Response To Article About Hilton Hotel And Wayne Jackman

Submitted by Hallam Edwards

I write in response to your recent article carried under the headline Is This Really Happening At The Hotel Built With The Proceeds Of Barbados National Bank Sale?”

As a regular patron of the Hilton Barbados and, as a result, someone who has built quite a few friends with staff at that establishment over the year, I must state that the allegation about Wayne Jackman’s Show on Tuesday and Saturday nights being cancelled because the new general manager thinks too many black Barbadians attend is quite ridiculous!

The Hilton caters to Barbadians from all walks of life on a daily basis. In fact, I can assure you that the weekend breakfast and Sunday Lunch is almost totally patronized by locals, including me, and it is great value for money.

I can also tell you that I know for a fact that when the Hilton decided to work with Wayne Jackman and his band some years ago, many eyebrows were raised but to everyone’s surprise, it developed into a good relationship. My information, however, is that as the show grew in popularity, the success posed many challenges which were discussed by the band and the hotel’s management in great detail.

Some of these challenges are very much known to us patrons. Foremost among them is the fact that the bar which anybody can see was was built to accommodate no more than about 60 persons at a time is now “bursting” with more than 100 whenever the band plays which causes all sorts of issues, especially with the AC, which turns the place into an oven.

On a nightly basis there’s also a constant scramble by patrons for seats because of too many people. The band attracts a mature crowd, many of whom prefer to sit and enjoy the entertainment rather than stand. However, Wayne attracts so many people that quite often the dance area is packed, all the seats are taken and many of us are left with no alternative than to stand around and this adds to the problem.

In such a congested environment and with no cover charge I would be surprised if on any one night Hilton is able sell enough drinks to pay the band far less the bar staff and take care of overheads. I believe I speak for every Bajan who has patronised this show over the years when I say that it makes me very sad to hear that, as we say, “um done”.

I know that it is very easy to stand aside with no information and just make ridiculous statements and criticize decisions. However, it is an irrefutable fact that we Bajans have always been more welcomed and respected in Hilton than in any other hotel on this rock and I would put my neck on the block and contend that if that Hilton and Wayne Jackman are parting ways it has nothing whatsoever to do with black or white.

By the way, do you all know who else perform at the hotel on a weekly basis? In The Grille it is Brown Soul, Wesu Wallace and Kean Springer – all Bajan and Black. In the Lighthouse Terrace, the Strolling Minstrels – Bajan and Black. At Water’s Edge, Two Guitars, John King and Karaoke weekly – all Bajan and Black.

76 responses to “Response To Article About Hilton Hotel And Wayne Jackman

  1. Fair Play
    TC is and will always be a true drama-queen. And everytime she sees a stage, automatically she hears, ‘Lights, cameras, action’ and thinks that she has to put on a ‘show’. She is soooooooooooo sickening. I abhor her passionately. I wonder if she will grace the stage on Friday night or she will still have those ‘fears’. She’s such a ……………………………………….

  2. Fair Play

    Sponsor represent car company from the East. We see opportunity where others see failing.. yeah? We see controversy as great great mileage… In fact retailer of car agree with policy… Controversy sells… yeah?


    No no, you must not say those things… you must make friendly with everyone..yeah?

  3. Avatar Gurl

    @ BAFBFP


  4. Christ Church High

    If Black barbadians boycott the Hilton this might be just what the racist White man wants. We need to handle this in a way that he does not expect. Bajans are too passive and do too much ‘wait and see’ what happens. If this is true, soon Barbados will not be our own and the same people that the Government keep selling our land to will soon govern us. Are we going to allow this Spirit of Massa to creep back in. Let us call on government to do something about this now or does the Minister of Tourism already know what is happening? Is our Government easily bought or can we count on them to do something? Let’s hear from a minister, we know you know the Underground.

  5. With respect to BAFBFP’s post on July 26, 2010 at 4:19 PM

    And by the way Foo Ping Young
    You have to be carefull man. Foo Ping de cook got fired, hear.

    A chef hired a Sous Chef called Foo Ping

    Here the conversation on the phone when the owner caled the kitchen and hear this strange chinese voice.

    Owner Who is this?

    Sous Chef: I am Foo.

    Owner Who?

    Sous Chef I am Foo ………. Foo……. Foo Ping

    Owner Who?

    Sous Chef I am Foo ………. Foo……. Foo Ping. I am Foo Ping de cook!

    Probably would have got away with that anywhere else but buhbados!

  6. @Christ Church High

    Our best sources suggest that until the matter broke on BU those in authority were not aware.

  7. Whistleblower

    I find these two excepts from Kammie Holder`s column Swimming Upstream worrying.

    “I enquired of the general, why he was crying. He calmly said the freedoms we as Barbadians now enjoy are being taken for granted. Much blood was shed, women were raped, houses were burnt and even children were hanged, he reminded me”.

    ‘But that is nothing compared with the agony of seeing those who inherited freedom showing no reverence to those who fought for the freedom they now enjoy”.

  8. Our inept Ministers including the joker Richard Sealy will not do anything about the situation.Reliable sources indicate that the white racist,stinking general manager of Hilton Barbados is adamant that the popular show with Wayne Jackman & Showtime Band will never return to the Barbados Hilton.The racist general manager of the Barbados Hilton after having meetings with the management of Showtime Band, Barbara & her husband Lloyd indicated in no uncertain terms that the type & colour of the patrons attending the show are not the image the Barbados Hilton wants.
    I am bit perplex Does the Barbados Hilton has a board that oversees its operations?Isn’t the general manager of the Barbados Hilton answerable to the Board of Management of the Barbados Hilton?Does the Barbados Government by the virtue of its shares in the Barbados Hilton has any say in the operations of the Barbados Hilton?Is this inept,incompetent,nonsensical government going to allow a racist Irish expatriate general manager to deny Black Barbadians whose money rebuilt the Barbados Hilton deny us access to the Barbados Hilton?These are some of the questions that Minister Richard Sealy,Acting Prime Minister Freundel Stuart & government must answer.
    The general manager is not the only person to take responsibility for the sudden demise of the show,but responsibility must also be placed on the new Food & Beverage Manager the anti-black,black token black fool Mark Welch & the equally despicable black hater Leroy Browne.The combination of the two black asses in Leroy Browne & Mark Welch have wreck havoc at the once beautiful Barbados Hilton.Staff morale at the Barbados Hilton is at a all time low and it will not be surprising if industrial action takes place at that hotel.My sources are indicating the staff at the hotel is at their breaking point.Something will soon give.
    David & BU,I think this issue of cancelling the popular show because too many Black Barbadians attend the show at the Barbados Hilton is of fundamental importance to us as a people and it must not allow to die.I think follow up articles & further investigations should be carry out and pressure must be put on our leaders to investigate the happennings at the Barbados Hilton.
    The new general manager at the Barbados Hilton,in association with the Black haters in Leroy Browne & Mark Welch do not want Black Barbadians patronising the Barbados Hilton,a hotel built from the Black taxpayers money of Barbados.

  9. There is a movement on Facebook to pressure management first by asking them to respond to the following communication.

    BU family members can join in.

    Eprotest Hilton Barbados

    Mr Mathew Mullan, General Manager Barbados Hilton
    Mr Mark Welch , F & B Manager Barbados Hilton
    Ms Gina Sealey, Sales & Marketing Barbados Hilton

    Dear Sirs & Madam, much speculation is making the rounds as to why the Show Time Band was terminated.
    As you are aware the Show Time Band performed on Tuesday and Saturday nites, which was patronized by many locals and guest alike. Thus, as a former patron who is in the above age 40 group, I was not deterred by the high prices of the drinks and food, as the prices were reflective of the ambience.

    For many years our tourism agency has appealed to locals via the slogan ” Tourism is our business lets play our part”. Thus, we find it surprising that a Hotel which has government share ownership would unceremoniously cancel such a popular show. You must be reminded, that you need not make locals feel alienated as there are social repercussions when locals in countries feel marginalized. Why could not an accommodation have been found?

    Can you truly do without the patronage of locals at your Friday and Sunday Buffet? I hope that your organisation does not see itself too big or arrogant to make a public statement to clear the air on this issue.

    Curious & Concerned Barbadian

    Please copy and send to the below emails!

  10. Dear Fans:
    As band leader of The Showtime Band, I would like to thank you for your loyal support over the last four years at the Tuesday and Saturday night shows at Hilton Barbados.

    It was a great time for us, taking you down memory lane. We could not have done it without you.

    We would also like to thank those entertainers who dropped in from time to time and performed with us, including the Mighty Gabby, Tony Grazette, Mr. Impact, Jiggs Kirton, Alison Hinds, Panta Browne, Smokey Burke, Darren McCollin, the Mighty Grynner, Mike Welch, Desmond Burke and Lord Radio, to mention a few.

    Our many fans have been puzzled and disappointed over the discontinuation of the shows and we do owe you an explanation.

    We were informed by management of the hotel that the nights were not profitable and that the volume of people on some nights was too much for the Careenage venue.

    We take this opportunity to say thanks the Hilton Barbados for partnering with us over the years.

    The Showtime Band urges our fans to look out for us soon on Saturdays at Red Rock Bar and Restaurant at the Time Out at the Gap hotel, near Dover playing field in Christ Church.

    We look forward to your continued support. Thanks once again, on behalf of the entire band—Lawrence, Leo, Michael, Shernelle and Wayne.

    Lloyd Nurse, Band Leader

  11. @LNurse

    Thanks for the update.

    Yet again Denis Johnson’s point resonates. We built a hotel with tax dollars to entertain less than 100 people indoors. Yet we talk about expanding the entertainment industry.

    To Showtime this is the opportunity to build on your success at the Hilton.

  12. If there is one thing I know about Lloyd Nurse is that he don’t come easy when it comes to music and the leadership of a band. You can always expect top quality. Coupled with the entrepreneurship skills of Wayne Jackman, I am not surprised at the success of the Hilton venture. Actually, that explains it.

    While I have not attended any of the Hilton shows, (I have not been out-going for a few years very well) I will certainly look out for when you start at the new venues. Keep up the good work. Long time!

  13. It saddened me to hear the news of the cancellation of Wayne Jackman and the Showtime Band at the Hilton Hotel. I have been coming to the island for over 20 years and always found the time to check out the show at the Hilton over the last few years. Wayne Jackman was more then an ambassador to the arts. He made you feel apart of the show. The interaction on his part was what brought the clientele back week after week. He was always a showman first. Kudos to all the band members. You will be greatly missed. I’m sure when you establish yourselves in new venues, they will be the ones that benefit from your talent. Shame on you Hilton Hotel……

  14. @YUK….your comments about Wayne Jackman crawling back to the strip club he came from were unfounded. Mr. Jackman is a showman and thats what he did at the Hilton Hotel, ” A SHOW” and people came to see him perform because of his talent. I was always under the impression that Barbados was a God fearing country and people forgive. You on the other hand need to go back to reading the bible and heed God’s word…

  15. Good to hear the Showtime Band is back up with a regular gig at Time Out in the Gap.

  16. when will black people be proud of their colour and stop giving white people the impression that they want to be in their company. i am tired of this shit. from brooklyn to toronto to london to birmingham, the cry is that white people and even indian are racists because they do not want to mix with white people. why must this be so? can’t black people like white people or indian people find comfort among their own race? i never hear indian people or white people bellyaching about whether black people mix with them or move out of communities when they come in. is it because they are comfortable with whom they are and up to this day we are not.can’t we open a club and say blacks only? no, black people would gravitate towards the white club with the excuse that only riffraff attend the black club. so put up or shut up o ye black folk and go and get your houses in order.