Cronyism, Corruption And A Lack Of Transparency At The Transport Board

New General Manager Sandra Forde tours facilities at Mangrove depot

The issues at the Transport Board have bedevilled Barbados governments for the past 30 years. What is evident is the veil of corruption which envelops its operations. With each passing year the political directorate in cahoots with others have fiercely protected the fatted calf.  How quickly Barbadians have forgotten the award of an insurance contract to CGI Insurance Company by former Minister of Transport Rommell Marshall. The contempt which Marshall showed for Barbadians by cloaking that transaction in a shroud of secrecy will cement his tainted legacy as a minister of the Crown to his grave.

Unfortunately the relevant legislation that would empower the people to rip away the protection which protects the scumbags who gnaw away at the treasury remains firmly in place. The Thompson government promised to introduce Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation at the earliest opportunity on assuming office. Three years into its term the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) government appears to have become distracted. Yes the global economic storm remains its biggest challenge but in tough times good leaders always* find a way to get the job done.

The Transport Authority was established in 2008 to provide a framework to formulate the vision of the Transport Board into a clearly articulated policy framework for public transport in Barbados. It is 2010 and Barbadians who have witness a transportation system which has descended into chaos remain expectant that a well intentioned body will begin to rollout its mandate soon.

The Transport Board and the PSV sectors continue to operate in a cutthroat environment to the benefit of a few growing bank accounts. Who can forget former Ministers of Transport who issued hundreds of permits on the eve of general elections? If we thought Johnny and Georgie were bad Wuk Fuh Wuk took it to a different level. It is no secret the permits which were exchanged for ‘a few dollars’.

This bullshit has got to stop!

For many years people in the know have questioned the selection of the clumsy Marco Polo Mercedes Benz buses to operate efficiently on narrow Barbados roads. Why do we have these huge buses competing with the smaller PSV, on short routes to boot? What has happen to the ACME Transport Board relationship? The ACME manufactured Hino buses built for the PSV sector in the 90s continue to ply the routes of Barbados to this day. What are we missing?

Why should one Bajan Indian own a fleet of minibuses? Yes he is Bajan but BU can agree to  substitute Black or White for Indian. Why should our government on behalf of its people approve a system which can be easily manipulated by persons with deep pockets and promise of favours?  What was the tendering process which Brathwaite’s Trans-Tech participated to supply materials to the Transport Board? Despite his his political lineage does it make him exempt.  Finally, why is it successive governments have remained married to the decision to purchase Mercedes Benz buses in the face of evidence there are more robust models? Could it be our financially and socially insecure politicians run scared of Sir Kyffin?

What about the operations of United Commercial Autoworks Ltd (UCAL) which is the special workshop arrangement setup to service Transport Board buses? How can the taxpayers of Barbados scrutinize the details of the current arrangement? What external examination is in place to ensure any service level agreement is being strictly adhered to? The people want to know!

The time for the corruption and lack of transparency masking decisions and actions at the Transport Board must stop!

64 responses to “Cronyism, Corruption And A Lack Of Transparency At The Transport Board

  1. “Cronyism”……..This word could have been invented by the Transport Board. ‘Driver’ spoke of the Union Delegate who gets preferential treatment ,as far as his bus is concerned. But this is nothing new. History repeats itself. There was a driver,whose bus a Leyland Tiger Cub, M5827 would remain in Weymouth if this particular driver was off duty , or on vacation. He also was the only driver assigned back in those days to Transport tourist .He was not a Union Delegate, but his name was Mr Crony .

  2. The Pious one

    Transport Board Staff is currently undergoing Customer Service training. Hopefully things would improve in that regard.

  3. d o you know that pedro stanford is the right hand man for lloyd brathwaite at transtech for the yrs when he start imperial engine from transtech . i guess its paying back time . brathwaite is cunning trickster and liar . he needs a god .

  4. @bajan babe

    Not only is the Deputy Chairman the one alleged to have introduced Brathwaite to the TB, you are confirming that he is a long time buddy of the Chairman?

    Define croynism anyone?