It Boggles The Mind

Submitted by Charles Knighton

waldo-waldron ramsey

Waldo is 5th from the left in the f-row

This writer did not know it was possible to become so engrossed in the writing of a letter to the editor that one could fail to maintain a therapeutic level of their medication, thus forfeiting the salubrious effects of same. In both the Advocate  of April 27th and the Nation of April 29th, Dr Waldo-Waldron Ramsay demonstrates that yes, anything is possible, as one notes his progressively rambling letter.

While several points are open to interpretation, the first three quarters of Dr. Ramsay’s letter offers brief glimpses of relatively laconic leaders who accomplished much in defense  of Prime Minister Stuart’s taciturnity. The last quarter of Dr. Ramsay’s letter, beginning with his description of the Prime Minister as “Demosthenes, Marcus Tullius, Cicero, and Abba Eban rolled into one” is so overwrought and permeated with hyperbole as to be nonsensical.

Just as in train wrecks, observers are left to ponder why the train came off the track.

Read the letter being ‘critiqued’ below

The speech of a prime minister


Empty vessels make most noise. They are usually full of sound and fury signifying nothing! Upon the assassination of Julius Caesar in the Roman Forum, the citizens of Rome pressed his friend and Consul Mark Antony to “read the will; the will, read the will!” When Mark Antony eventually read the will, their hearts were moved to savage revenge and rage.

There are those nay-sayers and nabobs of negativity in our society; and we know them. We know their politics and we know their anti-Freundel Stuart political persuasions. They clamour daily – and nightly too – that The Honourable Prime Minister, Freundel Stuart, should just speak in public – on anything – just for the sake of speaking. What perverse political thought!

A statesman, a political leader, a Head of Government, or Head of State, speaks on public issues when he considers the occasion and the timing are opposite and in concert. Napoleon marched and took most of Europe in the early 19th century. He spoke very
little. Prince Von Bismarck unified the 300 or so Germanic states into Germany after Napoleon’s march. He spoke little. Count Cavour and General Garibaldi unified Italy at the end of the 1850s, without much talk. At the Congress of Vienna, 1814-1815, Prince Metternich of Austria and Prince Talleyrand of France engaged in diplomatic intrigue – action – behind the scenes in Vienna. They talked but little in the Plenary Sessions. President Obama speaks only when necessary.

It was necessary for Sir Winston Churchill to speak, on significant occasions as War-Prime Minister, to the British people who needed to be rallied to the cause and suffering of war (1939-1945). He was thrown out of office at the end of the war and a Labour Prime Minister, Clement Attlee, a solicitor by profession and a relatively silent man, came to power.

Sir Anthony Eden, like Errol Barrow of Barbados, spoke only when it was necessary on significant public issues. Indeed, Errol Barrow would repeatedly assert at Kampala that his speeches and declarations of policy are for the House of Assembly, but his policy-actions are to be seen in the public domain. Intelligent, serious-minded statesmen do not run about prattling about everything aimlessly. Apart from his “Mirror Image” speech, what else do you remember of his speeches? Little!

A government is made up principally of a Cabinet and other elements. A Cabinet is made up of several ministers and junior ministers, in our system. The Prime Minister is at the centre of this authority. But, he is not the only authoritative voice in the government. From time to time, even Permanent Secretaries and heads of para-statal institutions make pronouncements on policy. Why should the Prime Minister be called upon to make pronouncements about every single thing in Government. We have a Government Information Service! Even under the Third Reich, in the German War-machine, Goebbels was the Propaganda Minister, not Heir Adolph Hitler, who was Head of Government

Prime Minister Freundel Stuart is easily the most profound, philosophical and articulate public speaker in the governmental arrangement in Barbados; and has been so for several years now. He has made many memorable, learned and instructive speeches on public matters – over the years before he was Prime Minister and since. As an orator – and I have had the duty and pleasure to read and listen to most of the great ones – Prime Minister Stuart is Demosthenes, Marcus Tullius Cicero, and Abba Eban rolled into one. His Philippics are devastating. He will read “the will” when he is ready! Why would the supporters of the Opposition and others who do not like Prime Minister Stuart, for whatever reason, clamour for him to speak? His speeches will be devastating for their cause. Remember, once Mark Antony read the will of Julius Caesar, all hell broke out in the Roman Forum. Brutus and Cassius, Casca and other conspirators had to take flight to nether regions beyond the city.

Prime Minister Stuart will speak when he wishes; and he can speak! Beware, ye Sons of Levi, ye take too much upon yourselves! Mr. Stuart may well speak at your behest, and interpret the hand-writing on the wall for you.

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin! Your days are numbered; you have stabbed an excellent and erudite leader in the back like Julius Caesar in the Forum of the People. You have eaten sour grapes; and your teeth are now on edge! Resurrexit Non Est Hic – He is not here, he has risen!!


79 responses to “It Boggles The Mind

  1. When people quote Latin, it still itimidates me … I just can’ get it un’stan’ … I went through the Spanish stream, ’causen in my Grammer School, Latin was reserved for the bright people. Now here is the thing … More people speak Spanish in the Caribbean than Latin. In fact more people speak Spanish in the (so-called) New World than Latin … In fact more people speak Spanish in the whole fcuking world than Latin, so it makes better sense to have a grasp on Spanish over Latin … So wah wrong wid me?

    … Shitus Apparactum …!

  2. “The drainage unit is there to DRAIN away the water AFTER flooding..”

    HA HAHA HA HA HA HA …. Lemmetellya, … Shitus Apparactum …! HA HA HA HA

  3. @BAFBFP | May 1, 2011 at 11:56 PM | “The drainage unit is there to DRAIN away the water AFTER flooding..”

    HA HAHA HA HA HA HA …. Lemmetellya, … Shitus Apparactum …! HA HA HA HA
    I thought that was quite funn too.

  4. Tina Roach


    The drainage unit is there to DRAIN away the water AFTER flooding.
    The police are there to investigate, arrest and prosecute criminals (and victims) AFTER a crime is committed.
    FIREMEN put out fires – not prevent them, and doctors charge SICK people – not healthy ones.

    and bush tea is there to write shite not to stop shite writing !!

  5. islandgal246

    @Tina Cockroach

    Pzzzzzz pzzzzzzzz tek dat from a can of baygon. Now go back to that grease trap to your family and prepare for May 21!

  6. Tina Roach

    please dont call me that
    please !

  7. ha, ha, ha, ha!
    Welcome ba, GP and MME. I see wunna bring out Bush Tea from his siesta. This is my first laugh for the weekend. Thanks guys, all of you.

    What school did you go to that you did not learn some Latin? A comprehensive? I would advise you to learn some quick, quick, quick. You would be surprised how much Latin is in every day usage – scientific names, english language roots (ambulant, decapitate) etc.

    @ Tina Roach
    You dont know a ‘kiss off’ when you see it, funny. ha, ha, ha.

    Anyway, it is time for my lobster, sweet potato and salad.

  8. Sir Bentwood Dick

    Probably the most current and versed authorities on the second coming (possibly third and fourth too), as we speak, are William and Kate.

  9. Sir Bentwood Dick

    On that vein and as for Latin, actually Georgie, Hants and MME will tell you that the phrase ‘ Dicibus Dicunt’, does not mean what it would seem to.

  10. But Pat I went to a Grammar School….! What do I need Latin for when I got Google Search engines and so on knocking ’bout ..?

  11. @Bush Tea, “The drainage unit is there to DRAIN away the water AFTER flooding.”
    read Barbadostoday. Page 2.

  12. @SBD

    yuh mean “dickybus decunt”? LOL

  13. @ Hants
    read Barbadostoday. Page 2
    and…. ??

    This is not a very complicated matter Hants, We are just nowhere near the stage where such a unit would be able to analyze past experiences and actually work to ensure that future flood events are moderated.
    You see who running that…??!!
    Even pumping off water is a major challenge for them, and in any case, the whole idea of letting anyone set up house where ever they wish in the dry season – and then expecting a ‘drainage unit’ to come and solve their flooding woes is fairly ludicrous…..

    Man Hants, even big able engineers like Micro Mock working by trial and error…. why you think the highway cost so much? Those jokers put down barber green then dig um up, then put um back down; then dig um back up again -to put in pipes….. OVER AND OVER AGAIN….

    Don’t talk bout government….
    You imaging spending SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS for someone to draw plans for a PROPOSED project? All those idiots needed was a concept design for ’bout $50,000.
    AFTER basic concepts are agreed, and the various publics sold on the idea, ….and only THEN- expensive design plans can be commissioned.
    As it is now, any little change in concept will incur MILLIONS of dollars in design changes.

    It truly boggles the mind…..

  14. Tina Roach

    End of an era 5/1/11= three (1) s
    Signal moment 9/11/01=three (1)s
    End of world prediction 05/21/11 =three(1)s

    The 21 of may interpreted by the predictor of the END OF WORLD actually saw Bin Laden’s experience unfolding but interpreted it as the end of the world–

    Now it is explained , everybody can sleep comfortably.
    Note: Royals cancelled Honeymoon because of the operation to get UBL.
    Note operation was to happen on Saturday but the power of the 1 (ones) prevailed.

  15. So many stories of Waldo. But does anyone remember the one about his Diplomatic Dog? Please, someone, let everyone know about that one!

  16. Random Thoughts

    Long long ago in a faraway land (It may have been the USA) lived a very short diplomat from a very small but very nice island. It was the custom in that far away land for the people to keep their dogs in their houses or to let them run free in large fenced backyards, and from time to time to take them for their walkies on leashes.

    Now the very short diplomat from the very small island had grown up in a place where people had a very easy going attitudes to dogs. In that small island dsgs were as free as the wild birds and were allowed to roam wherever they wanted (they lived a dog’s life)

    So when the very short diplomat from the very small island went to that faraway land he took his small island dog customs with him and verily allowed his dog to run free in that faraway land (it may bave been the USA)

    Now in that faraway land (it may gave been the USA) there were dog police, and these dog police were permitted to arrest dogs that roamed free small island style.

    So it came to pass that the dog police arrested the dog of the very short diplomat from the very small island, and verily the very very short diplomat from the very small island complained to the dog police in the faraway land (it may have been the USA) that he could not arrest his dog as the little doggie (the 4 footed beastie), not the short diplomat’s personal parts, as the little doggie had diplomatic immunity, that his dplomatic household consisted of “himself, his wife his 4 children and his dog.

    Whereupon, or so the elders tell me, whereupon Errol Barrow yanked his short rass back to Barbados.

    The end.

  17. It boggles the mind how a government in a recession could increase its cabinet just to give someone else a piece of the fatted calf that is beginning to look real poor-rakey. Is this the same party that was so critical (and rightly so) of the then BLP government for having such a big cabinet, now theirs is 20% bigger than theirs, in a recession. Politics is the biggest rip off in this country.

  18. It boggles the mind how a DLP government could go to bed with the same persons that they were so critical of for the Dodds prison projet, now they are deeper in with the same persons on two project that will collectively cost this country over $ 800 million in a similar BOLT agrrangement that they were telling us the voters was the worse thing that could happen to Barbados.

  19. Georgie Porgie

    Ladies & Gentlemen
    It is IUDICIBUS DICUNT ! Pronounced correctly, there is no problem. But pronounced like a Bajan. this was hilarious in class.

    In Latin the verb is placed at the end of the sentence.

    And as Pat was saying, a lot of English words are derived from the word iudex, iudicids = judge (note there is no J in Latin).
    judicial, judiciary, ad-judicate, adjudged