Oh No Parris Must Go!

Leroy Parris

BU has made the call already but sometimes one has to be as strident as one can be to be heard above the din. BU is absolutely clear in light of recent events that Leroy Parris must resign from the board of directors of the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) with immediate effect. Each day that passes his tenure represents an embarrassment to the people of Barbados. The fact he was forced to resign as director of CLICO last week would have come as a surprise to many. Commonsense if nothing else should have guided all right thinking people to have viewed his retention on the CLICO board as a stupid.

More than most BU has defended Parris and CLICO in the past for what both have achieved, often times having to confront severe challenges. The failure of the Office of Supervisor of Insurance and politicians positioning personal above national interest has seen the demise of a regional (and international) company which has been a beacon of success. The achievement would have been all the more satisfying to many in the Caribbean because it was built because of the vision of a Black man, Cyril Duprey. While the focus is on the financial implication of the CLICO, there is a psychological factor which has not even been discussed by social scientists.

The action by Parris to sue CLICO Holdings for 10 million dollars informed our position to call for the resignation of Parris from the CBC. Prime Minister Freundel Stuart explained – not with his usual eloquence – in parliament that it is Parris’ right to do what he wants. It is the right of the people to expect that he should resign from a state agency with good reason. By suing CLICO Holdings Parris is de facto suing the people of Barbados. CLICO Holdings is the legal entity which has umbrella responsibility for all CLICO interest in Barbados.  Although CLICO is a private company there is an acceptance or so it seems from the ‘talk’ that the government will participate in some form of a bailout. By Parris’ decision to sue he has ‘spat’ in the faces of all Barbadian taxpayers. Yes indeed it is his right to sue but to refer to the more politically versed response of Prime Minister Denzil Douglas, Parris would or should have weighed the fallout from any action he has taken.

The naiveté which the government continues to demonstrate when dealing with Leroy Parris is mind boggling. One would have though the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) could have taken the opportunity to jettison the political dead weight which Paris has obviously become with the passing of the late Prime Minister. Instead we had Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart giving root to the public perception that Parris has the DLP by the short and curlies. A perception based on the view that a CLICO led by Parris has contributed heavily to past DLP campaigns. The result will be that the negative weight of Parris and CLICO has been transferred to his administration like an athlete would in a 4 X 100 relay.

Oh no Parris must go!

107 responses to “Oh No Parris Must Go!

  1. Truthman Burton

    @Fair and Balance | March 28, 2011 at 2:31 PM |
    ” ….. British American was very well managed by Keith King who apparently did not find too much favour with Parris.”

    Yes Fair and Balance, Keith King is an honourable decent and capable man. One thing you must know about “PAYPAL PARRIS”, is that he does not get along with anybody! Too much of his favorite drink “decapitated coffee”.

  2. Carson C. Cadogan

    Payne is on his last legs.

    BTW people tired seeing “seethru”, half drunk as usual.

  3. Carson C. Cadogan

    It is only today that I found out why “seethru” wants to be return to office. I understand that he is under great pressure from his secretary, I mean wife.

    The person told me she said that she badly misses the spotlight and all the pomp and splendor.

  4. Prodigal Son

    Fair and Balance,

    Thanks for the inside on British American. But what I have gleaned from a former worker of CLICO is that Parris and Duprey used to move money around from every company under the CL umbrella. As the person said, British American was well managed and doing well until CLICO got its claws into it.

    It is indeed strange that BA was put under judicial management as fast as it was but not the problem child. That matter was only filed last week and was put back until May. My God by this time, more policyholders will die of stress.

  5. I cannot believe that in this enlightened century, people like CCC and others could still be indulging in such gutter politics. It is time we raise the bar and move away from 1950’s politics.

  6. I just went back into the future and have made a discovery that would please the DLP yardfowls, including the most notorious paling cock on BU. The DLP will create another constituency making a total of 31 and they will sweep the next elections 31 to 0. Wow CCC jumping for joy at the news

  7. Oh I forgot to tell you the candidate for the new constituency is Leroy Parris

  8. Prodigal Son

    Truthman Burton,

    I had to watch the news this evening to tape it for my spouse as I dont as a rule. I could not believe that DLPTV would allot 12 minutes of drivel to Irene Sandiford’s branch meeting. I said there were 20 persons, my friend told me that I was being generous, you say there was only 15 persons there and only old people. LOL!

    Nobody pays Rommel Marshall any mind, he is a lost cause, dead wood. Irene said that because Rommel showed up there shows that the BLP is in deep, deep trouble. I pity these Dems. And what did he say, nothing of substance. Rommel is a political pimp of the lowest order. You are right, the nasty politics taught in George Street, even if they leave, they go back to it.

    Owen Arthur made Rommel and this is the thanks he is getting. At one point Rommel used to say that you can call him Rommel Arthur and that he was joined at Owen’s hip.

    But when people dont get their way in politics and in life, they act like Rommel. He has an axe to grind with Owen. Owen was going to give him back a job at the MTW, he went and opened his big mouth and Owen changed his mind, he got vex. Rommel got chastised for abusing the two cars allowed for returning nationals (using his parents) and he got vex. He likes to show off so he got them to bring in the Mercedes he now drives. So who has time for idiots like Rommel, he was never good at anything he did.

    Why would DLPTV devote so much time to him, it takes the spotlight off of the incompetent Dems.

    No one takes Peter Wickham seriously, for him to say that Rommel spouting ignorance and say it is an endorsement of government’s economic policies is so retarded, it dont even make sense. But what else do you expect from the Dems???

  9. I agree with Carson. Why should Leroy resign from CBC?

    Bloggers continue to say that Leroy supported the DLP financially. Did he not finance the BLP as well? Wasn’t the BLP then government aware of the lack of oversight by the Supervisor of Insurance when the BLP was in government? Didn’t they drag their foot when they were at the helm?

    Now, when the 8% cut took effect the government was changed? Didn’t the same employees receive their monies in cash or bonds?

    Why don’t we await the investigations – and, if the Government is to fund the policyholders and investors – the same way that a government borrowed money to invest in upgrading a prison – can’t a government borrow money to invest in law abiding citizens?

    Tell me, what is the returns on building state of the art prison compared to the upkeep of our elderly and working class? Who says that investors have lost all? All I am hearing is that they cannot now get their monies. Wait. Wait. Wait. How long? Just now … wait. Just wait.

    The DLP knows that Barbadians invested in CLICO. They also know that those Barbadians are a part of our electorate. Do you believe that only the BLP know this?

  10. @Prodigal Son “Owen Arthur made Rommel and this is the thanks he is getting. At one point Rommel used to say that you can call him Rommel Arthur and that he was joined at Owen’s hip.

    But when people dont get their way in politics and in life, they act like Rommel. He has an axe to grind with Owen.”

    Are you suggesting that Owen et al had an axe to grind with Mia? Who made Mia? I know only one Creator. Owen helped Rommel – Rommel is a free man – this is a democratic society enjoying Freedom of Association. Ingratitude is a root of evil.

    What advice do you have for Owen now that he will see to it that Rommel is …? Maybe you should advise Owen and allow Rommel to continue to exercise his democratic right in the breezy country air of St. Andrew and St. Joseph. Can you feel the breeze?

  11. If Leroy Parris as Chairman of the CBC says allot about the DLP backers, what then does Allan Fields Chairmanship say about the BLP ..?

    Just a thought … Is Leroy due for a Sirship ..?

  12. Hope

    You should change your handle … too close to Hopi who actually can make sense. Try reading earlier posts particularly that of another woman Random Thoughts who says that for the Chairman, CBC would have a bit more freedom to cover the situation at Clico for the benefit of the policy holders etc..

  13. Carson C. Cadogan

    Owen called a Nation newspaper journalist a stinking indentured servant. Even the Nation newspaper did not support the journalst.

    I did not see any “oh no Owen must go”.

    You remember DAVID? Or your memory too short?

  14. Carson C. Cadogan


    The most liberal time Media Houses have had in Barbados in the last 17 years is now under the Democratic Labour Party.

    All the Media Houses are flourishing under the Democratic Labour Party.

    The Nation newspaper
    The Advocate newspaper
    And other news organisations.

    Ask which Media House is still required to submit any news article to any Minister of State in the Democratic Labour Party administration to be vetted.

    Ask which Media House still has to submit their editorials to Government to be vetted as well before they can be printed.

    Ask which journalists still received vile, abusive disgusting, threatening phone calls from the Prime Minister in the middle of the night.

    Ask who is still threaten with dismissal if they print anything that shows the Democratic Labour Party in a bad light.

    Ask which journalist is insulted by any member of the Democratic Labour Party.

    Ask any Media House to say if the Police have been set on them under any pretext.

    Ask if Tony Thompson one of the bitterest critics of the Democratic Labour Party at CBC has been dismissed from his job.

    Ask, Ask DAVID.

  15. wahloss wunna got CCC in a tizzy. Despite all his rantings, he remains unconvincing. His behaviour proves it is all about power not a thing to do with good governance, transparency and all the fanciful language. The revelation of Parris’ $10m contract has torpedoed any claims by this government of being transparent etc.

  16. Is the Chairman of CBC so thin skinned that he will prevent news worthy items from broadcasting on CBC. The Chairman of CBC will give his address at his convenience not the public’s.

    Didn’t he along with Thornhill address the nation in the earlier days of CLICO. Why would CBC cover gossip, innuendos and try to tarnish reputation of its personnel other media houses do a very good job of that and follow through with retractions and corrections.

  17. Truthman Burton

    @Carson C. Cadogan | March 29, 2011 at 8:40 AM |
    “Owen called a “Nation newspaper journalist a STNKING indentured servant. Even the Nation newspaper did not support the journalst. I did not see any “oh no Owen must go”.
    You remember DAVID? Or your memory too short?”

    JACKASS CARSON, you just can’t help being such a bare-faced liar , can’t you?
    I remember, Mr. Arthur in defending himself against unfair, unwarranted attacks likened a jounalist named Ali, unto an indentured servant. AT NO TIME DID HE USE THE WORD “stinking”.

    If anything I would say that you, JACKASS CARSON alias eversley, ARE A STINKING LIAR! You can now go crying to the World Press Association that I am persecuting you.

  18. Truthman Burton

    @Carson C. Cadogan AKA REUDON EVERSLEY | March 29, 2011 at 9:18 AM |

    “Ask which Media House is still required to submit any news article to any Minister of State in the Democratic Labour Party administration to be vetted. Ask which Media House still has to submit their editorials to Government to be vetted as well before they can be printed.”

    It not necessary Carson EVERSLEY Cadogan. Because everything that emanates from the ADVOCATE, ACTUALLY has its SOURCE IN GEORGE STREET!

    Everybody now knows that the ADVOCATE and the DLP are SYNONYMOUS! So why would it be necessary to submit anything? The latter is THE BODY and the former is THE MOUTH on that same body.

    Those two organisations now unashamedly buttress the most disgraceful , most unsavoury journalistic alliance ever in the history of Barbados.

  19. Truthman Burton

    Incidentally CARSON EVERSLEY, the alliance between the ADVOCATE and the DLP is like an identical twin to the ALLIANCE between the SAME DLP and CBC DLP TV, where you EVERSLEY are large and in charge with ‘Green Verb PAYPAL PARRIS.

  20. Truthman Burton

    I just remember when Thompson’s, Freundel’s and the DLP’s cash cow “Paypal” Parris, used to be a Sales Manager or something like that for Gary Husbands, now Muhammed Amin Nasser.

    I remember that PayPal used to hold many parties at the house I believe Gary Husbands rented for him, and PayPal used to invite me to these parties. I never attended one of them, but it would be interesting to hear NASSER speak about how his relationship with Parris turned out.

    It would indeed be a rarity if all was well, but Nasser, seeing that Parris can get along with hardly anybody except the two PM’s, (one dead, the other walking dead) how was it for you?

  21. Truthman Burton

    @Truthman Burton | March 29, 2011 at 11:33 AM |
    “I just remember when Thompson’s, Freundel’s and the DLP’s cash cow “Paypal” Parris, ……..”

    Apologies. That should have been “FORMER cash cow”. CLICO’s money-trough is of course now bare, after having been plundered unmercifully, and PayPal can no longer be a current cash cow!

  22. Carson C. Cadogan

    Truthman Burton

    I am constantly trying my utmost to pick some type of sense from your words. However no matter how hard I try I can not find not even a grain of sense.

    A lot of words saying absolutely nothing at all. Is this the best that the Barbados Labour Party can do?

    Educating you, if it can be called that, was just a waste of taxpayers hard earn money.

  23. Truthman Burton

    I don’t represent the BLP . I speak for myself, as is the right of every Barbadian. But exactly what is it that I said that you don’t understand ? Tell me and I will try to help you with some clarity, because I recognise you are a little slow …. and that is okay. Some people are slow learners, but that doesn’t mean they are to be written off. Many slow learners eventually became some of the most brilliant.

  24. Truthman Burton

    Carson Eversley Cadogan,
    What are your views on that Irene Sandiford- Garner Constituency Branch meeting featuring Rommell Marshall on CBC DLP TV lastnight?

    What do you think about the fact that nearly twenty minutes coverage was given to political garbage, after which the CBC DLP TV’s Political Anal-Ass Peter Wickum, came on for another ten minutes to say that Rommell’s appearance at Irene’s meeting meant that the DLP, even in times of difficult economic times, still could attract somebody OVER from the BLP?

  25. Carson C. Cadogan

    Truthman Burton

    “I don’t represent the BLP”

    You just speak on their behalf each and every time.

  26. Truthman Burton

    For once Carson Eversley , answer the question. What do you tjink about the IRENE and ROMMELL meeting?

  27. Carson C. Cadogan

    It will be clear in the fullness of time.

    The results will there for all to see including you.

  28. Truthman Burton

    I thought you wanted some clarity about things that I have said? But you must help me with some answers so that I can HELP YOU!!

    You suddenly became some kind of clairvoyant, or OBEAH man? “It will be clear in the fullness of time?”

    What results you talking ’bout? Barbados in the hands off the IMF? PayPAL Parris in Dodds? “Dead-PM-Walking” Freundel finally relieved of the post for which he is resoundingly out of his depth?

  29. Carson C. Cadogan

    There is no one on the Barbados Labour Party side who can help me.

    Barbados Labour Party people help themselves. I am sure that you have access to quite a few secret offshore bank accounts.

  30. Truthman Burton

    You fancy yourself to be more slippery and more slithery than the snake in the Garden of Eden! You indeed are Mr. Evasive! I still waiting to hear YOUR VIEWS on the IRENE/ROMMELL meeting, and its report on CBC DLP TV!

  31. Prodigal Son

    Truthman Burton,

    I told you not to engage a certain blogger, it is a waste of time.

    Rommel looked so stupid at that meeting even the old Dems were skeptical of him. Irene has to be desperate to allow a piece of trash like Rommel to talk uninvited at her meeting. But I though he was running as an independant, how comes he is now begging for a nomination in St Joseph. He has no morals, no shame, he is a political prostitute.

    You can at least have a little “pride” in Hammie La, he said he could not do opposition politics and he left, he did not go about cursing the BLP like this piece of trash! Good riddance!

  32. Truthman Burton

    True Prodigal, Good riddance to that classless bonehead Rommell. Still, I have a strong feeling that he and IRENE pre-arranged this charade with the CBC DLP TV people.

    It evidently did not achieve the impact IRENE, ROMMELL and REUDON EVERSLEY had expected. As a matter of fact, there was ZERO IMPACT ….. just some looks of sadness and shock on the faces of those few senior citizens in attendance.

  33. Rambling Rose

    Is Parris a hairy Bank ???

  34. A note taken from Facebook:

    Dear Mrs June Fowler,that criminal Parris cancelled his policies at CLICO since last year and moved his property insurance to Equity with his friend Denis Cadogan. NO LESS THAN A FORENSIC AUDIT IS ACCEPTABLE. You need to have a March to present the PM with a list of demands asap.

  35. @Prodigal Son

    . And what did he say, nothing of substance. Rommel is a political pimp of the lowest order. You are right, the nasty politics taught in George Street, even if they leave, they go back to it.
    Owen Arthur made Rommel and this is the thanks he is getting.

    Personally I am not in favour of politicians jumping ship but it is still a free world and the man is free to join or associate with any Party that he likes. Perhaps he is mad at the shiv that the Gang stuck in Mia. With friends and associates like you why should Rommel stick around?

    And that comment “Arthur made Rommel” now where did I hear that before? Oh yeah it was your glorious leader who said the same when he ousted Mia… he said that he made her Minister of this and Minister of that and Deputy PM.

    Funny thing about these ungrateful SOB’s they keep biting the hand that made them.

  36. Prodigal Son

    I think the policyholders are too placid in this whole saga. Leroy Parris cares nothing about you as you can see from the note posted by David from Facebook.

    In the mean time, Leroy Parris is living it up with his friends. One hundred and fifty, the man still have friends. Oh I forgot, he is not a leper. Read all about it in last Saturday’s Pudding and Souse. No cameras were allowed so that no pictures like the one from Sandy Lane Gold Cup could be published by the Nation.

    This man needs to be charges with perpetuating fraud on Bajans.

  37. to prodigal- these politically affiliated moderators need to be unmasked’ i cringe when i hear callers congratulating them when their political bias is so bvious. i heard mr ellis telling categorically informing a caller during the confrontation between minister lashley and chairman rice-bowen over the clico rayside contract affair that he had checked with the minister and a contract was in place. of course, we know that there was no contract and no apologies were tended to rice-bowen. so much for investigative reporting. i sent an e-mail to marshall querying whether the bpwccu had sought the permiision to approve the clico mortgage and he never read it but i did not know they were using nis funds and it was probably under his watch as chairman.

  38. Carson C. Cadogan

    Two BLP people “declared” their “assets”.

    However one did not declare as an asset, among other things, an Apartment block at the bottom of Rendezvous and the other did not declare a Palatial house in the Cayman Islands.

    So much for “declaring” your assets.

  39. The contract involved in the ‘CLICO Contract Gate’ is nothing short of scandalous; but Part 5 dealing with Termination takes the cake. Who would believe this was witnessed/prepared by the same individual (and his law firm associates) who, in trying to cast aspersions on the professional and personal credibility of Sir Henry Forde, was reported in the Nation Newspaper under a piece titled “Axed!” by Tracy Moore on Feb 8, 2008
    commenting that:
    “..he was disappointed that under UDC chairman Sir Henry Forde, the contracts of Trotman and Edghill gave them the options to terminate their contracts, with six months’ notice, but gave the commission no option to terminate their contracts. I can’t imagine that such contracts would leave the legal brains of Sir Henry and members of the board so easily and this is something that we are not going to accept.”

  40. Random Thoughts

    Rommell and Irene together can’t beat George.

    Plain and simple.

    I am surprised that Irene seems to believe that associating with Rommel will help her politically.

    Very supprised.

  41. to enuff- curious to be brought up to date with the part dealing with termination.

  42. @ Ruth Arnetta
    It reads like a fake document.

  43. Carson C. Cadogan

    From over at Barbados Free Press:-

    “Watch out Mia Mottley! The gang of five is not finished with you yet. They have you in their crosshairs and are moving in for the kill. There are desperately trying to spread yet another rumour about you, this time that you sent Rommell Marshall to St. Joseph. But while Owen Arthur tries to convince Barbadians that all is well within the BLP since he and his ‘weakling-gang-of-five,’ launched an unprovoked and brutal assault on Mia Mottley – the departure of a former Minister in his former Cabinet, paints a completely different picture. It is a statement of no-confidence in Arthur and his gang of five, who seem to be above every rule and regulation, which governs the BLP.

    That Rommell Marshall could, somehow, be expelled from the BLP, while George Payne who Arthur knows rigs internal BLP elections, would remain, would be a sad let-down even for Robert Mugabe. This is serious because the BLP gets an annual subvention from the public’s purse. The public therefore have a right to know but unfortunately, the BLP under Owen Arthur’s rule does not want to be held accountable.

    This is why the move by Rommell Marshall is so painful for Arthur, who up to a few weeks prior, was alleging that he was holding the BLP together. Rommell’s move forces Arthur’s hand, even though it is clear that Arthur has long lost his grip. What else could you say about a three-term-prime-minister, now ‘puppet leader,’ who serves as Political Leader of the BLP and Leader of the Opposition of Barbados, at the pleasure of George Payne – a known political clown and benchwarmer and a man who barely scraped home by 49 votes at the last general election? That, however, is only a small part of the extent of the crisis within the BLP.

    But, desperate times seem to calls for desperate measures and Owen Arthur seems to have convinced himself that he has the perfect scapegoat – blame Mia! Despite angering and turning off the female vote in this country, when the BLP loses the next general election (the third time that Owen Arthur’s would have led that party to a slaughter) they will blame Mia Mottley. That’s how ridiculous and desperate Owen Arthur has become. If he drinks too much rum and goes home and beats his wife, Mia Mottley made him do it! If, as a former three-term-prime-minister, he gets such an uncontrollable urge that he gets up from next to his wife and heads to Prior Park, to meet with five men, in the dead of the night, Mia Mottley is to blame for that too.

    When he cusses the journalists and the private sector–it is Mia’s fault. When Prime Minister Stuart and Finance Minister Sinckler D’skin him in debates in the House, Mia is to blame.

    By now it should be clear to Barbadians, that if they cannot control Owen Arthur and his gang of five in Opposition, there will be slim chance of doing so, if they form the Government and wield enormous power. The BLP lacks the moral and ethical authority to discipline Rommell Marshall because of the ugliness of George Payne and the gang of five, who have set a bad precedent.

    When Owen Arthur should have been at Parliament, on the very morning that Parliament was meeting, he called a Media Conference at the University of the West Indies to cuss Mia Mottley. It was Owen Arthur who went to St. John to cuss Mara and said that as a woman, she is not acceptable and is an affront. Surely Owen Arthur also hears the loud screams of disapproval from BLP party members – that George Payne keeps engaging in the corrupt practice of rigging BLP elections and the candidate selection process but he turns a blind eye. Why? Owen is a puppet leader who presides over an indiscipline “out-fit.”

    Talk about the economy and all the alleged things the DLP is doing wrong, is just a desperate distraction tactic so people would not focus on the ugliness going on right under Owen Arthur’s nose, while he remains silent.

    Based on reports reaching us, if Mia Mottley thinks that Owen Arthur and his gang of five are finished with her, she should think again. We know of the bank account that has been set-up which is specifically to ensure that she does not win that St. Michael North East, seat. But why should we complain, except that we are not drawn to corruption and wrong doing, like this breed of BLP politicians are?

    We also find it ugly and offensive that such a group of dead-beat, weaklings could have such an inflated view of their own relevance and self importance that they would be behaving in such an arrogant manner. Much to our delight, Gline Clarke has, over time, been able to convert a virtual fortress (St. George North) into a rapidly reducing majority of a mere 745. He too is a man on a fast free fall to irrelevance.

    Dale Marshall scraped home by a mere 44 votes; George Payne by 49, Ronald Toppin by 120 and at this rate, these guys run the risk of Barbados becoming a ‘one-party-State.’ But it is this ‘group of weaklings and benchwarmers,’ who purport to be propping-up Owen Arthur. Purport because the women are saying that these lightweight will all lose their seat at the next general election.

    As Owen Arthur’s star continues to fade rapidly, Mia’s rises. Owen Arthur said that there is a “clamour” for him yet Mia is “outshining him,” effortlessly. You

    can therefore expect that Jerome Walcott and the BLP will start another nasty rumour about her soon. That is why we invite the BLP to pull back because it would not be the ideal situation or fair to us, if the people themselves, are now forced to become the opposition, given the mess; offensive corruption and electoral fraud, taking place within the BLP and right under Owen Arthur’s nose, while he blinks and looks the other way.

    Mia Mottley sounded the alarm! Rawle Eastmond alerted of billowing smoke and now Rommell Marshall is screaming of a raging fire. But the country remains silent and disinterested, while the corruption and electoral fraud continues.”

  44. Carson C. Cadogan

    MP cries foul


    The Barbados Labour Party seem bent on destroying certain of its members. First it was Mia, now it is Eastman, next will be Forde.

    Rommell Marshall had to run for his life.

  45. Utter rubbish to justify a Government guarantee of 20million or any such number.


    Seize clico’s assets.
    Investigate, prosecute and jail any proven fraudsters
    Money earned then distributed among the debt holders.

    Clico has lost trust, and in the world of finance that is almost always a terminal condition.

    That bit McHale said about the US tax payers making money on the bailouts is utter rubbish. After TARP the U.S gov continued the bailouts but under another acronym QE and QE2. The tax payers in that country are maxed out, but if you consume U.S mainstream media you could never understand this fact. Quantitative easing is silent taxation via inflation and debasing currency. Thus in a recession when prices should come down the fed is artificially propping them up, the tax payer is left holding the bag and virtually zero percent interest!!! double screwed!!

  46. http://cbc.bb/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2369:new-cbc-board-announced&catid=7:barbados-news&Itemid=12


    User Rating: / 0
    Wednesday, 27 April 2011 20:21
    Human Resources management consultant, Michael Worrell, is the new board Chairman of the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation.

    Deputy Chairman is Althea Wiggins-Rock. Other new appointments include Cranston Browne and Randall Outram. Peter Boyce, Bishop Wesley Dear and Angela Watson have been retained from the former board.

    Other members include the Permanent Secretary, Special assignments in the Prime Minister office or his nominee, and the Chief Telecommunications Officer of his nominee.