory terms such as homos, queers, dykes or bullers. These are hateful terms and anyone whose arguments are based on a foundation of hate has no credibility at all. Buller is as offensive to a gay person as nigger is to a black person.

  38. buller is offensive or bulling is offensive ?—-which one ? whichever it is, it is …

    sad very sad !

  39. Da Silva
    stupseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, what would thou prefer ‘them’ to be called? The word ‘nigger/nigga never offend me yet.
    What is derogatory about these words?

  40. Johnny Postle

    @ John Dasilva

    When the queen farts should we refer to it as Royal break wind, Royal air or plain simple poop? My point is, it will still smell stink no matter what you call it. So tell me what is so derogatory about buller that makes gay or homosexual more appealing? It is what bajans call it – BULLING.

    If I speak more biologically would that change the act homosexuals engage in? Would the word homosexual make them any more or less accepted than they are now. Chuuuuuuuuupse Dasilva go and read some more books. I am just as much an intellectual as you are but I prefer to call it as it is. And for me, my Barbadian roots say any man who having it with another man is a buller. Just like any woman who having it with another woman is a wicker. Simple as that.

  41. I tend to understand John Silva’s point; however, I don’t think the use of other words by which homosexuals are called means that those words are used out of hatred.

    People of other cultures most likely have their own colloquial word. Nonetheless, using the word in which homosexuals are globally referred to by many may be more familiar to all readers.

  42. yeah nothing to see or discuss here …just alot of ignorance so lets move on…


    LOL @ JohnnyPostle talking to John DaSilva


    When the queen farts should we refer to it as Royal break wind, Royal air or plain simple poop


  44. hi there little boys and girls no need for the name calling.
    What do yuh call them now?

  45. Johnny
    Ya worser dan me now but I luv um. Ta be honest wid you, I doan tink dat de queen poops. She’s tu royale for dat sorta foul air.

    Ya tink we should call dem ‘bullits”?

  46. the hood aka robin hood

    @Bonny Peppa

    Don’t u realise that the Queen has what is called “an attack of flatulence”. LOL
    She ain’t no ordinary pleb like us.

  47. John Da Silva

    The hatred comes from the derogatory use of the word. The term buller is never used in a complementary way. For example, Paki is considered deeply offensive to Pakistanis and Indians in the UK, for over time is has been used in a manner to cause offense and promote hatred against anyone of Indian descent.

    And, to all you haters above, why don’t you post your comments with your real name and let’s have a proper debate? Show a little courage.

  48. John Da Silva
    And who is John Da Silva? To me that is also a pseudonym.We don’t know John Da Silva from a bag of yams. Anyone can sign in as John Da Silva.
    Which is more important? The message or the messenger?

  49. Reading this tread compels me to think that civilization should accept all born as humans.

    That is the right way.

    But some behavior shouldn’t be tolerated in any civilization, e.g. abuse, violence, stealing. Simply because it is not good for some one in the society.

    Up to now i haven’t seen one comment that shows how gay marriage could benefit civilization.

    Can anyone prove me wrong?

  50. GAY MARRIAGE taken to its logical conclusion can actually destroy civilization. GAYS should stop their foolishness. GAY -ISM is just an excuse. Gaying , Bulling, or what have you, happens because man has choice and actually this choice is between evil and good. Those who choose Bulling , Gaying actually WOULD have exercised their free will . Its just choice -choice nothing biological , NOTHING BUT CHOICE ———AND ITS EVIL

  51. @Ready Done
    The gay agenda is about themselves, any benefits would be solely for themselves.

  52. Johnny Postle

    @ John Dasilva

    I am very surprise by your sense of reasoning. You are seeking to equate the word buller with hatred and to top it all of, using hate related analogies of volatile groups that are known for serious violence and even death, to support your purports. When I use the word buller for me it is descriptive and an appropriate term for a lifestyle that goes against the accepted norm. I have no hate towards the buller but I hate what the buller is and is trying to achieve and that is: societal acceptance. Why would I or any right thinking person want to glorify or even embrace an indulgence that have a corruptive element. I will agree that the use of certain expressions, as you have described, has fuel serious violence and even death amongst certain groups of people. However if I compare this in the context of the Bajan perspective on the term bull(er)(ing), the use of the word to my knowledge, has not resulted in any direct serious bodily harm or even death by groups oppose to bullerish activity.

    You want a balance debate on the issue but because buller is offensive to you the debate is off-balance. From the postings, I see a debate that says: some are for and others are against. The language might not be suitable (in your books) but in the bajan vernacular the use of specific terms and jargon does not take away from the arguments for and against.

    Barbados have tolerated bullers and bulling for a long time but that does not mean that we should regularize it and embrace it as a perfectly normal part of societal behaviour.

    Relative to you wanted me to post my name what part of this Johnny that you do not understand. My name is Johnny Postle and I would be a real Johnny to use another name other than my real name to give you opportunity to use your connections. No Sir we, I might be a Johnny but I ain’t a real Johnny.