A Feast Of Blood For NATO Last Night

Cynthia McKinney, in Tripoli (Repost)

 While serving on the House International Relations Committee from 1993 to 2003, it became clear to me that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was an anachronism.  Founded in 1945 at the end of World War II, NATO was founded by the United States in response to the Soviet Union’s survival as a Communist state.  NATO was the U.S. insurance policy that capitalist ownership and domination of European, Asian, and African economies would continue.  This also would ensure the survival of the then-extant global apartheid.

NATO is a collective security pact wherein member states pledge that an attack upon one is an attack against all.  Therefore, should the Soviet Union have attacked any European Member State, the United States military shield would be activated.  The Soviet Response was the Warsaw Pact that maintained a “cordon sanitaire” around the Russian Heartland should NATO ever attack.  Thus, the world was broken into blocs which gave rise to the “Cold War.”

Avowed “Cold Warriors” of today still view the world in these terms and, unfortunately, cannot move past Communist China and an amputated Soviet Empire as enemy states of the U.S. whose moves any where on the planet are to be contested.  The collapse of the Soviet Union provided an accelerated opportunity to exert U.S. hegemony in an area of previous Russian influence.  Africa and the Eurasian landmass containing former Soviet satellite states and Afghanistan and Pakistan along with the many other “stans” of the region, have always factored prominently in the theories of “containment” or “rollback” guiding U.S. policy up to today.

With that as background, last night’s NATO rocket attack on Tripoli is inexplicable.  A civilian metropolitan area of around 2 million people, Tripoli sustained 22 to 25 bombings last night, rattling and breaking windows and glass and shaking the foundation of my hotel.

I left my room at the Rexis Al Nasr Hotel and walked outside the hotel and I could smell the exploded bombs. There were local people everywhere milling with foreign journalists from around the world. As we stood there more bombs struck around the city. The sky flashed red with explosions and more rockets from NATO jets cut through low cloud before exploding.

I could taste the thick dust stirred up by the exploded bombs. I immediately thought about the depleted uranium munitions reportedly being used here–along with white phosphorus.  If depleted uranium weapons were being used what affect on the local civilians?

Women carrying young children ran out of the hotel. Others ran to wash the dust from their eyes.  With sirens blaring, emergency vehicles made their way to the scene of the attack.  Car alarms, set off by the repeated blasts, could be heard underneath the defiant chants of the people.

Sporadic gunfire broke out and it seemed everywhere around me.  Euronews showed video of nurses and doctors chanting even at the hospitals as they treated those injured from NATO’s latest installation of shock and awe.  Suddenly, the streets around my hotel became full of chanting people, car horns blowing, I could not tell how many were walking, how many were driving.  Inside the hotel, one Libyan woman carrying a baby came to me and asked me why are they doing this to us?

Whatever the military objectives of the attack (and I and many others question the military value of these attacks) the fact remains the air attack was launched a major city packed with hundreds of thousands of civilians.

I did wonder too if the any of the politicians who had authorized this air attack had themselves ever been on the receiving end of laser guided depleted uranium munitions. Had they ever seen the awful damage that these weapons do a city and its population? Perhaps if they actually been in the city of air attack and felt the concussion from these bombs and saw the mayhem caused they just might not be so inclined to authorize an attack on a civilian population.

I am confident that NATO would not have been so reckless with human life if they had called on to attack a major western city. Indeed, I am confident that would not be called upon ever to attack a western city. NATO only attacks (as does the US and its allies) the poor and underprivileged of the 3rd world.

Only the day before, at a women’s event in Tripoli, one woman came up to me with tears in her eyes:  her mother is in Benghazi and she can’t get back to see if her mother is OK or not.  People from the east and west of the country lived with each other, loved each other, intermarried, and now, because of NATO’s “humanitarian intervention,” artificial divisions are becoming hardened.  NATO’s recruitment of allies in eastern Libya smacks of the same strain of cold warriorism that sought to assassinate Fidel Castro and overthrow the Cuban Revolution with “homegrown” Cubans willing to commit acts of terror against their former home country.  More recently, Democratic Republic of Congo has been amputated de facto after Laurent Kabila refused a request from the Clinton Administration to formally shave off the eastern part of his country.  Laurent Kabila personally recounted the meeting at which this request and refusal were delivered.  This plan to balkanize and amputate an African country (as has been done in Sudan) did not work because Kabila said “no” while Congolese around the world organized to protect the “territorial integrity” of their country.

I was horrified to learn that NATO allies (the Rebels) in Libya have reportedly lynched, butchered and then their darker-skinned compatriots after U.S. press reports labeled Black Libyans as “Black mercenaries.”  Now, tell me this, pray tell.  How are you going to take Blacks out of Africa?  Press reports have suggested that Americans were “surprised” to see dark-skinned people in Africa.  Now, what does that tell us about them?

The sad fact, however, is that it is the Libyans themselves, who have been insulted, terrorized, lynched, and murdered as a result of the press reports that hyper-sensationalized this base ignorance.  Who will be held accountable for the lives lost in the bloodletting frenzy unleashed as a result of these lies?

Which brings me back to the lady’s question:  why is this happening?  Honestly, I could not give her the educated reasoned response that she was looking for.  In my view the international public is struggling to answer “Why?”.

What we do know, and what is quite clear, is this:  what I experienced last night is no “humanitarian intervention.”

Many suspect it is about all the oil under Libya. Call me skeptical but I have to wonder why the combined armed sea, land and air forces of NATO and the US costing billions of dollars are being arraigned against a relatively small North African country and we’re expected to believe its in the defense of democracy.

What I have seen in long lines to get fuel is not “humanitarian intervention.”  Refusal to allow purchases of medicine for the hospitals is not “humanitarian intervention.”  What is most sad is that I cannot give a cogent explanation of why to people now terrified by NATO’s bombs, but it is transparently clear now that NATO has exceeded its mandate, lied about its intentions, is guilty of extra-judicial killings–all in the name of “humanitarian intervention.”  Where is the Congress as the President exceeds his war-making authority?  Where is the “Conscience of the Congress?”

For those of who disagree with Dick Cheney’s warning to us to prepare for war for the next generation, please support any one who will stop this madness.  Please organize and then vote for peace.  People around the world need us to stand up and speak out for ourselves and them because  Iran and Venezuela are also in the cross-hairs.  Libyans don’t need NATO helicopter gunships, smart bombs, cruise missiles, and depleted uranium to settle their differences.  NATO’s “humanitarian intervention” needs to be exposed for what it is with the bright, shining light of the truth.

As dusk descends on Tripoli, let me prepare myself with the local civilian population for some more NATO humanitarianism.

Stop bombing Africa and the poor of the world!

201 responses to “A Feast Of Blood For NATO Last Night

  1. @ “moneybrain”
    “Those theocrats would use their arsenal of bombs to kill everybody on Earth, based on their belief that all non-muslims deserve to die and the Muslims will die and go to heaven with their deserved 72 Vestal Virgins. I begging you to learn to THINK FIRST before chatting crap.”

    Wasn’t it Hitler who said “…for a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the ‘truth’ so infamously.” and Goebbels, his propagandist: with THE BIG LIE TECHNIQUES; which is based on the principle that “a lie, if AUDACIOUS ENOUGH and REPEATED ENOUGH TIMES, will be believed by the masses.” seem like you are an ardent repeater of the BIG LIE

    Who blitzed London, Palestine, carpet bombed Germany,Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Vietnam, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the many other places that would exhaust these pages? Were they “crazy ass” Muslims? WHO WERE THEY???

    Stop pretending to have a working brain…every time you try to think away-from the channels of FOX CNN, BBC and the likes, you slip in your own drivel

    The West is in a NO WIN position because if they continue doing business with dictators they are WRONG and if they lift a fingure to help remove the said same Dictator they are WRONG!”
    So Mr. “Moneybrain” you buys eggs from a neighbour, you wake up one morning and decide that the neighbour is an awful cretin so you get your dynamite and blow his house up? What about letting him ‘stuff’ his eggs and live n let live?

    Dropping in your DISCLAIMER: “I am not condoning bombing Tripoli and I am not suggesting current methods of engagement are acceptable…” is suppose to make it more palatable does it?

    Stop pretending to have a working brain…every time you try to think away from the channels of FOX CNN, BBC, you slip in your drivel

  2. @Franktalk
    You seem to be suggesting that it is a myth that Fundamentalist Islamists exist? Totally a figament of CNN et al? Madrassas dreamed up? Iamanutjob is no doubt your blood brother. Next you will say that the London Bombs were placed by Scotland Yard, not Islamist fundamentalist who did NOT even care to PROTECT other Muslims by avoiding the Edgeware Rd Bus, a known route with heavy Muslim traffic.

    So in another time period supposed Christians (mainly caucasians, if you like) fought each other and bombed/ killed horrendous numbers of people. Additionally, the Natzis conned the Germans into condoning atrocities. I never said that this info was false! So what? It does not absolve Fundamentalist terrorists of anything. They are crazy ass fundamentalists and as long as they want to kill innocent people(and even you) they must be dealt with just as the Natzis and Japanese were. Maybe you have proof that WW2 was a conspiracy of the Evil British Empire or????
    Seems like you are walking in your own crap as you are NOT making any point whatsoever! Your attempts should focus on elucidating the situation and on how I am being conned and why. Naturally, that will prove a tough assignment so you resort to making a fool of yourself with some assistance from yours truly.

    You should know that the dominant leader regardless of whether it is a country, sports team, person et al is in the position of being considered wrong no matter what. Basic principle of human existance that is all i was saying, there was no specific application to Libya specifically, but of course you missed that, mussee all that crap coming from your head. NB head not brain!

    Feel free to go and live with your brothers in Pakistan, the Taliban Pakistanis who infested Afghanistan, the nutjobs in Iran who the Iranians themselves would dearly love to remove, it is only a matter of time before these crazies cause the death of millions. Afterall they have been using their own propaganda to influence young people to kill themselves, it is working far better than Hitler and Goebells ever managed.

  3. Moneybrain

    I am obliged to carry on from Frank Talk above.

    You might not be aware of this, but Iraq has always had a traditional claim on Kuwait (very much like Venezuela and the larger part of Guyana). For centuries until the British separated the two, Iraq claimed supervisory authority, and it was one of the Bath party’s promises to return the Kingdom to civilian government. When Hussein invaded the kingdom, and yes with the blessings of the US, he made the claim that both countries were tapping from a common subterranean resource and that the Kingdom was over-exploiting it. He referred to this as “economic terrorism”. Why do you fault Mr. Hussein for invading one neighbor and condone the US and UK’s invasion and occupation of Iraq (and the killing of 1.5 MILLION people in the process)?

    And what is this talk of “Clinton FAILING to deal with him (OBL) in 1998 (conducted his neutralization)” … You sir are advocating MURDER; murder of a bona-fide citizen of a sovereign state. Do you not therefore think that it is equally relevant to have the leaders of Western countries dealt with in like manner? After all Clinton did “surgically strike” a milk production plant in Libya, killing a few of its workers (He also killed the Presidents son and maimed his daughter) all in a bid to draw media attention from his having his cock sucked in the White House by a member of staff. By the way had Clinton “neutralized” OBL you can be sure that 9-11 would still have taken place. All that would have changed is that the blame would have been pinned on someone else..!

    Canadian executives are fleeing to places like Barbados in a bid to get away from the cold. Does that make the standard of living in Barbados higher than that of Canada? The West advertises itself at every opportunity as the land of milk and honey. The US has been attracting immigrants for centuries; its “Statue of Liberty” proclaims a welcome to such people and yes many go from all corners of the world, TO THEIR PERIL!. You read of the few success stories but the numerous failures are never spoken of.

    It is human nature to believe that grass is greener on the other side. Cubans like Barbadians and Scotsmen and Irishmen and Italians have this human failing. Nuff said …!

  4. @BAFBFP

    It seems that there is a full time clown who is a certified Saddam ass kisser to boot.

    First you claim that Saddam’s soldiers were wrongfully accused of murdering the Kurds
    ( they must have stuck their collective noggins in the oven) and then you claim that Hussein invaded Kuwait because Kuwait was exploiting a common source of oil.

    So why did “Mr.Hussein” invade Iran?

    However while you mull that one over it would be useful to check your facts when you are spouting your BS; here is another question when did Clinton bomb Libya? Could you tell me when Gaddafi’s son was killed? If you wanted to provide titillating details of what Clinton was doing or what was being done to him it doesn’t mean you can make up your own facts.

  5. Hey Sargeant

    If ever there was an ass kisser, it most definitely would be you…! It might not interest you to know that a few of

    Gaddafi’s grand children were also killed just a few weeks ago. And this too is alright with you. You sir and your

    insults, fcuk, like water off a duck’s back. The fact that there are many many Bajans who think like you is indicative of

    the level of stupidity and ignorance that is out there giving the true “International Terrorists” of this world a ready

    market to forge a popular opinion in their defense, is sickening!

    There is no question of the horrendous waste of tax payers dollars in trying to educate such a stupid lot … My God!

    How do you eradicate this slave gene …? I would if given the opportunity, bomb all ah wunna … Matter done!

  6. Yes, it was Reagan that ordered the surgical strike on Libya, when Gaddafi was shooting off his mouth, but then, Gaddafi has not threatened anyone since, which is what makes the current action invalid,as repeaded ad nauseum, the excuse that NATO has gone into Libya to protect Libyan cilivians is contryary to the lack of action in Egypt, Syria, numerous South American countries, Sudan and on and on.

    As I said at the beginning, this is about power and money, full stop.

    The master plan must include Iran, but the Iranian regime is not such an easy target, mainly because of the religious element as an arm of Government, which Gaddafi did not have to lean on, aside from the fact that the Iranian forces are formidable in of themselves.

    To suggest that embargoes do not weaken an economy is idiotic. There can be no more said on that.

    As for ‘success’, are you aware that the US economic outlook is currently declining again and that house prices, that simple measure of house building, financing and therefore major economic driver, are falling yet again.

    The US Government will at some point, to bolster the economy, be forced into public infrastructure projects such as bridge renewals, urban renewals, train system upgrades etc.

    That will be the only option to regenerating the US economy with a long enough curve to matter.

    Unfortunately it will also take mucho dollars, that must be got from somewhere, if nothing else reducing funding to their military by huge amounts.

    There is little doubt that both the European economies (and I focused on Greece and Portugal, not Spain because those are the two every close to reneging on their sovereign debt….in answer to Sargeant,he obviously missed what I said before about sovereign debt) and US economies are still under severe distress.

    There will be no upturn in Europe for at least five years, but you are probably looking at more a ten to fifteen year horizon on a stabilisation, depending on how the citizens there realise the issues, which they have failed to, up to now, as they reject their Governments’ austerity programmes.

    So, success is rather relative, albeit lifestyle is generally considered the yardstick.

    It does come with a cost, however.


    Looks like you can’t stand the heat, if you want to insult others with impunity be prepared to get some back. I didn’t call you a “pussy” did I? I think you wrote that as a response to another blogger. If anyone contradicts your puerile nonsense the immediate response is to call them names

    As I said before you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts here are a few examples of what you posted:


    Of Bin Laden

    “I am also inclined to believe that OBL had nothing to do with these things that he is accused of. OBL was up against a very clever foe with limitless resources and a fully compliant media. Yes, he was framed”

    Of Saddam

    “His soldiers may be wrongfully accused of killing over sixty thousand Kurds”

    “he made the claim that both countries were tapping from a common subterranean resource and that the Kingdom was over-exploiting it”
    There are other examples and people can read the other posts if they choose to do so but I should warn them that that time is the one thing that one can never recover.

    So I called you a clown, big deal, if the clown shoes fit wear ‘em.

  8. Hey BAFBFP

    I forgot to mention that I agreed with you when you wrote the following:

    “the level of stupidity and ignorance that is out there giving the true “International Terrorists” of this world a ready”
    Have you looked in the mirror recently?

  9. Moneybrain

    You are to be commended for coming to the assistance of Franktalk because he needs your help and others of your ability also. What is really disappointing, my bro, is the flimsy argument that you bring to the table in defence of the vile dictator, Sodamninsane.

    Firstly, Sode was claiming Kuwait was sucking all HIS oil. The majority of Iraq oil is in the East on the Iranian border and this clown SODE, did little to develop and earn revenue for his Nation.
    If he was even a mediocre leader he could have had record per barrel revenue on an additional 3MN bar/day which at $50 is about $55BN in revenue/ yr.

    You defend Sode invading Kuwait on the grounds of the Brits rejigging of the borders, which to my knowledge is true, BUT if that is considered legit then Sode should have simultaneously given independence to the Kurds et al provinces that were NOT historically part of Iraq instead of using Chemical Weapons to kill them in their thousands(children, women and old folks included).

    The US/UK et al invaded Iraq to liberate the majority Shia and to send a message , on behalf of the Saudis, that expansionary moves in their direction was absolutely a no go. If Sode was clever he would never have put up more than token resistance BUT he knew the Shia wanted Sunni/ Bathist BLOOD after 50 yrs of murder, rape and torture, to say nothing of economic disadvantage. The allies were very welcomed by the majority Shia who had been very disappointed that they had not gone to Baghdad in the First Gulf War. I dont claim to have all the reasons why so many died BUT it is conceivable that if the Allies had quickly left Iraq they would have been in contravention of UN rules and the Civil War that would surely have ensued might easily have cost 2-3x the lives. Maybe the Allies should have left them to solve their future on their own BUT you guys would be squawking about 3mn lives lost. Like I have mentioned repeatedly the big guy always will be criticised regardless.

    OBL was pleading for neutralisation in 1998 But Monica was sucking the life out of Willi! Poor old willi the SOCIOPATH! Your claim that 911 would have taken place regardless of OBL is based only on your conviction about a false flag attack. To be continued shortly

  10. @ Sargeant

    Crusoe corrected on the perpetrator; it was Reagen and not Clinton who dropped the bomb on Gaddafi’s home and “neutralised” his children. The facts as stated stand, and you have nothing , not even a refuting. Hey man, just be the half a’ idiot that you were designed to be and lef de place.


    “The US/UK et al invaded Iraq to liberate the majority Shia and to send a message”, even if this were true, how could you know, but like you I “believe” that it is part of the reason for the invasion/occupation, it is still criminal and plain wrong. Can you not see this? Crusoe is fixated on the business element of invading other countries and agrees that that reason is also dead wrong and therefore criminal! What is so difficult about this to understand? Who the fcuk gives these “gangsters” the moral right to act in defense of people that did not even request the help in the first place? Who the fcuk gives these “gangsters” the moral right to take the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and determine who is an appropriate leader and who is not ? And again, there were no “Allies”, they were dubbed the “Coalition of the Willing” who carried out there plan by dispensing with “Legal Niceties” (which of course included the seal of Kofi Annan, what an ass in every other respect) and so on …

  11. What ever Husseins short coming as a strategist in the exploiting of his natural resource is not a reason to separate him from any other leader in the world. Some say that he was not prepared to drain his potential reserves in the same way as the Saudis. He ran a far better economy. He had far better reason to reclaim Kuwait than any combination of Western countries in a some morally acceptable ploy against him

  12. @BAFBFP
    It is very logical to assume that without OBL, Taliban and the Gang might not have been strong enough to warrant the creation of a false flag attack, assuming that such strategy did take place.

    You reached a new low (surprisingly) with your comments on Cnd Exec going to Bdos. Surely you know that the said folks are fleeing OPPRESSIVE TAXATION, the revenue from which is waisted by politicians feathering their own political nests and encouraging enduring unsustainable DEPENDENCE in the process. I certainly hope there are many such Execs improving the standard of living in Bim with their expenditures.

    You then proceed to suggest that immigrants to the West (assuming Nth Am &Europe) have mixed results. Naturally true because they are of mixed ability, mixed work ethic etc. However it must be noted that many countries, including Bim, depend on their emigrants remittances of hard currency (maybe soon formerly) as a major foreign exchange and revenue source. The opportunity is there and many Bajans et al, improve their finances considerably I know since I do business with them eg car dealer Sales Manager, furnace repair/ sales, UPS courier, and friends who are IT Consultants x3, Accountants, none complaining that they would be financially better off in Bim. We all yearn for more warmth, sun, sand, sea and good Bajan food/ socialising tho.
    Several times in Cuba( 20yrs ago) I had to inform them that the CEO of Coca Cola was Cuban,( Goizuetta?) Bottom line in north America immigrants have performed very well. Indeeds even those that failed made $$$, like the Puerto Rican woman that immigrated in 1950 to NY and worked for a few years before going on Welfare, today her family collectively cost the US $1mn/ yr in Welfare payments.(they breed like rats)

    In many cases especially Cuban, ME and Communist cases the GRASS is GREENER in north America.

  13. BAFBFP

    Refute what? You can’t change the mindset of conspiracy theorists, they keep moving the goalpost e.g. didn’t you Cuba and Hiroshima into the discussion?

    As for Gadaffi’s children can you point me to anything which points to the death of one of his sons? I know there are claims from Libyan State TV that one of his daughters was killed but who controls Libyan State TV?

    More later I have places to go, things to do and people to see, keep looking into the mirror.

  14. @BAFBFP
    I feel very confident that tha MAJORITY Shia wanted Sode gone, remember the Oil is located in the East and south predominately their home ground and the more important reasons given earlier definitely support Shia desires. One can certainly question the methods and quantity of lives lost BUT it is clear to me that Shia and Saudis prefrerence was BYE Sode. Geopolitically it also served to tell Iran’s Theocrats watch and learn.

    The American’s surely have painted themselves in a corner re energy and really have no choice but to discipline anyone messing with destabilisation of that region. Iraq is the centre and the excuse was evident. Got to go

  15. …..’As for Gadaffi’s children can you point me to anything which points to the death of one of his sons? I know there are claims from Libyan State TV that one of his daughters was killed but who controls Libyan State TV?’

    Don’t look now Sargeant but this statement sounds just like BAFBFP 😉

  16. @BAFBFP
    Sodamninsane was a heinous dictator and i fail to appreciate why you want to champion such a vagabond. Fidel was your best bet as a person worth championing, I did try to point you in that direction BUT you had to go to the REAL EVIL side. WHY? WHY?

  17. Techie

    State control of TV does not happen in the West now does it ..? What then about control of major media houses, not just TV, by very powerful interests who continue to affect Government policy, no matter who is in power, and the information that is fed to the public … now this does not happen in the West. But of course BAFBFP would make that claim … 🙂


    President of Iraq Suddam Hussein is far less heinous, and far less a dictator than those same power brokers referred to above, that have been influencing the foreign policy decisions of the US Government for as long as I can remember …!

    BTW, I have been trying to tap into this gold thing four years ago even before the time Australia started printing certificates, and no one ’bout hey could advise me (a whole lot of useless Asset Managers and Wealth Managers, even our international bankers at HSBC in the Channel Is could not direct us). You apparently had to be part of the game in order to play it. Us normal consumers in Barbados were stumped in finding the options that you were able to offer your clientele

  18. @ “moneybrain”

    The Taleban was trained by your ass-deep friends who trained the GIs (Government Issues) that presided over Abu Ghraib and all the other inhuman acts. Muslims detest the ‘Taliban.’ America created them because they need them. America and her Western allies don’t fear ‘radical’ Islam…they can deal with them. They fear sane moderate, peace loving Islam whose way of life were having tremendous influence in the world (The fastest growing religion) filling the void that atheistic fervour is creating in the western world. Along with that ‘new’ Religion come a new world order (Not the one they were planning) if you doubt me…notice that the biggest event in the last millennium was a flop, a total FLOP an embarrassing pontificating flop. WHAT WAS IT? It was the NEW MILLENNIUM commemoration and celebration of the COMING of JESUS CHRIST ‘The Lord and Saviour of the World’. An event, if measured by the Monuments, Cathedral Churches and religious literature provided by ‘time’ down the ages, we would still be celebrating. New Churches was expected to be formed and places of worship built but there were none of that. All we had was a ‘shindig’ with a few fireworks lightening-up and polluting the` skies. In this city where I live many churches are turned into Disco-halls or Mosque…yes Mosques…there are thousands of Mosques throughout Europe (Many now meeting all kind of restrictions e.g. no minarets, no calling of the ‘azan’ (call to pray) must not be labelled as mosque but Islamic cultural centre.
    The New Millennium, the colossal of the Christian era was herald in by the haemophilic slaughter of thousand of Muslins in Bosnia/Herzegovina (1993-5 before ‘9/11’) from which a show-trial is now being conducted. Needless to say these Muslims are Europeans who converted to Islam around the 14th-16th c when Islam ruled the better part of Europe.
    That NATO intervention in Bosnia was a farce just as all the Show-Trials are farce and as ISAF (International security Assistance Force). That should read (International security Assistance Farce).
    The Muslims women that were not killed were scattered all over the world and the Muslim men were exterminated under the watchful eyes of NATO while the Muslims (White Europeans Muslims) pleaded with them to, atleast, allow them to arm themselves…a request that was systematically prevented. At the same time the Russian were also doing their bit to sterilise Islam with the Chechen War 1994- What were their plan? To Cleanse Europe of Islam? To herald-in the ‘New era and the ‘New World Order? Cleaning their backyard before they move on to the crusade?
    WHAT POINT AM I GETTING AT? The point is that, culturally speaking, Islam in the West is a greater concern to Western powers than a group of Turban-headed cave dwellers who ‘send people to plant bombs’. The West need the Taliban and such likes as a bogey man to cover their plot and to appease those oil-rich Arab states who they are selling expensive toys to for mega bucks and oil.

    The people in the West turned away from religion and they turned away from politics and Education. Apathy was setting in amongst most and Celebrity worship became their new religion
    It is the decline of Christianity in the West and the Growth of Islam that caused the “WAR ON ISLAM” the worshipers in Church are the elderly and the worshipers in the Mosque are the Young. Kentucky and McDonald in the West have gone Halal. An indication of how deep the Islamic Culture is penetrating albeit via the £, $ Euro. Certainly taking root in Europe probably North America too. Do you think that a few guns and bombs are going to faze the Western powers? NO! It is the fear of losing their IDENTITY to ISLAM and the evidence of that can be seen all-over the WEST (It happened before 4th c to 14th c)

    Mr. “moneybrain you talk about WAR “bombing” “Killing” “Taking out” “Surgical strike” and “Collateral damage” in such a crass, callous and cavaliering way without humanity that it makes you sound like a Demon of death”

    You can tell a tune from the way it sounds and you tune sounds like one of those arrogant-ass ‘bajan’ (Yes inverted comas) who had your food put on a plate for you unlike the many who grew-up with respect, discipline and decency instilled in them by their Good loving parent. To you ( it seems) life is about taking whatever you can get your hands on, by whatever means and F*** the rest…the philosophy of those who was nurtured on the blood, sweat and tears of others. Call me a “racist” again; it would not conceal the blatant callous disregard you display, on these pages, for people who are unlike you.

    Yes the ‘Taliban’ is in that frontier “Pakistan and Afghanistan” where the ‘Americans’ trained and armed them to fight their war (by proxy) with Russia. They have always been and still is, more use to the Americans and their Western allies than they have been or ever will be to the Islamic world. They are to NATO, today, what ‘Communism’ was to that organisation yesterday and when ‘communism’ ‘collapsed’ another bogey man was needed to focus the attentions of the disgruntled Westerners . Yes Taliban are in “Pakistan and Afghanistan” as you have said…you speak (a) truth but you don’t understand the truth that you speak because it comes via the deadpan media and it seem that your pea-brain is not up to it to fathom what is really going on in the world.

  19. Moneybrain

    All the US brokers are useless regarding Gold. The industry is very small relative to the stock market and their underwriting and trading fees rule, indeed Exxon has a larger market capitalisation than the entire industry in the US. While they do have a couple Gold Stock mutual funds I doubt they have any Gold Bullion Funds like we have in Canada. Pity because Gold specie is expensive to buy in coin form with commisions of 8-10%, it is also expensive to store and security is critical. A Vancouver man had $750,000 worth of Silver at home and was robbed and beaten .
    Certificates can be very questionable and maybe the Perth Mint’s, once authentic, maybe OK.

    I told my friends in Bim years ago BUT in many cases they did not have the money outside the island to invest.

  20. Moneybrain

    You should have been on BU four years ago, I would be a comfortable man today. I hate cash that I cannot spend and the only viable option around here is land. I gun draw some comfort wid de knowledge that Americans got de same problems as me … puts a lump in my throat and makes me want to tear up!

  21. @Franktalk
    I had no idea that my friends, who are Bajan and Canadian mostly,were training Taliban and commiting inhumane acts. Thanks for quite a revelation.
    You say the Americans created the Taliban, REALLY! Most of us were under the impression that Taliban were created by Pastun tribesmen to fight the Afghanistan Northern Alliance. The word means Fundamentalist Islamic Student. The Pakistani’s were very instrumental in the formation and many Pakistanis over the years have gone across the border to lead them. The Paks have always wanted to rule Afghanistan. Anyway how did you know my connection to Pakistanis via playing in an 80% P team in London in the 1970s?

    You are right when you point out the rise of Islam and the decline of Chritianity in the West. You say the West fears Islam, BUT why then do Western nations permit immigration from muslim places? While I know many Muslims and certainly believe in freedom of religion it seems that the more radical Islamists DONT believe in FREEDOM of religion or anything else. Some Imams want the Western Countries to permit Sharia laws probably because Islam transcends religion and is a total way of life. However, if it works so well in the East then why are they migrating to the West? The radicals in Europe are going to cause many lives to be lost needlessly. The ironic fact is that I agree with their concerns about moral values, decadence etc.

    Muslims ruled the better part of SPAIN but not Western Europe. This is hardly a reminder that westerners should sit idealy by and be taken over again, so are you calling Westerners to ARMS? It sounds like The West should ban immigration from Muslim Countries before it is too late, seems like the EXPEDIENT SOLUTION based on your commentary. Naturally, repatriation would be utilised. This would seem better than all the lives that will be lost if the radical Islamists continue with their approach.

    I cant fathom why the West would exterminate Muslims in the Eastern Europe and simultaneously permit immigration to the West? Dem mussee real stupid red people in trut!

    All the negative war like words you use to attempt to describe me, I have learned from and in reaction to the Islamists types that I have observed. No need to worry my base philosophy has been to attempt to understand and tolerate people that are different than myself due to race, religion, class etc. Proof is married to diif race woman from The Orient, played in teams dominated by black, Pakistanis muslims, Guyanese, Indians, went to school at HC with mostly black friends………..hardly seems that i have a history of racial hatred. Having informed you of that, I am not the type to allow any group, individual etc to seriously believe that they are going to dominate me. So once someone shows mal intent they are in a heap of dodo.

    My dear bro this “arrogant Bajan” played cricket/ soccer in the village, still shout my friends from those days and they want to chat with me as is true with my HC bros, so please stop trying with your BS. Most of what I have written here is to balance the perspective of some like BAFBFP, who maybe well meaning but reaches conclusions that I just cant agree with eg LKY vs Fidel. You should be aware that you maybe IMPUTING some assumptions that if he says A&B he must be this type of person. NO! Your RUSH to judgement is NOT my problem.

    So you have a perfect understanding of what is going on in the World? Surely you yourself could NOT possibly believe that???? I certainly have minimal evidence.