Points To Ponder

Hartley Henry - DLP Political Strategist

Dear Reader, very often one comes across a piece of correspondence that absolutely floors you. In cricketing terms, it’s called an unplayable delivery. You simply do not know what to do with it. You are left dazed! In such circumstances, I have opted over the years to simply pass it on; share it with others and hear what they say. See if their reaction is similar to yours.

The following is a piece of correspondence that was shared with me by a fellow writer at the Barbados Advocate who also was floored by the sincerity and forthrightness of the author, whom none of us knew and who, to this day, remains anonymous. It does not matter who the author was, what matters is that out there in Bajan country, are persons who are sitting up and taking note of the downward spiral in Barbados journalism.

Dear Reader, I shall share the contents of the correspondence, which came in the form of a Letter to the Editor, and offer no further comment…at this time.

Dear Editor:

Thank you for preserving the dignity of the Prime Minister at this most distressing time.

While your neighbour and competitor seem to thrive on classless, insensitive journalism I want to encourage you to continue to take the high road. Less than twenty-four hours after our Prime Minister did what none of us would ever wished to be faced with, the electronic edition of the Nation Newspaper launched an opinion poll which posed the question, and I will paraphrase – Should the Prime Minister reveal to the nation the nature of his illness?.

What I wonder has informed this question. Is it not enough that he has told us that he is ill – so ill in fact that he has asked us to continue to pray for him and craved our forbearance while he attends to his health? I emphasize ‘continue’ because I know as a people we Barbadians always pray for our leaders.

Does the public’s right to know trump a fellow human being’s right to dignity – even if he happens to be the Prime Minister? If we find out the detail of what ails him will that change the course of the events that have unfolded so far? Is it that we wish to ascertain whether the illness that has stricken our Prime Minister is contagious so that it is in the nature of a threat to public health? I think not? What will we be asking for next – what medication he is on or what diet has he been following?

We must resist the unfortunate human condition which tends to gossip. I would expect our media houses should feel a sense of responsibility in making sure that while they fearlessly and impartially report the news they do not lower our common standards of decency and propriety which I hope we still hold dear.

Unfortunately, the Internet poll was one of three offerings from the Nation which I found particularly distasteful. The second was the image of the PM on the front page. Again, whether or not his current state was plastered on the front of today’s paper, the revelation of him handing over the reins of government to his deputy is already newsworthy. This is not a question of the public’s right to know – we know – PM Thompson laid bare his condition on television just the night before.

The dignity of the man, as husband, father and leader of this nation is what is at stake. Why can we not use the ‘official’ photos of our Prime Minister even now? Do you think we will forget that he is not well?

Equally disingenuous to both the Prime Minister and his Deputy – at least in my view – was the cartoon depicting the PM taking a step down and his seemingly gleeful Deputy stepping up to the top tier of a podium. How absolutely uncalled for! Has the Attorney-General won some hard-fought prize? Has he ousted his colleague and leader from power? Absolutely not! This is not a power struggle that has been determined.

I sincerely hope that this brand of journalism is not in an effort to boost sales. I expect it is not a secret that the Nation’s current circulation is enviable. Can we please put ourselves in the PM’s shoes and follow the oldest maxim – love one another as God loves us. In our speech, in our actions and especially in our reporting let us treat our Prime Minister as we would wish to be treated – especially in this time of illness.

Congratulations Mr. Editor in handling the Prime Minister and your readership with the dignity and respect we deserve.

Dear Reader, what can I say? I do not propose further comment at this stage…but, rest assured, further comment will come! The backdrop to the foregoing will be shared with all Barbados…in the fullness of time.

But I find myself humming to the strains of one of Mighty Gabby’s classics: One Day Coming Soon…the people will wake up!

Hartley Henry is a Regional Political Strategist. He can be reached at hartleyhenry@gmail.com

330 responses to “Points To Ponder

  1. Bonny Peppa

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, you’re not just de ‘average Joe’. And you’re my ‘somebody special’.

  2. I think I’ve driven home my point on the matter of SJW, and now I’m finish with that. I will now gravitate toward the CSME topic recently posted. I expect that to be quite entertaining as well.

  3. @Bonny

    See why we should meet. Smoooooch rite back at yuh.

  4. @Georgie

    I just saw this on the BBC website and thought I’d share it with you if you haven’t seen it as yet.


  5. Aubrey Linton

    Hartley Henry seems very upset about the photo of PM David Thompson as carried in the Nation and he has said what he wanted to say.

    Why is HH trying to appear sympathetic to the PM’s illness while at the same time canvassing in hisSt. John constituency? Is the Political Advisor to the PM trying to bury him before he actually dies? What does HH know about the PM’s illness that Barbadians do not know?

    This bahaviour by HH is absolutely VULGAR and unbecoming of someone who wants to represent people. HH actions really tell Barbadians the kind character he really is.

  6. Perhaps HH’s action is a sign. a sign of his utter contempt for the people of St.John and their political representative. HH God does not sleep!

  7. We know that HH is a hypocrite.
    We know that HH is a hypocrite and an opportunist!

    Why is HH canvassing in his St. John constituency?

    Because he knows it is a DLP stronghold and that he has a good chance of winning and of being there for life!

    Is the Political Advisor to the PM trying to bury him before he actually dies?

    Is that a rhetorical question?

    What does HH know about the PM’s illness that Barbadians do not know?

    HH actions really tell Barbadians the kind character he really is…….. a hypocrite and an opportunist!

  8. @ GP

    This is something to think about when negative people are doing their best to rain on your parade. So remember this story the next time someone who knows nothing and cares less tries to make your life miserable.
    A woman was at her hairdresser’s getting her hair styled for a trip to Rome with her husband.. She mentioned the trip to the hairdresser, who responded:
    “Rome ? Why would anyone want to go there? It’s crowded and dirty… You’re crazy to go to Rome . So, how are you getting there?”
    “We’re taking Continental,” was the reply. “We got a great rate!”
    “Continental?” exclaimed the hairdresser. “That’s a terrible airline. Their planes are old, their flight attendants are ugly, and they’re always late. So, where are you staying in Rome ?”
    “We’ll be at this exclusive little place over on Rome’sTiber River called Teste.”
    “Don’t go any further. I know that place. Everybody thinks its gonna be something special and exclusive, but it’s really a dump.”
    “We’re going to go to see the Vatican and maybe get to see the Pope.”
    “That’s rich,” laughed the hairdresser. You and a million other people trying to see him. He’ll look the size of an ant. Boy, good luck on this lousy trip of yours. You’re going to need it.”
    A month later, the woman again came in for a hairdo. The hairdresser asked her about her trip to Rome.
    “It was wonderful,” explained the woman, “not only were we on time in one of Continental’s brand new planes, but it was overbooked, and they bumped us up to first class. The food and wine were wonderful, and I had a handsome 28-year-old steward who waited on me hand and foot.
    And the hotel was great! They’d just finished a $5 million remodeling job, and now it’s a jewel, the finest hotel in the city. They, too, were overbooked, so they apologized and gave us their owner’s suite at no extra charge!”
    “Well,” muttered the hairdresser, “that’s all well and good, but I know you didn’t get to see the Pope.”
    “Actually, we were quite lucky, because as we toured the Vatican, a Swiss Guard tapped me on the shoulder, and explained that the Pope likes to meet some of the visitors, and if I’d be so kind as to step into his private room and wait, the Pope would personally greet me.
    Sure enough, five minutes later, the Pope walked through the door and shook my hand! I knelt down and he spoke a few words to me.”
    “Oh, really! What’d he say ?”
    He said: “Who fucked up your hair?”

  9. You know what amazes me about these blogs? There’s always somebody who believe that he\she is in a position to determine how little or how much somebody else knows. The gall of some people.

  10. Exactly Atman!
    Here you are calling the kettle black, but over the weekend you believed that you knew all there is to know about a herb from reading an advertisement put out by a company pushing this product. And you and others of your ilk opined on how much GP knows. You did this despite the fact that others found information that agreed with GP’s position. You did this despite the fact that the one source you cited contradicted itself, because it was probably forced to put certain information in its promotional pieces. You are indeed very correct. On these blogs, there is always some one just like you who believes that he\she is in a position to determine how little or how much somebody else knows

  11. whistling frog

    Pheew Booy,I tell you,,,with all you know alls out dey,,,,DE Prime Minister only waste he time going way,,,,all he had to do was CHECK wid BU…..DDAAAAAAAHHHHH???? EHHHH???????

  12. @Anonymous

    Either you are one confused person, or you’re just trying to confuse other people. I’m of the opinion that you just want to spar with me for the heck of it, so leh me wash you off.

    What I read about the herb SJW still stands, and regardless of how much GP knows, he was still inaccurate in his statement to me. Nobody presented anything specific to support the claim that SJW (at normal doses) would react with tyramine to raise blood pressure…nobody. All folks presented was alot of general info about the effects of MAOIs, but SJW is a very weak MAOI.

    The problem with people like you is that you don’t believe that experts can or should be challenged on anything, I was thought differently. I never opined about how much GP knows, I questioned whether or not he was a real doctor because, as I said, I don’t know him from Adam. He also gave me reason to say that he is not a true educator because he either refused to, or couldn’t point me to credible third-party information that SPECIFICALLY supports his claim regarding SJW. This is a far cry from saying that he doesn’t know anything.

    I’m still waiting for someone to bring such info to support GP, so why don’t you take a stab at it wise guy?

  13. Bonny Peppa

    mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, doan leh nabody steal you joy.

  14. As I seem to have a penchant for playing ‘devil’s advocate’, however obviously in this case not insinuating that GP is the or even ‘a’ devil, furthermore that he can represent himself more than adequately, I will nevertheless attempt to put forward a few notes from the net, as quickly gleaned from the net.

    Here is one…from ‘personal health zone’ …

    ”Avoid the following substances when using St.-John’s-wort: Amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine; amphetamines; asthma inhalants; beer, coffee, wine; chocolate, fava beans, salami, smoked or pickled foods, and yogurt; cold or hay fever medicines; diet pills; narcotics; nasal decongestants. They all contain chemicals that react adversely to hypericin, causing high blood pressure and nausea.”

    What boy, such a long list? How about coconut water, fishcakes, rice and peas?

    Now we go to ‘patient dot co dot uk’:

    ”Are there any side-effects or risks when taking St John’s wort?.

    Some people think that because St John’s wort is ‘natural’ then it is totally safe. This is not true as it contains many chemicals which sometimes cause problems..

    Possible side-effects
    The most common side-effects are dry mouth, dizziness, gut symptoms, increased sensitivity to sunlight, and tiredness. .

    Possible risks
    St John’s wort sometimes reacts with other drugs. So:.

    •You should not take it if you are taking warfarin, cyclosporin, oral contraceptives, anticonvulsants, digoxin, theophylline, or certain anti-HIV drugs. This is because it may reduce the effect of these drugs.
    •You should not take it at the same time as taking an SSRI antidepressant (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) or a triptan drugs used for migraine (such as sumatriptan). This is because it has an additive effect to these drugs which can cause problems.
    Also, you should not take St John’s wort if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as it has not been proved to be safe in these situations..

    Because of the uncertain effectiveness, possible side-effects, and possible interactions with other drugs, many doctors now do not recommend that St John’s wort should be used. Also, if you have moderate or severe depression, it is generally best that you see a doctor who can advise on treatments and monitor your progress”

    Maybe such as Atman is neither or wafarin nor oral contrceptives, but surely there must be some concern as to such as noted above.

    Now we go to wiki, which comments that it is generally well tolderated but then goes on to say ….’ The most common adverse effects reported are gastrointestinal symptoms, dizziness, confusion, tiredness and sedation’. BUT, THEN goes on to mention reactions with outher drugs, one potentially life threatening.

    On wiki, it also mentions that ‘In large doses, St John’s wort is poisonous to grazing livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, horses).
    St John’s Wort, Behavioural signs of poisoning are general restlessness and skin irritation. Restlessness is often indicated by pawing of the ground, head shaking, head rubbing, and occasional hindlimb weakness with knuckling over, panting, confusion and depression. Mania and hyperactivity may also result including running in circles until exhausted.”

    So, if you take some and such reactions as head shaking, extensive rubbing, hyperactivity and panting, I would suggest that you see a doctor fairly soon. Unless of course, such symptoms are normal for you……

    But, best of all, the ‘Mayo clinic dot com’, stats thus ‘St. John’s wort can cause many serious interactions with prescription drugs, herbs, or supplements. Therefore, people using any medications should consult their healthcare providers including their pharmacist prior to starting therapy.”

    That is probably the best advice, to consult someone who understands drug interactions, particular to your case, before injesting the substance.

    Caveat: I know nothing about drugs or drug interactions, nor medicine, maybe not much about anything else either.

  15. Atman ,

    which study shows that SJW is a “weak” MAOI (as you claim)? You wrote that:

    “Nobody presented anything specific to support the claim that SJW (at normal doses) would react with tyramine to raise blood pressure…nobody.”

    But somebody did provide such information. You!!! The website that you (Atman) gave in an earlier post stated the following:

    “According to Jonathan Zuess, MD (author of The Natural Prozac Program), tyramine seems to primarily be a problem if a person has high blood pressure. This is due to St. John’s Wort working in a similar way to drugs that are monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)”

    and then essentially contradicts this statement with:

    “However, studies done in the 1990’s have shown that the MAOI-like effect of St. John’s Wort is negligible when it’s used in normal doses. So it is unlikely that it would react with tyramine. In Germany, where doctors have had the most experience with St. John’s Wort, it is considered safe to use in patients with high blood pressure. ”

    but concludes:

    “Nonetheless, if you have high blood pressure, and your doctor agrees to your use of St. John’s Wort, the following precautions should be taken:

    1. Have your blood pressure checked at least weekly for the first six weeks, and at least monthly thereafter.
    2. Do not eat foods containing tyramine.

    Even if you do not have high blood pressure, do not take St. John’s Wort with amino acid supplements (especially phenylalanine and tyrosine). Amino acids are a form of monoamines, which can pose a danger when mixed with St. John’s Wort. The monoamines that you get in your diet (such as the amino acids in meat) are less concentrated and are not a hazard.”

    The same web page also provides a fairly comprehensive list of foods that contain tyramine. Why do this if the studies show that the interaction between SJW and tyramine is likely to be negligible? You claimed to like to challenge the experts. Shouldn’t you challenge your choice of information for being more than a little ambivalent?

  16. Georgie Porgie

    Crusoe, Anonnymous
    I have been said to be exposed as a poor educator because I did not provide liks to a most unworthy Phamacology student.

    Tell me gentleman did you not learn a great deal more by doing the research that you have done than if I gave you links.

    Note that St Johns wort is now only mentioned in Pharmacology texts because of the fact that it is solld by natural pill pushers. This was necessary to allert medical students of its dangers.

    In the single ppt in which it was mentioned in the manual for the review course that I taught it’s efficacy and proposed mechanism was questioned.

    All of the problems it causes as you have detailed is due to the fact that it induces P50 enzynmes in the liver . We will discuss this in more detail in due course.

  17. @Anonymous

    Idiot, all it is saying is that a doctor said one thing (much like GP), but studies have proven that the MAOI effect of SJW is negligible if taken when taken in normal doses. The writer of the article is providing information from various sources at various times, and common sense dictates that I go with the STUDIES.

    Again I ask, how come SJW is so popular and widely used as an anti-depressant in the mediacal profession if it can “blow a gasket in your brain” as easily as my good friend GP suggested? See this link as well…


  18. I somehow doubt that even if you were to read the studies that you would understand what you were reading. However let’s look at the website that you have just posted. It says:

    “St. John’s Wort’s method of action on mood is still a mystery. It has been shown to increase serotonin levels, but this may be accomplished via a means that is more comparable to tricyclic antidepressants than to selective serotonin re uptake inhibitors. ”

    Does it seem that the claim of SJW being a weak MAOI is strongly held? Again your source recommends caution in using SJW.

    The temptation is there to follow your habit of throwing out epithets but I think that you are doing such a particularly good job of revealing your abject lack of critical thinking that to do so would be redundant.

  19. Georgie Porgie


    Please kindly note that St John’s wort is NOT a popular OR a widely used anti-depressant in the medical profession. It is only now being described in texts in the TOXICOLOGY sections.

    Note also that one of the major potential side effects caused by the MAOI, is that if taken concomitantly with certain drugs or substances they can AND HAVE caused cerebral haemorrhages or loosely put they can “blow a gasket in your brain.” This can not be refuted. This is not a suggestion. This is a FACT.

    All sane sober sensible sincere scholars and teachers of Pharmacology must warn their students of the potential side effects of each class of drugs they review. They are not however, responsible for the density of the brains or lack of betz cells in those to whom they expound these truths.

    This jackass continues to confuse the mild and now disputed MAOI effect of SJW with its side effects when interacting with certain substances and drugs. The EFFECTS of a drug are not the same as its SIDE EFFECTS. It should be obvious even to any moron that the SIDE EFFECTS OF A DRUG ARE UNDESIRED.. IT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS that the potential SIDE EFFECTS OF St John’s wort common to MAOI is the issue being discussed. It is for just this reason that I referred the moron to research the SIDE EFFECTS of St John’s wort.

    The effects of a drug may have one mechanism of action and the side effects another.
    St John’s wort is known to produce its side effects by inhibition of liver P450 oxidases

    In his continued and intense desire to discredit me this repugnant jackass REVEALS HIS COMPLETE IGNORANCE OF THE BASICS OF PHARMACOLOGY- the difference between “effects” “efficacy” and SIDE EFFECTS! .

  20. Georgie Porgie


    Re I somehow doubt that even if you were to read the studies that you would understand what you were reading.

    How could he?

    He can not distinguish EFFECT from SIDE EFFECT

    He still does not understand that the promotional piece he cited by certain pill pushers of natural products, contradicts itself.

    He continues to talk about “MAOI effects” of St. John’s Wort, and totally disregard my initial advice to consider its SIDE EFFECTS, which is the cause of its potential danger.

    Do you think that a pill would be promoted if something was wrong with the EFFECT the manufacturers sought in producing the drug.

    Do you think that drugs are discontinued because of their effects? Or because of their untoward or adverse or SIDE EFFECTS?

    Re I think that you are doing such a particularly good job of revealing your abject lack of critical thinking that to do so would be redundant.

    You can not possibly say this better.
    You are dealing with an ass completely out of his league, who thinks he can go toe to toe with me in a subject about which he is yet to understand the basics.

  21. You guys can try as hard as you want to save face, but the facts are the facts. I don’t need to understand the studies. Those who did the studies have made the results known, and that is good enough for me. I have no more time to waste battling against your egos.

    Ta ta.

  22. At man
    You are an argumentative ass.
    Georgie was right from the beginning.And right at the end .Clearly there is a difference between EFFECTS & SIDE EFFECTS. Thats why he sent you to side effects straight up . He knew what he was doing. You know no Pharmacology. Studies my ass. You know or understand anything about studies? Blasted fool!

  23. @ Annonymous // July 15, 2010 at 8:16 PM & GP

    Maybe Atman has invested some cash in a huge amount of this SJW drug for resale and is worried that if the real story gets out then he stands to lose big time. 🙂

    This being the possibility how allyuh expect de Atman to react to this exposé?

  24. Bonny Peppa

    Hold tite honey. As Porgie would tell ya, ‘doan play at evry ball’. Lie low sugar-drop.

  25. Eh, eh Bon yuh still hey! I thought yuh was dun on yuh trip awready.

  26. De game ovah and dem still trying tuh score…how pitiful. Ha ha ha ha ha….

  27. de hood
    yeah, I still hay. In another week or so.
    Don’t see you as often as before but I realise that you’re still keeping tabs which is good.

  28. De above Anonymous is me. Don’t know what happened just now.

  29. De above Anonymous is me. Doan kno wah happen just now a’tall. Is it my computer or BU?

  30. @ Bonny

    Yeah Bon, ya ole bruno still hey. Ah bin ahollering for you coupla times buh yuh mussee ain see when I holler fuh ya.

    Yuh mus know I ain’t leffing out David and de fambly, chile. I is likes de ole talk hey.