Those Who Dared Not To Be Slaves: Haiti And A Coalition Of Dishonour

Submitted by Yardbroom

La citadelle (Haiti)

The earth trembled and people who were already poor felt its fury.  Haiti was in the news again, the good stories from that place rest only in the hearts of their ancestors. Nations responded, it is true, from near and far the willing came.  There were planes loaded with supplies and concerned Governments sent parcels, medical items and the expertise of their sons and daughters.

Then incaution was thrown to the wind and someone said they – Haitians – were paying for their pact with  the devil/satan; retribution was being unleashed for their satanic practices.  God in his wisdom had demonstrated his power.

Dare I ask, or should I stay silent?  but I will ask, was this the same God who was not concerned – or did not demonstrate – over the millions of black slaves who were shackled, did he turn away from those whose gnarled bodies felt the lash, or who for hundreds of years knew no mercy.  Why did he not vent his wrath on Nations, Governments and countries who filled their larders and built edifices from the labour of slaves?

Why was he selective, to only make the earth tremble under the feet of those who invaded no foreign lands, took no mother’s sons away from far away places and broke them under the lash.  When the “Rev” whose name is best forgotten, tells us of the sins the Haitians have committed and therefore retribution…I ponder.

I must ask where is the justice? are certain principles selectively employed, retribution selectively dispensed, can you be punished for a lesser evil whilst a greater evil goes unnoticed?

I will enslave you, wrench you from the bosom of your flesh, stamp you as a herd of horses, dishonour you, own your off spring and even your soul.  Dare you fight to regain even a modicum of dignity, it is you who have transgressed.  Even if I do not level with you, God will punish you, because you have made a pact with the devil.

There are Devils and there are Devils but if there are really Devils, someone grant me the wisdom to know who they are, and give me an ear to know the sounds they make, so that when they speak in the name of their God, I will know them; so that I may ponder and hopefully be wiser after my contemplation.

I ask the questions “only” because I do not know; to those who do, I beseech you; tell me.

80 responses to “Those Who Dared Not To Be Slaves: Haiti And A Coalition Of Dishonour

  1. Onlookers:

    Pardon a few remarks and links:

    1] Yardbroom needs to carefully read Dr Gerrry Seale’s carefully pondered and balanced remarks here; which David has linked in the bowels of the previous thread (but I think — on basic fairness — should at minimum append to the main, original post there and here).

    2] On the wider issue of coming to a sound understanding of the foundation of Haiti as a nation, I have added some remarks to the previous thread here, on the links between Boukman’s prayer and Paul’s Mars Hill remarks in Athens.

    (And BTW, the just linked will help us to understand that Mr Robertson, though not current, has an understandable position, and should be fairly treated, not caricatured and demonised — especially by members of a race who know all about what prejudices do . . . )

    3] On the yet wider problem of evils, I think we could begin deeper, more balanced reflections here and here.

    (Let’s just say that some basic points on the particular case are that we live in a world where reliable and powerful natural forces are a condition of having minded, enconscienced, morally goverend creatures capable of love and care to others. In such a world, natural forces can sometimes do some potentially very destructive things [under present circumstances . . . ], so natural disasters are a reality we face in this temporal order. however, given that as the Auram folks so abundantly document for India here, quakes don’t kill, faulty and collapsing buildings do, so we must face implications of ignorance, negligence and deliberate shoddiness. And, if one insists on hostile commentary without checking out and reckoning with the balanced sides of the story, one is being a party to the negligence of duty.)


    As my mom used to love to quote the Greeks: “a word to the wise . . . ”



    PS: Shouldn’t we be primarily focussing just now on how we can reach out to help our sister Caribbean nation? (Yesterday afternoon, I was having a discussion with a man who lost two sons and a daughter, but was bearing up with astonishing fortitude. I suspect I will shortly be helping in the drafting of the letter to the authorities, petitioning for bringing members of his family here. [His madame was sent home from here just before Christmas [!] by the authorities . . . a sadly telling sign. Especially as he has been here for six years and is plainly the sort of immigrant M’rat needs so urgently, fears of diluting national identity notwithstanding.] Neither Montserratian-ness nor Bajan-ness nor any other Caribbean identity constitute a nobility to be protected by legal privilege and insensitive or oppressive administrative behaviour. I say this to our shame.)

  2. @X-Man
    me burn more weed than burning spear
    Weed and me

  3. Why after so many millions of dollars in food and medical supplies that Haitians are still dying by the thousands daily..why..could it be that these stinking dogs that claim to be the people saviours are willingly letting them die…by not getting the food and medic supplies to the people in time..a serious crisis is arising in Haiti and its called Mass Genocide..for the dummies u better look up that term and see what it means..something ain’t right boys and girls..mass depopulation of black people worldwide is prepared for the zionists that want to take your lives.

  4. Haitians need to take back their country by any means..these occupiers are modern day pirates..who bare gifts of poison food,water and bullets for the remaining survivors..there is no other agenda but to kill people.

  5. If you are a bunch of psychopathic lunatics who are hellbent on reducing the earths population to 500 000 000 u have to start somewhere right?…Haiti is a good

  6. Don’t worry though.those white Americans that think they are safe and nothing like this will never happen in America..when martial law is called and the U.N Troops,U.S Army along with contractors like Blackwater aka Xe come your way i hope u can handle it..they will be coming for your guns and your lives..someone will have the last laugh if u dummies don’t wake up and it ain’t going to be ya’ll.

  7. FW:

    Port-au-Prince has suffered the energy equivalent of a nuclear attack, with similar casualty figures to such attacks.

    The resulting mass casualty event combined with choked logistics inevitable in such a situation, snarls relief and forces triage on casualty treatment.

    Wiki’s summary is grim but instructive:

    A mass casualty incident (MCI) (sometimes called a multiple-casualty incident or multiple-casualty situation) is any incident in which emergency medical services personnel and equipment at the scene are overwhelmed by the number and severity of casualties at that incident.[1] . . . The general public more commonly recognizes events such as building collapses, train and bus collisions, earthquakes and other large-scale emergencies as mass casualty incidents. Events such as the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, the Metrolink train collision in Los Angeles in 2008 and the Washington Metro train collision in Washington D.C. in 2009 are well publicized examples of mass casualty incidents . . . .

    The discussion on triage is even more grim:

    Triage (pronounced /ˈtriɑʒ/) is a process of prioritizing patients based on the severity of their condition. This rations patient treatment efficiently when resources are insufficient for all to be treated immediately. The term comes from the French verb trier, meaning to separate, sort, sift or select.[1] There are two types of triage: simple and advanced.[2] The outcome may result in determining the order and priority of emergency treatment, the order and priority of emergency transport, or the transport destination for the patient, based upon the special needs of the patient or the balancing of patient distribution in a mass-casualty setting . . . .

    Triage has, in fact, existed for a very long time, albeit without a particular appellation applied to the practice. Until recently, triage results, whether performed by a paramedic or anyone else, were frequently a matter of the ‘best guess’, as opposed to any real or meaningful assessment.[4] In fact, triaging used to be taught with an emphasis on the speed of the function, rather than the accuracy of the outcome. At its most primitive, those responsible for the removal of the wounded from a battlefield or their care afterwards have always divided victims into three basic categories:

    1) Those who are likely to live, regardless of what care they receive;
    2) Those who are likely to die, regardless of what care they receive;
    3) Those for whom immediate care might make a positive difference in outcome.[5] . . . .

    S.T.A.R.T. (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) is a simple triage system that can be performed by lightly-trained lay and emergency personnel in emergencies.[8] It is not intended to supersede or instruct medical personnel or techniques. It may serve as an instructive example, and has been (2003) taught to California emergency workers for use in earthquakes. It was developed at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, California for use by emergency services. It has been field-proven in mass casualty incidents such as train wrecks and bus accidents, though it was developed for use by community emergency response teams (CERTs) and firefighters after earthquakes.

    Triage separates the injured into four groups:

    0 The deceased who are beyond help
    1 The injured who can be helped by immediate transportation
    2 The injured whose transport can be delayed
    3 Those with minor injuries, who need help less urgently

    The concepts easily enough extend to other resources and responses to a major disaster.

    Let us thank God we do not have to face such an overwhelming situation and make such horrendously consequential decisions.

    Some sympathetic understanding of what selfless people risking life and limb to help others with limited resources and overwhelming need are facing is in order. (As a measure of what has happened, observe how airdrops were at first rejected, then after the logistical snarls were obvious, resorted to.)



  8. PS: And, the need for responsible journalistic reporting and editorialising, too. (The media should be using this situation to teach our region about safe construction, and on disaster preparation and mitigation, and on what it is like to have to respond to a disaster of this magnitude.)

    Now, on triage-priority, ah gawn . . .

  9. @freewilly………….Its all by design. The criminal has returned to the scene of the crime. Cracker News showed a young man’s life being snuffed out right before our eyes…some entities are getting their jollies on and they’re getting it good.

    Controlled demolition!

  10. When The Revolution Comes
    When the revolution comes
    some of us will catch it on TV
    with chicken hanging from our mouths
    you’ll know it’s revolution
    because there won’t be no commercials
    when the revolution comes

  11. When The Revolution Comes
    When the revolution comes
    some of us will catch it on TV
    with chicken hanging from our mouths
    you’ll know it’s revolution
    because there won’t be no commercials
    when the revolution comes

  12. sorry that was a false start (James Brown)
    Can’t Keep A Good Man Down

  13. freewilly

    Man place your comments the current thread concerning Haiti

    The Reconstruction And Transformation Of Haiti: A Global-Moral Imperative

  14. have u ever been to haiti or lived there?